Newspaper Page Text
THE aOSDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDJTORD, QKlfflOX, aiOAY, DlOTMmOU 'JO, 1000. MEDFORD MAILTRIBUNE JACKSON COUNTY, SISKIYOU TUBUBHKU DAILY BXCBTT RU.TURI3A.Y. A" oonolWIU(m of the Wdor4 MU. aUbUtoho 1U: tl Southern Oregon tan. etabllhM 10I; the DmoraUo TUum, ttoVllhJ 1S; Uio Ashland Trlb unfe, BsUblthJ 1811, and the Unttord TtlUme. wtobUiOnd 1808. Official Paper of tho Gity of Medford. GEORGE PUTNAM, Bditor t-n.M,i tt- fwAna elnnn mntlpr November 1 1909, At Oregon, under tho not of Mrch 3. Hi 9 Mid Manager. the joatofflco at Medford, no year, 'by malh SUBOORIPTI .$5. CO ON RATES: Ono month by mnlL or carrier. ...I .SO HELPS THE ENTIRE WEST. 1 The proposed new state of Siskiyou having survived the period of ridicule and abuse with which all new ideas arc greeted, is beginning to attract merited, attention and jveu favorable comment from other sections than those embraced in the proposed new commonwealth. As a matter of fact, there is no reason why any west ern state should not favor subdivision, in order that the power of the coast at the national capital may be increas ed. The west will always have a woeful minority in the United States senate, and tho creation of new states will alone help the situation, and so help the entire west. As a matter of fact, there is so little in common be ween the people of Siskiyou and the people of western Oregon and central and southern California, differences in' resources, climate and temperament, that it is an injus tice to deny such a vast region opportunity needed for de velopment, and only by the creation of a new state can needed opportunity be secured. Thr Pnrflnnd Journal, which is much broader fairer in its treatment of public matters than the Orego nian (which cannot see south of Eugene), and is therefore a paper for all Oregon and not the Willamette valley alontf comments as follows upon " Siskiyou": "The Journal does not think it probable that the pro posed state of Siskiyou will be formed, at least not in tho near future, but it sees no reason for any active opposition to the project in Portland, or other parts of the state. o far' as Portland's commercial interests are concerned, a state line cuts no appreciable figure. Trade movements follow lines of least resistance, and toward most favorable points, regardless of domestic political boundaries. The formation of a new state might help and hasten the devel opment of Coos bay and harbor, but this is something that all Oregon should approve and aid. The Coos bay region is entitled to railroads and it is properly the site of a large, important and growing seaport. There is plenty of room for it, without damaging Portland. What Portland needs is the development in all ways of all parts of Oregon, and the Oregon country. The formation of a new state might also hasten the building of the Crater Lake road, which -would be of advantage to Oregon, as well as to 'Siskiyou.' Then a new state would give this region two more sena tors, and to that extent would strengthen the Pacific coast in congress. "So, while it is not to be expected that the Oregon and California legislatures, to say nothing of congress, would consent to the formation of a new state, we see no good reason for any strenuous opposition to it. If the enterprising peple up there can pull the project through, hurrah for them, and for another bright star on the flag." SMITH'S SENSIBLE ADVICE. ly voted, to sermrnto themselves from (ho commonwealth, lot poor old Oro Kon shift for itself, anil orjjunir.u tho grand now statu of Siskiyou. Tin! Spootutor rojtrott'ullv ami re luctantly gives its full permission to Jackson County to sueedo from Ore gon. Hut Jackson County must not fondle the thought that imssiluni minis dren'd of Jackson County's Press Association's dire throats of what would happen If she wore not allowed to soooile poncvfully moves us to this notion. Wo fully under stand that tho Jaokson County Press Association is ready to rido in its saddle girths in Oregon's best blood to accomplish' the horrid designs of its trntorious secessionists; but Ore- All tho big papers of Jackson Ron is roady to ride, too nyo, up the very briUle-rems, m the blood and ink of tho Jackson County Press Association to preserve her and integrity. Hut wo want no internecine quar rel, whoso horrid tumult would streak Jackson Counly's pale air with gore, and fill her hitherto peaceful and smiling orchards with tho grisly, gibborying victims of n fratricidal war. Let tho Jackson County Press Association have its way; let Jack son County go in peace. Farewell, a long farewell to Jackson County, ty, there was not a dry throat in the Oregon. And hail! to Jackson Couu convontion when tho editors solemn-Uy. Siskiyou. t (Portland Spectator.) With tho formality and gravity that tho solemn occasion and portsntous event