Newspaper Page Text
4 I- -49 l PiGB TOUR ftfEDFORT r'ATT; TRIBUNE, fttEDFORT), OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1916 4 i vl JklEDFORD IIAIIi TRIBUNE AN HPB.WHNT NKW8P tN PUDL BB11V Am T MITNDAY BV IDFOllD rniKTINO CO. OffUrs Mull Trlbuns Building, 2S-Z7-39 North Fir ntiut, telephone 7&. The Democratic! Times, the Meuforrf MtUl The MMlforl Tribune, The Mouth ern OreKontilu, The Ashland Tribune. OHOltaij" PUTNAM, lWlter. BUHBOttrCTXOH HAMHI One year, by nmh ,I5,00 One month, by mall ..... - .60 Per nientti, dellM-rnl by enrrier In MMftml. Phoenix, Jacksonville . IKI Centmt Point .-. .10 bfclwrtlar !. by imll. per year- 2.W Weekly, per yssr. ... 1.10 orlainl Paper of the City of Med ford Oflal .8" JJMUIBI JHier VI jBinnvn vwnini tiirni mi ae)ni-ciaaH mailer m Moilttrd, Oregon, under Uie aot of Marsh I, 1S7I Sworn Circulation fur 1VMS S4ft. Pull leased wlru Associated Press ills patents. EM-TEES 111 PliyslOH IProf. When two hod la come to rot her with the anwo (orco, la haat rcncrnle.1T H.mlaatax Hot always, air. I lilt n n oneo nuil knoaked him cald. it in rlaky to prslso a woman's husband to liar fweo m It to to orlt- t' HI- him. ' Mora' the alnekmaltor oomo to fix our sitting room olooli,' Sflld tho funin liinn'a wife "Won't you go iii uiul wot H fr lilm?" Why, It Isn't upstairs, la It?" ho replied, lastly. Of course It In. Whoro did you think It wn7" 'Oh, I thought It had run ilownl" PnlnUsI Otor Sho I hoar that Jnak ling 11 now girl lloWo; thht'a Just tho old ono painted ovor. Pnnn Statu froth. It's Impossible for h wouinii to pre serve a loeert o It will keep. Wo Don't llollmo It (Home OrgnNlMr, New Albany, IniD Fur 81 e, Cheap A young famale Ullly (loat far 60c. If taken nt onio. . flometimes a eigar itrawa bettor Umii the aalor It la named after. it's awfully hard for the averago ifau to look In a mirror nnil hellevo Uiat I wna ohm a eate baby. L COMMUNICATION. T Tho IWIter: Ae the Hogue Hirer Valley haa be- aNKOMtl to the elate of Cali fornia by tiwt twrtlon of the I'aeifta Highway over the BUklyous. built Wf jMkMH county, Oregon, the thoHght OfMUra that we eught also to be jmiI koally aa well as economically Mtd to that apleH4. yreetve (to lw) known m the Rogee Hlwr tpOlef , ( CeilfenUa. toeteoal at m RotM River vJley. ef OreM, le be aeMttflotf wtu Ban rranelean awl OaJltornU. hieteM of HorUanM an4 te uw known an CaliforntaMt a OfegMilana wonM b to kg kttd tn feltowahln an esteem Im gftnatf ei aa a eefttrattaw an4 a thing gngft. flan TtetMo and California wauM enate en waene le eur Llthla nVrimis UeaHtntlenaaa ec Hean4-tlt. u FreJKtaoe aad I'allfeiaU ell know Mi hn M AshlaMi, a Me)fir. OentreJ Point, a (iM Hill aa s fmnia laaa. TWy wetHa! inew IhiJ we h4 Hter and miiiertU umi Urn mr nd ethef ItnmeMM Mitral ru Ktureeti, iti O, mKwM, e vould lw Cllfornlt ld t,itp ut a intod hlhay cleur trou our voa.rmul Vlh. Portland and l)roon oulJ givo ua what" O. the doldruma. Lei QMgMi keen that measUy auie she U phoHl to expend on the highway In tho Vtaktyojtia and any to the Rogue rlvor Yeiley. "Deuart ye tn oeaee." With Jackson mid Josephine and Oatry eoantUs na a tt oftRallfor tU. urofrena and dvloin..Mit utt) tfHAmod of no for the Kohuo rhcr alri wonld be our portion. California talking of Its noh'?rt i nfadise with Ita aprlnasSud JUOaing, ii !',. rala and foieatg, IU ari-hrdit with flir.ll ..I. UlltL-'tri' IND IS.USB MB X$$$$$P g iv . n .uasLeIVn,,"B1 ,11,,,' rem.bUa. A. o Vi rtH it Je ! '"Idi,?r "" l" mu' PPPJ." 