Newspaper Page Text
4 Tim De M Mir. M. A. HKOWN, * TEiIMS: »!.«» A Ykah, in Advasc*. Ik timet, Dakota, February -4,IKHH. DAKOTA IHIMI HIM P.tMSKKOKK THAIKN LRAVK Dk SMKT: Cioinvr Hast, 1:42 H.M. 1 <2«*infr Wert, 1:42 e.M. OFFICIAL IHHEmXMY. l*U*rk 1)1*1 rlct Court—J. H. Carroll. Juilin' of Kroliutt —V. V. Harm *. Sheriff—J. K. Smith. . ... Kt'viHt(>r of Iki*«l*» uo<i Co. Clerk—W m. K. W hi tin*. Treasurer— K. H. Couac\ Superintendent of Ketionl*—G. A. William*. Surveyor— ll.®. WhHcr. Uorwner—W. I(. 1). Gray. A**eM«r—l\ Kona. County Coiiimlnnlonom—EJ. lteukcy, C. H. Manchester. J. K. UiMilorph. Constables—G«*o. 11. Korirunon, 1.. 8. KtehlUy, G. M. Kin*. Goo. 11. Smith. Jupliue* ol llm l*e:u;e (.’. I*. Imran*, A. M. linker. J.C. Glbnon. I.cals Hammond. CIICIK H DIKECTOKY, CoNfiKKOataonai. Caructi.—ltev. Edwunl llrown, jui-tor. Service* ut eliuivli every Sub bath ut lU::w a hi. uikl 7 p in.. Mllernutlmr with til** Methodist church once in four week*. Mmiouisr CMCHCII.—K.v. I*. L. Ilnoker, pHbtor. Service* ut < liurtrli mid' in four week* »t K#:no a. in., unit to:«*e In four u celt*—the In termediate two w ecks—at 7 p.m. Ykiom Hcnjiay-S'.'iiooi, every Sunday ut 12 o’clock. noon. I’nion Pitvykic-mkktimj every Wcdu,‘>»lay evetiimr at 7 o’clock. Cathiii.ip rumen.— llcv. O’ltiley, juedor. Hfn lci'o in the -clna(lliounu every fourth Sun day ut 10:du L Ml DAVIES, 11. 11. Vhysicia n un tl Sur:jvon . J)k S.hi:t, OtHccat Bradley's drug slori*. JUsi dence on section Hr —llo— ft 7. A. N. v\ atki<*>. WATEItS L AM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. |)i;SM KT, DAKO l \. BARNES k M.% ATTORNEYS AT LAW. dakoi a. JGI2X A. OWES, Attorney & Cflimselor at Law 1)E SUET, Hevt*iteen years prarthx* in State, t'nited States and Territorial Courts. Also buy umi **nll hind; charier on Halo, tia e per cent. I.Mini office tiioiiK 4h with curt*. B|K*cinl attention to contents. New rulma* Me promptly received froiu Washimrtou. HOMESTEAD, ktuatx i -Culture and Pre-emption Kiliujr* pH*- pare.l and forwarded: churire. f 1 each. Plats* fit vacant land* furnished. Monky Loankii from ‘ki days to r» years, at xaciinabli- rate*. UHSSBUM COUNTY DU SM KT, lJixva a 1 inu ral Hanking Biimiiphh. Anils Foreign Draft* and I’aasHge ftekeU. District S<tlkh»l Bund** and Orders and County Warrants bought and sold. Faya interest on Time Certificates by jon tract. Collect ions a specialty. t hir safes are protected by time locks. A. Rmi, l*res. Taos. 11. Hutii, MIUaEBY ASIII FANCY GOODS. I nhall keep constantly on bund the latest In Millinery nnd Fancy ft<**ls. A complete assortment of Klchfiu, Hcarfa and Collars, Spanish. French aud plain Laces, and embroidery material. Kihltons of ull kinds. Plushes, Velvets, and Satina. Ladles' Furnishing Goods, Ladies' and Children's 1!oo<Ia. Cutting and fitting. dressmaking and family •taring. FLORENCE E. HELL. Calumet Av., opposite Kingsbury Co. Uank. EMPIRE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers and daaltwu in LUMBER Building Mate rials. A full Mock of Dry Lumbar, Lath. Hhinglea, Doors and Windows, paper, Lima, and Hiick. oonttantly on hand. Estimate* and specifications made with cart* and without expense. Yard on wt>«t skle Calumet Avenue, l)a SMKT. .... DAKOTA. CHAU. E. KL Y, Agent. mmmm. A. C. Molr ban opened a blAckNmith ihop on bis farm, the sw qr. IM—lll—/57, • here he will tie on hand to attend to ill work nnwrntly. Flow work a spe cialty. New plows made and old ones ■epaired. &-15 liditor. Dakota. A. A. .'..'.auirtiK. DAKOTA. . DAKOTA. Cashier. AND TOWN AND COUNTRY. Ouly fotir more day® in February. Coal is getting scarce. Get your hay twister® ready. Free lecture at the schoolhouse on Friday evening next. No new® from the abnent wanderer® lieyond tlie dreary blockade. Tliere will lie some big farm® open in King®bury county this year. 11. C. Benedict Im® commenced the sale of tree® for spring delivery. The boys are having solid chunks of fun with the delusive jack rabbit. Carpenters are nil busy now. We si tall need a fresh brigade in the spring. A. A. Anderson has l>een spending a few days in Watertown, on business. The dance on Washington*® birthday night is said to have l>oen a big siicees* The ounty commissioners poker and tongs. John Kahliit and family are said to l>e very numerous in the adjacent cornfields. Still we sigh fur eastern mail, and the pitiless