Newspaper Page Text
wwsm' TIIIC WICATIIICIl Tonight and tomorrow Knlr rtinl warm. Medford Mail Tribune UNITED TRESS ASSOCIATION Full Leased Wire lloport, Tho only paper In the world published In a city tho alio of Medford having a loaaod wire. MJQDtfORD, ORI500N, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910. No. 124. X t , Mr .immi yidak. FLEECING OF CHOCTAWS CONFESSED Scott, Son-ln-Law of Chief McCur tnin, Admits Wlthliolillnn Govern ment Warrants From Unfriendly Indians and Dlscountlnu Warrants on Ton Per Cent Basis. RATES FOR MEDFORD TERMINAL ROOSEVELT AS CHAIRMAN OF NEW YORK G.0.P.C0NVENTI0N Traffic Bureau Receives Word of Flllnn of Application Beforo Inter state Commerce Commission Dis tributing Rates Out of Medford Also Sotiuht From Commission. , HULIMIUIt, Olcln.. Aug. 12. Do foro a crowd of fashionably gowned women, who thronged tlio courtroom where tho cougrcHHlounl Investigating committee convened today, (ioorjjo Scott, non-ln-Inw of Chief Oreon Mc Curtiiln of tho Choctaw Itidlann, ttmtl flutl that ho had not entered Into an agreement with J. I- McMurray by which hu rocolvod pay for hlu Infill on co In behalf of tho Indian land con tractu. Scott declared that when McMurray tclofraphcd him to help creato sentl- incut In favor of tho contractu hu won l to WnnhliiKton at his own ox poimo. Hlu toli'itram naylng: "Bhormnn and Curt Inn know what wo want." meant that both woro familiar with tho Hltuatlon and that they had an iiiiiihI fund of Information regarding Indian nffalrn, ho testified. Ho declared that ho did not moan thnt they woro In any way Interested In tho McMurray contractu. (Continued on Page Fivo.) HAiSSTOPr POOL SELLING CLEVELAND, )., Auj,'. l'J. A.-t- ing upon iiirormiitiou t hit t gambling wnt permitted nt tho Kntidiill rneo- track with the actnicscoiicit of (lie authorities, (lovcruor Harmon today telephoned Sheriff llirstius to stop the alleged violation of the law. The governor's notion wan piompted by thu alleged failure of the authorities of Newark to enforce tho law and tho resultant riotH in that city. Since that lime Hiiruiou has kept a vigilant oyo upon all towns in lhu state in order thnt he might net iiiiekly and offeolively when reports might come to him that the local authorities were not active. The governor received complaints from Itaiidnll that pool-Helling and bookmnking woro going on uuhiudor ed by tho authorities. It was alt.,) charged that liiiuor was Hold in vio lation of the law, Upon obtaining conclusive evidence, Governor Hnr nion filled up Hie sheriff by long distance telephone and issued his or tiers. NATIVES TO ATTACK LIBERIAN COLLECTOR MONROVIA. Llborla via Sierra I.eono, Auk. 12. Ho'ports from French officers near Fort Dinger, on tho Cavally rlvor, cIoho to tho boundary hetwoen Liberia and tho Ivory Coaat region, Htato that tho KrutrlheH are preparing to rovolt against tho dopredatloiiB of tho Ll borlau mllltla Htntlonod on tho bor der. Only recently tho negro Infan try In collecting taxes arbitrarily levied by tho Llborliwi loglfilnturo, were guilty of outrages, tho sol diers attacking and flogging tho wives of tho chlofH. Such atrocltloa brought tho fooling among tho lntolllgont trlbosinon to whlto boat and an outbreak Ifl foarod at any moment. Tribal forcoa aro rontoiing near Kankaii, In tho Yuk Ital mountaliiH. They aro armed and dlHplay great hostility toward tho LI borlaiiR, Coolor lionda among tho na tlvcH havo r.ppoalod to tho French nnd IlrltlHh military forcoH station od at tho tradlnB poatB for protec tion from tho ropubllo'u eoldlora. Notice hns been received by tho Medford traffic bureau, an organiza tion compoHod of local shippers and merchautR, from tho Interstate com merce commlHHlon that Km complaint for a reduction In rntcn from Cali fornia polntH to Medford ban boon received and that 30 days Iibh boon granted tho Southern Pacific to