Watch for the Homeseekers' Edition of the Medford Mail Tribune to be published Sunday, January 2
United ltm Awtoclnllon.
ICiill IaviktU Wlro ltriM,'t
Tho ontr paper In tiro
world inittlhod In a city tho
hIrq of Mndfurd having a
lrnHfid wlro.
Medford Mail Tribune
Tonight and Wedndsday
Fair. Monday high, COj
low, 42; tango, 40.
No. 241.
LONDON, Doc. 28. Tho English
Liberal party loader nt lant liavo
proty dofinitoly tnndo up llioir iniudn
what to do with tho Hoiiho of Lords,
of course In ease tho Liberal win nt
tho eoiiiintr Hritinh' national elections,
Whatever 'plan may bo adopted for
genuinely England's
government will Involvo Niioh radical
changes in tho country's proKonoo
ICKiHlntlvo ayHtcm that huch diffor
onco of opinion lina existed both an
to ends and methods. Tho oxtrcmo
radicals havo advocated tho coinploto
abolition of a hoeond chamber. Thono
of 'u inoro moderate typo havo de
manded nn elective upper house, Tho
element which may bo moHt accurate
ly described ns coiiHorvntively liber
al Iiiih artiucd for a combination of
tho olectivo and hereditary pritici
pIch, Tho croup in favor of the single
ohnmbor HyHlom has boon complotely
overruled. England in too conser
vative for such an invasion. Ilctwcoii
tho two other groups of Liberals a
compromiHii ban hooir of fueled. Tho
pmgrmii in thin : Assuming that tho
Libornla win at tho polls in January,
tho Lloyd-George budget will ho re
introduced. It will unquostionnbly
pass. Tho lorda thcmsolvcH uro
pledged to censo thoir oppoHition to
tho chancellor of tho exchequer's
l)ropo8ala If tho country declares for
them at tho coming cloolion.
That will disposo of tho financial
problem mid leave tho Liberals froo
to turn thoir attention to tho refor
mation of tho legislative system.
Tlioy propoHo to accomplish it by tho
constitutional change with which
Premier Asquith has been hinting in
tho varioiia eninpnign speeches ho
hart mado Hiuco the last parliament
adjourned under orders from tho
At noon today the water In tho now
reservoir being low, tho supply from
the KImIi Inko ditch wiih hIuiI off and
Hear creolc water HiibstUutod. At
present tho wntor In Hear creek Ih
vory clour anil will not bo ho bad.
Tho mipply from tho Hradshnw
drop was Hhut off owing to tho ne
conHlty of cleaning tho cnnal. Unions
heavy rain muddles tho prosont Blip
ply It will not bo no bad to uho.
DUBOIS, Penn., Deo. 28. Tiro
bodies of Hoven were recovered today
from tho ruins of the homo pf Stove
IlrouoKky, which was destroyed by
fire last night, Tho children ranged
from two lo twelvo years of ago. Tho
firo Mtarted from an ovor-houtod
slovo in tho kitchen.
Vnn Do Car & Jasmann will ro
pnlr your glnss framos or Jowolry
JiiHt ns nently as It can bo dono In
any Inrgo city, dlvo thorn your Jow
olry repairing for trial. Phlpps Illdg.,
229 W. Main. 211
Thontorgoors will havo a
wont chance to oujoy thorn
solvoa thi sovonliig nt
Modford opora houso when
"In Wyoming" is brown. Those
woh attended last your, as T
did, woro greatly surprisod by
its excollonco. It is really
worth wliilo. Now if it doos
n't plouso you call in and till
mo why. I know you will like
it. Havo I ovor givon you a
bum stcor,? X. Y. Z,
OQUIAM, Wn., Deo. 28.Wlth ita
captain dying and Its crow in a do
plorablo condition from lack of food,
tho nchoonor Minnie K. Caino, 1)7 days
from China enrouto to Ilcllinghum,
has boon towed into this port with ita
nails toni to shreds and tho rigging
badly damaged.
Tho vessel left Hyphong on Sop
temhor 20. Hardly had it cotton out
sido of tho port before tho xchonuer
ran into tho teeth of a stiff gale am
off tho const Rtniok a tvphoon which
toHwd the vchhoI about helplessly for
twenty-five hours.
