Newspaper Page Text
PATJE STX ftrEDFORD MATT, TRronNR, MRDFOIfD, OKHCION, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1D1B K4 N ft ,r F. T OF Foreign Office Reviews Strunylc, Placlun Blame for Conflict Upon Allies Central Powers Untied anil Victory Only Question of Time Splcntlcd Successes Achieved. HHI.MN, July 00. I.oviovniijt tho politii ,i otont of tliu sucoinl year of (ho wnr, tlio Oermnn fyiutxn office lnifj kJvoii ( (ho Associated l'roea (Iiu following atntumunt : "Tho b(ionil wiir your whoso mid is now iipprimohini,' hua hiouisht the I mo territorial iiKHnuidizciiu'iit aims of our opponent into clearer light. In liinoon thin is oponly admitted, they having on uiKlorelniidiiiK with Kii(i 1(i ltd iiml wuut Constnnlfhoplu their war gunl. In Franco theio in n war mail cry Tor Alaaro Lorraine. "fn Kiit-lnnd, loo, tho niiiHk Iimm liiw'n i1nipKt(l. It in openly ndiuillcil thnt nolKiuiu was only a pretext to jnxtify KuhIhikI'm pnrtloltiiiii in the war, which wan undertaken only from -elfish inloioal. Othcix lo Itlnine "Tin -i mid your of the war, Utiire fuic, i Ihiw , Hint our miomiua lire pro rifely ttlml thoy all along wrongly n-priMK lull Ourmnuy with hiring, lniinclv, iliatiirhora of tlio peitee ltiiHMM through hor unbridled imaaiou tor extending hor bonier; ISuRlnud, through being iiucoutrollnhlo for dominating iilono the economic worlil ami Franco, through her passion for re ongo. "Tho second yonr of tho war fur hcr provcil Hint it in our enemies who follow tho principle of miiiht ho 'fare light. Thoy how this in the pinro anil more reekloaa violation of jhc generally rocogiiixod principl(H of international )hw hy tho oulouto jmwora, not only in Iho struggle OKaiimt tho cuntrul powom, lint atill jimre in their treatment of neutralx. "At tliu opening of tho third year of Jin' war neruiNiiv ia ahlo to look Juii-hfrf.. her Hpkuiilid military ue-ii-ocm in water mul on laud, which aic ni'i without political imMirtancc. I'imci I'll inly Unite! "(lin,niiy mul her allien remained In inly niiiUd during the punt year in licinU ..)' friendship and common in. tcicxti Huhraria, aa the fourth mciiilu r. entered lb alliance in Oclo her, Id"., nflcr having aRliafitctorily nriiiii..( mailer with Turkey. Through I In- accession of Itulgaria, which n-uli.-it in the Mibjugatiou of Serbia, ihr uu wa oieiivil for the central power- fiinn Ileriin to Con. MnntiiHipli' and to llajidad, an event ol fin mi. lung immrtance. "The .illmiire of the central power- r-(- upon a community of jml- iiu'iil i'i oimiiiic inteivwlH, It jm mi iiihini. niTONaity for all four stale .mil it '.'imranUfw to them niiKint iiu ni-.i-l-N (he greatest ad inil. . unliuiii in uiiv wav llueut- miiir iiu of the allien.. "HhiMioj iimiii what aha already lui-in iiu vnh (li-nniiiiv treada the iliu-liold of the third year of the uar with M..uwkeii iHiufuIetice. Hut tin mud lui not yet Imh-h rceclicd, for (hi t-iii-in Imx not et couie lo mih the in l,j.ilitv ,if MilijiiKNliuir Oer- II..IIIX ." Hem YOUTH R Harrt Hchoullx who lle.t In Mt ford uutll llir-i a t-ttt u iiko. ullriiilhm liulh grammar aud high biIiooI in lin clty. Is uow ou dut) ou the l.or.Ui being (trat awrgaaut of ('oinpau M First Wlniteroin infantry stationed at I.lano, Texas. II Is a oii of Mr and Alr Harry Hlioulu 01 Mwlford Coiunau) M lert Mlnnevota ,lul 1 .' Mud arrived Ml the liortler slution on July 17 I.Uao tlraude la about three miles from the bolder and 3i mill-', ftoin the (Jiilf of Mexico. Aceordlug to u letter received irom him It) Mrs