Oregon Historical Bookfyftk
Medford Mail Tribune
Full Leased Wlro Report.
Tho only papor in tho world
publlshod In a city tho slzo of
Medford having a loasod wlro. i.
No. 125.
Spends Hour In Medford Says He Is Confident of Re-election Points
Out Fact That Ho Has Now Learned "the Ropes" and Can
Do Moro Than New Man Campaign on Record.
Quality of Local Fruit Is What Com
mands Hlyh Prices In England, Ho
Says, and It Reaches England in
Finn Condition.
.lohll W. nminiy. III., l.i..
... .-.'..,..'. l.U Milk"
lish tipple king, Hiiyri:
"Koguo liver fruit is hii
liorior to nny other that
roaches F.iiglund from thu
entire globe."
"Prices tliiH yunr will bo
mntoriully bettor than thoHu
of liiht 3 ear. ItoturiiH to lo
unl fruitgrowers will ho wry
"Iloguo river fruit oom
iiiihhIh highest prices because
of its superior qtiality. It
tenches F.iiglund in Hplondid
".Medford in (he host city
I hnvo nt ut found in Alitor-
Confident of re-election to enn
gromi from thu first district, owing
to tho showing hu mndo during his
pnst term, and staling (lint his cam
pnign would ho Hindu on hiu rocord,
W. C. Hnwloy urrived in Medford
Saturday morning on hiu way to
Cnitur Lake, whom hu will moot Seo
lotary Ballinger and accompany him
to Klamath Falls. Mr. Hnwloy will
ngiiin bu in Medford Anoint 22 to
Hpoud a day or ho "cutting nccpiuint-
cil," iih hu expressed it.
"To hu frank with you," Hinted
CoiiroKHiiinii Hnwlcy, "I urn nflor
utes, mid I think that I will get
Ihem. My loi'ord is what 1 am tonk
in); my campaign on uud I feel it ih
a good olio. I ulso holiuvu that I
am worth more in congress now, as
I urn 'on to tho ropes' moro than any
now uinn could ho."
Mr. Hnwloy hns many fricndH in
Hits section of tho district. Medford
iHejieciiill trratcftil for his work)
1 - - "- - -
in securing mi appropriation of
$110,000 for a. federal building nnd
tho fruitgrowers thank him for the
good work against tho obnoxious
Lit Funii apple-box bill.
Mr. Ilawlov's record at the lafit
session of congross, as Bet forth up
on his ciuiipiiii'ii cards, is:
Secured over .$880,000 for river
and harbor improvement in tho dis
trict. Secured over $tl.'I0,000 for public
building mid otbor purposes in the
district, and including Oiegon's
Civil Wnr claim.
Defeat of La Fonn apple box bill.
Aided miners nnd sottlors on pub
lic domain, including Silctz settlers.
Secured passage of many bills of
interest to localities, or for tho Re
lief of veterans.
Actively assisted in passngo of
railroad rnto net, postal savings
bank net, bureau of mines act, recla-
mniion eertiiiontes net, nnd many
others of great nntionnl uripo rt a n re.
Hundreds Drowned, Scores Entomb
ed Toklo Under Water Homes
of Over 600,000 Japanese De
stroyedGovernment Orders the
Troops to Take Charge.
.Holterntlng former statements re- 0(10111 M 11011001
nnrilliiK thu f.-ult produced by tho! illKII!llll
Hokiio It.vor val.ey John W. Dennis. UUU" IUI1UUUI1
tho Newton apple king of tho world, '
arrived In Medford .Saturday after- Chief Insurant of Them All DIs-
noon and Ih greatly pleased by thin
year's crop. Mr. Donnln has tho
cusses Present Situation Says
Cannon Will Be Eliminated From
Leadership of House.
WICHITA. ICnn., Ayg. 13. Fro
J dieting tho elimination of Speaker
Cannon from tho leadership of tho
house, despite his nppiiieut iuteu-
miiHt poHltlvo statements to mnko re
garding tho grult of this miction say
ing Hint It Is superior to any reach
ing England from any section of tho
"Tho Koguo Ulver vnlloy produces
the finest fruit that reaches Kngland
nnd that Is tho solo roimon that tho
niKiiem prlecH are paid for It. Hood , (ion to fight, nnd tho coiiornl break
Hlvor alono complete with this val- Up f the "mueliino" in congress, bo
ley In Newton npples. Vour pears i fore September 2, Congressman Vic
havo no compotltors tho world ovor." tor Murdoek, chief insurgont nnd
Such was tho uniinnllfled statement j friend of Colonel Hoosevolt, com
of John W. Dennis, tho Newton np- moiited tonight on tho apparent
plo king of the world who Is on IiIh icliiiiigo in tho policies of President
second visit to tho Itoguo Illvor val- Tuft.
