Newspaper Page Text
Erf tf .1 '. ", pmm itour MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKPENPKNT NRWHPAPHU. rUIJLIHIIKIJ KVUHY AKTtSjlNOON KXCKI'T SUNDAY HY THI3 MBOTORD I'iUNTlNO CO. Offlcd Mall Tribune UulUllhB, 2B-27-29 North Kir treet; telephone 76. The Demoi-mllp Tlrnm, tliv Medfnrtl Mall, Tho Medrortl TriDiiii. Thn South ern OntKOnlnu, The AnlllanJ Tribune OEOtUlH PUTNAM. IMItor. HunscazPTioit ratebi One yeor. by iiipti 6.on One month, by mull - .60 lror mmltli, iWlvfirti by cnrrler In Mfdfura, IIwxbIx, Jacksonville ami Central Point .B" PMurcJiy only, py mall, per yenr Weekly, per year ....... 1.B0 Officio! Pnpor of thn City of lletUnrd. Official Paper of Jm-hmin County. Iintrrcd as wieoml-rUuM matter nt Mrtlford, Oreeon. under the not of Mnruli a, 1819. Bworn Clnmlatlon for 19IS -JUS. Cull lwmml wire Aeioolnled Prrsa din patoheM. EM-TEES In wostern (leorgln a Jury rucontly infll (n Inquire Into h case or auleldo. ftor anting through tli ii ovldenco, Hi IS men retired, and, after do lliieratlng. returned with tlio follow IhK verdlet: ' The Jury Ii nil of out) mind, tem porarily Insane." Kvcii oxperiouco Is tumble to loach a fool anything. Vl'.ltV Mr. Alllo Smith, on tlio l'nlrbniike lease, purchased tlio fullc eotlugo In South Tuft. Thn property Is.oppo xlto tlio Ilrooko undertaking imr lorn nud Ik h dwlrulilo locution. Tlio Taft (Cnl.) Midway Driller. Orator ".My friends, If wo worn each of ns to turn and look our aolvee Minutely In tlio ftico, Mhotild wo each find what wo noudnd moot? Voice from orowd "An India rubber nook, mister." 3.ady: "I'm worried about m' c"i plexlon doctor. Look ul my fneol" Dortort "You'll hwvo to dluU" Lady: "I novor though of thwt. What eolor would stilt me hint, do you thliikt". bTTory woman In Judge mid Jury unto Imr own husband. . Xo liADV WOIM,l Al'I'ltV. I have cherries to pick on the elmro (Next week). Xo ladloa need apply uuloM Hi")' wotir men'a ap parel, for Hi treee are m high. hee Uwulwlu, Curtlevllle. i Tho HI wood (linl.) Cull l.oudor. All thliwa come to thoio who wtctp whIIIiik and go after Ilium. COSTS $3G04 TO TRY 411 CASES IN JACKSON COUNTY 'Pbe follnwtiiK I the ilwtu on the butinwa of tho rlrmlt court for tho fin I yoMr, ondlim .luut 30, It) Id, oftmulfoJ by tbt cuuitty clurk'i of- tW Imv btu r&4 tHiutly, 113 law wid 34 criminal mmkni ! Ih UM yr, tMklni a total of 1 1 1 caaaa ntad, for which faa wor roelvd Ih "tha Mini ttf J3. 103.00. Man. r. M. C'alklaa waa tha only jMdfta prtaltMHg durlug tk yaar auJ triad caawi aa follew: Kqutty, 75; Aetloua, with Jury, S; without Juo, 11; crlmlual Jut UUK 1ft; Mm of gaUty, 10. Trial low raratvai. lift. iPoAMtlt tevaia war tMttroti tol- lOVIJ aqulty. 4S1; law aatioaa It. tNauilMMMl oaaaa aot trlai: aqutty, 80 law, 41; eHkslaWl 1. With not tana bill. JttoUoM, Ota., taken up In old caaw. prorlwttir l4l u(: Hny 1; lav T. QtHH nUandaftta, awoottM tlark: Orlir (Mt.oo BaUlfl U7.o JNirtw ... .oo TajUl ...Mo 1 Ail olhor Mpaoaaa for Circuit CMwrt, wkkh inaludaa wltnoaaoa b Oara oatlt Jury and grand Jury, aa waij an fond Jury ae Mr "liloa $1.J(4.!IM. making a grand . totol WNrt fr tbo yaar or J3.ao4.15. mm . 