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ST. JOHNS REVIEW Tho l'overi of niches. Tbe ordinary mnn would suppose ,nt Hiissell Sage, who lins Just passed hU elghty-P's1"" '-buu- ,a u,u inoimti rt'llrc' I,llt llint bccaUM he docs not know his mnn. And tin ordinary man "K"1" woU,d lll,n8ln that when u money chaser gets any. xe'hcre from ?:.,000,000 to $100,000,000, ml has moro ready cash tlmn nny ether tiiuii In tlio worm, no would not fart. to nciumulnto more. Hut In tlmt the ordinary tuitti would again exhibit his Ignorance of this particular case. Onie more tlio ordinary iiwii would BdHiiim 'hat wncn nny one nnii rcacneu this aihamcd position both In yenra jnil In wealth, even If bo did wnnt to ronllnui' nceiunulnllng. be would de Mite su'ie younger man to look nflor the tlci.i is of the liuxInoM, And ones more the ordinary man would show luck of in iiialnliimo with hi subject. Hii ell s.igo has absolutely no other Inlrtv.-i " bfe tbnu to mako money. Other u. iiioiiabes divert themselves nlth philanthropies. Not hu. Others goto Ktuopo. sail about In yachts, take pleasure trips or Indulge In seondnla nml cliiiil ir diversions. In tlio eyes of Mr. Hate a" H"'""' things are little less tlmn a enn Jitint squandering of money. Itnl ih ' ilv race horses, society, vaca tion", hobnobbing with klngs-nono of thco thing bus nny attractions for Mm, T'iO might take him from bis ih-sk nnd prevent blm from getting a dollar. Neither will be trust Ids affairs In the band of oilier men. They arc nil lax. They do tint have proper business method. They might even betray lotne htiuian emotion; and nil these thlnps arc Incxcusnblo and unprofes iloiial. Ituscll Sago has probably made more money and got less good out of It than any man tlmt ever lived, I to dresses In hand-ino-dowus, buys the cheapest of lunches, begrudges even hit strict car fares and In bis New Vork limine lives In a very plain and miiumfortnble way. Ills only diversion Is money making. True, there are mythic l reports that he has a tine country pi. c somewhere and keeps good horsci. It Is even reported that hli wife Indulges It, charities. Hut nil tlno things are so un-Sngollkc, as It were, that the world hardly credits l.ltll 1111111 He Is not burdened with an luingl.u, tlou, like J. I'lerpoiit Morgan; has no rympnlhy with the newfangled promo lions and all that sort of thing. Ho Hand by the llmo honored method of loaning money and charging all t'jnt the traillc will bear. He bus no particular object In tic cuuiututfiig, being without offspring to whom bis vast fortune may bo left. Iln does not sipiiiniler It on himself. In fact, the only apparent happiness bo p-tft out of bis wealth Is that afforded by getting untie of It. lie Is a striking example of "the pov erty of riches." In dollars he has aitluciice. In nil tUe that goes to mako life worth while bo Is In absiiluto penury. (lood Advice. Tlio American people nro constantly growing more Independent In politics. roily shackles of all sorts nro being uroKen. una is n uopenu sign, tiio Idea of "belonging" to nnythlng, even n faction, docs not conform to tho American spirit. On this lino tho St. Louis (Mo.) News well says tlmt "It Is a good year for the common citizen to nttend strictly to business and when election day comes vote as ho pleases. Either way ho votes ho can do no harm. Either ticket could win without caus ing a ripple upon tho surface of real business affairs. No political party can make times good or keep them so If good business men stand nround nrgulng In stead of attending to business. And no political party can mako times bad when business men arc nil putting vigor Into the commercial life. Don't let politics worry you." Scorching Standard Oil. Tho remarks being lundo nbout the Standard Oil company by Thomas V. Ijiwhoii nro hot enough to set tho thing on lire. They arc quite ns sensational In their way as tho disclosures con cerning the same company inndo by Ida M. Tnrlcll. Tho specific charges tnado by Mr. LnwBon rclato to tho for tuntlon of the Amalgamated Copper company, which belongs to tho Stand nru Oil Interests. ly Implication, how over, they extend to nil the nffnlrs of the Standard. Tho reading public is familiar with these charges, but It can do no harm to brlclly recapitulate. Tim Liost direct nud dnuiaglng wtittcmcnl relates to tho manner In which the public received tho double cross In the selling of Amalgamated stocks. Cer tain favored ones were ndmlttcd to the ground floor nt n much lower prlco than that which tho stocks brought on tho general market. Then, after tho lunoeent outsiders had Invested their money, tho stocks were permitted to drop far below par, nml tho nforcsnld Innocent outsiders lost n largo part of their Investments. Thcso constitute tho gist of tho I.HWSOU charges. Mr. I.awsoii ntso asserts that II. II. Itogers, recently under arrest In Now York In connection with a criminal prosecution, Is the real head of the Standard Oil. The character sketch of this gentleman mnkes Interesting rend ing. Tho Inference Is openly drawn that tho disastrous slump In atccl stocks, through which so many outside Investors went mado to suffer, was due to .ho manipulation of Mr. Itogers. Tho Standard Oil tmst Is undoubted ly tho greatest monopoly In tho world. Tho disclosures coming to light con cerning (ho methods by which this gi ant Institution was built up nud by which It Is being nt present conducted throws n flood of light not only on this particular company, but on trust nffnlrs generally. This sort of publicity Is valuable and must bo welcomed by tho average, cltlxcn without rvgnru to hi political belief or his ntlllude relative to corporations. Let the public have .be truth, mill It can be trusted to work out the problem. A man nt Ullcn, N. V., Is still griev ing because he cast an Illegal veto In ISPS, If this sort of sorrow were com mon, riillndclphln nml Now York would bo In sackcloth nml nshe most of tho time. I ill ill ill ill i -r t-H-H-J-W-i-H-M-H-W-H-I-W An Old Favorite THE DYING CHILD By Ham Christian Andersen 4 KOH many years Hans Christian Andersen tins been known ns "thu children's poet," altlioiiKh Ills work is prune in form. Tlio Andersen stories uru still considered otnoMK thu liest fur Juveiillu readers, and many nf the elder folks Had a clmrm In them. Andersen was born nt Odense, Denmark, In 1805 nnd died in Copenhagen in lS'fi. He was nt llrst tin actor, but literary work cl-Jmed the greater part of tils life. Ills stories have, been translated Inli) many langunKcs, nnd several of them linvo been turnci. Into metrical KiikIIsIi. MOTIIEIl, I'm tired, nud 1 would fain be sleeping; Let mo repose upon thy booiu seek: Hut promise mo that thou wilt leave off weeping, Hecause thy tears full hot upon my cheek. Here It Is cold; the tempest raveth madly; Hut lu my dreams all Is so wondrous bright; I see the unget children smiling gladly, When from my weary eyes I shut out light. Mother, olio stands beside me now! and, listen! Dost thou not hear the music's sweet oeeord7 See how his white wings bontitirully gllstenl Surely, those wings were given I il nt by our I.ordl Oreen, gold, and red arc floating alt around me; They nro the flower the nngel scattcrcth. Shall I have also wings whilst life has bound mo? Or, mother, aro they given alone lu death? Why dost thou clasp me as If I were going? Why dost thou press thy cheek thus unto mine? Thy cheek Is hot, and yet thy ten in are flowing; I will, dear mother, will be always tbliiel Do not thus sigh- It marreth my repolut'; And If thou weep, then I must Weep , lth thee! O, I nm tired my weary eyes are closing: Look, mother, look I the nngel kissel U - .! '-M-I-M-I-M-M-M-M-M-I-M-M Job and Book Printing mo; Tho Ilovlow Job and Book Print ing plant will bo in placo Monday, Nov. Htli, after which dato wo will bo prepared to do oil kinds of Job work. .Our prices lamo as Portland. With new plant wo will bo jnabled to turn out first-class work. sMgL THE REVIEW, EAST SIDE JERSEY ST., SF. JOHNS i