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VOL.1. NUMBER 23. sfs ANOTHER INDEPENDENT VICTORY. The Third Party Successful in the Election of a Representative in Lahe Countu i—r •I Last Tuesday. Senatop^jf^rilkof Union County Dies of Apople'.yy-bther News of Gen eral Interest. INDEPENDENTS WIN. MADISON, NOV. 20.—Special Correspond ence: At the special election held here yes terday to determine the tie between Frank Knight, rep. and B. B. Bowell, ind. for the lgislature, Bowell was triumphantly elected. As the republicans had counted on tnis seat for the majority in the legisla ture, this is a great independent victory. The republicans now can not elect their United Stains senator, SENAI$R-ELECT CIULL DEAD. 1ST, Nov. 25.—Special: L. M. Velected to the state senate on the indepV«e&nt ticket, died at his home at Richland l^is morning of apoplexy. A new election will be held to fill his place. ELK' Crill,^ WEDDING BELLS. Saturday, HOT TheyBing In Norway Township 22,1890. NUREY, NOV. 24.—Special Correspond ence: One of the most pleasant events which transpired in Norway town ship in many yeas was the wedding of Mr. O. H. Hastel to Miss Lena Larson, both of this township, last Saturday, Nov. 23, 1890. The happy event took place at Bethlehem church, the center of the Lutheren congregation of this town ship and the ceremonies were conducted by the pastor, Rev. O. A. Berge. Mr. Hustel is one of Norway township's in dustrious and most prosperous young men who has gained a wide circle of friends all over this portion of Lin pqpunty and Miss Larson is the and Mrs. Nelson Larson, known and most influen tial iairmers in this section. She is a young lady of culture and intelligence and there is no young lady in this part of the county who has the pleasure of a wider circle of friends and stands higher in the estimation of her acquaintances than -.Miss Larson (Now Mrs. Hustel) The wed j'vding was attended by many friends' and ^s^acquanintances of "the happy couple. They go forth with a brightly shining •'. .: star of hope to guide them through a long and happy, prosperous wedded life. They will make their home in this local ity. The following is a complete list of THE PRESENTS. A. Odegard. canteen, wine glasses, cups and saucers and bed spread: Paul Gubrud, lamp and set glass dishes P. C. Chraft and T. H. Helgerson, hanging lamp Ole Kundtson. set knives and forks Carrie Anderson, pickle castor K. Amundson, butterdish Mrs. L. Wilca, brwadspread O. S. Strand, album Mr. ai)(\ytvs. K. Sydness, rocking chair Jas. A.^Hmey, looking glass K. M. Nupen, JJ^P^Mistor Mrs. Arneberg, tabic cloth Ida LWder, pair vases Mrs. Chraft, ta ble scarf Annie Anderson, bedspread Mr. and Mrs. Rosum, set silver tea spoons: Mr. and Mrs. A. Arneson, look glass Mr. and Mrs. Amundson, cloths wringer and Hat iron Mrs. T. Strand, fruit dish and cake stand Rena and Mag gie Sorlie, bedspread Mrs. H. K. Rise, table cloth Mrs. G. and W. Bergstrom, set chairs: August and John Johnson, center table Sorenson & Moe, silver butter dish and silver cups Ole Jacobson, set glass dishes Mrs. Rognstad, bed spread O. Jacobson, pie plates Henry and Bell Hattum, table cloth and nap kins K. T. Falde, set knives and forks Ed. Fossum, set silver knives and forks L. M. Skuness, Gunda Jacobson, Mattie Rossum, bible. Cash donations Mrs. Gilbertson, $1 Ole Overseth. $4 Maria Hovelsond, $1.50 Mickel Gilbertsou. $2 John Johnson, $2 Peter Tuntland, $1 Gusta vBredland, $1 Miss Biddy Strand, $1.50 Mr. and Mrs. A. Arneson. $5 O. and O. Stecnsland, $5 Mrs. H. Norum, $1 Mrs. Marius Nelson, $1 Miss E. Jacobson, -$1.75 O. Erickson, $1. Mr. ar^Mrs. Tundingsland, $2. Father of Wide, cooking stove. WORTHING WAITS. An Interesting Letter From the Farmers' Leader Regular Correspondent. /R WOHTIIING, Nov. 24.—Special corre S'Jr'fpondence: The people of this locality who are readers of THE LEADER have thus far looked in vain for the issue of the pa per dated Nov. 8. We have been waiting patiently for it to come but it seems now that we are going to be disappointed. We would like to have the paper even if it is late in order to enable us to read the first part of the Beaumont speech. .We have no idea what could have become of the paper unless it was not issued. Can the oeditor enlighten us any? Mrs. Gemmill and family of Canton were the guests of Mrs. W. J. He my and Mrs. H. J. Frank's a few davs lastweek Al though corn husking is nearing to a close and the weather has been very fine, busi ness seems to be at a perfect standstill. It is believed that this is due to the result of the election, that everything was arti ficially forced upon tho top shelf just be fore election to catch the votes of the farmers and laboring