loy, although tho firm of which ho Is j Congrussmnn Murdoek said ho
tho head has been handling Hoguo rend the news from Hoveily with
Illvor fruit for tho past 13 years, equal intorost and satisfaction, re
Mr. Donnln' firm Imports tho greatost ' furring to the elimination of Cun
nmout of fruit received by nny ono ' non, Aldiieh and Ballinger, from the
firm In Kngland nnd nlno has linnrtl-' administration. Murdoek said: "In
vu urn iiiiii wiiieii nas nroicon 1110,111111 eoiiiieeiiou 1 wnui 10 say mill
Vfirlfl'u fin.f.fl(i I.. rn.ln.iM rnl.f I.. jlii,.ii (1... ..... I .IO .1...... ............. ......
.... ... . ivvifiiin in 111 ii-un. 1 in: in iiuiiiiK iii" nu.i. -iw iiuin unuivr imp-
hm second visit to America, and lio j ular interest, so fur as politic are
Many Names Mentioned in Connec
Wtlon ith Offices of County and
State Jackson County Can Be
Called Non-Partisan.
has mndo the most of It, visiting
llirco Companies of Regulars Join
Small Armies of Civilians and
Endeavor to Check Spread of the
HELENA, Mont., Aug. 13 Throo
companies of rogulnr troops havo
roached tho Montana forest flro and
aro now working with smnll armies
of civilians and foroators In nn ef
fort to crush tho flnmos.
Tho companlus of troops woro sont
to tho Flnthond rosorvatlon country.
Clovornor Norrls today doturmlnod
to call tho stato troops now at Am
erican lake. Washington, lmt wn i
later advlsod by tho forestry officials
that thoro Is not onough equipment
on hand fur any mmo fighters than
lioso ougagod In tho work, so ho do-
cldod to allow tho troops to romnlu
nt American lako, llalns nro noodod
eoiicetued, will be taken than has
been tho ease in nearly a half een
tury. I hnvo lottors following tho
I KunsiiH campaign from nearly every
statu in thu Union, Judging from
them, it would scorn that the nation
is preparing to follow Kiuisns
through thu holo that Kansas punch
ed in tho stand-pat dyko of obstruc
tion on August 2.
"Cannon is to bo eliininnted as
dictator of tho house of joprosen
Intivcs. Whothor ho submits to the
suggestion of his party loaders and
gracefully rotiros or doos other
thinys uud turns upon thu party sup
porters, tho hreak-up of thu great
est personal machine in the world
will he in progress before September
1 iioxt. So far iih Cannon is con
cerned, I think ho will fight."
Keturuiug again to thu Huvurly
slory, Hopresontativo Murdoek con cen
tinued: "Woid from Huverly yester
day ulso shows that Senator Nelson
W. Aldrioh hns gono porninnontly
from thu fiuld of public activity. His
lust net was a pnrthinu dart. His
Uolironiont from tho sonata now cer
tainly moans tho absolute collapso of
the greatest bi-paitisau machine in
tho history of this country."
with thu indications
A good otoro location la advertis
ing; good storo sorvlco 1b advertis
ing hut both of thoso aro aunnlo-
anything hut , inontnry to tho roal ndvortlalng that
Ib dono In tho nowspapor,
With tho coming of autumn, a
wider Interest Is zoliig awakened In
politics. In local affnlrs, Jackson
county can bo called noii-pnrtlslan,
as officials aro solected because of
their fitness or popularity rather
than becauso thoy bollovo'ln high or
low tariff, In Undo Joo or In Toddy.
Wearing tho lnbol of republican is
not enough to sntlsfy tho discrimina
ting electorate. Ho must hnvo merit
as woll.
In stato politics, assembly and
anti-assembly, for or against direct
legislation promises to bo tho lending
Issue. Already at Gold HIM, an antl
nssombly lenguo has been organized
and tho movement promises to spread
throughout tho county. If Republic
ans nnmliinto Statement Ono candi
date for tho legislature thoro will
probably be no Democratic opposi
tion. If antl-stntement candidates
aro brought out, thoro will suroly bo
Statement candidates In tho Hold.
Tho county central commltteo
which selectod tho forty-ono Jackson
county dolegntos to tho stato "as
sembly" has not yot decldod whothor
to hold a county assembly or not.
Should such a gathorlng bo decided
upon, but fow of tho candidates now
In tho field, will go boforo It, but
a complete now list of "rocommondn
tlons" would, probably rosult.
As far as stato or national offices
aro concerned, Jncksou county has
but ono cnudldnto, II. P. Mulkoy.
who as liiBiirgont republican will con
tost tho nomination with congressman
Ilawioy In tho first district.