'r ur 1 It'l 1 ,4oieere of progreia. j develop the wonderful t of Ihe UofcU rl it .ill' o( Oaltf n, tan. t Mcdfv ( ' 11 a In. 1 mi, nil 1 THE COLONEL'S WIIISN Judge Hughes starts out on his swing around the circle by which the old guard hopes to win the independent and ex-Bull Moose voters of Missouri, Kan sas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Minnesota and the Dakotas, as well as of the Pacific northwest, ho will fire his opening gun in Kansas City. The New York Times lias fun with the Kansas City Journal, which seems to trust a bit feebly to Judge Hughes alone, and which suggests that It would ho a maitor etrdko If Colonol Uoosovnlt and Mr. Tuft could be brought to KatiiwH City at tho aatno time and thosu thrco leaders speak from tho same platform. "A lovoly picture," says tho Tlmoe.. "You soo tho Colonol taking conunnnd. llo la In tho contor, of coiirao. To Mr. llnghon ho graciously glrea tho right. To Mr. Tart, n thought loss graciously, the left: "Prophets to right, Prophots to left! Tim world-child in tho inlddlo. "That Harmony Trio would ho 11 coiufortliiK slRht, hut not onoiigh.. Mr. Crono, Mr. I'anroao and Mr. Smoot ghotild ho tho rolonol's bodynunrd. TJioy, too, alioiild spook Mr. Crane might ho lot off with n whisper from tho satno platform with tho colonol. Hiram Johnson, William KM 1111 and acorgc W Perkins should u0 Mr. Taft's usliors and nttondtiHln nnd apoak from the same platform. "Ah, ewoot, whlto fluttorlng of aRconslon roboa! Ah, gamhollng and bloating of informed millennial wolves nnd ecstatic howling of tho progros. slvo flook of 10121 Why did Victor Murdock run awny to China and mlsi UiIb vision? ' The ear or anticipation In happy nlroady In the commingled strains of Onward Christian Soldiers! ' nnd 'When tho Hntorprlslng llurglar Is Not a-llurKtlng." JJut seriously, whj' should not the colonel present Judge Hughes and Judge TaftV Aside from himself, they are the only living specimens of Hie mature Uoosevoltian judgment in ihe way of presi dential candidates. Such a display on the part of the colonel to the void's of the west would be interesting. The colonel's two speci men candidates might be worked up into a living picture for the eili.ens to contemplate. . ' The picture might well be entitled, "The Colonel's Ad vice; Hcfore and Alter raking. My Trip t6 (My Ksthor Miller, Htnto I'rlo Winner, 1016). I left Modrord nt 8: 60 a. in. ou Sunday, Juno 18. At tho dopot I met Staua nnd l.olnud Charley, tho other stnto prlto winners from 011 oounty.i,,ut M10Iloy , rnnnurg pockets nnd 1 enjoyed tho scenery vory much Kloreucu Wharton Joined us nt Itose hurg, and Karl Stowart at Cottago drove. Wo mat Cannon Jotios after wo luid changed ears at Albany. Wo were met nt tho dopot by Miss Cow Hill, our good ohapurone, Mr. Hoy moro, Mr. llatrlHgten, Mr. Mnrls, and a fow Irla who arrived tho day lioforo. I waa glad when I ronohod my deetliiatlou. Wo went to Wnldo Hall, whloh was to bo our homo for tho next two weoka. It was qulto late, ao na eur reame nd roem matea had beei deelded h)im, wo nihdo retuly for bod. Wo had brenkfaei at 7 o'clock in the dlnlHg reem, witalnlH 16 large tablea. Onr rewMlar werk each day wna hand work, HymmtelHM, ceekory, and aewiug. Tho glrU and beya woro aaeemblod tweh day. Wo were given vory iHterostlHg talk by Mr. Soy more, Mr. Mnrls and Mr. Harrington, who aald thoy wen out Ih the "Hot Air" erojeet. Mr. and Mrs. llouny froHi Waaeo ceHHty, Mlae Cowglll, Mr. Aere, r)AeriHe nt Ike bos, Mr. Kerr, PreiiMl of the eellege, Mr. Iteeoler, dlrweUN- of tho eulloge, Mr. Plumbor, stockman of Perthixd, Mr. AIIom, a hmh greatly latereatetl la pig. ad Mr. OartWa, nciitotaat statu MoerlHteHdeHt. Mr. Churchill was NHable t aeuavk te ua, so ke Haa on bHolneae Ih the eaet. Oeveraor Wlthy- eotnbe raHft ue w(k mwd wf hla Taiuable Unto. He mast have beau very wuth intoreoteW la club work to leate hie ofMee aad make a tuecUl trtft (o talk to ua be)a avd girls. Ih the aftertHHMta n were given WeaeflrUl lecture oa "Little Worn a'.' "Wheel of Ufe." 