men who were de luded into the idea that the passage of the silver bill was at work making times better, and as soon as the election was over the bottom dropped out of every thing again. If there is nothing else that will wake up the people this ought to be enough to do so TIIE LEADER repre tative learns that Jerry Woodly, of Lin coln township has been successful in striking a fine flow of water. The well produces enough water, it is said, to irri gate Mr.Woodleys's large farm W. E. Hanner and wife spent several days at Sioux Falls this week. It is believed Mr. Hanner has his eye on some business en terprise... .Your correspondent learns that the organization of the Patrons of Industry will meet this or next week to elect officers and attend to other matters. The organization has quite a member ship here O. M. Iverson anticipates a trip to Washington in the near future. Whether he is goinjr out after the Worth ing postoffice or a clerkship in the trea sury department he does not say. WOMEN'S W0BK. Program of the Coming Session of the Oonnty WomenB Christian Temperance Union. Following is the official program ar ranged for the exercises of the regular meeting of the county organization of the Women's Christian Temperance Union to be held in Canton, Saturday Nov. 29, at half past one o'clock p. m. in the Presby terian church: Music by the Y's. Reading of the scripture and prayer. Reading of minutes Secretary Unfinished and new business. Reports of vice president, Canton Y's and superintendent. Report of state convention Mrs. F. E. Conklin, Co. Pres. Discussion. Paper—How shall we entertain our young People? Mrs. C. B. Kennedy. Discussion—Opened by Mrs. Fitzgerald Supt. of Parlor Meetings. Paper—How do Dakota State, laws relat ing to Women effect their interests Mrs. F. A. Keep. Discussion—Opened by Mrs. O. P. Ash ley, superintendent of legislative work. Plan and work of Loyal Legion Pres. of Lennox Loyal Legion. Music. Demorest Medal contest, Saturday even ing, at 7:o0 o'clock in the Presbyterian chnrch. All are cordially invited to attend both sessions. COLLEGE CULLINGS. Dr. Lewis, of Canton, delivered a very interesting and instructive lecture on the subject of Anatomy, at the college last Saturday evening. The new constitutions of the Adelpliic Literary society were received last week and made their first appearance in the meetings of the society Friday evening. The work was done at the FARMERS' LEADER oilice and was neatly and tastily executed. The A. L. Society extends its thanks to THE LEADER for this excellent piece of work, well done and at a reason able price. It is to be hoped that the people of Lincoln county and elsewhere will appreciate such a paper as this and reward it accordingly, Among the exercises at the A. L. Society next Tuesday evening, Nov. 28, will be the reading of the Observer, the society paper, which is alwaps interest ing. Visitors are always welcome. For beeping in a warm climate on through the summer season more salt will be required, especially for large hams. Dry salting is done by rubbing each ham half a dozen times, at intervals of a few days, with salt and sugar, and touching them upon a platform or table covered with salt and covering the hams with salt. The time required will be much the same as for the pickle, but the thorough rubbing of both the flesh and skin sides must not be omitted. Hickory wood is the best material for smoking any kind of meat. Keeping Cidev Sweet. A writer in Popular Gardening says: We know of no drug that can be used with safety which will keep cider per fectly sweet. Salicyclic acid, one or two ounces to the barrel, is sometimes used and recommended, but we would not care to use "sweet cider" thus doctored as a beverage. A pound of mustard seed put into a barrel of cider will keep it in tolerably fair condition as long as kept bunged up tight and not disturbed otherwise. The only practical way of keeping cider perfectly sweet is by put ting it in bottles, heating them and their contents to near the boiling point, and then sealing up air tight. About this time look out for the ap pearance of the new one dollar treasury cotes. They will contain the head of the old war secretary Stanton as their presiding saint. A Faithful LEADER in the Cause of Economy and Reform, the Defender of Truth and Justice, the Fbe of Fiaud and Corruption. CANTON, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1890. THE FARM, FIELD AND GARDEN. Selected and Original Articles On Various Topics of Interest to Rural Readers. Practical Information, Submitted By Practi cal' Men For the Use of Stock men and Farmers. FORESIGHT IN FARMING. By foresight we do not mean the ability to foretell the future—that is