When tho vessel arrived in this
oprt a few pounds of flour wns tho
only article of food loft. According
to tho meiaberH of tho crew they suf
fered greatly from hunger nud exvs
ure, and all tho way ncrosH tho Pa
cific they encountered terrific storms
Mate Endorson, who wciglicd 200
pounds when ho left China, reached
this port weighing less than 150
Captain Oleson is in n dying con
dilion from exposure.
ASK $200,000 DAMAGES
LOS ANGELES, Deo. 28. Dnm-
agca in tho sum of $200,000 are do
mnnded by Anderson-Lorn 5: Com
pany, plumbers, in n suit biought by
tho concern against tho Morehnut
Plumbora' Association of Los Angtd-
At tho resideneo of bar father,
Hon. C. H. Watson, of Ashland, tho
wedding of Miss Lylo Watson and
Jackson V, Kimball wns celebrated,
Hov. W. T. Vanscoy being tho offi
ciating clergyman, on Christmas day.
Miss Watson wns ono of tho jwpu
lar young ladies of Ashland nud Mr.
Kimball is to bo congratulated upon
tho hlpmato ho tins won.
Klght prisoners are now confined
In tho county Jail, Just about tho limit
of tho accommodations, but In view
of tho oucapoH which havo occurred,
Sheriff J on on Ih taking no chancoa.
"I am kcoplui; all of thorn Inside,
tho cage," ho said, "and am attend
ing to tho Job of Jailor personally, it
more prisoners nro sent to mo I will
talto enro of them all right enough.
There will bo no moro Jail deliveries
If 1 enn avoid It."
Tlioru aro four colla In tho cngo
and tho addition of nnothcr prlsonor
or two will crowd things consldora
CENTIIALIA, Ills., Doe. 28. Pour
minors woro instantly killed in a coal
miuo near hero today in an explosion
that partially wroakod tho intorior of
tho mino and endangered tho lives of
minors, who woro working in tho gal
lery. Tho bodios of tho mon woro tnkon
from tho gallery soon after tho aeei
dont. Tlioy woor bndly orushod by
tho falling coal and timhors, and tho
limbs of ono of tho mon woro found
somo distance from tho trunk, having
boon blown off by tho foreo of the
The eauso of tho acoidont is un
known, but it is supposod Hint n small
pookot of gns caught firo from an
npon lamp in toh hands of ono of
tho minors ami oxplodod, tho ooal
dust that filled tho air.
PEOniA, Ills., Dec. 28. Jamos J.
Jeffries, undofented hoavy-weight
champion of toh world, said today
that after thrco weeks inoro of tho-
ntricnl lifo ho will go to Los Ancgcles
to start training for his fight with
Johnson. Joffrics is appenring horo
in a vaiidovilo act at a local theater.
Tho prizo fighter said ho did not
care whether ho fights in California
or Utah and declared liirnsclt. to ho
J 00 per cent better now than is Jack
Theatoripal Manngor Frazco who
has guided Jeffries' destiny on tho
vaudeville path, stated that ho is so
sure tho big fellow is going to win
the July match that ho hah already
arangod for a world-wido theatrical
tour for him Inter in tho vcar.
A number ot petitions aro in plac
ing tho name ot various candidates
on tho ballots to bo submitted to tho
pooplo at tho coming city oloctlon and
no moro aro oxpoctod. City Recorder
Tel for will havo ns an opponent, Dob
Taylor, tho pnlntor, nnd Hnrry Q.
Wortman will bo opposed by Horaco
Nicholson In th0 Socond ward for
councilman. W. W. Elfort In tho
Third wnrd and V. K. Merrick In tho
First will probably not bo opposed,
having n clear field, as will Loo Ja
cobs for treasurer.
From tho sentiment expressed over
tho city by business men It Is bollovcd
boat to ro-olect tho old offlcors for
another term, thus Insuring a contin
ued orn of municipal progress.
WHBI). Cal Dec. 2S. Firo of In-
ceudlniy origin started In tho main
lumber yard of tho Weed Lumber
company nt midnight Snturdny, and
for two hours tho entire forco of tho
big compnny fought flames that
threatened to destroy not only the
lumber in tho yard, but tho mills and
now dry shed ns well.
Tho total loss will roach botweon
Jf.OOO nnd $7500. Tho lumber des
troyed was directly back ot tho big
mill nnd tho fortunnto swerving ot
th0 wind Bavod tho building.
