Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO. MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKdON, FRTDAY, JULY 28, 1910 . 4 41 ft' )'i TOCAL AND PERSONAL Otr. nnd Mr from I'orllainl II. I' ICvatiK, tpiii-IittR njioiit liml nlKht in Morifortl, Olo ArnnplRcr will lomo Stitunlfty for I'QrUnntl, where Iip will nttontl tho unnul IoiIko wwlon of tlio Knight or I'ytUtH iinxt week. Hatha 28c llotol Holland. Ajitlrow J. JlonlRomory of l'oti Innd I HimnilliiK n fow tlny In Alod fgrtl on bttilneas. hn)"e placo for clgnre, to bnccoo. . )l. It. MlHler of Ifctgle I'olnL mwnt Iimt'iilRlu In Nfodford, mid today li ImHMfltliiif lillttltlfeaar 111 triu?l Do Voo bIvoij trading ntnmpB with everything oxcopt grocorlofl. It. It. Hakor Is n IjimIiiom visitor frjyu Ilutto FnlU. Oct your milk, cream, butler, eggn nnd buttermilk nt Do Voe'H. '.Mr. nnd Mm. lion .1. Trowbrldgo nnd 'Mr. mid Mr. K W. Jnqun will lenvo Sunday In tho former' car for Portland, whoro Mr. Trowbrldgo and Mr. Jatiun will nttond tliC K. I. (Srand Uidgo noxl wruk. Tho world'n grontrBt companion. Itolincit, Tho Innurnnro Man. II. (!. Worlninn ami family and M. A. Hndor will leave Haturda to nttund tho K. P. (J rand l.oilgo In Portland. Mr. W'prlmnn Ih ,vlco ahuncallor for th titutc of Oregon, nnd Mcdford mcinborn of tho K. P. bnlloyo that ho will bo olaolud climi cellu ul thin otmlon. Typewriter paper of all kinds nt Medford Printing Co. It. A. McClnnnhan, who him flpont tho pant yoar at Grants Pun, npoul I'rflday roiigw Juk aociinlii(imoM In Mudfurd and miyH, ho Ih i:lnd to got back to a llvo town. Try n King Hpllz olgar nnd on courngo homo Industry. tt Mm. David WllllnniH and MIhh lllauuh Williams of Iowa, mot hor and Hlnlor of Attorney Ft oil WHIIuiiim of (irnutH I'nwi uro vlNltlug frlonds nt Jacksonville Dr. Klrohgcssnor will bo nt Hotel Nash ovory Wednesday. Hours for consultation 10 to 3, A erowd of over .100 people wit uosHcd tho ordination of ltev. A. J. Hogg, nt t!iii Prnsbyttirlau uhurah Thursday night. DologntlonM worn In ntteudancn from JaokHonvlllo nnd Central Point, bosldos rnprosoula tlvos from the various Medford uhurflhos. Tint moiling opened with 'u baii(ii(it, srryid by llie liulliwj. of t Jits uhiireh to tli ifulnUgi or tho oily nnd' officer of tho church, at 0:10. Ilev. Sponcor or lloguo ltlor prfltJiittd." The iriiolpnl. addriNM of thtt ovouliiK was didlvi-rnd by Dr. A. J. MoiitSoinwt or Portland Holds wore RiVOtl kr MlNt tlHM HIlllHHIt Hlld Carlton JmnM. Gray's ulttoe, oold, drinks, fruits. dim Donklns motorod In from llwna Creak this morning on bust nilK.' 8co Davo Wood about Hint flro In suraueo pollay, Ottlco Mall Trlbuno Illdg. iMrs. U Smith mid MIm Dor oUiy 8m I tit of Mold lllll are In Mud fonl loilsy shopping mid whllo hero, wIM mjond lli "lllrth or a Nation." Ho display of Imuhiihs, amnion niHl uIIvm nilSjWl In Medford with out WHtor nt Stlllmnu's Kumir HqwU t 110 . J. Orny of 'Portland Is spondlng tho tiny Ih ilmlfonl on tiuKlnM. 