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I ! 8 THE BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE; MJSDITORD, OREGON, MONDAY, DKOlSMUlfiR 20, 1.009. WATER BOARDHERE FOR MORE OEMS State Engineer States That People Are Not Opposed to Law When They Learn Its Workings. II. C. IIolRntc, slnlo superintend ent of water, rind R. P. Covrjjill, ns eistnnt state engineer, nro hero for further adjudication of the Butte Creek water rights. At tlio lionrinp held Inst month the various claims wcro filed and the hoard is now hero to receive supple mentary affidavits and Tilings. About Jnnunry 10 the claims will have been investigated and adjudi cated and will then bo open for o.x- ACCIDENT SAY EATTLE POLICE Woman Thought to Have Been Mur dcrcd Now Thought Vlvtlm of Accident Killed by Street Car. SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 20. Aft or further Investigation tho local po ltco today aro convinced that Mrs Dorothy Woodhead. formerly of Mln ncapolis, whoso mangled body was found Sunday morning on tho Lnko Union street car trcstlo mot death through accident and was not mur dered and thon placed on tho car tracks as was first supposed. This theory Is opposed to tho conclusions of tho coroners who performed tho nmination by tho claimants, when an I autopsy on tho woman's body. Ac oportunity will bo given for tho cou- cording to thQ cononer. Mrs. Wood- tetinr of tho nmc. nona WAB Kiiioa oy some otner means Mr. Holgate hns just returned from thnn th( street car. Tho woman's Ivlamath Falls whero ho hns been body had been hurled Into tho water on official business. by tho car, but tho condition of her Ho will lenvo for tho north Wed- lunss showed thnt death had not been nosdnv momine to Enend tho holi- caused by drowning. Tho wounds nvs. inflicted by tho car would not havo Mr. Holgato finds that ns tho peo- caused death, In tho opinion of Dr, pie becomo better acquainted with Ostrom, coroner, the objects and workings of tho law View of Tollcc. they aro very much moro inclined to Police officers Insist that tho worn- co-onernto with tho officers in ad- an was killed- by a street car after justing tho differences arising over having wandered onto the trestle In water rights and the establishment an Intoxicated condition. All ovl of them. BILL IN CONGRESS FOR PURE SPRAY MATERIAL Fruit and Vegetable Growers Are Urged to Request Their Con gressman to Vote for Its Enactment. donee points, they declare, to the fact that the woman, stuplfled by liquor, had laid down on tho trestlo and whllo In this condition was run over. Tho fact that woman was not seen by the motorman who drove tho car on tho trucks of which was found blood is accepted as proof that sho was not in an upright position when tho wheeln passed over her bodyfl John McGuire, who was tho wom an's companion until 11 o'clock Sat urday night, and who was placed under arrest by tho police following the discovery of the woman's body, has been released, as nothing could bo found to connect him with Mrs. jWoodbead's death. THAW LOSES LAST BUDGET GAINS HOPE OF FREEDOM Highest Tribunal Refused to Review Case of Pittsburg Man Must Remain In the Asylum. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Tho door of tho supremo court of tho United States was closed today agatnst Harry Kendall Thaw. At tho satno tlm0 tho door of tho asylum for tho criminal Insane at Mattowan closed moro tightly than over beforo upon him. Justice McKenna handed down a ruling by which tho nation's highest tribunal rotused to review his caso. This was tho close of tho most stubborn of all tho efforts of the slayer of Stanford White to gain his freedom. Tho caso which has run th0 gamut of tho courts of New York and prob ably has received moro publicity than any other criminal caso of a genera tion is nearlng tho ultimate limit of legal peregrination. Tho august judges of th0 supremo court will not roview tho pitiable and nauseating story of Evelyn Nes- bltt. Tho plea of tho Pittsburg pa- raonoic will not bo heard. For tho present at least Thaw must stay In tho mad house prison, suffering from the insanity which ho himself claim ed caused him to kill Whito on tho Madison Square root garden. POPULARITY Outlook for Victory, Says David Lloyd-Gcorgo, Is Moro San guine Dally All Optimistic. LONDON", Deo, . 