snowdrift mocks our an guish. Lake Preston procured a carload of coal from Huron on Thursday, and fc-ls b< tter. Sweetening is said to be gi ttiug scarce in town, but there is no luck of other supplies. A couple of hunters with a small pack of hounds appeared in town on Wednes day hist. It would Is* lush to say the bucklxmc of winter is broken; but it bus l>eeu severely jnggciL. A stray pointer, of the female per suasion, awaits an owner, when be culls and pays for this notice. Air. Howland has got alsmt again, hsiking somewhat emaciated. Mrs. 11. lies also been sick, but is I tetter. Peter Holbwg is getting Slocpy Titu In training for the spring race®, and then be proposes to show the Imivs a move. J. Thomas will make a trip to Wis consin in a few day®. Then'are singu lar magnetic attractions in tiie Jfclgci State. Messrs. Howland & Smith, of the Kx ehange, have commenced the erection of a line new barn, in the roar of their old one. Prairie chicken® are said to la* very abundant, which promises a large crop next fall, and plenty of sport when they get riiK*. W. M. Graham and licit Cornwell 'tailed east on Tuesday’s train. Those eastern attractions are more powerful than Minnesota snowdrifts. The festive aleighbells have jingled numerously since the last snowfall, and have made us sigh for the days when we too were young and frisky. A three-cornered argument took place on this street Thursday, ladwet-u Date Van Hook, a black dog. and a shotgun, resulting in the death of the dog. vmr merchants® are oeguming to ai - nthematize the blockade. Their stocks are running low, while prospects for replenishing grow no belter very fast. Shooting at random, wholly without ground, cause, or knowledge, is the meanest thing over resorted to by any thing liearing the H-mbluiice of hu manity. There will Ire a peat many trees planted this year in this count) —ora great many tree-claims lost. We hope to see the trees, ami far more than the law requires. There must he a small mountain of newspapers sidetracked betwtau here and Winona, and if lost, and the story of Mrs. Lantry buried from the anxious Dakotans, Home shall he made to howl! It is said that Uncle Sam is at the bottom of the new lease of energy which lias been infused into Ute railroad man age-ment. The old gentleman will have the gratitude of Dakota if the road is opened now. An Illinois man who stopped off here yesterday announces that a colony of people is coming as soon as possible from his home in that State, with sixty carloads of stock and effects. Even Kingsbury county has been threatened by the legislative carving knife. He is a knowing man who can tell over night what county he lives in. when the law machine is grinding. At last we have that much neeriA artist, a jeweler. His name is ilanse* and lie comes with excellent recomn**- dations. He may lie found at Brad/y’a drug store, ready for all business i his liner. And now Rodtleld demands thfcapl tal. In fact, alsmt every town a this part of the Territory demands it, ex cept Brookings and De Smet They don't have to—can live and prosper without it. A trip to lYeslon leads to aura wonder ful adventures than Enron Munchau sen's; at least Dan says sq and Tom doesn't deny it. Wonders aever cease. Who would have looked ftr wild boars in Dakota? A large gang of snow shovelcrs went east Wednesday last, and returned in the evening without making an attack. “ The king of France, with four thou sand men, marched up a hill and then marched down again.*' An Improvement has been made in the church by fastening the chairs to gether, which will prevent them from lieing scattered about the bouse at every meeting. This vras intended when they were put in, but has been neglected until now. A crew’ of 130 snow-shovelers wen!: east yesterday, to make a fresh attack. They are all professionals, and it is to lie hoped they may be kept at it until this division is open. There are only four teen miles to lie cleared, and it appears to the interested as if it might be done, with a little infusion of euergy. Shade-trees are the greatest lieaiitiliers of a town. If every citizen to set out a few’ a® soon a® spring open® and then do it, the result would be sur prising in a year or two. Has any De Sraetite ever asked him self or liis neighbor what would become of this village in caso of fire? If so, it must have struck