Newspaper Page Text
MEDFOTCT) TRTBrNTR MEDFORT), ORKOOX, MOXD "PATTTC FTVT5 LAHKft AUTO HPR1NO CO.-Ws are oporstlng the largest, oldest and bolt trfltjtwped plant In the Pa felfic nordrwdst. ' tfq our aprlnci wlfon bUJors fall, .bold under guar sfilco: ' tfj North 'PiDoontb HI.. Portland, Ota. ftl T" lT.'-ie --: AY, JULY 31, 1016 ' SciuiraAl Pn4 'I By Ahem" : , aj -.... Mk w & N-f"a ( . & ' Auto Bnpfitlos p &- . j ..jzfr rr"' "! '"" . t tr i i -' ' --- -iss r- -i j-'.jx- i usruas ' -" ' . . ""N ST.., --.i.a1 vn7i T.. ..iuvi- x MiSfAll IftKSOhl1 is-TtblRp VMic-rtul trtvrisnill Wits' x r oic-rttu rTftrw5rhS' rAtO MIT?Ul ftCWSON wY A ......., .- I r...i --..! ..iwv IamviM amam rhM Lmii niV rf rt a nnn initftX ; ' ( SOU ALL TELL Me Wiled LU SAY CRBVnY 15 W eN , QlTlgR 7 I CtfsiNlSSS -tftAtfSACtfcN riff) MAKe A LjVlNfr WmtotfT I frJR a dUUOWfO riMA tl6 ; a tfoKe is taT f j 5oul of VNirr! " Nt? z -y Vwad with -fli' whaler. woRiin& Vncw aitidmobiuc MfccArosJ " C . T cf ) f TM W0M6NS I VtlAT OTIIBn tjii --.... -.) JgR ,v X , , , x 1 . M -., . .,, . -- . -- -- p,7i ASHLAND UND VICINITY A hpihv of (ilil-liino trionils held n jnint iMcnic in Ijtliin park lnxt Fri day, dinner licinir mtvimI la'tiruth the utnbroKoonH ulinric on the JtidwHy, laiKMiit!u, HkirtiiiK Hie ImldiliiiK Wiook. Ahioiik Hit-iNlou'ii visitors wore Mm. I'm nk Ilimty or Sou Prnurinpn, fomwrly Minn Oi-are Iloui'k of thin pity; Mr. and Mrs. Jewe Houck of Mwlford; Mm. fc !fc Mtrrik or I.uh Anfite, datinliter of Mi-m Mnrtlin OiHtttin or Anhlaml; Mm. Donnelly of Hnti Prmwiwo, daughter of Mm. El )0J GiddiiiKH of lliin city; niid Mr. nnd Mm. Otto KiiMt of Ariulicim, Cal. I.rnl mrti(M were Mr. and Mm. K. V. Cnrtor, Mr. and Mm. K. I). Wajr iier, Mr. and Mm. II. I Wliltrd ami daughier, Marjorie, Mr. ond Mm. 0. 0. RulMiika, Mr. and Mm. .1. M. Wag ner, Mm. lilialinlli Van Kant and Ml.s ,ydin MoCall. J Caldwell, one- of the Pondllnn liuckaroo Imnuli, Iibh juat relnrnil from Uamda, whure lis won additional honnri) in vomidiip ovnta liy annexingj the bHflkiHff (Htnteat at the Mihihu Jnw Slahielo. Ii. S. Drown, of (ho Aahland Trad ing Co., in again in Cauadtau terri tory on a trip to Hritinh Coltutihin lognniinir an iiupoitnut liiinineHH projmaitioit. Orvilltf OllBk, who alartwl a wi-ek or m ago oji a hiVti for Crater hake,' aaif aerrtHijtanfi'd home laat Friday far tKfc Skltinlaynd' Sunday holiday liy Orn and 1'Mirur (Inrwood, childron of'4rioii "Uwrwood o( Ojb (fymry dUtrict. Mm. Is'ute ICIng, of Merced, Cnl., ik neweil the Mco.uaiutaiice here of Mr. and .Mm. K. E. Miller lunt Saturday, wliile on her rutin n home from a vixit to her won in Portland. Mm. It. P. Noil nnd her aixter, Mixx Anna Hargrove, leave thi- week for a leugthy eiiMlern trip which nuiv ex tend aa far n Benton. The wbjeet-of the tour ia to vixit relativea and in cidentally view hc Atlnntie aeaboard by way of conipariMon with the l'a cifie eoaat. Hv. It. V. Taylor, paator of the Cotmreyfttioaall chureh, and Ma wife, bare returned from Port hind, where they have been for ome tuue Mat during the vacation aeaaott. They have trtMed aome prpertv near Mwlford for Portland holdingx, which affonla fhem n metrutolitan n-xidenee whenei'er faney dictates a journey to the melroHliM. Mm. Aflee MeDnnifl) leave thia wetfK fur W'aabington io reside at IMKnfrftoiu, where her mom Kay i in tit gamge butiiien. (2e. Kramer and family are home " ftra their pleaaure trip which extend ed m far tturtb an Itritiah Colum bia. They wew alo ut Bay View, Ru4'kaw.i IWaeb and other ocean re tort, and viaite4 relativea at Kaleni. Aa agent of the Southern Pacific, Kramer waa ahuwn notable attention