demanded, the Jackson Count v Press Association met, and decided to, secede from Oregon. Not since Old Man White so'uo.l the island in Big Sandy, and wit it nis ou-in-law, Tqm Tor.ier, and Tom's hired man, whoso name careless history fails to record, established tho Free and In dependent Timer Nation, and bade defiance to the United tSatos, and particularly and specifically to tho constable of the township, have wo heard anything that so fills us with sorrow and alarm as docs this action o,f the Jackson County Press Associ ntion. County were represented when the momentous vote was taken: The Ashland Flare-Up, tho Peagle Eagle, tho Climax News Dispenser, tue4 As bestos Daily Konst and Free Press, the Medford .Mail Tribune, the Sams Palladium of Liberty, the Persist Monthly' Xews-Uejxirtor, tho Draper and the, Agate Try-Weekly Vindicator, and tho great editors, like Lars Porsenn of Clusiitm, swore they'd suffer wrongs no more. Not withstanding tho fnct that Medford is ."the only wet town .in Jackson couu Gold and Filled Diamonds Watches Jewelry Cut Glass Toilet Articles All now and complete line. All our goods engraved free. George A Butt WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 135 W. Main Street, Medford, Orcyon and M THE MAIL TRIBUNE t CHH1SIMAS tUIHUN Among the exchanges re ceived by the Spectntor re cently were two that deserve especial mention. They were tho Christmas editions of the Medford Mail Tribune and the -Columbian, of Vancouver, Wash. In tho Tribune, tho re sources of thd Rogue river valley aro alluringly depicted with descriptive articles tell ing all that is worth knowing about that favored section of Oregon. This special edition of the Mail Tribune is nn ar tistic and valuable paper, a credit aliko to its editor, Geo. Putnam, and to Medford. Portland Spectator. Dono nt Medford, Oregon, Decem ber 17th, 1001). W. II. CANON, Mayor of City of Medford. Attest: ROUT. W. TBLFER, Recorder, of City, of Medford. ilLL 11 Tho city of Jacksonville, tho busi ness men of Jacksonville and the citisons of Jacksonville have bad their oxporienco with a cheaper form of light than electric light scv- years ago Before considering a cheaper, form of light get tlieii ex perience. ' " 210 f Tyral In looking around for trcos to plant thnt orchard of yours don't forgot to see L. E. Hover, flo has tho goods as orders for ovor 200,000 trees for this season will prorc. 228 The Helping Hand An Elootrlo-llKhtod Window la n holplntf ImrtU to InoioatipU buslnoBB; It oxtondo for you ho alad hand of bualnoue fellowship to ovory posalblo otmtomor. A woll lluhtod atoro InBldo nnd out. mnkoB good frlondo, and good frlondo trmUo kooiI cuntomoro. Our oxport can uhow you tho bout and ohonpoBt mothodn of lnand Window lighting. 'Phono for him. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY A Select Line of Ladies' Purses and Handbags AT COST Herman Bros. 317 E. Seventh St. Dr. J. C. Smith, mayor-elect of Grants Pass, gives some very sensible advice on the value of harmony in a city in the following interview in the Rogue River Cour ier: "There is an important thing which needs attention nt this time and that is the useless and senseless fight be tween factions. Cut them all out altogether, for we are one town, and no two sides should be recognized. We want prosperity for everybody, and it is the duty of every good citizen to do what' he can to bring this about. "Evervthiner that causes friction is a menace to the nrnsnm-itv of the nifcv: therefore, let us mit all these things election, idA n-A -.ttV i lioi.mnr.Tr fnv fVinf wTnVli ftrmirs pnRq ; votes cast for nnd ngninst snid chnr- ttiJlu "u"k " ""-""V ,fr nmpmlmont wno no l.n-nint.nPnw, stated, and that tho said amendment received affirmative majority of .tho total number of votes cast at said PROCLAMATION. Whereas, there was submitted to the voters of tho City of Medford, Oregon, at a special election held for that purpose on December 14th, 1900, a proposed amendment to the char ter of tho City of Medford, herein after set forth, and Whereas, on tho 15(h dny of De cember, 1909, tho city recordor, in my presence did enhvoss the vote given for and against said amend ment, nnd Whereas, it mis ascertained and determined upon said canvass thnt thcro were 395 votes cast for and 77 votes cast against said amendment, the total number of votes cast at said election being 472, nnd that said amendment received nn affirmative majority of all the votes cast at said election. Now therefore, I, W. II. Canon, as mayor of the City of Medford, Ore gon, in obedience to and by virtue of the authority and, power vested in mo ns such mayor, do hereby mako and issue this proclamation to tho people of the City of Medford, aforesaid, and do nnnounco and declare that the tvhdlo number of votes cast nt said and the total number of needs at this time "United, we will