Svboults life In the tt-m-porary camt In which the lived ou flrat arrival Ib not vr eomr.irui.U-, I largely l. .mi- of the leas of tl-i! lncldeutat to UkIHIiik a doxeu taiU tloa of singularly blood! hirst. Ihih during the nishts Life In the i r inantnt umin, huM-r, he . i HUH h l.i-tlai and Ihe nuitltem i.ttse IlOthliiK 10 11 1 i ilul ll of j Gnir s D ft WAR WENT CHICHESTER S PILLS ! Jjr- -I 111 llAMONIl II II AMI. X 7'1K I dl l ,k rr llrMKul.ll- i USUAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY'S BASEBALL GAME WITH ASS Throiiitli an imiihcrtiuice it wan an nouiii'i'il (hat ailinin-ion to the Iihhu Imll Kamc Snmlav with (IrnnU I'akh would he tho NHinc iih at tliu Klninnth FrIIk Kiune, thoiiKh tho management n not reepoiiNthle for Uic error, and the uminl prieen will prevail ndiniMilou U."i cmi I, jcrnnd ntnnd 3." cenlw. Thie will ho the flrat sume hctwoon the two old-time rivalx, with I'emoll pilcliinj; for the I'M and Scilinrln Tor Mwlford. Hulli loaum are on Iheir 'mettle, lanf Hnuday'a jrnme hnviinc givon (IrnnlH i'oiw increaned confi dence while the local liny arc detor iiiliuid to nhow that thoy arc lill in Hie K"'""- On account of the racoa nl Hie fair trroiiuda, the Kaino will he callod nl '! o'clnch iimlcnd of 2-0, althoiiRh it Will he nl the hail park na iihiiuI. TIum will icite every one n chance to xcc holh raccH nml itame. At .'I p. in., nl hall iinrk, (lniiiti.l'aMn vs. Mcd- fiird; iisiinl nilmi-o-iiiii. HOT WAVE MAY According to Inillelin- miiI Ii Hn-i local weather nlliec fioui I'niiliind, j .Aleilforil may feel the hot wave now , MWeepiug the enet mid cent nil NtatcH next week, though upon reaching the Pacific count region ita effwl will lie greatly dimiulalicil. In the rcgimiK now nffeeted tho heat ix accouiauieil hy a vory high humidity, the caime of much of tho auf feeing, llowevor, he foni leaching the Pacific coaat re gion theac hot, damp winds muat tra verse u gicat artui relatively 1I17, which will ahaurh moat of the moia- tuw. Weather iiihx eeut to the local of fice daily from Portland alio that on luly '2 the hot wave had not yet touched the Atluutic count, hut wax woeHiig weat fiom tho Ueruiudaa. On the 2.Mh it hud iienctrated 100 tnilea inland from Ihe Allaiilic Heahiuird on the north and 1-V) mile in the koiiIIi. On the 201 h it had reached Nova Sco tia on the north anil had advanced weaterly to ArttaMMax, the line curv ing from Arkann Kouthcuiturlv to Ihe gulf. On the J7th the front of the heat Hue wax hIiowu on weather map, in the hapj of a great how, the euda heing in New York and Unii-i-aun and Ihe center bulging out lo the middle of Oklahoma. Today' rejMirt hhowM the wave to have receded at the center to the wi-Merit pait of Ar knusiiK, while in the north it ha wcpl iiipiiHx we-t lo Wi-.i-niiKiii. Fur ther aiUalii-c i expei-lcd ill nortll-wi'-ti-ra I niicd Slnles nml Mintheru Cauaila. I EXCLUDING KLi H'AHIIINtiTON. Jul .'t Ainvii rau AmliattMador I'aae at l.oailon lo tlay cabled the male ileitartiiient that Oreat llrltutn limUln upon cxeludtaK from Unglaad and Ireland Kuaenc llugtaea Kelly of Nea York, treas urer of the Irlah relief fund. hl ' aaiiUtaut, Joaeidi Hinllli and Mm J Kellv. Tlii-v will leu ve KiikIhihI VIoii ' da. 011 the Aiiiniran tlut-r l'lillaili-l llll. ord vs. REACH mm 1 ii 11 111 ------ fj laaisiiiiiHiiiaiii iiiiiii una 11 ifTirrrrrT'nr77r'-,7fT7BTiPai'"'il."ii I Med AT MEDFORD Sunday, JWy 30th Game called at 3 o'clock following Horse Races REYNOLDS IN JAIL i WITH LONG RECORD i OF PETTY Afi-rli Itcynold'., wlm