Newspaper Page Text
Mis If JV* Taken m. A. Dot |er who deals in real estate, ace, loans, law suits, politics, ent over to Chicago the other lile nearing that city a man Im and confidentially remarked: E's a chap in the car back there law, ins cam trying to gcta$20 bill changed. It's a base counterfeit, and I want to put you on your guard.*' He was warmly thanked for his kind ness, and passed, on, and five minutes later a man appeared with a bill in his hand and asked: "Friend, can you change this twenty?" ••Sorry to say I can't," was the prompt reply. "Well, let me have ten, and you keep the bilLyntil wc get to Chicago." .•« "Carre do it." "Can't you let me have five?" "No." you are afraid of the bill, it to know much about money, tor bad?" Jerfeit." 'it." "I'm r',{| be. I'll bet the face value I of it that it is a good bill. Lend mo $3 ,,ion it, won't you?" "No, sir, but I'll take that bet of yours that the conductor won't accept it as •i good." "Well, ft will be worth $20 to find out about it," said the stranger, and oft they went to the conductor. "Give me two tens for this?" brusquely queried the stranger as he handed ont the bill. I I I an re he on to ..v 'ii«5»rcely glancing at it He made out a ten and two fives and passed them over, and" the Detroiter handed over the amount of his bet, kicked tylmself into the next car, and he nev«^Aw a bit of Lake Michigan as the trafjlBde its way into Chicago—Detroit AO^faii ltelmont'a. Superstitions. One the foreigners who came to something was the late August Belmont. He must have had a clear mind and a .level head to win and hold his high posi tion in finance, in society and on the turf rbut, nevertheless, he was one of the most superstitious of men and allowed hlm %-j-«elf to be influenced in business by what most people consider trivialties. For example, 'he told me on the Mon vmouth race track that his horses would not win. because a flock of blackbirds had crossed his path that morning. &?:' "I saw the blackbirds in the field," he related, "and said to myself, 'If dey fly across, I shall lose.' So I walked my team carefully, carefully. But, no! •.Just as I came opposite de birds flew in A.'front of me, wheeled about and crossed :.-me again. I shall not go to de stables, r.11have sent for my trainer to tell him it ... is of no use trying to win to-day." Taney one of the kings of finance, the chairman of the national democratic ^mmittee, being thus influinced! At pther time he was in radiant spirits a littlo bird had flown into his bif,hr^vm and allowed itself to be fed. hail have good luck!" he ex ctfJnpKf "wait, and you shall see. I Tlfiat day he won threo principal races. .Indeed, a curious phase of his super stitions was that they generally turned out to be correct. When he felt that he was going to lose, he did "lose when he Imagined that he would win, he did win. 'This may be explained by coincidence, fior by the fact that" his trainer and jockeys were shrewd enough to.humor his whims, knowing that he would -^rather justify his superstitions than cap ture a race. But, whatever the expla nation, the fact that such a man should vbe subject to such caprices is wonderful. Duix care keeps our noses, to the grindstone, but never puts its own there. Copyright, 1S9CL Help yoursdf if you're a suffering -woman, with the medicine that's been prepared especially to help you—Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It will do it •where others fail. For all the dis eases peculiar to the sex—dragging down pains, displacements, and other weaknesses, it's a positive remedy. It means a new life, and a'longer one, for every delicate woman. In every case tor which it's recom mended, it gives satisfaction. It's •guaranteed to do so, or the money is refunded. It improves digestion, invigorates ricnes the blood, dis the system, enrii pels aches and freshing sleep, pels aches and pains, produces re dispe' ,mate spels melanchol "and nervousness, and builds up I bot flesh and strength. It is_ a legiti- medicine—not a beverage. Contains no alcohol to. inebriate -no syrup or sugar to sour or ferment in the stomach and cause distress. As peculiar in ita_ mar- velous, remedial results as in its osition. Therefore, dont be off with come worthless com jmd easily, but dishonestly, rec ommended to be just as good." SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The snccess of this Great Coneh Care i* without a parallel in the history of medicine, ./ftl druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cue can suc cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, ate placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis use it, for it will cure yon. If your child has the Croup, .Consumption, we it. Ask year Druggist far SHILOH'S GORE, Price id cts., W cts. and Lanes are sen or Back lame, ma Piaster, Rice cMb a ."i i, '.Swit* V'.. I Ki' A It' 1 Iff A Few Queer Experiences Belated at the Ciub by liners-Out. "The funniest bachelor dinner I ever partook of," said a well-known club man the other evening, "I ate one night last week with a married fi iend.of mine in the suburbs, wife was away^ My host, knowing that 1 was something of a gourmet, spread himself for the occasion, as I plaiuly could see. The repast furnished was evidently of un usual elaborateness, and' it went fairly well until the salad came on. I could not eat any of that after the first mouth ful, which I managed with difficulty Why!' he exclaimed, addressing the servant, 'where is the Roquefort that 'I ordered sent home to-day 'Begorra, sir,' responded the hand maid, 'if you mane the chase that came this afternoon from the store, it was that moldy it had to be thrown away, and I sent back to the grocery for this, that is nice and fresh.'" The other men in the little party at the club window .smiled languidly at the story, but the bald-headed member said: ''Speaking of dining out reminds me of a repast that I enjoyed very much the other day in a small but very excel lent restaurant here in town. What struck me particularly on the occasion I speak of was the exceptional quality of the lobster salad. There was evidently garlic in it, but that' estimable vege-, table was so artistically infused that in stead of communicating an actual taste of garlic it simply contributed an in describable and undefined accentuation to the flavor of the dish. I asked that the chef be summoned and demanded of him how he was able to use garlio with such marvelous delicacy and ef fectiveness. He replied: 'The way I do it is to chew up a small bulb of garlio, and when the disli is being stirred I breathe very gently upon the mixture. That gives the sug gestion of flavor you speak of, sir.'" A Siliffular Adventure with a Lion. The following is told on the author ity of a weli-known Cape missionary: A man having sat down on a shelving, low rock near a small fountain, to take a little rest after his hearty drink, fell asleep but the heat of the rock soon disturbed his dreams, when he beheld a large lion crouching before him, with its eyes glaring in his face, and within little fnore than a yard of his feet. He -was at first struck motionless with ter ror, but recovering his presence of mind, he eyed his gun, and began mov ing his hand slowly toward it, when the lion raised its head and gave a tre mendous roar, the same awful warniog being repeated whenever the man at tempted to move his hand. Thef rock at length became so heated that he could scarcely bear his naked feet to touch it. The day passed, atad the night also, but the lion never moved from the •pot the sun rose again, and its intense heat soon rendered his feet past feeling. At noon the lion rose and walked to. the water, only a few yards distant, looking behind as it went, lest the man should move, when, him stretch out his hand to take his gun, it turned in a rage, and was on the point of springing upon him. But another night had passed as the former had done and the next day again the lion went toward the