by railway official at tbe leading terminala, I). P. Hue ha u-4wented ahip meuta at! eharriea to Hawaii to wad ing eaaeM of lithia water to Honolulu Urn. Wendell Phillip of Uwiaton, ' Idaho, i vuitiug friend in the fam ily of II. M. Sbottdy, aeeowpaaied by her two ehildren. Archie Eubanka and Meredith iWver are home from their eampinv trip to Uke of (he Wood. Aa book aa the alot inachinea can be changed, drinking euna at the foun tain wUl be five cent each instead f one oenl a at nvxent. Huttn nud woMher will be So longer a legal tender. Jack Dnl, tirarv WIN Far go agent here durinK the absence of Manager Appluate. return to Mel ford Aug. 1- lauding the clinnjp? to foitter nanditiooa, Dan ba been elw trifyint hi friend by recountuig how fhe eipreaa buiw, railruudm? and the prohibition movement are handled down eat. Mr. on5 Mm. W. 8. Riehard- and their tko, Ma Ilayo. returned to Albany on Hut tirday, after a month' atay in Ahland. Mr. Hchurd i foreman of a chair factory in bi home town. Anion;- n. Miidint-, nt uriimi; Inane tor ili -'mi.iid r a. iln.i.. I Stotl vL S.iiio '..ilJev, ill ace J(a - 1M ! I H 11 W I fc .! WM ,!. ,1 I I I II I Hill II I I II 111. I , llWlMM M Bill liollr., of Medford, and Voila Hmi -er of thin city anivod oa Saturday froin Chico, Cal., where they took the ftiiuiiticr course. Winifred Spencer and Pina Ilenedirt, both of Ashland have fininht-d , the eoume nl Mon mouth. Local employee of the Ualnk'ava Copper Co., at Coram, Cal., repart that the cortMiriiHoii haa voluntarily increaNed tliu pay ."0 mtnt-i per di', thu n (M od (ompeimntion to prevail during-tho picpnt higii pHce of cop IHr. The wogua of 'id I) irmn are af fected. .1. I.. Calvert, hnnlwnrn donler and cont motor of Omnia Pam, luia been viaiting recently at (leo. X. Auder mniM, on North Main atreet. Ilia wife, who ia n sinter of Mm. Andcr aon, nccomimiiicd him. Mr. Calvert eonlinuod hi trip to Montague on u huKincH miwHiou. A uieotingor IIih inen'a organiantion will he held in the PrcHbyterian church on Monday evening, .lulv 31. A nniue of the clnli will be adopted and other bu-dfioH will lie trauanct ed, not overlooking the aocial fea- tnrea. Chauffeur flmor of the Tidinga garage, Iwa a fine now MtudonbokHr ear, the old International harvester having been put ont of ooramiaaion by the combined webtht of tbe npr1uga eommiHNioner in addition to MoCor mick and Scott of the Southern Pa cific, who have been touring thexe part a exteiiNivcly lately. Mm. Surah Cpdegraff reliiuptih ed inanngwneut of (he Hotel AkIiIiumI dining room laat Snturduy. W. A. Preeborg returned from l,ftx Augelcrt.laat Friday-, after viictin there nearly three month with hi daughter, Mm. Irma Muroitiaon. Mm. June Co ran of Manaaaa. Vir gink, ia trying to learn the where about of her aon, who left Wnh iturton, I). C, in 1002, intondinir to locate in either Aahland or Medford. A party of neiirlv a doron, chap cronetl by Mr. and Mm. C. It. Iam kiu and Mr. and Mm. F. J. Khinn, acaled the aummit of Mt. Aahland lnt Thumdny. J. Unyd McNair, formerly in the drug huaiueNM here, now reidea ut law Augale. Cal. Dr. and -Mm. W. E. Illaka loave thia weak in their family ear for a three-week outing in northern Ore gon, viaiHng relatives at Albany, Cor vallbi and Portland. I.Ht I'ridny IIm n;w auto bu of tha Hotel Aiiatiu made it fimt appear ance iu active xervice. ItM a Htn debuker and will accommodate a dos en paaaengera. Judge and Mm. Calkin of Medford, were viaitora on Hunday with Mr. and Mm. W. II. Hay. W. T. Veighte returned Thumdny from a winter' atay in California. Kailroud men report active opem tiona on the Southern Pacific croaa ing at Itailey kill, where the Pacific highway will eroaa under the railroad Uttead of tU grade. 