Newspaper Page Text
TUB MJSDJb'OJiD MAIL TftlBUNJS, MEDFORD, OKIMION, MONDAY, DEOrcMUKR 20, 1909. i i i i i i : - ' . ' 444444444444444444444444444444444444 44 4444444444444444 44 44444444444-44444 44 4444444444444444444444444444444-t4 44444444444444444444 4 4 4 f Answering' Want Ads Will Keep Your "Luck" in Constant Repair 4 4 4 4 4 -4 H 4 f 4 4 H't M f4 4f 4 ,4 f 4 4 4 444444444444444444444444444 444444444444444.44444444444444444 CATTLE ARE SOLD History Making Record Prices Aro Secured Din Attcndanco at Snlo. PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 20. Tho nl of ChrlhtmiiH cnttlo nl tho Port lnml Union Btocliyiirda Ittxt TuoHday imilnr tho niiHplcoK of tlio Portland I.lvoMtock Exchnngo wnn n tremen dous nuccoaa nml somo history uiak lug prices woro aocurod. Tlio grand chnmplon atoor wold ut $25 tor turn droit pouihIh; tlio grand champion row nt 110.25 nor 100 pounds; tho champion cnrlond of ulcers tint nt $0 por 100 poiimtM, with othor rnrloada nml alnglo uiiIiiiiiIh In proportion. Thoro wiih n big attendance nml much inthiifllnnm. When It In conaldorod tlitit tho grand cluunplnn single atoor of tho Iutornntlnnnl Livestock expo ultlon nold nt $18 por 100 pounds It enn ho noon thnt I'ortlnml hnii mndo u record. Receipts for tho wook hnva boon 1000 rattle, 3927 ahoop, 2305 hoga nml 103 ml von. Tho market on nil clnHnon of cnttlo lino been cormlntontly atroong In tho fnco of lowor price In tho enntorn cantors, flood aleora hnvo Bold At SI. 75; good cowh nt 3.75, nml othor claimed of cattlo proportlonntoly utrong. Tho hog market hnn ruled strong tn hlghor nt I'ortlnml, whllo Chicago nml othor mnrkota hnvo quoted hogs wenk to 10c lowor. Top hog onthla mnrkot hnva iwld nt SR. 05, with bulk of snlos nt J 8.25 to $8.50. Tho sheoTi mnrkot hnn boon poorly mippllod nnd prlcoH hnvo ruled full 25c hlghor on nil clniuicfl, Oood wcth cm nold for $5 nnd lnmtm nt $0.50 Thoro should ho moro nhcop on tho mnrkot. Stock minor of tho Pacific iiorthwoit hnvo enuso for congrntttln tlon In thnt their livestock mnrkot In joipo xuu iu twin ptinojv u j(viHt point. Deciduous Fruit. Now York dccldtioun market lottor from ltno & Ilntflold: December 13 two cnrH of Cnllfomln Emperors, one ear of apples nml one car of winter punra Hold hero todny, billed by Pioneer, 1, Lindsay; Ex- ehnuge, 1, Wnttoko; It. & II., 1 pears; Exchange, 1, npplcs, Lompoc. KnowHtorm during the night, turn ing to rain thlit morning. Good nttond- mice nt rule. Our enr of Emperors from Llnd Hny rnn Hiunll, nomo greeulHh, hut very fair condition, ranged $1.12 to $1.26. Avorngo $1.23. Exchnngo enr from Wnttoko con tained 230 crnton of extra fancy CIiib torn, which Hold for $2.25; balance of tho car 90c to $1.50, Iloxen of Ilourro penrn nold today $2 to $2.12. Anjou, $2.75. Winter Nolls, 0-tlor, $2.37. O. Morcenu, $2.07 to $2.75. Car of npploa contained montly Itcd fltrenkH, Helling from 90s to $1.12. Winter PcarmalnH, $1.12 to $1.07. PROBATE. Entnto ChnrleH I,. and Ivan Hock- oramlth, minors; ordor to hIiow causo why real ostuto Hhould not ho nold. Estate John Poulngor; ordor to hIiow cnuno. Ktttato Leon S. CogglnH, minor; snmo ordor. KHtato ThomnH lluckmnn; Inven tory and nppralHomeut Hliowlng prop erty of value of $7071.12 filed nnd approved. OunrdlauHhlp or lllnllo Iluklll, J. 11. Wilson, L. A. Ilarkor, J. W. Alr amllh appointed npprnlBorn, LnHt will of M. S. Welch filed; K. A. Ford, W. J, Frooman, T. J. O'llnra appointed npprnlsora. LnHt will O. n. Kingsbury fllod; .Oeorgo W. Ilnrron, O. W. Owen, Chas. jLlndBoy nppolntod npprnlBora. Jasper Hammers Is now ropro nonting tlio Alnddon Mantle Guh 'Lumps in tlio norlhorn part of tho county under tho direction of Wm.'E. Stneoy, wlioro lio is having splendid fluoeoHH. 