on the niuhl of I'Vhrunry :i, IIIl.'i, hit (Vnl Ilrown over the head with a -ix-Kliooter when Hiiiwn entered hit place of huxinena after midiriKht, wan arreMled in 1'mmco, Waali., on a charge of hurRlary, re lcaatid'n iolo ami liefnrc leuviti(r tiiwnHjjIiH aajnin np-pdjliciiiled h- the J'anco police iijKin receipt of a wire from Sheriff Hinllli of .loncphine county, Hlaliiiff that lteyuolda wan wnnled on a charge of hurglarulujr the jMwtoffice and telephone office in (Irani FanH. In Orniita I'aan it waa KHcerlnined (hat ItoynohlH had huon nenlcnccil in .Incknon county to nerve from two to twenty yenra on a charge of forgery, loiter, however, ho waa released, and after the IioIiIuh in Orauta I'iimh and Hid Med ford attempt, diinppcarcd un til nrriwled at Faacn. .Sheriff .Smith hroughl the priHOiur to .InckHotivillc, where he in now held. Chief IliltHon conaiderM he hua a atrong crnm ngaiiiHt Ueynoldi.. Drown will go lo .lankaouvillu with the chief loday. when the will he identifiiil. In the pool riHim after the iiHsaull a cap waa found which, taken to Qranta Vnrnt, waa identifietl iim helonging to Itoyuolda. Hair found in the cap in Identical to Itoyn o!.l ll if. nniliahlc that a new trial will tint In- held, hut he will he acut lo the peuili-nlmrv at Salem on Ihc old foigcrv cmint and charged with hro- ki-u imi'iilc. I T JJALTIMOIIi:. .Inly ai). Conrcr enccM among ol'fit-ialM of the ICatcrn Forwarding company, American agenta of the Herman merchant suh marine DeiilMchhind, and her eom uiimder, Captain Paul Koenig, were frequent during Ihc early foreiiiMiii at the NiilimerHlde'H pier today, hut nothing developed iudieatiiig final prenn rn tin n for Mailing. Yeterda mcinhen of tHe crew of the Deal hi lilaad were granted hore leave for a few houra, hut the order went around todav for all the crcn to "Mick to the .hip." APPAR BETUnRKD TO OtSHCR (OMitlii(l ttem n4w can) hy their rejection of article li.'l, ulm-h would have guamnteed a prist1 vck-x-I aayluin in neutral water. The I'm Hiaii treaty, however, waa given min-h attention hy the court. "The hiwlory of the iidoptieu nl the. trenlv with PruKwia," the den mil read, "the conditioiiH Ihut hnniulii 11I1011I the Hanie, and the contciuimr aueoiih oiunionx of Hie eminent 1-I11I1- mi-ii of that day who particiiiate.l in in procurement ami aeceptuuec lit Ihe two countrioM, hua been gouc into Inllv in the effort to allow Hint it wn.' an ant to dive axyluni to prim- in neutral uuler; and that it imrliMi lar piirMnc wa lo afford the Inilid Kluli-. mi Hx.tluui for their prue in Prn.iiin wilier-." UlKlieKt iii.illi, Jewelry retiatrtau - iliiiiiioiid ettlug, wul li f niuilrliiK fcl'A Martin J. Reddy Vj J I'l'e lju.illl Store for tGB liillalile la... .Ik ZZ V. Main SI Mi'.lfonl, On- Grants Pass .-. m CRIME T T E WA8IHNOTON, July 29 Genornl Carrnnxa waa Informix! tonight in n unto linuded to IiIk nmbanHador horo Hint tho Waahlngton Koverumont Is proparod to iiihinlt to it joint Inter national commlifllon tho tank of Book ing a solution of bonier probloms. Tho propoinl of tho do farto govorn- mont for a eommlMlon la nocoptou however, with the RiiRgoatlon that tho powom of tho commlMlonem ho on largoil boyonil tho llmlta proiioscd In the Mexican nolo of July 12. Agrcemont to tills auggentlon Is ox. puoted and it waa stntod officially to night Hint tlio Ainorlcnn mombors would bo appointed and tho commls hIoii bo aMombloil at some point In tho United Statoa nt nn early dato. Following H tho full toxt of Acting Socrotnry Folk's