Newspaper Page Text
Talking w|patent medicines __you kno\fr^he old prejudice. And the doctors—some of them are between you and us. They would like you to think that what's cured thousands won't cure you. You'd be lieve in patent medicines if they didn't profess to cure everything—and so, between the experiments of doctors, and the experiments of patent medicines that are sold only because thAe's money in the "stuff," faith in every thing. And, youVcan't always tell the prescription that cures by what you read in the papers. So, perhaps, there's no better way to sell a remedy, than to tell the truth about it, and take the risk of its doing just what it professes to do. That's what the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, of Buffalo, N. Y., does with Dr. Pierdpji's Goldgj^Medical Discovery, FavoruMjPrescription, Pleasanf Pellets, and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If they don't do what their makers say they'll do you get your money back. ST PETERSON'S •3* MAGAZINE 3 K\ ^1 & NOW BEGINNING ITS 60TH VEAH OF PUBLICATION, IS UNDOUBT EDLY THE BEST LADY'S MAGA* ZINE PUBLISHED. f'tH DrWOOD, 1 Its stories are from tarn* of America'* most popular authors. It* miscellaneous article*, pro fusely illustrated, are. always entertaining and instructive. fashion new* and ilhrstra rL-wu'o fresh and complete, Uyj beauty, utility, and Vxra'/jjMteA dress-patterns cn- woman tu cut and fit her own dresse*. Its numerous designs for needle work, fancy-work, etc, are novel, handsome, and tuteful. Its household departmetit and table recipes are invaluable to etery housekeeper. Its long-continued prosperity attests it* worth. TRY XT FOR 1801. Term*: $9.00 per year, with large reductions to Clubs, and elegant premiums to those who get up Clubs. A sample e.ipy, with full particular*, to Club-raisers. Address, PETERSON'S MAGAZINE, Mention thii paper. Philadelphia, Pa. Sio¥M. A| Regular Graduate in Medicine—20 ___ CJtv Pears—Is still treating all Private, Nervous, Chronic and Special .63&ajH8B^discasesf Spermatorrhea, Seminal weakness (night 0o3$ of sexual power), and all irregularities, etc. Cures guaranteed or money refunded Charges fair. Terms Cftsh. A pro and experience nro Important. No In Junotf^vnedjiclnes used—No time lost from work or husjiiPssVR.^tionts at a distance treated by mail— everywhere free from oaz^ ana break' case and send for Opinion and station strictly confidential, person* r—Dr. WOOD has the largest & Surgical Institute and Kye losses) Impotency Female Diseases, Irmary In the Went.—Kooms ror ftrratep, facilities to meet any eroer* Juint Home and best tare and skill for I prescribe and folly en* doree Big as the oily specific for the certain cure of this disease. G. H^XNGRAHAM.M. Amsterdam, N. I. lira only by tit* ChtaSalOi. We havo sold Bl(? for many years, and it baa given the beat ef satis faction. D. B. DYCHE A CO.. Chicago. 111. §1,00. SoldbyDrugglsta tADIES» use Dr. Le Due's "PerlodicalMPills»from Vkrit, France. EUtabliabed In Europe, 1339 England, ISM) Canada, 1678 United Siatoi, 1837. Cures al I suppretttaua, imgultriUet, and ewnthly itrrnn^nm niw Safe, harmleM, reliable. They positively most cot be take* during pregaaocy. The large proportion of Ilia to which ladles are liable the direct result of a disordered end Irregular menstruation. Continued monthly stippretsioas result la bload poisoning and quick consumption. |2 a package, or 3 for $5, !*r mail, in p!*ln sealed envelope, en receipt of price* The Aj*rt Pill Co., Wholesalers aud Rovalty Proprietor*, The pemtlne plU toM by SEDGWICK A DE LONG* SJoox city, Iowa,, Wholesale and He tail AgenU* A ROBBER OR THIEF Is better than the lying scale agent who tell* yon as gospel truth that the tones' $60.5 Ton Wagon Scale YVVI WLL LIWNWIL la not a standard scale, and equal to any made* For free book and price list* address Jones of Binghamion, Binghamton, H.I. if JYou Want to Know 1 onrji 'l^m Hi Inn uli'fuf nuiliiiwaiiafstismi tnat'1. hMth saved, disease indused, jj«M» of ignorance and indiscretion, teiluinfiJSttr* to all forms of disease Old tfyes, Rupture, Phimosis, ete„ \UotetotitaMMu»/ipy in Marriage and KavspritebabisMf BND WN OFLIW^AF Doctor's Droll Jokes, profusely illtis* ttttvet. bend ten cents for new Lftugh cure Book called JHEDICAL SENSE AND NONSENSE,',* W. H1X.L PID CO.. 129 East 28th St.. Mew York. PENSIONS! The Disability Bill A Uw. Soldiers disabled since th» WAR ARE entitled.1BDependent widow,MI (I parents COW dependent whose sons died iroxn •ervico enacts of urniy are included. If you wish yourclaimspjed- pro" u^ JAMES TANNER, Late Commissioner of Pensions.WASNIR6TQI. P. C. 1 Dr.SNYDER S Kidney •BNTENM cure# Enuresis tBED-WETTING.) iPrico$lper UKUI. FOR SALETJJAL HI package by rogg istr or nt office. For circa- «TRS nnd testimonials stamps,Dr.O. W.IT. ONYSER. 