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atEDFORD MAIti TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 31, min PXGE THREE ' ? s) MOTH TRUCKING VERSUS RAILROAD FOR OPENING MIS To the Editer: As nn advocate ot bcttci runds, oapcclally In tho tlirco coast states, my Interest in tho proposod enter prlso of iMedford in procuring trans portation facilities to and from the Bluo Ledge mines and to tho timber country tributary thereto, with tho ultlinato terminus to Humboldt Day, prompts me to open thin discussien: Thrco weeks have passed Blnco the people ot Mcdford expressed thorn selves, by a largo majority, request ing the expenditure ot $300,000 for the construction of a railroad to the IJlno Lcdgo district. This vnluahlo tlmo has past and no tangible pro gress has dcvelopod. Tho Indiffer ence of tho people, as well of those who worked lnccssingly tor the suc cess of this enterprise, it seems, has lost interest and, perhaps, courage to proceed. 'An apathy exists and if this lack of feeling continues, it will only bo n question of a short tlmo when this enterprise, llko so many others that originated in Mcdford, will bo buried and forgotten. ' I propose, with this nrtlclo to open a cunnel, which I consldor fcosablc, practical and economical, perhaps not considered so by those directly Interested in the ponding proposi tion or thoso inexperienced in modern traffic. ' It Is not generally known that in harnchslng tho gasoline motor In such a way ns to mako it a most practical and economical power for the haulago in nil forms, is today superseding tho railroad Just no much ns tho automobllo has taken tho place of tho railway travel. Hond engines, harnessed to trailers, haul from 40 to CO tons of freight, without injury to tho road, at a speed ot front 8 to 9 miles per hour. It Is n common occurranco to rco between tho cities of Los Angeles and Wilmington, a dlhtntico ot 22 miles, 10 trailers harnessed to road engines, hauling GS tons of freight, and operating moro economically than hauling by locomotives. At a recent test run from Los Angeles to San Diego, 142 miles, ono ot tho large typo road engines mado tho trip In li) hours with a load of 13,000 pounds, (almost its own weight) nt a cost of 30 gallonn of fuel consumed. This same road on glno Ih enabled to haul from four to eight trailers of four-ton frolght carrying capacity, each. Thono typo of engines with heavy loads, make frcquont trips between Los Angeles and Topock, Arir... a distance of 324 miles. This mileage is covered In 38 to 40 hours, depend ing on Btops for tho loading end unloading nt stations. In a recent trip, it is stated: "Tho trip was made on 40 gallons of fuel (dlbtllate) and on an avcrago of eight miles a gallon, for miles tho heavy sand roads cut down tho running speed, for a truck hear ing this weight, sinks In the sandy stretches of the desert. Ilownver, It was crossed in tho second gear or better and Cajon Pass was cocrcd In tho third gear." From tho above, ovhlch are undis puted facts, would It not he inoro practical to substitute the road en glno for tho locomotive? Mr. Ilullls, who contemplates constructing the railroad to tho llluo Ledge and who Is now meeting with this apathy ot tho pooplo, states, that with a guar antee of ISO tons freight, with an earning of J2&0 per day, ho can mako pay. Four road engines with seven trailers of 5 ton capacity each, will mako this haul at n less exponso than steam locomotion, which is readily demonstrated. Tho cost of constructing tho rail road to the Iilue Ledge district is approximated at $300,000 for which tho city of Medford Is called upon to bond itself and in later years will becomo tho possesor of tho road, minus tho equipment. Tho ultimate wishes of the people of Medford, as expressed by Tote on July 10, is to open the mines ot the llluo Ledge district for tho purpose of creatine a greater commerce and for tho upbuilding of Medford through tho operation of the mines and timber products. No other means for transporting the output ot the mlnos and forests, other than by steam locomotion, was considered. "With the above facts, capacities and economy of the road engine, would It not be a greater as set to tho olty and county to con struct a hard surface road ot a 13 or 16 foot width and operate the haul ot the products from the Blue l.edce Mine and the available tim ber, by the mora modern and moro economical system, and at the same tune, gne the people ,t ninhwar N Pi ' fw i -" i '- .--r- - .rm -w j .