0 PRESIDENT RETURNS FROM GnUISE TO CAPITAL U'AKHINUTOX, Jul III. Ini- s il nt Wili-on relumed to Vuhinuluii i i, I lu iiic riling tin the uiiv ul Hfltt ' M.,n.-,r I illtwittg tt wtk-ftid 4 . 1 1. l'iiakM)Malu Buy to V'"- ll.iinploii Hoads. Ht with driu-D mi- lM(ll,lt'l In till- Whll" llilf Mtslfonl llwt'rs Smoko 'Xlto Mcdfvrd nnd Mt I'.tt i u .ra, THE FLAX Ml? Inst legislature appropriatetl $00,000 for flax ex- nii'!nii.nt .ii' tlti (:if iii'isiin. Hf.fiitiKn ul' (lovovunv Wilh.veonilie'H former service with the state agricultural college experiment station, the govej'iior was given a I roe liniKl in directing the experiment by the state hoard. Last autumn attention was called in the newspapers to the lax, extravagant and unscientific methods under which the experiment was being conducted. These state ments brought savage denials from the governor, who de clared the asKerlions were based on politics. Last December Secretary of State Olcott , in a communi catioii to the board, protested against the loose and incom petent manner .in which the experiments were curried on. Mis protest was ignored by the governor, whose reply was to dig up a candidate tt) oppose Mr. Olcott at the primaries. .Manager ('tidy, the expert who conducted the experi ments under the governor's direction, in his report con fesses failure and childishly accuses the Portland Journal, which catalogued the mistakes, and Secretary Olcott, who protested the methods, of having caused his own and the governor's inefficiency. Governor Withcon'ibe at a meeting of the hoard Friday tried to shift the responsibility upon his own appointees, Secretary (loodin, of the board, and Warden iMinto, of the prison, whom he was silly enough lo accuse of trying to dis credit the flax industry. Of the $50,000 appropriated, according to Expert Cady's report, only $1,7(17.2:1 remains on hand, while the flax for sale is esti'niatcd worth $1:5,91(5.20, exclusive of the inwliiMti In Im l'u'oi vml Imp I'Iiiv IiMI-iwiI Tlw illi'milf I'mm the crop is only $1112 more than the state has expended for labor on the experiment. Yet it is known that flax is a profitable crop in Oregon and that an unusual fine quality is produced. The needless waste of public funds is due simply to the blundering methods of those in charge. Jlowever, if the governor's record as director of experi ment stations at the 0. A. C. was examined, it would be found that the flax experiment differed in no material re sult from other experiments conducted under his direction paid for by the taxpayers, who realized dividends in hot air and handshakes. THE HEROIC MOOD? COLONIAL WOOSIOVICLT, who said last winter that he did not desire the republican nomination for president unless the nation was in "a mood for something heroic," has a full page article in Collier's concerning the Ameri cans who belong to the French aviation corps. The writer recounts their brave and brilliant exploits, and gives them unstinting praise. Kvery voter should read the interesting article, for it reveals the inner workings of the colonel's heroic mind. After relating how several of the brave aviators were wounded and all but killed, our noble ex-president proceeds to regret that the young men of