liim as a grave ques tion, and liaixl to answer. Gun pact ly ns the business portion is bnilt, with out protection or appliances for fighting a fire, the town might lie swept out of existence in an hour, when a high wind helped along the conflagration. Think about it, fellow citizens. The literary society nu t at thechur b as usual last evening, the house being well filled in spite of the imfavorah’e weather. The was a good one and well received. Music of a novel and amusing kind was provided by M . (Enroll and a choir of Inns. who we»e received with cheers and hilarity. A pleasing dcHamation, by Mr. Scofiel*', was fallowed by the debate, in wb : «*h V. A. Brown and J. 11. Carroll upheld the power of education in this country j-b oppos *d to that of wealth, their arg - incuts lM*ii;g in turn dem dished by Kev. Hooker and L. E. Fellows. Thoaudi nee received the forensic contest with cn thusiasmandcheei-s. Mr. Tinkham held the interest to ihe last with a w«*H con ducted Follow ing is the program for next week: Hoi! call, by sentiment. Music—vocal, by the crowd. Kssay—'’‘YVonmii's Bights,” by <\ B. Macdonald. Music—Male solo. Debate —Should the right of franchise Im* «».*vertKMl by educational qualifica tions? AtT.—Hev. K. Brown :in«l J. K. Sn.i;!i. N’ev.—Bev. 11. G. Woodworth and Mr. Sherwootl, sr. Music. l'aper—Dr. K. G. Davies. CnUtjUe C. .1. Thoum®. Music. riome returning. Erwin Itoma. Mrs. Hollister is still vrry nick. Mr. Flanders ow ns a tron-chilm now. A. Frinw’ood has his house finished. Mr. Jolniß<m froze Ids feet Igwlly while fishing at Lake I‘oinset. Anungeracnts ar« ’.s ing inieie to keep a herd of cattle on section lfi-—ll2—V*. John W. Sclmnck, Joseph 11. Hodges, and Byron I’arsons are exjH'cted in the spring to cultivate Dakota soil. Tlje^ 1 come from Illinois. A private letter from Wisconsin ! the following al>out the cold went] there: “ During the month of Jany it whs very cold and stormy. Wq a blizzard every few days. It .% below zero most all of the inon Old Skti 1 * From Fairview. Owing t*» the blockade we haveonr items in last week. Dr. Duck has been wai* * weeks at l'airview for hi® m H,, ‘ u ! wait till h<* gets it. Mis® Carrie I/ird has bej^ 11^1 * for the past week, blit is t »ie win nave preaemny ,l 0 lnmse one weak from n/ u mbiy, by Ib*v. N. Amies. John J.*»rd had the i/* ,^u,,< ‘ ing one of his oxen lav un< * a - r * Dr. Duck ran Ui u * hisofhc* on the mutli siile of f r ‘* a ‘ ! . v lo attend calls for hi.sp‘ ssio,ml One of our bar? 1 * ort h*:cd a tal l.* made. Ifef »•** l’D-nty «»f que«*nswaro, and' ,ir things toojium erous to nieiitio; yultcaiiunit*° f *-’*-‘K*"* >» day. Great flock** l >niirir clik-kens can lie seen ll>if unwind mornings, and once in a \vF H Mlm y duck. Otis Lore** 11 liquid in his simp, rattling t anvil. Spring work is . iv v y coining in ,l> 1 • "• Byron Not©*. Doubt 89 some will read this who do not km w l‘ ere this “ spot of earth ” is situate For lieneflt of such i w }|) jde that Byron is the first ;xmt- the stage route from De Smet to \>tertown, about eight miles from the inner place. wur pajHT is a very welcome visitor it c»ur house. Its freedom from slang JV 4 everything of that nature strikes i most favorably. Our postmaster, Mr. It. H. Richardson, | Jives good satisfaction, us lie is accom modating and in every way etlicient in that capacity. There are sundry citizens whose homes (?)nre in this vicinity, but who reside in De Smet. It is reported that one of these individuals has been re lieved of considerable quantities of llax and osts by unknown parties. Moral one should not live so far from home. The only safe plan is to prepare for the worst. We have l»een forcibly re minded of the truth of the aln>ve the present winter. Nearly every one in our community has lost more or lees of potatoes and roots. In many instance* this might have lieen prevented, had a little more paiiiH been taken In the fall liefore It froze up. If we had dug our wells deeper last summer we would have tieen spared that disagreeable task this cold weather. There is preaching at the Byron schoolhousp every two weriks, under the auspices of the Wesleyan Methodist organization, by Rev. Mr. Reeves. The attendance at the Heasant llrairie union Sunday-school has not been very good this winter, owing to the severe ( weather; but the sessions seem to have been enjoyed by those who were present. We have high liojies for the future of our portion of Kingsbury county, be cause of the fact tliAt our farmers are going into stock as rapidly as their means will allow, and cows seem to be the favorite stock. This is paving tlie way for a creamery. Mrs. (lias. Noyes Ims been very sick with pleuro-pneumonia, but it is now thought that she is better. To Mr. and Mrs. Will Roode was bom a mm, Feb. 3. Mr. Noah North has a look of content meut on his face since the return of bis wife aud children. Yeoman. : KIMSIEM rOl'lTi, Where It I#*, >N*hat It Is, and W Live in It. 