fllo an answer, ItcqucHtH havo been rocolvod from the San Franclnco morchantn asking for copleM of tho Medford complaint and congratulating tho local body upon tho speed and success nttendliiK ItH efforts. San FrnnclBco In aovorai yearn ban not made tho progress In ltn case that Medford lias mndo In a few montliH. Tho Medford traffic bureau Ihih continued Its campaign to mnko Mod ford a distributing nnd Jobbing cen ter by filing nt Salem a second caso boforo tho atnto railroad commission asking dlHtrlbutlvo rates w'thln a cer tain radius. Tho complaint nlB that a loss than carload rato bo allowed within a certain radius. No objec tion to tho prcKunt carload rates Is made, but a material reduction on c!anmii In Ichh thnn carload Iota Is asked In order to give hotter dlstrlb utliu: facilities, In the complaint It In sot out thnt Medford Ih situated 320 miles south of Portland and 352 miles north of Sacramento and that It la ho located iih to bo tho central distributing point for n rich section with a radlim of 100 mllcH or more. It la declared that carload claws ratcH from Medford by. reaaoiuof their bolnR hlghor thnn like rntea from Portlnnd, for slmllnr dlstancoH, aro preferential and dis criminatory. It la declared that tho operating revenues per tnllo of road of tho. Southern Pacific aro greater than tho operating rovelnuos of tho 0. It. & N. nnd that tho commlHHlon baa named the cIiihh rntea on tho O. It. & N. on 100 poundH for a dlstnnco of 1 1T miles, na named In connection with tho linker City complaint, nnd aHserta that a baHla of rates gradu ated to this Hcalo would ho proper adjustment to apply to Bedford. Tho oxcorptH from liakor City alao apply equally to the complaint of tho Med ford bureau In nsklng for a read justment. In tho linker City complaint It Is Hinted that the proponed now aealo would bo a proper adjustment to ap ply from linker City to main lino and branch polntH on a graduated through mileage, Tho bnala la ur follews: FlrHt-clnHH, 17 cents; second class, 10 cents; thlrU-clnsB, 33 cents; fourth clnttfl, 28 conts ExcerptH from tho proponed now rnto prepared by tho Ilnkor City Com mercial club Hhow tho following, which will glvo a fair Idea of tho nilletigo for class rates aB proposed straight threugh: ClnKH ratea In Miles conts por 100 lbs. WALLACE IS THREATENEDBY FOREST FIRE WALLACE, Idaho, Aug. 12. Ono hundred familicH of Wallace todav arc packing tin their belongings mid will leave for Spokane and other outside points to escape tho dangers of the forest fires which nro raging near, threatening to wipe out u por tion of the city. With a dense smoko enveloping tile city, making it impossible to see a distance of '200 yards, and with burning embers falling, carried by the wind from the burning area, vViillucc is in immediate danger of destruction. Every where men nnd women nro running about using ev ery safeguard to protect their prop erty from the fire, while tho city fire department stands ready to go to the scene of any blaze that may be started. Should the wind become stronger, it is believed thnt nothing- can nave the city. Forest fires raging in the Placer creek district, five miles from Wallace, have destroyed much property. An appeal has been Kent to Spo kane for 300 men to aid in fighting' the flamcH, also the government hnj been asked to head a s(iiadrou of troop from Fort George Wright. At the present time there are, only 30 men in tho vicinity of Wnllnce fight ing the flames. THAT EX-PRESIDENT REENTERS POIITICS NEW YOUK, Aug. 12 That The odore Roosevelt may be temporary chairman of tlfo Now York stato re publican convention on September 27 Is the report that was circulated about political headquarters today after Itoosevclt had a number of con ferences with prominent public mon. Senator Klklns was one of tho call ers at tho office of tho former presi dent nt the Outlook. When ho oraorg ed nfter bavins been kept waiting for HovornI minutes for a chance to talk to tho colonel, ho remarked that It Is as hard to see Jtoosovelt now as It waB when 1 e was president. Another caller was Glfford Plnchot, former chief forester. IDAHO FIRES BURN LARGE TIMBER BELT Plnchot gained admittance through the back door of the office and his ronforenco was short. 