Among thoso tnlkod of by tholr
friends for stato sonator aro II. Von
dor Ilollon of Wollow, Judgo M. Col
vlg nnd W. J. Vawtor of Medford, K.
IV. Cartor of Ashland, Todd Cameron
of Jacksonvlllo, Donton Ilowors of
Ashland and Dr. J. M Koo.no of Med
ford, who 8tntos ho would bo willing
to run ns an assembly, antl-Stnto-niont,
Undo Joo Cannon cnudldnto,
but not otiiorwiso, On tho demo
cratic sldo, L. L. Mullt of Ashland,
W. II. Canon, Dr. K. Tl. Plckol, Judgo
M. rurdln of Medford D. II. Mlllor
of Gold HIU, and P. J. Noff nro
TOKIO, Aug. 13, Hundreds of
persons are drowned, scores en
tombed under caved embankments or
pinioned under fallen timbers in tho
path of tho rising waters and one
third of tho city of Tokio is flooded
today from constant rains.
It is estimated that 2,000,000 per
sons in the Biirrotinding country arc
without shelter or food nnd nro
City Threatened
Tho high woll and cndikenient nnd
moat surrounding tho western or up
per half of Tokio is threatened with
Alrcndy tho western linlf of tho
city, in tho lower section comprising
one-third of tho city, tho homes of
000,000 Jnpancso of tho poorest
clnss was destroyed when tho river
Shumida, dividing tho city, over
flowed its bnnks.
Tho government today assumed di
rection of rolicf and ordered troops
from surrounding prefectures lo
concentrate their efforts to relieve
2,000,000 homeloss in the country
districts surrounding Tokio and
Yokohama. War vossolnLhavo been
ordered by wireless toproceed .it
once to Tokio and Yokohamn to co
operate with tho military authori
ties. Holler Work Hctnrded
The prostration of land communi
cation makes tho work of relief and
enro of the shelterless and starving
pitifully inndeouato.
A groat Buddhist temple near
Takasaki,..tho Gongendo, crowded
with refugees, is being slowly under
mined by tho swirling waters of the
Tonegnwa and is threatened with de
ftruetion. The great stretch of lowlands be
tweon Tokio and Shidzukon prnc
tienlly has joined tho sen. Tho gov
ernment railroad on which (rains nro
operated between Tokio nnd Kobe.
N washed nwny and all tho smaller
stations along the line aro sub
merged. Northward tho Toncgnwn is n
wollon flood nnd belated reports
f.om Knruizawa, the great Japanese
Minmier rosort. indieato that tho low-
Secretary of the Interior
Richard A. Ballinger.
Ballinger, Aldrich and Cannon to B
Eliminated From Councils of Re
publican Party in Order to Insure
Harmony, According to Reports.
13. Secretary Ballinger nr
rived in this city tonight. A
United Press representative
called on him and Ballinger
told tho story which was
given wide circulation today
that he would leave tho cab
inet on or beforo September
15, after tho report of tho
Pinchot-Bnllingcr investigat
ing committee is made public.
Ballinger was very emphatic
in his denial that ho had any
intention of resigning.
"I know nothing about my
resignation and do not in
tend to resign," said Ballin
ger. "I have denied 'any
such intention nna still deny
it. President Taft. has nover'
given mo nny intimation that
ho desires my, resignation,
nnd until ho docs I will con
tinue to act as secretary of
the interior department."
Who. according to reports from the enst yesterda', will resign on Sep
tember 13 in order to insuro harmony in Bepublicnn ranks. Secretary
Ballinger is now in Klamath Falls inspecting tho reclamation project
there nnd will isit Crater I.nke within the next dnv or two.
(Continued on I'ngo 5.)
Manager Wllmeroth of Rogue River
Fruit & Produce Association
Writes Railroad Commission Re
garding Shipment of Pears.
CORNER, 819,0110
Porter J. Neff and Associates Pur
chase Property at Sixth and Fir
Streets and Will Erect Permanent
Home for Mail Tribune.
(Continued on Page 8.)
O. "W. Wllmeroth, maucgor of tho
Itoguo Rlvor & Produco association,
has complained to tho stato railroad
commission that California Is enjoy
ing a proforonco In shipment of pears,
ovor tho pooplo of Medford.
In writing to tho Stuto Railroad
commission ho says tho basis of till
ing poar boxes In California Is on
standard sized boxes of 50 pounds.
In Medford tho pear box Is of tho
samo dlmonBlons, oxcopt thoy nro ono
qunrtor of an inch shoi tor. Ho states
a wolghor Is sont In by tho company
and as each car is loaded ho haa In
sisted on wolghlng many of tho box
es, tho consoquonco bolng that tho
pears nro blllotl at G2 1-2 pounds,
"California olthor has a. doctded
snap or wo aro gottlng tho worst of
It," stntes Mr, Wllmoroth In conclus
ion, Tho Commission hns taken up
tho mnttor with tho Southern Pacific.
Porter J. Noff and associates havo
purchased for $19,000 tho J. E. En
ynrt proporty at Fir and Slvth street,
130vl00 feet and will erect a mod
ern business blocK upon it.
Upon that portion noxt tho alley,
woi:k will begin nt onco upon a brick
butldln, mission stylo of nrchltect
uro, orected ns a permanent homo
for tho Mall Tribune nnd Medford
Printing company. Tho building will
bo 40 by 100 feet, with walls of suf
ficient strength for a threo story
Tho Mall Trlbuno will occupy tho
entire lower floor undor long tonn
lease and It Is hoped tho business will
grow ns that tho second floor will
nlsq bo needed for editorial and com
posing rooms, leaving tho ground
floor for offlco and presses,
Tho plant will bo onlnrged and Im
proved materially, giving It facilities j
F. S. Cobb, Publicity Man, States
That Rogue River Valley Is a Gem
and That Resources Justify Faith
for Large Population.
"I think Medford is a wondorful
city and tho valley more than justi
fies your expectations of a largo pop
ulation. Tho Rogue river Is a gom.
This Is what F. S, Cobb, publicity
agent of tho Union Pacific said. Mr.
Cobb spent tho day horo Friday and
was shown ovor tho valloy by Mana
ger Mnlbouef of tho Commorclnl
club. Ho is a man of vory wldo ov
perlenco In advertising a keon ob
server nnd of most pleasing person
ality. As a reason of his visit somo
now features in publicity work will
bo carried out. Several bovos of our
largo Bartlotts aro to bo sont by ox
stato fair to bo oponod August 25.
This will bo tho fourth tlmo In tho
history of tho Roguo River vallej
dint pears aro placed on exhibition
In tho enst and grent bonoflts will
undoubtedly follow. Tho Des Moines
-f 4-
BEVERLY, Mass., Aug. 13 That
Sonator WInthrop Murray Crane of
Massachusetts has succeeded Post
master General Frank Hitchcock as
political advisor to tho president is
Is tho authorltatlro report today, for
lowlng tho reports that Speaker Can
non is to bo eliminated from tho high
republican councils along with Son
ator Aldrich and Secrotary Ballinger.
When tho United Press first an
nounced on high authority that tho
mission of Senator Crane on his
mysterious Journey to St Paul was.
to demand the retirement of Secre
tary Ballinger before tho fall cam
paign, it was intimated that Presi
dent Taft has decided on drastic
measures to re-unlto tho republican
party and assure success at tho polls
In November.
Casting About For Help
Tho president, it Is Bald by thoso
closo to tho administration has bo
lteved for somo time that tho Demo
crats and Insurgents would control
tho next houso, and has been con
sidering, It Is declared, moves that
would make It possible to Insuro a
Republican victory. Tho president
has had many conferences with Son-
( Continued on Page Four.)
fair is t highly Important ono and
second to nono In Orogon outsldo of '8 nnnually attended by noarly ono
Portland, enabling tho printing of nny hundred thousand people. Effort will
slzo of nowspapod that business Justl-J nIso bo nmdo to havo a numbor of
fles, nnd all kinds of printing.
Now that (ho hohblo skirt hu
reached Kmpoiia, wo may expect tint
fashionable ntrocfry to bo embalmed
in deathless poesy by Uncle Wnlt,
and it is possible Hint it mny lead to
another editorial coiihidcrntion of
what is tho mnttor with Kansas.
Jars of our fruits processed and used
by the Union Pnclflo this soason. At
tho Minneapolis, Sprlngflold, Illinois,
Nnshvlllo and Rlshmond fairs, whoro
tho aggrogato attondanco Is no less
Pacific system of publicity work at
thoso fairs Is vory unlquo thorough
and interesting.
Ashland Manufacturing Company
Are Heavy Losers, According to
Reports Reaching Medford Last
Night Not In Government Timber
(Continuod on Page 4.)
According to roport reaching this .
city Into last nlgH tho Ashland Man
ufacturing company is a heavy losor
owing to a forost flro which la rag
ing in tholr tlmbor throo mllos west
of Ashland on Wagner crook dlvldo.
Tho flro startod Saturday morning
and Is as yot unchecked.
Tho flro Is burning In section 12,
township 39 S. R, 1 W, It Is not In
govornment tlmbor so no rangora
woro sont to fight It. Tho tlmbor
company has a big forco In tho woods
trying to check It however.