'Phis county contains twenty-fi townships, liemg thirty.six mites e and west by twenty-four north i\ south. Tliis gives mh square miles, w hole area in acres lieing .VW.OUL S I tmetiug from tills ai»out aereti water surface, we have, in round mi U’rs, 52H.0n0 ai res of arable land of liest quality. 'J’lu’east line of the con is tlurtv-four miles west of the east of the Territory. Its center lies fifty* t miles and the county s»*Ht fifty-live ’ i west of Minnesota. The south \ J about th IT north latitude. Ihe if , |of the county is ltg> miles due lyfa t 1 Vankton. me present capital/*,- * [ county contains the highest her. \ i twi*en the lakes and the Missoinjtig , , being oil the divide lietweinmion j« i S'Oiix and James Uiver. Vlouri ' i Itiver. wldeh flows into tiiyipart \ J Isdow Vaukton. rises in the/atelv of tin* isuinty. The land j rolling. A line of ooteanfri part, ! morains, runs tlirough the to 1 tlieir trend living from land is southwest. The surface m of the | wholly drift, of the bu/ownward j glacial period, extendyof granite j from JUOto pi) feet. lk>«n«! will is* ami selenite are ltuiueuhy vniuahle t found in future years U*,u‘ts. (hssl in supplying Yronoih'pi,,. surface ! ! brick clay :s ahinidh,],. mold, nn-1 ( s*iii is a deep. rieh.Uoil of \ellou 1 jderlain with a deeu with l*e«ls ot | ■ Innihler clay, intersi a i»nndant sup- J gravel which contaf clay iJ emu i ply of pure water, silex and lime (>o:4ed of allumiigrow th ot all the i admirably fitted t/n at wasrais«sl in i cereals. No l»et»\,,;,r than in this j the Northwest ..p of oats was un- I ••ounty, w bile tky country, t'orn is | usually heavy fj paving yields. It | also raised in/, .admirably adapted | lias Ihm u fombe*Ms*d of which many I to raising tla\ |, aNt . | ;l . n , raised and j thousand ]n short, it is a -old in the fanning land, yielding re rion of eW any kind of farm crop J a g<H»d ret forthwest. It® situation grown in no pond®, iinwl Is-ing hiMnggi*|i streams to brcesl niarslies^ lr .,|thier region cannot l*c inn lanai continent, n*vid 'A* Central branch of tlieChl- Ilu* ftiiwestern it. It. runs through cage 0 f f j ie county from east the Caving stations, viz: Noid to vr/ (1 pivston. De tgnet, Faifvi**W’ ! ,rtU ‘l/i»ois. Of these. De Smet is the I ; lM( *village and the county seat. A i al Ylt. It. is now being graded, to lie ; in the spring._ from inxiuois 1 to coniHH’t with tin* C. & N. */stemin lowa. This will afford what ! y,w greatly desired, a go»sl winter ' h \ to tiie Fast without the long hin- Giees to travel and transportation us»*<! by the nniuerou® snow blockades western Minnesota. I’he inhabitants of this county are of Hie la st class, intelligent and enterpris ing. temperate and moral, it was the first eountv in th»* Territory to vote no license, and there are no sahs»ps in the county. It® educational facilities pro>t- 1 ise to be unsui passed. No less than j forty sehoolhou®*'® have Imh.ii em*ted during the last two years. Churches are l»eing erected ill the towns, and wrmi are to lie in country place’®. To our friends in the Fast who an 1 thinking of coming westward, we say in sincerity, sou cannot find a more desir able land in which to make your future homes than Dakota, nor a more desir abL* county than Kingsbury, ion will find U tter and surer land, and all the facilities of \o»»r Kastem homes, except timber. umlYven that want will soon be supplied. More than 1«*«> acres wen piauiea m imutii mis * oum., »i* and a greater amount w ill la* in theconi iidj seas<»n. The qiu'stion. (an these prairies be made to grew' f rests? has i rH*eu solved. No land brings forward so rapid a timber growth, when planted i and protected, as the great treeless ; plains of tho West. | | u > htMintiii*'* l'< in iit<> l suite* Mr.