234 ONE ON 0'GARA (Rogue Valloy Kooord.) Prof. O'Onru's coming this way. T,ot iih (h) prny. NELSON SAYS 45 ROUNDS OR NO FIGHT FOR WELSH CHICAGO, llln., Doe. 20.Evidont 'ly that to ongngo In n 20 r'oniid tight with Froddio Wolsh, tho hritiHh lightweight champion, ho would ho' plnohiK Ills title in joopnrdy D.JIll.u. Miilunn ilniiln vml IndilV Hull if WelHl! wrniis to fight It mut bo'" Bray, $28(28.50. for -in rounds or to n finish. Jf Welsh refuses to accept Hiobo conditions tho Dane says ho will giyn Ad Wolgisl n fight. I'neky MoFnr land is out of it entirely, so far ns Nelson is concerned. Several days ago John Koliinsoii NoIhoii's now manager, announced that ho had ueoptud tonus for n 'J.0 hound fight between the Ilatllor am WcIhIi, to take place in Loudon next I'ebrunry. THAT C1IUIMTIAH PUKHRNT. A nice ploco of oabtnot work or mlnalon furnltnro makeo an Ideal gift, rory npproprlnU and (uoful. Wa apo- clallre In muklng tho "out of tho or dlimry" plocM, In fact, anything in tho mission ft rnlture or cablnot work 1 1 n no in ado to your order, nny finish you mny dealro. Drop In nnd got our prlcAH, MIB8ION FUItHITUnH WOItlCS, Shop near corner I3lrhth and Holly troota. Phono 8863. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Sond your trophies to mo for mount ing. Hig game hends, fiflh, birds nnd matrunnls mounted truo to mituro by Improved mothods. I do tanning, mnkr fitr rugs, make, remodel nnd cloai fur garments. Kxprcss nnd mail or ders promptly nttondod to. C. M. HARRIS. 405 Wnahlngton Btroet, Portland, Or. Telephono Main 3000. Now LlfjhtS. Now lights hnvo boon placed in tho Emorick Cnfo nnd for tho first timo in tho history of thi populnr rosort tho patron can rond his ovoning pn ticr without difficulty. Mossra. Phillips X London) have proven them selvos oxcollcnt cntorors nnd doson'o the excellent patronage thnt is being accorded them. 233 NOTICE. Kotico is horob givon thnt tho un dersigned will apply to tho city council of the city of oMfdord, Oro gon, nt its next mooting for a license to sell spintous, vinous nnd malt liquors, in qunntitios loss than n gm Ion, for n period of six months, nt its plnco of business nt lota C, 0, 7, 8 nnd 0, In block 20, in tho city of Modford, Oregon. Dated Docombor 8, 1009. HOTEL NASH COMPANY. 444444444 4f444-4-4- 4 PflRTI AHn MARkPTS 4 44444-444-44-44-4-4-4444- IIoims Wool nnd Hideo, llopt 1908 crop, ohoico, 17c; prltno to choice, lOo; prime, lGMic; medium, 15c; 1000 ohoico, 23c; prime, $20c; modlum, 18 1 9c Wool 1900, Wlllnmotto vnHoy, 20CT'24c; enntern Ore-ton, 20023c. 8hopnklau Shecirlng, 10525c Ack; abort wool, 25 50c; medium wool, 50cC$l each; Ions wool, 75c $1,25 each. Inllow Prlmo, or lb., SC-tc; No. nnd grenflo, 2 4T2V4o. Chltthn bark 4Hc. Mohair 1909, 23 ( 24c lb. Hldea Dry hldeo, 17fil814c lb; green, 9HflOMic id; uuus, greon inlt, Tc lb; klpa, 1010c lb; calves groon, 10 18c lb. Iluttcr, Krrh nnd Poultry. Kbk