Newspaper Page Text
u,'"' n, ot oron Li'jr'ry t W Medford Mail Tribune -V M-fN MSI FORECAST FAHi TOIIAY Vl) TOMOBUOW WEATHER Maximum yestPrdny 7ft Mln. today 51. Forty-sixth Tear. Dallv Klventh Yar. IT, , ', : - AUSTRIA ADITS RETREAT BEFORE SLAVS AT BRODY Withdrawal of Teutons In Northeast ern Gallcla .RecordedRussians Take G250 Prisoners Pursuit of Turks Continues British Shelling German Lines on Somme. BEHLIN, July 2". An AuMrlnn withdrawal lieforo suporlor ltiiHHlan prpssuro north of llrody In north eastern Clnllela Ih nnnounrpit by Auk-tro-HuiiBnrlon army headquarters In It report ofyluly 20. I'BTIIOGUAD, July -27. In the battle of Tuesday on the Uiioslan western front, 0.2G0 Teutons were tahen prisoner, says the official state incut Issued today by the Kusrinn war doimrtnient. Tho ltuBslans alRo captured five guns and 22 machine guns. Itueslan forces oporatlng In the Caucasus nro continuing tholr pur suit of tho retrea(Itig Turks, tho statement says. In the Turkish fort rest,' of Krzliignn, tho capture of which was roportod yestordny, tho Russians tool; a depot of war ma terials. lluvdans Hphi1m.mI. BERLIN, July 27. Uusslan troops last night mado a futile storming at tack against the Gorman positions on tho Schlteehara river, northwost of llarnovlchi, It wan announced by tho Oonnan general staff today. The Russians, it Is added, nlso woro san guinarily repulsed ttt tho roglon west of Ilnrcstpchk. Renew Rniiiluirdmcnt. LONDON. July 27. Heavy shell ing of the Oerninn linos on the Somme front by British guns Is In progress, following the Hrltlsh suc cess In capturing I'ozieros. Appar ently, this is In proparatlou for a renowal of tho attack. Throughout the nlKht Hrltlsh troops continued to press tho Gor mans with hand to hand cncopnterH at various points on tho Somme front In Franco, says the official Hrltlsh statemont, Issued today. Gonimn ltcpoit. MRRLIN, July 27. British hand grenade attacks against tlie Gorman linos to tho wost of tho town of Pozlcres, in tho Sommo roglon, woro repnlsod yesterday, according to the announcement mado by the Gorman nrmy headquarters today. South of tho Itlvor Somme a Fionch attack launched nt n point uorthoast of Uarleaux, failed the slatement adds. In tho Verdun roslon several strong French attacks wero carried out In the roKlon of Frolde Torre and Floury, but they were repulsed .Fighting continues at samp points WHEAT SOARING CHICAGO, July 27 Sensational orop damage reports from tho north wost, including southern Manitoba, gnvo a sudden upward whirl today to the price of wheat. On somo trans actions, tho rise equaled 4 1-2 and 4 3-8 cents a bushel, the Septombor delivery, touching $1.24 1-4 as against $1.19 S-S and 3-1 at yoster ilay's finish. niaok rust and boat blight woro said to bo extending tho damage area rapidly to the north. Estimator of yields appearod to be valueloss as the crop was shrinking constantly In quantity and quality, as well TOPRI CHICAGO, July 17 Fourteen labor loaders, convicted a short time ago of conspiracy lo extort and de stroy property during a strike were sentenced today, after a nietlon for a new trial had been overruled. Six were, sentenced to serve iMmUeitttarjr terms, ranging from owe to three years and the others to pay fines of from $soo to $2,ooo. BORDER DIFFICULTIES L SOLUTI - f WASHINGTON, July 27. " Prospects of nn curly agreement between the American mid Mot- ii'nn gou'raincnts to submit the "t border ngrppinonta to n joint " ennuniydon were described" ns " T" 1t...lif .... Ijuln nTtnp AlltitK S3nn. T F'i lllll'l H'lM. ...... .11 .. relarv l'olk again conferred " willi Fliseo Arretlondo. Oen- eml Currnnzu's ambassador. There is every ronton to-believe (lint ns ii iPult of today's eon- ferenee a definite nnnouneeinent