nolo nn dellvorod to ISH100 Arrodondo, Max lean nnilifiBsn dor (loalgnnto, nftor It had boon ap proved todny by Frosldont Wilson and Ills cnblnet: 8lr: I havo tlio honor to ncknowl odgo tho rocolpt of your rommuulcn Hon or July 12 luflt In which you transcribe n nolo addrossed to mo by tho socrotnry of foreign relations of your govnrnmont, and to request that you will bo good enough to transmit to him tlio following reply: "Mr. SoeretHry: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your oxrol loucy's nolo trntumlttco. undor (Into or July 12 by Kllseo Arfsndondo, y6ur governmout's confidential ngont In Wnslilngtou, luformlug mo Hint your oxcelloncy Iihh rocolvod Instruc tion from tho first chief or tlio conatltiitlnnnlliit army charged with tho oxocutlvo power of the union to propoKe thnt oneli or our KovernmontH iiniiio three commlsaiouors, who shall hold conference at some placoa to bo miitunlly iiKreod upon and docldo forthwith tho question relating to tho evacuation or tho American foreos now In Mexico mid to draw up and conclude a protocol or ngrrjomont re garding tho reciprocal crossing of tho frontier by forces of both roiintrioH, also to demand tho origin of the In cursions to dato, In order to fix tho responsibility thorofore mid definitely to lattlo the differences now ponding or thosH which may arise between the two countries on account of tho snmo or similar reason; all of which shall be subjected to the approval of both governments. "In reply I have the honor to state that I have put your cxcelleucy'a note before tho president und have receiv ed hit. Instructions lo Inform your ex-i-elleney Hint the government of the AREE1N SETTLING BORDER ROUBLES MAD W&WZ&lZW&&rrtrt t i Unltod States Is disposed to accept tho proposal of tho Mexican Rovorn mont In tho biuuo spirit of frank cor- ;dlnllty In which It is mado. This govornmont bollovos, and suggests, however, that tho powors of tho pro i posed commission should bo onlnrged so that, If happily a solution sntlsfnc itory to both, governments of tho ques tion sot forth In your oxcolloncy's .communication may lie ronchod tho commission mny also consldor such othor mattors tho friendly nrrango ment of which would tend to Improve 1110 romiions 01 1110 two con nines; 11 being understood Hint such recom mendations ns tho commission may miko shall not be binding upon tho respective governments until formal ly accoptod by thorn. "Should this proposal bo accoptod by your excellency's govornmont, I have tho honor to stnto Hint this gov ornmont will proceed Immediately to appoint Its commissioners and fix, after consultation with your oxcol loncy's govornmont, tho Hmo and placo and othor details of tho pro posed conferences. "Accopt, Mr. Secretary, tho aseur anroR or my hlghost consideration. (Signed) "Frank L. Folk, acting socrotary or stnto." L i Among the ironilncnt guests who will bo horo for the annual conven tion of tho Stnto I'Mltorlul associa tion, will be: Frosldont W. J. Korr of Oregon Agricultural college; Presi dent Ackorman of- the State Normal school; Doati Alton of tho State uni versity; Mr. K. II. I'lpor, managing editor of tho Orogonlan; Mr. W. V. Woohlko, managing editor of Sunset mngazlno, nml tho editor of tho San Krnnolsco Cnll. Knch or tho Portland papors will send n special staff man. Noarly ovory county In tlio stnto will bo roprosonted, tho attendance al ready promised being moro, hy fifty por cent, than nt nny provlous con vention In tho association's history.' Arrangements for entertaining