Local, caadlod, aolect, 'Vjc; ordlnnry rnn 40fM3o; aoo- onda, 32c; local atoraga, 3-2Qf35c; eiiHtem storngo, 33 1-2 (ff 35c. Iluttor Fnt Delivery t o. b. Port nnd Swoot cronm, J7c; amir, 35 l-2c. Iluttor Kxtrn croamory", 39 l-2c; fnucy, 37jff38c; storo, 25c. Choeflo Fancy full crenm nntb, 18c; trlpletM nnd dniflleo, ISc; Young Amorlcns, 19c. Poultry Mixed chlckonB, 15fip 15 l-2o; funoy lions, 15 1-20; rooa- torH, old, 11c; Bprlngs, lCc; koobo, 10c: ducks, ICo; pigeons, atiunba, $2 doz; droHBod chlckona, 17 1-2, 18c; wild eoobo, $0 doxon. flnilii, I'lour nnd liny. Ilnrloy Produeora' pTioca 1900 Ko$od, $28.50; rollod, $30; brow ing, $29(0)29.50. Wheat Trnck Club, $1.05; bluo- tom. $1.17; rod, $1; fortyfold, $1.09; 1'urkoy rod, $1.03 C 1.05; Wlllamotto vnlloy, 1.05. MlllatuffB Selllnn prlco nrnn, $20; mlddllnga, $33; oborta, $20; chop, $22 28; nUnlfn monl, $21 por ton. Flour Now crop, patonts, $0.15; Btralght, $4.85; bakers, $5.95 00.155 Wlllamotto valloy, $5.70 bbl; oxport grndoB, $4; grahrun, is, $5.00; wholo whoat, $5.20; rye-,' 50, $0.50; baloB, $3, Hay producers' priced Now timothy, Wlllnmott vn41oy fnnoy, $18; ordinary, $17; onstom OroBn, $20; mlxod, $14(fP15; clovor No. 1, $14 15; whoat, $14 15; ohont, $15 10; alfalfa, $15. Oats Spot dollvery, now, produc ers' prico Trncic, ino. x wmiu, 4- Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to YouIt May Be Printed Today It may be a two-line ad. of a furnished room or a ten or twenty line ad. of real estate, or a four or five line help wanted ad. There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. Corn Wlolo, $30; cracked, $37 ton. Fruits nnd Vrgrtnblefl. Freah Frulta Ornngoa, Valenclna. Potntoo8olllng, now, $11.10. $3.05 n box; hnnnnns, 5 l-2c lb; ears, 60c $1.25; huckleborrles, 12c. Applea $101.50. Vegotnblc Now tnrnlpa, Oregon, 8090o snek; beets, $1.25; enrrots, 80 O 90c sack; cabbano, local, 75 $1; tomaloott, local, fnucy, $1.50 crt; boana, 10c lb; cauliflower, 90c $1 doc; pcaa, 2c lb; horaerodlah, 10c; bunchea; colory, 50 85c; egg plant, 15c pound; corn, $1.25 Back; awoot potntooa, $1.75 1.86. Kice Imperial Japan No. 1, SUc; No. 3, 5 He; New OtImuu !imJ, C 3-4 7c; Creole, Ce. Doana&amall whlto, $5.60; largo white, $4.60; pink, $4.15; bayou, $5.75; Limoa, $C; rodo, $7.50. Groccrtai, NnU, IJtc. $5.85; fruit or borry, $5.95; dry grnnlatod, $6.95; coonf. A, $5.75; extra D, $.25; goldon O, $5.35; D yollow, $5.25; boot, $5.05, liarlcls 16c,- half boioa, 30c, boxoa 55c nd- vanco on snck hauls. Honoy Now, 13 He lb. Moat, FIfd nnd Provinlans. Dreoaod Mcr.ta Front atreet hogs. fancy. 10c; ordlnnry, 9c! veola, ex tra. 12c; ordlnnry, 11c; heavy, 50, Cc; mutton, 7c; lambB, 7c Hnma, Daccn, etc. Portland) pack (local) hnm, 17 Ho; broakfaat l.nron. 1fiUtf27e! holled hnm. 25 fffi 2Cc; picnics, 14c; cottago-roll, 15c; i rognlar abort clenra, amokod, 10 c; backs. amoked, 18 c; pickled tonguea. COc onch. 1 Local Lnrd Kcttlo Kaf, 10s, 18c lb; 5a, 18 l-2c lb; 50-lb. tins. 17 l-2c lb; Btcnm rendorod, 10b, 17c lb, 5s 17 l-8c lb, compound 10s, 11 3-4c lb. Clama Ilardonoll, por box, $2.40; razor clama, $3 box. F!ah Rock cod, 10c; lb; noun- dors, Cc lb; bnllnbut, 7c lb; strlpod bnsa. 15c lb; catfish, lOo lb; salmon, stcolhend, 8 l-2c lb; allvora, 7 l-2c; solos, Go lb; shrimps, 12 l-2o lb; porch, Co lb; torn cod, 8c lb; lobsters, 32c