will soon lie poiblo. I4 STATES SWELTER IN TORI HEAT CHICAGO, J lib 27 A period of Intonsc head In tho western plains states uncqualed in continuity and extremely high tempraturo since 1901, tho ypar of tho hot winds in Kansas, according to government woalher buroait here, probably will continue through thn remaining dniiB of July. Tho forecaster an nounced today that not a leaf was stirring In (ho Canadian Northwest whenco roliof must come, and that there was evory Indication, that ex cept In spots visited by local showers tho drought would bo severe. At 7 o'clock this morning, Chicago with a tomprnturoof 84 was tho hot tost point In tho United Slates, with tho exception of Yuma, Ariz. Tho lowest temprnture for tho night here was S2, tho highest minimum In tho records or the local weather bureau. Throughout Rio day tho tomprature steadily mountod reaching OS at noon with the predictions that the ther mometer would rcgistor approximat ely 100 at three o'clock. Twice In fifteen yoars a higher toinporaturo has boon rocordod 103 on July 21, 1001; and 102 on July 4 and 15, 1911. Tho presont heat wnvo began lato In June and has continued with nn abionca of rain, causing sorlous dam age (o crops In Kansas and Oklaho ma. Portions of Illlnis and Mlssurl havo also begun to show tho effeots of heat mid drought. Wisconsin, Iowa and ports of Nebraska are In need of relief CASEMENT TRIAL! E LONDON, Jnlv 27 -Justice Darl ing uunoiinced toda that the five judges who heard tho appeal of Honor Casement ugnlnst tho sentence of death on the charge or high tea son. In connection with tho Dublin revolt, would sit tomorrow to "hoar a possible application on bohalf of tho convict." Tho nature of tho appli cation was not disclosed. The London nows agoncy says that a public execution of Roper Case ment Is highly Improbable and that falling special Instructions from the Kovornmont, arrangements to hold It In privacy- at the Pentonvllle prison August 3, will be proceeded with. According to some authorities ex ecutions for crimes, except tho of murder must be public I AI ST.L E EAST ST. LOUS, 111., July 27. Meut-cutter employed at the pack ing house here of Swift & Co., Ar mour & Co. end J I orris & Co. struck today. Pairing company officials say that shout ami men walked out, but labor leaders say nearly 3000 struck. The union leaders aSsert tbe strike is due to the disc-harp of fifty men who were leaders in a ecret movement lo urg.iiiut- the butcher. Idle western ffiOP ED FRIDAY MEDFORD BUSH DENY WARSHIP SENT IN CHESAPEAKE Admiral Commanding Squadron De nies That Cruiser Had Spied Upon Submarine American Warship Patrols Water to Enforce Neutral ity Deutschland Still In Harhor. WASHINGTON, July 27. Sir Ce eil Spring-llicc, the British mnlinson dor, infornipd Anting Secretary Polk Imlny tlutt he lmd rppoived n iiicsiirp from the nilmirnl eommmidipR the llritiHh squiulron nn (he Atlantic, de nying ihnl u British warship lmil pii (prpd Clipsnpenke buy, ns icporled by (he pommnnder of (ho Imtllcsliip l.nuiitinn. The niiilmsmiilnr nld . the IJritili ships bad vtnel nrdpr not to pnter (he tbrpp-milp limit of Ainerienn ter rilorinl wn(prs to wn'ylny (he flennnn submiuine.I)eutsplilnnd or for nny ollipr purpo'-p, mill the ndiuirnl hint reported their insl motions hud not been violated nt nny timo. . Mr. Polk was told Ihnl the British ndiuirnl wns very indignant over Ihe report Hint otio of bin 'oruiserK hud made nn incurwion into Chesiipcnke buy. The slatement of Hip nmbnsmidor will be iipccptprt by Hip wttite dppai( inent. Thp poinnuinder of (he Louis iuun is being piossed by (lie navy for fui (her dediils on his ivpmt Hint n craft which jmssed him nt Lynn Hu ven inlet xignullpil "Knglisli eruiser." Some officiulK nro inclined (o behove Hint Hip Ampricnn officer was the victim of ii houx. Noutrnllty I'ntrnl. w NOll FOLIC, Vu.. July 27. The nr- moicd (iniixur North Cnwillim mid thipp destroyers just ouihidi Cape Henry, itent- the nllied wnrship patrol line, worked slowly up mid down to day dose to mi Knglisli cruiser. Supplemental repot Is on (he mys IcriiiUH nppeurmicp of mi unidentified British cruiser within the enpos Mon day night were being prepared hy mv vn officers here today for (he nnvy dopnitiiiput. Various dotnils of (ho incident liavo gone forward to Wash ington nt different times since Tues day morning, but the department lias expressed a desire for more. Onp point it is understood that it desires cleared up is why Ihe cruiser wns not seen leaving (he ciipps. Thus fur Hip only report of hor being seen after she passed the hnttlcship Louisiana on her tipwnrd journey has come from unofficial sources, which said they snw her on her oulwiird journey neur Cape Henry shortly before daylight. Ileutsclibind Inactive. BALT1MOHK, July 'J7. If Cup- am 1 "xi m KnciiKr "I tue mercliuut suhmuiinc I)ciitclilaud plans to start tnduy on (he retuin voynge to Her mmiv there wns nothing lining on this morniiijr at the pier, wliere the sub mersible is berthed, that wns nny inn iv indicative of departure than has ween me cse ioi- me nisi iew onyw. Overnight doveloinucnts, in faet, tended to inoronseifho probability of n report Into lust night that it had been decided In hold tho Deutschland here until iomn word has been icceiv od cnupcmiug her sister ship, tho Dromon. When Cml A. Lnederitz, neminn consul here, announced that (he re ception to Ambassador Von Berns torff, which he had planned at hiR lunne for last evening, had heen def initely HstHued, he wus asked when the iJeutschlund would lenvc. Slip will not leave for n week," answered Mr. Luedent.. s LONDON, July 27 - Laurence Gin nell, nationalist ineinlicr of parlia ment for Northwost Heath, was sus pended from the sitting of tbe house of commons this afternoon, according to the Hxohanfle Telegraph company, for disorderly conduct. At first .Mr. Glnuell refusod to leave tho sitting, when suspended. Later he wlthdrow from the house when the sergeant ef arms approached him with four attendants. After ho bad left the chamber, tbe sitting was resumed. OREGON. TnniSDAY. All SECOND IK r -H PAIMS. July 27. The pan- lure of the villrtpe of Piwiercst from the fli'nnmw, military of- ficei-s sny, inenns that the "" " British nro in enmpletp posse- "" "" sion of the Herman second line in (he Somme region. The fight " for Por.iercj lusted eleven dn.VR "" from July 14 lo July '-.'.. The plnce wns defended by 1200 inn- "" enine guns, oi wnien mi except thirtv were destroyed or put out "" of action hy (he British tirtil- " lery. The Bnvminn defeiuler were prnetieiillv annihilated. iSlnpRiT L E WASHINGTON, Jnb 27 - A tio'o to Great Britain, objecting to tho black listing of American business firms as an "Invasion or neutral rights," wau cabled to London lutu last night by tbe Bta,to dopaitn.ont. Officials hold the black list In Jires Amerlcftn houses In vlo'atlan of lii'prnntlonnl law. Isaiios will bo ta'pu up nlso, It Is believed, with Great Britain's allies, who are mulct i.ipod to havo urged the black lift on Hie ground that their own merchants were suffering nnd British iiierobuntH piofitlng through falluro of Loudon lo follow their lend In malting wnr rn till enemies, cominorclnl as well as military. ' r- NHW YORK. July 27 Stn(omen(s from n number of firms on the Brit ish trado black list iuslstud today thai tho nowly-orgnnlzed association to re sist British domination of American commerce Is not u roprcsuututlvn body to dual with thn (piostlou. It wns said that at least f0 of tho