tho convention are proceeding satisfac torily. The committee roquosts ror co-operation nro meeting with re sponses showing the real Jackson TWO TRIPS DAILY HHTWBKN MEDFORD and EAGLE POINT S. II. Ilnrnlsa's auto will ave IChkIo Point At 8 A. M. und 1 P. X dally, except Stindny; leavo Medford 9 A. M. and 5 P, U. Will call ror passengers at hotels n Medford and liotels and buliie bouib U Uz Point. imiok x.xa on smx. -lUJUII HFH JL WHAT OWE CENT'Jl WORTH OY XLXCTKICXTY WXXX DO (at Ton Ccnta Per K. W. Hour TU0 junuul tF milk, t'hui'ii 10 hiiuuIk of hur Um Alilk ") cows. Klcvittt' ." buslti'lH of jfpnin U) Tot', in 8 minutes. Keep .soldering iron hot 10 minutt'8. Keep half pint of glue hot for ." hoius. Oj)erte Forge blower for 2 horn's. Operate fjirni grindstone for .50 minutea. Operate) nurliihle drill for 20 minutes to 1 hour. Clean loO square root of enrpet. Rinse 150 gnllqnis of wnter W feet. Opoi ate sewing nmehiti for J houfs. Opemte a l!2-iuch fail far 2 hum's. Run u domestic bufFor l'i houiis. Is tho Clionpast to Install, Cocto Lei to Opaiit, 1 "on Uip job" at all Umos day and nthfe I?ur ftirther itiforuialUHi call at our office or phono. California-Oregon Power Company 81(5 West Main Street (Shonu IGH MBUFOIU), ORrJClO' J county spirit. Two of tho lodges havo turned in Hid lilt or their cars and commlttoos of the othor throo nro hard nt work. Throo of tho banks have contributed a car oach for tho Crator Lake trlpt sovoral of tho auto dealers havo done likewise and many citizens. A list of thoso donating their cars will be published ns soon ns completed The officers of the association aro!8 The Sure Way to Prosper Ts to sao sonu money all tlio time. The safe way to .sao'is to put the money in a bank like Ihis. r 8 SAFE -SOUND SECURE OVER ZZYEARS UNDEK ONE MANAGEMENT KTJ1..LJ MS UN, t 61I 1 V in !i', I'i msftt jl! -llP'?''?? f rW wl&&mMr5P, Z2TA '. Ht- . 1 IVSUl. AMI . 'ti$y cNlCW5S-2i,?Jiis r-J m pi wm i w IF J-t-KEvPWJ-feihni .?. r,THn cm mk ' i-mmmm jiiiljl .! : No hom&ioold tb fm o "m" a i a CiJectnc Wiii'Mg Of recent years houses that wore built bad: in the dnyo when tallow cnndle-dips were the prevnilinn source; of illumination, liave boon successfully wired for electric lights. So expert are wircmon nowadays and so efficient aro the tools with which they work that the finished job looks as if tho fixtures had been instnliod when tho house was bainr, built. The Modern Way of wiring doos not dufucQ walls and does not disarrange the ordinary routine of the house while being done. There is no dirt, disorder or trouble. And electricity in the homo is no longer a luxury, be cause its cost has been cut two-thirds by Edison Mazda Lamps ktJe in U. S. A. tc? horhe-t hy MAZDA Stmiee PAUL'S ELECTRIC STORE U.U W. Mala S4, ' MFIH-OI.O, IHIW.O. w 1 Next lloia' to Power Comuay i o 'alroady oppressing thdlr dollght nt tho entertainment prepared. Thoy I do not hosltnto to cnlt It tho finest : ever to a stnto ns 'soclatlon In tho Unltod Statoe. Sev eral Items were unexpected, such ns tho generous donation of hotol rooms by Medford's three hotols. This wns arranged by John A. Westerlund I whose suggestion wns heartily sec onded by Mine IIosts Mohr and Iloll. if IK aocijsv tswv-toti t2w,"7ij .1, "?- T .&&, aV t& rwsaJ iD -gi 1. 1 ' . w35if!5ti IUtjBHRLf KKI SwiaRso hr f B5 p.X-.r.l r?-i I . i a n, k 1 e 1 , ,4 . ii.a 1 ..old v I o l ,1 J t-tt ?ihr lM. ut JPf O u V-.. l)MISSION 21 (JRM) STAND 35c llrt HI aVoMi iiiumi i-ihk.( .a Lt If- A II i SWPBVDKl(jblbIbIURUUIRt . . . W. l m