Thoro Is absolutely no doubt about
tho Incendiary origin of tho fire,
Roy Doan, tho victor In tho last
boxing contest, nnd John McGnnn
last night algnod articles to meot ln
a lG-round bout on January 21, un
dor tho auspices ot tho Mod ford Ath
letic olub.
Tho artlclos specify that tho con-
tostnntB shall weigh ln at 3 o'clock
In tho nftornoon ot tho day of tho
contest nt n maximum wolgbt ot 151
pounds nnd thnt each shall put up
$1!5 ns forfeit monoy for non-nppoar-
anco, said monoy to bo forfolted also
should olther man fall to mako tho
Tho roforoo Is to b0 soloctcd ono
wool: boforo tho contest.
At lonst two good prllmlnartos will
bo put on and arrangomonts aro now
bolng mado to sign up a couplo ot
tonms of clovor local lads,
NEW YORK, pec. 28. -Under tho
caption "Tho Department ot tho In
terior vs. tho People," Colller'o Wcok
y for January 1, 1910, will nllcgo
that tho Intorior department Is work
ing against tho policy of conserva
tion as energetically as possible.
Tho artlclo calls attention to how
much chenpor land reclaimed by tho( tcrcation in tho White Elephant sn
govcrnrncnt Is than thnt reclaimed by loon and were ordered ont of the
prlvato projects, and also states that plncc. , As thoy reached tho sidewalk
a congrsslonnl committee which hon- Karasch commenced using tho razor,
ostly will attempt to get tho proof Stone was scrovcrly slashed about
will bo nono too easy to obtain. fftce' fcvcrnl stitches being re-
Cool Land Cases. ! n'rcd to close the gash, but managed
A moro serious charge Is that tho w d of bystanders to escape
Interior department Is resorting to danorous y wounded,
trickery to defeat the government In I Karasch then walked across the
tho suits now being conducted over ft lo tho S. P. depot and cyery
tho Cunningham claims upon coal body gave hi ma wide berth untd he
land in Alaska. It is charged that
whll0 tho supposed purposo of these
hnn.lni.. Is n 1rifnl thn nllhllr (In.
main, that tho attorneys for tho,w5iId" to trT stretching him arms out
claimants aro urging the case. tuc'r sk0tta,8nhe stnrte? Um!
"This comody is arranged for tho Pw"d- Th chicf then searched his
Innocent spectators." sals tho nrtl- i00"01".1 tweaPn L T '
clo. "In what actually confronted "J tho nght-hand pants' pocket and
tho department was how It could lose n,B0 w,aS lut 6Creve,rl: hyJh wea'
tho suits witnout exposure. A rather P when ho grasped iL Tho handle
clover scheme agreed upon was to of the raxor was broken, evidently by
send an honest but Incredibly igno-'6 fo of the blows delivered by
rant youth to rjeont tho govern- kara8cU an,d .t,1J1b,ac was oven
mont. The Interior department se-, covored tU blood,
lectcd a man named Sheridan. Ithas', S.tono s wunds were dressed and
carefully dcoratcd tho records with 1,0 l3.m ,no, dnB01; Karasch will bo
tributes to his genius. Actually ho
has had ono year's cxnorlenco as a
subordlnato special agent in Denver.
Ho emerged from n night law school
In 1907.
Agents Dismissed.
"Of tho agonts familiar with the,
case, Olavls has boon discharged and,
others woro carefully sent to distant
"I.nwvnrs. llstn: Shnrldnn obloct-
cd to n ouostlon on cross-esnmlnatlon
becauso it was 'leading,' when ono of President Porham of tho railway dc
hls own questions on direct cxamln- parlmcnt of tho American Federation
atlon wns objected to as 'leading.' jof Labor e 101,10 to Washington
Shorldnn gravely declared that ho had , May to make an effort to secure
tho right to Indlcato to tho wltnosses f0l n'd m the settlement of a
'what answer he expected.' I switchmen's strike that has demoral-
"Shorldnn U opposed by two of tho:ed ire'l indtico in th northwest
loading lawyers In tho west." for several weeks.