this country are denied the opporuuity of showing their heroism. The colonel points out explicitly that the sinking of the Lusitauia and killing of Amcricajis in Mexico, offered abundant opportunity to give Americans a chance to be heroic, hut that a supine and cowardly administration con tinues to heart lessly deny them. Is such a man sane The article is an expression of disappointment and bitter criticism, because our young men are not given an opportunity to kill and be killed because some part of the world is not being deluged with American blood. SENT 10 BOTTOM! LONDON. Julv :il. IV Italian l-uui!!ii lhiliilolii nt I!I77 Inn ti'iihh Ijm bot'it Mink, mi unliiiit to an un nouiUH'im'iil made lutlu. at I.loyriN lli)!Hr UJII'iW'.V. Tho DmihJuWi nun toruutrly thv Mu- tritfiio nud wa built ut iu lUftU. Kba wum U7U Uh1 lonu, ltf fiwt banut uiul Uh' liwt uVu. Vvuiw wan hut huntc Kirt. ' UOMiOK.JulyUl. -Ton llatrhHMul lt'nmmi huenigiu Wilhtdtuiuu ka -trui'k ii niina homi' th .North llittdor Ititultbiit, eiiya u tlituli'k trow Tin 1 1 it inn- in Ki-ulrr' Tt'li'Kiiitu ioiuuiu. 'flu Mi"i'tiHfi lilt tli fssol in llu lilflmiil- uiul miulf tor tlio lijfhthi. ENGLISH FEAR PANAMA CANAL WILL BE FAILURE I.OMH)N. July 30. Diat'uaalHg th probable lata ut the Panama canal Iu an IntarvUm in tha Wtntkly Dlapatch, Colonal .Norton (liiffltb, U. V.. unit u wolt known vugltktw, ay; "We aault furthar davalouniauts with ayuu'Mthotlc Intaraat nofuro ac cepting outlnloua rauorta that tho uraaout caual la doowad. if thij aub. aoll underlying tlalllard aut la a gi gnnttc bog, aa aouio alartaUt atate roanta awrt, then tltla particular rout aoama hopolaaa. "No dredging tu the world will t Itava tho altuatlon, for alwaya, aa now, than will bo mora earth to re mova and It will u a vaaa of dredg ing forarar with no poalllve raauli Uuta we kuow whether or not the reiorta are true. It would bo prematura to pm Judgment " TWO DEATHS FROM HEAT AT DUBUQUE, IOWA III IM ill II I iu I, I im ... TOPFORD MATE TRT33UNT3, FAILURE T TO CLAYTON ACT ) WASIIINtlTON, Jl .0 Alt'r a riinl't'reniM' Ih'Iwi'. ii Ci" iiii.iu Ovt'i ii an ami I'ii-miI"' WiI-ui, Oic m-ii-.ite juilu'iuiv ('oiiiiiiit,' tiliv cou- I !!! od an Miuemltmut l. tin- Clay- T . .LA. ...... ft IB.. . I .. .A. ,.. I.u ,-tv H,i-,rtiBft 9nw tu yff."tnai air t'Vtt yanr tho ntfnl;v'n.i i u tc tiu whn-h altur Oc1'om l' would r.iiuel daali' Utweon ruilroad an! other I'ortMMitl'uita 'mviiu 'om inun ul't'iewU t.r iltivt'tnts. The pi m u It delay oitiiiij ilic M'ttin into t f'.'it iMlikw iHvvtiKat mi t tho entire rnilroml ail ialu:i lu the ie riiitlv iiuuieU joiut coiiun-XAional citiiiHiitii'e. Tlie ruMie nhi-udiufot which U i-aine-tly oVirad Uy Ui iilroatl, ba. the MitHii't of tho Hrt'vittent ,iud ef fort will bo made to n it dunrt'4 the oreM'iil m"iuh "t n"ii';ii't. CALIFORNIA G. 0. P. SHY AT ENDORSING GOV. JOHNSON 8AX KHN.NCISCO. Jul :;o. -wtl-lla II. liooth of I -o Angelea wai unanlmoualy endoraed the Ite puUUcan tandldate for the L'nlted Atalea aenata in a reeolutlon, adopted at a coMferettco hare today of several hundred Keiiublicaua (rout all aac tlona of California. Tho reeoluOe declared If Qo ernor I (Irani Johuaon were nontl Mated nnd dented aenatwr by the Kepubilaaaa. "It wauk0 mM to tha aenata a man who sott!4 tot tlalnt uiembarahl in the pai? and would luvoh,. a maulfeetty unfair aealgn- nirnt of both loited State neuatora to th iiurthern iiortlon of tin' Mate. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One p u k.ta j uu Jt, Loo ut ill vh tit it-ts. MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 31, 3 QIC JAPANESE ROYALTY DAZZLED BY &' V ' ' ' kf s 'iiflfrt , aBltii , HP Tlioir iinpciiiil iijjlititM, I'linee-i Mnln, Takamiiku uiul 1 liti-lii Fu sliiini unit tlieir aHioeiattH, who tiro xoih of i-.valU'il Jnpunonu i'liinilii'K, viewing- tin lliylit of Art Smith, Anu'riraii tiviutor. 'l'ho iviuturo was taken ut the AHymiui pmiulf KioundM n aliort time liffori1 SmilliV rocciit ui-iidi'iit in wliii-h Iijm rilit lex wu liroki'ii. Smith luin tluzzli'tl the Jiiiaiii"-u poo pie Willi lii daring. SEEKS 10 LOCATE L SAI.HM, July 31. Governor Wlthyi'omliu ha rocoivod tho follow hiK lottor from h inomhtir of tlio Maryland National Uuurd In canii at Ilualo IHaK, Tox., who la looking to looato hla luilf brother. Dour Sir: 1 have road a great deal about your kind coualdorHtiuu toward humanity. Therefore, I am going to uk you lo be kind enough to help mo to loeate a half brother, who waa In your atate tout yeara ago. Ilia name la Jamea Hart. Ilu la a Virginian nud left Waaklugtoii, I). C, lu ltiusi nud wont to Mod ford. Oregon, lie niarrlod a girl in Bed ford by the iiaiiie uf l.elllie Sargent. They have one ohlld, a hoy, and wore latur ioiaratud or dlvoroed. I am a eerKumit iu the Maryland V. S. Xalloual (liiard, now atatlnuml at Camp Orel, Uagle i'aa and a my mother lu Virginia ia worrying about ua both, aud worrying moat altout him, for Moiitt of ua know where ho ia, or whether ho I dead or alive. 1 will alwa bo grateful to you it ou will advert lite r make a eeureh any way you aee fit for him, aud If he uau be found, have him write to me. K. It. Corun Sergeant, headquarter. Ith regiment Marylaud National (luard, ICagte 1'aaa, Texun, or hi mother. Mi'. Jane Coran, Manamta. Virglutu. cure Mra. M. K. Howie I b'K to remain. BUT. K It I'tUtW. (Ih M.iol.iiid X. U , Kimlf Pa-- r- IN EAST AFRICA MKlllfN. July .11 I'.'-liiaii.-.' mi v ul tin.!'-, be vi' Ih'i'U np".".iOu: in I'.ust A f i'ii'. i. Uiuugh im! '" a i.ti'te M'ulo. u.h the rnti'iilo. A di-jmUi reeeiviHl b tn nt'Wkinuer trom Uu-rein-it Muriiueg any: "A I'oriugttgo t'kitilki mnile a r I'onmiihsaiii e m the left huuk ol tl'f KuMiina (a Hter kipa rating (leriiiii Kut Afrieu trm I'orttuiue!- Khm Afriia) mi int)0tli. Tuir eouduit.iiu' a tone were Hired uu by the lleriu hi with murlnue uun, two IWtuuiuw beiiiK killed a4 five wounded. KikIU 1 - later the 1'ortiigueKe aguiu .it talked the (iennii, w'ui were -lu.i:.