blnok listed flims have refused to Join tho organization S LONDON, Julv 27 -German sub murines have stalled a lelentlcHH nr ngalust timber laden vossols In tho North Sea. Pour hIiIpb, all Noro glan, wero reported to havo been sunk today. They wore (ho lining, Slebrlil, Juno and Gentgern. The captain and 12 men of the Gentgoru were lnndod today nt Shields, where thny gave details of tho destruction of their vohbcI. Tho German submarine uomiuauder, after oxamlnlng V'10 Norwoglan vossol's papers, Is quoted by meinbors of (be orew a saying: "Woll, I supiMMio I must do It. I am very sorry, but It Is my duty. I nm sick and tired of tho wholo busi ness." The ship was then saturated with paraffin and sr t on fire LARGE CAUSALTY LIST OF LONDON. Julv 'J7.-Th verity of the lighting inee the lieitinning of tho iiicsent oi tensive on tbe western 'front is indicate.! by the list nf"rNn- altit's hiiiouh otticers, issued by tlie wnr office, j.binisT for ihe first three week- of Julv 1108 lulled, U&VI Hounded and M'l inissiinf. Thi make- the aggregate loss since the heghiniag i the war lO.ffb 'fil ed, 'Jl,200 woiiudd and 'JKI'J missing-, PROHIBITIONISTS MEET KITH PARTY NOMINEES WASHINGTON, July 37 Tin- tin tioiiql eecutiw cnmniittee of (lie prohibit ion parlv wa If meet Iuhu with J- Prank Huuly, candidal) for president, and Ira C. Indrith, (be )rty nmnuiee far, ice-prsiaVttt. Plans for Ihe natieual eaiHiwiaTii were to be mapped out. V. 0. Iltiiilww ut Chicago is ibuinnnu of ihe co.cmi.- AGANTB AKLIST CABLED NGLAND SUBMARINE WAR LIBER JULY 27, 191G AUTOIST KILLED . W. Holt ot Medford Found Deaf Beneath Overturned Car Five Miles From Yreka Indications That He Was Speeding on Sharp Turn and Car Skidded Over Embankment. C. W. Holt, u salesman Tor the A. W. Walker Auto Co., Medford, wis found dead under Iuk overturned ear at bridge No. 1 on the Pacific high way, five miles north of Ytekn, ut 1) o'clock this morning by Mr. nnd Mrs. "J. K. ICermi, tourists from Los An geles, who notified the coroner in Yrekti. Holt wns Inst seen in Yreka at 10 ::10 o'clock Inst night, when ho et out for Medford. His watch wns found stopped with the hands point ing lo 10 :a.i. Mniks ut the scene seemed (o in dicate that he was speeding nt Ihe time of the accident, nlthoimh Med ford men who know the road condi tions tboie say Ihnl such mi accident might liac heppeued with the car tmu'hug only twenty miles an hour, Marks in the rond indicate tluU the car skidded in taking the sharp tinu right nt the approach (o (he bridge, struck a pile of boulders mid dropped into u gully about eight feet deep, turning nur nnd pinning the driver underneath, crushing him in siieh a way that death was probably install tnnentis. Fellow employes at the Walker Auto Co. consider Holt n careful, competent driver, and nre in clined to discredit Ihe theory Hint the accident wus a result of speeding. Holt, who was n member of the F.Iks, left Medford Saturday in' n (Irani Six demonstrator, nnd Satur day nifilit ntlundud the Hlks smoker ut Yreku. 'RiinTlny ie left for n snles trip into Scolt Valley, returning yes terduy afternoon (o Yickn. Holt cunic to Medford lust Jittttfiirv l'roin Unite, Mont., previous to that jimc living in Portland, lie is sur vived by bis wife, n boy of fl mid a bnby. A. W. Wnlker left (his morning for the scene of (he accident. iuwv,i LITIA FA! WASHINGTON, Julv 27. - An ap propriation of '2,(100,000 for relief of 'dependent families of enlisted men in ;he nrgnuixed militia and regular nnnv jn service on the Mexican emergency wns ttjrrocd iimui in the senate today in nu iimcmhiieid lo the army appro priation bill. Depeuduut faipllies would be gicu inn) more than fftO a month in the discretion of the sccte fnrv of war. Tlie nrmy bill currj'iug approxi- uiHlely 112,0(10,000 then imssed tho senate without a ie'ord vote. Senator ltecl's mneiidmoiit voted into (he Mrm sppropriatlon hill yes terday to permit nntionul giiurdsmen In the fed em I -ten ice to vole ut their t'umps in the comiui; presidential election ,-. -tuekcii out today on a point ol older DUBLIN. July 27. A German naval airship on July 25 attacked tho main base for Busslan ami Brit ish submarines at Marlehamu, It was officially announced by tho German admlrslto toda The airship bom barded the port surcossfully, It was added, with 7 no kilograms or explo sive bombs Although tho air vessel was shelled. It returned to port uu damsHod. GENERAL JAMES G. C. LEE DEAD AT HAGUE, N. Y. NKW VOIIK, July 27.-Armv ir cle tolu ben id of Ihe death at Hague, lake fleortre, N. Y., yesterday of Brigadier General Juiuea (1. C. 'I, I'. K. A., redred. Up was 80 years old. The funeral will be held in WashiiiKton next Sunday. Inter ment will be oi Athn.'fon, Vu IN A US BRDGEATYREKA :;. 000. ooo FR LES SPANNELL HELD FOR SMURDER OF WIFE -- f ALPINK, Te July 27. "" Hurry J. Spannell, inanuger of n " loenl hotel, wiik given a prolini- " innrv pxmninnlion on u ehnrge "" of killing his wife nnd I.ionlmi- mil Colonel M. C. Butler, U. S. " A., heie toilav hefoie Justice llngin, nnd remnuded to Juil " " without bond to nwnit nction of the grand jury, winch meets hero f Seiitembci- 11. l 4 f SPOKANF., Wash., July 27. Geo. Leiinon of Spokune drew ni-ixo No. 1 in the land drawing hero today in connection with the opening of ap proximately 426,0011 ncics in the Col ville Indimi reservution to settlement. Other winners were: No. 2, Austin N. Anderson, Mukil (eo, Wush.; No. :i, Kdwnrd 11. Peter son, Win lou, Chelmi county, Wash.; Nit. -I, Kdwnrd II. Fiiimmi, S)okuue; No. ", Charles M. Sunders, Spokane; No. (I, ThomiiH LeNeve, Seattle, Wash, j No. 7, Miss Linda M. Herbert, Princeton, Wis.; No. 8, Phillip S. Me Cauley, Seattle; No. 0, Oleii A. Stoner, Mount Hope, Wash.; No. 10, Andrew Lnwson, Senllle; No. 1L, Otto B. Olson, Spoknne; No. 12, CIiiik. A. Kskcnnnich, Qtiiney, Wnsli,; No, LI, Mnrgnrol A. Wnllnce, Spoknne; No. 14, Sarah K. Truax, Tukoiu Wnsh.j No. 15, Sophia A. Pohoskn, Bulle, Mont.; No. 10, John .leruesic, Spoknne; No. 17, llnrohl W. MeDer niott, Ilnri'iiigtoii. Wnsh.; No. 18, Harvey L. Itollcv, Knlispell, Mont.; No. 11), Kmil N. Sjiliinder, Inwood, Wash.; No. 20, W. II. Oodmnn, Spo kmic. LIFT BLACKLIST - SAN FIlANflSCO. July 27 Tlie British Kovornmout has suspended Its black list against (he firm of G, W. MeNear and thn Petroleum Products Company of San Francisco, of which McNoar and the Petroleum Products livery of goods under pending con tracts is concerned. MeNear said that such assurances enmo from the British embassy si WashliiKtoti through the statu department and also from Loudon, following close upon his protest of the action of tho British government In plaulug bis name on the recent!) Issued black list of American firms. Contracts pending, MoNenr said, would occupy shipping facilities at his command for tho remainder of (ho year, but he would continue his efforts for a modification of the order uKsluxt future coutrarts. SLIGHT DECREASE IN NKW YolHv, July 27.- Onl hIikIiI decrease in the epidemic of in fantile pa rah i was noted today in the health deHiitment' teMjrt for (he lHcnt-ftui hours ending at 10 a. in. Uunng that period there weie thirty one deaths and 1M new eases. .More than 700 ehildieu nuwvhiivc been killed by the plague siiuie Us inception on June 211 and there have been more than IDOO cci rcvorled. FAMOUS AVIATOR KILLED IN AERIAL ENGAEMENT LONnO.V, Jul) 17. -Lieutsnaiit Otto Parseheau, ret-ently ghen the dscoration of iwiir 1 merits fqr brlnglnu down bis eighth ensnij' asroplsne, has been killed In an air battle, according to a KonlarV Amsterdam dispatch, which rjtiut the I'runkfurtei ZeliuaK PRIZE WMNERS DRAWNGS CO L LANDS FRISCO FIRMS XO. 10S BILLINGS HELD AS AUTHOR OF a: BOMB OUTRAGE ! San Francisco Police believe That In Arrested Suspect They Have Per petrator of Dynamiting Landlady of McNamara Brothers Also Ac cused Along With Some Boarders. SAN FRANCISCO, July 27. After twelve hours of "swcntfng" thp po lice admitted today (hut (hey hud heen Unable lo wring from W. K. Billingfi, arrested jesterdny, any ineriinitintlug iidmixsinns connecting him with thn bomb explosion in which nijie persons lost their lives mid folly were maimed last Saturday during the , prepnWtJ ness parade. Billings wiih Jnndcd in n cell at ,1 o'clock Ibis morning nftor being held in some office or privnlo house since noon jcsti'idpy. Nritpl Weinberg, u jitney driver, whom the police also took into cus tody yostorday, lind not been brought to (he pity prison pnrly today. Mrs. Belle Luvin, landlady of (he MeNn innm Itnitliora, (he Los Angeles Times dynamiters, occupied it cell today in 'the hull of justice. Mooncy I.s Located, Cuptniu J)iiiiciiii Mntbesnu, head of Hhe bomb bureau, said toduv Hint Tliomus Mooney, mi agitator, had been located mid it wns expected his nrrest would follow hooii. The po lice said he left here Saturday on u train less than two hours after (ho bomb was exploded. It was said todny thnl Billings' ar rest wus brought about by n Greek machinist who told n policeman (hat u few minutes before llio bomb o jilodcd Snturdny "n "mint wilh n rush on his face stood on the comer of Slewnrj nnd .Mnrktit .Miccls, whero Hip outrage took place, ami jelled out 'to the timings; 'Urolherw, if there nre nny of von among this crowd, mid if you nro wise, vou'll get out of here. This plnce will be dynamited in len min utes. I'm off. You belter be, loo."' Thnl wns ut 2 o'olnck. The bomb went off nt 2:011. Billings, Vheit caught was ut the Stanford turner sity free clinic- to leeelvp treatment fur u rash on his fane. Billings tbe Placer. Chief of Police White intimated. "Irougly todny (lint the police believe they have in Billings the man who actually placed tho bomb. District Attorney riokort snid: Ml would guess Hint wuy, too." Mr. Lnvin, who was the landlady of Matthew A. Schmidt, convicted iih bno.of (he Los Angeles dynamiter, Was taken into custody yostorday af ter Ihe nrrowl of her lodger, Wurrcn K. Billings. Mrs. Mooney, a musician, who-o liusbmid, Thomas Mooney, is uiy sought in coiiimeliou with (he ex plosion, is elmrged with huving taken an aciMH art in tho temeutiiis: l an Htlemptml street ear strike here recently. She was nnostcd a week before Hip (taisdo on a charge grow iiiir nut of (his. Among the things seucd in her studio, tho police say, was a notebook containing i ceo ids of explosive' stolen from ipuirncs hereabouts mid of structures dyna mited in this eily. It)un AImi AitcsIimI. StiMH4pteil of having been (he nu thur of (he many threatening letters en! tn newspaper warning ngniust piirticiMtton in Saturday's pamde, Tliniuas J. ityan, a restiuirant )iel;et, wn taken into custody last night at Waiter' union hondiiunrters. llyun's mistakes in spoiling, under u test given bv the arrostins; officers nre said to liill.s closely with those mado by the writer of the throats. llewiirds for Ihe npproheiision of the ilwimiutcr have lenebed the to tal ol HV1.V). EXTEND SHE TO NKW VOKK, July 27. -Intention lo extend the troet car stiike in prog ress hers to all lines in New York City, including surf nee nnd elevated, was announced today after u meeting of the general voeutiva board of Hid Am.i t i il A---." uu mn of Street and Kled rip Railway Kinplo.c ofi Aiuei a 3? Kfcfcv Wl.V.,l.M