water, but while there he listened to some noise apparently from an opposite quarter, and disappeared in the bushes. The man now seized his guu, but on first essaying to rise he dropped, his ankles being without power. At length he made the best of his way on his hands and knees, and soon after fell in with another native, who took him to a place of safety and, as he expressed it, with his "toes roasted." He lost his toes and was a cripple for life. A Soldier wttta Pension Is a Gold Mine A humorous feature of the pension business is the frequency of the mar riages botween old soldiers and young women. An enterprising girl from the poorer classes of Appomatox or one of the adjoining counties sends her photo graph to the Soldiers' Home at Hamp ton, Va., a veteran responds and the knot is tied. No less than twenty such marriages are reported within a radius of five miles of Hampton. There would be an element of romance in this surrender of the old soldiers to the charms of beauty, on the spot where Lee's army capitulated, were it not for the purely business nature of the trans action. A soldier with a pension is' a gold mine, and his death, which must take place soon in the course of nature, leaves the young widow in the enjoy ment of his pension for the .remaining years of her life. The Demands of Justice* We are far too narrow in our concep tions of what justice means. It makes many claims upon us which no law can ever enforce and with which public sen timent can never meddle. It demands much more than tho discharge of pecu niary obligations. It enters into every detail of life, and regulates our conduct in all the obligations we bear to others. It pronounces upon our behavior to rel atives and friends and the community in which we dwell. It enforces debts of gratitude, or affection, of thoughtful con sideration, of kindness, of compassion, of shillings and pence. To call a man just who is not kiud, or tender, or piti ful, or loving, is a misnomer. True implies the due exercise of all sentiments in their proper season and the cheerful discharge of the con-' duct which they suggest—German town Telegraph. BACCHUS drowned than Wunst we went a-fishln'—me An' iny pa an' ma—all three, When they was a picnic, 'way Out to Hanch's woods, one day. An' there was a crick out there. Where the fishes Is. an' where f.v Little boys't ain't Dig an' strong Better have their folks along. My pa he ist flshqd an' fished 1 'i's An'my ma said she wished j'.iv Me an* her was home an'pa Said he wished so worse'n ma. Pa said ef yon talker say Any th in', er sneeze, er play, Hain't no fish, alive er dead, Ever go' to bite, he said. Ik' swallow. Observing that I refrain A from the dish my entertainer said: 'I'm afraid you don't find this first rate?' 'It has a peculiar flavor* I admitted reluctantly. 'Ah,' replied my friend, who had finished with apparent gnsto his own help of the salad, 'I was afraid that it might not prove satisfactory. You see, there was no olive oil in the house, and, having nothing better on hand for the purpose I used castor oil for the dress ing.' "He did not appear at all embarassed at making this statement, but. what broke him up entirely for the moment was (he appearance at dessert of a hunk of ordinary grocer's cheese. —James Whitcomb Siley in the Century. A ., VEpY? FUNNY DINNERS. TBE FISHING PARTY. BSIRAM C. WHEELER "T &,>'!* Purt' nigh dark In town when wo ,svv Got back homo and ma, says she* •#c,v Now she'll have a fish for shore!— A,•! An' she buyed 'one at the store.. .