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Ill I St. JoIhw is " oC tho !,108t rr m..l local I cs on tlio western siupc. ,,. (111 till I IK" I""' V, . " ' mature of public ntorcst, k . necessity, ' r,,, ;v " . ppo.tuni los as they nra ,.M'iik'.l. It '. ho '"'.'T'1 1,11,1 1,rf?" I" . . ..iii.jini u'lll I'lii'iniinirc' I In. roiiiiiieremi "jMJ " ,.,u,lv dgning the membership to lltll illieil" in"-- '"V"- '" .I ,. pf ilIKtl IttjT IIIU Oiyoein ui win ui.iinwi- lilll. s hiii'ImmIv asks whul aboul Tho CVicff S Mtllll-H. VU'll. Ill DO JI'HIIK ,11, vim, U(i render, this pnpoi has mi. iiii'llllMliilll. Ill meddle it Mini' -. ., .. .1 lit. ..ii itintliTX. Not. 111 IIH lllll1. 1111 lll.llliw.. - : he Review has n Inr inoro agreeable i.L- before il, I. iV mo iiirinoinnco f tho industrial, eninmoreiai nun soc- ..i ..iii til nil! iiiiiiiiiiiiriui iiiu lill inn..-.; v.- . . .i." rtllll'l "I I11" I"'1"1 Minni, IL till iwiHT t'Lttttiitntlf its share In accent iiii-liiMtr n measiint of Uootl 5n this direct ian. il "'II hnvo done far more uiHut limn laminar some oniec-secKer into n Mililinil juli. No, no, Tho Re view 1 t i MiliiicH. Tin' ucncroits support driven Tho tintlew. hi evidenced by llio ndvortis- miliums of this Ihc initinl until tier, hcpenks in no uiieortnin tonu (lie liilillr Clltcl'lulsO of HI. JollllS. It n hertllhy illdieullon of tins feeling nf ho people townrd now enterprises uhicli niv H'tiimtiMi mi' mo iipiiiinii inir ui' I In1 district. Tho Roviow enn ii-iii.' ilf patrons of tin full npprcci niii.n. mill trusts I hut tlio fnlnri! is- ih. of the piper will give cm pilaris to this feeling nnii prove una uioir favors hnvi not been bestowed in tnin. Another fen I tire which limy be well iiihI pmllliilily I'liltivnli'it: Whenever linturcrs riiiiit' among no mm:" mom uclenine; give tlii'in n good hand IhiU, show tlii'in nroiiiiil, nml let litem see the magnilleent opportun ities which iilioiiiiil for n groal oily. .Mnke the stranger feel tit home, feel n llmiiuli lie hnit eome iiiiioiik a ho i)i with wiioin he eonlil mnke n home, tiiul mi iireenliie one. There i no nilvertifeineiit io elllencloim nntl lnit inir i- lin-piliillty. It Ik In-tin mnl MtivAiN, lii'iuiiiK Kin ui fruit wherever tin leeipienl limy fto, Tliii roniinniiiiy, Imppily, Imleeil, ix iwilinilinly free from the iniinv petty ji'dlmn-ieM mIiIi-Ii loo freiuenlly tier nili' mmiy vinwin elllen. Thin fire ilmii from iIiIh licM-lliuif cin In n mnn nmeli. nml Im ii rnililll Inn which will iiiiptinl itcelf imlelihly on Ihu nlTiiln of the ililrirt. I .el tin hlrivo to er w'tiiitle thU luippy htnle. II will nmke lull it nml tniiii! UM'ful eilixetiK; mill in our Mirn,i, not only In n rummer I'inl ct'ti-e, liul iiiciiilly mnl mornlly tn Mt'll. ST. JOHNS REVIEW We wmit to mil your nttenllon to the tiilveiliM'titent of Ivenniiril & Ail mil on n mil her pnue. The npociiil in iliiii'iiientn they ulTer will Im of in liiil to nil iriiiilenlK within mmiy niilo of their Mine. If yon have miylliliiK In m1I. or yon wmit lo liny iinylliiiu., mlvertlM) in The llevlew. Tlio per ifiichcw every hiiiiM'holil on the I'.Miiimiiln, nml linn n Kintniiitrt'il vlrciilntion of 1500 eopicn. Tlio Tuclinilogicnl Bchool, nn nc connl of which nppenred in tho Port litnil Jonrtinl, n lew ilnys nf?o, is, we nro nssnreil by Cnpt. Goodrich, n Hclieinu which will hood become a real ity. Tlio Captain in now eiipwetl in drawing plans for tlio btiililinH and it will he located on the Peninsula. Mine dellnite data later. Kpcal:i"s of hospitality, the Com mercial Club will, no doubt, becomu an important factor aloiu thin line and it is hoped (bat duo attention will be jiiven this jjieat feature. Tio in teiestH Itern aiti of such niaf,'iiilndo that many "captains of industry" will be attracted at visitors, with the view of seckitiL' investment. To all such a hospitable reception by an or ganized body of business men, such as the Commercial Club, will p a Inuir way toward formiiii; irood im- tircssioiis in the minds of such men It is to be hoped the elub wilt ive tins matter consideration. There Is no more con eel index to the thoimhl and pro'rressivo stunt which characterizes a city than the suimort unveil the local newspaper, ex cept il be said newspancr itself. The publisher of Tho Roviow appreciates this fact, and it is his purpose and aim to make the paper worthy of llio support of every resident of the 1'en Insula, and enable its patrons to refer to it witli a leclinn ol prule and sat isfaction. Your support is asked for as von iiinv deem Tho Roviow worthy f it. The more liberal you render viiur patronage, tlie butler paper you will have reason In expect. The future of Ht. Johns is bright and full of iiiomlse. All that Is re united for a full realization of our loudest nones Is it stunt oL "null-to- Uclhorivcnoss." Cast aside nil feelinjr of selllshncss. and lei every deed nml thoimhl be for the general welfare of lliu community. If our neighbor does anything to Improve himself, il is so much toward I lie licnellt of all. Kncotirnge till enterprises which ndd tn the growth and development of the district. No legitimate project ...I.1..I. tl ...... u I... I M.I.I.. I.. n nil ill ll li'liriii.'imi'.i, llinin 11. irui growth in any dcgi!c, Is too large or loo small tit enlist on. syimminy iimi encouragement. Apptupos of this trniliMil-liome idea. In a crtain town not far from St. Johns, the good Indies of it church organization decided lo iiinku their pastor n "iHiiiml party" donation. Of course, llio subscription iitur was ciiciilalcd. Konio thirty odd dollars was subscribed, almost every cent of il b.v (he local grocer, dry goods deal er. butcher, baker, ele. Tho ladles met collided out their Ihlily odd dollars, then apMiinlcd a eommillee of Illicit lo lake the money and t:o lo a certain city fourteen miles away mid buy Ihu various "ihiinnl" articles from deal ers who never contributed it cent. didn't know the pastor, mid, still furl her, didn't emu it continental, ex cept for the homo dealers' dollars. This ticlnally occurred in a (own close by. llio thoughts of Ihu contributors would not look well if uttered mid printed in this column. The crying evil of inativ snbutlmn towns nml, Ihu "unpardonable, sin" of which hi mmiy complain, mid in many instances justly, loo, Ik tho disposition lo ignore Ihu homo merchant nml denier nml go to n neighboring city to trade. This praclico is an .vil and a serious one. Tho Roviow believes, and strongly, too, in tlio principle of patronizing heme industry and homo institutions wherever nml whenever it. is possible lo do so. Of cottrte, in a new town it is sometimes impossible to secure every article from slock Hint may bo desired, but in all such cases the home merchant can secure il for you, ami at the same prices which ob tain in the neighboring city. To the customer who makes a praclico of , or even occasionally, purchasing away from home, the importance of litis matter may not present itselt. Hut it is important and vitally so. The home merchant pays taxes to build up and beautify your surroundings, con tributes toward tliu support of your churches and all other public lieii'v llciarics. If a donation for any pur pose is wanted, the llrst person you go to is your grocer, your butcher, your my goods mail, etc., mil never a rent do you get from .Mr. Merchant in tho other town. You don't even ask any one else lint tho home man. No use, and you know it. Dear reader, gel in mid organize your family into a Iraile-at-ltoine club. (Jivo your home merchant (lie bencllt of tho dol lars he helps you to earn, and you will soon K'e the henellts. Trade at home. Peddlers' Llconsc. A city ordinance is in force levy ing it licetiso of two dollars per day on peddlers. A righteous and jusl law it is, ami the city authorities "lioulil see that it is vigorously en forced. A I'oillain butcher III in presented a sparsely signed petition to tlio council Monday iilghl asking the lepcal of the law, or at least to ledttce the feu to n nominal sum. To the credit of our city i'allicts they refused to do so. it would be man! feslly unfair to the butchers of this city to allow mi outside fit tit to invade this territory ami compete with them us proMiscil, without contributing to the exchequer of the city, and liber ally, too. The llrms in this lino of business here have invested their money, pay their taxes, and are idcnli lied Willi the town, ami if other linns want to compete with those already established, let them come mid do the same. It is their right, if they wish, hut they should not be allowed to couiK'te on unfair basis. Patronize home enterprises il you waul llio city lo build up. OHUItOH NOTES. Seventh Dnv Aili'ioili!. Siibbnlli school at III A! M.; regular service til 11 A. M. everv Nililmlli. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. I!. I). Iluilhetl, llhler. luencing next .Sunday. Kev. II. L. Prnltj Presiding lOMer of Portland District and T. It. Smith, tlio singing evangelist recently from Ohio, will ho a special feature each evening. There will be a special prayer service of 10 lo 1 minutes in the side room prior to (lie regular service". All Christians of all denominations me invited to at tend this service. The services in tlio mailt room will commence each even ing at sharp 7:.'ll). All are welcome and urged to attend these services. N. L. MUELLER m:.M,KK i.v Furniture if Hardware rUltNITUIlB RBFAIRED AMD EXCHANGED 535 WILLIAMS AVENUE Nrnr Itiuai'tl fitted rhone Scott aoos PORTLAND, ORE. THE BOSTON Home Bakery Keeps constantly on hand a fresh supply of Mread, Cakes, Pies and all linker's goods. We cull your attention to our Homo Mado Bread. All or ders promptly tilled nml de livered gANDKRSON & ALLEN, ST. JOHNS Phono Scott 3101 Specials & je A oll-piceo Dinner Set Our Special lllenil of ColTce $3.95 25c Mistletoe Ten, a perfect Crtp lilcuil, per IHiiiml .... Ovs" AND Ot'll CIKKAT IOc DEPARTMENT which Is Kit) feet long mid 12 feet high M. K. Chut ch.-Preachlng 11 A. M. nml 7 P. M,: Sunday school III: A. .l.; class meeting Yi .M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7 till) P. M. Knworlh U'imue. Ilt.'lll P. M. Si.:dav. Junior League 'Jillll P. M. Sunday. The Culled KvmmcHenl Church Services 11 A. M. and 7:110 P. M. Morning subjects "Necessity of a Kevivnl." Kveiiitig: "(lod'n Chill leuue." Sunday school, 10 A. M. Jr. K. L O. i:., 'JiIlO P. M. Sr. K. I. 0. i:.. (Is l5 P. M. K. Iv. MmVICKTI!,, Pastor. Theiu will be n series of services held in Ihu Kvmigclicnl church com HAINES' TEA STORE 170 Third Street licit, rr i llnrrlvun mnl Ymnlilll l'lion Miln 1700 P. J. 01 III CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans and specifications promptly furnished on application. All work done willi neatness mid dispatch. if Mil