1'or ronl, 2-room turiiUhod housij, Q An DiVoti. (Jaorg UuttklH) sml lUy OffeH Ittxfcor l Ituch. Urove IhIh Mudfurd ttt&m JHUinlHg hu4 roturuwl with liKiiJ of Commit to uimhI lu Initld lug tk imw uiU mIiihiI at tiu-U , JJlK 60 Mllkahutcw at Ug Voo's, 4lr. and Mrs. I'ruk Uilltusvr nud Ut' Osorgt) O, Huborts rulmued 'lfcH'4y ulKht frum a wtwk's euukP litsj U'U' Ih Ui tskl)Hs. (lutiw soils Kord oars, 200 down and H h, W0RtJi. I'lKHk Hbwd of Kuk1 Point Is HillllHK (l 4m In Mwdfttrtl i busl Uss. M'lilimliiK mm nt UeVoa's. Dil. Bail ItturiM of Kh1u PtttHl Is aiHi4lim ths tlsy In UtHlfwrsl, ko- Taka tltflM leese nuto wheels to IlijIliiRs GflrrlHe and Auto Works uiid Uavo tlioiu wado like uew, at a jiinujl axpvtse, Jilr. uHd Mrs WkIInm UsrKWSH t( niiitflri taiul u.t lu .MudfuMl twlay ta StttflHl til "Ulrtli Of K Asllou J)q Yr kuyl bfr tMttles. CHU)ble Al Msmitioud swnt yestrdsy ftruoju serviM sMl Mtra wr Talvut 1'iWle IhmMm. ContiiU CtteUrla. 1L II. lUrvvy of tidsl srrlwd la Wlfard Thui-Mlsy ulaht sud Is suoHttlug Kridsy tmnsscilns bnsluen Postage staw)M :U D Voe'a. C K Bcbiist!- rrtMt frvui for- vallU Kilda) W4Mr)Uit Mr. rVhuitsr will iikI Imv ds looklug arwuud the mIWm and vlaUlag jrmd. Smoke a ICIag IUx algo. I. They are hBtg-umJft. U Jht. A. U. VUuu of (hhU lto plit lst ulhl iu Mrdford. W. V. Sorgoant or Portland Is upending n fow lu "Mcdfofd mi VusltiCBB. Get .your labels early. Don't wait until Ilia last mlntito. Tho Medford Printing Co. Is tho placo to gel tbnuj, !Cd. Austin of Grants Psas spunt last night lu .Medford, coming up for the "lllrth of a Nation." Mr. 13. C. Sllllnmn hns on display, tropical fniltn and vogotablca raised without Irrigation at (ho Busfnr Howl. 110 Mr. and Mrs. frso I.owlfcof Wlloui spent Inst nlKHt lu Matlfutd. I i roar isnci umn is i(oro. fiiocs liibols Or uptfliil Inbnls nt tho Med ford Printing Co. tV. W. Camahni)w'n;finHgor of tho IlltiOj Lodge MJiip, accompanied b iirs. WRrjiaonu nnu cniujrau, ion iiiis monniiK vo r iho hioo'loukb (iisirin to spdnd tho sumiupr. Hiittonnllk 3e quart nt DoVoo's. C. D. Hoou left Friday nioriilng for J oo liar In tho Illuc Lodge district. Ho will Join Guy Stllott of Long lloach there. Mr. Hoon nnd Mr. Stlloa re cently purchnsod thu .toe Har properly. Hoon will rntiiru Huuday, Pnckorls tally cards In stock nt tho Mndford Printing Co. II. K. lloanpro, who has spnnt the lust week In Medford on mining bitsl nosM, will return Balurduy morning In Grants I'nwi, whore ho Is Intel ostod In snvcrnl mining proportion. Ponra and npplo label prlnlnrs lor tbp lloguo, river valloy. Medford Printing Cof. l ' ); Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pnrkor nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Owens- ilf Aklilnnlli nro npoudlug ,tlio .day In .Modioli!.! My. Owoup Is.prosldctit of the Dond Jndlon Stock Grqwors' Assoclntloji nnd today Is conferring with tho local, forestry offlco concerning tho use by tho nsHoclAtlon or government range. Homethlng now, brick Ico errnm In naultary packnges. Keops two hours. Tako ono with you. Tho Shasta. .1. 1 Lnwronco will move his Jewelry soro to the new building, corner or Main and Plr, about August first. Soo tho stock labels rnrrled by tho Medford Printing Co., If you nro In n hurry. William Lonelier Is n business visitor from ICnglo Point today, Tho best always. Qontrnl Cafeteria gcorgo MIIIiiph nnd .1. C. McMillan of Ashland have purchased" Willys Knight cars from tho Modforjl,,Over Innd ngoucy, Tho crowd grows larger every Haturda evening nt tho Moosti dance ' . 4 ' tltov. V. I;. ShloiaH.jbformer pastor or tho Mcilrord Proibytorlnn church, returned to Medford this mornluK from MiiRcno.-whero he uttmilV-lliu ProHbytrlntr Synod. ltev-Shlolds will return Suturla to ...Uiigeno, praai'liliig tliuro iundny. laJjU0' turning to Mwlforil and drlvlua; his car to Hums, Ore., nt which jdaco he Is iHislor ot the church. Auto wheels repaired; first olasa Job guaranteed. Prices rooMiunblo. Mllohell's ltoiHilr Shop, opposite pub. lie market. Frank and William Isaacs spent I'rldH) morning fishing nt Curry lif rio, having Ml at I: SO. Thy ro turned ut noon with eight steelhuud. Special for Saturday only, a box or Dlulnmaey Stationary, a I sheets. XI corrwiMiudttHco uarda, Ik ouve- lopaa, uowaat aJmiios nnd slsua, for 33c - worth tlOc. Heath's Drug Htoit oiHHHilte JCaah Jlotel. IMra. llrsali llutlet', afoiimpauled by her children, Harlan ami Nelson, loft I'rldH) morning fu Ju jtiuttiv Jit Vallejo, Cal. Mrs. rturteT has9lMt the gUHst of her parents Mr. and Mf. Lluil Nulaou (of the ast two months. We have four large electric reus to keep au wool, while tbjHclug at the MiHMe Hall tktturda) evening. Chief KHglnew George Uutdwlu. lu uhurge or the goxeruuieut iilgkwa) work In Cruter lake Park came to Mwlford )Mterday afternwiH and re turaed to the park this morning. Mr (UwdwlH la ireMirlug to ImkIu au(le wrk on the ruud the flrt of ue.t week wliu a erew of ever llu mtm Pap4e who upwooluta standard goods aad ejlce uro the custuuiers waat. Hutterfleld Grocery, l'lion Mra. I). C. Uuli. her guttd MIM llasel Crecker of Portland, Mr. and Mrs fted lloHI"! ,n,lll , ''rl' Jr., and William, returned last ntght from a week's stay at Slmstu $trltgc. Vaturda) special, )l sheets of IMttwr. $i orrttf9udtHce oarris,, 4K euvdjov. neweat sha4Hs aut) sites. iio orU toe. Heath's Drug Store, oitpoaite Nash Hotel jjuii niji 1 ... li' . Springs for Studebaker, Buick, Overland, Maxwell, Dodge and Ford cars C E. GATES Gcorgo Kaufman, manager of the lloguo Itlvcr Kfult DIKrllifi'toni, re turned Thursday night from n trip to Hood Kivor, whoro ho luvostlgntod crop Hnd marketing conditions. Can you Tox trot? Xo It's easy, conic In tho Mooho d.'iucn Saturday evcnlnr, ou are not loo old to learn. Mrs. J. L. Calvert returned to her home In Grants Pass Thursday cvon lim, after Hpeudlug a week with Ash Inntf nnd Mmtrord friends. People who appreclsto slnndnrd goods nnd servlrn, are the customers utMvniit. ItuttcrfleM Gmeerr. Phone 210. Airs. K. S. Lamport nnd son, Kradorlck .Mrs. Krederlrti Wobster and daughter, Margaret or San Krfiu clsco nro tlio guests of Mrs. IC, II. Lamport, Tho party will ajiond a few dnvs In Medford,, visiting Crntor Lnkot Klnmnth Falls and Shnsta Springs. Vou eeitalnly won't fall to buy a box of Diplomacy Stntlonnry 24 sheets, 24 correspondence cards, IS envolopea In tho newest shnpoa and slzos, at 2.1c a box, worth COc. Saturday only. Heath's Drug Storo, opposite Nash Hotel. Mrs. W. II. Mnultby has as hor guests Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Halo of San Francisco, who arrived In Mod ford Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Halo mid Mrs. Mnultby are sisters. Hulternillk 10c gnl. nt DoVoo's. Mrs. V. K. Connor returned Thurs day evening to .Medford after mi ex tended visit In Moscow, Idaho. She was accompanied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Thollin's Schulnachor and daughter, jyllP, aftax a shorL visit In Medford, will continue to .thu New .Kngland atntPrt. ,. i JUJ '!,. - Tho Gold lllll pavilion dnncos nro becoming deservedly, popular is a Halurday night diversion and many Medford people are enjoying thorn. Kxcollenl music; boat or order main tained. W. O. Miller, John W. Johnson, Scott V. Davla and James II. Feo spent Thursday evening fishing on Dig Ilutto, leaving Medford at I p. m. Tho luck of tho crowd was with Davis, who landed a nlno-poiindor. Fee, who Is accustomed to catching the brook trout mid bullheads that uro found In Home WaHhlugtlu .waters, was utterly nt a Ions how to handle the lloguo Itlvcr fstoolliefld, which he hooked. . Ho was standing on a bank ivbont ton foot high when the fish struck. About ono second later ho found himself floundering iu tlio water, iiiIihih the fUli but (hank ing hi) lucky stars that the cjclnno hadn't wrecked him entirely. The Hall Taxi Co., has put 011 11 man nt Camp Stool, to appiehen'd nutos carrying In passengers for hire. Several curs have slipped J n already this your. The nwnors aio woll known. Should they return they will be dimlth with severely, as the Hall Taxi Co., Intends to put u stop to audi practice. Charlos Oswald and fnmll) or Wol leu are spondlng tho day lu Medford shopping. Tlioj also plan to attend the "lllrth of 11 Nation " Mr. James .Martin of Phoenix Is spending thu day shopping lu Mud- ford. A. IC. II0I11, clerk of the Holland Hotel and Hubert A. Youngstrom, rui'ttiitK Hluunril uf lliil Alty IhIm hotVl at CdprqJlo. tilings, ikvo pifr-n cliasetl Johnsou'H Care, adjoining the HoUaud 'Hotel StutX will ouerule It Dr. and Mra. T. C. Shaw ef Yreka, sir "MMititJ visitors tmlay; '" ' fl'AnkCvmy atid'il.' T Yllllanamn and party will return tonight from an Hull) LrJli-,'" ,t,'t tJike auU the Klaouth louuntry. Kred OfreuUaeher ut Kuch spout eslenlH allerueoa lu Medford. meeting George Kolhngeii of Itoee burg, who will be his guest for a fee week. W. 8. Campbell or Gold Hill ta aneudlitg the day iu towu on busi ness. Itert (iteer, editor or the Ashland Tidings, l lu Medford 011 Imslnesa todu). Mi. Greer has put chased a ne Studelmker car TODAY toSigiit The Habit of Happiness With the clever, inimitable Douglas Fairbanks Also A Bath House Blunder A Keystone Funfcst Thrco Ashland girl hikers, Amy Hlununrd, Helen Kske and Anita liar nard, nrrlved In Medford this after noon from Jacksonville on tho train, and Inter took the Jitney for Ash land. Thoy- told a tnlo ol hiking from AHhtaml to tho Josephine caves nnd after spending a dav there they honrd of a trail (hat would load thorn by n short route direct to Mount Ashland. Aftor traveling half a day they found thomsolvos lu the SUmmbont district. Finally thoy nrrhed in Applegnte thin morning and as their mIioos were In shreds from the rough wnllilng, they hired n stngo to bring them to Jack sonville. Their adventure ran U10 gamut from bolng lost, to being trlghtoned by fancied wild beasts and falling lu tho Applcgato river. Mr. nnd' Mrs. Harry Kalne, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Uornnrd, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Irwin arc spondlng tho day In Ashland nnd this evening will hold a picnic dinner lu Llthln Park. .1. H. Lttytan, Mlssos Audrey and Stalla Layton or Applegnte are lu Medford today. Mr, Layton was tho ownor or tho Lay ton mine, which ro ccntly changed hands. Mrs. II. D. Itced nnd Miss Claire Tuckor or Gold Hill are in Medford this afternoon to attend "Tho Ulrtli of n Nation." T ASPHYXi At Hie ciiniiU'iV tuiUi"l held ok- terdav iilleriioim in YrcKn on the dentli of ('. W. Ilolill, enli'Miiiut for tin A. Wnlkei A11I0 'oniHin.v, who wum killed Weilncxdn.v night when tlio iimeliine in which ho wax returning to iYledl'oii'l overturned wt bridge No. ,!, five niilea 1101 Hi of Yreku, it whh derided that denth uim direetly ciuih ed l.v Hie dri)iiing of gasoline frem n imiietureilluuk ovenjtlio tliutly of the unfortunate 1111111 iiuued henontli llie ovortiiriiujl cm'. .Tke akit op liin face, nock niiil upper body wum burned iiwuv by tlio ucliou fit' till' giiMilinc. The body was liiouwlit to Medford tliin ninruiiiK by Week iS. McOo'wmi, mid will be taken to .Mr. HoIiII'h old home in Iniliiiiniiolii liii- nl'ternooii. Mi'H. Ilelill niu) her children, 11 hoy of U ninl 1111 8 nionllis old baby will 11 c c(imiiwiy tlio 1 omit Mr. llolilt. w;ik a member of (lie lo cal Klkrt lodgu; memliei'H.of wliieh me HhHihtinj.' .Mrn. Itohit iu her final nr-rniigeuient-. .. . . A, V. Walker left tin-, moipiu for It J it Hjcno n( (do juudiiit uuil will brpig back tuc .wrecked car. birihITSn Tliree lmin or inleiie thrill- were erowded into the .HH'(Mculai"iriiluc tiou of "The Mirth of it Nation" pro duced at the Page Tlmr-ilsv evening and ro tented today and Suturdax. I he Hay 1- Dixon novel, "llie ('biUHmiiu," dmmutised, mid levieww the eloHing day of the civil war mid the reeon-d ruction period iu the oiith. The i'hiicIiou la (lie UHt ambit ioio. et M(niel. ThoufHiiiU of rlnniior Mirlieiiulc. Iliatorieal elmrai'lera are 115'cmatel.v reuijuduoed aid the exeit iif ,eige or oaflloi raee riot and Ku Klux Klan are vividly Mrtrucd. iluU' adapted l4t tnjjv ai't'iie adiU to the illusion, Thu prtHluction i well worth Heeuig and a thi l ''tiluIy the oir time Medl'iotl will have-n clioiice ( ew it, xttouhl Im iiiumI libwrnlli imKuiiisetl. DIED Godlep J Smith, age 23 ear, died lat nlKlit at Sacred Heart Hos pital fioitt Tela nils (lockjaw ). Me le survived b the widow, and IiIh TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Jeweled butterfly breast pill. Itetuiu to lli Central Ave, uorth. uud receive reward. lie KOU HICNT I have a ehetoe siralfa paature I'hoae f ;!'.-J t. ONLY H L ATED BY GftSOLME FUMES Thu Host Comedy Drama Ever Filmed 1 Don't miss this Splendid Production 3 1 efLlV. THEATRE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Colfax, Cat. Tho deceased Wait born In Missoula, Mont. He was a scissors grinder by trado and It Is thought the tetanus infection entered his body through omo small wound lu his hand. Sorvlcos will be held tomorrow morning at the Catholic church. Interment will be in 'the Catholic cemetery, .locUronvlllc. Itching Torture Stops It li unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, ringworm, rnsbos and sim ilar sklu troubles. A little zcnin. cotton at any drug ctorc for JCie, or $1.00 for extra large battle, and promptly applied will usually give instant relief from itch ing torture. It dealers and soothes tbo skin and heaU quickly and effectively mot skin diwnee. Kemo li n wonderful dltappcnrlng liquid nnd does not smart the mot delicate Kin. It Is not greasy, is easily applied and comn little. Get it today and save all further distress. Zcuio, Cleveland. ARE YOU PROTECTED?? You are In clangor every hour, Your time Is our stock In trade, when you nro disabled bv addl dent or Illness, our tfm'o is nil This tlmo should bu piotected by Insurance. Tlio Not Hi Aineilcitii Accident liisiiiiince Company, orgunlcd lu issi), under supervision of IT Htnto Insurance Dopts., Issues pill cloe that cever: Loss of time l sickness or accident, loss of life by accident, loss of llinlin, Ioms of eyes.- Pays accident boiioflbs from one day to 30 -months,. I'jysfull vale benefits from oMfi HA),' ('includ ing tbo first week) (in to nix mouths for ul cases, of sickness Pays double, bunofits ror acci dents of street railway, stonin rail way or elevator travel. Provides tor additional bene fits for hospital confinement ami surgical operations. Pays Indemnities for accident and slchnoes of from $20 to $120 por month, lu case of doath, from $200 to $2 100. Prouilums, (payable moutliL If doslred), from J 1.000 to $:i not) Age limit front IS to ol yoars. It wlU pay you to investigate, nnd I will bo plonsotl (o corres pond with oii, or call lit nli time to give further Information. GEO. E.'BOOS, District Atfcnt For Southern Oregon. P. O. lto 1CW. Plxiue ililT Office II ilbtml Hotel Itiilldliig. MARVELOUS CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL SUMMER WARES Every Summer Garment Must Go Regardless of Cost or Former Values Prices Unmercifully Reduced Tailored Suits at Still a Further Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats 98c Cut for Saturday One line of handsome Suits in French serges, poplins, voile and silk poplin, actual values to $35, Saturday $10 Silk Suits $14.98 Your unrestricted choice of our silk and silk combination suits, Style-craft models, col ors are black, navy and green, silks are poplins and taffetas, values to $40, now $14.98 WASH DRESSES At the lowt'nt prire ever quoted eoii sisient with the quality di'mtes. Spoi'l Drch.sea, nlues to $15,00, uov . Ht i f Vf e-eSV"V AVhite and voWed liitKSK,iuirii5K allovcr embroidered, etc., netim! values to 1S.."U), now $2.9S WOOL SWEATERS $2.G9 AND $3.98 Two very special valued in au AU-V(xil SwattT, V ni'ek, t'tilei: ure eardi ual, tail, white ivlauui hiuntioiM, vhIih t-o $6.")0, speeial 3.Ct aud SSflSI r TONIGHT CURTAIN 2:15 DOORS 1:15 Direction Elliott and Shormsn D. W. Griffith' Mastorpieco 750 CONSECUTIVE TIMES IN NEW Y0I1K B 300 TIMES IN BOSTON ,u?&M Sj W ?EWtev V'-fZ- m 41B1L Tt -HKTTw. 200 consecutive ncrffrmnnces In Pliilaleliliia, St. Louis, Pitts liuru ami San Francisco. ' These records stand unprecedented in the history of tint Amer ican stayc. NOTE THE RIIlTH QF A NATION I prvM'iiteil lii .Medroiil the Mime hh New YfuK, Phlludelidilii, oltui nnd ChleuKo, cmiijIii eveiytlilon lo peoiltiio llie vviiidei ful effect f. ami n Symphony Orchestra of Thirty Pieces 30 -SYMPHONY 1)&T"5 TT C A. J.1 JL-k-""" BARaAINS Owloi of I fats tW b illiiury Bmids, value to 7Sc yxvxl Sc ShoJl (It-l-, Uai-k Couihs. Side 'ouilje, Uanvtts, Beads, eti value to $1 iftt' asm MEDFORD'S Lending Motion Picture Tlirafcr TOMORROW CURTAIN 8:15 DOORS 7:15 400 TIMES IN CHICAGO 300 TIMES IM LOS ANGELES ORCHESTRA --30 l.veniiius: .i(c, ..ic, 91. X,itneeM! S,1e, ,-Oc, Trie, ind JS HveuliiKs: ."(c, 7."c, !l, ."j!l.r(, Two large tables full of hats Panamas, hemp, Milan hemp, etc., vals to $7.50 98c Another big! lot' of trimmed and untrimmed-hats, includ ing sport hatsv nbw -i $1.98 Your choice of the entire stock of trimmed hats, in cluding large Panamas, Leg horns, hand-made hats, val ues to $15, now . 2.98 SILK GLOVES FOR LESS On a rising market, nupply yinir wants. Two-lint lou Niagara Maid Silk (Moves at ii? Jirl$jlWm Niagara Maid Silk (Moves, fWl'Wfow, 1.2S viiIup. . B fti-Huttoii I'Jxtrii Ueavv Niagara Maid Silk (How, 1.75 valui' 1.3 Si,5Q TO $Q CORSETS $l.fl3 About three dozen (W wts,U0k,id front laee 1 41 ' 0wiiqui iiKwlels, most nil sixes, vainets to SfcJXUo'w m.93 One lot of l.tiR and l.-'K) Corsets, special t 9S " -&&!!jL&&Tt m$l&Jfr ? n"?i