Newspaper Page Text
®ke JfatmMS' fr' CANTON, S. D. TABlCntS' PUBU3HING CO.. PUBLIBHHBS LATEST INDIAN NEWS LITTLE WOUND UNABLE TO CONTROL HIS BAND, 'Bittins Built tbe.l'MM of All the Troubl*, Mora Hostile Than Ever—GOT. Mellette Issues Proclamation to the Battlers Eut of the Missouri River. Pirns Bntoi AGENCY, NOT. 29.—Little Wound Is In ant reports his inabi)lty to control bis band In the Interests of peace. The cavalry soon expects an order to march on the Bosebud camp on the Porcu pine, although Gen. Brooke to reported as being in favor of waiting until the Sixth cavalry reaches Fort Meade and troops can be olaced at Vorest City, above Pierre. Sitting Bull More Hostile Than Ever. MANDAW, NOV. 29.—Wtard comes from Sit ting Buffs camp and fron 'different sources that he Is -dancing his men more vigorously than ever, and he is compelling children to join la the dance. He is reported to be inore-hostile and determined to fight than ever. Yesterday afternoon two companies of Cavalry arrived from' Port Ouster and pro ceeded toiFort Yates. C«v. Mellette Issuea a Proclamation. PIERRE, NOV. 29.—Late yesterday after hootf the governor issued the following irod*matlon "to view of the wide-spread alarm for fear of. an Indian outbreak I assure all set tlers east of the Missouri riyer that they an In no possible danger, and I urge them to remain quietly in'their towns attending to their1ordinary labors. This declaration Is aiade after a thorough investigation of the situation and on-advices from all mili tary poets and ^Indian agencies. Every alarming rumor with any foundation has been trace# t* its source and found to be absolutely groundless. No act or word of hostilities has been spoken or committed by mmf Indian any where, and the Indians are reported to be on their proper reservations, perfectly quiet. The ghost dance is' sub siding and 'turbulent Indians are being -set apart by themselves, and are voder 'complete control of the United States troops, large forces of which are stationed at stqategetlc points, completely command Ing^fae situation. "This assurance is not given settlers without full Information of the facta, and they can be assured that every precaution has been taken and will continue to be exercised for tbelr safety in case of trouble, which is no longer antici pated. Arms and ammunition have been placed in faithful hands throughout the frontier settlement, and thorough organiza tion IB 'perfected for sending messenges from all telegraphic stations to give notice to all surrounding settlers In case of an out break anywhere. Settlers can rely on this -condition being maintained throughout the winter atjd can rest assured that thqy wlil be protected. If an outbreak occurs at all It will beiln the bad lands midway between the Missouri river and tlie Slack Hills, where tlfe Indians will attempt to subsist upon «tolen cattle and evade the troops, and of which I shall have immediate in formation and will communicate to all ex posed settlers by special couriers dispatched from -all "telegraph stations or bt wire. The state .military of 500 well equipped men will be held la readiness to move during the winter and ean be put at any given railway point east'Of the river in five hours' notice. Messengers havfe new been dispatched to the bad lands, who will go into camp there and will beL^ent to any point upon Informa tion deuadQlag it. These precautions have been taken and will be continued to allay all apprehension settlers. I believe without doubt that the military has full control-of the Indians and they can never ret off the reservation, in case they at tempt it, which they will hot. The break lag up of the ghost dance by the military is all tbe-cauae that existed for alarm and that Is being done quietly, and the Indians who would like to make trouble are completely within the grasp of the soldiers. It is my firm belief Chat the border settlers are in leas actual danger to-day from the Indians than1 at any time since their arrival, as .means for tbelr safety are now promoted and tbo Indians are always the same. Set tlers -should pay no attention to idle rumors and wild newspaper reports manufactured to order, but preserve their reason and try to restore to reason those who are trying totlose it." Breaking Up .the Dances. OHAMBBRLAIK, 8. D., Nov. 29.