'Plnchot was In hero a couplo of nilnutCH," remarked Koowvolt to tho newsepaper men, "nnd I supposo you nro wondering what devilment ho ac complished in that tlmo." Former Governor Woodruff of Con necticut called at Roosevelt's offlco during the morning. BALLINGER STOCKS SHOW CAINS ALL ALONG THE LINE AT- CRATER SUNDAY MISSOULA, Mont., Aug. 12. "The forest Tiro situation looks worse. The high winds that have been blowing along the Montana- Idaho divide are ranising the very devil." In these words Associate District Forester Silcox of the for est service summed up the condition of fires in Western Montana today. At Bear creek the forest confla gration today swept away tents, tools nnd equipment of the fire fighting forces stationed there, men nnd pnekhorses barely escaping with their lives. Deputy Supervisor Spaulding of the Lolo forest has left for the preserve with 75 men. Fires nlong Caynse creek, a tributary to the Loch branch of the Clearwater river, are worse than have been re ported this year. The fire district covers three or four townships. Tho Lolo forest is cleared of fires just now, but three conflagrations are sweeping from three different directions upon the reserve nnd a Inrge force of men is fighting des perately to check the danger. The fires in the Coeur d'AIene nnd Clear water forests have been keping all available men in Lolo forest busy, and a report received today is to the effect that the fires on the Flathead Indian reservation nre beyond con trol nad will be in Lolo preserve within1 n short time, -v All Western Montana is shrouded 'in a pall of smoke. MANY JOIN I STUNG CLUB ONWIRELESS Estimated That $9000 Worth of United Wireless Stock Has Been Purchased by Medford Investors- All Efforts for Land Stations Abandoned on Pacific Coast. NSURGENT BREAK WIDEN S ED NEW YORK, Aug. 12. Tho gen eral list on the stock exchange today was firm, despite, the weakness of tho smelters. A favorable report on tho Ilarriman lines aided in slight advance. American Hcct Sugar, Iliooklyu Knpid Transit, Chesapeake & Ohio, St. Paul and Atchison rose fractions; Heading and Union Pa cific J, and Canadian Pacific 1; National Biscuit, '1, Amoricau Smelting lost L The market closed steady. limit! had a steady tone. ROOT SUMS UP IN t Will G. Steel of the Crater Lake company arrived in Medford Friday, morning untl lelt at once lor Crater Lake and Klamath Falls. At the lat ter place he will meet If. A. linllin ger, secretary of the interior, and Mrs. liallinger, and escort them to' the Inke, where they will spend Sun- day as guests of the company. ' Mr. liallinger leaves Portland to- THE HAGUE, Aug. 12. After six night on the Sunset limited nnd will days of arguuent bristling with tech change cars at Weed for KJamnth idealities. Senntor Elihu Hoot, lead Falls. Mr. Steel states that Mr. Dal- ing counsel for tho United States in linger would have gone via Medford the New Foundland fisheries dispute, to the lake except for tho objections closed hi-, dimming up this after inude by Mr.