- represented l*y «li«* Kingibury i iiuui)' full .*n them nn«l •u -ur l ‘ yi.ur property. You * ill aw by doing so. FINAL FROOFS t!an be made before A. A. Anderson, Notary Fublie, at De Smet. KINA!. PUCK IF NOT I CUM. NOTICES OF CONTEST. VATICUH A ANI.KMSOk, ATTOHSEVH. r H Land Office, Watertown, i>. T. Jan 27. iHHrt Complaint ha\ ing been entered at this office I,v Michael Muibow* uguln«t John hcribbln* for failure to comply with law a- to timber culture* entry No. SI HI, dated Apr ». IHHO. upon the net* :e—lOfi—T*. In Klnpibury county D. T., with a view to the cancellation of -aid entry; eontedant ali«*gli*g that elaininnt has failed to hn*ak live acres on said tract during ***oond year after .late of said entry; the said part lea are hereby summon.*! to appear at this other on the 22.1 day of Mureh. IHHS. at 10 o’clock to respond and furnish testimony oonccrnluir said alleged failure. „ . , A. C. Mem.KTT, Register. 5-ii 11. K. Pkask, Receiver. V H Land Otßce, Watertown. D. T. Dec. ?). IHH2 Complaint having W*en entered at this nltiee hy Fdward Whalen against Edward Manlewe for failure to comply with law us to tltnlMr eulture entry No. IICM. .bifid March ?*. l*d. upon the sw» t 3H—IIS—«t. In Claik county. I>. T with a view to the cancellation of said en try; contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break lt\»* aer.** of said tract during first and second years after date of said entry; the said parties ure hereby t«» ap|ienr at this office on the Slat day of Mnreh. ix*i. at II o'clock a.m., to respond an«l furnish testimony con cerning wild alleged failure .... A. t*. MELEE I I lo Register. H. It. I'KAHK, Ueeelver. V S Land otllco, Watertown. D. T. I hi*. a». I*K?. Complaint having been entered at this offieo by Saeob Oully against fleorg rt Manlewe for failun* to comply with law a- to Hud*-r-eulture entry No- 3KH, dated March A». upon the nwV Xb-ILV-w. In (’lark county, l*. T.. with a view to the eaneellatlon of said entry; onti-M* ant alleging lliat cWdinaut baa failed to break gvu lon oof said tract during first and seeornl years after date of said entry; the said partk-a an* hereby summoned Vo appear at this offlee on the lit at day of March. IXW, at 2 o’clock p.m.. to respond and furulah tehilm.Hiy concerning “ M * ,lWOd “Tc. MKI.I.RTT*. H, M 11. U. PHASE, Receiver. U H Land Office, Watertown. D. T. Ik****. Jft, INC. Complaint having »>••« entered at this office by Edward A. Holhcrgagainst Chari.** LcU**k for failure to comply with law aa to timber culture entry No. SMI, dated March :1k eight een buu<in*d and eighty, upon the 4—llo —AH, In Kliijmbury county, D. T.. with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that claimant has falUsl to break live acres of said tract during tlrst ami second years after date of Mild entry; the said parties an* hereby summoned to ap|H*ar at thl" ottlee on the Hist .lay of March, eighteen hundnsl and eighty-thn*e, at M o'clock a m , to nwoml and furnish Ustlumuy concerning said allegtsl failure. _ A. C. MEI.LKTTR, Register. Hi H. H. PE A HE, Receiver. U K Land OWce, Watertown. I*. T. Jan Hi. Ihhh. Complaint having been entered ut this office by Walter H. Keating agninst Ann H. Manse we for failun. to comply with law as to tlml**r culture eutry No. lllAs, dated Mareii #, WJ}, upon thi* net* 38— 113—W, In Clark county. D. T. with a view to the cancellation of said eutry; contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break five aen*s of said tract during Urst and aeooud years aft. r date of s*Ul entry; the said parties an* hereby summoned to ap|**arat this office on the IHth day of March. Ihki, at lo o’clock a.iu., to rt*s|»ou«l a»sl furuUb testimony concerning allegisl rallun*. A. C. Mki.i.ett«, R«*gi»ter. M H. H Pkahk, M*oc4vor. ■- Isiiii rft * ft Land OIH<H. Wftt*rt<nrn TV T. I 1 Hr. jn. ?•*■!. i A.t hiivt! * itc—n *n**r» •! M »M* ortbw I f Chat wood !<(?.!• m-f«cf bA'k'Oi'nii'l) with law j- *o .lm!»ei civ*l f , f lyl lab il Keb !*. I*W, UfW'f. tin* I 1,0 *f\i & In Klmrff.urv onuiuy, I#. T., wl li , / the nircollat on nl -«M « nt ry; r Avinjr tliut cltiirutM lM.4fnlK.Ml tobr**«:k our ivKHof cuiil tract itirin it flrrt nn-1 woukl » ao f ruf»'*r <iafc «f *mKl entry, ami to cultivate * ,iicrvs ihmmmkl year, the ■aid puttie* arc to appear uttnlciilll«H*nn thffnli *lii\ el Murcb, I**i ut ll o'clock a. in., inl/i-siHiiwl Hint fiimlah t.