-Iv t'lilreni'hed o Mie right haul, hut they bad to rotitv ow.nit to the state of the riir, after suffering onid eruhle lli-ee, intludnu a captain. The liciiii.iM iu I In On iter arc put ting iii im I'lieructir ilcten-.e." SI BR JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER ljidy sMitnt SH S UVItTIMT l'liono SI 17a ml 17-I-tS - .. !. l . (ii..' An' ',' ' - J. o lor DARING AVIATOR ART SMITH I S Wado Hamilton, owned liy .11 in liowerH of Aahlniid, won tho quarter mile mutch raeo with dletialo .Mlllu, nwnwl by Dick Turptii, Sunday lu S3 1-2 nuconil. Ileeeio Mills ahowed horaelf to be tho faxtir horao, ptilllng up two aud ono half IuiikHim. William Korwln of DorrlK, tiutlug aa atarter, aout tho home away with Wado Hamilton three or four longthH In the load and 1)ghK Mill ptilllng out high on th curve. In tho atreteh aho pulled lu to the pole and at the fliilah waa only half a length to the bad. Turpln la aiuloua to mulch hi horae with Wado Hamilton for a piiiae of $500, but will Inaixt on a fair atari from a barrier. Arthur Turpln vae up on llenulu Mill and Jay A rant of Klamath Kail on Wade Hampton. lteaalo Mill won tho raeo with Wade Hamilton a mouth nuo In i aecond. Clears Complexion ion I csam Don't worry about nkin trouldex. You can bnve a clear, ch-an nHiii-xion by uxina a little aeuio, obtained nt any dniK tort for K-. or extra Urge ImuiIo nt $1.(KI. Kenin eioiily rrut all trm. of pniK pie. Iil k Itead. Hearnut, ami ringworm aud Mtakee the itkin clear aud liwillhy, JC'ino U uelther watery, mk-ky iiur atvan.v ami talu uutfaiua. It In eamly Hiihii nud ttmli. a itii'N? trlHi' for riuh apiilkatlou. It U Mlway ilieuUabIo. Sdino, Cli-wUuil. N'tiw Daily Kxt-c-pt Sunday. Howard's Auto Line Ashland and Klamath Falls Ashland Reservations Hotel Austin, Take early ear Valley Auto Line for Ashland connec tions. WESTON'S Camera Shop IDE HAMP W RAGE 208 East Main Street, Medford 'Tho Only Exclusive OQinmoreinl Photojrnpher in Southern Orogou Nogatives Made, any time or place by appoiutmont. Phone 147-J We'll do tho rest E. D. WESTON, Prop. HUGHES NOTIFIED OF NOMINATION X1SW YOltK, Jnl M. -Char!." K. llughoa came here thla morn'tit! from IiIk auiumor home In Hrl Iptehampton preparatory to the cercmo ty tonight In CsVrnegle hall, at wMrh ho will tie officially notified that ho liaa hoen noinlnntpil Tor tho presidency. The nomlneo BMnt the day In conaultn tlon with parly loader from nil part of tho country, Including Senator Warren Harding of Ohio, Chairman Wilcox and varloua mom bora of the cauipulgn committee Mr. llughoa will return to Hrldgehamp lon Wodnoadny unit remwlu thoro untli he loavoa on hla woatorn cttii pnlgn tour. Tho Hughe hondqiinrtore In tho ARtor hotel hero paaaod tho hualoet day since It waa opongd. Ueputill rnn londor from ovory Htato In tlie union wore proaent. It wob nn nouncod that moro than 7.000 por tions hntl .applied for tickets to tho notification ceremony. Cnruoglo hall Hcata only 3,200 person. Thoodoro KookovoU, It In under stood, will nttond tho coronionloa to night, nrcompnnlod by hi wife. For mer 1'roBldont Taft tolophonod toduy from Canada that ho would ho unable to arrive, atutlng in hla telo Krntn to Jnmca II. Hoynolds, aecro tnry of tho national committee, Hint ho rogrottod that ho could not ho proRont at "n great occaIon, to hear n Rroat Hpeech, an ntigury of vic tory." CHICHESTER S PILLS V, Till: lllAMUNIt IIRANS. X llrn.l.l. A.kfotl'lll.l'lfk, to rnns llUMONII lllt.i.NO I'll.l.x. tt t5 ,, in linul;cil.S.fcl, AI.rtRtllil SOLD BV DRUGGISTS CVERYHHERE 6S Ik B i PUBLICLY TONIGHT i(( Ki.'ii rhl-.I.MI, fclii!Q&Q I'lIU la It,. I I O.U nuulllAV CvTJjirJ i . ii'i "ith niu niuxm. r-c. l.adl-Al A.k fin. lit... If M . 