prophecy. Nor do we mean the ability to see a long distance into the future and, by reasoning from cause to effect, accurately anticipate the outcome of events, but we mean the capacity to see in advance of the crowd the actual occurrences of the day and realize what they mean to the particular line of business in which a man can be engaged. This foresight, coupled with courage and executive ability, will make any man rich the lack of it will keep him under the harrow, if in debt, and keep him from'making a marked success under any circumstances. It is not necessary to see a long way ahead. In many lines of business it is enought to see a day or an hour in advance. It is not necessary to foresee what will hap pen, but the effect of what has just hap pened. For example, an Iowa farmer had old corn on hand and wanted to sell it when the three days of not winds came last July. If he had sagacity enough to foresee that three days of hot winds that wilted the corn leaves .in Iowa would scorch both leaves and stalk in Kansas, he would have gone to the bank and borrowed the money to meet present wants rather than sell his corn. The speculator with no greater meansjof in formation, but more foresight, bought the corn and made more in a single day than the farmer who grew it made in his year of hard work. It was not necessary to foresee the hot winds, but to see what is plain to all of us now—that they meant damage over a wide section of country, diminished corn ct'ops and advanced peices. When corn is selling at fifteen cents per bushel it should require no foresight to see that it is good property anywhere on the line of railroad in the west, better property for a year's investment than government bonds. When any- product sell below the cost of production in a section of country specially adapted to it, it argues a lack of sagacity when any man loses faith in an advance in price. As we read the market reports from day to day we cannot resist the conviction either that there is a very great scarcity of feed in the west, or that farmers have lost faith in cattle to an extent that has no present justification in the present con ditions. Necessity knows no law, and when a farmer has not sulfcient food and cannot buy, the only thing left is to put his stuff on the market. The fact that cattle are going on the market in such unprecedented num,bers, and of such miserable quality, should teacli farmers who can hold on that the present condi tion of the market, no matter how they may be caused, will inevitably advance it in the future. With a range of $4.So per hundred pounds between the best and the worst, farmers ought to have faith in the best and produce oifly such for the market. Neither ought it to require much fore sight to see that in the present condition of the fine stock market in advance in the price of improved cattle is inevitable. The history of improved live stock shows clearly that farmers grade up their herds when stock goes up and neglect grading up when it falls in price. This gives the marked for imt)roved stock wider fluctua tions than that for common cattle. As soon as cattle advances farmers will want to buy bulls, and scores of men will want to start in as breeders. There will be but few bulls in reach, for breeders propose now to steer all but the very choicest rather than sell at present prices. The man who buys a small choice herd of females at present prices, and breeds judiciously, will soon get credit for an amount of foresight which should be the common heritage of every man. The conditions of the hog market are very similar. While there was at the 1st of August more hogs in the United States than at any period in its history, and had the corn crop been even an aver age one. there would have been very low prices, the wholesale way in which they have been dumped on the market at an age and condition of immaturity on ac count of scarcity of feed and cholera, can have but one result in reducing the stock below the demands of the market. When there is a difference of $1.50 per hundred pounds between the best and the worst ni the market it means that there is a gener al dumping of the pi-ns hit the slaughter houses, and that the big growing b:.r ine. is in a state of collapse. Now is the time, above all others in recent years, for a man to use his foresight, not as to what will happen, but is discovering the cer tain result of what has happened and is happening.—Iowa Homestead. WEANING PIGS. BY J, M. POTTER.} This is an important period in the life of the pig, becifuse it dates the turning point with all litters not properly hand led, and forms tiie basis of loss in the hog-raising anil frog-feeding business. There is but one way'to properly han dle sows and her litter of pigs. The sow must have a roomy, dry shed or sleeping apartment and yard or enclosure suf ficiently large t| admit of exercise. The food for this mother hog should be large ly of slops, wli|ch may be prepared by any intelligentfiog owner out of the con venient materials at hand. The common gatherings from the kitchen with milk, water and grouaid grain added makes one of the very besfpreparations that can be had. A few es&s of corn should be fed each day. As'ioon as the pigs are one week old the sq|v should be fed all she will eat. A snip, 11 pen should be made in some convenient coiner of the shed or yard and provited with a suitable trough for feeding thefittle pigs. A mixture of shorts and brai- is a good diet to start them on. ThJ| will very soon drink a slop of milk ai®-shorts. This mixture for the little pife should be changed fre quently in ord® to secure the greatest growth. Cornlmeal, ground oats, wheat bran shorts,' s»ked corn, any kind of good, sound grfin, may be prepared eith er to be fed dxjfor in slops. The great jjr»tter of importance is to keep the pigk3j|t of a corn diet and pro vide them witlr athey call neat up „$Jean three times a dfjty. It is very necessary that they havefthe run of a grass pasture. They need all tiie Exercise they will take by having the liberty of the range. This system of growing pigs woans them gradually and they pass the mother's milk to the feed by degrees, and by the time the ordinary weaning age arrives they are weaned and the sows dried up. Eight weeks is not too long for the pigs to run with the,sow, even when handled as our plan diriic^s. ENCOURAGEMENT FOR CATTLEMEN [EY SMIS FREEMONT.] ,. Is the out look in the cattle business encouraging? This is a question I have been asked many times by my farmer friends since the present .unsatisfactory condition of .tltt cattle.jqjifcrket has begun., My aflsWer wholesale slaughter of the breeding stock of the country has measuiably stopped. Farmers and ranchmen have stopped to count the cows and heifers and estimate the beef supply for the next four years. It is a foregone conclusion that at the rate cows have been slaughtered for the last two years, all over the country, the producing capacity of steer beef is being reduced,'.and on the other hand, but in the same line of argument, the increase in the consumption of beef grows steadily greater and greater. Where is our beef supply to come from when we cease to be producers, an extraordinary effort cattle increase to deplete the ranks of the mother stock? It simply must result in a scarcity of beef and consequent higher prices for what is consumed There can no serious disadvantage be experienced in the shortage of a hog crop, as their ability to multiply will set things right in a lew years of close breeding but with cuttle it is different. If we are short of breeding stock, and receive any benefit from them in adding to our num bers, so it is evident that there are some things impossible, viz to create a two year-old heifer in a minut. The speculative idea of handling noth ing but steers has taken root everywhere. Farmers who have been libera! producers are now liberal buyers of steer calves. They argne that they cannot afford to keep a cow a year, graze her through the summer and feed her prepared feed dur ing the fall and winter, pay taxes on her and have a money investment of twenty or thirty dollars, all because she pro duces once a year a ten dollar calf, and run all risks of losing both cow and calf, when a good ealf can be bought for $10. It is further advanced that the profit in the cattle raising business commences after this period in the life of the calf: therefore the importance of lotting the front end of the business alone, and tak ing the calf at a year old, when it is pre pared to rapidly develope for tiie con sumers market. I think there is ample room to regard the outlook the cattle business very en couraging now. and 1 would r.ot hesitate to advise those who are prepared and in clined to embark in the raising of cattle, to make the investment at once. As has been the history of all live stock depres sions, there is an end, and following this will come a period of unusual activity, which result we certainly have the best reasons to anticipate in the near future. Don't go round belittling your busi ness. You will soon get to believe your own complaints and then you will soon lose respect for yourself for staying in such a business. BEAUMONT'S POWERFUL SPEECH, Continuation of the Address Delivered By Ralph Beaumont at Canton, Octo ber 18, 1890. A Detailed Explanation of Some of the Prin ciples of the Knights of Labor Organization. NUMBEH