* Nan, at supper, pa he won't 1 Kat no fish, an' says he don't Like'em. An'he pounded me *1: When I choked t-Jaa. didn't he? Something for the Now Tear. The world-renowned success of Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, and tli6lr continued popular ity for over a third of ,n century as a stomachic, is scarcely more wonderful than the welcome that greets the annua]appearance of Hostetter's Almanac. Thin valuable medical treatise is uurg, Pa., under their own immediate supervis ion, employing sixty hands in that department, l'hey are running about eleven months in the year on this work, and the issue of same for 1891 will bR more than ten millions, printed in the Fnelieli, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian. Sweditth, Holland. Bohemian, and Spanish lan guages. Kofer to a copy tf it for valuable and Interesting reading concerning health, and nu morous testimonials as to the efficaoy of Hos tt-tter'a Stomaoh Bitters, amusement, varied Information astronomical calculations and chronological items, etc., which eaa be depended on for correctness: The Almanao for l&n can be obtained free of cost, from druggists and gen eral country dealers in all parts of the country. .Lake of Bolllnt Water. There is a lake'of boiling water in the island of Dominica, lying in the moun-. tains behind Boseau, and in the valleys surrounding it are many solfataras, or volcanic sulphur vents. In fact the boil ing lake is little better than a crater filled with scalding water, constantly fed by mountain streams, and through which the pent up grasses find vent and are re jected. The temperature of the water on the margins of the lake range from 160° to 190° Fahrenheit. In the middle, exactly over the gas vents, it is believed to be 300°. Where this active action takes place, the water is sai.d to rise two, three, or even four feet above the general surface level of the lake, the cone often dividing so that the orifices through which the gas escapes are legion in number. This violent disturbance over tlie gas jets causes a violent action over the whole surface of the lake, and through the cones appear to be special vents, the sulphurous vapor rise with equal density over its entire surface. Contrary td what one would suppose, there seems to be In no case violent ac tion of the escaping gases, such as ex plosions or detonations. The water is of a dark gray color, and, having boiled over and over, for thousands of years, has become thick and slimy with sulpher. As the inlets to the lake are rapidly closing, it is believed that it will soon assume the character of a geyser or sul phurous crater. ---W ptKAsns^ SENSE Of health and strength renewed and of case and comfort follows the use of Syrup oi Figs, as it hcts In hormony with nature to effectually dense the system when costive or-bilious. For-sale in 60c and 91 bottles by all leadioz druggists. A SPEAKER at an anti-tobacco meeting in Washington the other day frankly ad mitted that, under certain circumstan ces, the use of tobacco resulted in the saving of life. This caused consterna tion in the meeting, until she—for it was a woman—explained her remark by say ing that.cannibals will, under no circum stances, eat a missionary who is a tobacco user. To the good ladies pres ent, this was was conclusive, but the ar gument might work just the other way with a young man who was preparing to go as a missionary among cannibals. He would begin to use the "filthy weed, simply as a measure of self-protection. MIIXIOKS of women use Dobbins' Electric Soap daily, and say it is the best and cheap est. If they are right, you ought to use it. If wrong, one trial only will show you. Buy a bar of your gtocer and try It next Monday. SOME preachers put their listeners asleep with dreary discourses but the Eev. David Kauffmann, of Indiana, re verses this and puts himself asleep while in the pulpit. While apparently asleep and unconscious, it is said that he de livers sermons of amazing eloquence. T3BOAT DISEASES commence with a Cough, Cold or Soro Throat. "Brown's Bron chial Troches" give immediate relief. Sold in in to 3 5 OF thirty pedestrians Inlured on the streets of Cincinnati in one month twen ty-five owed their injuries to the care lessness of female drivers, aqd, as a re sult, there is a call for an ordinance to prevent any woman fromHriving horses in that city. (Then Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When She was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castor!a. When she had Children, she gave them Castaritw SOME unknown substance In the ore of the Martin White mino at Ward, Ne vada, during the smelting process, changes the hair, beard and eylashes of the miners to a hue as green as grass. BEECBAM'S Nervous Ills. PILLS cure Bilious and Two softrshelled eggs connected by ligament of the same material as the shell, were laid the other day by a hen in Paw Paw, Michigan. A CHILD cannot tell what ails it. A shrew! mother will not tuice ehauocs but will try L»r. Bull's Worm Destroyers tit onoe. Do t'l lit you druggist sell you any other kind of worm candy. Bull's the be it. THE wife of a man named Hodges at Carthage, Mo., has given birth to a girl aby who weighed just eight ounces vhen she made her advent into the vorld. IF afflicted with Sore Eyes, nse Dr. Isaae Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists seU it. 2ac. "DOES the cellar leak!" "No. It's '.ad two feet of water in It ever since i've been in the house. Not a drop has •rot. out!" tra best cough medlcino Is Piso's Cure for Consumption, told everywhere. 25c. Importer ,f Percheron and Shire StalUons. Odjliolt, Sao Oounty, Iowa. LARGEST IMPORTATION of draft stallions to America thIs season. Quality the very best. First-class horse, either broed, (51,000. Two and three year's time, 8 per cent., en abling horse to pay for himself. A WIPE who knows many wives says: "Some husbands, when they get home at night, tell their wives all about the busi ness of the day, and about their bank account, and.about the people they met, and about what was' spoken of, and about everything else. Other husbands never tell their wives about their doings during the day, never speak of the state of their finances and never refer to their business in their households. The wife of such .a hasband knows nothing of his affairs, and is apt to be upset by bad news or crushed by finding out that he is on the road to ruin. From what I have known through my acquaintance, with many families for long years, I am ready to say that a husband should always tell his wife about his business and about the affairs of the day." Sv Bow's This? We otter One Hundred Dollars Beward for any ase of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv taking HaU's Catarrh Cute. P. 3. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known V. J. Che ney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by thsir firm. WKST & TBUAX, Wholesale made by thsir firm. & TBUAX Wholesale Druegists, VfAtiDiK8, KIKMAK & MABVC.-, Wholes THE method by which the sole searches for food is peculiar. Ho taps the sandy bottom with his head, guided apparently by sight only when the tac tile filaments find something edible he immediately seizes it with a vigorous and sudden snap of the lower half of the jaws, where the teeth are situated, but never snaps at anything not first local ized by his feelers. He eats marine worms, shrimps and very small shell fish. ABB you suffering from Liver or Kidney troubles, and do you want an absolute, pos itive cure? California Sidney Tea has been tested for years and has never failed in a single case.. It will not fail to give you a permanent cure for any Liver or Kidney troublo. Large packages are sold for 80 ets. Ask your druggist for it. price bj KEY TEA CO., Fairfield. Io. paid on receipt of price by CALrFonm*. Kin fie"" WHILE cutting a big cypress tree near Astor, Fla., John Wilson found it occu pied by a living alligator seven feet long. As the opening in the tree was not half large enough for the animal to get through, the presumption is that it crawled in while quite young and lived on other animals and reptiles that sought refuge there. BRUISES! FROST-BITES, INFLAMMATIONS —AND ALL— HURTS AND ILLS CA OF MHN RND BEAST. Solo A tho United From Father To son, through generation after generation, the taint of scrotula descends tlirowch the blood, b.ight ing lit) and hastening death. The great majority of cases of scrofula and other blood diseases are hered itary, and therefore difficult to cure. But we wish to state in the most positive, emphatic manner that Hood's Sunmparlira does euro scrofula in every form. The most severe cases, too terrlblo for descrip tion have yielded to this raedicioo when all others failed. The greater includes the le3s—and if you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or impure bioad in any form, take Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by *11 druggists. six for $3. Prepared only by C\ 1. HOOD & CO., Lowell. Mass. (OO Doses One Dollar Stop tliat CHRONIC COUGH Toledo, O. jale Drue- piste, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dizeetly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. pamphlet for a dime. .THE NOWI Tor if you do not it may become con sumptive. For Cotuntmption, Scrofula, General Debility and Masting Diseases, there is nothlns like SCOTT'S Of Pare Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES OF XJIZXI* AND •acta. It Is almost aa palatable as milk. Far better than other so-called emulsions. A wonderful flesh producer. There are poor imitations. Get the genuine. FOR OLD AND YOUNG. Tntt'aUver Pills set as kindly on the child, the delicate female or inflrm old age, aa upon the vigorous man.<p></p>Pills tuft's give tone and strength to the weak atom* aeh, bowels, kidneys and bladder. l'EDINE CO.. mm THE POSITIVE CURE. SLY BBOTHSBS. Warn* BUKewTctk. Pries 10 PAINLESS. PI LMdEFPEeTUA~ V*- WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.-W For BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS Such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Fullness and Smelling after Meals, Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations4c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL CIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. BEECHAM S PILLS TAKEN AS DIRECTED RESTORE FEMALES, TO HEALTH. For Sick Weak Stomach,COMPLETE Digestion,Headache, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc., they ACT LIKE MAGIC, Strengthening the muscular System, restoring long-lost Com plexion, bringing back Itus keen edge of appetite, and arousing witli th eROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy ot the human frame. One of the best guarantees £.LH2.SF£C?2?2£N£PSF///TAFE'18 TBAT ma Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians Cares where all else foils. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists 3SCSE REPAIR YOUR OLD STOVES AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. The Northwestern Stove Repair Co. of Chicago, Manufacturers and Furnishers of the Hardware Trade. Kepairs for all Stoves and Ranges Manufactured. Ask your Hardware Dealer to order for you. B3TCUT THIS OUT, ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1* Nsiiis of Stpvo....»t c................ .......I............ 2. Number of Stove 3. Name of Maker X.atestu&te of iPatent 5. Wood or Coal.. 6. Is Coal put in on top by removing lids 7. Is the lining Brick or Iron 8. Has the bottom Grate one or more parts 9. Give your hardware dealer the names of parts wanted. BE SURE to order from your hardware daeler only. He will order what you want from us. Don't destroy your old stove* but repair it. A little money -will mak.e it as gocd as new. 50 cts., at Drug Stores, or by mail. Trial Package and illustrated hlet for a dime. ... W ORLD BUILDING, NEWPORT. I^MW%BlJOENW,JiOHKlS. JbNOlUn Washington, D.C. 'ivraialastwsr.'l&aiUndlcattucclalms. atty slue*. AGENTS. MMe and Female, la every town iu U. 8. to sell oar foods on commission. Send Zo sump for E Corr ER CO..1'.0.Box 666, EEjSfHAMs Cbics*O.I1I Impaired BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PROPRIETARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. JPf«"|Hr£d only by Til OS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, I.SRMMK, Eaetnml. SolAby DruggUtsaenerally. B. F. ALLEN CO.. 365 and 367 0 BEEOHAM'S PILLS on RECEIPT of Canal St.. New York, l!"Hr draintistdoes nnt keep them) "WILI. MAU. 1 ORATEFUL-qOMFOaTINa. EPPSSCOCOA BREAKFAST. "By thorough knowledge of the nattira! lawi whiob govern the opcratl ma of dlge tion nnd nutrt ti n, and by a careful appliu utlon n( the duo proper ties of wel.-s lected Cocoa, Mr. Eprs has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured bev erage vrhioh may save us many ho&vy (lootori' bllla Itlaoy the Judlolom use of auoli artloles of dlel tbat aooastitutloa may Oe gr dually uullt up until itrongenougb to resist every tendency todiseaaa Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ai ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point We may escape many a fatal sbaf by keeping our selves wellfortliiolwltapure blood a daproperly nourished framo."—"CSutL Servioa Gazet'a. Hods simply with bo ilia? water or mll!r. Sold only in half-pound tino, "y arocrro, labelled thus: JAMES KIM'S & CO.. Homoeopathic ChemlsU I.OSDOX, EXOLAND. -VASELINE- FOR A ONE-DOLIiAR HILL sent as by mat we will deliver, free of alt charge*, to any person in the United Statas. all of the following articles, care ful.y packed: One two-oance botk'e of Pare Tasellae lOota. One two-ounce bottle ot Va'eline Pomade.... is One jar of Vnseli -e Cold Cream 15 One cake of Vaseline Ca uyhor Ice 10 One cske ot Vaseline 8 np, unseented 10 Onecskeof VasellneSoap.exau:sitelvH3ented as One two-oance bottle of White Vaseliae.... |1.10 Or, for pottage stamps, any tingle article at the price named. On no aasovnt he persuaded to accept Jriint your druggist anu Vaseline or preparation Ihersfror.t unless labeled with our name, because you will certain ly receive an imitation to/iicA Acts little or no value. Chaoebrough Mtg. Co« 84 lital* St* N. Y. IP TOTT WI8H A/~^ isSSMERKS« REVOLVER Erated urcbase one of the ode SMITH WESSON arms. The finest t-mall arm* ever manufactured and the first chnioe of all expert*. Manufactured in calibre* 32,3Gand 44-100. Sin fieordouble MCINTOSH STEREOPTICONS Sent post Battery & Optical Co, MAGIC LANTERNS. CHICAGO. ILL. SOLDIERS' hoinesteaded a less number of tim® and 0 at an? ifttnalpr HOMESTEADS MOSE3° S PATENTS PATRICK OTARRKLL.Att'y at La PEDINE PFE°£ GUBO.NI Denver* Colorado. J9*Mantloa paper* DETECTIVES Waited in erery County to act to tb« Secret Serrice under instruetiou* from Cape. Grannan, ex-CMef or Detcetirca of Cloclnoati. Experience aot nfcemary. Particularsfre«. Addreaa Gnuuaa DctccUve Uarean CN Arcade. Cincinnati, 0» action. Safety Hammerless and argot models. Constructed entirely or beat qual ity wraaaht Meet, carefully inspected for work manship and stock, they are unrivaled for ffnl darnbility and accuracy. Do not be deceived by cheap malleable cust-lroa loiltatiene which are often sold for the jrennme aiticle and are not onlv unreliable, ibut dangerous. The SMITH ft WESSON Revolvers arn all atamped upon the bar rels wiihBnn's name, address and dates or patent* and are saarantced perfect in every detail. In sistnpon Mving the genuine article, aad if your dealer cannot supply you an order a-nt to aadreaa below will receive prompt and careful attention. Descriptive catalogue and prices furnished upon ap plication. SMITH & WESSON, |yMention thi« pap^r. ^pr!ar(!»Ht Naiii Dr.WOOD, sKmuow*. THE Regular Graduate in Medicine—30 year* hqtpital and mrlvate vractiei-' ICMft Chicago and New Yorh^-Ei tablisfaed in Sioux City Nine Vearn—is still treating a) 1 Private. Nervous, Chronic and Special diseases, SpermatorrhoDa, eakness (night losset) Impotency voioerh and ali female JBlseages, irregularities, etc. Cores guaranteed or money refunded Charges fair* Terms cash. Age auJ experience important. No in* iurions medicines used—Nonre time Mt from work or business—Patients at a distance treated by mail— Heaicine* sent everywheire free firm gaze ana break* age—Stale your case and send for Opinion and terms-—Consultation strictly confidential, person- UllUUCI'liWi IIVIOUU* has the larieit tltnte and En West—ooms for .«.•* VS4W vv VHW HUPTIftl anventorr Guide, or How to Ob tain a Pat ent, gentfrse. MTashi nKt'n,D.C. FEET. HOW ARE YOUR Cures cold or tender Swollen or perspiring SmaUet Sboeemav be worn with ccmfort. Price. PENSIONS! BuDtsabilityBill tsalaw. Boldlsradlaabladsince tts war are aaUtlni. Dapandeat wldews ad peraatc aowdependaat whose waaiied tiaa abdiiitinu an included. Ifyoawtah 8r 'aSf suosssafaliy pro! scaled, addieaa .•UIIIITIL A.E. Want IH U3CO BIFOW OONFINBMBNT. BOOK TO, "MOTHBRS'* LLAII,xn:raaa. •SiDfUtD RKOI LATUIt C»„ ATLANTA, Sis S OI.D<p></p>HOMES N BT AX ,j.<p></p>WANTED. DatrooTSTa. We want to secure permanent homes for a num ber of Orphan Babes and Children. Kesponsible parties Vno want to adopt a bright, healthy, and well-grown cbil'l are invitfd to corresp ni wiib us CHlLDARM'8 AID SOlUiTY. 804 Dearborn I Street* Chicago, 111. EW PENSION LAW. for forma for applicatioa aad full lnforn lation WM. W. DUDLEY, COMMIS8IONKB OF FKNtlONI, Attorney at Law.VsiVjgMa, h: v\ wwJIB iL- patients at fair rates, facilities to meet any emer* BOstaee for Illustrated BOOK and Ml JOUJK3S AI~ (£VMentlon this paper G&SSS! Bofore Marriage and pbysician. pleasantesl •Here area few of the un- nilAHRrRp trords that ever blotted UlsHMBbfl trords that ever blotted UII0KIVWM1 paper $ 1 '/v' -'Al: vl:/vV/'-'I.!i "i '!v| & v.- ''r '''.'7 w— (Shnkespearc.) A book for every yoanff man and woman meditating matrimony. It treat* of ai tboae vices which invade the domestic sanctnsry. Tbo author s« js: Noth lns but a BCQF.e of inexorable duty, in the hope of effect Ing a radical reform by awakening alarm to the enormou* freouency and horrible consequences of tali rev#I«n| crime could induce the author to enter npen the shocldnf revelations. The wprk is complete to ,one handsomi octavo volume of 426 pagw, marbled^edm and bcvndUi EncHshdoth.sUkfinish. PHce.lUS. W}llb««ejitpost paid to any addJrossonre- BHENNAN BR08., paid to any celpt of price. 30 State BUsst, Chicago. Wlliflli to Know tbehv laystsa, l.dlWHtMMS^ aiul intisereUem, eJCurs to all forms afeitmst, (OUt Ryes, Rupture. Phimosis, ets., frpy in Mart lege and kmveprise babism, lard «n odfMrmr Coetor'a DroU Jokaa, prenaaly illaa katea. send tea eente for aew Laofh-Cure Book called MEDICAL SENSE AND NONSENSE//* t». Hltt PUB CO.. 120 But 28th «t_ New fork. I prescribe and tally a» dorse Big O aa the only apecMo for the certain cur« otthia dlseaae. O. ELINGRAH AX. M. D- •fmlytytBe Amsterdam, N. T. Wo bave cold Blr 01 many yeara, and it has eiven the Mat ef aatla tantlon. D. B. DYCHEft CO.. Chlcaco, 111. 81.OC. Bold by Drugfista, XiASIES.ase Dr. Le Due's "Perlodical'Tine, from Franoe. Eslabliibedinaonpe, 1S39 Enfland, 1SS0 Canada* li"8j Uolted Statci. 188T. Core* all lappivuioaa, ImftilarlUet, aiul aoaothly dtrftngemerU. Safe, harm leu, rellakla. Thty pMillvdy uuitEotba taken daring pregnancy. Thelarge proportion ofills to wlitch ladies are liable ia the direct result of a disordered and .Irregular menstruation. Continued monthly suppressions result ha Wood poisoning and quick consumption. $8 a package, or 3 for per mail, in plain sealed envelope, on receipt of price. The JLuerk can Fill Co., Wholesalers and Royalty Proprietors The genolne pill sold by SEDGWICK A DKLQNG* DraggUtsi. Sfou CUy, Iowa* Wt^i^-Ly Rttail Ajcqll. MOTHERS' fRIEWn MMOHILB BIRTHMH n. Mind wandering enred. Books Earned in one reaotng. TestinMmials front all parts ef the *lobe. Prospectus rosT Fzun» eent on anplieation to Prof, A. Loisetce. S37 Tilth An. New York. or sale FAT Dr. bnyder Sidaa» uwun cores, Enoresia and testimo Is address, with stamps, DEB, 243 State St* Chicago. Ask your Druggist to order it for yon. UEM'liUft HIS PAfEH WNIN ttsrnxa tw tvvaaruau. Fill RUllll, 243 SUlt tSUf ftlwipOft Name this paper when you write. PATENTS] &O.N.V. 1i Ikiiii li lnctrnettons FRKKto inventor-. 09~Writaat once for hand-oook ot a information. B. CO™ Waahlactoa. O.O. PATENTS USHMAMI, —ton, D, Cm circuiass. Ko. SS—UO 1 •7*} sV: 7# Qk (Haatlon this iaperj EMORY i' 'TiM l'S%