Newspaper Page Text
TlllS MlODKOKl) MA1T TKlIjl XIS, MICDKOIM). OHIfflOX, MONDAY, DWEMBKK 20 1900. 4.UUU1111. miu 1 LHWU11111.J A. J. Manning of hliuimtli Hills in 011 it vIhU tt his Hlslor, Mm. J. I), i'uy, mill olliur relatives ami frimuls ln llio valley. H, T. Nicholson, who Iiiih hcmi re noidlng In ('oipilllp for.tliQ.jmHl sovor ,nl months, returned lioind Sunday av Jtiulng. Mrs. Fmiu'im Hnyder deft for tho north Monday morning. Patronize tlio iiioii'h club Tuesday ovonlng lit llio ProHbyloriup church. 2.lfi Dr. I' 0. Pugo was at Englo Point 011 IiiihIiiohh Monday. 'I'lio .'riinil jury 1h KrintlliiK away at Jacksonville, moHt of tliolr invostl gnlimiH being concerning liquor ciiboh, (ih 11 iiiunliiir of indictments having . boon foiiuil ngaliist denlers for sell ing lo minors ami otliur violatioiiH, iH n.ooiiseipionou Jnoksonvillo Ih a busy town JiihI now, nml everybody is wondering what lliu othor follow is up for. Attend tlio men's chili Tuesday ev ening at Presbyterian church. 2!lf M. A. Einnoy of JiujItHouvillo hjiviiI Sunday night in Mcdford. II. Ii. Reynolds of Corona, Cnllf., is in Modfurd 011 IiiihIiiohh, Clilnf Shearer and Polit-cmau Frank Murdock woro summoned be fore tlio grand jury at Jacksonville .Monday an witnesses. Win. Ay Hummer, Jr., wiih in from his Modou orchards 611 Roguo rivor "Mondny, W. E. Mommy of Prospect iH !u tlio -city on business. Don't miss tlio "Illloy" ovoniiiK' nt (ho Presbyterian church TuoHduy ov cuing. 235 HornIn Mcdford, December 10, to Mr, nml Mrs. O. C. Boggs, a son. J, W. Iidor of Ashland ih hero on n vinit to IiIh Ron Frank and family. John K. Millor of Jacksonville inndo Med ford a business visit Mondify. John Mngoo of Hilt, Calif., spont Sunday in Mcdford. II. W. Henderson of Ashlnnd was n recent Mcdford viHitor. W, L. Qlondon of Phoenix spent Monday in Mcdford on business. John ricndrickn of Gold Hay was n recent Mcdford visitor. L. E. Whiting spent Sunday with Ills family in Englo Point. 1 A. F. Stcnnott sponj. Sunday in Ashland with his parents. II. W. Fjshor of llutto Falls wns n recent visitor In Mcdford. C. Ii. ItcamcR "leaves noon for Sun Francisco (o spent tlio holidays.' J. If. Oilbert of Tnldo Rod: wns in Mcdford Saturday. Tlio enso of the stnlo vs. Ohns. E. Toll, indicted for gambling, U on trial in tlio circuit court today The defendant in making a fight and llio nio will probnbly not go lo tlio j.iry before tbiH evening. II, II. TroiiRon, llio npplo king, was in Mori ford today from Englo Point. L. Q. Portor wan at nJcksouvillo Monday, attending circuit court. Mrs. S. It. Taylor of Ji -ksonvillo woh a Medfonl visitor Mond.iv. E. J, Smith is homo from Fngono to spend tlio Christmas holidayn. Frond Strang is Hpouding n wook with his parents having arrived from tlio UntvorHity of Oregon. Henry C. WilHon of ProHpeot braved tlio roads and is visiting his family, located for tlio winter in Mcd ford. A. B. Cornoll has roturiiol from a btiflincHH trip to Ornuts Push. Bo suro you aro right beforo you go ahead, is good advico that I'.ppliea to tho light business as well ns oilier linsinoss. hloctno light uas stood (ho lost of timo ns tho snfost and most ooonomicnl light nud boforo considering cheaper lights ';at the ox poriouco of people who Jiavo used tlu'iu sovoral months nt least. 