-.. HalhngiJr to the long noon. The case is now before the nuiti trip. members of the arbitral court and a "" verdict will probably not be returned Dr. Cook, wo are advised, is living before October. in ensy call of Brooklyn and prom-! Jsc, to cmeriro from retirement in O... w,1n ,n doubt nilt a want ad ln tidier, with his proof- ; tho Mall Tribune 1 2 10 to IT. II 12 20 to 110 20 17 no to r.n no an 7r to loo to a-i ioo to ion ir. 3R 115 to 150 Til 10 3 1 9 S M 12 21 IS 2S 24 32 27 38 32 Map of Love Route Sent to "Siegfried" . By Helen Smith, Dashing Millionairess. KIDNAPED BY BRIGANDS AND HELD FOR RANSOM KOMI), Aug. 12. Snlvatore Sella, a wealthy laud owner, was kidnaped today h.V brigands, who aro holding him for ransom. Mis family and friends are hastening to raise tho ransom demanded by tho bandits, foaring Hint Setta may ho killed. ITis captors sent notice that tho prieo of fruedom is $10,000. Recently Signor Hiiinn, a wenlthv morohnnt, was killed whon his family refused to pay a ransom demanded by his captors, H, coSsi'iN ' rAlPfv' - --r-ts. J2:v mm hb r ww -u. v i .o.i k a. . i jw r mum ffsJ00.") yr,!yj? m .xl wix&nr jr j j.js-si.i vi KWto MforttllliK!n j (f l$t '-W 1 Sj.. rJbra J irA I I run atet ofnogRraSe. -XWWtfF&VVM'AOiVM WW The Medford Stung club has been enlarged in membership. Approxi mately $9000 in stock of the United Wireless Telegraph company is held in small amounts in Medford aud vi cinity. Quite an nmount is held at Ashland, Grants Pass and other Rogue river valley towns. Investors were induced to take the stock upon the glowing prospectus and golden promises held forth by the company and its agents. Notwithstanding the fact that local bankers frowned up on the proposition, people who refus es legitimate investments iell over themselves to buy Wireless, At present the outlook is that no returns will ever be received by the local investors, as the officers of the concent face grave charges and the company will probably go through bankruptcy and the stockholders be rated among the Stung club mem bership. The headquarters of the United Wireless Telegraph company at Portlnnd nnd the stntions there and nt St. Helens were closed todny. Their disorganization signalizes the termination for the present of ef forts of that corporation to coin- pete with telegraph lines on land. The nearest "wireless-station will" "be,' at Astoria, where arrangements have been made to maintain a day and night office. The termination of its business there marks tho principal work of experiments performed on the coast by the Tinted Wireless, so far as in land business is concerned, and it is admitted that excellent results have been obtained in testing the effi ciency of the system in distance work. The financial returns, how ever, have not been sufficient to warrant a continuance of the iulnnd offices and it is planned to devote all energy to sea work. Tho company,, has plants aboard 100 ve-sels on the Pacific coast. with shore stations coverin from AIaka to San Diego. Aldrich Conference With Taft Fol lowinn Letter of Explanation Ex pected to Result in President's Go ton to Aid of Friend Clash With Regulars Increases. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 12. The conference between President Taft and Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, following tho publication of the lone letter of explanation regarding his connection with the Inter-Continental Rubber company and the charges made by Senator Bristow of Kansas that the company is a trust and de rives great profits from the tariff which bears the Rhode Island sena tor's name, is causing wide comment in political circles. From the explanation and the visit the political wiseacres here predict that the coming campaign as it is to be managed by the administration forces will be an effort to "explain" the whole tariff situation, and they further predict that the clash be tween the regulars and insurgents which many Republican lendors ard ently hoped would end with the pri maries, will bo fought out even more bitterly as the campaign advances, nristow Will Reply. That ti reply from Senator Bris tow to Aldrich's explanation will be (Continued on Page Four.) AEROPLANE FLIES RECORD fiGfi T them MAYOR GAYNR LONDON, Aug. 12. The world'a record for altitude in an aeroplane flight was broken hero today by J. Armbtrong Orexel, an