rv*. •Let me read article VII. "The recognition by ihcorporation of trades'unions, orders, and such other as sociations as may be organized by the working masses to improve their condi tion and protect their rights." I will tell you what we mean by that section. I mean that men do not get rich by working for it. Now some will say that that is an overdrawn statement. But I have travelled in twenty-eight different states, both Canadas and four territories in the lecture field on economic questions for twenty years, and during that time I have looked into the faces of 5,000,000 people, and a man who got rich by work ing for it woulcl be a curiosity to me. He my live and have his being but I have never laid eyes on him and when I do will cage him, because I can get a good price for him as a "Freak" in a museum. Mr. Chairman, men in our day don't get rich that way. Men in our day get rich by special acts of legislation granting pri vileges to rob and plunder their fellow men by law, and every rich man you have got in America today is rich through that process. You ask me to prove that. That is what I am here for. Now, as to the objects of this section, it must be plain to any person in this room who is a close observer of affairs that are constantly transpiring, that some few are becoming very wealthy, Avhile a large number are growing corresponding ly poor. We find that the system of do ing business in this country has been rap idly changing, and that some are grow ing rich by having special privileges con ferred upon them by law, through acts of incorporation. As a matter of illustra tion Jay Gould is worth $75,000,000. I am not. Jay Gould may own five acres o/ land in the city. I may own five acres adjoining him with only a board fence between us. Jay with his millions, may build oil his lot a round house, a depot, a ateliltoad untUhe' comes to my fence, wHen I say, "Jay, you stop. Don't come any further, if you do I will shoot you," and Jay stops. Why? Because he knows that my title to my land is as good as his. "But," says he. "I will get the best of you." I say "all right, go ahead." Every dog has his day, and he commences to have' his. How Why, he at once associates twelve other men with him, and takes ad vantage of an act, entitled an act for the formation of companies for engaging in mechanical, mining and other purposes and under the act they form a railroad company. And then select three disinter ested persons they appraise my land, and they pay me that sum and take my land and I have no say in the matter. It my be a heirloom in my family for which I have no price. How does he ob tain this power to take my property from me Why he does it under the power of eminent domain, which, strictly interpret ed, means that the rights of the individ ual must be sacrificed for the common weal of the whole community. Or to be plain, Jay Gould, in order to take pos session of my land, takes the state into partnership with him, but when lie has got my land, and watered the stock of the company four hundred per cent, and extorts high rates of freight on this water he kicks the state out of partnership. So you see, my friends, that Jay Gould un incorporated. Now let us carry this illustration still further. These men now having incorporated themselves, under the law. they name their company tiie Missouri Pacific railroad, and say to themselves. "We have not time to work or manage this railroad, let us hire an agent. Well, who will we hire? Why in Des Moines, Iowa, is a man by the name of Hoxie we will hire him." And they send for Dr. Hoxie, and say to him, "We would like to hire you to work for us." "Well," says he, "what do you want me to do?" "We want you to do two things. First, we want you to buy the labor in the cheapest market you can find. Second, we want you to form as many combinations with other lines of transportation as you can so as to extort as high rates of freight as you can out of the public, and we will give you 810,000 per year for your services."' And he ac cepts the situation under these terms. And proceeds to carry out the first part of the agreement, viz., to hire the labor in the cheapest market. How does he go to work to do that? Going to perform his first day's labor, lit scratches his head and says, "what hav I agreed to do?" I have agreed to get tin labor in the cheapest market. IIow am I to do that? I have so many men to work for me. They are working twenty- $1.00 PER ANNUM. six days in the month, when there are twenty-six in it and when freight moves briskly, by working over time, they get in thirty-four days. They have got an extra loaf of bread in the house. If I ask them to work for less they will not do it as long