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Johns "ust. Sunday. Ht'V. II. L liter of I'oi-t laml U3 singing "i In- Devoted to the Intercuts of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Centre of the Northwest. VOL. I. ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER it, 1904. NO. 1. I REMARKABLE GROWTH 01 St.Johns Its Importance as a Commercial Center. St. Johns is a id l iking example of tin- inllitonre of transput lulioii fnelll iios, in tlu development of it city. Loss than t lii-oe yon ih no there was to 1 be l'oiiiul in this plnee only a few n-attoring houses, ami no muuiifnct- tiling or business interests, no 0111 3 pioyiueiit wax to be liail, anil very l'ow Hi....?..... I. ...I I.nhII lllllll t.l III.! I. Ill Vfllll'U iiiiniin iiuii 11.1 11 iiiiii ii in j v. " preceding. Tim City & Suburban Huilwny wan Induced to linilil a 1 1 ml- through tho Peninsula, anil lincou yearn ago a Mount motor line was put in oporn liiti, which guvo 1111 impetus to tho ilcvclopincnt of Upper Alhinii, Uni vorsitv Park ami Porlsiuoulh. Some . 1 1 il l! . I . .. ..! mice your ago 1110 11110 wan eiccni lied, ami since that time an excel Ion I seivloc has licell maintainoil. Tint opportunities which I lie. little villain- Iviiiir nt the vory km I en of llie Porllumt hnllior, nironloil tor t Mo oxlonsion of eoiiiinoreu anil mnnului luie, wan iccojjiiiy.oil liy the Oregon Itnllionil & Navigation Co. In thu winter of J 1102 tho O. II. & X. Co built i 1 94 track along the liarhor nt SJ Johns, eoiuiiloliitg the limit in Apri of that year, ami opening the litnco 10 a groin comiiierciui niton-, m thai time aloiiK the waler front wan a Inrge ilretch of splendid mnniifnctur lug silos, totally umloveloitod fronting on a harbor a half mile wide, in which l ie river channel wan -10 loot ileei nml imssosslng oxcotitlotuil nilvnnlag- en lor llio t-oiiMruciioii 01 nuns, laci nrios ami docks nt a low cosl. Jl wan foiiml thai plnnls could lie constructed at SI. John Irnullng on ileep waler, with Hie line or a mini mum nunitllly of piling, ami Hid foiixtruction of yards for milling in ditslrlos ami fniinrle gce-Hy reduced the rout, The building of Hie 0. It. & X. roail wan the key llutl unlockeil Hie Kiont wealth of comiiierciui xsslbllitie which oenlored at SI. Johns. Manufacture!' nml Inisiuos men wore ipilck lo see llie advantage which Hie place Mssossod, ami al once business began lo develop. The Hot plant lo hi ustrurtcd after Hie completion of Hie railroad wan Hie veiieor ami ii.-iM.ei inemry or tno Portland Mnnufueluring Company. The second industry seenied vhh A. II. Douglas v Null pinuliiK mill, inter Mr. I loin-Ins hmimht his sawmill plant from Wellington. .M; It. HntiUhtM laud, SI. Joliiis wns selected us the host point nt which to build. This in itself a prophecy concerning tho co1" mereinl future of the town; for whore thu dry dock in placed, the shipping must center. Next came tliu Portland t-.xcclsior Manufacturing Co.'h plant. The porch ami coluiun factory, (I. X. Cones' sawmill with a capacity of "olOO feel per day; llie Portland woolen mills ; K. 0. .lobes' Htiiirintr mill; Peninsula Lumber Co.'s sash ami door factory; St. Johns ship building plant, the West Const Steam J. R Puff, chairman; Albert Gulp, S. I. Ogdcn; .1. l' Tnneh, clerk. One of tho llrsl actions of the city council was the grnnling of a frnn- clnso lo llie City cc buiiiiilmti hlectrie Knilwny Co. to run its Hue into the oily. A fianehise hns since been Kranted lo the SI. Johns Water and Light Co. whirli now has it lurK plant in operation and water mains laid to every jmrt of tho city. The Portland Kleelne Co. has nlso secured n fran chise lo furnish llie oily with electric II0J1I ami power. . . . ... . ... mi. .. .1. . elecirie miw mm rniuo 110x1. iiien me ilrv dock was hccured after n bind llulit. The supreme advautaiies which Si. Johns imsMsned, over nml above all oilier places on the Poilland liar lior were fully atlesled liy Hie pott of I'orllaml, when afler Hut moht caieful t'oiihidenilloii of all location for II111 roiistriiclion of lU dry dock by which is lo lie fonleied the entire intiiine romuiemt of Hie city of Poll " " " " L"i r tf r -th-i , uLJ J ft s t j i 1 t Icr 1 1 v r fV It II It T '. J'fllKV " Ttx, JU i JJ M " rrn llm KMttilhi ulniti. itii nml utile llit nmrnw ulilii nf Imut lirlwrrn I If finllillU unit UVI- 11k 111 llm WHUinrllv lo I lie imiumi for riiy mi llie rniintiiu lirtwrn I .nu ml rv have followed each olhor in tiiick Miceessioii, The ranid utowth of I'm ulaco in nil lilies was so evident Hint (he lofjis. latuie ol Hie Slate or Oreyoii, nt lis last session, uranted lo Hie town it charier, making it a muuieipnlily un der which it lit f l-It t vomluii ils own uoveriimenl and levy Ils own (axes. Iliiouuli Ilils measure the town lie came exemnl I'nun imyiiiir Hie lax rale ol llie eiiv ol roiiiami ami is or- mil led o Keep Its own luxes low nml lo oil npproprinlo such money as is rais in this iiii'ims lo llie iimmivcmcn! of S'l. Julius Itself. St. Johns was iiuoiMiraled January Tith, 1002. Its Hot oDIeors who 111 e I be present in- cumhents, with the except ion of Hie late C. I. Culp, nie: Mayor Chits. A. Cook, Coiiiiciluieu T, .1. Momiban, (luy llehee. K. It. llurlherl, Chan. I). llimbes ami W. II. llamlllon. V. Clark, leconler: r' 'ttVlllliil''lltiiltf 1 Home ImlldiiiK ami stole building have kept jiaee with the industrial yiinvlb of SI. Johns. Prom n Hipula lion of 1W0 KHiple January 1st, JII02, al pie.-eu(' SI. Johns has more than 20(10 Inhabitants. It Is c.itnis.n-il of liume owners, whoso t-omliiK lias been steady nml Kmdiial. Hi. Johns has had 110 boom, just a natural healthy urowth. Its industries supimrt ils tvsideiils, Hie pay mil now ivaehiiiK upwnnis or .f 10.01111 per iminlli. .Many liamlMime and subslnulinl residences have been elected ami (he many pretty coltnuo homes with their deal lawns nml llower unnlens are fast mnkliiK this little city it very desirable plnre lo live. While Hie business nml ludusltuil life of Si. Johns lias been ItourlsliliiK Hie civic side has mil been forgot (en. Some six months apt Hie St.' Johns linpiiivemenl I .vacuo was oiKnni.ed. It now has 11 meiubeiship roll of over forly names. The olllceiv nre: Pivsi-1 dent, Mrs. Hut lie Hransoh; Vico-Pros-idont, MVh. Hollo Smith; Sec rotary, iMi-s. l-Imily Walker; Truasuror, Mrs. i. Johnson; Press Corespondent, Mrs. Keltic Blackburn. The ladies of this club have worked hard itKiiitist groat odds for the common good of all, ami are deserving of eiotlil for Hie in lluouce they have brought lo bear, and the improvemeiils they have accom plished. St. Johns lias three ohurches, the Methodist, Evangelical and Seventh Day Adveiitisls. In Juno of this year large rooms wore added lo the already large public school buildings, ami two teachers added to the school facility, making a total of eight teachers be sides the principal. Jlut when school opened this fall it wa; found impos sible to accomodate tho pupils that Hocked lo llie school rooms. It was decided lo alternate a large utiinber of pupils, giving ouch a half day's lime. Si. Johns is destined lo become the manufacliiriiig motropolis of the Xoilhwosl. Mvory bout which enters the Portland harbor, must tuiss by its door. Almost puralcll wild Hie Wil lamette river, one nml one i all' mites to llie mirth stretches Columbia Slough, in rcalit v a river by Itself, be ing several hundred feet in width and deep enough al llie present time for navigation ol 1 Ivor vessels. Although Columbia Slough lacks llie hioad har bor ami the deep channel found in llie Willamette river side of St. Johns, il nevertheless alfoids o Hie northern boundary line of the oily a great amount of very desirable manufactur ing propel ly, which in itself will some lime support a large opulatiou and eoutiihuto( materially to Hie future or the Peninsula, It s ronlldently ex pected, lliul in (he course of time the Northern Parille Ittillroatl will pass through Si, Johns. Already Ibis line has been buill from Seattle to Van couver. Congress hns aulhorlxed thu const ruction of a bridge from Van couver across Hie Columbia, nml when this bridge is buill and Hie line of Hie Noil hoi 11 Paeille Co. thrown across il must of necessity nasi Hirotuth SI. Johns in order lo leiidi Portland. When litis bus been nreomplished SI. Johns will have shipping facilities which cauiiol be eiUulled in any pari of llie Coast nml it is safe lo predict Hint maiiul'aclurint iiropeily will be come more valuable iiere limit at any oilier iNiiul on Hie Poilland hnibor, excepting within Hie immediate lerm i mi I yards. Tho Woolen Mills, In our next issue we how lo be able lo print a full deseriplioii of Ibis im is. riant industry. Tim extensive buildings nie now completed, and the e.'oik of iiislnllimr miichinerv is urn- grossing nipidly. II Is exported oiier aliens will eomuience very mmiii. Skill ed woikitien hid already 011 (be ground, ready lo begin Hie initial woik. I here will bo several hundred imhiiiIu employed in this' industry. Tho carding department wis stalled Wed. ncMiay. (