20. Chancellor David Lloyd-Gcorgo, author of tho WHITE MEN AND NEGROES CLASH Three Dead and. Six Seriously In jured as Result of Pespcrato . Battle In 'State of Louisiana. GRAND CANK, La., Deo. 20. Three men aro dead and six noriouflly Hritish budget, today guvo out tho wounded as tho remilt of n dosnorato following Christmas vmessngo to tho battle between parties of whito men United States: "Tho budget is gaining in populari ty at an enormous rate. Tho out look for victory in the January elec tion is more sanguine daily. There and negroes near this oit yearly to day. Troops havo boon summoned to guard ngninst another outbreak. The trouble started when John Al 1.... i. i..ii.. IVII I, 1. IIIIU AltllMUl UliWIIPl'll I1UIIU now is no possibility that the budget .ltower, a negro, of Htouiling his hogs. win oo ucicaiou. Lloyd-Gcorgo and his fellow sup porters of tho budgot are moro than optimistic concerning the approach ing election. Tlioy claim increasing strength in every locality, nnd pre dict a sweeping victory for the measure. Tho city of Jacksonville, tho busi ness men of Jacksonville and tho citizens of Jacksonville have had thoir oxperionoo with a chenpor form of light than olectrio light tov eral. years ago. Boforo considering n chenpor form of light got their ex perience. . - l40 Bower and a brother-in-law recanted tho accusation nnd opened firo on the white man. Bower mid his kinsmen wero in stantly killed whon Allen nnd a party of friends returned the firo. Allen wns fatally wounded nnd died an hour later. Othur negroes and whites who wore drawn itno the fiirht, continued the battle for nearly an hour. Tho six who wero wounded woro negroes. Tho gift nrtiolo you havn't boon nblo to find yot may bo advertised today. I . .11. I aBCTTUl, I ... THE FAMILY GIRGLE May we show you the Thousand and one desira ble and useful Xmas arti cle? REMEMBER-We Save you money. All Furs acrificed At Virtually G ost Buy Her a Fur Tho city of Jacksonville, the busi ness men of Jacksonville and tho citizens of Jacksonville have had their expenouco with a cheaper form of light than electric light sev oral years a. cheaper form penence. 240 Any kind of opou flame consumes as much oxygon from tho air as four I adult pairs of lungs. Would you consider nnd light "cheap" that affected the health of ago. Beforo considering J "r children, or yourself, orm of light get their ex- bPny,ng tho lungs of oxygen f .,4ft Electno light, is, the only kind of JEALOUS OF LEOPOLD q To tho Editor: At tho last session V wttya n tt?o a !n(rnrttlAA1 in both tho senate and house providing MINISTER SAYS SATAN IS for tho government control of the fn mLh m.. cnmo mnnnr nR th nnr- NORTH ATTELBORO, Mass., Deo. ity of foods and drugs is now con- 2 m Hel1 is Leopold?" was trolled. This bill was introduced at he of a sermon delivered by the tho instance of tho Association of Rev"- ?aiel, Conklin of the First Uni Economio Entomologists. With tho sersahst church of this city, that is increased nse of manufactured in- causmg unusual discussion and com sect c des and fnncicides it has be- """" uero louaJr come very necessary that their qual ity should be standardized so that do MAN HAS HIS LEG BROKEN BY STONE E. True at Work on New Hotel Building Is Injured by Chunk of Granite. light that consumes no oxygen, nnd docs not vitiate tho atmosphere. It burns in an air tight bulb. Its good light. When you think it over isn't it the cheapest light f Human life is a progression al ways towards some .better .thing some higher stato of civilization. It is this constant yearning for better things which characterizes and Bets apart, the human race from tho brnto creation. Whnt would wa think of human being today who, in the midt The' (tm serious accident at tho I of civilization, persisted in living in constructs of tho new hotel build-1 a cavo, clothed with ruda Bkins, tag at tho corner of Eighth and Con- shunning society, and conducting From his pulpit last evening. Dr. tral avonuo occurred this morning himself ns a sav.ige. Conklin pitcurcd the lato king of tho when C. E. True, a mason employed You nro rendy and willing to ndont In i a . F. it. j... j.ii . . I .. 1 1 ? i . ii finite recommendations for their use 'k1""3 a wonny or neing satan's " " muuuauon woric, naa nis rigni wungs in jour nausa which may bo made with accuracy nnd so Successor -tne infernal regions, leg broken above tho ankle by a fall- can be proved n su;;rco of niiditionnl that adultered and inferior articles He said: tag stone, comfort, and cheer and health. nf , ;mcJ nivrn ,o form. "rersonauy i aouot tno existence ruo ana companion -wero ad- "- wun: you n nunic noom a low t t t. nt w -Jof hell, but granting one exists. Leo- Justing a-big atono on tho wall, the facts regarding .ilcctricity, which states aro enacting such legislation P,d must havo received a royal wel- mason standing on tho ground and wo believe, entitles it to your earnest i, monfnf. nrn enrmv fn fn. come, imue on eann ne out-satan- UJS per nuovo on mo wayy. in uBiuuruiion. vnr nf n nnh'nnnl lnw -which will Mr. e satan. For his record even satan I working with tho rock It slipped and W know thnt if yon onco rcnlizo em interstate traffico and which will mU!jt fecl tho deepest en-y." fell on True, Btrlklng on his leg in whnt electricity will do to mnko your tend to secure trreater uniformitT ot " 8Uch a way 118 to break u nbovo tho nomo more homehic. coro cheerful, state legislation. Whilo the passage dUSl ueiorQ nnsimas mo storo- " c,.r.,.,K, yDU w een no per, of such a national law would not ads ave an electric interest and This morning ho expressed the opln- suasion you will insist on electricr r.r,.t coto i0i;n u ,u unaeniaDio "news value." . on io ono or uis iouow workmon j most cases make SDecial legislation tnai no wa3 auo 10 Brt. I w nni u we enn snow you ' i m. - i tir jt i ... . - ... 