23 State St.,address,with Cliicapo. Ask your Druggist to order it for you. .Ul PAPliK WHIN WKIXINO Tl DrniMC tlw rre4it f»»: rcuicdy for mak rr.lJ|iMr lug the iet MCAI .lkk. Instant relief for cold «»r pernplring feet (!n sale everywhere, or setit fr«*e »t» receipt of so eta. Sample package free at t-tores. or mailed fer a dime. Illustrated rarophlot Free. TUB rJCUlNK CO.. WOULD a'LD»o.*.T._ MCWT0SH Battery S Optical C,. STEREOPTIGONS ",SHna MAGIC LANTERNS. AMEBICA AND ENGLAND. A Writer Contrasts the Two People Geo erously. The unadaUerated atrain of EtigKsh blood in America and certain other small sections of charming and culti vated people not English still possess thin steadiness and poise which I have elsewhere called moral inertia, and are quite free from vulgar "bounce" and boastfulness, says a writer in the nightly Review. But these are no longer the dominant classes in Ameri sau life. Democratic institutions have tended to their disfranchisement. remnant, possessing a refined jradition of manners and 6i culture and sndowed hereditarily with the love of whatsoever things are noble and of good Report, comparatively speaking, is very Imall. Not unlike the class of the Fau bourg St. Germain in Paris, it lives in unobtrusive an alienation us possible Sn the midst of a vast number of good natured and commonplace vulgarians. Ita functions is the tending vestal fires. It is an aristocracy beyond question ®ore exclusive than the aristocracy ol England. Levites of the arena of the best in American life, their own self preservation almost demands their iso lation^ Their condition is pathetio were it not so enviable, in the distinc tion attaching to their sacred obligation of preserving the national records and keeping the fires alight. At times they half believe they prefer the breath" and the "sweaty nightcap" of the rampant Democracy fast developing in England to the exasperating habit of gaucherie manifested in every ges* ture by people given only to pennies, psalms or platitudes. For. though the gap between the higher and the lower in England is yearly narrowing, still there is a pleasant deference and that linbit of respeot which leads to ease ol .living there. In America the presumptuous famil iarity of manner, born usually of tha very kindest and most unselfish feel ings, is extremely odious, and none Jhe less so for the merit of its origin. American bonhomie seems to be an en* deavor to be one thing to all men. This is not at all the same thing as. be ing all things to all men. The Pauline diplomacy is an ideal that neither England nor America has reached. The self-centered indifference of En glishmen is as unfavorable to this ideal as the hearty abandon of indiscriminate intimacy that marks the American type. The Christian conception of the fel lowship of mankind and»love of one's neighbor has become far riper in America than in England, and it is usually more genuine when it exists, fiut there is very little of the actual spirit of Christianity in either country. There, as here, Jesus, whom haters of the Jews, with perverse thoughtless ness, still prefer to call Christ, is the most discussed but the least understood in history. In America people are often wooed to churches where they are told nine times what Paul said to once what Jesus said, and their attend ance is won by theatrical devices which in England would be thought very bad taste indeed. Homanee ot a Wig. In the appearance of a real bald head there is nothing romantic, and yet love finds a chance at times to surround it with a halo of sentiment. A wicked barber, a fashionable but, nevertheless, woofully talkative barber, disoloses one of the sweetest secrets it has ever been my lot to hear. The secret was origk nally possessed by the barber and tw* young, trusting hearts, but now it rt known by a score or more of persona 'all customers of the barber, and at lasl it came from one of them to me. A young man of many good points, but with none on his head, was for five years a victim to the promises of the tonsorial artist, who guaranteed to bring hair out on his sliiny pate, but who did not keep his word. Some men confide their love affairs to their tailors, others to their doctors, and still others to the men who mix their cocktails. This young man, upon losing his heart to a sweet and promising maiden, con fided his passion to his barber. That worthy sympathized with him deeply, and redoubled his exertions to lure the downy fringe upon the head of Borneo, but without effect. Finally the barber and the lover lost hope together, and •then it was that the young man made a trembling proposition. "Louise does not like a bald head," said he, "although, of course, mine is not unpleasant to lier. Nevertheless, she prefers to have it covered, and so we have reached a conclusion. I al ways said, you know, that 1 would never wear a toupee, but Louise has placed the matter in such alight that I have acceded to her desires and will have .one made. Louise's hair is just the color of the fringe over my ears, you see, and it hangs down below her waist. She is going to saorifice enough of it to make me a toupee, and then, by Ijove, I shall be wearing the same hair .that my girl does. Louise was awfully tender about suggesting the thing. Sweet of her, wasn't it Oh, I tell you. there is nothing so beautiful in life as a good girl when she is in love." Borneo now appears in public adorned by a fine head of handsome chesnut hair.—Boston Herald. Colored Men In Trades, Colored men are now working their way into many of the skilled trades in New York, and their are employers who speak highly of their capacity, industry and faithfulness, savs the World. "We can hold our ground in this business," said a negro carpet layer, "though it needs more pains and harder work than some other trades." "There are black type-setters in some large offices in New York," said one of them, "and they can pick up both nonpareil and pica as well as other people." "We have several dusky engineers in our service," said the boss of an establishment, "and they are both expert and trustworthy." There has been a considerable migration of colored men from the southern States to the northern within the jia^t lew years, and those of them who have taken quarters in New York get along quite as well as the new-coiner.-! of the white breed. This view is sustained vy Representative men of the African race here who have been interviewed on the subject. LONDON has 60,000 families that lire in cellars. GOOD COUNTRY TO LIVE IN. The German emperor and I Within the self-same year were bora, Beneath the self-same sky, XJpon tho self-same mom A kaiser he, of high estate. And I the usual chance of fate. His father was a prince: and mine— Why. just a farmer—that Is all. Stars still are stars, although some shine, And some roll hid In midnight's pall But argue, cavil all you can. My sire was just as good a mail. Fort The German emperor and I Eat, drink, and sleep tlie self-samo way For bread is bread, and pie Is pie. And kinr^s can eat but thrice a day, And sleep will only come to those Whose mouths and stomachs are not foes". I rise at six and go to work. And he at live and does the same. Wc both have cares we cannot shirk: Mine are for loved ones his for fame, He may live best, I cannot tell I'm sure I wish the kaiser well. I have a wife, and so has he And yet, if pictures do not err. As far as human sight can see. Mine is by long odds twice as fair. Say, would I trade those eyes dark brown? Not for an empress and her crown. And so the emperor and I On this one point could ne'er agree Moreover, we will never tiy. His frau suits him and mine suits me, And though his sons one day may rule. Mine stands Al in the public school. So let the Kaiser have his sway, Bid kings and nations tumbledown. I have my freedom aud my say. And fear no ruler and his crown For J. unknown to fame or war. Live where each man is emperor. —Boston Globe. ustinking A Serious Offouxe. Sergeant—"What!s' your prisoner's offence, Officer Whalen?" Officer Whalen—"Dere was two young pur-r-rsons, a young gint and a young leddy, sittin' on a settee up on the com mon, shparkin' away noice an' comfort ayble, whin this blackguard wint up an' set, down wid 'em an' I pulled him in!" "Bat what's the charge?" "Contimpt av court, t' be sure!"— Boston Traveller. Bov'i This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Plops., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for tho last fifteen years, and believe bim perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WEBT & Tnuxx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDINO, Kli'NAN & MABVIN, Wholesale Drug piats, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taVen internally, acting directly upon the blood and ucous surfaces of the system. T'ico 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists,^ SOGAB was unknown to tho ancient Greeks and Romans, even as a medicine, and not until tea and coffee and alcoholic beverages created a popular demand for its use, early in the eighteenth