In wns sinicu touny inni rerunm
would make a personal appeal to
TO BUY A HUSBAND' 11 n endeavor to m-
i terest the chief executive in the mat-
CHICAGO, Dec. 28.-Wilh the ro-'for. Ho also will lay tho claims of
eitnt of a romance that brought tears 'ilv stnkors h? tho ""terstato cora
lo the eyes of apcctnt'.r and attor- merco commission.
neys nliko, the enso of crippled sev
enteen year old Agela Sohiavono, nn
Italian girl accused of stealing from
her father's bank, wns resumed Ln the
criminal court todny.
Tho girl look tho stand following
her statement yesterday that she
had stolen .n7,820 from tho bank
during tho last two years. Fight of
tho girl's relatives nro ncoused of in
spiring tho thofts by promising to
got Anogla a husband whon sho had
secured money enough lo buy ono.
Tho seorotary of toh itnerior has
ordered tho following lands in tho
Crater national ofrest oponcd to
homestead entry upon application of
porsons named bolow, who havo right
of proforoneo in entry s
South half, northeast quni'tor nud
southeast qunrtor, section town
ship 30, 4 west, 120 aoros; applica
tion J. It. Iloffmon, Applegnto.
Lot 4 nud southeast quartor of
southwost quartor seotion 18, town
ship 31, 2 cast, 70.78 aoros; Galon
Meeker, Derby, npplionnt.
Southwest quarter soetion 21,
township 3D, 2 west, 100 nores; ap
plication James Hhoa, Runcorn.
Probably sotuhwost quartor of
section 10, township 38, rnngo 3
west, 100 acres, now uuBurvoyed.
Wm. Morrison, ltuolt, applicant.
Dnnco tho old year out and tho
Now Your in nt tho skating pavilion.
Potor C. Knrash was arrested by
Chief of Police Shearer yesterday af
tomoon for weilding a razor i na way
contrary to the peace and dignity of
tho state of Oregon, etc
Karasch and Chas. Stone, both of
whom had been employed on tho P.
& E. coutsruction engaged in an al-
" nuY
persuasion of an automatic' would either send for his family or 'fruit growers of the valley are bo
sufficient to cause the razor! return for them. He was going tojginning to realize that everything de-
cu AI1C
Kn 1X118
MINNEAPOLIS, M.inn., Dec. 28.
Tho frosty weather Is pleasing to
the Pacific & Eastorn people, as It
has enabled them to contlnuo tho
work ot ballasting tho track from
Medford to Eaglo Point. Tho work
Is being pushed ns rapidly as possi
ble and If tho prosont wenthor con
tinues a fow days longer tho track
will bo In shape tho wholo way to
Eaglo Point.
Tho construction contractors aro
also pushing thoir work, and this
wenthor Is also vory favorable to
thorn. With a cossatton ot tho rains
men enn bo secured to work, some
thing vory difficult during tho rainy
A word to thoso who havo had
thoir watchos ruined by incompetent
workmen. Mr. Van D0 Car of tho
firm ot Vnn Do Car & Jasmann is nn
oxport watch makor, and will tako
caro of your watch with honesty nnd
skilful workmanship. Wo do not run
up an oxorbltant prlco on your watch
bocauso you aro not familiar with Its
mochanlsm. Our motto Is "Good
work at roasonnblo prices," 241
Danoo tho old year out nnd tho
Now Yonr in nt tho skatiug pavilion,
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 28. ye.lcan
officials are preparing o cordial re
ception for former President Jose
Santos Zclnya of Nicaragua, who is
expected to arrlvo tomorrow from
Sallna Cruz, to wlch port ho sailed
in his flight from Nicaragua.
According to Minister Castro of
Nicaragua. -President Diaz of Mexico
will attend the receptions planned in
Zelaya's honor In person. These re
ceptions are numerous, many o thorn
under the patronage of Mexico's offi
Minister Castro . stated that after I
Zelaya has remained ln the county a
few weeks looking after bis invest-1 Rogue river fruits in tho east, to tho
mcnts, he will sail for Belgium to great profit and advantage of tho in
tako up his residence in the palace he'dustry here.
owns near Brussels.
Yesterday at Sallna Cruz, the ex-jto take up the matter of pro-cooling-president
is reported to have an- fruit for shipment which will bo a
nounced that ho would remain In great factor for good nnd will result
Mexico for six months, after which ho
fiiexiCO Uliy lo hito maims iu uia&
for courtesies, he said.
Conference to End War.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Dec. 28.
It Is confidently believed here that
tho conference planned for next Sat
urday between representatives of
President Madrlz and General Estrada
ot the Insurgents will result ln peace
wlthaatJurthor; bloodshed.
Estrada's favorable, reply to Mad
rlz' suggestions for a conference fol
lowing close upon the visit to Madrlz
yesterday of Rear Admiral Kimball,
in command of the American war
ships In Nicaraguan waters, is taken
ns evidence lrcro that the United
States may b willing to a?copt Madrlz
ns president, at least until It i3 shown
that Madrlz' declaration that ho
would wipe out Zolaya's regime was
not mado in good faith.
Work on tho overnraent's reclam
ation work on tho Klnnnith project
has been suspended until April. Pro
ject Engineer Patch has returned
from hi stour ovor tho project. Ho
supervised the closing of the work
nnd tho arrangements of the camps
for opening iu tho spring.
The only field work now being
done is one tho old Adams Canal.
Ttilo Lake is frozen ovor so that fur
ther work had to bo discontinued.
Tho crews at Clear Lako havo boon
laid off. tho work on tho dyke having
been completed.
WASHTVnmw ni "R Now
York City is tho champion municipal ;
borrowor, according to tho statistics
of tho census bureau, mndo public
Tho oity has moro than seven
times tho total net indebtedness of
any other city in tho United States.
If Now York's, debt wns divided
among tho population of tho city,
enoh inhabitant would owo $152.
Snn Francisco has tho smallest i
net debt of nny municipality with
moro than 300,000 inhabitants, and
thnt oity deoroased its indebtedness
during tho year.
Sonttlo is rated as tho only city of
moro than 300,000 population which
lnoronsod its debts oyer $1,000,000.
Soattlo debt grow $5,071,078 during
II, L. Young of tho Mall Trlbuno
force, who has been ou tho sick list,
Is reported as somewhat improved,.
A merger of tho fruit growers un
ions of Ashland, Medford and Grants
Pass itno the ono organization which
shnll result in practically controlling
the marketing of the fruit output of
the entire Rogue river valley, is pro
posed and will be considered at a
meeting of fruit growers which has
been called to be held at Medford on
Tbarsdy of
growers of tho valley aro invited to
be present and participate in tho de
liberations of the gathering.
It is pointed out that with such a
union it would bo efasiblo to employ
a competent man to dovoto his tirao
and attention to the marketing of
The organization wil also be able
in greatly increased returns. The
. peuus uu cu-opurauon.
Tho residence of Mrs. H. C. Haw
liugs on tho old Arthur Nicholson
place, 3 miles northwest of this
city burned thi3 morning, the fire
starting from a defective kitchen
flue. The furnituro was nearly all
The houso was occupied by Mrs.
Rawlins and her sister. Neighbors
rushed to their aid but could i ot
check tho flames. However, tin-
saved most of tho furnituro. Tho
loss was some $2000, partially cov
ered by insurance.
Tho resideneo is In the Jim Hurley
neighborhood. Tho two women have
moved into another houso noarby.
RENO, Dec. 27. As the result of
too much writing during tho Christ
runs rush of the past fow days, Goo,
L. Androws, resistry clerk at the Jto
no postoffico is iu bed at his .homo
with his entiro right side paralyzed.
o Worwed hard all Thursday morn
ing nnd complaiued of his ami hurt-,
iug him nt noon when he wont to liij
lunch, and nt 1 o'clock ho failed to
show up for work. An inquiry wns
mndo and it wns learned that ho hml
becomo paralyzed duriug the uoon
His physician believes that ho will
recover, but it will perhaps bo months
boforo ho enn work again, evon if ha
does recovor.
Iu order to mako room for thoir
sllvorwnro dopnrtment, Van De Cor
&. Jasmann will glvo a llboral dis
count on over 200 American watchos.
such as Elgin, Waltham and Illinois;
also their complete Btock of Jowolry
wm 1)0 K'vo 11 ,lk0 discount during
h moathe tot rxuary and February.
W0 carry Just as fine a lino as then
Portland jowolers and our prices nro
right. 241
On Wednesday night, Deo.
29, tho Juvenile Dancing Club
which is oomposod of fifty
mnrriod couples, will give their
socond dnnco in Anglo opora
houso. Ilazelrigg's orchestra
will furnish tho music. Danc
ing promptly nt 8:30. No in
vitations will ho inssucd.
Thoso who signed tho list nro
members and should coma
without furthor invitations.