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i 1 i' fy i ", ifTwniM i ""TiTa " " . srEDFonn anm tribune, medeotov ftmrooy. kvjttmPiVY. itpxt 20, loin "" A wedding wlilcli comes us a sur prise to their many friends was sal oninlzed Wednesday afternoon July 2C, at 3 o'clock at tho homoof Uev. John McDonald on Mlstletoo atreot, when Miss Jcsslo Cnrollno Olnon lie camo tho bride of Lester K. McDon ald. Rev. John McDonald, who la a brother of tho groom performed the mnrrlagc coreinony, whlok wh very Rlmnlu and linprosMvo. y Tho groom is a progreslva young huRlness man, nnd la well and fnvor nbly known here, having resided In tho Itoguo Rlvor valley for tho past four years. Tho hrldo forworly re sided In Grund Forks, X. ., hut has llvod In Medford for the past two years, and has won many friends by her charming manners. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will make their homo at tho beautiful now Itoguo nils resort nt Kile Creek, of which Mr. McDonald Is manager. Owing to having Just opened up tho new resort Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will postpone their honeymoon until Inter in tho fall whon they contemplate a trip through thn oat. Tho best wishes of their many friends are extended to them for a long and happy life. In Trinity Kpinrom1 church lust Moinl,i evening Miss Elizabeth M. Schoenenberpcr, j-ounget daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Schoencnbergtir, be enme the Initio of tfiKon 0. Jerome of Medford, Or. The Rev. HaKcy Wcr loin, Jr., solemnized the woddinjr, the uVitiblc ring service licinj- iitiI. Mem bers of the family anil n few intimute personal friends only witnessed the ceremony. The Initio's attendant wns her sister. Miss MnthiMn Rolwencn liorwer, while her brother, Mn.t mt. Svliocnenborger, attended the bride groom nx best mnn. The Inide is n youne; lady of nttrnc tivc personality nnd is deservedly popular throughout the valley. She is n prndunte of (ho Snn Jose high school nnd of the San Jose Mule nor- mnl. For tho pnst tlirj'e yenrs she mis been at the head of the commer cial department of the Siskiyou comi ty high school nt Yrekn. The bridegroom was formerly tniv cling rcpresentntixo of the Great Northern Kail way company in the enst, but Miico coming to the const has been coniiectcd with tho Onlil'or nia-Orogon Power company nt Med 1010, ur., nt winoli place tho young conplo will make their homo ujxm their return from n honeymoon to Luke Taboo nnd oilier scenic point in the high iSerrns. San Jose Mereurv-Hernld. Mr. II. 1C. Tonilinson entertained n few friends nt hot homo Friday af ternoon, the event being in honor of her motlior, Mrs. J. 0. Lidgott, of ntlNhurg, Pn. Needlework nnd so cial convoixntion were indulged in during the afternoon, nftcr which dainty refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs, ,1. 