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I§V*? *!m&. ilfNlii r*\ I Y,N OC aJ LU C/D CC LU E DC U_ LU I- Tuition, per week Room rent Contingent fee, per term a) ±. AUGUSTANA COLLEGE, MTHOSY «. TU1E, President. Canton, Lincoln County, South Dakota. A Thoroughly epuipped educational Institution. Maintains five distinct courses of study—College course Preparatory course Normal course Irregular course Common school course. Teaches English, Latin, Greek, German and Scandinavan languages. Conducted under the auspices of THE UNITED NORWEGIAN LUTHERAB SHURSH. HI5CF=E3KrSH3S. I. N. MENOR. N. M. JACOBSON. IN/Cen.oir' c5c O" acobson, -DEALER IN- InHr^jLi/ts strid P'rovisions. We carry everything usually kept in a first class store and our facilities are such as will enable us to sell goods at EOCK BOTTOM FIGURES. We handle no shelf-worn or shoddy stuff, but the very best goods that money will buy, and guarantee perfect satisfaction in every department of our business. Call and be convinced. MENOR & JACOBSON. WEST SIDE MAIN ST CANTON, S D. 'Mil iili 1I1 'Mlin 4 ,'?-4 $ .50 1.25 P,^i®t' *?w, •r-wn.:* yryfjp: u\ KAILBOAD TIKE-TABLES Until further notice, trains on the C. M. & St. P. By, will arrive and depart at Canton station as follows: GOING WEST. I No. passenger Monday excepted, No. 3, 11:00 A. M. passenger, Sunday excepted, No. 7, way freight 11:40 A. M. 12:30 P. M. GOING EAST. No. 2, passenger, Sunday excepted, 3:45 A. M. No. 4, passenger, Saturdays excepted,4:46 P. m. No. 6, freight 8:50 P. M. GOING NORTH. No. 1, passenger 11:00 A. M. No. 5, accommodation 11:30 A. M. No. 6, freight 4:40 P. M. GOING SOUTH. No. 4, passenger 4:45 P. M. o. 6, freight 8:25 A. M. For tickets and rates to 'all parts of the United StateB and Canada, inquire at ticket office. W. V. HOWARD, Statipn Agent. THE NEWS AROUND Erick Erickson, an enterprising farmer near Hoe post office, has gone into the business of buying hides for which he pays cash, delivered at his place. During the illness of Mrs. Russell, Miss Lena Goding is teaching this de partment in the schools and from reports, is Ailing the place very creditably. George Olson came into the office Mon day morning with a smile on his face as big as that on the face in the full moon. He had his pocket full of cigars and was setting 'em up all around, saying "it is a big boy, surie." It is understood that Straw Bro's. are selling out their stock of clothing and in tend to go out of business the first of Jan uary. They are selling goods at a very low figures and farmers will do well to call on them. TIIK LKADKU wants a good correspon dent at Beresford, Lennox, Eden mid Brooklyn. Also at Saiina and other j.lao-s in tin* north part of the county. Lei the friends of the paper respond to its wants and thus help to make it (lie best in the state. Mrs. Kussell. one of I lie teachers in the public schixls. took sick very suddenly last Friday, while on duly in the school room. Doctors Smith and Kt/si'iibntim were culled to her assistance and under their care she lias been slowly improving. Mrs. Russell has held a position in the schools here l'or several years, and has achieved the distinction of being one of the best teachers in the county. Every laboring man in and about Can ton. is invited to be present at the Knights of Labor meeting at the court house next Saturday evening. A great many have expressed their approbation of the move and there are already men enough in its favor to form an organization. The la boring men of Canton can help their cause a great deal by joining this assem bly. 25 tim Secretary Hansou of the county Alli ance desires THE' LUADKK to say that the regular monthly meeting of the Alliance will he held in Canton, on thu second Saturday in December, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. As this is the day on which occurs the regular election of officers for the ensuing term, it is desired to have ever local Alliance in the county represented. Remember the day. Satur day. Dec. 13, 1880. II. B. Lund, the newly elected super intendent of schools, arrived from Va! poraiso, college last week and was aroui'd among his friends receiving congratula tions last Thursday. He paid THE LEADKH office, a