lb; crawfish, 23c doz; sturgeon, 12 hc lb; black baas, 20a lb; stiver Bmolts, Co lb; black cod, 7c lb; crnba, $11.50 doz. Oyatora Shoalwater ay, por gnl- lon, $2.25; por 100-lb. cack, $5; Olympla, por gallon, $2.40; por 100 lb, snck, $77 60; canned, 55c can, 37c doson; onctcrn in obeli, $1.75 por 100. Coal oil Pearl, ABtrnl and 8tar, 19o gallon; ooeono, 23c gallon; olnlno 28a gallon; hendltght, 20 Ho gallon; oxtra star, 22c gallon; wntor whlto, 114 15o gallon; special wator whlto, 15c gallon. Cn8ollno Rod crown nnd motor, 1023o callbn; 88 gauollro, 30 37V4o gtHon; V. M. & P. naphtha, 13tt20He gnllnni onslno dlstll- lato, 9lCo gnllon. Gattlo Host Bloora, wetghrng 1200 pounds, $4.75; medium atoors, $4.50, boat cows, $3.75; beat holfors, $3.75; bulls, $22.75; stags, $2.503. Hogs Heat onst of tho mountains, $8.50; Wlllamotto vnlloy best, $7.75 7.85; Btockors, $40; llga, $C7. Shoop Heat wolhors, $, ordinary $4 4.75 ; spring lambs, $0; straight owos, $4.25 4.50; mlxod lots, $4.25. Calvos Rest, $5; ordlnnry $ 4.50. 444444444 f-r44444 MEDFORD MARKETS. 444444444444444444 Fruit and V-qetablos. (Pricos paid by Med rd merchant) Appios, ldj'iio id; poars, itirc; Potntooa, lo lb; onions, $1.50 ewt;; green onions, 35 o dee. bunohos; oabbngo, lVo, turnips, lVo, pnrs iiipn, la nnd IMjo lb.; squash, 30o nnd $1 dor..; pumpkins, 10 nnd 15o. Butter, Eggs ami Poultry. (Prioos pnid by Modford raoruhnnts. itnncii nuiior, aoo; inney crenm- ory,,37V4o. Frosh rancn eggs, bus, Mixod poultry, 10a; spring clriok- ons, luo; dncKs, aoe; tiu'Kvya, t ic. (PriooB paid produooTH.) liny Timothy, $16; nlfnlfn. $15; grass, $14 ton; grnln hay, $10 ton. Grain Whoat, $1.20 buabol; oats, $30 ton; barley, $30 ton. Door, rjO'Sc; pork 6c: mutton 3Yso; Inmh, 4c. veal (dressed), Go (Selling prieea.) Rolled barley, $2 cwt, $30.50 ton; bran, $1 70: r tddllna, $1 !JT1 9U; shortfl. $1.80(j?l.SS. ttt44ttf ttt LOST. 4444444t44444444f LOST A pair of Hamilton-Brown high -top mountain boots. Howard if rotnrnod to Ilutchason & Lctns den's Btoro. 237 STRAYED Into my oncloBnro, cow nnd calf, very wild. Ownor will please remove. L. P. Hubbard, cor ner Jacksonville Road and Bell Lnno. 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4'44- 4 F0H RENT. 4444444444444444444 FOR RENT Suite of light house keeping rooms. Call at 222 South Holly street, FOR RENT Now cottage, 0 rooms, Taylor street, V acre ground. Inquire 800 East Taylcr st. 236 FOR RENT F;ront room, furnished, bent, electric .light and bath. . 127 South O streot. 236 . nn njm n uJ. vno uviwa nicciy mr nished rooms, heat nnd bath and cclctric lights. Reasonable. On South Central avenue. Phone 891. 891 I'OK HbNl r urnisucd rooms. No. 1 10 North Grnpostrcot. 237 FOR RENT Llvo at tho Palms, now brick building, now furniture, strict ly modern, corner Qrapo and Main streets. FOU rent Farms, from 40 aeres upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inquire at offlco Condor Water & Power com pany, 209 W. Main street 4. 4. 4. RS4 4. f $ FOR SALE 300 tiers of well sea soned pine and somo onk wood, handy to get out, only half n milo from Phoenix. Address C. J. 01- son, Medford, Oregon. 230 FOR SALE At n bnrgain if taken nt onco two lots closo in. Medford nnd rooms. ...Phono 2091. 