'Die im-tro'e-raent wHI be expensive, eotuig in the neighborhood of 1.1,000 of which amount tbe Southern Paeitie will a ume mo( of the expense. 'Ilie work will be eoinplcted inide of three mouth. C.U. Veghlaleft forKugene Friday on a buxinvH trip which may be -extended further uorth. David Ivy, a blacksmith formerly in the employ of the H. P. here, re turned lat week from Kuccnc, where be hu been t'oi koiiic tuue lut. Hi tuy here i iiidcluiitc. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C Howlett Bob Verlili k, ihe inun abo ha the atoro at I'uiou cuek, on tbe Crater Lake road, imstud through here tbe middle of the week on hU way out with a truck load of goad for the store. H aatd tint tha road m In fine aaM moat of ihe way through now. Married. Moadav. July SI, Mr. Shvrman Woeley of rJagkt Point and MtM Nelli ih of Bn4t KatU. Married, ut tbe reatdenae of the officiating mlnUtar, Rev. L. L. Sim mon. Jul 35. Mr. LouU Coy and Mik iarl Ar.n.i. both '( Kaule I'otut Tin l)ii)l- ! xi-l-r of Mr J S Quaikiiil'Uih, vi't- oi the lure- man on the A. Corbin orchard, and Mm. Coy la one of the popular young women of thla faction and her hu band has Jutt entered In the age of manhood, having been married on hit Hat birthday, and I Understand that tho bride la In her 17th year. Their many friend hare are wishing them a long ami ptaaneruui juumey through life. Huv. L. L. Sliiunond started for llutle Falls shortly after the mar rtage to uaslit In oondiiatlng a pro traotad moot thore. Tfc W. SlaMer, our town barber, and watch repatrer, who has been away from his place of business for about two weeks, returned last Wednoeday. During his absence Mr. William Whitman filled his .lc aa town barbar. F. J. Ayres anil vir0 were among the visitors In our town Wednesday. William ltntlnr and .Varragou anil son hnve each been hauling lumber from tha lumber yard since last re port. William Mansfield, ono of the deputy game wardens, passed through on the P. A 1?. railroad for Derby and the surrounding country, Thursday. Mrs. Aden Tyrral of Ik creek paasod through hero last week and on Monday evening tha friends of the family gave them a surprise party at the homo of her fafhar-ln law, Mr. J. II. Lyrrell, where light refreshmuntH, Including cuke, Ice crean., etc., were served and my In formant tells me that they had a regular old-faahlnued jolly good time. The people In that Lost creek country know just how to liavo a good time when they get together, for they are one of the most soclablo neighborhoods In tlin ooituty. Air. J. W. Street, the man who Is supplying the schools In tha county with school supplies, was with ua aaaln Thunutay and so waa 8. II. liarnlsh, Henry Turesty and two strangers. H. J. Hanvor, one of tha U. 8. fish hatchery man. waa here Thurs day on tbe. 1'. ft K. He had bean up to the Blk creek hatchery and was on his way up to Clackamas to Inspect tbe hatchery thsra. Jasper Hannah, who Uvea on the Bybea Bridge-Trail road, waa here on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Foster ami Mr. Foster's brother-in-law J. F. Ilunlap of San Francisco, are here at this writing. Saturday, visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stewart. Mr. Danlap and Mrs. Foster are nephew and niece of Mrs. Stewart and have come In their auto from Ban Francisco via Ked Hluff, orossed the mountains, the Coast range, to ISureka, Cal., came up tbe coast to Crescent City, thence to Grants Pass, Medford to this place, and tolay went to Crater Lake to aee the ninth wonder of the world. Thursday afternoon I concluded that I would take a stroll out of my usual beat aud decided t call on one of my friends, Mrs. Arglee Oreen, who recently arrived (ram the neighborhood af l-os Angeles. Jast before I reached the place there waa a buggy stopped at the place and two ladles got out and the third one went on. fly the time that I reached the place. I discovered that tha two ladles were met by Mrs. dream Ut tbe lawn,' under the shade of tha trees that Mrs. Green's father, the lata J. J. Fryer, had 'planted years ago and they seemed to be Inspect ing a lot of apparently old hats, as I drew nearer 1 discovered that Mrs. Oreen had pulled out ribbons, etc., and that one of tbe ladles was show ing Mm. Oreen sa old halibut I am going ahead or my story I had been there but a few minutes before the I same bugay came up and another . lady got oat and she had some mora old hats, and 1 beaan to wonder i what kind of a jumberee 1 bad gotten I Into ana about tat time tha serene buggy arrived again and tblsftlme tbe driver and another tody got out, tied up the horse and joined tha com pany, and the new arrivals had what looked to me like a large sugar sack, (wiiliei and on bringing It to tbe place we were sitting, began to empty the contenta on the ground, and Io. It wan filled with old hats, Uhll ill I) ' S lllll. ill. til It I.J lllr t) W I lit ill i .ii Ul t ' I i lllii I I another Indy and a little girl and about tab first unestton that was asked waa: "Didn't yan bring yanr hat?" 'fly this time 1 discovered that I had settled down right Into a hat making baa. I will hare state that Mm. Qrften Is a spoctal teacher In mllllnary work and had Invited some of her old friends to aome In at that time and bring In their old cnat off hats and she would help them re model them, (rim them over and, In fact, maka them new. Those present wero Mm. W. L. ChlMrath, Mrs. J. W. Orovor and daughter, Mrs. Nortnnn JlOQaold and daughter, Mm Floyd Platte nud two ohliaren, Mm. in I. Sistrtfc and Mlas Mabel Wares- ley. Mra. Oreen began to look around for a needle, thread and thimble for me to go to work on mine or soma other old hat, aud I suddenly thought or biiKtnasa that I had to look after In another part of town, so 1 bid the ladles adttu ami re retreated. After I left I learned that leo cream aud cake waa nerved aud that they actually turned out two new hats, complete, and had several under way of construction, and one or the lntlloa told me thai thoy had a vory divloyabla time. After I left bn my way to other parts, I met two ludloa nnd one ot them asked: "Have you been dawn to the 'lion party." ' and 1 answetl in the affirmative aud asked: "Weren't you invited?" and she answered "No." Mr. Carl von der llellen and Miss Orhle Natwlck motored up to the Suntiyaldo for supper Thursday even ing for supper and Dave Smith for marly or Untie Falls, but uow of Pondlaton, Ore., spent the night with us. Chalmer Illnyer. ono of our old boarders, came out from Medford Friday to stay a while with us, until he recuperate, J. II. Roberts, who Js Interested wth Thomas Jtlley, Jr., In thla year's crop, took supper with us Friday night. Since my last report C. W. Clements of Ragle Faint has removail bis subxcrlptlou to Tbe Mall Trlbuns and David Olnycade and Henry French have renewed their subscrip tions to the Weekly Mall Tribune. Mm. Acini Ito.inl m"" the day In Medford rinirsdii). John I'crnoll paused through town Frldm , en route to his home at Applegate from Klamath Falls, where he went on biistnens. Mrs. Oavld Williams and daughter Miss Uluncha Williams, returned from a few days' visit with relatives living in drsats Pass. Mrs. Harry Luy and son and Mm. ICIla Cook attaaded "The Hlrth of a Nation" ut Medford Thursday even ing. Oscar I-ewla and family ha, re turned from Vrakg, Cal., where they vlsltod relativea. Mm. t'harlaa Kumaa, Mm. Harry Luy, Mm. day Harper, Mrs. Main Klum and Mra. Iewla Ulrlch enjoyal a plunge at the Natatorlura Thurs day afternoon, followed by luneb at Brown's. Recent word from Professor and Mm. F. L. Smith telle of their ar rival In Iowa, from where they will motor to North Dakota with rela tives. Mm. Jsmaa Buckley and children wero In fiom Ruch Friday afternoon. W. I. M) intyre and family and Mr. and Mm. Hobart Taney are camped at tha Sulphur Springs on Applegate. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson are also enjoying uu oatlng In that vicinity. Friend of too Itev. K. A. Hutchi son will be plaasad to learu that be Is on his road to recovery from typhoid (over, having passed foe crisis satis factorily. Mra. 8. K. Dunnlngton and 'Mrs Mary Matney left for Squaw Lake the first of tbe weak, where they will visit Mrs. John Haaklns. Tbe home of Mrs. Haiti Deneff was completely destroyed by Mrs at an early hour Thursday morning The fir had made such headway be fore H vt.m discovered. It was lui-piji-nMi io - tli) lion i . it ll,u fl(l i ul , .ill HOull liit i L u. i it I i on JACraVILLE trol and saved the adjoining build ings. Tha home and eontsnti were covered by Insurants. Mrs. Mollssn Taylor, for a number of years proprietor of tho Taylor House, la eontemplaliug starting a rest sum ut us soon aa a suitable locu tion la found. Mm. Taylor la an x callettt cook and will no doubt gtvo satisfaction. Miss Marlon H. Towue was a busi ness caller at tha county seat Thurs day. A large delegation from hare at tended the reception given the Itev. Hogg at Medford Thursday evening. BUTTE FALLS Mr. and Mrs (I. W. Htirker mo tored up to the IbikerV cabin Hntur dav afternoon and ieut Sunday with ('baric FMmondxon mid family. Hod linker ennp' from Pelican ltay Hiinduy morning for n few ilnyV viit with hia Mtator, Mia Mary Union I taker who ia hero on n riait from Michigan. On Monday Itod I laker, Mark link er, Mi 1 tilth and Mi Mary Helen linker went to Crater Iaki. 0. W. Darker took (hem iu hia oar. Tlioy returned Tuesday evoning nud report 'oil having had u grand trip. Itev. Simmon of Faigle Point emtio .up Tutwday evening ttiul haa Imkmi preaching Io tw overy evening thia week. Ho retiirnod lo Kaglw Point Saturday. , Itod linker relumed u Pelican Day Thursday. Thninaa O'llrien nnmo homo fnmi Pcolor and Ori Morris nte up h( the Peeinr place haying thia week. W. W. Parker oajiie dovrti from hi ranch Thumdny evening aud re turned Friday. a. W. Barker nnd family motored lo Medford Friday and returned lute in tbe afternoon. Bhermnn Wooley of Kngle Point and Mi- Nellie Hmith or llutle Fail were married Monday and have been viitinu Mm. Wooley'a parent, Mr. and Mr. Heele thia week. Mi Alice Hmith returned borne Thursday from a three ntontlia' vbut to fceyeral places in California. Mm. Jame spent a few days in Medford thia tack. Mi Cecil Creed and Mm. leaver of Central Point have been viitinn at Hiincherm thi week. Why Sinokn Ilk Olaom When Ia OiiHdas nra only loo FOR HK.VI TIOUhHH FOR RKNT Nicely furnished modern bunaalow. five rooms and bath, iiorches, yaraga. Jas. Csmp bell Phone llll-R. US FOR RKNT 6-room furnished house cheap. Phane IS9-W FOR RKNT H-room house; close In; gas; bath, $10 month; part fixed to sublet. 116 FOR RKNT Furnished house seven room, modern garage; fruit grounds Phoaa SS7-R, or call' No. 35 Roosevelt. 11 FOR UW.VT MISKJIIIita.MtOtJg sBSpSMBsauFssujssjjgajnsSBaaaw FOR RKNT- I hove a choice alrulfa pasture. Phone 5S9-J 1. FOR RKNT- Office room at 36 N. Frout street. Apply U Ous, the Tailor for Information. rja - jsr- , ,. i;u -. t..-rf y.-sx FOlt SALIC lAOItlCAOig s"VanaaauBOjea) FOR HA I.K Improved lO-oar ranch ulfulfa, etc , Addrea K. V. II . Route 3, box 13, Medford. Ill trim BAininvnaTu(;; FOR BALE - t'boke Uttar pf thor oughbred Duroe Jersey pigs with registration papers. Prloa very reasonable. Apply to A. H. Case, Jhonoe71-Hl. US FOR 8ALK-Forty hogs II weighing about 100 pounds, SO weighing about 60 to T6 pounds, balance weighing ti to 40 pounds. Four milch cows, all first class milkers. Pbon14-L. IU IIL'SIMOW OPPORTUNIiilaH "ii 'm-ii- ..i mm0 mm fc ' FOR BALK Thtj ladr newspaper and prluiliiK plant ul Hornbrook, 'dl , Is for null itt a liaraaln Full ll I I I -I ll U UK IU I it II -.. I illl n, H u'u Ji. m Uu --b lit' Aw tt- KOH SALB .UlSUmjtiUVEOUB )K SAIJfi lludion four-nasacnaer auto in good condition, new tires; olsctrlr lights. Cheup, apply. HOT W. Main street. lie : i . - . "J-.m. . -. FOR SALIC Twin Indian motar- cyete: two si(Hl; fully eipilppod; perfect condition. A bargain Mc (Inlrk's Cfgnr Store. 1 1 1 FOlt SALIC Imperial cycle cttr In perfect condition. Walker's tlnr ago. 1 1 1 FOR SALIC Full blood rose comb Khoilo Island Hed cock and coekrel. Itoute 1, box 100, Med ford. FOll SALIC -Small typewriter with carrying case. Apply offleo Cal. Ore. Power Co. M F01lIALE-Utiles' hlcyola with goad tires. Has not been used very much. Price reasonable 'Phone -103-.I I. Ill FOR SALK Furniture and rugs at IB 8. Central avo. IK, FOlt 8ALK Piano, two library tulilos, 'duvenport, two shotguns. Phone X27-U. 11 FOR SALIO OK TUADI8 IMllleta nl Medford Poultry and ICgg Co. US FOR flALH lloos. Twonty nwnrms, hives nnd supora mostly tilled with section honoy. St. 00 por Bwarm, (pilok solo. Ill FOR SALIC Umirdlosa lmrloy straw by stank or load. Alo snlondtd hog pnituro for rout. Call 73!i.U 131 FOll SALIC Home fumlltiro. Phono 870-J. 121 . l'OH SALM HANOIIRS FOlt SALIC At a sacrifice; 23 acrns two miles oast of Ashland HI noras eomiuerelnl pears, ft yonru eld: two nores gooseberries nnd apricots, apples, peaches, chorrles, anil prunes for home use. ieveu 100 m huugalow; barn, chicken house nud yard. Oouil team, cow and crop. Spray pump, wagon una buggy, all kinds farming tools. All goes at $ 1,600. L. Sparks, R. It i ., Ashland, Or. 1 1 3 HKLF WA.YVHD UAUC WANTICD Man to work on ranch close to town. Box I, Mall Trlb nus. lis WA.Yiiro nrruATiONH WANTED Idy wants hour or day work. Phone I4IY. its' WANTICD MISUKLLAMCOUH WANTICD Reliable party to rtir aiasal for furnished house. Phone 87V-J. 113 WANTICD Let tha Medford Trans fer Co., do your moving. Phone 15. Trsnfether and Marsh pro prietors. 1 1 8 WANTKIJ1 000llbsT" of" poultry weekly; top prices. Warner, Wort man A Oore. t(, WANTED Feathers to renovate, old mattresses and feather beds made Into sanitary folding forms. For samples, Pbpns 196 -J, Its East 13th st. 1S4 WANTED Fixtures for store. What have you? 0. A. UeVoa. FOR ItXGMrtXnit FOR EXCHANOE Fine rattle ranch; over 300 acres. U.l acres irrigated alfalfa and clover. Ample water and range. $25,000 clear on good acreage here. Clark Realty Co., SOS Pklpp Bldg. MO.VHY TO IiOAN ii insiLjxj'- TO LOAN 15Q00 lo loan on flr.t clasH security. Phone 33'1-J. il3 iuni iu jLjn nne money ia man upon city and country prop arty. Quick service. Money ok hand. IBarl , Tumy. 110 Oarnatt Corey IHdg. tf MB LOST Thursday July 30, on or near Fir street, ladle' purse, con taining 75 cents, locket and chain, engraved