-tlmony eonrcmltiir - /1 hUckihl tailuif. H A. I\ Mki.usttk, Iterator. >IV-4 11. U. Pk\*». IliHi'hcr. 1‘ 8 lautd Office, Watertown. I). T. !»<■<• *.t). tst:. Complaint liavlwr l**en etitereit at tl»l** offb«o by Peter M. Moll*oiir Nimbi»t Alfnnl N. lloKacn for failure to comply wlt It liov ik to Ilmlir culture entry No. :TW. (lutml .<•*!*« a. IJ*T». iiimmi the *wS, - Ilf—.V', in Klna>Kury county D.T. with a view to the cancellation of Miiilcnlry; contestant iillcklim thut claimant lias failed to cultivate the five acres l. n keu on mM<I linel durbar third year after date »»t said entr> and to pis nt to smsls, tree* or euttinjr* the five inns broken Hist year dorinw thirl year after entry, the sab! parlies an’ hereby summoned to appear at this office tin the 14th day of March. |«l. all« o’clock a in. to roMmiml and furnish te iitiiony eonccrulmr said alleged failure. A. IJ. M Ki.I.r.TTK, Ueaisti-r. I t 11. U. Pk vsk. lliwher. T 8 Lund < Ullee, WuU-t low n f>. T. I tec ’!W. |s>«. r.unjdalnt Imv'ua Isfii entered al this office |»y A turn still 11. Mullen K/nlnU Andrew !uu for lailure to eomidy with law w* to tile's r culture enln No. ilrttel •ht a, H. ', iijsui tin- nw 11—ito— *■«, in K iuvslniry (emit) . I*. I* wiilia vie-.v to the eaneellatioii of said entry: politest.intnid alleuimr that claimant Im- lai'ud to hiouk IM <• neiv ' Ist. fd and tint year* on said tvacl.nmi In cultivate live ucres fd end I'd yi n<- and to tillin' live a ore* to 1 1 ••• •. •*» ed ♦in (‘idiink’s :»ni year alter duo - ol s lid entry , la ■*ai<t parties ft re hereby suuiihoii'ml to UM*c:ir at this other on tiic 14 1 ■ i day ol March. I ill In o'clock to rc-pomi and furnish testimony couccrnltiK said all* ued lailure. A. 4\ Mki.I.KTTK, Iteyrister. 1-4 11. It. PIMHK, Receiver. I' ;s Land office, Watertown. 11. 'i'. Ilecf.i. HSJ. romphiint havina la*cn entered at till* office by Andrew Liindlsirtr luraiual Thomas 4• llnra lor failure to comply with as to timt*T culture entry No. boll. dwted June T. IMHO. upon the sw'n l.i—inu—.Vl, in Khnrshury * omit > . I>. I. with a \ lew to the cauo* llathm of aaid eii'f> : eon; Mant alleain/ that claimant has fnlh*d to l»'oak 0.« m i>•- ol said tract during first year aftc 1 da*e <»f s*dd ••lit ry . the said pftflii’snro Imn*- liy miitmiimhu’iJ l«» a|»|M*:in.: t i»l> 1 ttfi tlrt> nl %Shi , €*i, ]i.m. to iv>|Ninil and furnish testimony ounce,-in.“aid (XS A. C. MKM.RTTa. KejrisPT M H. K. Paata. Uocelvttr. 1' 8 Land Olßce, Watertown. U. T. in c S*. ixt;. Complaint havlua boen cntcre*! at this otliw hjr Miunrie t* hurt ley atrainat Thomas M;»r»n*n for failun* toi'oiuidv with h»w na t*i tluiljer culture cutrv No. Sill. 4a»«l March I*. INM. him ut the swti l—lll—T»7. 11l Klmrahury uounfy I). T. w ith a view to the cancellation of Niid entry; contestant allearittif that claliiurtit Im* failed to lin'iik tlveiM*nMof said tract diirltnr tlrsl and Neotiml years after date of said entry, the said parti**# are hewdijr aummoJw*<l to life pear at this otiice on tiieJWh day «»f March ISei, ai in o'clock a in, U» res»K»ml mikl furnish let it* mouy (sinceriiliur said alleged failure. A.C. MKt.I.KTTK, Iteiristcr. 1-4 11. It. Pkask. Hoeidver. C 8 Land Otiice, W atertown. 11. T. Jan in. ls*d. Complnlnt haviny laa n entered at this othce tty John Kennedv inruinsl tius M. Hanson lor uliundotiluK tils ioiiicsiead enlry No. W.TW. dated June Is. ISMO. noon the swN» f.»-llu—ah. in Kimrslniry county, 1». T.. wltli a view to tile canccll ition til said entry; tlw« said parties are ar at till?* on the l-'th day of March. ISsiL at II o'clock, to respond and furnish testimony conoerulup salii alh'ifisl uliandotimenl A.C. Mai.t.Krrr. IP irlster. 1-4 H. It. I’aist. It**c**lver. r H Land Office, Watertown. I». T. Jan l. ISfU. Complalnl having Ismmi entortsl at this office by Isaac H. Archer Maalnst John Anderson for uiiMiidouluir Ills homestead entry No. dated June IX. ixsn, iijmiii the <*•** :Jrt—llo—W*. In Klmr-tiurv iMninty. O. T.. with u view U> the cancellation ot sai.t • ulry; the said Parties ar»‘ hen I • v summoned to appear at tins office on the titli day of Mandi, isKl, at 2 o’clock P.m.. U» respond and furnish testimony coiu*emin»r sahl alleired ulaudoiiment. A. C. lIM.I.BTT*. lU*jrist4‘T. 14 11. 11. Pa txa. Receiver. r. S. Lau 1 Othce, Mitchell. 1). T. Jan. IH. lto«. wn.tww 4* • ~».»»