7 tt v ft The- Sure Way to Prosper Is to save some money all the time. The safe way to save is lo put the money in a hank like this. SAFE -SOUND-SECURE . OVER 22 YEARS UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT jsi-'eaBiMsxssiasassf'ZZ' mm awrx?-fy tfssw"'" 'Ti J y-,nJifVrSVVOn)WJrMiii ..a.---: f J Ciits! Gashes! Exposed Fabric! Blow-outs! Prodium Process Robber minimizes this trouble Prodium Proce; Rubber (the new trend used exclusively on Republic tires) is so tough that even newly crushed rock or sharp stones doesn't cut and gash it. It wears down as evenly and smoothly as a piece of fine steel. After miles of service it looks like new. It keorw water away from the fabric, prevents rottine of the carcaw of the tire, and makes premature blow-outs practically a thing of the past. Get a sample strip of Prodium Procoa Rubber. Try to break it. It's the toughest, .tungest troad stock ever used on a tint. StA&GaRd.PLAIN.AND'WNTTK ads ;"Vr7-V'V.V!; AW in tht Slyhih BUek Trtoi Young & Hail Motor Co. Distributors : Medford VON DER HELLEN HARDWARE CO., Kagle Point, Oregon ASHLAND VULCANIZING WORKS, Ashl.iuil, Origin, TWICE PROVEN If you suffer bnolmcho, sloeplcn ulKlita, tired dull days nnd dlatrcBs Iiik urinary dlaordera, doift experi ment, noatl thla twloo-lold testi mony. It's Madford ovldonco, doubly proven. Mr. Win. Charley. 80S N. Orape Rtrcot. Medford nave: '"Tho kltlnev action wna too frouuont and tho kid ney Kooretlona wore ttnnatural. e ahioa thla, 1 had much yaln in V back and sometime. I could hnrdlv bend or straighten up. At night, It bothered tun, too. anil often I couldn't eleei'. trlae! plasters and llnlinenU for my baek and medlrlms for. my kidneya, but upne of tnrni helped me any. H waa while t aa t.n ill 'nnd dlirouraged that I heard of Doan'a Kidney IMUa end began taking thoni. In ! than two wookg. 1 felt bolter. I look, lu all, four boxes whott 1 felt woM." (Stato inont given September II, 1U07.) On .Match Ifi. 11C, Mrs. i.imrioy said: "I recommend Domes ruiinej 1'llls Ju as highly as I did sovorni yours ago. 1 still consiuor mom " modlelno of morlt and whenever It Is nocoesary for mo to take a kidney romody. I use thorn, for I know thoy aro most reliable." ll'rlco BOc nt all doalors. Don t slinnlv ask for a kidney remedy got Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho snmo that .Mrs. Charley haB twlco puiillciy rocoinmondod. Kostor-MIIbitni Co., crops., Iluffalo N. Y. Adv. INTKItUIHIAN AUTOOAIl CO. T1MK CAIll). Lcavo Medford tor Astiland, Talent and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 nnd 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nt 11:15 p. m. Sundays lcavo at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 0:30 p. m. Loavo Ashland for Medford dally, oxcopt Sunday, nt 0:00 a. m 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nlchtB nt 0:30 and 2:20. Sundays leave Ashland at 0:00 a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 1Q:30 p. m. PRODIUM PROCESS TIRES M sausiaBtxHiHitAnoim m ! 1 1 ft- it'ir- in-' I-"-riiii i " ii i T t tf. r is . nuiimi;