- taC.. -' -v -jt. r w a -:.JOwtoViGvi iMr. and Mrs. Marlon Lance passed through Gold Hill Sunday afternoon on their way to their mine, expect ing to stop on their return trip with hor mother, at Foots creek nnd take her back with them to their homo in Mcdford. .Mrs. I). A. Gordon and daughter, Doris, of I'hoonlx Bpcnt n couple of days at tho home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Unison In this city. Air. Schucrmnn 'of tho Cold Hill Flour nnd Feed Store, spent Satur day and Sunday with relatives In Ashland. IMr. and Mrs. O. Illacklugton spent Saturday In Mcdford. Samuel Unrtloson, Prod Moore and It. J. Ilownn of tho Meadows dis trict, transacted business in Gold Hill Thursday. George Lnnco and wifo woro shop ping In Gold Hill Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. M. S. Johnson and son, Cecil were In Medford Tuosdny. Tho Infant daughtor ot Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Chandler, who has boon reported as being so sorlously ill nt tho hospital, has boon removed con valescent to tho home of tho nurso, Mrs. F. W. Senrs. Tho llttlo patlont Is without doubt hojond tho crisis, and resting nicely now. Mrs. Curtis Miller of Sams vnlle which ran bo traversed by all who nro now callod upon to nsslst In the construction of tho railroad Such a highway can bo constructed for less monoy than tho contemplated railroad and could roaoh Its destina tion, owing to tho grades, in less m 11 en ko than by railroad, which must be operated on grades not exceeding 3 per cent. This highway would be continued in California, towards Its terminus without doubt. It would bo a road recognized by tho Federal Government undor tho federal nld law, which provides n contribution of 50 per cent of tho cost of construc tion, i Tho writer will not go Into do tall ns to differences In costs of hauling and operation at this tlmo This can be determined by tho render and nelthor Ik It the writer's Inten tion to obstruct or object to tho work, in hand for the opening of tho initios, which would bo of an Inostlmahle valuo to the city of Mcdford. Tho writer will, In a later artlolo, give details as regards difference In costs, both In tho construction ot tho high way, tho operation of haulago and the advantages of a hlghwa vs rail way, gko f noos ..'. V '.I"-"" tir'ujszar ' .' fun THE aniUIHAL MALTED MILK RIchmflk,mlted grain cxtract.ia powder. ForlnUnU, Invalids -cd growing children. Pure nutrition,upbuilding tb- whole body. Invigorates nurtmg mothers odtlni.d. Tfl Food-Drink for all Ages More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc. SubltiUUl COlt YOU Swnc Price H b IRi-BBS IIVEIKr r'.w,L&m&rxt . WE PROGRESSIVES. left Friday afternoon on tho 3: in train to spond a few das with hor friend, Mrs. Hnsktns, ot Medford. Sho was accompanied by hor daughtor, Flossie. Miss Ilosslo Newton Is spondlng Saturday nnd Sunday with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Wheoior, who aro visiting relatives In Ash land. Tho nbove-iiioiitlonod nro old acquaintances from their school days nt O. A. C. and Corvntlls. Mr. and Mrs. William Illttle of Hiversldo colony woro In Gold Hill Saturday. Grandpa TomllRon of Hock Point sivcnt part of Sunday In Gold Hill. What do you think of a head of lottuco weighing flvo pounds and measuring 13 Inches high and 24 Inches in dlnmetor, raised by our local agriculturist, Martin Uhrll- veln. , J.lltlo Miss Ada Ivorsou left nn the Saturday morning train to lslt with hor friends, Opal nnd Lodn Harvey, In Ashland, over Sunday. Thoy are going soon to Klnmath to visit their fnthor, Hnrry Harvey, who Is em ployed there, nnd will remain and attend school thoro. Sirs. J. "V. Morrlt of Central Point spent the last part of the wook In Cold Hill A bunch ot Gold Hill huskies left Saturday afternoon for tho Crater The Demands When the blood (the rfrii body) it properly nourished, your hotly in variably radiates lignt of glowing health nut it u to easy to neglect ill importance, and blood diicaie'f of malignant form, like Kheumatitm. Catarrh, Malaria, Scrol uloui poliont and iltin dneatei take hold ixiore we arc aware tne remit ot negligence. Keep your tilood pure by the nouriihincr thete undeilrable tenanti Git tht Q-nulnt H mum! INSIST ON HOME PRODUCTS THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME iS)v--V ' i fin rr i in mi- After ou hae tasted the delicious (jualil.v of the bread it innk.'.'-.'.'i our appetite will remind you to order . r Rogue Spray Flour MEDFORD ROLLER MILLS H. O. Nordwick, Prop. Phono 507 Patronize tho institution that maintains tho Largest Payroll in Mcdford. The Medford Printing Co. Tho Best Equipped Job Plant in Oregon outside of 1'ortland. Vs. WORLD ' Lake government camp. Thoso In tho party woro Jimmy Hums, Karl Cook, Hay Katon nnd John It. Kol t.oy. A. H. Cornell of Grants Pass, ac companied by his daughter nnd n friend from Mcdford, motored to Gold Hill Saturday on business, con nected with tho Insurance company, which ho roprosents. Mr. Chns. Wahl and Mrs. Paulino l31llott woro married nt tho homo of tho brldo nt Foots creek Thursday, July 20. Only a few relatives and frlonds woro present nnd following tho ceremony a sumptuous dinner was Horved at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Champlln. Mrs. Chnmp 1 1 ii Is a daughter of tho brldo. P. J. Schnumborg of Foots creek was In Gold Hill Friday with n load of apples. From four to 21 porsotm from Gold Hill, attonded ovcry perforin enro of "Tho Mirth of a Nation." 