as the bread lasts. I have got to get rid of that bread." How does he go to work to get rid of that bread?"1 He commences to hire men and he keeps hir ing until he has two men to one job. "Now," he says, I have got them where I want them." And he goes to one of those poor fellows and says, "I want twenty per cent of that half loaf"—and the poor fellow is obliged to accept it, be cause the other poor fellow is hungry enough to do it for twenty per cent off if he doesn't. Now he has got them down twenty per cent. What do the. working men begin to do when they get in this position I do not want to flatter you working people. I know you better than you know yourselves, I have made it my business to study you for twenty-five years. Let me tell you—a majority of you—your brains are in your stomach, and never work, until you get hungery. When you get hungry you begin to think and then one of you say, "How did we get into this serape?" Another, who has been more hungry, says, "I see through it these fellows liere'pooled their issues they h&ve associated their labor they have associated their capital not only that—they have taken the state into part nership with them." Then they say that we have not time to run this machine we have to work ten hours per day— when Ave get it to do. "Why," says one of them, "Hire an agent to do it for you." Who will we get? Well down in Scranton, there'is a fellow by the name of Terence V. Powderly. We will send for him, and say'to him, "Mr. Powderly, we would like to hire you to be our agent." "Well," he says, "what do you want me to do?" "We want you to sell our labor in the dearest market you can find, and we will give you for your services $1,500 per year. Not ten thousand and I have known Mr. Prwderly to serve his organ ization for $400 per year. "Very well," says he, and he accepts the situation on these terms. The next morning he goes down to the office of the Missouri Pacific railway. Seeing a man sitting there, he inquires if this is Mr Hoxie, the agent of the Missouri Pacific railway. Receiving an affirmative -Veply 'lie' says that'-his name is.Wwderly, and tliat he is the ap pointed agent of the Knights of Labor who are in the employ of his road, and he is there to make a bargain with him in regard to labor. The moment he an nounces that fact there is a frown on the brow of Mr. Hoxie, and he replies. "I don't know you sir. I don't know you sir. I don't known any agent for my help. If my employes want to deal with me they must come to me indevidually, and not through an agent." Now, fellow citizens, hear is the situation: Incor porated capital claims the right te trans act its business through an agent, and denies that right to associated labor. It was the demand for the establishment of that principle on the part of labor that caused the great strike on the South western system, and not the discharge of a man named Hall, as was claimed by the capitalistic piess. Hence, we say in this section that we desire the incorpor ation of trade unions under the law, that shall place them on an equal footing with incorporated capital. But, say they, you fellows are awful mean. You won't let any person work in the shop that does not belong to your union. Now, I do not know how it is with the workingmen in this city, but in my trade if we can prevent it, we will not let any man work in a slior) that does not belong to our union. But, say you, that is arbitrary. Not a bit of it. You ask me why? Well, let me tell you. The United States census, the bureau of labor statistics of fifteen different states, records this fact, that wherever labor organizations exist the wages arc from 15 to 20 per cent higher than where no labor organization exist. Why is this so? Well, it is because the members of these labor organizations pay taxes in the form of dues and assessments to keep their wages up. That being the case, what right lias another man to come along and take the benefit of this high price and not pay his share of taxation? You would not allow a man to build a house here without paying his share of the taxes to support the city government. No: you would send the collector to collect the tax. and if lie did not pay it you would sell the house and take the taxes out of the proceeds. Wo read that tho Hon. Ben Butter worth has been telling tho farmers of Kane county, His., that mortgages are an evidence of prosperity. There is no proof that his rural hearers at onco put up the prices of their lands. The fact that the sheriff is about to put much of the said lands up at auction would have de terred arise in price even had the buoy ant Ben succeeded in proving his com forting proposition to their satisfaction. I —Field and Farm.