'Per bomiI Astwrsed," "Th4 ideal Wowati." aad "Ktrt Aid t tho In jured," and r lwraed how to bandage and UK care of a person until a dot tor arrived Tn partlcn Y BILL CE VAllJXtl'ltN, Julx W. When lbr army bill u returned to the hue from ilu venule today, lter- heutulive IWhnnaii ipoMHt lettMtg it gu imnit'4Mttol. to vouiVrwii fur ad jualuiMtt o dittercntivs and utateted on HuIhv by scndinjj it back to the eooimitttie ut lh same wnv he blucki'ii uniuediale runulerattou of the uuvy bill a fe da uko. Other congre Mittu, huwevr, K-rxiiuded him to with dra$ hi objiiti.ia und the bill tnl to ciiiifcrciicc. tlcr'Ktutnliv(3 tUfilner dc6v(t)itel tlto bill u inCklttiiate isd t'huriid the uar ib3iartmnt iiid thv (DUv re'r lillerv and auuiaiuiltuu, he uul, ft wM k twelve year to .irui llif e... riiiiitho of tt.u "In Ih. in.1 ! il 1 1. 1 t..i 1 . AM NOW CON FEREN THREE BEST BETS the O. A. C. woro glvoii for us and a banqiiot for tho stnto prlzo winners. Thoso I onjoyod very much. Wo woro given Illustrated loclurae on tho Hawaiian Islands, "How Milk Should ho Kept," and "Orogon nirds" tho kinds which tho kind which do not. Two nights wo wont to tho movies. Miss Cow glll, Mrs. llonny, Mrs. Soymoro wont with us for n picnic. Wo took our lunohofl, which wo had prepared in cookery, and had a vory enjoyable time. Tiiosday afternoon all tho girls had an automobile. Wo went through Home of tho surrounding country and saw thoO. A. C. lands, crops, poultry, etc. Wo also went through town, and along tho Willamette, which I think Id vory beautiful. Saturday wo made a tour of tho campus, UaltliiK tho machinery, mines, dairy and armory buildings. It was of groat Interest to watch tho machinery werk, see tho different wotals nud hew they woro purlUod, nnd to know how oheoso nnd butter were Hindu Ih largo quantities. I thlHk there aro 13 buildings in all, roHHtlHg the forestry building, which la Hot qulto riHtshod. Tho shrubbery, trees and flowora aro very artistically arranged. The Inst Friday night tho boys gave a party at Cawthoru Hall. Tho Charley boys nnd I did not have long to stay, as we had planned to start home ut 8:30. Ileforo leaving, wo (veto treutod to lunio good Ice cream. I had aueh a good time and everyone naa w alee, I was really sorry te leave, although I waa auxletis te Me the heme felks. After we had Mid farewell, we atnrtod fer hums. A twe-week'a trip wltk all the x tHtuaes paid aa4 a good time for the little work 1 put ou my turkeys Is pretty good, I say. I hope others take up some part of the ork, auti enjoy the good time the stale has I store for thotfo whe werk. Tke work la ver valuable ef Itfwlf, i it pre pared us for future life. 1 will sa In dosing, that 1 lh to thanV all who made ni trip possible, and m enjoyable und beneficial DEUTSCHLAND 10 S WASHINGTON, July -H. Apwr cntl) uutlientic rtHirt that the (ler uiitii undi't outer liner l)eutcliland would leave llttltmiore tomorrow reached olYunal tiunitera hen- late to day and ot'ficiaU conferred on what measure, if any, should he taken to protect American neutrality. There vmw no exidenev of any intention to afford any Npecial protot'ttou for the Hubuiarute. DffieiaU with the osteuuibie por ptute of nvouling any krearh of uru irality withheld nil wfonnatiou vrhlch