accomplish much, but if divided wo cannot exnect to accomplish anvthincr. I reneat, let us Imn-r. Anxxm fnofi'nrml rHffnvnTmna nnrl tn fliiR PTirl wo shmilrl . election nnd that tho said amendment . x, n j shall bo nnd is in full force nnd of gub luguiuur. That is the case in Bedford. We have had harmony for the past year, and as a result the city has gone for ward by leaps and bounds. For almost the first time in the city's history, we have had a city council that worked together, with the result that more public improvements have been made than in any half dozen years previously. That progress may continue and the program of mu nicipal improvements mapped out for Medford for the coming year may continue, harmony should be maintain ed, and the present city council re-elected. Those endeavoring to arouse factional strife and dis cord by precipitating contests in the various wards should think a second time and sacrifice the gratification of petty animosities for the common good. "OPPORTUNITY NEWS." In every newspaper there is "opportunity news." A maker of machinery may find a three-line item about a new business enterprise, a prospective user of his machine and this "news" may bo worth hundreds of dollars to him. In every line of business tho "opportunity news" is valued, is hunted for eagerly. The advertisements constitute opportunity news for everybody for the shopper, for tho buyer and seller of property or chattels, for tho work hunter or the worker hunter And, as in the cases of business enterprises, a few lines of type may sometimes be good fortune in embryo. feet from tho date of tho publication of this proclamation, and thnt tho following is the full text of tho said charter nmendent: A charter amendment to the char ter of tho City of Medford, Oregon, amending sub-section 42 of section 25 and section 100 of said chnrtor, fixing the time for which contractu may bo entered into and franchises be granted by said city. Tho people of tho City of Medford do ordain as follows: Section 1. That sub-sootion 42 of section 25 of tho chnrtor of Medford bo amended so as to read as follows: 42. No franchise or contract shall bo granted by tho City or City Coun cil for a longer period than ten years, except street railway franchises, which may be granted for such period ns tho city council or legal voters of said city mny sco fit. Section 2. That section 100 of tho chnrtor of snid City of Medford be amended so as to read as follows: Section 100. No contract shall bo ontcijpd into by tho city or nny fran chise granted by it for a longer poriod than ten years, excopt franchises for slreot.railways, which may bo grant ed for such periods ns tho city coun cil or voters of said city may seo fit. No franchise shall grant any oxclu sivo ngnt or ngnts. i rr . : f HASKINS for HEALTH Christmas Suggestions PERFUME ATOMIZERS The improved Duvilbess style, the most perfect made; Jill aiv guaranteed to atomize and aro ornamental r.3 well as useful; at 25c to $3.00 By Common Coraserat tho crowd makoa for tho atoro or brilliant IlKhL This la bocauso'an Eloc- trio Sign In front donotoa hu3tllng busl- noss qualltloa within. Pooplo llko tho light nawnll as huatllnff and right prlcos. Aa an advertising proposition It puto In ovor-tlmo, working twonty hours out of twonty-four. Our epoclal sign proposition must lntoroot you. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRiC CO. Not in The Combine LISTEN DID YOU HEAR SOMEHING DROP? WE DID; BUT IT WAS ONLY PRICES AVo cany the best moats obtainable Wo never saori- fif fiiuilifv i nutlfft lnw nricn. Wi imn thn utmost care in selecting our meats, and seo that they aro prop-1 orly kept for the short time they remain in our shop. Our prices arc not high. AVo don't try to give as little .wt Aim ! I 1 .. 4 1 . i -..Awi.. ia.rW aw. .....ill. no j-kft(S I nn ijunmuii; iui iiiu iiiuiiu , nut ,jiioi uo iimi'ii u ;uaai" blo. A trial ordor will convince you that what we ad vertise is true. Fancy Shoulder Mount ....10c Fancy Rib Roast I2'2C F.incv Hoil 6 to 8c Fancy Loin Stealc 15c Fancy Round Steak . . . . 1 2 c Fancv Shoulder Stnnk lOo Rex MarKet Huth S Pech Props. Phone 3271 J Don't Buy Your Xmas presents until you have seen the splendid line of SILVER and EBONY BACKED BRUSHES, TOILET SETS, WOOD AND LEATHER FOR PYRO GRAPHIG NOVELTIES, LEATHER HANDBAGS AND PURSES, SMOKERS' SETS, POST CARD ALBUMS, PEARL HANDLED PENS and scores of other suit able articles for presents. ILagle Pharmacy EAST MAIN ST. MEDFORD It's a Pleasure Tndccd to pay your groeory bill when 3'ou deal here for tho items aro always correct. AVhat gives it additional pleas ure is tho fact that you know Full Value for your monoy has boon receiv edthat you aro charged with tho lowest prices on the vory best goods. It's mutual pleasure doing bus iness with us. Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers