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ST. JOHNS REVIEW 5 LOCAL HAPPENINGS fiiccl mi- truck, mnKlng doublo '"jlr. " ',,n1' mnnngcr C tlio St. t.,i,iw Water anil 1'iulit Company, j,lnti" Hii'i nin Hi propose crect incii lin-1'1' ro.orvolr next spring. The nn-M'tii tnnk, while huge enough to meet tin- i re-cut demand, will ho cn tiiolv iiijul'-'iimti' to meet tlio rapidly ilioini'ini: i,iiminl. m .lln - occupies iino of tlio lieiltliii'M l"fiiliiiiiH mi tlio Const, mid doo ti"i I'H'-i'iit vury encouraging olltl'" t'" doeiors, .vi'i iinvo io- Pilril lif". iiml others nro looking .i,rt ..ii.iiimI . mt seeking locations. TMi w im' for conducting electric irttl Hi' lit lubes' Homing mill, on tlio water fii'iii. if being stretched, Power for oliii'i fin poses win no nvannnio n4 MKItl 1 1110 ''HO IX COIIipiUlCII. K. A. WiNtui the jeweler who just located in .St. Johns, although n young nimii i mi expert. He hns fitted him self f'i' lii" Irmle, mid is devoted to it, lie Ki"tvs how to do tilings mm ,!,. what many onier nun more ox ,riei I inc'i in his line do not nt trmiit. makiiiir him master of his irmfi'. which gives him n solid foun datioii l hiiild iip'Mi, Hu mnnufne tmes moM of his tools, which nrc innr- vpU uf their ktnil. ion would ho rcflllv interested to exnmino some of the iiitriciite nml ilelicnto mcchniilcnl inMiiiinents he lins turned out. Mr. WiUon will some dny liecotno ninous in hit chosen work. Review subscribers who may not re ceive their n.ipcrs regularly will con fern I ii vi u- if ill will fllo complaints nt IliN nilice. Wo trust our subscrib er will not hesitnto to do this, ns such infiiimittiou will lie of great hcncllt to u. LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR. Kcry indicntion Miinls to tlio sur f". ol tlio great ccntcnninl exhibi tion, hoth in Hiiiit of exhibits and nt Ionium c. The grounds nro assuming n lair like upcurni re, nml present n very nllruclive sigh'. It is gratifying of the city. The petition was taken up in tlio council nml mensurcs woro nt onto inaugurated to put tlio praycra of tlio petitioners in'o effect. Survey ors were employed nnd grades estab lished. Since then, howover, nothing has heen done, uud the petition, prob ably, stored nwny in a pigeon hole. The result is the rainy season is hero. and the principal streets will soon hi in n deplorable condition. Just whnt the cxcinc ' " neclcct Tlio Review is not informed. Jlut certain it is, somebody is to blame, nml tlio citizens interested, and every resident of St. Johns should he earnestly inter ested, should mako it their business to llud out. No remonstrance wns fil ed. St. Joints is rapidly outgrowing the state of country villogehood, nnd is rapidly developing into ono of tlio important cities of tlio Const, there fore is entitled to demand of tlioso in authority that street nnd other civic improvements should keep nhrenst of tins development, Especially is this true in regard to its public thorough fnrcs. It is urged upon tho council Hint tins condition of nfTnirs bo ap preciated, nnd these questions bo mot nnd noted upon with such nromntness iis i no exigencies 01 ino enso ticmonns. t "NO HAT" CRUSAPE. Basllab Phralcal Callnrl', Waal Alinllali Heailatar Altogether. At tlio meeting of tlio 1.01 physical culturlsls tho other day, In Knglnnd, Uio honorable secretary, Mr. Harry KremnltK, an engineer by profession, Drought forward his proposal regard ing tho "no lint" crusade. Ho said bo Introduced this purely from a hygienic point or view nnd bellovcd strong! tbnt tlio continued uia of headgear with little or no ventilation was detri mental to the growth of tho hair, says uio imilon Telegraph. It was nlso, to a great extent, an act of Impolite ness Into which wo had fallen uncoil- clously. The use of bats should not only ho discontinued hi slurry olUces, warehouses, work rooms, theaters, li braries mid public halls, but should bo abolished altogether. Ho (Mr. Krcmnltx) had no doubt ,.. ....I., it. ,.i .it ii it.;- ... I " i'"r- ' IV in'u iitiii ,ii-i,i,i rit iiiu iiMiiiut-n iil .,... t . ....... . Own and ndininoing states nro at- rjli . I Z consider numlng I" exhibit tho particular re- "b'VS sourer for which they nro noted. Wo , . 