wight 1 of lue to the wnlrhing al lied criMeera, hut it w utlerlotl that the tfovcmuient wa made bmhiv of the imiH-iidui)! deiar1ure of the lieiit-chlaud and th're wax at lea -it an intimation that the -.uluuarinc Vallli'd IMtcct4l)ll lu Auicru uu wut 1 1- ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes SI m 15 CAR PEARS SOLD $1 .65 TO $1 .75 F. 0. B. Weekly Letter of Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association Reports Improved Auction Market in East and Cash Offers for Bartlctts at Mcdfortl. Tho auction prices on llartlett floarB In tho cast havo been steadily rising for tho post row days. On Friday the 28th the goncral nvorago in Now York was $2.57, In Chicago $2.35, in Hostou $2.30, In Philadelphia $2.31. Our host ndvlcos aro that tho pros pects aro exceedingly good for tho bnlnnco of the season. , Wo havo clos ed dur,lng tho past week prlvato sales for 15 cars of extra fancy Dartlctts nt prlccn ranging from $1.C5 to $1.75 f. o. b. Mcdford, nnd wo aro now ne gotiating for further salon nt tho lat ter figure Tho llnrtlotts on soiuo orchards havo doveloped vory rnpldly nnd wo expect to begin picking In a small way on tho 3rd or August and will probably got out two or thrco cars on tho Cth or Cth or August. Ilccont advices from tho Fruit Growers ngoncy cover tho estimated 191C npplo crop of California. This Is placed nt from 4000 to 4600 cars, of which 3000 cars nro expected to bo shipped from Wntsonvlllo nnd vi cinity. Theso 3000 cars aro divided into 1800 cum of Nowtowns, 700 cars Dollflours, and tho balance mixed. Tho San Uornardlna district is credit ed with 70 per cent or a crop which would mean in tho neighborhood of 14,000 boxes mostly ltoinan Ilcaiityn, Tho Oravenstelu crop or SobaBtopol Is placed at around 100 cars. S. V. I1KCKWITH, Mgr. SLAVS BREAK GERMAN LINES (Continued from pago one) - "Caucasus frent: Our nilvanoo in tlie direction of SivnH nnd Kliiirkput i proj,'roKHiiig and wo havo taken n number of prisoner. During (he night of the 27th the Turku Inunelicd n fiorco attack on tho district of Mo nul, lint were foreeil hnek. The en emy fled in diMorder, throwing away ttnns und cartridges." Ocnnans Admit ItctnH UUKLLV, July SO. After repoatwl J'utilo .ittneka northwortt of Lutak, anya tho Oermun official statement isued today, tliu Russian wuueeuduil Ih ponutrntinK tho Qormnn linos in the region of Tnstyn, and euused tho fjerinans to give tip their advanced poKitinns wliiuh they hail previously lield beyoml (lie river Stokhod. Wet of I.uUk, tho statement adds, the Itueeiaii Httaolc hue been brought to a fctauiletill by u Gonnun counter attack. "luuleru frent: Anny grwip of Field MurliMl Von lliiiihinburg: Cler man neroplanes nevortil timoK aim eessfully nttueked a hostile trans port train with troop and aloo homliartled railroad cHtalilUluiienU." "A nay group of l'rineu I.eojwld of Havana: The eiigngemuiitu ou the front ot Skrobova-VygtMla, wkiek yenterdny morning wore atill in iwof reft., hae now been deeidei com plete! hi t'avwr of tho Oenuana. On .Utukhel t"Wll "Anny group of fieHoml Von Un Mmgen: The Ihifwiniiri o.xtended their attack c-terday to points in the Mokhod Hector and on tho front to the northweiit of Hotnil. The nt-tttuK-i were repulsed. The oneiiiy'a Io-m'i, wnv vory lioavy. Minor ud-aiuc- at other (daeea uh the Stokhod trout uUo f tilled, "North went of Tuitak, the enemy, after seeral nboitive attuekw, wuc cetHlcd in entering our line near Tn tyn, which eeiirod ua to give up the lines which ue ooeupied beyond the river Stolhod. Woet of Lutak, Hu oiuu attack whb HtojijuNl by our