'Mrs. Lanham, who was Injured the Fourth of July In an auto wreck, is Improving very slowly, hut gradually nt her homo In this olty. uMItm. Lathrop and children nnd Miss Inn Austin Woro In Gold Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Leo Cook of Koch Point wore In Gold Hill Saturday. Mr and Mrs II K Adams or Hock Point wero In Gold Hill Saturday. ol Your Blood power fluid of your (power lluid) running qualities of 1. 1, t. and la from your body. I.S.8. Irom your Druggkt, I I ill VII VAYEAfiSA vecx x.y MTccjV niih i.A MP your appotif e willreinindou S BALL GAME FROM From tho spectator's standpoint, Sunday's gamo with tyrants Pass, boforo a crowd ot 300 fans, was par haps tho best ot tho season. It was oven, marked with clean Holding and better, thoro wns an entire nbsonce of tho crabbing that has marred the others ot this acason'fl gnmos. Tho credit for this may bo given largely to Umpire Pntton. Grants PnBn lod off, making two runs In tho socond Inning ntnl fol lowing with ono in tho third. In tho second hnlt ot tho third Medford rallied and tied tho score Grants Pass boosted tliolr end of tho scoro KICK OUT MEDFORD WIN GRAMS PASS ' - mmmt Tliu only thing io do with Iho "Town TvnocUor" is lo kick him out. Toler ate him for a minute, nnd he spreads like an epidemic all over tho community. He is the original "Calamity Howler" and "Hird-of-lll-Omen." Ho is nover so happy as when ho can persuade other people to think tho same way ho does, if allowed to "got the floor," he will knock the pins from under the, host prop osition on earth. He is against every form of improvement, and if he couvorts enough people to his way of thinking, the town will come to a dead stop. After having killed everything, he glories in the fact that nothing can he done for tho town. It is doomed. The only thing to do with the "Town Knocker" is to head him for the cemetery. His habit of knocking is so infectious that it has boon known to spread among some of the best people. Kiok the k.ookor out. Two Recipes for Hot Weather: PEP At tho Soda Fountains and Yellow Label Tomatoes At tho Grocer's Try them today and cool off. ROGUE RIVER VALLEST CANNING GO. Fob GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and IRRIGATING PIPE Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. 4 Telephone 8QQ with two in tho sixtl; and ono in the seventh; but again Medford camo back Solberts banging out a thrce baggor with two on, coming In hlm solf on a sacrifice. This put Medford In tho load 7-0. In tho eighth Milos provontcd Grants Pass from ovenlug up tho scoro by n sonsntlonnl big longuo stop. A fast drlvo camo down botweon first and second. Milos, running full speed picked it out ot tho nlr with ono hand nnd retlrod tho runner. In tho eighth Medford piled up two moro nnd nt tho end, tho scoro stood 0-C In favor of Med ford. iMcdford's heavy hlttors showed up woll, Wilson gottlug four hits from four times up nnd M el n tyro getting threo hits from four times up. The fielding ot both tennis wns excep tional, Grants Pass showing n llttlo bettor work. liattorles wore Grants Pass, Pot noll nnd linker. Medford, Solborls nnd Force. Not Sunday tho Medford tonm SO LONG D KNOCKER THE "TOWN KNOCKER" Tell Us the Size of your wIiiiIowh nnd doors nnd we'll uunly HccurHttily uiuilo trailing (or them. We'll uupnly tho windows and iloori too if you donlro. Glvo you hatter result! tint u any handwork. (iIvh you a choice of danlun nnd fin ish. And you'll ho iiiriirlvod nt how little our mill work coits. Como ud InventlgHto. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Ask Your Grocer and Butcher rou IIOOUL WSVfcUTCLa ft-. They Are Home Grown WIS fe rr- OlM and a largo crowd of fans will go to Weed on a special train and tho Sunday following a roturn gamo will 1)0 played In Mcdford. Manager Uro vard Is fulfilling his promlso to glvo good, clean, fast hall and tho games deserve a bettor attendance. . E LONDON, July 31. Henry Ktlnard Duke, a bnrrislor and union ist member of parliament for Exotor, wns today appointed to bo tho now chlof socrolary of Ireland In succes sion to Auguslno Dlrroll. Tho now chief secretary will bo given a soat to succeod Lord Wlniborno, who re signed nftor tho outbreak of the Dub lin rebellion. GOOD RIDDINGS TO QAD THAT'S THCSTUfT. f?UGGi5H OUT WITH l him II APPOINTED I SSUCCESSOR 7 1 B1JF f I ANDI-SIJ They're the Best Ever r -W V &'.