Newspaper Page Text
VOL.1. NUMBER 24. M0N6P0LY CONTROLS WHEAT. 4 8trikin Chicago's wheat market is controlled by the Standard Oil Company. For nearly four years the octopus has deftly mani pulated the wheat markets of the country, and it has done its insidious work so quietly, but at the same time so effective ly that few in the trade have even dream ed of the extent of its power. The petroleum market is now only a play [6 giant'1 corporation with its thing for' untold A, bl^jfifift blooS^^^f the oil trade of the country But simulations in crude petroleum is and hakbeep for months in the dumps, and trading is practically dead. It was the Standard that killed the oil cock robin, -And hundreds of brokers who once dabbled in the greasy commodity have been driven: out of business and been compelled to seek a livelihood in other channels. Some of these self same brokers are in Chicago now. The once lively petroleum exchange in New York, Bradford, Pitsburg, Titusville, Philadel phia and Oil City, in days not long gone by traded in millions of barrels daily. Now the average daily clearances of all the exchanges combined are so small that they are of no significance and a move ment is on foot to shut up the handsome oil exchange in Pittsburg. !3, Ziu at enormous expense one of the posted men'in the trade. All he had to do was to make the market. He had his office at 20 Broadway. There he weat every morning and from the bead moguls of the comparfy received hie ordersjfor the day. If the Standared ordered a bull market it was a bull if it wanted to bear, it issued its flat, and the market was a bear. That one man. manipulated the market as he pleased. Brokers form ed combinations to fight him, but ruin stared them in the face, and one by one the big traders were gathered under the Standard's all-powerful wing. Today— well, the memory of it all makes me sick at heart. There was one restriction placed on the Standard's hired man. He was bound by oath not to speculate, therefore his identity was kept a secret.. "You remember the story about Samp son and the woman, told in holy writ. Well, this all-powerful indivjdua}, who bore the common name of Jones, had his Deliah. While in New York I frequent ed a French restaurant on Twenty-third street. The proprietoi spoke poor Eng lish. I was then a, broker cn the floor of the consolidated stock and petroleum ex change and represented a big oil produc ngfirni. One day the restaurant manr came to me and ordered me to buy. 1,000 shares pf New York & New England railroad stock. You know Rockfeller is the heaviest holder of the company's stock, and the Standard Oil Company runs and directs the road. He oifered $100 as a margin, I told him" that the stock was liable to fluctuate four or- five points either way. Then in his bad Eng lish he told me that he knew what he was about that the stock would not go below 43fc. I knew that he had money and would meet his obligation, so I.filled the order. Sure enough he called the turn and cleared $1,300. The next day he sold short and again came out a big winner. Then he tried oil and wheat and his luck was simply phenomenal. I began to cultivate his acquaintance. I became a regular patron and he engaged me as his broker. One day, while drunk, J-j'. 4 Interesting Story Told of the O pa it if mkes Money. yt The Price^pf Farm Protects, Railroads, Congress and State Legislature Un* derits Thumb. For years it Jons at its back. iyeh now is sucking the life the oil trade of the The Standard Oil company killed specu lation in crude oil because it found it to its 3Z3&(terest to do so. A wealthy but retired Tcflker who knows all the ins and outs of ,ncl wheat trades is spending a few It'one of Chicago's leading hotels, made some startling revelations as to the status of the Standard Oil Campany on the wheat question. "The Standaed,'' he said, "went into wheat four years ago, and today controls not only the Chicago market but the markets of the country. The standard's leade?,broker for a long time was Hutchinson, and the 'lig,four,' most the identical methods which char acterized its treatment of the oil market. It pulls the string from its tall marble building at 26 Broadway, New York, and prices advance or decline at its sweet will. The story sounds unreasonable, does it not? Mark my words well. Some day, and it is not far distant, the wheat trade' will wake up and And icself firmly enmeshed in the terrible tentacles of the octopus. What is true of the oil market will be repeated, but on a much larger scale, in wheat. Do you know the Standard worked the oil market? as simple enough. The Standard wzr/^m. & ATgrv^ v, ^!t ?t ^'c/Y- he told me the secret of his remarkable success. The Standard's oil market juggler had a girl and he regularly came to the Frenchman's restaurant for his meals. He gave the Frenchman tips what to buy or sell and the latter, like a smart fellow, followed the advice thus given and soon became rich. I was not slow to follow up his pointers and al though I often did so against my own judgment I always came out a winner. The Standard reminds me of the Great East India Company. That con cern, you will remember, was the mander of its time. It absorbed everything in reach, and fianally became so everlasting ly big that it fell to pieces of its own weight. Its collapse created one of the greatest sensations of the age. The Standard Oil Company is a modern East India affair. It wants the earth, and it has nearly got it. Some may, say within ten years from now, it will collapse, like a soap bubble, of its own weight. It carries the transportation companies that run out of New York in the palm of its hand. It owns outright the Nevf York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. It has absorbed the great Richmond Terminal system. It 'is on the best of terms with the Vanderbilts and twists that great corporation around its little finger. It owns a line of steamers plying from New York to points on the Atlantic coast. It owns a score or two of iron tank vessels, in which petroleum is exported in bulk to European ports, thus saving enormous freight charges. It owns one of the most complete private telegraph systems in the world, with wires extending from New York to Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburg. Cleveland, Chi cago and all the great points in the country. It owns and operates great pipe lines, which transport oil from the oil districts to New York, Baltimore, Bay onne, N. J., Pittsburg, Cleveland, Lima, Findlay and Chicago. It has swallowed up the Tidewater Pipe Company, which has lines running from the Bradford oil field to New York and Philadelphia. ^It owns all the the great oil refineries in the country and has by underhanded and dis reputable means undermined, ruined and bought in at .a sacrifice scores .of its rivals. It rules the oil producing fields with a rod of iroij an.d has willfully bank rupted hundreds of honest producers. It iowiff ,Q&fii^t^4frearc^ the iron oil tank r'cars in the courttry and dictates to the railroads the number of. cars outside refiners shal receive. Until the inter? state law went into effect it made pupets.of railroads, and ever since it sprang into being has drawn enormous rebates from them. It has robbed and pillaged right and left, and has laid'bare and made desolate the once beatutiful and prosperous oil country. It controls city and village councils, state legisla tures and executives of states. "Take up the railroads right here .in Chicago as an illustration of the Stand ard's ever spreading influence. Did you know that the Standard virtually owns and operates the Union Pacific, and that the close and friendly relations that exist between the Union Pacific and the Chica go & Northwestern were brought about by Standard gold? Well, it is so. The Standard, through Rockefeller, is the heaviest holder of Northwestern stock, and the Standard frames the policy for the two roads to operate under. There is the Rock Island, too. The Standard holds a very large block of its bond fives and likewise1 knows all about the inner movements of the road. And there is the great Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. The Standard has it, too, and controlling blocks of its stock are locked up in the Standard's roomy vaults at 26 Broadway The Atchison, ,Topeka & Santa Fe, yon remember, has just purchased the Colora do Midland and is preparing to gobble up another road,, I see the Standard's hand in the deaL It is virtually interest ed because it will secure two routes into California and thus promote its trade on the Pacific coast. It is going into other railroads too, and soon will become as powerful in manipulating railroad stocks as it has been in controlling oil and wheat. Within a few years the Stand ard has grown amazingly. Ten years ago its great specialty was oil alone. Now it is in the sim on wheat, owns thousands of miles of railroad and is the father and principal owner of the great lead trust, the linseed oil trust, the cotton oil trust and other great trusts that the public knows little or nothing about. It was a small stream once, but now it is a mighty river and is fed'by numerous tributaries. Millions now roll in where thousands came in before, and the mighty river is nearing its flood ttde and. soon will over flow its bank-and go tearing on to dis traction. When its well fortified levees break, as break they will, the event will be the marvel of the century. "New York, as I remarked, is bodily owned by the Standard. It owns the big gas plants in New York and Brooklyn, is the principal stockholders in the New W, F. -T. York Steam Heating Company, and is in-1 ing, laboring men unit farmers are speci terested in the "L" railioads and other allv mviu to be rci'se'it. worn ifarmrr ,.v ij •, tim i/'^fw A Faithful LEADER In the Cause of Economy and Reform, the Defender of Truth and Justice, the Foe of Fiaud and Corruption, CANTON, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, DEGEMBER 