counter-attack.. XoMr ivuiitcie, ea-t !' lorouche. the oety wa fiatlv re )Mileel. A KnsoUiu aeroplane wa altot dowu soulli of Fereeta in an aerial eugaucwont. "Arniy group of General Count i Ikkthmer: KetwlMl rtuaainu att.t. u-, uortheast of Mmmatersysk brk( down with grent enemy loeaee. Along' Wotcni l'roiit PARIS, July W. Two atrong (i. r wan ifetarhmeMte which alteupl.l t- reach the Vrenck liuee nt n Mint w -t ol Vcniiai d.iller., on the Smrni i front. v.'Nt, ulav were rcpuUcil, it v , flicuill auiMtuneetl b th Frn ' war dcpuiuniciit loduv In the recioR of the French trtn JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER IjMly sMtant 2 H, IIVHTMTT KHfflD of Verdun two German attacks on a redoubt in tho ravine south of Floury wore oheoked. The French, the offi cial statement snys, mnde hoiiio prog ress in the region of Tliiiuunoiit. In the sector of the Fumin nnd Chonois woods an artillery duel fl6n-tinues. Itrltlsh Make Pigii-H LONDON, July 20. British troops yesterday mndo iirogroas to the north nnd nortlienxt of t'oztoro nnd near Higliwood, it wus officially nn nouneed today. General Sir Douglas Hnip nlso reported that two dospor nto Gorman counter-Mttueka HKninat Delville wood were repulsed. E E WASI1INOTON, July 29. Uy a voto ot 4G to 10, the senato today adopted a resolution, directing Pres ident Wilson to transmit to tho Hrlt Ish government an expression ot hopo that It would oxerclso clemency In tho treatment or Irish political prisoners, Ily its action tho senate overturn ed tho report or a majority or Ita for eign relations committee and follow ed n courso outlined In a minority report mndo by Chairman Stono and Sonators O'Gorman nnd Plttinnn. fTciASS at&r&earre is peeved hy tlie pictures it hcwS . Favcv SKow METRO PICTURES axui LI C asked R IN ,r. , & 1 M i JW for is K' a ' ive bbbLbbbbbbbT Mi JbbbbbV9b BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTLm KKjU 1f iM in 3 " ' r?t. ""!. - N- -t r . --.i- J-n Factor DUlributar C. E. GATES Medford "Not So Bad Being Laid Up" Cheerful? Why not? Scheduled for a couple of weeks more, but I should worry! Why, that llttlo old wreck nnd my smnshed log have brought me a change from tho "road "all thocomfortsof homo nnd $200 every four weeks from my AVTNA ACCIDENT POL ICY, together with payment of the surgeon's fee. Not to mention tho $25 I'll get every week whllo I'm lamc-ducKing in tho open air. Pretty soft, oh? Especially when a fellow works only on commission. Seriously, nil of you boys ought to yTNA- IZE You're not worrying the banks with depoalta any more than I did. Ami whfn tha accident breaks, your good old vKtna Income keeps away the wolf nnd debts, and makes you Independent. No spong Inir for met Tho coitt Honestly, too email to talk about. Hefore the Jinx gets 'round to you. better 'phone, writ or call today on rujr agent McOURDY INSURANCE AGENCY 4 - 4 J . Modrord National Bank Uklg -j i ' i -l; THE UNIVERSAL CABt There's style with quality in the Ford Coupelet as well as Ford durability in sorvico and economy in mainten ance. Roomy interior exeellontly up holstered. Top raised or lowered in two minutes. A eav of superior class. Inspect it. Tho Coupelet $590; Run about $390; Touring Car $440; Town Car $(540; Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at 0 c. E. GATES jt Endurance t "How long a run for my money?" That is the vital question. 10,000 mile Savages are common. 20,000 mile Savages are not unusual. All Savage Tires give maximum service. Ask any Savage user for hit opinion of Savage endur ance and Savage mileage. f, D savasE if jl n 9 v r if H'V? ---