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& write it down till ^ody sees it 1 everybody is sick of •ww** TaT everybody knows it without seeing it— vj s( that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reni rMvs.' edy cures the worst cases of 'Ip-t\j chronic catarrh in the head, catarrhal hea^a^hg,.,^^-,t 99$ in tile perfect faith, its, makers, §Lj|L' the .World's Dispensary Med icaT Association of Buffalo, eve seei it* 1* N. Y., offers to pay $500 to anjfl|pne suffering from chronic in the head whom 'Galpnotjcure. Jfew.»if the conditions were reversed—if they asked you to pay $500 for a positive cure £r. r, you might hesitate. Here are reputable men,,with years of r|f: honorable dealing thousands of dollars and a great name 'J. back of them and they say— "We can care you because we've cured thousands like you—if we can't we'll you $500 for the thafl|f there's one whom we pay knowledge whfiey believe in themselves. Is^'t it worth a trial Isn't any trial preferable to catarrh? ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and afcts Vily yet promptly on the Kidneys, y£r and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup cf Fig3 is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho .stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities*commend it to 'all and have made it the most popular remedy known. byrup of Figs 13 for ealo in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY.<p></p>SHLLQH'SII NEW YOSK. N.Y. CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists arc authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home 1 in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cts., from -i-m 50 ttsskam *«Uri If yoq iM andU F^«P. Ivf cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts. en your med one week 1 ooald breathe easier: the bloating, staff/ and logy feelinghad left me: the action of the heart be one week eame natural: ttie pain Ipitation entirely diM» lendid in every Beared. A nave ion wo IDS. jl xeei spienaia in Thete is no bad or disagreeable etfoot from ment, and I can cheerfully recommend ittoail I have lost 80 lbs. ble effoot from your tre —Carrie L. Faulkenberg, 421 North O St* So kuumuib uvt effects. Strictly i— _. a it 60. in stamps. 1.800 DOZEN FREE 1 AMIW. —LMUqi AMMIU litrodi ktMJj ww ww«i iMuniaui|iiiia •elonaittHMisAcekx all tbt popster maim silla»ii ssvy oli«. seal brovaf llsek ajjfi tatif la (act Mi mi colon t*Mlt all tasta. Dm't dm S£ t4 7iett. fortpairM F.llu« Vft&w hrw wlUB iMguj. »i«MfgriuUlsfe Tlw MiMU mUn Mt£*xiH M«r A AM A Do ye® handle cotnt fcBd to stamps Plllflv for catalogue rare TJ. 8. an4 Colonial UllInU coins. JtOP^ERI. fc HUNnBERGER, \3' Ocean Ticket and Coin Exchange, 134 L.Salle Bt., Chicago. InstraeuonsFRKlS to inventory. KTVrib it once for band-book I information. CO.. WaalUngton. D. 0. •nvFMAN 8c MONET, Washington. D. O *P*NSTO*. CLAIMAUD LA*t ATTOBH*™ IH ™. MOW.10 year, member of Congress- A. Freeman, 8 jeaie Aist O. 8. Atty Qea- INGENIOUS MINNESOTA GIRL. rite Test Tliat 8 lie Imposes Upon Her Numerous Would-Be Husbands. Miss Matilda Carter is a y¥ing lady, 20 years of age, living in the little vil lage of Pomme de Terre, Grant Coun ty, Minnesota. She is a girl of excel lent parts—but first we would sav, re marks the New York Tribune, that few people fully appreciate the worth of a trip oh the railroad as a developer of the true Character of a man. No woman knows a man until she has taken a jour ney of several hours' duration with him on" a railroad train. But how often it happens, alas! that tho first trip of this kind that a woman takes with the man of her choice i9 the wedding tour. She raay find that she does not like his way of going into the smoking-car and indulging in strong cigars and drinking out of a friendly pocket-flask, or his little way of spreading his feet over the next seat, or flirting with the girl in the front of the car, or going to sleep,and Bnoring, or getting cross be cause she asks foolish questions, or a dozen other things but it is too late then. Miss Matilda Carter, of Pomme de Terre,. does away with this annoy ance. As we said before, Miss Carter is but 20 years of age. The Minnesota law re quires a lincense to marry, and where either the man or the woman is under age the consent of his or her parents. The laws of "Wisconsin do not require any such foolishness therefore it is the most natural thing in the world that Minnesota young people with obstinate parents should go over into Wisconsin and have matters arranged before some obliging minister or magistrate and