'i iir-:i-. i'. . i i by the states unnecessarj' and whero ing the consumers. On tho other 1 uoa 1 Know wny," n0 saiu, "but "' wwimy wi,i ngnien your stntes desired to legislate they would hand practically nil of tho leading for BoveraJ days I havo felt that an bnrdrjis and make your !;f c more liv tend to pass laws similar to tho na- manufacturers are heartily in favor accldont would occur to mo, and thiB f'&'c, jou will nead io urging to adapt firm nl In w Kntnrn1 nrrf amnnta r f of tho meflsiiro. Ynnr pnmmUtnn morning tho feeling is oven strontr- cntomolorists. airricultural chemists considers the legislation of vital in- cr- . Jn ,D 1TBt P'n lot rao to nnd manufacturers of insecticides Merest to the fruit and truck grow- lje8S inan an Hour afterward tho pOB "B'- and fungicides are heartily in favor ers of the country nnd recommends accident occurred. Electric Lighting in the Home. of the measure, which is drawn to its enactment in a law." A well lighted homo dispels the protect tho legitimate interests of Jiany uompininw. Tho city of Jacksonville, the busi- B,oom nnd invites hubby, and the both the consumer and tho reputable We hqar.very frequent complaints ness men of Jacksonville and tho fown-up boys and girls to stay in manufacturer. of impure or ineffective insecticides, citizens of Jacksonville havo had evenings. Again In Congress. In manv cases these comnlaints aro their oxDcrienco with n nhonn,.!- Nothing conduces eo much to Tho measure has again been in- unwarranted and lack of success is form of light than electric lieht sov- cheerfulness and social congeniality l J 1. - I f ri 7mnvnw .nil... it... itwnl .... T - ' . I t Q fl h M 1 1 1 n n 1 V fl M A V1 m. o n m 1 1 1 1 t . t . .1 iiuuuccu uv mu jJiuauiik cungreau iu I " ."('.uc. uoiijju iiiiuui uiuii jkuio ugu, Deiure COnSMCringl . J ioiuiuj Hamuli the house (ii. It. 2218) by lion. B. poor quality, but tlicer ib no ques- a clieapcr form of light got their ex- iircs,uc A. Hayes of California and has been tion that inferior goods are on the pcriencc referred to the 'committee on inter- market as shown by tho publication Btato commerce. Tho bill will also of nnalj'scs by some of tho oxperi- bo introduced in tho senate and an ment stations. In the last year-book earnest effort will bo made by tho of tho United Stntes department of exeoutivo committee representing tho agriculture it is stated thnt tho bu- entomologists, chemists and manu- renu of chemistry has analyzed sam- fncturors to bring the measure to a pies of arsenate of lead which wero voto before congress. Prnctieally all practically nothing but whito arneic. tho leading horticultural and ngricul- This of course would be quito injur turnl organizations of tho country ious to foliage. Tho salo of such on havo endorsed the measure. It artclo is not only unfair to tho con seems probable that tho bill will be sumcr but hurts tho snlo of proporly M0 passed by congress if tho members of congress become convinced that tho peoplo wish and need such legis lation. At tho last session of con gress the bill wns favorably reported by tho sennto committee on ngricul turo ,but this report wns so lato in tho session that pressure of other business prevented a voto at tho short session. In tho report this committed stated as follows: "Tho bill was referred to tho sec retary of ngricultiiro with tho request lor his viows thereon and the mea feure ns amended is exactly in line with his recommendations. Tho leg islation has tho unainious endorse ment of practically all the organiza tions of practical growers in tho country as well as tho national, or nngo, tho National Apple Grogers' congress, tho American Association Jf Economic- Entomologists and in fact all tho organizations represnt- mndo arsennto of lend, than which thero is no better rirsenical insecti cide. If tho fruit nnd truck growers and farmers of tho country desire such legislation for tho control of tho purity of insecticides and fung icides they should let their congress men hear from them in favor of tho passage of this mensuro (n. R. bill 0' Q n f Anin nnl mnlsA vaS - wtivw V iUUOU JUDi" tion clear ns to tho need of such a law. If you aro inteersted write your congressman at onco stating that tho bill in beforo the committeo on in torstnto commerce nnd you wish their influence towards favorable repoit by tho committee nnd prompt action by tho house. Write at once as the matter is being pushed for speedy consideration, If every ono inter ested wilt thus show their interest tho law can probably bo passed. n. A. GOSSARD. And nothing quito realizes that happy condition so consu mately as electric illuminntion. You may talk about other means of artificial light, but after all. the korosino lamp, gas, ncotyliuo nnd the various other forms of light, enn bo, considered but stopping stones, load- i iuh i u ins iuuai iiiiiiiiiunui elec tricity. Wo havo roached tho culmination point of illuminntion in electricity nnd , todny, nothing is known to making that so nearly approximate sunlight ns this wonderful forco. No mntter how richly tho homo may bo furnished, if it is poorly light ed, it throws a depressing loom over everything, nnd destroys tho cheer ful comfort that every homo should radiate. The family cirolo gathers together, around tho hearthstone evenings, nnd that is tho time, above nil others, that tho homo should be brightly il luminated. Eloctrio lighting, with its soft glow ing brilliancy, makes the homo moro attractive, inviting, nnd congonin! nnd not only nugmonts tho beauty of mn terial appointments, but welds tho entiro family together, voning, into a hnppy, satisfied homo circle If you want to drivo your boys and girls out on the etreots ovonines givo them a dimly, gloomily lighted homo. If you want to keep them in ovon- ings givo thorn a pleasantly lighted homo. Electricity plays it part, with no uncertain hand, in tho wolfnro of our boyB nnd girls. But thnt isn't tho wholo story by any mnnnor or means. I Eloctrio lighting in your homo is I neat, handsomo, nnd clonn. It dif- fuses a steady, ovon light, unnffected j by draughts, and offering tho easiest i ight, known, on tho oyo for rending. ' Unlikr nil nthnr liflito. It. nncta nn I shadows, whatovor, but Sheds it bril-1 Iinncy in nil directions, unimpeded by fixtures or brackets. No boat. And in tho summer timo, you who , mvo iclt tho withering hent in tho mmo, havo not thought kindly of: your gasolino or lamp light, which ins scorned to join forces 'with tho! hot tomopraluro in an effort to mnko, lifo well nigh unbearable Electric lighting instead of heating j tho house gives you a cool, rofrosh- 1 ing luminosity that call bo soon, not felt, that can bo appreciated not, condemned. THE HUTCHASON CO. Formerly Baker-Hutchason Co. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT BURGLAR IN THE TRUNK (A Bunch of Laughs.) MISHAPS (A Scream.) THE WITCHES CAVERN-(Spectacular irama.) Imts Jjwr. 7 p. m. ONE DIME. Call and See Tho Splendid display of Poultry nnd Fresh Meats, etc., at BED TIME Bod rooms moro than amy other rooms In tho ttiomo should be froo room impure air. t. By the use of electricity for Illuminating purposes this Is practically assured. For electricity doos not vitiate tho air. In homes whero thero are small children, electric light becomes a necessity. Then backed by Its clean liness and safety, It Is Indlsponsablo In any well-regulated house. Send for tho man. Rogue River Electric Co. m THE ROADS ARE NEVER BAD THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD WHEN YOU WANT TO GO, CALL UP THE UNION LIVERY THE WEST SIDE MARKET T Their stock is without question tho fin est in tho city, and as wo tlo a strictly cash husiness you don't pay tho other follow's bill. Bybee&Heil 1 R. O. DUNCAN Proprietor For the Best IN THE LINE OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FIXTURES, WIRING AND DYNAMO REPAIRING SEE BEDFORD'S PREMIER ELEC rRICIANS. FLYNN BROS. 132 WEST MAIN STREET. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY NO, 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Offers an especially good foothill orclmi-d fn n lnu' price and on good terms. In these days of advancing prices, it will pay to look into this. It pays to deal with tho "Alan Who Known wi, the Uoffuo River Land Comnanv sohl Guthrie orchard at Eagle Point to tho prizo winninrr owners, four years ago, the salesman. W. M. TTni.nna assured tho purchasors thoso Spitzonbonrtrnna Wa.,i,i produce the world's host apples, and subnnmiAnf. Avnnto prove .tho soundness of his judgmont. By tho way Did it ever occur to you that most of tho men who havo won am m uio ivoguo uver vauov. bought, thniv w;. iiing orchards tlirough tho Koguo Rivor Land Com pany? W. M. Holmes, Manager, is olwavs nf for a good buy. i