210 LIGHT AND BEAUTY LI p; lit nnd boiuity gIvo zopt to Ufa. Llnht Is bonuty-if It's Elootrlo Light. Good llltimlnntlon ndclo Joy to ovory social function. Tho danco, tho dlnnor, tho card party, all aro moro onjoy ablo whon propor Illum ination Is usod. Porfoot light Elootrlo Lluht londa Itaolf to any doslrod offoot. Sond for our roprosontatlvo ami lot him provo It. r Roiiuo River Electrlo Co, BRIDGE FALLS 21 ARE KILLED Crowd of Workmen on Way to Their Labor Plunijcil into River as tlio Brltluo , Collapses. . ST. l'BTBHKHUIKl, Dec 20. Twenty-ovoti iiorsons woro drownel by lliu collapHo of n wooden bridge aorosH llio Pripol river at tlio villagu of Mosyur, in llio .Minsk province, ao cording to rtiporlH ruueivud today. A crowd of working men and wo men woro croHHiug tlio bridge on their way to begin llio day's toil, when tlio fllrucltiro wont to plocos. Tho violiuiH fell into tlio rivor, which was filled with great blocks of Ice and rocuo was impoRsiblo. Bo suro you aro ryjht boforo you go nhoad, is good advice that npolies to tlio light lniMincHH iih well as other biiHiucRH. Kloctric light has stood tho test of limn nn tho fafost and inotit ncouoinii'iil light nud boforo coimidoring cheaper lights get the ex perience of pcopla who 'id vo used them several mouths nt least. 210 PEARCE RESIDENCE DESTROYED BY EIRE . ! land, 3 good barns, 2 good houses, ., ,, , , , , - ,., I school, daily mail. A snap for $.10 Nothlno Is Saved From Dwclllna asMor noro. nno.fonrth 3 to s Mrs. Pearco Was at Home Alone at Time. Tho ronldonco occupied by Kuan 1'carco and family on Foots creek was totally dcatroyod by flro Sat urday afternoon. Mr. Pearco, who Is omployod la tho Black Channel mlno, wan awy at work whon tho houio caught.XIro. Mrs. Poarro was alone with tho two small children and was unable to navo anything from, tho burning build ing excepting a cawing machlno and a few bed clothes. Bo suro you nro right beforo you go ahead, is good advjco tljnt itpp'ies to tho light business us well ns otliur business. Electric licht has stood tho test of limo ns tho safest nndjlr3' to savo dimes whon ho know ho mimt cconomicnl light nun ,,.f0ro considering perion flmm unv ESTRADA WANTS U.S. TO BACK HIS GAME Declares That Ho Will Not Accept a President Named by Zclaya Will Fight Instead. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 20. Provisional President Estrada's re quest that tho United States rccog 111.0 thu Nicaragiian rovolutiouary govorumont, is in tho hnuds of tho stato department today. Estrada deelnrcs that bo will not accopt a pitisident named by Zelaya or bv llio NieaniLMian eoiiL'ress an intiamtos Hint ho will fight to tho end should either Madrir. or Irias bo choson. Bo sure you aro right boforo you go uliead, is good advice that applies to tho light business as woll as other business. Eleetrio light bus stucn tho tost of limo as tho safest and most .economical light ami beforo considering chonper lights got lliu ox ponofllo of pooplo who hnvo used them sovoral months at least. 2-10 NEW "SMOKE HOUSE" ON THE WEST SIDE IS OPENED Ireland & Antlo oponod their "Sinoko IIoiiso" in tho Syndicate building on West Main street Satur day, Docombor 18. Tho proporiolora purposo currying a lino of goods de manded by tho users of tho wood which will nppoal to all classos. Tholr aim is not to cater to any 0110 class, but lo hnvo somothing for nil. Thu rooms nro filled up for tho no coiumodalinu of their patrons in all rosponlH and it is tho desiro of tho proprietors (0 mako Ihoir patrons fool nt homo while enjoying. Ihoir hospitality. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST Teloseopo grip botweon tho brill and Bennett avouuo, containing books and o!olhii)gsv Tho findor will plonso report to N. L. Townsond, nt1 Cusio & Myers real ostnto offioo. cheaper liPl,ls get ,hc ex- P". part cularly to the fruit grow-,- - ' B Z r acre: 13 acres $150 per aero; 27 oo of people who have iwc! on't buy poor stock I'ccauso its, ''- oral months nt least. 210 I flionp. See h. B. Hoover ami get the - - "-per acro. 03 ncres $15Qpcr nc. 03 : BUSINESS LOCALS : 4 f444-r44 4 4 4 -t444t I'd An drown, general real estate, room ft. new Phlpps building. 2(IH Nicely furnUhcd rooms with nil moilnrn conveniences at the I'nlms. Phono 101U for teas and coffee. If you could liny nn cmilty in good ily lotB for 'tid per cent with easy firms, would you tako them T Ad iross box 708. 2.11 You can buy Xmnn cnttdies and other articles at LowIh' cheaper (ban you can steal t hem, beside avoiding (ho risk. 233 IIuvo you nny thing you want lo trado for good city lots? Box 708. 231 Ella Qaunyaw, public stenographer, room 4, I'ahi building. BoHt ten and coffee obtainable nt 30 South Qrnpo street. Southern Orogon Ton & Coffco Co. Evoryono is asking, "whoro is tho Smoko IIousoT" Hero is llio answer) 212WostMnin. 2.13" j largely by the crowds attracted by' . Tho city of Jacksonville, tho busi- the obHCouies. noss men of JnckRonvillo nnd tlio It was staled authoritatively to citizomi of Jacksonville hnvo had daj that tho Baroness Vaughan will their oxperienco with n cheaper, not nttend the funeral. Many in form of light than electric light scv- mors concerning her whereabouts nrcl oral yearn ago. Before considering' being bruited about. Mnny of her1 a ebonpor form of light, got their ex-1 acquaintances declare that sho nd- perienco. 238 hcred to her announced purpose nnd ' McBrido is not (he candy kid, but thu candy man, tho ice cream mnn, tho fruit man and don't forget it. 231 - If dissatisfied with .your coffco or tea phono 1001. ) Four hundred nnd eighteen acres firHl-elatw ranch, four milos from j rnilrond stntion, 40 ncres nlfalfn, ir j rigation for ICO acres,, first-class or- yoars for balance. See J. W. Dress ier Agency, West Maim' 237' McBrido is not tho candy kid but tho candy man, tho ico cream man, tho fruit man, and don't forgot it. 234 Bo suro you nro right boforo, you go ahead, is good advice that applies to tho light business ns well as other business. Electric light has stood tho test of tinio ns tho safest and most economical light and beforo considering, cheaper lights got tho ox perienco of people who huvo used them sovonil mouths nt least. 238 I hnvo an equity in city lots which I will sell nt 25 per cent and givo cnBy tormB. Box 708. 234 Llvo at tho Palms, now brick building, now furnlturo,-strictly ntodora, cor ner Grnpo and Main utrcotfl. A business mnn would bo foolish to Homd m,or 1080 ,,01lnr8- 11118 "P" best. . 228 Bo suro you nro right beforo you go ahead, is good advico that ntmlic to Die light business as well as other business. Eleetrio light has stood tho tost of timo ns tho safest ami most economical light nud boforo considering cheaper lights get the cx poriouco of peoplo who hnvo used them sovcrnl months at least. 240 Bo you want n good 40-ncro tract in Sams Vnlloyf located on good road, closo to school, no waste land Easy lo clear. Price $50 per acro,; good tonus. 23S Forty-fivo nnd ono-half acres in Sams Vnlloy, 17lj ncres 1-ycnr ap pies, o ncres onic timber, .