American mil lionaire. Drexel attained a height oC 6750 feet. GAINS GROUND PARIS, Aug. 12. Soaring la great circles about the Eiffel Tower until all Paris looked upward, Hubort La tham drove his Antoinette biplane 160 miles today, from Chalons-Sur-Marno jto the parade grounds at Is sy. Just outsido tho French capital. Lathom covored the distance ln threo hours. After circling tho Eiffel Tow er ho crossed tho city, baroly skim ming the housetops. Latham wa3 proclaimed tho winner of tho French prize of $2000. More burning lovo letters havo come to light In the SlegfrletMlrunhlld romance or ltustcll (Iriswold, the gay young cnvalier of Uowayton, Conn., and Helen Woodruff Smith, tho dashing millionairess of Stamford. MNs Smith declares these missives simply donounco Grlswold as a cur for allowing them to bo published (Iris wold retorts by Haying they woro Hutllcleut to cnuso hlin to expect Miss Smith to bocomo his bride, and he therefore wants .v.'o.tKi i henrt biilm becauHo his Hruuhlld failed to fulfill IiIh expectations In this respect. Whatever of uulor this pair it Into their lovemaklng Ih today redoubled In tho Intensity of feeling displayed la the suit Mr. (Jrlsvoltl tin lirouglit against bin charmer. "I lovo hor Btlll," la tho theme of his sorrowful song as ho tells how she stole Ills young love, toyed with It for nluo years, then tossed It to the winds. "Hlackmall blacUinnlll" In the veheincixr retort of ll.uu hlld, as many of tho lovo noteH aro signed. "Tho Sea of Matrimony; or, Cupid's Tourist Uuhle," w'.d h .Via ant OIhwoIiI. was accompanied bv a letter usklni: him If ho thought bo could steer the bout throuuh the sliouU. HODOKEN, X, J., Aug. 12. Tho following buletln was Issued at St )Iary's hospital at 7 o'clock this morn mern ing: "Mayor Gaynor passed a good night. So slept soven hours nnd was comfortable this morning. Ho is in excellent general condition. Tompor aturo 100, pulse 70, respiration 16. A surgeon, who will direct an op eration If such action Is determined upon, is constantly on watch bosldo tho mayor. Apprehonsion is folt that infection may appear, necessitating an operation instantly. So far, how ocer no infection is apparent. Tho mayor ato a hearty breakfast. Consultation Tonight. Tho plityslcla,ns nro not agreed as to tho value of tho X-ray in deter mining tho location of tho bullet. Several declaro It would bo unsafe to opornto without any other guldo than that of tho X-ray. A consultation la planned for tonight upou tho ques tion of nn operation. Now X-ray plates taken yostorday and developed today chow that the ballot Is lodged ln tho vault of tho phnrynx, back of tho noso, whonco It could bo quickly extracted If an operation woro undertaken. Tho pa tient has difficulty In swallowing, ow ing to tho location of tho missile, but this is to bo expected, according to the doctors. OIL STORAGE TANK EXPLODES, CAUSING FIRE SISTER VI LLE, Vn., Aug. l'J. A storage tank of the Riverside Oil company exploded hare todny and a general conflagration of oil wells, tanks nnd warehouses of tho com pany is threatened. Several tanks caught fire from tho explosion and thousnnds of bar rels of oil mndo fire-fighting hazard ous in the extreme. Grent crowds or spectators gathored to watch tho spectacular fire and the authorities hail difficulty in keeping them be yond the danger lino. i HUNTERS KILL COUGAR HEAD OF ELK CREEK With tho front of ono of the three autos in the party decorated with a big cougar skin and tho other ma chines bearing trophies of the elia-c in the shape of big hoads of antlers, tho party Which loft last wouk for the Umpqua divide, composed of M. S. Hidou, Owen Duulap, L. C. Duffield, Jesse Ilutlor, Dr. Shearer and Marion Laneo, returned Friday at noon. Tho trty was eminently success ful, ami beside tho big conga." enough deor woro bagged to make tlio total pretty close to tho limit. t