—MaJ. Sis son. Indian agent ait Lower Brule, hearing that a "ghost" dance was in operation at the mouth of White -river, several mtles be low the agency, sent a force of Indian po lice to the scene for the purpose of break ing up the dance and arresting the leaders. The police were soon on the ground and making a charge, succeeded In capturing five men, one of whom, Chicken Head, who like the others was armed, attempted to re sist, but the police were not to be deterred, and Capt. Five Thunder, chief of police, who is a large, burly Indian, rushed in on him, and grasping bim around the waist carried him bodily to the jail. It is rumored that another dance is in operation several miles up the river, which is being investigated, and If found true will also be broken up and the ringleaders arrested. There is talk among the Indians of going to the point be low White river, where the Bosebud and Pine Bidge Indians bave been congregat ing, but they are being closely watched, and it they attempt it they will have to walk over one of the finest, most deter mined. faithful and vigilant police forces on the reservation. They are doing their work faithfully and promptly, and will not be deterred from carrying Into effect any order. It is not anticipated that these In dians will commit any deeds of violence here, but if they should get away and join the others they would undoubtedly act with the majority. The agent and police so far havge them under control, however. Short Boll a Terror. PIEBRB, B. i., Nov. 29.—Yesterday seven more families came into Fort Pierre from Nowlln county, including Postmaster Cook, of Nowlin City. Cook says Short Bull has 200 hostiles with him and more are congre gating, and that the seat of hostilities are Jackson, Zeibach and Washington counties in the Bad Lands. He further says that five families near the bead of Bad river have not been heard from, and he fears they may have been driven into the Bad land by these hostiles. Breech clouted hos tile scouts are continually coming out to watch the movement of the whites. No doubt exists In the minds of well informed people that Short Bull's band will keep up the trouble from their well protected Bad Lands rendezvous. Good Crow Creek Indians. WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.—Acting Commis sioner Belt ku received a telegram from Agent Dixon at the Crow Creek Agency S. D., saying none of his Indians have yeti been dancing. A small band of the Lower Brules near Rosbbud reservation have been dancing and he has dispatched a force of police and scouts to stop it. He also called home all Indians having passes to leave the' reservation, and says he considers it im possible to be surprised in any outbreak thti Lower Brules may make. Militiamen to Be Keady to March. ELK POINT, Nov. 29.—The Elk Epint Home Guards have received orders to bold themselves in readiness to start for the! kcene of the Indian troubles any moment. YANKTON, Nov. 29.—Capt. Coxehead, of Company M, South Dakota militia, has re-] celved orders to bave his company ready for active service on the frontier. Dancing In Indian Territory. ARKANSAS CITY, Kan., Nov. 29.—A trader from the Osage reservation reports the In dians have begun the ghost dance and arc very ugly and insolent. They are well armed and are the richest and most power ful power in the territory outside the Five Nations. The agent is alarmed and has asked for assistance. MISS WILLARD AS BISHOP. Bev. Hr. Ward Says That'She Will Have to Wait a While. CEDAB RAPIDS, la., Nov. 29.—It was stated in a Chicago telegram that "consid erable interest bad been aroused in Metho dist church circles by the story to the effect that Miss Frances Willard's friends are making an effort to have her elected a bishop. Eev. Mr. Ward says: "My^friend, Dr. Truesdell, must have been misquoted in that telegram by which he was made to say that Miss Willard might be elected bishop of the Methodist church. That would be impossible. The movement now made Is for the admission of women as lay delegates. No layman, male or female, could become bishop simply by votes. Of course a lay man could not get the votes for an office to which he was not eligible. If it were sup posable that the votes could be had the or dination to the office would be impossible as only persons in elders' orders are eligi ble. As to whether women will ever be come ordained ministers In the Methodist Episcopal church that Is entirely separate from the question at this time under con SHleratloh. The very efficient lady workers who preach among us do (so as does Mr. Moody and other laymen, by common con sent." 'What do you think will be the result of the present movement?" asked the re porter. certainly expect and hope that women will be admitted as other laymen now are to the legislative body of our church, called, 4the general conference.' SPARKS FROM THE WIRES ADVICES from Buenos Ayres state that the financial situation there has improved. TWENTY Armenian officials and p. score of others have been arrested at Ismld for con spiracy, A BRANCH of the Granite State Provident association at Cleveland, O.. is closed, Its agents missing, and policyholders out $15,000. LIEUT. TROUP opened a lecture tour at Exeter, Eijg. He reiterates bis charges against Stanley and defended Barttelot and Jameson. IN the trial of Daniel North, at fiontlac, 111., for the klHing of City Marshal Hodge, last July, the jury returned a verdict of guilty, fixing the penalty at death. SUMN EB T, SMITH, charged with a defalca tion of $3,000 against the Cental Building and Lean association, of Dayton, O., has been arrested in Louisville. He has con fessed. AT Wheeling, W. Vs., the jury in the See bold bank robbery case brought in a verdict of guilty. Seebold has been on trial for taking $24,000 from the bank in which he was employed. CORNING, N. Y., is undergoing a panic. Several failures bave occurred this week, and while none were for large amounts the aggregate was considerable and there is great excitement. THE MARKETS. Sioux City Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS. SIOUX CITT, NOV. 29.—Hogs—Estimated receipts 4,000. The quality to-day was a little better than yes terday. There were plenty of choice hogs offered, but values went down a strong dime on everything sold. The best that was sold brought $3.«5 bulks, $3.52j?@3.60. Cattle—Estimated receipts, SOS. The yards were filled with mixed loads, com prising nearly everything. To-day's de mand was mainly for butcher's stuff and yearlings. Chicago Un Stock. CHICAGO, NOV. 29—Cattle Becelpts, 3,600. Market steady to strong fancy steers, $5.00@5.35 others, $4.00@4.95. Hogs—Becelpts, 40,000. Market lower mixed, $3.35@3.50 heavy packers, $3.70® 3.80 light, $3.6003.70. Sheep—Receipts 6,000. Market steady natives, S4.00@4.80 fed Westerns, $4.00® 4.75 fed Texans, $4.0004.50. South Omaha Ll«« Stock. BOOTH OMAHA, NOV 28.—Hogs—Estimated receipts, 9,000. Official yesterday, 5,265 shipments, none. Market opened 10c lower, selling at $3.20@3.65. Cattle—Estimated receipts, 1,200. Offi cial yesterday, 1,640. Shipments, none. Market opened steady quality fair. Chicago Prodnn, OHICAJO, NOV. 29.—Closing Wheat steady cish, 92®92^c December, 03%c May, $1.00%. Corn—Steady cash, 50c December, 50c May, 53%c. Oats—Easy cash, 43®43%c Decem ber. 46t4c May, 45)4c. Pro visions—Mess Jiork dull cash, $9.00 January, $11.15 May, $11.95. Lard dull cash, $5.85 January, $6.12%®6.15 May, S6.62%@6.65. Bye—Easy at 69c. Barley—Firm at 78c. Flax—Quiet at $1.19 Timothy—Weak at $1.2201.23. Whisky—fl.14. Hides—Unchanged heavy and light green, 5%c green hides, 4%c salted bull hides, 4ic green salted calf, 7%®8c dry flint, 7®8c dry salted, 7®8c dry calf, 8® 9c deacons, each, 25c. Tallow—Unchanged No. 1, solid packed, 4Xc. Hew Talk Produce. N*W YORK, NOV. 29.—Wheat—Steady December, $1.02 3-16®1.02%c May, $1.05% @1.06 7-16. Corn—Easier No. 3, 60%@G2%c. Oats—Easier: western, 48®58c. Provisions—Pork steady at $10.50®12.00. Lard weak at $3.27%. Butter steady western, ll®29c. Eggs firm western. 26®27c. St. Louis Produce. ST. LOVIS. Nov. £9.—Wheat, lower cash, 91@92c December. 90%c January, May, 96%o\ 02%ci July, 88c. Corn—Easier cash, 46%c December, 48Kc May, SOJ^c. Oats—lower cash, nominal May, 45J4C. Provisions—Pork firm at $12.25. Lard steady at $5.75. Whisky—$1.14. Milwaukee Prodoce. Mrr.WATNTKE, Nov. 29.—'Wheat—Easier No. 2 spring cash, 90c May, 93%. Corn—Weak No. 3, 54c. Oate—Dull: No. 2 white, cash, 46c. TERRIBLE SECRET The Curse of the More g: v. lands. BY LEON LEWIS. CHAPTER IV.--{Continued.) This farewell review consumed but a few minutes, and the couplo tbfcn made their final preparations for departure. The portmanteau they hud packed was conveyed to the side porch, and all the lights within the dwelling were extin guished, save that of the lantern, with which they proposed to light their de parture. "Have you taken your revolver, Jessie?" asked Mrs. Morcland, as she halted at the door, to make a last thoughtful survey of her surroundings, and assure herself that she was leaving everything as it should be and had for gotten nothing she desired to.take with her. "Yes, mother have you? "Certainly. I feel safer with it, in view of the many tough and lawless characters one is likely to meet on the lake and all along the shore." "Then let's bo off!" They passed out, the mother closing and locking the door behind them, and picked up their portmanteau and de scended the steps, moving-quietly in the direction of the lake. In another minute or two they had reached the boathouse at the water's edge, carrying their portmanteau be tween them. The boathouse was a tall, gothic roofed structure, standing on' a high, stone foundation, the object of the builder having been to shelter his sloop in it without unstopping its mast or even lowering its sail. It was always kept locked, of course, as it contained many valuable articles pertaining to the aquatic tastes of* the mother and daugh ter, not to speak of the neat craft they kept hero habitually in readiness for in stant use throughout the summer. To take possession of their sloop, with their portmanteau and other effects, and to get it out of the boathouso and set sail, leaving everything snug behind them, was the work of a few additional minutes, and not long thereafter they had vanished on their voyage down the lake. "WelH good-by, my dear relatives," mattered Radd Moreland, who had watched their embarkation from a snug covert near the landing. "I can find you when you are wanted, as I know whero you are going. I am oven acquainted with your destination, as I passed sev eral months at the village of Egg Island a few years ago. Curiously enough, Our old friend Hutchley is living there as a fisherman, and he and I may take a new hand together. Meanwhile I am going to make myself quite at home toere— quite!" He sauntered carelessly back to the house, giving himself admission, -by breaking a pane of glass and turn'ingthe fastener of a window. Lamp in hand he made ft rapid but comprehensive survey of the premises, and proceeded to serve himself an ap petizing "bite to go to bed on," which in cluded a bottle of choice wine from the cellar. Emboldened by the said bottle he went out and took down the three signs left by the representative of the real estate agents, and concealed' them under an icehouse in the garden, after first read ing them by the light of his lantern. "The fact is," he muttered with char acteristic impudence, "I don't propose to be turned out of doors by my sister-in law, even if she don't know of my pres ence. Returning to the house he locked him self In securely and took his way to a handsome guest chamber up-stairs Which hacLjiroused his admiration. 'He finish ed his bottle of wine while making a more particular survey of the apartment and then went to bed with many a self congratulation at finding himself in pos session of such quarters. CHAPTER V. PLAYING FOB HIGH STAKES. -i. OB almost tho first time in his life, Radd Moreland was up with the sun on the morn ing subsequent to his invasion of The Elms. The explanation of the fact is a simple one. It was almost the first'timc in his life he had been "hived" in such elegance and lux ury, and the very novelty of the situa tion had kept him wakeful and nervous. As was to have been expected, there fore, no sooner did the first gleams of the morning sun come peeping into the handsomely furnished apartment Radd had so resolutely made his headquarters, than he opened his eyes with a gasp of be wilderment, and sprang up into a sitting posture, with a vague expression that he had been swapped off during the night for some stray millionaire. A swift glance around tho room, how ever, assured him that he was beginning the new day whero ho had left off the old one, and a serene sense of peace settled upon him. Ho had reached port at last! He could now begin living! "I shall need money, however—ready cash to buy tobacco and other neces saries," he said to himself, with specula tive mien, as he turned out of bed an1 proceeded to make his toilet, "and I must also have a complete suit of clothes, with underwear to match. As my es teemed sister-in-law has neglected to provide a roll of greenbacks, or its equivalent, I shall be obliged to take a bundle of her effects tp my nncle in Chi cago." It was hard to down the worn and un sightly garments he had doffed the pre ceding evening, and he did so only after thoroughly examining the premises and discovering that the long absence of men from that household had left him no chance of a present change. His toilet made—as well as his resources permitted—ho went down to tho kitchen, started a fire, and proceeded to get up a breakfast that would have sufficed, as far as quantity was concc'rned, for a boarding-house of no mean proportions. We must even do Radd the justice of saying that the quality of his repast was not so bad as might have been expected, he halving been forced at one period of his life, by the spurs of dire necessity, to make several trips as a cook in a canal boat. .. His breakfast was too appetizing in fact for him not to linger over it along time, but he dissolved coiflpany at last with its remainders and proceeded to pack the bundle to which his thoughts had turned so promptly and also so naturally. He did not leave the house, however, until he had seen that the coast was clear, and had also tacked to the front and side doors slips of paper bearing the following legend: "Abserit till afternoon or evening." It must Jje confessed that there was a considerable element of uncertainty in this announcement, but it may be stated in explanation that the said element was largely in the ascendant in Radd's mind at the moment he penned it. The truth was he was going to town to raise money, and he knew his own weaknesses too well to particularize the hour when The Elms would again have the honor of his presence. He reached the station just in time to catch one of tho early morning trains, and in due courso reached his destina tion. Wo need not pause upon his transac tions with tho mythical uncle of his thoughts, nor upon the numerous "treats" ho gave himself during the next few hours, but will pass to results. As he had been on short allowance for scleral weeks previous to his advent at The Elms, ho readily imbibed more than he could hold, -and thereby became unex pectedly sobered. A timoly diversion of his attention by a well-dressed figure at the entrance of a ready-made clothing establishment served to withdraw him from the gutter for this occasion, recalling him to the principal object of his trip to the metrop olis. Having purchased an elegant suit of clothes, he became so impatient to see them reflected from his person that he took tho next train for The Elms, where he arrived in due course. It being his fixed purpose to get him self up like a gentleman, he devoted sev eral hours to the business, beginning with a hath, and paying especial atten tion to his hair and beard. Satisfied at last with the change wrought in his personal aspect, he pre pared a supper which was a considerable improvement upon his breakfast, and then selected a book from the shelves of the library, and sauntered out to the rustic seat in the meadow which had clicitcd his admiration the day previous. He had been seated here nearly an hour, or until twilight, enjoying a choice cigar and glancing occasionally at the pages of his book, when he saw Vance Wyeville approaching from the direction of tho lake, and proceeded, with the calm dignity of a well-fed dog in tho manger, to intercept him near the side entrance. "There is no one at the house to re ceiye you, sir," he announced, returning Vance's polite gesture of salutation. "I am aware of that fact," responded the young physician, coming to a halt, "or I had at, least understood that such is the case. Seeing you here, however, I thought I would make a few inquiries, although I do not have the honor of your acquaintance "Exactly," returned Radd. "You've been here two or three times before to day, I believe?" "Only once before," Vance was good natured enough to answer. "May I ask where the ladies are, and whether they will be at home this evening?" "The ladies have set out upon a long tour in Europe, Asia, and Africa," re plied Radd, "and a -mere statement of this fact should be enough to tell you, sir, that they will not be visible for many along year, if ever." Vance was prepared by many a pre monition to hear something of this sort, but the declaration nevertheless fell upon his hearing with startling force. "May I ask what route they have taken?" he ventured, after a painful pause. "That I cannot tell you, sir," responded Radd, assuming an air of great Impor tance. "I have strict orders from Mrs. Moreland and her daughter^ not to give their address to any human being." "Not even to me?" "Particularly not to you, sir." The young Doctor scanned the face and figure before him with singular in tcntness, asking himself how be could carry his point. "Can I not prevail upon you to tell me at least, by what steamer the ladies pro posed to sail?" he asked, in a voice husky with pain and consternation. "No, sir,"' was the answer, "Not if you were to offer me millions. Mrs. Moreland intends the little incident of last evening to be final." "What incident?" "The rejection of your hand, sir!" Vance's face flushed deeply, and he did not 9cek to conceal the fact that the declaration of Radd had given him a profound surprise. "May I ask who you are?" he de manded. "I am one of the family, sir a More land." "A Morcland?" Vance's attention redoubled. "May I ask you for a closer definition of your relationship to these ladies?" he continued, with breathless interest. "Certainly, sir. I am ^Jessie's uncle. In a word, I am Radd Moreland, the only brother of Jessie's father." "Oh!" The comment of Vance was as signifi cant as quick and short. He had heard of Radd Moreland. "Pardon me, Mr. Morcland," he re sumed, after a well-defined pause, "if I insist on knowing in what direction your sister-in-law and Jessie have vanished." This insistance angered Radd deeply, as was easy to be seen. He threw away his cigar with a violent movement, and expectorated noisily and fiercely. "You may insist as much as you like," he declared, "but that is all the good it will do you! I will not give you the least hint of the whereabouts of the la dies, Dr. Wyeville!" "Ah, you know me!" "Naturally enough, sir, after seeing you here so often lately." Vance looked more and more aston ished, and continued to gaze as sternly as inquiringly at the scheming and un scrupulous reprobate before him. That gaze not only added to Radd's an noyance, but set him to thinking, and soon rendered him uneasy. "Why should I put up with bis inso lence?" he asked himself. "Why shouldn't I get rid of by a have to accept him in coop dee mang, as the French say? If I don't he'll hang around here unti lhe gets track of Jes sie's whereabouts, and then he'll resume his wooing with such vigor that she'll sheer self-defense! I must play a sharp, daring, desperate game, since I'm playing for such high stakes! The fellow must be got rid oi at any cost! I'll cut his comb, now and hereI" Clearing his throat, he resumed: "Of course you are very anxious to know where the ladies are, sir?" Vane# assented. "Well, sir, I will be candid," and Radd assumed confidential air. "It pains me to See you in such distress—it does, in deed! Your difficulties with my niece remind me of various incidents in my own career.." "I will pay you well for any kindness you can show me, Mr. Moreiand," an nounced Vance, with the impatience so natural to his situation. "Please come to the point." "Oh, I do not want any pay, sir! What I do I do out of pure kindness of heart, my dear sister-in-law having left me very comfortably installed here for the period of her proposed absence." Vance made an imploring gesture. "Well, sir, you know my sister-in-law has a dear and only brother in India?" The young physician nodded. "Whom she has not seen for many a long year?" Vance bowed again. l. "You see, therefore, how natural it is that both Mrs. Moreland and Jessie should have thought of this East-Indian relative at such a moment as the pres ent?" Vance could only groan, his fears run ning ahead of the pretended communi cation. "I see you comprehend, sir. .What you fear is only too real. My sister-in-law and Jessie have sailed for India." The statement fell with terrible force upon Vance, it was so probable. A tremor of agony traversed his frame. "My relatives, you see," resumed Radd, with inward jubilance, "thought that nothing less than such a trip could remove the pain and anguish caused them by recent occurrences. There is not the least doubt in my mind that they will visit all the countries I have named, and it is more than likely that they will return by way of China and Japan—if they ever do return—thus making the tour of the world." Any one loss unscrupulous, than Radd would have hesitated about inflicting upon a fellow-being such distress as these words caused Vance. "If they ever return?" he repeated, hardly conscious of what he was saying. "Yes, sir," returned Radd. "The truth is, Colonel Ridley has invited them to pass the rest of their days with him, and they were strongly inclined, when they left me, to accept this invitation." The shock these falsehoods gave the young physician was terrific. He reeled, as if stunned. "I can follow them," was his solo comment. Radd flushed with annoyance, and re solved to drivo his poisoned shaft deeper. "It would be useless, sir," was his in stant assurance. "And why useless?" "Because of grave complications, my niece was unwilling to confess to you." "Complications, Mr. Moreland?" ques tioned Vance, in a husky voice. "Of what nature?" "Can you not guess?" demanded Radd, as insinuatingly as possible. "I'm afraid not. Please tell me." "In a word, then, my niece is a mar ried woman." Vance started violently. "I will not deny that she loves you," added the uncle "but she is a married woman, and that's why she rejected you. That's her whole secret." "And how long has she been married?" demanded Vance. "Just*about a year, sir." "Who is her husband?" "He's the captain and owner of a three masted schooner trading between Chica go and Buffalo," answered Radd, with out an instant's hestitation. "His name is Chapman, and he comes of an excel lent family, but he has a rather wild history behind him, as is the case with so many men who follow the sea. My niece has been more or less acquainted with him for a number of years, and seems to have had a fancy for hijn, but she married him for money rather than for love, as he is very wealthy, and was inclined to deal liberally with her." Vance stirred uneasily again, con tinuing to fix his gaze upon Radd. "Where is Mr. Chapman now?" he asked. "He is absent on one of his trips," was the answer. "In fact, he has never been here but twice, and he remained only a day or two on those occasions. I do not expect to ever see him here again, as he and my niece have had a terrible quar rel, which was occasioned by his making a shocking discovery about her. I can, of course, give you the particulars if you care to know them." Vance turned away abruptly with a gesture of pain and horror. "It is unnecessary, Mr. Moreland," he declared, with bitter sternness. "I am greatly obliged for the information you have given me, but there is no necessity of pursuing the subject further. Good evening, sir!" He walked away rapidly, and was soon lost to Radd's view in the dark ness. "Good!" exclaimed the latter, proceed ing to take a drink from a flask he had drawn from his pocket. "Ha! ha!" and he laughed cxultingly. "I've succeeded! 'Nothing venture, nothing have!' It was a risky thing to do—to draw it quite so strong—but the result is all I could have desired. That doctor is fooled completely. He'll never show up here again! The projected marriage is knocked higher'n a kite! As the girl's likely to take the situation to heart and die, at the same time worrying her ma to death, I shall soon be the sole heir of The Elms and all their other property, and also of that millionaire Ea«t Indian uncle! In this way I shall not only be revenged upon these dear relatives for their insolence, as displayed in their rccent chatter, but I shall also plant myself in clover for the rest of my davi» Glorious! Capital! CHAPTER" VI. A STARTLING EXPERIENCE. [OR nearly five min utes after watching Vance out of sight from the side door, Radd stood lookiag out into the night, and then his atten tion was attracted to certain sounds within the dwelling. "The place is cer tatnly getting over run by rats," he muttered, nervous ly, as he closed the door and locked it "Or is it haunted, as has been reported during the last thirty or forty years? Can a gang of thieves haye coPe Jn by an underground passage, or ha^Colonel Ridley arrived here secretly fromlndia, as Jessie so fancifully suggested? In any case, I must have, up another bottle of that Yquem and make myself com fortable. I feel as shaky as a loon!" Lighting a small lamp used for run ning about the house, he took his way down the cellar stairs, but suddenly paused in the middle of the descent, snuffing audibly. "Now, there's that smell of cooking again!" he muttered, looking startled, as be peered into the darkness arouncLhim. "Somebody must be roasting-^beeffct no great distance! How can that odor In vade this house so strongly? fa there really an undergroud passage lake, as reported?" He snuffed again with increa|5i continuing to investigate his lD"In any case," he added "I m^ngiiave that bottle! I never felt more in need of bracing up thoroughly! Ugh! I'm fairly wild!" Resuming progress, ho descended the stairs and visited the wine-vault, secur ing the bottle he wanted, but not with out many a startled and suspicious glance around him. "The place must certainly be haunt ed," he ejaculated, as he began ascend ing the stairs. "I hear something mov ing—footsteps—a rolling as of muffled thunder." He sped upward rapidly, emerging from the staircase, the door, of which closed behtaid him -with the double vio lence of a sharp draft of air avjf his nervous haste,, and the noisy jal( thus produced was followed by an unm. ale fluster of voices. But just where? Hardly knowing what he did,* extinguished his lamp and thr bottle of Yquem into one of his capa cious pockets, listening with all the in tentness of a sudden terror. VThis way, Mr. Morcland," suddenly called a deep but pleasant voice. "I am awaiting the pleasure of your company." This greeting came from thfe dining room, the door of which was opened at this moment, allowing a strong glare of light to fall upon the face and form of the startled plotter.' "Who—who are you?" he gasped, in undisguised bewilderment, as he stared at a figure seated at the table. "Come here and see, please. Radd hesitated another moment, and then began moving slowly toward the dining-room, with staring eyes and fascinated air, precisely as a bird which has been charmed by a serpent advances toward the jaws awaiting to seize it. "Show Mr. Moreland in, Tippoo," or dered the gentleman seated at the table, with a graceful wave of the hand, ad dressing some person still invisible to Radd. "That sudden glare of ligf seems to have blinded him!" The words had scarce been euunCil when the sleek, supple figure of a dressed Hindoo appeared, lamp in han at the entrance of the dining-room, and inclined Itself with inimitable dignity and politeness to Radd, with the words: "Walk in, please. My master desires the pleasure of your company to sup per!" Radd managed to incline his head with an air of comprehension, continuing to advance, and in, another moment was within the dining-room, with such a wondering and dazed look on *hte feat ures that any one seeing it would have readily divined that it was out of his power to utter a word. "This is really a great pleasure, Mr. Moreland,"saidthe self-constituted host, as he arose briskly from the table, and advanced to meet Radd, whom he took by the hand with graceful politeness. "I was just wishing I could have a com panion in the repast with which I am about to close the day, and here comes a gentleman who does not all seem a stranger to a social glass or to an excel lent dinner. But sit down, Mr. More land—sit down!" He shook Radd's hand warmly, con ducted him to the table, and installed him solicitously in the post of honor. He was a man of some five-and-forty years of age, with a complexion that har originally been florid, although his fe tares now displayed a deep, dark bronzt, which attested that they had been ex posed to many years of tropical sun shine. His form was of medium height, but of the finest proportions, and a single glance would have sufficed to tell an observer that he enjoyed the best of health. He was, indeed, so visibly the possessor of rare strength and agility that few men, after looking into his keen, blue eyes, would have ventured to attack him. Yet his aspect was as pleasant as com manding, and no eno icould have long remained in his presence without learn ing that he was one of the most genial of men. Ho was attired with that quiet ele gance and costly simplicity which ever indicate the possession of unlimited wealth, and there were certain singulari ties in his speech and manner wliich attested cosmopolitan experiences, and even suggested that he must have passed long years in some' far country of the East. "Many, many thanks," gasped Radd, with a wondering glanco at his host and a look at the grave Hindoo servant which had an imprint of positive terror. "You —you are very kind, sir! I had no idea —tljis is all so strange-r-pardon me!" He passed his hand nervously over his forehead, and it was easy to divine that a little more pressure of the sort to which he was already subjected would causti him to fly shrieking from the house, or paralyze him entirely. "You are quite excusable^ sir," re turned the host, with an increase, if pos sible, of his smiling suavity. "Permit me to offer you a glass of rare East In dian wine." His action corresponding to the word, Radd raised the glass to his lips with a hand as shaky as his bow of acknowl edgment was awkward. A sip or two of the liquid, however, brought a strange sparkle into the eyes of the dazed plotter, his mien undergo ing a change as marked, as sudden. "That is indeed fine!" ho declared, smacking his lips audibly. "Something new, too! Never tasted it before. Is it all the way from India?" The host smilingly assented, and Radd emptied his glass at. a swallow, as if anxiously seeking the steadiness of nerves which only something of that sort could bring. FTO BE CONTDIOKD.I MEK who make themselves felt in the world are conscious of a certain fate in their constitution which they know how to use. Few ba- overheard the gods or surprised their secrets. Life is a succession of lessons that mnat be lived to be understood.— George ElioL