(-room lioiiBo, lnrgo barn, 22V1 ncres grain laud, nil fenced, well that irrigate 10 acres. Prtco $100 por noro. 23S Eighty ncres fino pear nnd npplo land in Sams Valoy; i?7f por noro. 238 Ten noro bearing orchard, nenr Modford, $7000. 238 J. W. DRESSLEIl AGENCY, West Main Str5ot. Tho city of Jacksonville, tho busi ness men of Jacksonville nud (ho oitirons of Jacksonville bavo had thoir oxporionco wiih n ehoaper lorm of light than oloolno light sov oral yenrs ngo. Boforo considoring a ohoapor form of light got ihoir ox poriouco. 240 ROBERT BACON NAMED FOR AMBASSADOR TO FRANCE WASHINGTON, D. C, Deo. 20. Tlio mimiualion of Bobort Bacon of Now York as nmbassador to Franco, ltiehard Koruos of Missouri as am bassador to Austria-Hungary and of lloury Lnno Wilson of Wnshington as ambnsndor to Mexico woro Bout to tlio soimto for confirmation by (ho prosidont today. BIG FIRE BREAKS OUT IN JEWETT CAR WORKS NEWORK, Ohior Doo. 20. Firo oday onusod $150,000 damngos nt tlio Jowott Car Works ltoro. Two lundrod mon woro thrown out of work as tho rosult of tho partial de struction of tho plnnt. Frozon hy drant plugs' offootunlly stopped tho offorls of tho firomon who woro forood to stand by nud wntoh tho blazo burn itsolf out. Jl 8 FUNERAL POMPOUS AEEAIR Royal Household Bows to Wish of " of Merchants Who Will Profit by Larflo Crowds, HU8SELS, Doc. 20. Although iUb Into King Leopold requested that the funornl sen-ices over his bqndy be J chnracibrized by tho utmost simplic-' it( and that lliey be. attended by tho) members of tho royal family only, it, is said Ibat the funeral will bo con ducted with the usual pomp nnd ccr-1 oniony, This it wished by tho mcr- chants who undoubtedly will- profit hns gouo to Paris. Other believe her still to bo nt her villa hero. Following the lawyers' inventor' of tho king's property it is cstimntcd that i00,000,QOO wns left tho baron ess by his will. Leopold's daughters will probably sue to recover this be quest. DOCTORS ARE CHOSEN FOR PACTO EASTERN Contract Signed so That Employees of Railroad Will Receive Medical Attention When Needed. Tho employes of tho Pacific & Eastern railway are now assured of caro and mcdjcnl attendanco in caso of accident or sickness. Toilnv n contract wns sicmcd bv which Dra. Conrov & Clnncv nro nn- pointed railroad physicians and agree lo furnish medienl attendant and KING hospilal ennrtv the employes of tho!tnbl and Poultiy ranches; terms, Pacific & Eailem. !25 cr cent cash ""lance 5 years at Tho service will bo paid for on lheju lKjr J,,,s ,s cft83'' nvcsU- samo plan as is followed on other 24 V6 acres, ?200 per acre; railways. TImt is the sum of $1 GRAND AHMV NOTICE. All members of Chester A. Arthur post aro requested to bo present at our regular meeting tomorrow, tho 21st, nt 2 o'clock p. in,, as thoro Is ur gent business to,l)o transacted. Boys, bo Buro and bo thoro. O. H. EIQHMY,.Comraander. D. N. ANDUUS, Adjutant. Just nrrived from factory, a new lino of Sterling silver. Toilet, mani curing and military sots. Thoy nro tho latest in design. At Vnn Do Car & Jasmann's, Phipps Bldg. " EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES For snlo- Span of hoies, hnrncss and wngon. Now is tho timo to buy boforo spring work begins. Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Bldg ' If you need holp of any kind for n day or qpinth or year, call up phono 4141 Main. J For sale Bakory with good trade. Bl health causo of selling. Room1 20S, Taylor & Phipps Bldg. j Want a position for a clerk who has had 0 years oxporionco. Employ ment Bureau. I hnvo men of all kind of vocations, millwright,. -clorks, cto. Employ ment Buronu. - To trado A good lot for a span of h6rses and hornoss. Room 208, Taylor & frhipps Bldg. For salo A pony 7 years' old, $35. Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Bldg. Wouion doing washing lonvo thoir ad dress at tho Employment Bureau. Hnvo you nnything to trado or sell? List it with tho Business Chnnco Mnn. Wanted Chambormnid at onco, call nt Employment Bureau, room 208, Taylor & Phipps Bldg. Wanted- A woman to do washing, to bogiu Monday morning. Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Bldg. Wanted A Woman 000k or will con sider a man and his wifo; no chil dren. Room 20S, Employment Bu reau. E. F. A. BITTNER, Prop. R0MM 208, PHIPPS BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4141. it. : r n. 'at JOU ier acre: 15 A 'acres. S200 Imperial Tho city of Jacksonville, the busi- ncss men of Jacksonville and tho citizens of Jacksonville have had their experience with a' cheaper form of light than electric light sev eral years ago. Beforo considering a cheaper form of light get their ex perience. 210 IIcrO is your chnnco for small ir , fcated tracts close to Mcdford, one I to two mle8 out. Choice fruit, veg- ! --'snores, ?uu per acre; aoyi ncres jncros, iou per ncro; Jo 1-J acres, I $200 per acre. ' I J. V. DHESSLER AGENCY, 238 yost Main Street. Bo suro you are right beforo you go ahead, is good advice that applies (o tho light business ns well ns other business. Electric light has stood tho test of timo as tho safest and) most economical light and beforo considering chenpor lights cot tho ex perience of peoplo who have used them sovcrnl months nt least. 240 For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. G. Smith 314 E. Main. WE DON'T DELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this tract, fino fruit lnnd, about two milos from a shipping point. Tho buildings consist of a fivo-room box house, good-sized barn, oto. Thoro aro 12 aoros of 5 and C-year-old ap plos. mostly Nowtowns, with com morsinl ponchos planted betwoen ns fillors. Also throo ncros of yonng pear treos and some family orchard. Four ncros in alfalfa. Six or oight aoros of limber, most ly oak nnd laurel. Thoro is a pumping plnnt on the plnco whioh fiuppHoa water for tho garden and alfalfa, equippod with gasolino engine. About 40 rods from a good sohool. nns rural mnil do livory nnd tolephono. Price $10,500. Terms. W. T. YORK & CO. 4 7i FOR Gentlemen Friends Combination Sets Sweater Coats Collar Bags Fine Ties Stick Pins Smoking Jackets Oxford Bags Pennants Hats Silk LOTHING Glo HOSIERY Side Combs, r Dressing Get the Hand Painted ..go Japan ese ..for Xmas Men's, Ladies', Children's HANDKERCHIEF And the Swellest line of plain and fancy glassware in the city. Xmas Post Cards, 1c Ec. Why Buy AN INFERIOR GRADE OF BUTTER TO SAVE ONE OR TWO CENTS ON THE POUND, when you can got tho host for almost tho eamo price from your local oroamerjr Wo don't mix our butter. Ask your grocer for it and thus oncourago homo industry. If your grocer don't handle it, phone us. Sweot cream, milk and buttermilk delivered ovory day. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY. Phone No. 2661 Daily List No.l Golf Shirts Suits Pajamas 4elv.x Back Combs Combs Habit to.. your Gifts