re turn to their home triumphant. It early occurred to Miss Carter that the seven-hour railway journey between Pomme de Terre and Sunrise City, the nearest Wisconsin point, would be an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with a man therefore, when George Brown "proposed" three years ago she told him that they must elope to Sun rise City, as her stern father would never give his consent. She half sus pected that George's temper would not hold out for a railroad trip of that length, and sure enough, when they were still an hour from their destination he got cross because she wanted him to explain what kept the cars on the track. Accordingly, when they reached Sunrise City she told him that she had concluded that she had made a mistake, and took the first train back to Pomme de Terra, leaving George Brown stranded in Sunrise with only $4.50 in his pocket. Later she repeated this experience with Charles Fessenden and Frank Harris, her objection to the former being that he spent his time in the smoking car in the company of cheap cigars, while the latter pulled his hat down over his eyes and went to sleep and snored—something she ab horred. Highly as she esteemed this plan of testing her lovers with a rail road journey before marriage, she' could still recognize that it had one ser ious defect, namely, the lonely and ex pensive journey back from Sup rise City. Six months ago, when William Carr sought the lovely Matilda for his wife, she told him her usual terms, a trip to Sunrise City. On the way William tried to strike up an acquaintance with a freckle-nosed girl from Sauk Rapids, and when they reached Sunrise "Miss Carter turned him adrift. But she de termined not to waste the return trip. She decided that it fras a poor elope ment that would not work both ways. To make a long st,ory short the hotel clerk in Sunrise proposed marriage two hours after her arrival. She coyly told him that she could not think of being mairied away from home, and accord ingly they eloped back to Pomme de Terre with him. He played cards half the way with a stranger, and was promptly dismissed at the end of the journey. But the plan worked so smoothly that she kept up. Three times now she. has eloped to Sunrise City, and the same number of times has she elojjed back' to Pomme de Terre. Each of the men has been found wait ing in some respect, Miss Carter is of a cheerful disposi tion, hope being her most strongly de veloped faculty, so she is not yet dis couraged. She has, it is said, just agreed to elope from Pomme de Terre with young Jesse Bartlett and it is thought she is arranging by letter to elope back with a Sunrise City young man named Parrott if Jesse develops any bad traits on the out trip, as she suspects he- may. Whether or not Miss Matilda, Carter, Pomme de Terre. Minn., and Sunrise City, Wis., will ever marry seems questionable, but that she will be satisfied if she ever does is tolerably certain. Marriage is a serious thing, aud should not be en tered into lightly. The reversible elopement comes to fill a want long felt. The End of It. Protesting against this mistaken sense of duty which leads some women to crucify themselves that others may live, Kate Tannatt Woods, in Bazar, tells a story in point: A young woman of my acquaintance had one brother, to whom she was deeply att died, and in a spirit of generous self-sacrifice she de termined to loan him the small sum which came to her from her father's estate, in order to give him a collegiate education. She desired to attend col lege herself, to continue her musical studies, and to fit herself for a life of usefulness. She thought, and the brother agreed with her, that only one of them could enjoy a liberal education, and he was that one. The sister studied dressmaking, and not only sup ported herself, but constantly aided the brother, meeting all liis demands upon her slender purse, and rendering her self happy with the prospect of his future career and his nieagre word of praise. The end of all those years of self-sacrifice is briefly told. The brother married as soon as his degree was obtained, and now lives in comfort, practicing his profession, while his sister still toils on day by day, and is alluded to as a "cranky old maid." Every day we find some good 'Woman whose talents have thus been buried in a selfish, ungrateful heart. The woman of the future will be wiser. She will not toil at the tub to send her boy to college, but will realize that the "v^TTT"! i.' LIVE ONLY FOR LOVE. Mexican Senorltas Concern', Themselves Solely With Affairs of