M. U. H. Reward. Mm H. Q. Waatmas. Ashland, Org lit. LOsVP- Baby's red sweater, to Paul's electrlR Store. Return avmLicv STOLEN 14x31 tent night at Jhly . SI. Liberal reward for Informa tion leading to location or recov ery. W. F. Biddle. It. F. D. I. ill HCgiNBWi niunuruui i'ranstera 14ADB TRANSFER & 8TOUA0M CO Office ii North Front st. Paou 31b. Prices rlghL Uorrloe gua' autiied it foyers 000. W. nillHllY--Attorney nnd otary, uoomi s-io, Jackson Cotin 8' Uonk Uulldlng, entrance K cntral, MatUaM. Orb. POUTttli JNRFF -Attornar"" low rooms 8 tail 9, Medford VsHnna' ttnnk Uulldtnic. V 18. U8AMB, LAWVRCrrt f Onrar blrtg. '1 M. IvOBMRTSawTsr KmtforU National Bank ituitdtag Collections. 0OLLKCT1ONS AND URPORTS- -Ws colloatod some scortunta 14 years old. Wo know hpn to get the money. Tho Btiuook Mercantile Ageney, It, Itooma 1, 2. 3, llis klmi' UldR., 218 E. Main it. DintJdU Dr. W. M. VAN 8C0700 DIL C. O. VAN 8COTOQ Dcntlntn Qnmott-Corcy Dldg., nits Sit Medforo, Oro. Phone SB. Collection ii ml Deports Knglnccx nnd Contractor FUBD NrcUMMmOBBnKltieer sn contrnotor, 404 M. F. & JL Uldg, Burvqyn,, eHdinatos, irrlsntlon dralnngo, orchard and land lm provement. Garbnge OARDA01S Oct your prsrolsf clonncd up for tho summer CtP on tho city garbage wagons fci good service. Phono 174-L T Y. Allen. llouso Movcrw MICDFORD HOU8W MOVERS--Wo Movo Houses, Darns, Oarages. Ma ohtnory, ICtc. Phono 48S-M, or 48S-X. CH 8. Nowtown, 811 Da kota. s ar ejc-U'-i)-. jv- Tnitrui'tlnii In M'uMc FRhDALTTHATaUT- -Teacher of piano nnd harmony. Hnkht Murio Studio. 401 Cnrnott-Coroy Dldg., I'HOito 72. Insumtics, KARL S. TUMY Oenoral lnnumnc office, Flro, Automobllo, Accident Liability, Plato a I ass, Contract, and Surety Bonds. Bxcollont com. pantos, good local servlcs No. H 10 anrnott-Coroy Dldg. Physlclanrt hndl bargvons dr7f "o. Harlow, '" dil bva MAINH OARLOW OitcopathU physicians, 410-417 Oarnrtt-Ccrcy bldg.. phone 1030-L. Itetldenca 26 South Laurel st DR. W. W. DOWAltD HiTfeo isThP. phyHtclan, 303 Oarnett Corey building. Phone 130. DIL J. J. KMMUNS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye oar, noflt) nnd throat. Fyes sflan tltloally tostod and glaBsos aup pllod. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P R. R. Co. Ortlcos M. F. & II Co bldg., opposito P. O. Phone 667 DIL It. W. OLANOY Physician snd nurgeon Phones', offpe 86. rest donoo 780. Oftlco hours, 10 to IS!, 2 to 6. DIL MARTIN O. 1IARHKR Physl clan and surgeon. Oftlco Palm block, opposite N'hsIi hotel Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phono UO-J, Printers ana Publishers MEDFORD PR1NTINO CO. has the a i "aiiM mm host equipped printing offleo In southern Oregon; book binding loose leaf ledgers, billing systems etc. Portland prices. S7 North Fir st. WHY? NOW TI.MIC TO TILDIC. I have a ISO-awe stock ranch; good location; 100 aerea In grain, seme alfalfa. This placo recently sold for $11,000; no Incumbrance. Will trade for good orchard, prefer pears, or would take city prop rty Would trade even or assume some In. cumbraare en orchard proposition. J. C. BARNES 102 Woat Main fit root. NEW TODAY Why pot buy g home now whllo buying Is good? For Instance. Fine sia room modern bungalow three sleeping rooms, pavement paid, 11700.00 ar thu other one very elosa in. puvonient about half paid, samo number of rooms, $1700.00 or an othor one almost as attractive at $1500.00. A revival of good tlmwfl will double tbe price of any ono of tlli-il' phllfH, We have sow fine buys In largo aud small raucbes, and want to tell you about them. Call at the ofiico. Hoon-Cathcart Co. 0! Harnett Cores Itldg Pbouo 1H7 M HrFSnS "r-r: