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TODJTQRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, .1910. LOVETT GIVES COOS JAY HOPE Brief But Encouraging Statement Is Made by Southern Pacific Head Before Leaving Portland for Se attle, Wash. A briof but encournginK statement concerning the construction of the Southern Pacific railroad to Coos Bay was made yesterday afternoon THEIVES TAKE SHOESAND SOX Tolo Mercantile Establishment En tered by Burglars No Money Lost But Much Male Lingerie Is Miss ing, Together With Cigarettes. Thieves three of them, perhaps entered the store of iT. P. Jncoby at Tolo Friday uiRht nud abstracted therefrom goods to an amount not by Judge Lovctt, prosidont of thoyot estimated, but the total would Hnrrimau lines, before leaving Port-r ......... .... .,. i.t. i U0UUWC53 CUUIU 111 U1U UVlllUUiUUUU of $100. The stuff taken was principally clothing nud shoes, including cigar ottes. The best undenvear iu the es tablishment and the best shoes were looked over and dcsirablo sizes taken. The sizes of shoes taken ran from T to 9. Several pairs of dress shoes and almost an equal number of "high tops" nro recorded among the missing. Iu tho matter of undenvear tastes varied, as somo of the Rang ran to tho union suit, while othors liked tho "two-piece" or the coat cut. Tho cntrnnco was gained through a window and Mr. Jacoby was un aware of his loss until Saturdny morning. ASH MAN CLAIMS THE BEST PEAR TREE Harrimau lines, before leaving land, says tho Orcgonian. "Wo shall probably build the road," said Judge Lovctt, "but I cannot say when. I havo authorized a new investigation of tho country which is not yet completed. The question of route is not yet decided." Tho Southern Pacific several years ago began tho building of a branch liuo from Drain to Coos Bay, but after considerable work had been done suspended operations. Judge Lovott was also asked about the significance of tho trip of Mr. O'Brien nud Mr. Miller from Grants Pass to Eureka by automobile a few weeks ago, but referred the ques tioner to Mr. O'Brien. Tho latter has heretofore declined to admit that there is a probability of railroad construction southwesterly into tho Eureka district. Herrln Arrives in Portland W. P. Herriu of San Francisco, vice-president of the Southern Pa cific compauy, nrrucd in Portland yesterday and spent a part of the day in consultation with Judge Lov ott. The head of the Ilarriman sys tem said that there was no unusual significance to Mr. Herrin's visit here; that Mr. Herrin had come to Portlnnd for a conference because Judge Lovett did not have the time to go to San Francisco. Accom panying Mr. Ilerrtn was Paul Shoup, formerly of Portland, but now assistant general manager of the Pacific company in San Fran cisco. Mr. Herriu and Mr. Shoup remained only one day in Portland, departing last night for tho south. Yesterdnj at 1 o'clock at the Ar lington club, J. P. O'Brien, vice president and general manager of tho 0. R. & N. Co., and of the South ern Pacific in Oregon, tendered Judge Lovett a luncheon at which prominent officers and representa tives of the Harrininn Hues were present. Tho list of those at the luncheon, with their railroad' titles, follews: Judge Robert S. Lovett, president and chairman of the board of the Union Pacific sj'stem and Southern Pacific company; L. H. Cornell, pri vate secretary to Judge Lovett; W. F. Horrin, vice-president of the Southern Pacific company, San Francisco; Paul Shoup, assistant general manager of the Southern Pacific company, San Francisco; Carl Stradley, assistant engineer Or egon Short line, Salt Lake; R. B. Miller, traffic manager Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, 0. R. & X. Co. and Oregon & Washington; W. D. Fenton, counsel for tho Southern Pacific company; E. E. Lytle, presi dent Pacific Railway & Navigation company, and tho following repre sentatives of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon and the 0. R. & N. .Co.: J. P. O'Brien, vice-president and goneral manager; W. W. Cotton, general counsel; M. J. Buckley, gen oral superintendent; George W. Boschke, chief engineer; R. Koehler, general purchasing agent; R. Blnis del, auditor; F. W. Robinson, gen eral freight agent; William McMur ray, general passengor agent; J. F. Grahnm, superintendent 'of motive power, and A. C. Spencer, attorney. Accompanied by R. B. Miller, Judge Lovott left last night for Se attlo nnd Tacomn, whoro Saturday will bo spent. Judge Lovett will re turn to Portland Styidny nnd start oast, accompanied as far as Pen dloton by Mr. O'Brien. They will inspoct tho double tracking in prog ress between The Dalles and Des chutos nnd also make a side trip up tho Deschutes river as far as the rails have been laid. BRISTOW STILL AFTER ALDRICH Kansas Senator Pleased Because He Has Forced Aldrich to Defensive Says He Is Not Yet Throuqh With Him. MILWAUKKK, Wis., Aug. 13. That Senator Brlstow of Kansas will inako further attacks on Senator Al drich has been tntlmated to politi cians hero. It Is bollevod that Drls tow will go Into tho lead and ore charges In connection with the In ternational Rubber company. In his speech Inst night, In which ho replied to the donlal entered by Senator Al drich of tho charges that tho tariff schedules had been so arranged that the rubber company, of which Al drich is a stockholder, had not prof ited by tho changes, ho declared ho regretted that tho lead charges had been neglected In Aldrlch's reply. Brlstow evidently was not displeas ed thnt ho had forced Aldrich into tho defensive. Such Ringing Blows Emphasize the Fact That GlllMeli Line of MALLEABLE STEEL & CAST RANGES Cannot Be Equaled Elsewhere See Us, Range Buyers, and be Convinced "OnUido the fire limit, but innlde on price" Telephone Mftln 1481 Wott MiUn 81. Cor. of Lurl Next to Washington HchooJ FULTON FAVORS CRATER ROAD CANDIDATES FOR OFFICES ARF FEW Says Supreme Court, However, Must Fflr Qn,y Foup CandIda,es William Sehcble, living near Ash land, claims to have on his place the champion Bnrtlett pear tree iu the state. The tree is said to bo 42 years old and has home 37 consccutivo crops of ears. In 1903 Mr. Scheble de clarcs he netted 126 from the prod ucts of this tree. The tree is 22 inches in diameter and has u spread of 50 feet and is 45 feet in height. This year Mr. Scheblo expects to harvest at least 50 boxes from the old tree. Not Be Blamed, as They Are Tied Down by 3x9 Constitution Off on Trip. Filed Their Declaration to Enter the Lists More Are Soon to Come. Hotel Arrivals. The Xnsh Major C. Wilson, W. J Phillips, Portlnnd; O. C. Lloyd, Se attle; Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Dow, W. II. Boecken, Chicago; J. Dennis nud wife, London; R. L. Barry, Dayton; T. B. Hagerty, Sacramento; II. W. Randall, Portland; Mrs. Nora Har ris, Cedar Falls; W. II. Crandnll, Portland; C. E. Carpenter, Miss Ag ues Carpenter, Laramie; E. Renin son, city; F. S. Chapman, Manila; A. C. Rosewell, Tucson; C. 0. Ingle, L. Morling, San Francisco; B. R. Struthers nnd wife, Boston; G. E. Lee, New York; G. C. Rend, Port land. Tho Moore E. W. Burgess, Wel- len; F. A. L3'on, Now York; C. H. nolliwell, Los Angeles; Mrs. L. D. McLougklin, F. McLoughlin, Mary Rankin, Greenburg; F. L. Sheehan, Seattle; D. J. Craig, M. J. Love, C. E. Netley, Chicago; J. F. Jackson nnd wife, Egdowood; C. J. Smith, Portland; Mrs. G. W. Dickinson, Stevensville; W. II. Lilly, Portland; L. L. Morgan, San Francisce: J. II, Ware, Seattle; W. E. Church, city. Quake Recorded. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 13. That a terrific seismic upheaval, ! probably followed by a tidal wave occurred In(tho West Indies today is inuicatea uy tho seismograph at Georgetown university. Tho needle of the instrument recorded a shock of great intensity beginning at 8:02 a. m. and continuing with varying force until 8:25, tho maximum being reached at 8:15. Obsorver Lorndorf states that tho shock is of extraordinary severity. Ho places Its location as in or about tho island groups of tho Antilles, and expresses fear for their safety. Ex-Senator C. W. Fulton and Mrs. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Boie, Mr. nnd Mrs. Runyon formed an au tomobile party which arrived here Thursday, and Friday afternoon left for Crater Lake. They expect to return by way of Klamath Falls and Ashland. "Like the pilgrims in 'Innocents Abroad,' we are traveling as Ameri enn citizens as unostentatiously as becomes our unofficinl state," said Senator Fulton. "In fact, we uie out to have a good time, and we aie realizing our expectations. You n.k about the roads between hero and Portlnnd. There is something to be desinll, of course, but I was more than surprised pleasurcnbly no, also at the number of miles of 'good' road built during the past year or two which wo found along the line. Every countj wc passed through from Clatsop to Jackson presented evidences of rond im provement. The Crater Lake road would have been a good thing, iu my opinion, but I cannot criticise the action of the supreme court, which is bound down by tho 3x9 constitu tion of the state. Personally, I would favor any appropriation for the building of roads iu the state, but the matter having been founorly decided in tho Tillamook case, there was nothing to do by tho supremo court except give a decision in con sonance. However, I am inclined to believe that if the question was sub mitted to a vote it would carry unnnimouslv." Only four "declarations of iuten tion" Lave been filed by those who nro seeking office, subject, of course, I to the will of the people Three of these nro Republicans. ' viz.: Fred L. Colvig, who would be county recorder; Fred W. Mcnm, who wishes to represent tho count v of Jackson in the legislature, and J. II. Bellinger, who npire. to the po sition of sheriff. The fourth is W. A. Jones, present incumbent of the sheriff's ofjice, nnd candidate for n second term. Wireless Operator Disappears. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 13. Slnco the issuance of a warrant for his ar rest, John Ludwlg, govornmont wire less operator on tho Farallon Is land:, 30 miles outsldo tho Golden Gato, has disappeared from his cliff girt station. He wns bet aeon by the keeper of tho light houso rowing away from tho Island In a dory. Ho Is believed to havo boarded a sailing vesbol that wns novo to off tho Islands. Ludwlg la wanted In connection i with a dlvo-co action In which an in torlocutary degree has already boon entered for him. His wifo, who wns in the east at tho time of tho cult's commencement, nsserts flat advant age wns taken of her absence to carry on legal proceedings. Sho is fighting the issuance of tho final decreo in tho case. IT'S A SURE THING THIS TIME, THEY SAY Moso, Jim, Tobc and Iko hnvo (cworn not to recolvo tho confiding newspaper mnu again, but will leave this morning before tho crow makes IiIb morning nbheslons for Huns mulr nnd othor northern California points for n 'w tlnys vacation. Last week tho tamo crowd was started for Wood, but next morning thoy mndo alleged humorous romnrktt to tho roportor. It wns funny for thorn, hut It didn't furnish any nnwwor to f tho query of an Irato boss na to "why don't you confirm your stories.?" Thin tlmo thoy nro going for tho provisions hnvo all boon purchased nnd nil the preparations nro mndo. Taken Back to Face Charno. Jnmon KrnnUlln Harris, nllnn Viv ian, who was nrrcHtod sovural dnys ago on Information from Sncramonto, was taken to California Saturdny af tumnnn by T. II, llngorty, deputy sheriff. Tho charge against Harris or Vivian 1h recur t Ion and non-support of his wife. Somo pnrentH train their child iu tho wny thoy nhould iro by Mr it done. ..f.f 4... 4... 4- ---H- 4- WANTED LISTINGS OF ORCHARD AND CITY PROPERTY AT ONCE. E. F. A. BITTNER, PHONE MAIN 4141, ROOM 207, PHIPPS BLDG. Duke Leaves Chicago. CHICAGO Aug. 13. Hound for Keeps News Bottled. CLEVELAND, O. Aug. 13 Be lieving that certain testimony at tho coronor's .Inquest Into tho death of William I. Rice, wealthy attorney thought to havo been murdered, should bo withheld by tho authori ties until tho police had investigated, tho coroner today secrotly examined two undertakers assistants who pro pared Itico'fl body for burial. Among tho other witnesses was Ross Hosier, a car conductor, who said that a man dressed In light clothes alighted near tho Rice homo and met another man shortly beforo tho attack on Rice was made. It you havo buBlnoss ability, show its quality in tho way you advortlso for a position. Mackinac Island and other lake re sorts, tho Earl of Euson, grand mast er of tho Masonic Priories of Eng land and Wales, salldo from Chicago today on tho steamer Northland. Later ho and his sulto will go to Mon treal, thence sailing for England. FOR. SALE Your last chanco, Must bo Bold today. Capuso pony, good saddler, No bad habits. Just right for tho hills. No reasonablo offer, refused. Leaving city. 28 N. Onkdalo Avoauo. 125 If a merchant is really soiling somo usoful article lower than any one olso in town, and is not getting out of that fact Its full advertising value, ho was never destined to bo a mor- "HasklnB for Health, HERE If you are In need of anything that Is used in an office or or most anything you would ex pect to find in a novelty shop, wo invito you horo, OFFICE SUPPLIES are carried hero In the best qualities and reasonable prices. AltOHITECTS' SUPPLIES Just what ovory architect needs May wo show you? If tho furnished room ad "looks good", run ground to tho addross given and tako a look at it. i Wo must montlon "Whitmans," tho finest candy over tested by a tooth. The Merrivold Shop 131 WEST MAIN ST. OXFORDS At Your PRICES Wo aio clearing out our Ox fords, Tho sizes aro all horo, not all sizes In each stylo, but all sizes for mon, womon, chil dren and Infants. You aio In vited to call and got a fit now. Somo as low as HALF I'JUOK. all at wholesale prices, loss tho frolght. The Wardrobe THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES "When your rifle fails to hit tho bullseye or the deer, bring it in and have n Leymnn, marble or Shcard bend put on. Then to complete tho job add a poop sight to your rifle. Half of your misses are due to poor sights. TO CATCH A wSISk i m b)Iic9IO Big Steelhead Come in and tackle us on the TACKLE question. Humphrey's Gun Store 112 WEST MAIN. PHONE 4351 ---- coriE THIS ABUNDANT POWER AND SEE 1911 CAR. A. FOR HILLS svuusbsbz. You will enjoy the design of this superb 19ll car and will delight in its smooth performance. W. A. CORNITIUvS 116 Cast Main Telephone Main 2381 For a Demonstration ! J