the Heart. Tho Mexican educates his sons and schcig them to college, but his daughters have to remain with their mother. There are too many women there, and thev live Jor nothing but Jove. They become accomplished, of course, but beyond be ing good entertainers, good Mexicans and good linguists, they do not amount to much., It is considered a disgrace for a Mexi can lady to cam her,own living, says the New York Journal The men do the cooking and male-servants do the house work. If a young lq,dy should learn stenography and typewriting, or should try in any manner to earn her own liv ing, she would be ostracised from so ciety. There are many heiresses there and there are many Mexican advent urers who make their living marrying them. Tliey arc handsome, Indolent spend thrifts, and the ladies fall in lovowith fliom. A Mexican woman's beauty fades early, arid when a wealthy heiress mar ries one of these men she never lives long. When she dies her husband inva riably marries another wealthy girl. A Mexican lover must \voo in patience, as his intentions are from the start treated as a family matter by the pa liftiits of the beloved of his soul. He is. bound by custom, to make known to his lady-love his desire to pay his addresses. If the communication is pleasant he is referred to the mother, and the siege of lite maiden's heart may be said be be gun. Custom compels the youth to execute a movement called "playing the bear," which consists of a daily afternoon promenade beforo tho shaded jalousie, behind which sits the. maiden, flanked by licr mother, sisters, female cousins and aunts. lieforo such a battery of black eyes the suitor must paco back and forth for at least twenty minutes a day. He may toss a note up into the jalousie, if so be ho has sufficient courage to face the party, but his missives are read by th« mother before they are delivered to his love. liis love may answer the notes, but her replies must be read and edited by her mother before they are given to the stately scnor pacing up and down in tho blazing tropical sun. If the suitor Is approved by the family he is soon per mitted to talk to the senorlta still In the presence of her family. Ere .long he is allowed to call, and thenceforth the woo ing progresses more in accordance .with American views. To Save Old Memories. The women of Virginia who belong to the society for the preservation of the antiquities of that state having pur chased and restored the Powder Horn at Williamsburg and bought the house at Fredericksburg in which Washington's mother lived and died, are now moving to acquire the possession of the older portions of Jamestown, including the graveyard and ruins of the church tower. As the lirst English settlement in the United States and the scene of the ex ploits of Capt. John Smith aqd Poca hontas, it is to be hoped that their ef forts will succced, and that they will be able to save these old memories as ef fectually as the women of the country have saved the relics at Mt. Vernon.1^ AN epidemic of sulfides prevails in Paris. The average in'October was six a day, and one day the terrible-record was eighteen. "DON'T linns to my skirts arrd cry so," sa}d mamma to lier peevish and pale-looking little girl. Ah! mother, if you Would givA it Dr. Bull's Worm Destroyers it would soon reel well, and contentedly play with it- blocks anil toys. THE-former estate of James Madison, at Orange Court House, Va., is owned by William L. Bradley, of Boston, and Louis F. Detrick, of Baltimore. "ALL is fino that is clean." Simplo homes made bright with SAPOLIO are better than tawclrv palaces. Sapolio is a sblid caka of Scouring Boap. Try it. A KESIDF.NT of Colerain, Pa., says he was turned out of house and home by his wife because he didn't vote to please her. When Baby was sick, ire gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she cave them CastorUk LONDONERS consume 30,000,000 gal lons of milk—or what is sold as milk— per annum, and pay £50,000 for it. BEECHAM'S PILLS cure Sick-Headache. "THOSE ready-made clothes of your,s seem to bristle with indignation." "Yes, they are eager for the fray."