welcome visit. He is getting ready to .succeed superintendent Ishain, unless his irrepressible oppo nent wants office bad enough to contest, the election. There is a rumor to this effect but it is hoped that the defeated candidate, who was so mercilessly snow ed under that he will never come to the political surface again, will not permit his appetite for office to overcome hir, bet ter judgment. THE LEADEit job printing department has been crowded with business for two months or more, and it is a fact, notwith standing tlie slanderous insinuations of the proprietors of the other offices, that this office has yet to turn out its first un satisfactory piece of work. THE LEADEK invites the attention of the public to the fact that it has a first class job office, both in mechanical ability and otherwise and is prepared to turn out work of every description at reasonable rates and in the very best styles of the art. We take no back seat even for Sioux City and Sioux Falls in point of price and workmanship. The members of the Methodist congre gation with a view to getting acquainted with the new minister, joined in a pleas ant surprise party for the family of their new minister, Ilev. Simmons, last Fri day evening. The party gathered at the residence of J. A. Goding, from whence they marched to the parsonage in a body at eight o'clock and found their unsuspect ing victims in the midst of their work of preparing their household effects to com mence housekeeping. Many of the fam ily delegations in the party carried with them baskets and packages containing many good things to eat which were dis posed of at the parsonage. The party were hospitably entertained during the evening by Iiev. and Mrs. Simmons and their happy family, and went away feel ing much pleased with their sojourn. Sioux Falls Press: There are ninety six persons in the penitentiary, there be ing only one women in the prison, which certainly speaks w.ll for woman as a law abiding person. Owing to the prison having no crn tract on hand for work, the prisoners are idle. A ^reat deal of the summer work has been in the prison quarry blasting out stone for :lie wall around the prison. Most of the aiipro- priation, 12,000. has been used already in the furnishing of the quarry. A new mode of tactics has been adopted with re ference to the exercise of the prisoners. An hour and a half a day is devoted to military drill, special effort being made in the foot movements. This has afford ed a great relief to the prisoners, and on. pleasant days they are marched out on the gravel walk and are given a good march. WOMEN'S WORK. Frogram of the Ooming Session of the County Womens Christian Temperanoe Union. Following is the official program ar ranged for the exercises of the regular meeting of the county organization of the Women's Christian Temperance Union to be held in Canton, Saturday Nov. 20, at half past one o'clock p. m. in the Presby terian church: Music by the Y's. Reading of the scripture and prayer. Reading of minutes Secretary Unfinished and new business. Reports of vice president, Canton Y's and superintendent. Report of state convention Mrs. F. E. Conklin, Co. Pres. Discussion. Paper—How shall we entertain our young People? Mrs. C. B. Kennedy Discussion—Opened by Mrs. FitzggrfQd Supt. of Parlor Meetings. Paper—How do Dakota State laws( relat ing to Women effect their interests Mrs. F. A. Keep. Discussion—Opened by Mrs. O. P. Ash ley, superintendent of legislative work. Plan and work of Loyal Legion ...Pres. of Lennox Loyal Legion. Music. Demorest Medal contest, Saturday even ing. at 7:30 o'clock in the Presbyterian chnrch. All are cordially invited to attend both sessions. COLLEGE CDLLINGS. The instruction received at the Au gustana College this year is as thorough iind interesting as it can possibly be marie and one good point of instructions are the chapel exercises in the morning when the students in turn deliver a de clamation, written composition or short speech. On account of the recent snow, the students of the Augustfina College were obliged to give up their baseball and cro quet playing for indoor amusements. Quite a number of students were en rolled during the past week. Of those who have attended school here before were J. B. Reincrtson, R. R. Spande, C. Sandvig, A. Steensland, and Miss llein ertsion. The new students were O. Os mundson, from Lincoln county C. Erick sun, of Miner county, aud R. W. Olsen, of Yankton. Many more students are expected to attend in the near future, so the prospect for a large attendance is good. Timber Depredation*. United States Land Commissioner Lewis A. GroflC calls attention to the continued poachings on the forests of the public' domain. An examination of the reports back as far as July 1,1881, and extending up to the end of June, 1889, shows that the best timber still be longing to the United States is being ruthlessly destroyed and stolen, and will soon be exhausted. There are laws against this stealing, bnt the laws are imperfectly enforced, and always have been because' citizens of the United States find it difficult to eradicate from their minds tho idea that appropriating anything belonging to Uncle Sam is not stealing. Our laws are utterly inadequate to protect tho forests of the public domain, and they arc melting away like snow wreaths in spring. Commissioner Grofl suggests that whenever the public woods arc situated in a locality in which tim ber is needed for building by settlers in their vicinity, that provision be made for supplying such actual settlers with the needed lumber. But the constant cutting of timber on these lands and shipping it off and selling it elsewhere, putting the money into private pockets, should bo stopped at once and forever. Commissioner Groff says the law should be made stirrer, so as to prevent the cutting :tad deportation of public timber beyond the neighborhood where it is needed, as stated by him. Also the cutting of any timber at all should be forbidden on mountain sides and near tho head waters of streams, or at any other point where for economic, climatic or public reasons the land should be left permanently wooded. Antarctic Explorations. It is announced that the Australian states have accepted the offer made to them a year ago by Baron Nordens kiold, the explorer. The baron promised to go on an expedition to the south pole, or as near to it as he could get, if the Australasian countries would contribute $25,000 toward paying the expenses of his trip. The money has been raised, and Barons Nordenskiold and Dickson will accordingly organize and equip dur ing the coming year an expedition to south polar regions. The object of the expedition will be both scientific and commercial. Whales and seals are be coming scarce in the north polar seas. So are the eiderdown ducks and other birds that commerce seeks in the far north. The Antarctic waters are yet full of these valuable birds and animals. Ow ing to the severity of the weather and the remoteness from civilization com merce has not yet levied tribute on the waters around the Antarctic circle. Sci- e&ce, too, has lagged in the irao£ng out of the secrets of this remote region. It was so far away from anywhere and the prospect of sucoor in case of misfortune was so hopeless. For half a century no explorations have been carried forward in the south polar seas. Birds bare whistled, whales have spouted and seals have gamboled at will, with no human sound to break the solitude. But anew civilization has sprang up not so far from these regions now. Austra has become the center of a great and new civilization, whose millions qf are calling to the Sooth seas, in the Interests of both science and of com merce, demanding that they yield up their secrets. NOTICE TO WOKKOia KEH, Notice is hereby given to the working men and farmers of Canton and vicinity, that their presence is desired at a public meeting to be held in the old court house on Saturday evening Nov. 22, at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of or ganizing an assembly of the Knights of Labor in the city of Canton. All classes of people, excepting bankers, lawyers and saloon-keepers are eligible to membership in the organization and re tfullyrequested to attend. BR ORDER OF C«MMITTEE. H0TICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The stockholders of the South Dakota Farmers' Publishing Company, will hold their regular annual meeting, at the old court house in the city of Canton, on the first Tuesday in Dec., (9th day of the month) at 10 o'clock a. m., as the regular business of the company for this meeting is very large, it is requested that all the members be on hand promply at the ap pointed hour. A. J. WIMPLE, E. W. OWENS, President, Secretary. 8TKATED. From my farm six miles northeast of Beresford, 14 head of spring calves, em bracing 8 heifers, and 6 steers. 2 white heifers in the lot. 2 red and one rone heifers are marked in right ear. They left my place about two weeks ago. Anyone in posession of information lead ing to their recovery will oblge the un dersigned to notify me either in person or by mail. M. SMITH, Beresford, S. D. BOABDMEETIHG. The members of the board of directors of the South Dakota Farmers Publishing Company, Publishers of the FARMERS' LEADER, will meet in regular quarterly meeting, at the LEADER office in Canton, on Saturday, December, 6, 1890, at 1 oclock p. m. A. J. WIMPLE, E. W. OWENS, President. Secretary. Business Locals. A fine line of stationery and other writing materials to be found at Helmey & Kelman's. On Jan. 1, 1891, Helmey & Kelman will stive away a $25 music box. Call and learn particulars. If you intend to do some painting this fall call at Helmey & Kelman's where you will find a complet line of paints etc. Smokers! If you want a ioc smoke for 5c call at Helmey & Kelman's and try the Dan Webs ter. CORN WANTED. Highest price paid for corn. C. B. Kennedy. HOMY! MOM! We are prepared to make loans on real estate security at the very lowest rates obtainable also give borrower privilege to make payments 011 principal dur ing the continuance of loans. No extra charge made for exchange on interest or principal payments. Those desiring to make new or renew old loans will do well to call at our office and get our rates etc. ZELLER & HUETSON. FOR SALE. Eight high-grade, three year old colts. J. A. Goding. MOM! MONEY! The First National Bank has Money to loan on time to suit the borrower at lowest rates ob tainable. Be sure and see them before arranging elsewhere. E. A- TAYLOR, D- Offlee in Sinelare Block Beresford, South Dakota. J. W. HEWITT, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness, Saddles, Mars, Bridles, WMps, Costa, Brushes. Repairing done neatly. All work warranted. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil always on hand. E. FIFTH ST. CANTON, S. D. *W YJ*YT /Yr?vj DR. G. M. MOR Di" r"ii V*J Ken of till' And flttins spoctacles, a specialty. eformeties and morbid growths treated scientifically. Calls in the country day or night, attended to. D«. G. M. MOBTON, Canton, South 8UMH0NS. STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA. U« County of Lincoln. In the Circuit Court thereof Second Judi cial Circuit. David D. Russell, plaintiff vs Frazier QUlmaik and Annie L. Gillman. his wife, Orrln Dated August 1-ltli. A. D. 1RA1. P. Waterhouso, Charles E. Whitehead and Deere & Company, defendants: The State of South Dakota to the above named defendant*: YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action which said complaint will be Hied in the ofllce of the Clerk of the Cir cuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit of the State of South Dakota, within and for the coun ty of Lincoln and to serve a copy of your an swer to the said complaint on the subscribers, at their ofllce in the City of Sioux Falls in the County of Minnehaha in said State of f"-*-" Dakota. the said City of Sioux Falls be place where a post oSlce, within I days after the service of this summons1 S!ou, exclusive of the day of such servicel to answer the said complaint thirty days after the service of tnls sui upon you. the plaintiff in this action will to the court for tho relief demanded in th complaint. HAII.KY & STODDARD, Attorneys for Plaint iff. Sioux Falls, Mlnneha luk county. South Dakota. TsTthe above named defendants: /Take notice that the complaint in the above /ntitled action wait duly tiled on the 18th day of August A. D. IKK) in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial for the County of Lincoln, at Canton, County. South Dakota. Cir cuit of the State of South Dakota within and Lincoln BAH.BY & STODDARD, Attorneys for Plaintiff SUMMONS. STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, I __ County of Lincoln. In the Circuit Court thereof: Sccond Dated August 37th, A. D. 1890. 1 Judicial Circuit. David D. Russell, Plaintiff, vs Isaac W. Carpeuter: Mary K. Carpenter E. E. Carpen ter: Halvor Nelson and D. O. C. Shore, De fendants The State of South Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the compliant of the plaintiff in the above entitled action which said complaint will be Hied in tho oittce of tho Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit of the State of South Dakota, within and' for £hi County of Lincoln aud to serve a copy oil answer to the said complt'int on tho sf bers. at their offlee iu t.he City of Sloux-T the County of Mianohsiiia in said St: South Dakotr, tlie siiid Oily of Sioux Fai ing a place where tliere is a post office, v. thirty days after the cervice of this SummonL upon you. exclusive of tho day of such service aud if you fail to answer tho said complaint within thirty days after tho service of this summons upon you, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said Complaint. BAU,EY& STODDARD Attorneys for Plaintiir. Sioux Falls, Minneba* ha County, South Dakota. To the above named defendants: Take notice that the complaint in the above entitled action was duly Itled on the S9ttx day of August A. D. 18'.X» in the office or the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit of the State of South Dakota within and for tho County ot Lincoln, ut Canton, Lincoln County. South Dakota. iJAii.EY & It STODDARD. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 8UMM0US. STAM'K OF SOUTH DAKOTA, I C'o-iuly of Lincoln. I la the Circuit Court, thereof Second Judi cial jUugcne W. Coivhran, plaintiff, vs Michael M. 'i-k!r-y and Mrs. Michael M. MarUley. his wife, whose- real name Is un known. defendants. THE ST.iTK OF SOCTK DAKOTA, to the above iciet! def«ii'':i,:T.s: You arc hereby snninmtied utid required to answer the coiripjnitjt '.it the plaintiff in th* above entitled nation which .-jnl.i complaint wilfv bo li'.eil in th' olilee "Miie clerk of the Clrcuii Court of th-* Se"iMi Judicial Circuit of State of Sotir.ji }.) oti. williin and foft Counly of Lincoln 'u to ^trve a copy ofytj auswer to tlie 1 cep.-pieint on the sL sertbursi tJu-ir ::?iets 1:1 the City of SiovS Falls in the C'u:uv r.! in said State ef South 11.e inVi i!.y of Sioux Falls boi'.ifT a pl.'.fi: )i vie is »i r-'-it office, with in thi-iy ,Uc stnvice of this sum meas tii/on you. eL'cli'-iive fee day of such service: ami Sf ytm i:.ii a swov tho said com pie,iot within ihir~.v iluys after the servlceo this .summons upor. ya, -le j,!aintifr in this action will a5»:.v h- .he .•o-.-rt for the relief de mam'.eii in t.h' .aa Dated August '.'th A. .1). W. 1S.VII:Y & STODDARD, Attorneys for Pleintiii. Oioux Falls, Minnehaha County. Sovili D»U:««. To the si hove riune-.l defendants: Take notice that tl.e cvtriv ninl ia tli-j above entitled a-tioii wns iii tiiflee of the clerk of the Circuit Our h-i :-.i!cpr.d Judicial Cir cuit of the tSt.iV vf' rioniit (stiUoTa. within and for the County of Lincoln, at Canton, Lincoln County, South Dakota, on the 13th day- of August A. D. 1890. BAIMSY & STODDARD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. A NEW BOOK*] FROM COVER TO COVER.l Fully Abreast with the Timei. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for the Family, School, or Professional Libraty. Th* Amtkentio Wetoter's Una bridged Dictionary, comprising the issaea of 1864, *19 & '84, copyrighted •lopojtf of the undersigned, is now Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged, end aa a distinguishing title, bears the name of ebster's Interna tional Dictionary. Editorial work upon this revision has been in active progress for ovor Ten Tears. Not less than One Hun dred paid editorial laborers have been engaged upon it. Over 9300,000 expended in its preparation before the first copy was printed. Critical comparison with any other Dictionary is invited. Get £he Best. G. & C. MEKKIAM & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., V. S. A. SsldbyallBooksell 'fa. Illustrated pamphlet free. j|