« .« a .iMtiioimn l,i J.dui A. Colter mpiur t Matthias Kaubcr for raillin- to (Miuiply wfth la v a« to timber-culture entry No. ?tm. dat*s| Dec. L upon the s« V» v-i is-.v.. Ip Miner etauify. O. T*. w ith a vK*w to r|,« , ii e< Hat-, ii of -a d i dry; ‘he -aid par lie* are hrreny i ummownl toaina-aratthls of tU-** on flu- antti day of March. iHKt, at a o’clock to res|amd tn I f u llsli tcstli amy co l* is't ii tn sal** nib ft'd ’idl’ise to hreak Ilv«'ncn*s ,’ ii bnr < acb of the IM and 2.1 years *iitMe<|iiorit to entry, and to cult! vat. 5 aeres nf said trnct. 1-4 kit. nan. Ili /ister. l* S 1 grid ori'.-e, V«».u*rtown, 1». T. Fell. 5. lsK'l. Cmn; luint having Uvl) entered at thl- office hr I'.rleV fiull*nui.o»i agaluM Oh* H. Paul-on for at* imloi.imr bU hotuc-tc:id entry No. .Inti *1 Jillv l'>. P* s t, upon th«- 'W I » I** 110—oH. 11l l\ iii|i>hiirV cniintv,link., with n view to the* onticellnllon of said entry; the partlcitarc hcrvliv i>iiintnniu , il to tm|M*:ir at this office «*n thr Jftb (lay of Marrh. I*»C, at 10 o'clock to mntond aial furnish t«*atlraouy concerning ituid allegud abandonment. . A. I,'. MELLETTE. Itegtster. j-A H. K. PKAHR. Mwlwr, IT A Land Office, Watertown. D. T. Jan. t. Ihkj. Cotnnlalnt having In-on otit«*n«d at thl- «>ino«* t»y John K. Took nirnlnat Julius Matthew* for failure to comply with law a- to flintier cultim* entry No. WtC dnted May lfi. I'd*. Upon the *•'.» ftl!«—f»4, in Kingsbury rounti', U. r. with a riew to the canoe lint lon of -aid entry; oniitotunt alleging that claimant ha- failed to cultivate five «cr«- of said tract during third year afterdate of said entry, and to plant the same to trees, seed* or cutting*; the said par ties are hereby »ijiinii«»n«*d to ap|a*ar at this oftlec on the nth day of March, IMKt. at lOo’dock a. in., to re*|*ond and furnish tori linony con cerning said alleged failure. A. C. MaM.rrra. Kegirtcr. S-6 M. R. Fa abb. lUaalvar. I! 8 Laud < dllce, Watertown. I>. T. Jan «. INC!. Complaint having beau entered ut this office by T. 11. Thompson against Nets O. Peterson for failun* to comply w ith law a-to tlinla r cultnn- entry No. oi, •lilted May 10, lsHn, uiam the nw^Hl—lOfi—M, in Kingsbury county, I».T. with a view to the oHiicellatlon of said entry; contestant alleging that claimant ha- failed to break five acres of said tract during second year after date or said entry; the -aid partle* an* hereby summoned to appear at this otlice on the .-th day of March. UW, at II o'ehiek a. m., to res|*on«l and fiirnbdi testimony ooneem ing said alleged failure. A. C. Mar.t.rTTK, Kcgirior. •A H. H. I'KASK, KtCOEIVKU. V H Land Office, Watertown. 1). T. l>cc It. IXN2. Complaint having U*en entered ut this oifice by O corgi* t'hatwood aguluri Win. A. Putnam for abandoning hie homestead entry No. 1«,T.»2, dated Octol*»r 21,1HH1, upon the uwl, 10—112— sft, In Kingsbury county. D.T., with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the -aid parties are hereby summoned to appear at this oltlce ou the 14th day of March. I**d, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish teatiuiony concern lug said alleged abandonment. A. C. Mbi.i.bttr, Koglster. *A H. It. Pb.imk. Itceetver. C ■ Land Oflkm, Watertown. 1). T. I’oa SO. ltwct. Complaint having been cntensl at this office by TMward Holcomb agninst Peter llcrgmaii for abandoning his homestead entry No. MJM dated July a. l*il, upon Ike awl* J*—lll—6B, Id Kingsbury county. u. T.. wHh a vtow to the cancellation of aakl entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the BIM day of March. tW. to aaapood aod fur nish testimony concerning said alleged alaod onmeut. A. C. MELLRTTE. KegMler. fi-6 H. R. Peaae, Receiver. U A Land Office, Watertown. 1). T. Jan 2ft, IMH2. Complaint having been entered at this office by Erick Uulbranson against Haagan Paulson for Hi*andoning his hona-stead entry No.fin.7fil. dsti-1 July H, IWU. upon the i»w«, Si—llo—6H, in Kingsbury county, D.T.. with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to apjs*ar at this oltlce on the IMh tiny of March, !*»». at II o'clock, to msitood and furnish testimony concerning said alleged ataunlonment. A. M KLI.KTTK, UegisU-r. fi_s H R Pkamk. Receiver. U A Land Office, Watertown. D. T. Jan *4. IMO. Complaint having U*en entered at this office by Edward P. Nash against David K. Marshall for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No. fitOk dated Oct. fib, l»Cfi, upoo tUe m nelt and 04 ae!» 1—112—67, in Klnga burr county. D. T., with a with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break five acres o! said tract during scoond year of sab! entry and to cultivate the five already broken; the said parties an* hereby summoned to api*ewr at this office on the filst day of March, IftKl, at lOo'chwk a m , to respond and furnish testimony con cerning sab I alleged failure. A. (’. Mbixkttk. UegisU*r. 16 H. R. PfiAefi. Uuuulvav. m l ? . S. Isanti %Vntf*rto.TH, J>. T. 1* L*d. .5, l«.*c Nofclr* in !ver»*l»v ffivett that thf fol lawiitg MRunPd aeitler has tilt’d of Ilia ii teiitiou to nuikf liual proof in support t»f hifi clain. anti that aaitl proof will Im* nuult* la-forf tin* of pn.lmU* at l)e Siuct. 1). T.. on Maivh ftt, IHH3, viat: .ianit's Hartley, for tin* net sec 10. ip 111, r 77. lit*namoa tl»p following witnenMPM to pmv* his nmtinibMts icsltlcma* ii|h»u uihl coltivti tion of t*ai«l latul, vir: (Jay ihirntwa, Itoss Hainisvilie, (ieo. Siitvahy. illislui lU*miett, all of I>»* Sim*t. U-d A. MhU.hTrK. lleirlstt r. I'. S. Land Olliet*. Watei’Liwn, l>. T. Kelt. 1. I**:;. Notice is lien by jriven that the f<t||.i\y> named selllef luus lllmt tod tee ol liL intention to nwke tinal pnaif in Kiiptmrt of his «*):*• tit. and 1 hat said proof will he ntaile hefoiv the of prol»ate,at Dr •Suiet, i»ak.,on Mairh Hi. lv<t. vi/: lion M K WIIITK. for the n:. f hw?'<».lp llt.r.jM. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience iiimmi and cultiva tion of said land, viz: K. Il.t’oiiw. VV. 11. Kutii. Geo. Wilnmrth, G. C. K. dul ler, all of !*e Sinet. j-ti A. i\ Mkllkttk, r. WATERS & ANDERSON, ATTCRSEVS AT LAW. LOAN AND LAND BROKERS. De Sinet Dakota, are still o:i deck, loaning money on real estate nt less expwne to the any other firm in K i »t u tty ! nt erest peyalo* anmmtly at percent. Tlieir office hi 2 W A WFI 'LL) < 'ISO\VI)EU from momingtUl niidit with the best people from the lmst cmmtry. to borniw money where cash is always on hand to dose b>nti when mort»ik ik given, and no delay, by WAVKHS & .VNDEILSON. To contest cUirna. (*r have them defended, where they can l<e carried through w itli greatest safety and saving, by Watems ft Amdkrson. To kt la oi kerb im ia vmam # mm turn m iioiEsmus, at the 10-st tenus. Tt> have Homestead. T*mber-cu!tnre and Preemption i*apt^ rs and SoMiers* deciaratoneti dniwn lat low«»fl r i’es I*% W \tki> wV Anderson. T!*.ey yrill l-.ave aide assistance in tlieir othce to sjaHHl husinesa. Send for the ‘ HEAL KSTATK liI'LLKTIX,U> WATEHS c* ANJ*ERS()X. Ik Snot, I^koia. EXCHANGE HOTEL. The proprietor* of thru hau*e. have rotn )thU(l urrumjeiiunt* hy which they will tnhtryt <tml yruitly imprint it, making il in all rcjipicU a FIRST CLASS HOUSE /n aU it* appointment*. The jmtronaijt of the public i* #>UriUiL Terms Moderate. HOM'D k SMITH, DE SMET. KINGSBURY HOUSE 1)K HMKT, D. T. JOHN STURGEON. 7111. accommodations, chnap rat<*fi, lirst-clcusd stabling and prompt attend ance. T. H. Johnson, De Smet WAGON SHOP, la fin experienced workmen, and doM UnWclafift work. n, HUB Bob-Sleighs and Cutters, And everything else in hia line, made to order on ftltort notioa. Repairing Of all kind done neatly and promptly. fit rates. SACRIFICE! In all our depart- At pricea that will tell the tale. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, % DRESS GOODS. LADIES’ FURNiSHING NECKWEAR. SHAWLS. WRAPS, UNDER CLOTHING. GROCERIES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BOOTS AU iuftrko.l ffowu at lowcr price* than ever buforw aokci] In thU market. No on* aboukl miM till* rolilcn op|M»iiunily to Mocuroaom* of Uiurtu ram b*npUm*, n*ver liofuro uAonal. Laftns & InQaL De Sinet, • Dak. G. C. BRADLEY Dc Smet Drug Store DRT7QSI Dye Ntnflk, Paluta, Oil*, Varnishes, Trusses, Sponges. Glass, SHU Patent nudiis! Endless variety of fine Toilet and Fancy Articles. THE BEST CMS Tub Markmt Amm* KEEOSENE OIL, or TUB Fine Stationery a Specialty. mi BOOKS, BLANK Dm STAKIABB FOETBY ill ncnoiL Fine rolled plate and Solid Jewelry. • t All these are for aale Mlbeliitd living rfiUjg. noil and examine goods and team prim You will receive tAfi Immense meuts, GOODS, PROVISIONS, CANNED FRUITS, AND RUBBER GOODS. I n*oo mock, (ftlwiwt Avtmuft AW TUB DAS A nBHT-CUtM ffTOCBC OP CHEMICALS. SHOES.