—Pvrtt. BEST, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 50c. ONLY 50 CENTS Scat with your order as a truMr* ADtce of sood faith Is all we re quire, tSe balance ($&S#> yon can pay aft the express ofllce after you have examined the atcb, and are convinced of ite Woi th. The picture tlrnt we •how hero glvcee good view of the watch that vre vend We have them la hundreds oldifT* •rentstylea of engraving. The eatce are XTUK plates of ovcrcoaspesttfcm sxteb renafniiled II trgjMcf. It 1» fcfcaniY ctii'.stda wind OJid cct* It has bow cap. crown c£d Uismk plcew, att accarstely inaAc,iitt*d and war* rooted 'JUia xncv& tucnt latua Etalat cuick train, SJBIfr ticatff per hour. Ex balance^ patent idststu pat vnt eecaptuj&nfltsalt rally enUhetf* accural cijr rrgulstrti and adjtuttfd antiwar* ranted to kce» corrcct tl»vl guarantee isscut with ccch vatdbgood for tfioyefira. Tfie reenter retail pHceef this watch 39S.«0, but we de to Bf cure an Mentis every town throughout the United State*, and therefore the epc*lal srtce •!. M.OOt If yoo etna money *Mh year order (M.OT) we wUI Include In addition kaa/aeni* cola minted cfcnln. If yen want to see the watch before paying for it, you can .send va Wrlfc Any hank, newapaper or commercial tell yon of ear reliability. Hew Catalog## have a friend In tlie effcy have him mandee.|KlRTLANDJBR09.jhcalTaft aeoncy win i. if our salesroom and tact watch for joo.<p></p>STEREOPTIGONS OH,,SI°O t'HK BLUH VAI' The blackbird whistles lr, early spring And the bolb'links' notes o'er the meadows ring./ The swallows twitter from the lvled wall. But the blue-jay comes In the fall. The rob!h pipes when the sunlight shines And the oriole sings In the tangled vines In summer thickets the cat-birds caH, Put the blue-jay comes in the fall. The wild canary likes the weather warm, And the brown thrush chants alter each June storm. When the green leaves turn they will vanish all, v, But the blue-jay comes In the fall. These sun-nourished songsters, let them go, For they dare not face one flake of snow. The bare trees herald the winter's thrall, But the blue-jay comes In the fall. And down in the woods I heard his cry, And his bright blue wings went flashing by. December waits with an Icy pall. But the blue-jay comes in the fall. —Ernest Me Gaffey. A Telegraph to tlie Brain From the stomach is the great sympathetic nerve In the epigastrium. Let digestion become seriously disordered, and that disorder 1s sura to find a reflection in symptoms which react disadvantageous^ upon the organ of thought.' Insomnia, nervousness, causeless depression and anxiety are all manifestations of dyspepsia. The beet means of remedying end restoring tranquillity to brain and Btoinach, and of regu lating, it may be added, bilious secretion, is to take a wineglassful of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters before meals during the day and before re tiring. This course begun, reform in the direc tion of complete bodily well-being has begnn with it. Constipation,sick headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism, and malarial complaints are amonT the7 troubles In which the Bitters is apoedily and thoroughly benoficinl. Don't da lay, but take the sure course at once. THERE are tho curious ribbon iSsh, with their fins prolonged into feelers many times as long as the body and there are other strange types with pointed tails and eyeless heads that look like nightmares than actual productions of matter-of-fact nature. Deafness Can't Be Cared By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tlie ear. Tbere is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets In flamed. you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that we eannot cure by taking Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. A LECTURER upon the English lan guage has predicted that before long English grand opera will be permanently established in this country. He says that the English language can be sung without in any way disturbing the sus tained legare flow of v$ice and the beauty of tone. A 82.BO PAPER FOR 11,78,. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION gives so much for the small amount that it costs it Is no wonder it is taken already In nearly Half a Million Families. With its fine paper and beautiful illustrations, its Weekly Illus trated Supplements, and its Double Holiday Numbers, it seems as if the publishers could not do enough to please. By sending $1.75 now you may obtain it free to January, and for a full year from that date to January, 1892. Address, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. ",Do TOU think that marriage is a fail ure?" said the reflcctive young woman to a man of business. "Not necessarily —It's.'what kept Smithers from, bank ruptcy?"— Washington Post. 3ft DESERVING OF CONFIDENCE.—There is no article which so richly deserves the entire confldenco of the community as BROWN,'s BRONCHIAL TROCHES. Those suf fering, from Ashmatic and Bronchial Dis eases, Coughs, and Colds should try them. Price 35 cents. ALTHOUGH the virus from a wolf-bite is not more virulent than that from the bite of a rabid dog, yet its action on the blood is much moro rapid. Is rr economy to save a few ccnts buying a cheap soap or strong washing powder, and lose dollars In ruined, 'rotted clothes? If not, use Dobbins' Electric Soap, white as snow and as pure. Ask your grocer for It. "CHBISTMAS presents laid aside by paying a small cash installment on same," is the obliging announcement of a Philadelphia firm. PEMNATISM -SfclAIICA. FLFCURALGR*- Cured by The dyspeptic, the debilitated^ whether from excess of work of mind or bodyv drink or exposure in MALARIAL REGIONS, will find Tutt's Pais the most genial re jtoatlre ever offered the auffering inwlid, BORE WELLS! SAof two neavy Oar Well Machines aro the most RELIABLE. DURABLE, SUCCESSFUL! Tliey do BIOICE IVOItK and caake GltKATER PROFIT. They FIN 1911 Wrlli where others FAIL! Any size, 3 inches to 44 inches diameter. LQQMIS & NYMAN, CO* or yoo» I 62 Fulton. Street N. Va MclrtTOSH ittery & Optical C*. MAGIC LANTERNS. Catalogue FREE! TIFFIN, OHIO. ItAOTBS.use DrLe Duo'e"Pcrlodlc*l"Pllls,from YfcrUy Franc*. Estftbllabed iaEuropw, 1839 Euglaad, 1350 CaMda» 1873 United States, 1887. Cures sll tappretsloat, trrefalirilta, and •xmthljr derangement*. Safe* hanaleu, reliable. They positively mast tot be taken during pregnancy. The large proportion of lib to which ladles are liable Is the direct result of a dieordered aad Irregular tnenstroatloa* Continued monthly suppressions resnlt fs blood poboDing and quick eoasamption. $2 a package* or 8 for $S» per mall, In phln sealed rorelope, on receipt of prtea* The Ajieri* can Pill Co., Wholesalers nod Royalty Proprietor*, The geonioe pill sold by SEDGWICK DE LOIVO, Draggtstat Siou City* Iowiy Wholettla aad Retail Agent* I prescribe and fnlly en done Bis as the only specific forttieceruincnre of this dlseiae. G. H. OnnslB Amsterdam, N. 1 We have sold Big for many years, and it ku 'ven tbe best at ef utl» ft faction. D.B.DYCHEACO.. Chicago, 111 si.OO. Sold by Druggists RFST BUSINESS ON THE EARTH! DLtl I I OR AGENTS WHO MEAN BUSlNEa»! vw a I*OR AGENTS WHO M1SAN BUSlNEa&! A Limp Burner biuli cannot explode. Is self UUinic and se:t-extingnisliinc! rits any lninp! Biff I'rotits! Bis Demands! Fal. and.* inter is Acenta' Harvest. Hoae.t workjr» mtpp led.with Samples FHKK Write I'MCENIX Itl llNKl, CO* 1M aUSCHAMC ST- Nl'WARR. J. 'mm I! NOT A LOCAL DISEASE« Becanse catarrh affects yonr head, it Is not then fore a local disease. it did not exist in yonr blood it could not manifest itself in your nose. The blood now in yonr brain is, before you finish reading this article, hack in your heart again, and soon distrib uted to your liver, stomach, kidneys, and so on. Whatever impurities tho blood does not carry away, cause what we call diseases. Therefore when yon have catarrh of the head a snuff or other tnhalent can at most give only temporary relief. The only way to effect a cure is to attack the disease in the blood by taking a constitutional remedy like Hbod's Barsaparll'.a, which eliminates all impurities and thus permanently euros catarrh. The suocess of Bood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for catarrh la vouched for by many people it has cured. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. SI: sis for $5. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD & CO. Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar %i THE GREAT I F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Cold by Druggists, 75c. ^g](3) tg_l £J(8) In TAE RELIEVES INSTANTLY. ^-J1 F"1!1°'far itroduce tbera, one in every County tor town for* fished reliable perrons (either sex) wlio wilt promise to •howlta £jteelai«r Mualo J&ox il.Y. City* N|QTHP$ of Tasmer." Mrs. Barr is the author of that most/ $ successful serial, Friend Olivia," just completed in The Century but hereafter Mrs. Barr will write exclusively !j for The New York Ledger. !(2) Hon. Ceorge Bancroft's Battle of Lake Erie," beautifully illustrated. Margaret Deland'8 1(5) Robert Grant's Harold Stagg." f) Harriet Preseatt SOnS contribute short stories. -j-» James Parton, M. W. Hazeltineand Oiiver Dyer (author of "Great Senators") contribute Sj articles of interest. 4)Ht addition to the above,, SPARKLING EDITORIALS I JFCIllustrated Poems, HELEN MARSHALL NORTH'S chatty column'I Xand a variety of delightful reading of int rest to all members 6f I y'the household. 