237 FOR SALTS Good house and lot nt 540 Hamilton street, cud of Oak dalo pnvlng; routs for $10 per month; also two lots on Jackson street, chonp It taken at onco. Ad dress Win. K. Stneoy, Box S2C. 233 FOR SALE Horso and wagon nt 411 South Lnnrol streot. 248 FOR SALE If you want tho best dry wood nt tho lowest prico cnll ttt 421 South Grnpo street or phono to Main 491; also do wood sawing. 230 FOR SALE An equity in good city lots; 25 por cent. Box 768. 234 FOR SALT& -BaUory with good trndo cheap for cash. Sickness causo of slllng. W. T. York & Co. 228 FOR SALE Young orchnrd in bor ing. Mat Cnlhoun. Phoenix, Or. FOR SALE Onk, fir nnd pine cord wood, 12 nnd 10-inch; nlso dry rail wood; dry pitoh for kindling. Phone ordor to Main 4201. FOR SALE Gonuino Navajo blank ot. Iuquiro at Modford Furniture jCo. FOR SALH -75-ncre ranch, with good wntor riant; finest fruit lnad; chonp;; also property In Portlaad; will trado for Modford p'oporty Boo Coleman at olgnr factory. FOR SALE Ghorco busiuoss proper ty at a Imrgnin, on long time; ensy torma Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-noro tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay mar to. Addrosa P. O. Box 418. FOR SALH Or exchango tor Mod tord real ostato or ranch, 110 acros 4- 4-4-4- 4-4-4-4 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4 4-4-4- 4- 444-4-t tobacco farm on Pennaylvaala rail road in aouthorn Marylaad, 85 acres in cultivation, 25 acres In wnite oak timber, 16 acres timothy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also suitable for potatoes, melons nd trait; espec ially adapted for Maryland peaches; 40 mtloo south of Baltimore, 25 miles from United States Capitol, Washington, D. C; abundance of water; good ro?ds; mild climate. Addrosa Box 20, Maall Trlbma of fico. WANTE1. 4444444f4444444444 WANTED $1000 on eight acres or chard just planted, one year, 10 por cont. Box 118, Modford, Or. 237 WANTED Young xnnn about 18 years old who has parents in city that is not afraid to work and wants to learn a trade. Small sal ary to start; a good position to the right party. Pantoriom Dye Works. 230 WJUiXBtU neiinea woman to caro for 6-months old baby; mother is a professional nurse. Good pay to right party. Adress "X," care Mail Tribune. WANTED Man ncquninted in valley to show land. Benson Investment Co. 237 nAAlbU Uood clean cotton rags at tho Mail Tribune office ' Will pay right price for samo. WANTED To borrow $500 on good timber claim in Douglas coun- ty. Address box 646, Medford. 235 WANTED Competent woman for general house work. Would like ref orences. Wages $1 per day. Ad dress P. O. Box 815. 236 WANTED Good second hand hack, Address box 361, Medford. 235 WANTED To rent n furnished house, John A. Tornoy, euro Ore gon Orchards Syndicate. 235 WANTED Cook wanted on Call Farmors lino 14x1. ranch. WANTED First-class stenograph er. Apply at offico of Rogue River Electric Company. 235 WANTED Woman wants position ns cook nnd goncrnl housework. Ad dress "C. N.," enro Mail Tribune. 234 WANTED By married mnn position to work on fruit ranch. Adress Y, caro of Mnil Tribune; 23o WANTED $200 for good paying buslnoss; good rato lntorest. Ad drosa F. L. B., Mall Tribune. 235 WANTED Experieneed quarry man. Address P. O. Box -418, Mcdf6rd, Or. 4 PRflPPRTV TO FYfiH ANfJF 4 FOR EXCHANGE $2000 equity in n gopd $3500 rosidonco property in Grants Pass to exchange for land in Roguo rivor vnlloy, improved or unimproved. Address P. O. box 524, Grants Pass, Oregon. 