5, 1890. municipal enterprises. It is also financi ally interested in every bank in New York, and if you will look over the list of directors in the banks yon will, find that Standard names figure in every one of them, including the reliable Chemical Bank. It is impossible for any man or corporation to secure a large loan in* New York without the Standard knowing all about it. It is like walking into the spider's parlor. The Standard gets the points and squeezes the Itckless individu al or corporation until he or it is as barren of meat as a skeleton. The Stand ard has the run of Wall street and is solid on the big deals. What is true about the railroads running out of New York is true of the monev" market. The Stand ard feels its pulse a..d is its self-appoint ed physician. As for newspapers, the Standard has gone into that business too. It owns enough stock in the New York Tribune to dictate the policy to be pur sued bj' the financial department, and absolutely controls the petroleum market report. It also owns enough stock in Colonel Shepard's Mail and Express to get everything it wants. Then it has its own established organs in Toledo, Brad ford and Oil City and has the inside ear of scores of papers scattered about the country, which it subsidizes with a lavish hand. It owns gas plants in Philadelphia* St. Louis, Cleveland, Indianapolis and other cities, and is the principal owner in your Own Chicago gas trust. So far the Stand ard has riot paid much attention to Chica go, but is reaching out this way, and it will soon make its influence felt in banks and financial institutions. It has given up its scheme for the present to pipe natural gas into Chicago, but it is only bluffing, and when the time comes will jump into this city as it has into New York. It owns miles of prolific gas terri tory,-and has by recent purchases become the heaviest individual oil producing as well as transportation concern in the. universe. Pretty soon, if not checked, it will own the earth., STATE DAIEYMEN'S ASSOCIATION,'.'' There will be a meeting of those in terestdd in the permanent organization of. the dairy interests of South Dakota at DeSmet, Kingsbury county on Thurs day, December 11th, at4 o'clock p.m. Those, interested in dairy, creamery cheesft'^malcing earnestly requested to be present. Coun ty organizations are Requested to appoint delegates. Reduced railroad- and hotel fares have been secured. The State Horticultural Society hold their annual session at the same place December 10th 10 12th, and delegates can avail them selves of attendance at both meetings. A. H. WIIEATON, BushkeiiI* Tem. Pres. Tem. Secy. VICE PRESIDENTS. C, H. Gil'!, Clear Lake, Deuel Co. C. E. Pope, Estelline, Hamlin Co. Mr McFarland, Broadland, Beadle Co. O. A. Helvig, Canton, Lincoln Co, Prof. Lewis Foster, Brookings, Brook ings Co. J:io. D. Warner, Frankfort, Spink Co. A. L. YanOsdel, Yankton, Co. C. H. Thomas Wessington Springs, Jerauld Co. A. W. Frost, Montrose, McCook Co. Miss Mattie A. Turner, Ree Heights, Hand Co. Prof. W. H. H. Phillips, DeSmet, Kingsbury Co. H. W. Smith. Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co. A. Bliss, Aberdeen, Brown Co. ADJOURNED, •Th-e Stookholoers ofths Parai0j*s Leader Meet and Adjourned to Doo. 9 th. The following is the official report of the proceedings of tne stockholders of this .paper held in this city last Tuesday: Canton, Dec. 5, 1890. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Dakota Farmers Publishing Com pany was called to order by vice Presi-. dent Jere Gehon. On motion Ed Watdwell was chosen secretary of the meeting. The chair laid before the meeting the fact that it would be necessary for the regular quarterly meeting of the board of directors to take pi ace before the stock holders could meet and act upon the re port of the board. The board meeting would be held next Saturday, Dec. Gil, and accordingly it would be necessary for this meeting to adjourn until after, that date. Thereupon a motion was made to adjourn tt) Saturday. Dec. 20. Motion was amended by substituting Tues day Dec. 9, and the motion carried. The meeting them adjourned to that date. JEKE GEIIO^, ED WAKDWEI.T,, Vice President. Secry. prolem. The Knights of Labor meeting," which was'advertised for two weeks ag:\ v.-ilL be held at the court- house tomorrow even- .v^£«p^r_r«^A i-i THE FARM, FIELD AND GARDEN, Selected and Original Articles Topics of Interest to 1 fS On Various Rural Readers. 'k: Practical Information, Submitted By Praoti cat Men For the Use of Stock- n,en ond Farmers. The fruit crop of this country the -esent year is a most unsatisfactory one, with almost complete failures in some of the principal apple growing dis tricts and with such diminished yields in others that the states which can real ize on half, third or quarter crops are deemed fortunate. The often recurring vicissitude^ of the apple crop are having a discouraging effect on, leading them to the belief that the crop is not as profitable on the average as grain crops or a more diversified charac ter of fanning. It is said that with oc casional crops so large as to glut the markets, followed. by off years, or per haps an almost apple famine year like the present a better use can be made of the land than to encumber it with apple trees. At the least it is thought by the dissatisfied ones that the orchard area of the country should not be increased to add to unprofitable over production on the one hand and unprofitable occu pancy of fruitless acres on the other. While it is true that we have off years with their insect bitten, knotty apples and alternate years of plenty with unre munerative prices, it is nevertheless worthy of careful consideration whether improved methods of cultivation, more care in thp selection of varieties and more attention to the preservation and marketing of the crop may not do very much toward lessening the grounds for such complaints. In the first place, in fruitful- years a large proportion of the crops i3 unsalable, because of its imperfections and znany undesirable varieties. It may also be so far from market as to make it unprofit able. Rarely," indeed, i3 there a year when apples of first class quality will not, pay handsomely for tlieir raising, if witnin reack of good, transportation fa cilities. There are many varieties so excellent that when produced in their bes£ condition they are never in exces sive supply. Of such fruits the markets of Europe: and our own cities are al ways r6gdy receive large quantities. Again,~in ha^erdp years1 the advancbiin WljpDelr yfeld, esjS6t^^TfwcSPevbtir' been taken ,to combat insect foes at the proper times. As a rule orchards re ceive so little attention that it is a won der xiiany of them are not even more un profitable. Instances are known of orchards of fine varieties where the .trees stand so closely packed together that the sun cannot strike the ground at all during the leafy season. In some of these there has not been even a quarter crop of good apples in any year of the last four, except it might be along the borders or on branches so high as to make the cost of gathering them equal to their value. An orchard growing rampant for want-of judicious pruning or clumps of apple trees closely huddled together on rich soil must of necessity be unprofitable. Many of the unprofitable orchards are so unwisely located that an experienced orchardist might confidently predict their future before they came into bear ing. Low lying, rich alluvial lands can without doubt be put to better use than raising apples where good keeping* quali ties are to determin® their value. Un less a farmer has spots of high or rolling land of only medium fertility for grain crops orcharding beyond enough for his own or immediate neighborhood wants is not advised. Furthermore, there is the same necessity for rotation in or charding as with grain crops. Only in those cases wherei the nature of the loca tion makes it an exceptionally favorable one should an old orchard be succeeded by a new one on the same ground, says the agricultural editor of The New York World, authority for the foregoing. Dressing and Shipping Poultxy. Following are the directions given by one of the leading commission firms of New York to their patrons: To insure the highest -market prices for poultry the birds must be well fat tened crops empty when killed nicely and well picked and skin not broken or torn thoroughly cooled, bat not frozen. Pack in boxes with a layer of clean straw (rye straw is the best) between the layers of poultry in the same posture in which the birds roost. Mark the box. specifying what it contains. Send invoice by mail. Ship to reach destination about the middle of the week—never to arrive as late as Saturday. In New York city there is an ordi nance that specifies that neither chick ens nor turkeys shall be offered for sale unless the crops are free from food. "While poultry for New York and some other markets is seldom if ever drawn, that designed for Boston and other New England markets is relieved of the en trails when killed. It is important, therefore, that producers should learn previous to shipping just what their spe- 7 li aepaxate packages, in sending-potfltry for the holidays endeavor to have your shipments reach their destination three or four days in advance. Bear in mind that the big demand for fine, large tur keys comes at Thanksgiving, andrthat prime geese catch the fancy prices at Christmas. Soon after January prices go up again. Capons meet a-gtiod mar ket from the 1st of February on until about Easter. give drink to their babes and mis with their food. Wax or bee tallow is not gathered like the other material, but se creted under little scales underneath the abdomen. When waxmaking they eat honey and hitng together in clusters while the operation proceeds, causing their owners often to judge them wrong fully, thinking them idle. The queen begins to. lay as soon as pollen can be secured from blossoms, which is mixed with honey and water partly diyssted by the bee and laid in the cells with the eggs to feed the lame as soon as hatched. In about three days the lair® hatch a tiny worm without legs. They are fed until about nina or ten days, when they nearly fill the cell and refuse to eat and are sealed over. Around themselves they spin a silken sack changed from larvae into a perfect bee, coming forth in about twenty days from hatching, and four days later go forth as master workmen, wearing out their lives during the busy season in about six weeks. Queen cells can readi ly be distinguished from other cells, much resembling an acorn cup, and are placed in the comb vertically instead of horizontally in the outer edge. Young queen bees are fed with royal food and come to perfection a few days sooner than the others.—Wisconsin Farmers' Institute. An Interesting Potato Experiment. A World correspondent writes as fol lows: This season I have had some of the largest and finest potatoes that ever saw grown in New Jersey, and the strange part of it is that I did not plant them. Last winter the weather was so mild that the potatoes scattered in the ground from last year's planting—such as were too small to pick up wh A the crop was gathered—came up last spring and appeared so thrifty that I determined to try an experiment. I put wood ashes on them and plowed and hoed thnm, and was well paid for my trouble. The vines continued to grow as late as Aug. 16, while the vines and potatoes planted in the regular way were dead and the pota toes not nearly so large. Loss in Manure. It is new quite generally admitted that the best way of saving manure and preventing its waste is to haul it out as soon as convenient and spread it on the ground where it is most wanted. When left for months in the barn yard there is always loss from leaching and soaking into the ground, where it does no goocl If hauled out and spread the soil absorbs and holds all that is leached out by the rains. In this way the loss is reduced! tp a minimum, except that it may be On grounds so sandy or'gravelly that there is nothing to retain fertility near its sur-. cial market requires. This information face, or so steep that surface wasMn' may be obtained by writing direct to one's carries it off. commission merchant for instructions. I Many firms have printed circulars con-! MaiinsV5neeai-.^f taining directions, which are sent out on Vinegar making is easy enough if ble, ship chickens, ducke, turkeys, etc., in! *«=el warm place, filled up to the ^7 Ptmg. and refilling as needed. '0&'- J, iMtnfsi fBfr gp' IP? fv.'-f! The wholesale grocers appear to bethe only ones to favor the ordinance to-sell produce by weight. Truck farmerstand retail fruit dealers aiid grocers general ly express themselves against the move ment. THE HONEY BEE AT HOME. All About the Internal Affairs of A Bee Hive—Workers, Drones and Qneen. An average colony contains 80,000 in habitants, composed of a queen or mother bee, several hundred drones or males and workers of undeveloped gender, the mass of the colony. The queen, the only per fect female, seems to have allotted to her aa sole duty the depositing of eggs in brood cells, prepared -by the workers. From one hundred to nearly if not quite two thousand are deposited daily, ac cording to the season and weather. She can readily be distinguished from the others by her size, which is much larger. She possesses a sting, but never uses it except in combat with a rival queen: never goes abroad after her bridal tour, except with a colony swarming, and re tains her vigor about three years. The drones, or males, are bees of leisure, and differ much in appearance from the qneen. They are less active, have no sting, no proboscis for gathering honey, no basket for pollen, no sacks for the secretion of wax which the workers have. In the latter part of summer they are usually looked upon as unnecessary and burdensome members of society and are put to death. The worlrcra are the sole laborers, bringing into the hive four substances, out of which are produced all things necessary for the construction of, the hive, raising the young, etc. First-r Honey nectar'of flowers extracted by a kind of proboscis, stored in honey sacks and carried to hive. This, honey has to be prepared by mixing with it formic acid secreted in the bees' jaws and mixed with honey by vigorous stirring. Sec ond—Pollen dust is used to feed ypung bees and cap over their cells, as it is por ous and very much cheaper. Third— Propolis or bee glue obtained from the willow, poplar and qther trees, used to $nd creyices and as stays you written apribcatton." WheneveTpractira" I Jlave S00*1 cider and pattetfee. Keep the, toe bees live and work. A hive of bees 1 1 fc mj ^'1 '*Hsfe' $1.00 PER ANNUM. done worELngctraw off into an, old vine gar barrel, filling it not over two-thirds full. Keep the bung hole covered with apiece of screen to exclude vmegar flies. If kept in a warm place it may make good strong! vinegar in less than six months' time. In an ordinary cellar it wp take longet.. What Others Say. From time to 'time, says The Rural New Yorker, we have noted the fact that the male .asparagus plant is thriftier than the female plant, giving larger shoots and lairger and' more vigorous plants. This is .natural enough, since the males are not dwarfed by seed bear ing. Mr. W. J. Green, of the Ohio sta tion, is investigating the subject. He finds that the sterile plants are not only the more vigorous but give the earlier cuttings. G. M. Doolittle says in American Sural Home: "if I wish to keep comb honey so late in the fall that the tem perature of the room falls below 85 degs. I place an oil stove in it, and by regulat ing the flame to suit the circumstances a temperature of 90 to 95 degs. is main tained. In that way the honey is in per fect condition when sent to market, in which shape it will stand much abuse before it will begin to ooze out of. the Cells." TAKE CARE OF THE MANURE. The Importance of Good Feeding and' Bedding for Stock in Staking Olannre. In a general way farmers understand that a considerable part of the value of what they feed to stock goes to the manure heap, but neither the importance of judicious feeding nor good bedding,, nor the means are appreciated as they should be. It requires study to learn how to make valuable manure profitable. High feeding will not always do it, neither will keepihg a large amount of stock do it. In making manure profit able, keep no more stock on the farm than is needed to work it, and only young stock that yearly increase in value. These can be fed such food as will supply all their needs and return to the soil a manure richer in plant food than the crop just taken off. The bedding of this Stock is more essential in making rich manure as well as increasing the bulk than many might suppose, for the liquid is the most valuable. Not only is it richer in plant food, but the plant food is more available for crops. But not withstanding this very few provide any bedding at ail while still fewer use the best. A German authority found that'1,000 pounds of hedding, absorbed the^•pilaw? good Btraw-. 3.00D pounds sawdust. 8,571: lei& raHngs, 4,330 and peat, 4,433. From this it seems that leaves are next to the most valuable material that can be had for bedding. Not only do leaves make a better bedding, but they have a great manurial value in themselves. Nearly every farm has some woodland attached, and in that woodland annually goes to waste forest leaves that could and should be utilized as fertilizing matter and for bedding. The off days and parts of days' when there is riot much else to do can be profitably employed in gathering up the leaves and hauling them to the barn, where they can be used as bedding for the horses, cattle and pigs, as well as spread thickly in the barnyard to absorb the liquid portions of the manure which would otherwise be wasted by evapora tion and drama' o. This bedding should be. removed to good place arid formed into a compost and othor fresh, clean, bedding put in its place.—So ihem Cul tivator. Selling Strawv "Whenafanner sells hi3 to be earned off the farm/ jg selling fer tility and robbing tb6.ian,i. when rye straw will sell for as much or more per ton tnan hay tho -inducement to let it go will generally prevail, but something sufficient to compensate for the loss should bo-substituted. Wheat straw is better for beddrng animals than for feed ing to them, although the dry cows and young stock will be benefited by having access to the straw stacks through the winter. Whatever they eat will be saved for the farm in tho manure, and while tho nourishment they will get from it will not be large it will make a considerable saving in hay and fodder. The same care should be exercised in getting all that is valuable out of the straw as from tho other farm products, and where straw is sold for bedding to stables in the town the farmer should stipulate that he is to be paid in manure. Where so much is yearly taken oS the farm that does not return in any form care should be taken to utilize every thing that will retain fertility on it. Bedding the animals well through the wintef l:cep3 them clean and comfort able, and they will thrive better on less food than they will on bare or filthy floors. Besides, it makes the best use for most of. tho straw. A Colony of Dees. Beginners are often perplexed by the promiscuous uso of the terms "swarm of bees," "hive of bees" and "colony of bees." A swarm properly raosns the bees that leave tho hive in natnval divi sion, tho bees that collect in a cluster will be gin anew their labors constructing combs rearing broods in a word, thus establishing a new colony. Tho term colony" is used to signify 1 and\v'"on nut in an fv'- ^l '"w W'f' 'viifi v$8XJ Jc /. imfsg 1 '1 $t'"' 1 3 -0Iie hive. A hive is the box in which is often alluded to as a swarm or a When colony. Itlfiifitt t. '... f/,1. i'p y-. ••1 ':i|f' be :.a •ML':