0. Lid gelt, Mrs. F.d Trowbridge, Mrs. A. F. Stciinott and daughter, Mary Klir.u both, Mm. William Budge, Mrs-. Onrl Bowman, Mr-. C II. Walking, Mrs. KI Souttor, Mr. I), llmwol, Mrs. Hoger Bennett, .Mrs. I,'. K. Swan and Mi. II. K. Tninliiifnii. Wednesday evening MisH Jlnrinirct Emig and J. H. Wiichtiiolc wore united in marriage nt the Catholic church, Hnv. Father Powers performing the corcmony. Mis Kmig is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adnm F.mig, 8'2.r West Twelfth stivol, and untif ic- eontly hnK been employed nt nntcV The luwn uncial given by the ladies of the ChriHtian church at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Poir (liiriictt Tne dwv evoMiiiir uns a very enjoynble af fair. A piotrrum wn given with Mrs. Harnett, Mi-h. MeCurdy, Mr. Kviiiih, Mr. Had, Mrs. Fauoher nnd Mrs. Bmwn in cliiiiyc. The prngrnni was r..ii ii: i .. . k iiiiiiiwm; riano muo, Mr. TiicKcr; leading, Mis. MeKreney; tinm solo, .Mint. urvrs; pinuo a4 vwlm duet, Marvel and lMilak WillUm; raUjr, Marion Van Gildrr. TJte Mlowimr jwriy rjll learc to day fur a two week' enrxping trip pa Hie Applegale: Mr. and Mr. K. 0. Tnnrbridgc and daughter Floionc'c, Mr. ami Mr. Carl Bowman and daughter, lda, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson ond doiiphters, Mrs. J. 1). Liihtrtt and on, t-rank, Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Tora luiKn. Mrs. V. Tl Conner returned homo TliHivdny atrr rcrnl urccks' visit with friends and rolatics at Moscow, Idaho. Mr. and Mis. Schumacler and daughicr accompanied her and uflrr a few days' viit will runtinao their trip to Nw Upland. t Min,, N'oacy Kelly, nicoo of E. F. Krlly, and Mis Ionise Jrin of Do witt, la., who oro riwtine- Mr. ntM Mrs. 11 II Kellyv left today on a trip ir v,rnicr i.auo witn Mr. and Mr. JvcJly. 3fr. ond M"rs. 1. C. Ixrw, Mi Ua rcl Crr krr of PortUind, Mr. ood Mt. I'md IInikin8 and ons, JYcd and Williams, hoe ro turned ram a wcct'ij trip fo Shasta Korinw, Mr. Cotl nnrraon entertained iho Commiiiiily club Tucdiv oveaiup-. Vhi- tolWc of hiwl?e were played, artr hiih a riclioiou dienct aa en-joi'od. Mw. J. G. Lidett eoa, Traak Lfihjott, of Pjtuhnnr, ia, an? iho ?im or Mr. I.nfoeU'. snii, ijr. omliiwflH, ami family. ') jri-. I. A. and ilauffhtvr, Mi .w.c, niTirvu are rmiay vntfig Mm. 0. C. Itor. garage. .Mr. Wooliniek, in coirfpany with his father, handled the buck nnd stone construction work on the now federal building. Of Into ho hns started in business for himself nnd is building u .?:il),0()l) school building nt Wiikco, Or. The young couple left for Portland, where they will make their future home. Mrs. J, C. A it ken entertained on Thursday afternoon in honor of M rs. William Wiloox and daughter Ada, who will leave soon to iiiuko their fu ture homo in Chicago, The nflurnnoii was delightfully spent in music nnd sowing, niter which n three-course luncheon was served. Those present were: Mix. William Wilcox, Mrs. Chris Moore, Mix. J. C. Aitken, Misses Jennie Young, Mnrgnict Shame, Lit- Imn and Daisy Moore, Ada Wilcox mid P.lmibcth Aitken. A snimming party wiik enjoyed at Helm's baths, Ashlaml, by the fol lowing Menday: Mr. and Mix. Delroy Getohell, Mr. nnd Mix. Haudolpii Manning, MisK Buth Manning, Hnn dolph Manning, Mr. and Mix. U. L. Wilson, Ilnlirrt Wilsoa, Miss Virginia Conner of Chk'ago, Mr. awd Mrs. Frank Marirfra anl Mi-n Vr Quiglvy. After su-iwaiiiur tho party enjoyed u "laWeak fry" in tKe LJthU ruit. m Dr. and Mr. T. G. Huino eoterlaw cd at dinner Sunday in KaiK' f Through the effi.tls of the Par-ent-Tcaehcix' circle ami congivss of fothers or Mcdfoid, nu educational hurcnu has been ostnblished. This i ,nn nrgnnizntion for nil the mothers and their friends who are internalm! hi the child's best welfare in south em Oregon. Its headquarter arc located in thn Medford public lib rary, whore a pleasant room baa been furnished. After September 1 this .room will be upon every Saturday nf- tcrnoon. There will always he some one in charge to register the babies nnd give advice nlong the problems Hint perplex so many mothers. All mothers who have small children, nnd especially young babies, are uracil in have them registered nnd soma time luring October Mrs. MoMalh, the state president, will visit this bu reau and a baby test will be given. The child of today is the man or wo man of tomorrow, and to be strong .men and women (he child must bo Well eared for from infnney. Wo will give .a few of (he main objects of tho edu cational bureau: Xo bring to tho parents a know). edge of parent ti I influences, a kuowl edge of infant hygiene, tho adoles cence ago and sex hygiene, and the training of tho child. To show by eugenic tests correct htaudaid mens iireiiiunts for babies nnd to wiggost such treatment as will correct defects shown by these tests. To ilouinii Mrate from time to time by lectures the proper enro of the babe, including food nnd clothing. To bring into closer relationship the homo -and the school flint parent mid toucher may co-operate intelligently in Iho educa tion of the child. To surround the child with that loving wise caro in. tho impressionable years of its life that mil develop good citizens instead of lawbreakers and criininnls. It jh said no state in the Cnion is looking lif ter Hie child's welfare from its oar lioht infancy as is th, t0 f Ore gon. The members of (ho bureau are Mrs. J. A. WeslorlnHj MBj Mfa MMrt ItoUy lft 'nurOay for UhI creek, wfcer they will eatup for W'illiatu Heine, wlw is visiting hero tnmi Xrr Brunswick, Cal. TIw ta ble was prettily dworateil with avoW pvas, the place card bring htnd puiatcd in sneet rrn. The giktsts were: Mr. and Mr. Jawrs Herring of Central Point, William lleiiw, Miss Mildred Heine, Bli-n Heine and Dr. iQBil Mix, Heine. Wednesday afternoon Mr. ond Mrs. It. W. Waters CHfertaiurd at dinner w a very hoopifabU mannor in honor of W. IL Heine of Norton, K. Jl Can. Covora were taul tor Uft. Uohra, Miss Oladya Hohm, Oor Harrier of Laneajitcr, CaiiUr. and ltr Heine, lUn Heine, Mis MldreI Heine, W. U. Hciho nail Mr. and Mrs. Wnrcw. . Katufday evening. July 22. J. P. Mootaow of Fjielo Point entertained with c. Wiener ond daooxng party for im jiaiw ifowlcrc. Claire 2im- niermao, Wuth and ivollio Thiinnxun of lfcrtjt; yessrs. t KdsAUi4art Litioycr ona JKiiryTHy. v ' ) MV. o J JJjo. . H. yeiiin ier tniiwil at difliwr at their home on SU Lhou lIeightHWdnedy afternoon in honor of Mrx. J. J. Woodring oi .Sterling, Colo., who i hew vUiting hei ter, Mr. A. B. Willi w. very dosirous of having the mothers of the neighboring- towns ami coun try to visit the mothers' rest room and take advantage of this splendid .opportunity for the belter care of thn children. The whole couoiv Umi.1,1 i. interoslcd in this movement, nnd In ,lhcir personal help mid finmicinl ui'd make it possible for the bureau i secure the services of n trained nuixe wiio would have general charge of this work and ho able at all times to give nih ice and uitnucc. The ohil Iren are a nation's greatest asset, therofoio thay should bo the first to he considered and provided for. Any one InuiiiL' matfiixinos mul li(.,i(,,.. . " ...... ... ... i,, ,j that would be helpful along these lines may, if thev so desire, leave them at the ivst room for the use of tho mother. .Mix. Joseph 0. Grey of North Itivoixido avenue is the president of the Pareiit-Tunchera' council and she will be chid to nt nay Haw sivo furtlttr wfommtioM ami h-lH to tU, intfrrslrj iM (i,iH worft. Tbv Liulie' Ail ol the Mothoist ithut-iiL m.j.i ..I ,L.:U . . .1 .i . ,...r wi hi. lnrir moMiiiuy aowo ooslag Wedaesday afternoon with i. good numhrr in atlendaaec. After an enthitsiastic huhinc meeting wits satisfying icporls from respective cucirs, mrre ioihvp, ,, hhnrt but in teresting iK'epram: Piano solo, Miss riesi; .naiouo, Mrs. WalLins, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Carkin, Mix. CnBiiAell, whk-h was enjoyed, followed by an address hy Dr. Uollin,. Ifefrh ments .f (ru uoil cake ere iwrved. The 1'riillo unle will huve ehat of rtocor;Uiia of the church rf.i,m (tho ruuth of Aujousf. n The young people's societies of the different ehitrohesf of tho city met nt the First Methodist church Wcdiies dn evening, at which time u Union Young People's society was orgunir. cd mid the following officers elected: Clarence A. Meeker, president; Miss Norn Daily, vice-president; Miss Ma ne Seely, scoretnry, and George Ba ker, treauicr. After the election n committee win appointed by the pies idcnt to prepare bylaws and u const! tution, which will be presented to the union at their next business meeting, which will bo held nt tho Baptist church the fourth Wednesday of Au gust. After the business session those present were divided into three groups nnd each group contributed several numbers for a program, which was as follows:: Beading, J. M. Flem ing; duct, Hazel Trcvormw nnd Grace Bralncy, accompanied hy Beth Stew nit; reading, Marie Seely; vocal solo, FidelaR Morau; rending, Juan ita Carstcns; piano solo, Don Piatt: short stories, Key. Hogg; vocal solo, iinipn lialcom; reading, Delhi War ron; yodle, I) wight Phipps; reading, Alice Lyons; violin solo, Herbert Williams. Following the program, a social lime was enjoyed and refresh ments of ice cream and cake wore served. Much credit is due tho 'com mittee in charge of the entertainment for the pleasant evening enioved bv H present. The Golden Link Bible class of the Firs I Baptist Sunday school met on Wednesday afternoon at Iho homo of .AIi-s. Lee Hull, West Second slreot. 'Business took up a largo lmrl of the nfternoou, the lvmainder being spent in social converse. Owing to tho fact that many are away on vacations the nttcndauco was not so largo us usual, but those who were present had nvery plensant time. Mrs. Fred Pur din assisted Mrs. Hull in serving de licious refrwhinciils of sherbet nnd cake. Those present were: Mesdames f . A. Whilloek, II. 0. Bench, F. F. Lo- lor, .1. A. Hcmslreet, J. M. drossier, H. K. .Marsh, II.D . Allownv. Ward K'oizur, Herbert Lnunspaeh, Shaw, I'Tcd i-iiriiin, Hall and six little folks. fTOTS TTTTtTCTC The .Mcdfoid Conservatory will be closed from August J until Septem ber 12 oh Mrs. Iloviotis and Miss Swindler will take their vacation at this time, spending one week at Union creek, Crater lake and Peli can bay, after which they will visit their sister, Mix. Debley, of (llcndalc. Dr. J. C. Uollin's, wife and on, Robert, in company with Mix. Hovi ou and daughter, Carol Fay Hovi ous, and Miss Swindler, will leave Monday morning for u week's outing at Union creek, Crater lake and Peli can bay. Mr. Ilnlloy will tuko the part v. Mrs. A. W. Warner and daughter, Miss Kdim Warner, of Kansas City, are the guests of Mr. and Mix. C. W. Abereromhie nnd will remain tho rosfc of the summer. Mrs. J. K. Stownii cnlerlnined in formally with cards Tuesday after noon. Miss Annn Leider of Caledonia, Minn., is the guest of Miss Bor-chardt. will find oiitlioimlnHtic young peo ple. They are an Inspiration to nil. MId-weok prayer meeting Thursday evening 7: Ift. He present. Sunday evening, pronchlng sorvlco will ho hold In the city park nt S. This service should bo well attsnded. HARRY B. TPCKMIl, Mlnlstor. - At the Churches j t I. St, Mark's ICplscopol 8 a. in. Holy Communion, 11 a. m. Holy communion. 4 WM. B. HAMILTON, Vlonr. i t . Catholic (South Oakdnlo Ave.) First iniiMs Sunday at C:RO a. m. Second mass nt 9 a. in, iN'o evening services. RKV. JOHN I'OWHRS, Rector. Jiu-ksonvllto 1'rcshytcrlnii TO a. la. Sabbath school. Clnssos ror all. 11 a. m. morning worship. Theuio, "Faith and Works." 8 p. in. ovonlng worship. Tliomo, "Tho Christian's Attitude Toward Kvll." At tho prayer mooting on Thurs day ovonlng at 8"o'clock wo will dis cuss "Home Mission Wbrk In the Lumber and Mining Camps." Como anil worship with ur. ALllKRT II. GAMMONS. Minister. .Mix. Howard Hill euterUintsl at luncheon WtfUnetMlay afternoon for the iJitre of Mis An-hihahl of Oaltlaiiil tvdin i- tkc ....u.i ,.r lm ic;ii Sto. O.rf". IbjM ortaiIM.atitw!Tliiiiu of Cetrl Point. m Saaedi club this afterHooH at horf , , I horat Mr fonr . hun. on K Smith OrHlitfr tre'i. M In, M t, t. ( -b .1 m ''" ii.. ..u .t Kir Friday jftctnHM.n V. H. Heino wns ffiie.r of in the h-piiublf homo t Mr. nnd Mf. James Hcfrin?, r OntraJ Point. A duiacr of liMiiniof. viantJn wn semed at (1 uYluL m itf II. Heine, Ur, and M,rk. IoU), Dss Mildred Heine, U. Itahiar, Jm jUmng nnd Mr. and My-. 0atw Herring. I1 ! V, Wednesday evening the choir of the Christian church met at the home of Mix. Lou I). Jones on Roosevelt for a social evening. After a very enjoy nble evening spent with singing and conversation refieslilnents were serv cd. The following were present Rev. and Mrs. Harry K. Tucker, Mr. mind Mrs. L. Misehlor, Miss Caroline Loaders, Miss Morjorie Stevens, Mr. MeCurdy, Mr. Kirkpaliiek, C. Pierce ami Kililic Hull. Mr. F, H. Madden entertained nt dinner Thursday evening, uTter which hridge was enjoyed. The following guests were present: Mr. nnd Mix. B. F. Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. L. MeCor mack, Mrs. W. L. Hollonay, Miss Hubbard, Mix. A. Conro Fieri), II. Chandler IJgnn, Waldo Willnrd mill Slater Johnson. Dr. .Myrtle S. Lockwood rnlimm.l this week fiom Chicago, whore she lias spent the last two mouths in post-graduate study at Iho Mary Thompson hospital for women and children. 1 nun I n.lnr.i ,-;, ui... -a '- ---. t r nun visited for a few days with lelativea ia Lmeoln, XU.., and SeallJo, Wash. Mr. axl Mrs. Frank Lodor and daughter Frances left toda'y for Or egon City and Portland for a two weeks' visit with relative. They will make the trip by aut. iJUhi Rulh Lester is spending tlwi veuion nilk ner grmvi pa rents, Mr. tad Jin. S. L. BrnisMt. 4 Oakdnlo Aveiiuo Mothndlsts Sunday school at It : 4 H om. in. I'renching at 11 o. in., subject: "Haw to lay upTroasures In Henven" lUnlon SorvlcoB In tho city pari; at 8 p. in.. Butijert: "What Clod Is Able to Do for You". Song services hy Union choir of tho participating churches. Everybody Is Invited to come to this open air service. ( II. M. Uranhau, Pnstor. I'hM, Church of Christ, Scientist Brunch of tho Mother Church, Tho First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. .Sunday sorvlco at 11 a. m subject, 'Love." AVednesdny ovorililK, mooting at which testimonies of Olirlxtlun Science henllng are given at 8 o' clock. All aro cordially Invited. Sunday school at 9:-U a. in. All uudur tho age of 20 are welcomo. Bonding room In oiurch edifice, 212 North Onkdale, opou from 1:0 to 1:30 dally excopt Sunday and holidays. First llnptlst ("A llvo church with a cordial wel come, Itov. Frederick W. Cnrstens, Pastor.) Services for Sunday am ns follews: 0:1 r a. in. Bible school. Ill a. m. Borrnon by tho pastor. Subjcot, "Men Who, In Their Own Strength Hnvo Failed; but who, With Help From God, Have Succeeded." 0:.tu p. m. Junior II. Y. P. U. 7:00 p. in. Senior Young People's service. Subject. "Christian Sorvlco In Vacation." A nuinhor of young people will toll of tho best vacation they over hnd and why. 8:00 p. in. a groat sorvlco In mom ory or tho lato poet, James Whlteomb Blloy, tho Poet Lnuroato of Ameri can childhood, nnd whom Rudyard Kipling callod "Smoko-ln-the-Kyes." ' IMr. H. S. Stint) will glvo a brief biographical sketch. Pastor will iiporik on his "After whiles," and thoro will bo readings from liln pooniB by Mr. Jnm'os Floni niliig, and tho .Misses Wlllnn Harrison Lucllo Jackson and Wnnlla Lucllo Carstons. Spoclnl music at both morning and evening" services. At morning Biir vlco Mrs. J. M. Oressloy nnd Air. Hun ter will slug "Book of Ages." lAt tho evening Borvlco tho popular qunrtotto will sing "Tho Shnvvos or tho Bvonlng Houbo," by Scholley and Mr. Wm. Vawter will sing a solo. Sorvlco Just oeo hour long, erybody wolcome. Kv- Why Smoke lilt Cigars When La Gondas aro onlv loo Prosit terlnii (Main and Holly Sts., ov. Alfred Hoog, MluUter.) A cool church In summer with a warm welcome. Sunday hcIiooI at lfl a. m. The pastor's subject at 1 1 a. m "After Death What? Is Thoro an Eternal IIolIT" C. K. at 7 p. w. Kplendld music aad Scnl anthem by tlis, chtirus choir, wltk FroJ A. Halght at the pipe organ. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Topic, "Make Josug King." Union services at 8:60 In city jsirk Jlvsrybtxly wVoao. .-fl oir Rrr!VKt rsHJr-. LT1 SS 4.M.V. Vbtt U M &XSZffF tiik caub of Tin: kyi; is l.ll'U OF'I'II Vf OltOAN Tlllt Mrs. Herfrr J. R,.mMy, vU ns Wr- IrVtiily Jaunoy, armo,, in Med ford Haturdsy to lr Hrs-r, PhiJ and Wm Jainif.?. .Vr.. Rum .r will he hrr for sorei-ni. vrras. aivd eaa Ii foiul at tit-i at Mr. nine Mm. faul jBnne.v's at Veda)ov Mr. ami M"r- Uu Swcw. wh.i boon the uU i Jfi ami Ml-. T f "Wirn, u if t,.i., j,r ih, n. j,,,,, T . in. i Mrs, W. T TIuIlMrav rnrrwsinAi t linncr fianday for ttio fnlliiwimr w-neat: Wr. t,ir iP,. E. p. Outline, Mrt. Lmntlxt UcCbtraarfe, fitjrs. Sony. u, airs, jotia Itaufes, Leonard Corjntfj-, (Uiahl flooy-Smith and II. Chandler fyvo. Mr. O. Ii (Mtonie ami danitbior, oum iw-ii tnnm, ami Mi I3eii ldisrd Uft Monday fur u uiatia at Mm .Mihlrol Whk ruturawl St Viiluy fro h fw wwk' vinft with Mr. and Mra, Ifc n. MumuI m.. &w&, Cal. Mi John Bunk-, who h.i- been the f'n-t ! hrr iniitlH r 1... m.. u... t in Ml Mi I i;i.l U I .i I, i )i in P. it Mr. and Mr. Jlavn Hr4rt, who have Ihcii tho gue-ts of Mr. and Mrs. Jop Andrews, left for their noma at liiMheri, lad. Mr. mid Mm. It4i J. Troubridiri. loft Eriday inoriiiiig iji thoir ear for f'tDtlauil as delegate, for thtt ICnijloa oj- ryuii convontHui. iJIr. Lou I),' Jones will leave Von day for Tillamook, where, she oill rinit her daughter, Mrs. M'. I). Aito ley, for a month. ID Mrs. Jol, A. Poll and sona Frank and Fiodoriok left Wwliulay for Jfewwirt, vihere thev will rwHaiu for Mvraj week. Attorney and Mr.. J. A. Caaadav vlv eiilwriaiii& at dinner Tlmiwlay vtnlng at (he hotue of .Mr.a,i Mix. Harris Jaus. . Misa Bjhh ItorchanR ejitertainod Thmlay with a I o'eloak dinner tor tb iiloaaure of hoi guat, .Mias Anna Leider. ri4 Xh'thud4 . (I)z. J. C. Kolllas, Piifctw) The" Suadiy Ktbftol hour hi i t: A kkh iaslon . Straaeers are er il lolly iNTlted. Tha :poztb I.eiRMe Cbspler iaes at : IS. Thin Is a i I hur for all yiiB4 iopU. Public ver.blp at ll:s a'eV)ck, Tha jttitr vlll prcsrh theiaa. "Be side th Spring and Ilsmmtli tho Palm of Life." tipoolal niualc. A short helpful sarvlce. The public Ii eonitally ln vittwl to attend. L'nlon Voapor iwrvloo In the Park I eight o'clock. In othor word, If you want your oyoa to stay by you and preserve your sense of sight as long as you live, ou must take good caro of them. Econ omy Is a very good thing In the right direction, hut, when it conies to the oye, u poor pair of glasses will not take the placo of a good pair. If you want good Khisioa I can fur itlali them, SEE Dr. Rickert gag, He Knows How Suite 1-2 Over Tho May Co. What tlicy say about the North American Accident Ins. Co. IMedford Oregon. July 20. 1010. Mr. Oeo. K. Boos, Dint. Agent, North American Accident In surance. Co., Medford, Ore. Dear Sir: Replying to your Inquiry of recent (Into, regarding my expert oncos with Iho North American' Insurance Company, I must say that they have fulfilled nil their obligations with me. J have carried a polloy with thorn for seven years during which time I inndo two claims for accident, one for $00.00 nnd ono for $30.00. Both theso wore settled vory promptly, with out question,. It is an evldont fact that every man should Insure his income against accident and sickness, nnd 1 know of no better company to give this protection than yours. Yours truly, O. It. C. Grow, Mannger Oregon Has and Electric Co. Portland, Oro, Juno 11, 1010 Mr. H. J. Bryant, Mgr. N. A. I. Co., I City. Dear Sir: This Is to acknow ledge tho receipt of your check for $107.50 In adjustment of my claim on policy' No. 9118804. Al low me to thank you and through your tho North American Accident Insiirnnco Company for tho court esy shown mo, and for tho prompt sottlomont of this claim, as tuy dlsnblllty only council the first of tho month. As further evidence of iny ap preciation as to my faith In tho company you represent, I am en closing chock for in 1.00 for which please given mo crodlt on my years Insurance Sincerely yours, (Signed) OH AS. F. BLOOM, M. D. Total for protection of policy holders $780,700.78 Income lOlfi from Porsonnl Ac cidents and Sickness premiums, over $l,2r.0,000.00 Under supervision of forty-seven States IitBiirnnco Departments. GEO. E. BOOS, District Agent For Soul hern Oregon P. o. iio ii:iN rhouc ;i:it Office Hotel Holland llulldliig Jt will pay ou to Investigate, and 1 will bo ploascd to corres pond with yon. or to call at any time to give further Information. Mr I II si, P- rt in-l, vvl tu '"..' V. Cl u U I' (' T.i-i!i fir '. il vi it lcr i First Oiii'istlaii (Cor. 9tb and South Oakdnlo) Wo cordially Invite you to our Sun day morning aarvlce. . Speolal mutlo, ood a short gonial sermon that will ho helpful to nil. Wo want to make the tervlroa aa attractive as pcSjblu, and fool that your presouoe will add greatly to the meeting. Wo buglu at 10:15. Illblo school at 0: 16. The prelimi nary aervleo by thn auperli.iondeut vlll he worth vary much to you. Come and Me for yourself. C. K Society at 7 p. m. Here ou BsBvYjn INTKBUnilAN AUTOOAIt CO, TIME OAKI). Leave Medford tor Ashland, Talent and Phoenix dnlly, oxcopt Sunday, t 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 nnd C:16 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p. in. Sundays loavo nt 8:00 and 10:30 n. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 6:30 and 9:30 p. m, Loavo Ashland for Medford dally, oxcopt Sunday, at 9:00 ju m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and C:16 p. m. Also on Saturday nights at C:30 and 2:20. Bundayo loavo Ashland at 0:00 n, m. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:38 P. m. Ttrz Tbtr Ii aw Ctliirti In Uh mwiUhi of tb cewitrr UiN fit oilwr aunn ivxeitur. mil Willi IS Ul few HH VU WfNMJ III Im IswiitU. lur tlil utur jr Uw lurt It lw ilt mui pr. rlUj I... I rw4lM ma bjr 'uUiill (lllui; c. . ur hiOi lutil nwduiai. rui uu. i II lu iill M. 1. 1 . Li. (.in. u i atari 0 . . !., i . u.iiiuii mi iii. . '"' IS"-!. f. I"" I ' .11 II ,tni,nt Kill Itl.rtl I .- uir i'i i ,J if I . It.' r 4. I T -J Of i t .. - . .. . t f I TO I S U k I . 11 t T I rj 0 i. If a I m- si I ie; f i , ui,c i -a i-i mi i a ii it j "l t '. - (f let Cream That Pleases You (annul find any thing moie de licious than Velvet Ice Cream -It's made from pure, rich, wholesome cream and tho finaat or fresh fruit flavors. We don't ours bow little you have cared for lea Cream In tho past, you will care for It after tasting ours It has suoh a delicious taate. Come In today and try some, or Juat phone uayonr order and we will deliver. Our motto Is the Highest Quality and Heat of Service at the Lowest I'rlcaa. THE DAIRY I'houo -1K1 Now Daily Kxropr Sunday. Howard's Auto Line Ashland aim Klamath Falls Ashland l?prrvn lions Hotel Austin. Talco early cap Valley 'Auto Lino for Ashland connections. RandMcNally&Co. CHICAGO PRINTERS OF BOOKLETS CATALOGS HOUSEMACAZINKS COMMERCIAL ART WORK COLOR DESIGNING AMD ENGRAVING kMXED FIHArVCIAU.Y' AB J rtflCIIAMICAi.LY POn PTJOttVY llAHDUKG rf LAfiG KOtTKWar Farm Loans Low In(ii RCeii Money readfy? upon approval of security 1 tMPtfiMH,M(l,i WESTONfS Camera Shop 208 Enst Main Street, Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer ia ggutliyrg Qrajog Negatives Made firiy Cbe or place by appointmeot. Pliono 147-J 'r i J M - Jarnct'c Pali P fcl J , E 7 O 4 1 - 9 ac4 d title 'n r't'irnrd Mi Ii ( I fl 'V Hirr fr i r I 'i -' ji i r, ( .1 , i , " a r raa it t- lif t-5i an - ! ym w. (n M : ;u au '-ftw .,