233 4444 44 4444 44 4 4444 4 4 misiNFSS nmprrrnnv 4; 44444 44 44444444444 CIRGARS AND T0BBAC0S. IRELAND & ANTLE Snofco House, dealers In tobacco, cigars and smok ora' supplies. Excluslvo agents of Lewis Slnglo Binder, El Morlto and El Paloncla. 213 West Main streot. Restaurants. BEE HIVH BRSTAURANT Meals 15c; bod, 15o. Give ns a trial. 29 Central nvanuo. upstairs. Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN 1009 W. Main Btroet. nours: From 0 a. m. to 11:30 n. tn. I'r particulars apply to Miss Arm Harmon, director, at the school WANTED Will buy from ownors only timbor lands from qunrtor soo tious up to 15,000 noro tracts. Givo location, amount of timbor and price in nnswor. Address 1), oaro of this offioo. 230 4444444444444444 2UGIWES6 SWECT0RV 444444444444444 f44 CHIMNEY SWEEP If your chim ney needs cleaning be sure nnd see D. D. Woods. Leavo orders at the Medford Hardware Co., or phono 2581. 231 Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNER Auctioneer, will bo found in room 208, Tnylor & Phipps Building. Sewing Machines. Singer nnd Wheeler & Wilson sowing machines for ront and for salo on easy payments. All kinds repaired and work guaranteed. Best oil and needles for nil makes nt the Singer store, 27 South C st. Phone 3431. Attorn ays. WrnHNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Pnkn Bmldmg. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-ln No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col- vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. Stenographer. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, at tin? Moore Hotel. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stenographic work dona quickly ani well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance Office 112 W. Main at, Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Pokfishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. faaa the beat equipped jab office it Southern Oregon; Portia id prices 37 Sooth Central ave. Opticians. DR, GOBLE Tho only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento Office on West Main street and railroad. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nosh Ho tol. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. O. 1). Na. TUE MEDFORD Brick mnnnfnctu-v T. O'Hri ICK CO. Pad contra torn; nlso lime, cematf and p)bs4; i any quantity. Office, Medfo. National bank blJg. Pionee Mob 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertnkers. Day Phono 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3001; J. H. Butler 3571. PLfio Instruction. FIARMONY, sight rending, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phono 493. Paint Stores. M. J. METCALF Paints. Brushes. Wall Paper, GInss, Varnishes Stnins and Wall Tints. 318 E. Main St., Medford, Oregon. Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S. Kemr thorne, ngt. Sroro opened from . to 6. Phono 3S71. 287 Riversid avenue. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin nnd sheet iron ware on hand and made to ordor 128 North G streot. Photograph Studios. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-dnss work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenue. Phono 801. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnokoy and die with joy." Ovor Al len & Reagan's store; entranoe oo Seventh street. Civil Engineers WnL take by oontrnot, on reason able terms, nil kinds of work, oIbo irrigating, planting and cultivating oto. Landscape gardening. First class reforenoos. Willinm Poters, Civil Engtncor, Phono 1801, 322 East Main street, Modford, Oregon. 444444444444444444 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4 4444444444444444 44 Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., suc cessors to Shearer & Phillips, paintors and decorators in all branches; wonthorcd oak on insido finish a specialty. Our green roof stabs guaranteed not to spot. 504 N. Beatty at. P. O. Box 14, Medford. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. AH orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank BnDding, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend tho hot after noorm. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect nnd Builder. P. O. Box 480, Medford Or. Your building respectfully so licited. Fwnlture n. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh si. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8tk and Holly Sta., Med ford. Mission Furniture mkde to order. Cabinet work of all kind. A trial order solicited. MORBOFF & WOLFF Cook Stovea and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-20 K St .Sooth. Phone 91. Medford, Or. Drayags and Transfer. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Oar stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the tmst EL B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Co-k. Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Bot 841. Phone 583. Medford. Transfer and Drayage. ffl. S. BRUMBLE Drnyaco and transfer. Baggage stored. Office n and Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 400 Beatty street. A card will bring mo tn yon. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. Huillior, 707 Main street West. Privato lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languagos French, Italian, German, Spnnish. MRS. E. E. GORE Pinno nrstructi'sn Metropolitan College of Mnsio. Miss Flora Gray. Phone 493. 144 South Central nvenue. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Beggs, Acting Secretary, 128 E. Main street. Carpenters and Builders. F. E. HILL Will fura'sh plans aa list of all timber to bo put in build ing. Medford, Oregon. W. G. HOLMES, contractor and builder; plans and estimntes furn ished. Inquire Star rostnurant or nddress Box 818. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS- Dentist. Offico hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miloa Building, Main street, Medford, Ore gon. , Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answored. Offico and res ident phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. . MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Officos in Husking' Building. Phone Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Office In Stownrt Building Physicians and Surgeons. Offico phone, Main 341; privato phone, Main 012. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours i 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic PhyaicianB. Mission Blook, Phonq 201. Medford. CALL ON DR, E. J. BONNER, Ey speoalist, when others fail, Offio in Eaglo Pharmacy. Main 233. Eaa Main near D'Anjou.