1 ' "? ,"?d. ,h. ,,,,!lcfll titiilci-liind tlio various hiauufactiir- liiir iiuere.iis ol bt. .lolins will lie rep ivi'hlnl by suitable displays of their )iniiiii'ts, The unprecedenled low excursion trttiT fii'it) tlio Hast assure a la run lullt'v of visitors from that fee tion of the iiiuiitry, the tireseuen of whom run it do otherwise than result in iniirli peiiiimient benefit to tlio entire NVilliuest. It is In be imped Hint the iiunui.Miiieut will bo nblo to devisa iii.e plans by which the extortions nu t iced on visitoni nt other like ex itiltlons iiiiiv be rfTeettinllv m-event. i. ii tins is dune, ino Iwlr and laik l air win pass into hinlorv as ie u me moiii vaiiiniiio schemes ever viM'd to ndverlisc the great re iiivex of the Western sloo. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. I'lie slreels of this rilv lire, nn vt. Iiii.t instances, in their primiiive le, nnd vey lltle work has been Some eight months turn a ixiti- , signed by the requisite number pwjN'rty owners, wns llleit Willi thu culturlsls to set an example and to abolish their headgear entirely. He allowed, howover, nu exception should It pour with ralu or In winter If It was very cold. A light hat might bo then worn a a protection. Tho present bat, no doubt, wns n rollc of olden when helmets wcro worn to protect tho head in imtllo. Could any one Imnglno a moro unsightly and uncomfortablo article than a top ImtJ He challenged anybody to bring forth a single advan tage tho top hat offered. Tho caps so universally worn were close, worm nnd heavy and Impeded tho growth of tho hnlr. oiing children's hair would grow strong In a very short time If tneir Ilea' were left uncovered. There was no possible doubt that Uio fresh air admitted to the head prevented gnr unirs nun iminucs. Mr. Krcmnltx further urged the adoption of sandal In dry weather. Tbeso ho particularly recommended for tho use of the poorer classes, as no considered that bad and old wornout boots were a source of disease. Tho proposal was seconded by Miss u. I'crgin, nnd was generally Indorsed, but In I.oudon, adds tho correspondent, I . fl t.f . A it In 1492 Columbus Discovered AMERICA In 1900 We Discovered ST. JOHNS BOTH EVENTS ARE HISTORICAL HAVINO DISCOVERED THE PLACE AND CON SIDERED ITS POSSIBILITIES WE BOUOHT PROP ERTY. THIS WAS BEFORE THERE WAS A RAIL ROAD OR ANY MILLS, IN SHORT BEFORE THE TOWN HAD WAKENED. FOR TEN YEARS PAST NOT A NEW HOUSE HAD BEEN BUILT IN THE PLACE. BUT ST. JOHNS LOOKED GOOD TO US, FOR"WE SAW ITS FUTURE. WE WERE FIRST ON THE GROUND, CONSE QUENTLY WE BOUOHT OUR PROPERTY . CHEAP BOUOHT THRIVINO ST. JOHNS PROPERTY AT SLEZPY HOLLOW PRICES AND AS IS SO OFTEN THE CASE UNDER SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES BOUOHT MORE THAN WE CAN AFFORD TO HOLD. SINCE WE BOUOHT CHEAP WE ARE IN POSI TION TO OFFER YOU THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. IF YOU WRITE US WE WILL MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR TO YOU. TO THE FIRST TEN PERSONS ANSWERINO THIS ADVERTISEMENT WE WILL MAKE A SPECIAL OFFER BETTER THAN WE HAVE EVER MADE TO ANY PERSON. FURTHER WE WILL MAKE A WRITTEN OUARANTY WITH EACH LOT SOLD THAT WE WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY WITH O'i INTEREST AT THE END OF ONE YEAR FROM DATE Or PURCHASE PROVIDED THE PROPERTY BOUOHT DOES NOT INCREASE IN VALUE 20o OVER PURCHASE PRICE WITHIN THAT TIME. Hartnian, Tliompii & Powers j Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon O. I. CHAPEL Agent at St. Johns ,il of Die most !ni)ortnnt stn-et ,mon nml naicule.