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THE MBDFQftD MAIL TRIBUNE, MRDffORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 3901). SEATTLE WOMEN TO AID SPOKANE EIGHT Members of Newly Organized United Wane Earners on Their Way to Spokano to Aid I. W. W. ATHLETES READY MASONS PLAN TO OWNf W HOME New Oflccrs for Ensuing Year Aro Installed Prospects Bright for New Building. ANNIVERSARY OE QUAKE IS OBSERVED Instantaneous Gas Lishts Tl VALUE 6F STICKY Mccttnq to Be Held Wednesday Even Blacksmiths Buy Land at $20 an Foreign Dlplomatos Presented With ing to Perfect Organization of Club for Athletic Purposes. Aero and Now Aro Offered $750. Bronze Ttablets In Appreciation of Aid Rendered. SEATTLE, Wnsh., Dec. 128. Sis women, members of Iho newly orgnn ued United Wngc Workers nre tod diiy on their way to Spokane where Ihcy intend to offer themselves as martyrs in the fight of the Industrial Workers for tho right to speak on Uio streets. Without sufficient funds to pay their way, the. women pnrposo holding public mcotuigs nnd by arous irnr svmnathv for their compatriots at Spokane, hopo to bo able to reach their destination within ten days. Thoy will speak in behalf of tho pe tition now circulating in bnokano, in Yoking tho referendum to submit tho obnoxious ordmanco to the people BY SUBSCRIPTION MONEY IS RAISED FOR CITY NEEDS EUGENE, Or., Dec. 28. The five mill tax reecntly levied by tho city council of Crcswell was not large enough to raise money to meet the expenses of the city for the coming year and a coinmltce from the couu cil went among tho business men this week . and secured subscriptions amounting in the aggregate to $200 to help. It was at first thought best to pass an ordinance taring an occu pation tax to make up the deficiency but tho former means was thought better. Next year a higher tax will be levied. Frank Patton as Hank Jones In "In Bigpearance Sale The big Clear .ace Sale In progress. - -s.?fi&S0i Dancing Slippers, Dorothy Doda and Ultras In all tho best Etyk'B and last aro going fast. Tho famous Wnl!;over and all men's Shoes aro being appreciated at thesj prlci;. A few more heavy Shoes for children will bo sold at a great roductlon. Bargains In all l'nos of Shoos. ' Hosiery sale not equaled any plac0 cn tho coast. As a result of tho impetus which has been given lately to the athletic game, signature of 100 or more of tho cititons" of Modford have been so cured to a raper pledging the organi nation of a club for the purpose of the physical culture of tho members Quarters havo been secured in tho Miles building on Main street and tho work of fitting up tho rooms is now being done. Everything needed in a gymnasium will bo installed if present plans' are perfected, and Med ford will soon havo a full fledged ath letio organisation. The plans include shower and hot baths, a hand ball court, wrestling mat, swinging and horizontal bars, rings and nil tho ap purtcnanccs which .go to mnko up an athletic club. A meeting of tho signers of tho above mentioned paper is called for Wednesday orening -at the Mcdford opera houso where the organisation will bo completed, officers elected and tho movement started off on the right foot B suro yon nre right before you go ahead, is good advice that vppliea to the light businoss as well as other business. Electric light has stood the test of timo as the safest and most economical . light and before considering cheaper lights st the ex perience of people wlo havo used tbm several month nt lnRt 9-10 j I Wyoming" at Medford theater tonight on all Unci of Shoes Is still For sometime tho members of the Masonic order in Modford havo been considering tho erection of n Mason ic building, and now the matter is to bo taken actively in hand and tho most earnest endeavors will be put forward. Tho lodgo has a strong membership and has outgrown its present quarters. On Monday evening tho officers of Medford Lodso, No. 103, A. P. & A M., for tho ensuing year wore in stalled. They are: Leon U. Una- kins, W. M.; Elmer A. Uieks, S. W.; J. W. Lnwton, J. W.j E. E. Gore, S. D.; Harry II. Uieks, J. D.; Frank Wilson, S. S.; L. 11. Warner, Jr., J. S.; Frank Poole, tylor; William Mul- lor, socrotary; J. A. Perry, treasurer. Orin Murphy and C. E. Collins lsft Tuesday oniming for tho illno Ledge country to do assessment work. Prepaid Baiirtaa Orders. knewu is tba sjti&aaa i irpoU ar able iuUrost to Uui PUm g&aamli) and wkioh u Dedtapj not gaiuraU ders mow iu effoot hftiwsaa nt&Uutth of the SouUiexu Puuifio Mupui) and all points in the UoiUd StaUa. By means of tma system aakets may ie purchased at Modford from au) place in the Uuited States and mail d or telegraphed direot to the party ishiug to come horo. Sleeper no unaiodntions and small amounts oJ ash in connection with these ticket may also bo forwarded nt the samo timo." tf TAXIDERMIST AIM) FURRIER Send your trophioa to me for mount ing. Big gam keaLi, teh, birds and marranala ntfwatod txia to uatura by impnove4 uokhd. I do loaning, male fur rm&, tmk, recnodol and elwu fu gaasuote. xyrea and mail or ders promptly artwuiad to. C. H. HARRIS. 495 Wasfeiafctan &tefit, Poationd, Or TeWiwMi Htika 3fl00 EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES For Bale Span of horses, harness and wagon; will sell "one or both cheap for cashh, or will take half half and balanco with Imnkal.le note. Room 208 Phlpp3 & Taylor bldg. Wanted To borrow $800 on good property for ono year. Wanted A girl tn prlvato family. Room 208 Phlppa & Taqlor bldg For sale Four lots, 50x210, on easy terms. Wanted A woman to do washing; steady work; wash ono day, Iron tho next. Four-room house, with half acre for sale; flno location. Room 208 Phlpps & Taylor bldg. Havo you a good placer mlno for sale? Call at room 208. For salo or trade 100 acros ono mile from thetown of Merlin; , For sale Two lota, ono on S stroct, tho other on Riverside nvenuo. Havo calls for houses to rent. Have you any? E. F. A. BITTNER, Prop. RfJ MM 2G8, PHIPPS BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4141, THREE STEPS in the progress of Domestic Science Wc are devoting our attention to tho latest improve ments in Cooking without fire Heat without llame Chafing Dishes, Cereal Cookers, Ovens We would like to answer questions about them today Rogue River Electric Co. sri ' i Some seven years ago J. W. Mitch ell, a blacksmith, and K. C. Hoook, a wngonmnkor, wore induced to pur chase eighty acres of land over in tho section of tho country then known as tho "sticky" section. TJio section did not belie its nnmo, nor does it yet; but at that time those who were buy ing land there and planting it to or chard woro regarded as easy nmrks. "Why thoy can't oven raiso their feet when tho stick is right," was tho com mon opinion. A chnugo has como ovor tho spirit of thoir dreams of late, howover. Big crops havo boon hnrvcated from tho black soil and tho fruit sold for big prices. But to como bnok to tho blacksmith and tho wngonmnkor. Thoy paid $1, COO of hard earned cash earned by poundin? iron nnd building whocls for tho eighty ncres. Thoy spent porno omro sotting out tho trees. They harvested n crop or two and then a man enmo along and purchased 22 acres of tho SO for $17,000. "They couldn't raise thoir feet" on that Innd but in a few years they raised its value from $20 to ocr $750 an acre. Notice to Water Users. Onnccount of the ditch company having tn clean their ditch water will be turned off from the gravity pipe lino today and the water Mipply for about two mouths will be from Hoar creek. THE LIGHT The bell has sounded tho knell of kerosene, gasoline lights nnd other forms of incompetent illumination. Aro you ready to quit them? Havon't you tolerated them lone enough? There was n time when burning pitch faggots furnished tho only means of artificial illumination folks knew about. And it was considered sufficient. Then came tho tallow dip, and ev erybody discarded his pitch fnggjt m disgucst. Tho tallow candlo was next to ex ert its supremacy ovor tho tallow dip, and folks were glnd. The next step of development was kcrosino lamps, and thoy in then turn were welcomed as a pleasing step in tho right direction. Then came tho gasolino lights, which Jacksonville tried nnd cast into the junk pile sovornl years ago. And now as n logical dovj'opment of science, wo have tho greatest of all illurninants electricity. Mnybo some day somothbig will replaco electricity. But tho probability isn't strong enough to justify us in waiting frfi it I THE ROGUE RIVER LAND' COMPANY I I Nonr p0Bt 0mco All Xhl Somco rooDolivory.I NO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE I f ' Off cis ,nn especially good foothill orchard for a low 1 - - - - -,, ,,, ,r,,,i.,..,,-r----nirF price and on good terms. In these days of advancing I i 1 prices, it will pay to look Into this. TT M a It pays to deal with the "Man Who IOiows men OCSt UrOCenCS tho Rogue River Land Company sold tho Tronson & Cuthrie orchard at Eagle Point to the prise winning ' owners, four years ago, the salesman, W. M. ITolincB, assured the purchasers thoso Bpitzonbergtreeo would produce the world's best apples, and subsequent oventa AjT& CSa. iA prove tho soundness f U. judgment. By the way: . At iTICCS btnCtlV III Did it ever occur to you that most of tho men who havo 47 won out in tho Rogue River Valley, bought their win- jr , ' ning orchards through tho Rogue River Land Com- JxGGplIlg Willi tllC W. M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your service r1-T vf f-.i., for a good buy. Quality oi Uur j Stock which is Martln J- Red(,y Unexcelled 1 For A Trial will Convince You Diamonds SwS FineJewelry Allen Reagan tsST Near the Post Office The Square Deal Grocers 1 1' ' HOME, Deo. 28. Throughout Italy today tho anniversary of tht Moasinn earthquake disaster is being observed ' wit It titammhal anttstrta fi ti eign diplomats, including tho Anion can representatives, woro precoutod with engraved bronze tablets by tho naval loitguo of Italy, in appreciation of tho prompt assistance thoy render ed nt tho timo of tho disaster. Harry Stinson of Hilt, Calif., it spending n few days in Modford on business, A NKW ElilXmUO OIUHXAN'OK. Mar It bo ordained by tho city council of tho city of Mcdfont. Any nble-bodtod, nmrrted man who ihalt neglect or rcfURo to prortdo his ntfo with electric llghti and otoetrlo Iron, thereby compelling her to spend theso pleasant day and even I nut Jn tho kitchen oror tho hot cook itoto, when ho can now buy electricity at bargain prices, shnll bo punlHhed by Imprisonment In his own kltoheu, with cook B'.ov0 In full blat, and Jball bo compelled to btart all ttren at 4 a. m. so that ho mny bo ready for S o'clock brcakfaitt, until ho shall provide said lfo with cald electric llfihts and oluctrlc Iron, to savo fa tigue, exhaustion and troublo an aforoald. (Signed) DOMKSTIO KBMCITV, Chairman. Atteut: THE CL13UIC. QUESTION No other form of artificial Ilium innnt equals electricity in brilliancy, safety, neatness, hoal(hfulness, econ omy nnd choorfuliiepn. Etc trie lighting emits no fumes or odor, nnd is tho roe bygenio light for living roonu and Led rooms. Tin lact that electric light con sumes no oxygen, liko nil open flame lights do, proven it to bo the health iest light known. It keeps tho air as pure and whole some as if no light were bunting at nil. The importance t f thin ono feature is readily apparent when it is known that an open flame light burns more oxygen, from n room, than four por sons would breathe. No mateheri. No dangerous, dirty mntchos are needed in the home that is electrically lighted. No washing nnd filling nf lamps, no danger of explosions; no danger f lenks; no plumbor's bills; no flick ering flnmo to bo Mown nut by n sud den gust of wind; no fino st.udge of oot ocntinunlly emanating from vour light to bo deposited on cur tains, draperies, tuui furnUliiiip. Alien you want to flood your homo with light, simply turn the button. Think hnrd now don't you want it? 211 W. Main J. W. We Trust You enjoyed your Christmas Dinner We know you did if you purchased meats of us. Rex Market Huth & Peefa Props. Phone 3271 CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 6-10-20 Acres Adjoining Hlllcrcst orchard and con tain unoxcoled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY In Case of vSicRness P II ONE MEDFORD Whitney Phone 1082 3 G 4 1 J