1 The foregoing is a sample of the matter which goes to make Jup the most perfect National Family Journal ever offered to the'8 ^American people. Send Ten Cents for these three numbers and judee forfc 'yourself, or send only Two Dollars for a year's subscription to pl.®k wr»PP«™. 4c. in itenpa particular*, testimonials, and 10tOSO Tntimonlals. Kame Paper. A»ld bj tU Lwtl IhanUtei' PISO'S It is an Ointment, of 'which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price, 50c. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. Address. E. T. -VASELINE- FOR A ONE-DOLLAR BUI sent us by mil we wiU deliver, free of »lt charge**, to any person ID the United States, aU of Uie following article#, care fully packed: One two-ounce bott'e of Pare Vaseline... 10 eta. One two-ounce bottle ot Vaseline Pomade.••• 15 One of Vaseli-e Cold Cream 15 One cake of Vaseline Camphor Ice.... 10 One cake of Vaseline S ap. unscented 10 Onecakeof VaselineSoap.exqu'sltelyscented as One t#o-ounce bottle of White Vaseline 25 iuo Or. for pontage stamv*, any xtngU article at the price named. On no account be persuaded to accept.fror,i your druggist anu Vaseline or preparation tiurefror,\ unlet* labeled with our name, because you will certain ly receive an imitation which has little or no value. Chesebrough AAfc. Co* 94 State St* IV* T. EMORY Mind wandering enred. Bonks loamed in one reading. Testimonials from all parts of the #rtobe. Prospectus POST Fnss. sent on application to Prof, A. LoiscUe, 237 Fifth Ave. New York. Dr. 8nyter Kidney 'Balsam curee_Enareate mail. jPorealebynirdruggistB man. if or sale by nil aruggistnorat omce. xorcircm* lars and testimonials address, with stamps, Dr. O. W.f, NTDEII 243 State St., Chicago. Ask your Druggist to-order it for you. MENTION I'HIS PAPEU VU«N wnuiitu TO inventory PATENTS Guide, oi How to Ob tain a I'at- PATRICK O'FABRELL. Att'y at LaW.', IS BUQTHSHS, 66 Warren St., Kew Yoik. WRITERS OF THE To convince everybody, before subscribing, of the highf I quality and interest of our Beautifillljr Illustrated jour-fc nal in its new form, we will send to any address SEND TEN CENTS for a trial subscription, find we will ft re be in in go IS A S N E I with an artistic cover also, our Calendar Announcement for 11891, with a painting—" The Minuet"—by J. G. L. Ferris. These three numbers contain the following reading-matter !(1) Mrs. Amelia E. Garros £&tarQY< DAY new serial, "The Beads jj description of The A latest story. "To What End ?"K M(4) James Russell Lowell's poem, «My Brook," written expressly for The Ledger, beautifully illustrated'' by Wilson de Meza, and issued as a FOUR-PAGE SOUVENIR SUPPLEMENT. Mrs. Dr. Julia Holmes Smith starts a of articles giving very valuable information to young mothers. NEW YORK LEDGER, Utotert Banner's Sons, Pubiisbers, No. 40 Man St., N. Y. Cilj.K series entertaining socfety novel, "Mrs.« 8pofforM-MarionH .. Hariand» Marquise Lanza, Maurice* Thompson, and George Frederic Par- mn4 ImUmHcmi ^•««t«rrett». AtPngfUti.«rM« f«r Ladiem" in CHICHESTER CHCMIC REMEDY FOB CATARRH.—Best Easiest to use. Oheaj)est. Relief is immediate. A core is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equ&L 5" HAZELTLNE. Warren, Pa. DR.W00D, SKNTFLURIL AJ Regular Graduate in Medicine—SO man hotpital and private practic* Join Chicago and Sew York—K»- Iktabllghed In Sioux City MM JQ9H0i.I Ve»r»-la all Frhrat*, HBBJKNervous,stilltreating Ghronip and Special CgasBfllHydiieases, Spermstorrhnea, Nominal VVeaknew uwit loimji IiupotencT (lots of «exuol power}, ana all Female iHHeftset, trregularititt, etc. Cure, guaranteed or monojr refunded Charge, fair. Terms cash. Affe and experience are important. No In* Inrlons medicines nsed—iVo time io*t from work or business—Patients at a distance treated ly m.ll— Medicines sent everywhere free from gate ana break* age—State your case and send for Opinion and terms—Consultation strictly confidential, person, ally or by letter—Dr. WOOD has the largest Medical and Surgical In.titute and ET. and Ear Infirmary in the West—uooms for patients at fair rates'ftcilities to meet any emer gency—A Qniet Home and best cart and skill /or Ladus during Pregnancy and Confinement—Send 4e. postam for Illustrated BOOK and MEDICAL, JOURNAL. (Or*Mentlon this naserj Ufa UTCn Tli. addresses of aoldlers wha *w r* IV KW bomestemded a less number ot SOLDIERS' teg**/01Many HOMESTEADS. at time 'than June made QUSON. Denver. Colorado. W MOSBS Mention thU DCRIklC tb0 greac rout remedy I iCUIIlt) log tbs tmm% inuiLia relief for eold or p«nph1i| f*«t. OB I eTerywtasre, er esat free receipt ef eta. Sanple packaiee free at store dime. 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