century did it become an important diet in Eu rope. The annual consumption in Eng land was then only three pounds per capita it is now at the rate of sixty-two pounds. THE saving In clothing whore Dobbins' Electric Soap is used is twenty times the soap bill. It is no new experiment, but has been sold for 24 years. To-day just as pure as In 1885. Try It. Your grocer has it. THE end of life is God the rule, duty tho obstacles our bad passions. THOUSANDS of mothers bless the name ol Dr. John Bull for Inventing his celebrated Dr. Bull's Worm Destroyers. Children tcaso for them and they" never fall to do good. A STINGY man would have to stand on his head to see heaven. FOR BRONCHIAL, ASTHMATIC AND PULMONARY COMPLAINTS, "Brown's Bronchial Troche#" have remarkable cura tive properties. Sold only in boxes. EIGHTY-TWO per cent, of all public school teachers are women. QUICK work without loss or waste Is se cured by SAPOLIO. The only exception to the saying. "Quick and well don't agree." WHEN tho pretty girl marries rich she has reached the sweet buy and buy. PILLS cure Bilious and BEECHAM'S Nervous Ills. MABY ANDERSON is now practicing on a now lullaby song. THK best cough medicine Is Plso's Cure for Consumption. Sold everywhere. 25c. QUEEN VICTOBIA is only four feet eight inches in height, yet she is said to be a regal sovereign in her bearing. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castotla. mm COUNT VON MOLTKE will devote to charity his birthday contributions, amounting to 150,000 marks. TheGpea^^^ll REMEDY FORPAIN From the "Pacific Journal." "A great Invention has been madebyDtw Tutt of New Torlc. He has produced Tutt's Hair Dye which imitates nature to perfection it acts instantaneously and Is perfectly harmless,9 Price, 91. Office, 39 A 41 Park Place, N.Y. lioiue^teadt'D ALES* number of ONICDC acres than 1G0 at AN* tim* OWBUICILP before June 22, 1874, and HOMESTEADS MOS£8° & ^FEt£ GUSO.N, Denver. Colorado. 49~Mentioa thir^aper. of every kind. Men and Women, seeking a bntunesR change. $751 $100 monthly. «ud for our Toinriuhtod Metnods" and double your or sa ar.v. 13iff pay for spare hnrs at TIPprofits Partifiilnr* tree. Addrefw TRLASURY PUR CHASING AGENCY. 5 COOPER UNION*. NEW YOIIK. inventors' PATENTS Guide* or How to Ob tain a Pat ent, sentfree. PATRICK 0*FARRELL.Att'y at LMr.Waabiiigt'uJXa /\MJons W-JIOBBIS. WaKhlnston, 1.C. Successfully Prosecutes Clauns. JAT«PRL ui jelpal Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau. •1 vrg'.ulaet war.15ADJUDIC^tiusclaims, ATTY CRIUEE* No Relation at All* Incidents of the self-assurance of the rising generation are not infrequent. They are not conilncd to the Caucasian race, however, as a Seattle man found out the other day. The gentleman, who is rather paternal in his manner, was riding the other day in an elevator which is manned by a colored youth. Address ing tho youngster he said: "Well son, do von have to work pretty hard?" Like a flash the answer came: "Iluh! I ain't no son of yours. I ain't eben no relation. You white trash is gettin' to be to blame imperant to us colored gen'lemen, anyhow. You get out ridht here." And our paternal friend got.—Scuttle Presn. The Child of an Evil furant. Ma'TOllo cays in ShakBpeare's comedy of "IStelfth Night," "Some are born ereat, some arhiaro greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Soitisivith nervousness. Fomt are born nervous, some acnieve nervous ness 1y their own impr.udenpe and neglect, and •omit have nervousness thrust upon them by disease. The basic st&rbtng point of this ail ment, .which grows rapidly and assumes alarm ing proportions wben it reaches the stage of hypochondria and chronio sleeplessnoss, is weakness, the child of indigestion, parent of many evils. For the incapacity of the stomuch to digest food, and of ho system to assimilate It after digestion, Hostel ter's Stomach Bitters has ever proved a sovereign remedy. Sleep becomes tranquil, appetite improves, abnormal seneitivenuss of tho nerves is succesdcdbf steadiness and vigor in thoaa delicate tissues, bodily sabstance increases when that signal restorative of digestion is systematically used. Conquer also with it malaria, rheumatism, Ttid ney inactivity, liver complaint and constipa tion. PENSIONS are paid by tho government to the widows of three presidents, eight een generals, one colonel and two rear admirals. CALIFORNIA KIDNEY TEA. Will positively euro kidney troubles. Cali fornia Kidney Tea has been sold for many years, and has cured thousands. California Kidney Tea will relieve and cure all Urinary diseases. California Kid ney Tea will cure liver and stomach troubles. California Kidney Tea is not a vilo mixture, but a tea pleasant to drink. Try it. Price. 50 cent per package. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price by California Kidney Tea Co., Fail-Held. Iowa. TEACHERS' salaries in the United States annually amount to more than $60,000,000. S4IRAM C. WHEELER. Importer of Perchoron and Shire StalUons. Odebolt, Sac County, Iowa. LARGEST IMPORTATION of draft stallions to America this season. Quality the very best. First-class horse, either breed, $1,000. Two and three year's time, 8 per cent., en abling horse to pay for himself. FOB every industrious man, there is an idle one wanting to borrow money of him. ENTITLED TU THE BEST. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of tho best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the sys tem when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading drug gists. A MAN of 30 years arrested at W'il liamsport, Pa., for larceny, gave his occupation as that of a dude. Catarrh Is FT complaint which affects nearly everybody, more or less. It originates in a cold, or succession of colds, combined with impure blood. Disagreeable flow from the nose, tickling in tho throat, offensive breath, pain over and between the eyes, ringing and bursting noises in the ears, are the more common symptoms. Catarrh is For cured by Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, which strikes directly at itB cause by removing all impurities from the blood, building up the diseased tissues aud giving healthy tone to the whole system. *1 have used Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh with satis factory results, receiving permanent benefit from it." J. F. HUBBARD, Streator,111. Hood's Sarsaparilla EoldbyaU druggists, tl: six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO. Lowell,Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar IF YOU WISH ACS ItEVCJLVER I!™* purchase one of the cele brated SMITH WESSON arms. The finest rmali arms ever manufactured and first choice of all exj crts.the Manufactured in calibre*32,38 and 44*100. gle or double action. Safety Hnmmerlees and Target models. Constructed entirely of selves wall fortlflel bent qual« Ity wroiieht *teel«carefully inspected for manship and stock, they are unrivaled for finl-H9work durability nnil accuracy* Do not be deceived BY cheap malleable cast-iron Imitations which are often sold for the genuine article and are not oulv unreliable, (but dangerous. The SMITH & "WESSON Revolvers are all stamped upon the bar rels with firm's name, address and dates of patents and are guaranteed perfect in every detail. In sist upon having the genuine article, and if your dealer cannot supply you an order sent to address below will receive prompt and careful attention. Descriptive catalogue and prices furnished upon ap plication. SMITH & WESSON, NR*Ment!on SJR!ni«»H, Mass. HATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPSS COCOA BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawi which govern the operations of digestion nnd nutri tion, and by a careful applic atloa of the flue proper ties of wel.'S.-lected Cocoa, Mr. Epns has provided our breakfast tables with a deUcatsly flavoured bev erage whioh may save us many heavy doctors' bills, ITLSOY thejudiolous use of suoh article* of diet that acoastltutloa may be gr dually ouUt up until strong enough to resist every tendenoy to dlaease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ready to attacic wherever there Is a weak po'ntus We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our irtth pure blood ard a properly nourished frame."—"DRU Strviaa Oassise." Mads simply with bolllaz water or mlllc. Sold only In baU-pound tin., -y Grocer*, labelled thus: JAMES EPFS 6c CO.. Homcsopathlo Chemlste LOKDOK, ENOLAHD. -VASELINE- FOR A ONE*DOLLAR BILL sent us by we VASELI mail wtll deliver,freeof all charges,to any person in the United States, all of the following articles, care fuliy packed: One two-ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline lOcts. One two-ounce bottle ot Vaseline Pomade.... 15 ONE JAR OF E COLD CREAM 15 ONE CAKE OF VASELINE CA OPHOR ICE 10 ONE CAKE OF VASELINE S AP, UNSCENTED 10 ONECAKEOF VASELINESOAP.EXDN.SITELYSCENTED 2S ONE T*O-OUUCE BOTTLE OT WLIIIE VASELINE 25 $1.10 Or, for postage stamps, any single article at the price named. On no account be persuaded to accept from your druggist any Vaseline or preparation therefrom unless labeled with our name, because you will certain ly receive an imitation which has little or no value. Chesebroush Sifge Co^ 34 State St. N. I. .. point is, that the result Nfor ^FAT FOLKSREDUGED "I WRITE to inform you of the BQO- ©ess of your reduced 11^ ponndn,treatment.1am and the MOST important is perma nent. Since discontinuing treatment, I have eaten everything,whetherit contained sugar, starch or fats, bat nave not increased a pound, thas proving that your remedies remove the cause of Obesity. I recommend your skill as a Specialist for Obesity."can J. SELA8 LEAS,of Barnard A Leas Mfg.Co., Moline,HI. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAlL. NO starving, no inconvenience, harmless and no baa effects. Strictly confidential. For circulars and testi monials address with stamps, OR. A W. F. 8NYDER 243 STATE ST., CHICAGO. RELIEVES INSTANTLY. IKUT BUOTHEBS. fio Warren St, Nsw York. Price SO ctsJ pEECHAM's PILLS PAINLESS, rm LLZl EFFECTUAi!^ SOT WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.-VI BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc., ACTING LIKE MAGIC on the vital organs, strengthening the muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health The Whole Physical Energy of the Human Frame. Beecham's Pills, taken as dirooted, will quickly RESTORE FEMALES to complete health. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCICTS. Price, 25 cents per Box. Prepared only by IH0S. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. A P. ALLEX CO., Solfi Agents for United States, .36S Jt 367 Canal St., New York, who (if your druggist does tutt keep them) will mail Beecham's Pill* on rrrri/i^ o/ price—Itui inquire first. (Mention thispaper.l The Companion Calendar For Saturday No Luck at All, Sunday the Day that is Blest With Heavenly Peace and Rest. This Beautiful and Unique Calendar and Announcement is called "THE BOOK OF DAYS." It has Fourteen Pages finely printed in Colors, the design being selected from nearly Two Thousand received in the Prize Competition. It is considered the most novel and attractive Calendar of the year. Mailed on recclpt of ten cents* Offer to New Subscribers. This Calendar will be sent to each Xew Subscriber who WILL CUT OUT and send ns this advertisement, with 31.75 for a year's subscription. The Youth's Companion will be mailed from the time tliat the subscription is received to January, 1891, FREE, nhd-for a full year from that date. 2fo other weekly paper gives so large a variety of entertaining reading at so low a price. Double Holiday Numbers—Illustrated Weekly Supplement*. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 48 Send Check, Post-office Order or Registered Letter. REPAIR YOUR OLD STOVES AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. The Northwestern Stove Repair Co. of Chicago, BE SURE to order from your hardware dealer only. He will order, what you want from us. Don't destroy your old stove, but repair it. A little money will make it as gocd as new. EW PENSION LAW. THOUSANDS NOW ENTITLED WHO HAVE NOT BEEN ENTITLED. A'ldress forms lor appUcstlon and full inforn tatlon WM. W. DUDLEY, •IN COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS* Attorney at LIT.Wasl/J^ton, I. G» (Mention this PaperJ EFFECTUAL 1891. irt defies^ ^•the kingr: S2SH CM Monday for Health, Tuesday for Wealth, Wednesday the Best Day of All Thursday for Losses, Friday for Crosses, Boston, Mass. Manufacturers and Furnishers of the Hardware Trade. Repairs for all Stoves and Ranges Manufactured* Ask your Hardware Dealer to order for you. tyCUT THIS OUT, ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Name of Stove 2. Number of Stove 3. Name of Maker 4. Latest Date of Patent 5. Wood or Coal I 6. Is Coal put in on top by removing lids 7. Is the lining Brick or Iron? 8. Has the bottom Grate one or more parts 9. Give your hardware dealer the names of parts wanted. If the old proverb be true, SAPOLIO is greater t*han royaJly ihself: TVyit inyour nexh house-cleaning: ©rocers Keep ih DO YOU LIVE IN GREASE? As a true patriot and citizen you should naturalize yourself by using the best inventions of the day for removing such a charge. To live in Grease is utterly unnecessary when SAPOLIO is sold in all the stores, and abolishes grease and dirt. Instructions FRTCEto inventors. AS"Write at once for hand-book of information. CO„ Washington* D. 0. 3SE9ZEL Best Cough Medicine. Recommended ty Physicians. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste* Children take it without objection* By druggists* EMORY Mind wandering enred. Books l^nrned in one roaninp. Testimonials from all parts of the trlofce. Prorpectuo POST FBEE, sent «*a epnlinatiun to Prof. A. Loiset:e, S7 Filth Aro. New York. PATENTS 8* C. N. U* f. A. LEHMANN, Washington, I. CU JTF~SEND lor circular Nr. 4S--90