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Tin Di M Mir. U. A. SHOWN, • TEii.MS: 11.50 A Ykah, in Advance. De Smet, Dakota, March 31,1883. tun mil mum Passenger Train# leave De Bmet: Go4n*r Rant, 1:42 P.M. | Going West, 1;42 p.m. CWk District Court—J. H. Carroll. J tidin' of Probate—V. V. Hornet*. Sheriff—J. K. Smith. Register of Deeds and Co. Clerk—Wm. K. Whiting. Trettsnror—F. H. Couse. Buporliitendent of Srhoolc—G. A. Williams. Surveyor—ll. S. Wheeler. Conmor-W. li. D. Gray. Assessor—C. Foss. County Commissioners—Ed. Henkey, C. H. Maaches* r, J. K. Ilisodorph. Constables—Geo. 11. Ferguson, L. S. O. M. King. Geo. 11. Smith. Justices of the Peace—C. TV Tntrnlls, A. M. llaker, J. C. Uibsoa, Lewie Hammond. CONGREGATIONAt. CHURCH K<*V. Edward Ilrown, pastor. Services at church every Salt bath at 10:*) a;id 7 |».in., alternating with ttu Nt thodl*. church once in four weeks. Mkthoi ist Church.—llev. P. li. Hooker, pastor. Services at church once in four weeks at io :<da. Mm aod once In four weeka -the In* temicdiatc two weeks—at 7 p.iu. Union Hindat-HCIIOOL every Sunday at 12 o'clock, iiism. Union Prayer-meeting every Wednesday evening Ht 7 o’clock. Catmi/i.k Chi uch.—Uev. O’ltiicy, pastor. Service's In the sehoolhouno every fourth Sun day at 10:*) a.m. rhysicin n Office at. Iliad ley’s drug store, Resi dence on section 13— 1 It) —•'>7. A. N. Waters. WATERS i MUIIt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Milt 4 IIBAIIASI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JOHN A. OWES, Attonsr & Goimsslar at Law DE SMET. Seventeen years practice in State. United States and Territorial Courts. Also bny and sell land; charges on wile, five per cent. Land office businowi executed with cure, ftpaciitl attention to contents. New ruling* upc prouiptJ> received from Washington. JHnjber-Culturw nsd Pre-emption Filing* pre pared Hnd forwarded; churgo, £1 each. Plats of vaeunt land* furniahed. Money Loaned from 30 day* to 5 year*, ut flgfteouHbiu rates. RIS3SfIUMCBi)HTY 1)E SMET, Dock a General Banking Business. Sjrlls Foreign Drafts and Passage Tickets. District School Bonds and Orders and County Warrants bought and sold. Pays interest on Time Certificates hy contract. Collections a specialty. Our sitfew are protected by time locks. A. Ufth, Pres. Tiros. 11. Kuril, Cashier. ilium ASII F«V GOODS. I shall keep constantly on hand the latest in lUliluery and Fancy Goods. A oomplote assortment of Fichus, ftcarfs und Conors, Hpanish, French and plain Laces, and oaibroidery nmteriul. Uibbons of uU kinds, IMushes, Velvets, and Satins. Ladies’ Furnishing Good*. ladies’ and Cblklren’s Hymn]*. I Cutting and tttUng, dressmaking and family sowing. FLORENCE E. BELL. Colutnot Av., opposite Kingsbury Co. Hank. LUMBER CO. Building Mate rials. A full utock of Dry l>«mlHT, Lath. Shiutfh », Door* and Window*. Taper, Lime, and Ilrtck, constantly on ha mb Katiinatefl and apcciflcatlons mode with care and without expense. Yard on woat aide Calumet Avenue, Da HURT, .... DAKOTA. CHAS. K. ELY, Agent. A. C. Moir lias opened a blacksmith shop on farm, the hw qr. *4 —111 —A 7, where lib will Ite on Imml to attend to ait work promptly. Mow work a spe cialty. New plows matte and old ones repaired. 3-15 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. CHURCH DIRECTOR Y. L MU DAVIES, I ii. avd Surgeon. Dk Smut, A. A. Anderson. DKSMKT, DAKOTA. DKSMKT, DAKOTA. HOMESTEAD, EMPIRE and dealers in LUMBER AND mmmm March out to-day. Who prigged the pie? Editor. A lot of immigrants \ w-;ek. Head-light oil, 175 tea: at Bennett's. Don’t neglect preparing > plant trees. Several loads of coni cn ie into town yesterday. That second passenger train fails to material zc. See notice of teachers’ examination next month. The hotels are as full as they can hold, and more too. Ten passenger cars full of immigrants Tuesday night. The wheat aheady sown has not grown perceptily yet. Mr. Clewitt closed a very successful term t)f school last week. Several carload* of household truck were unloaded here Yesterday. Parties who have jusi come in from Wisconsin report deep snow there yet. The act creating the ofilce of count) auditor does not apply t o this county. A lot of land notices are lying over until we can get room to put them in. Why don’t De Smet bid for the capital? Smith offers a dollar and a half. Speak up. boys. Frank Ilarthorn. G. W. Bind, tout Mrs. Mitchell all took up claims in (■lark county this weel*. Dakota. We have heard that Xordland is in danger of losing its grist-mill, hut sin cerely hope the report is not true. About every town along the road is working to*get a creamery. DeSmet has no business to be behindhand. Horses clipped in artistic style by P. M. Ilollterg. Reference is made to Sleepy Tim as a sample of his work. Track laying lias already begun • n the Iroquois line, ami great quantities of material are bring shipped for that purpo ». The v £ is a loud and pressing demand lor lund cr. not only at t! is place, but all along the line. It cannot be had at any price. Loftus & Broadbent have improved the inside of their store, and secured a tine stock of new goods. Boots and shoes a specialty. DA KOTA. A school meeting will be held at the schoolhouse on Tuesday evening next, to elect a director. Ix*t every voter turn out and express his choice. A wedding occurred at the Exchange Hotel on Wednesday afternoon, the contractors being Mr. John 11. Sherry and Miss Emma Donaldson. We have been unable to obtain a re port of the Xordland temperance meet ing. but understand that it was largely attended and very imu rr ■vsfnl. The mails are as erratic ;u ever. We can safely count on getting our eastern dailies as often as twice a week, and then they come from IK west. A very large pr< ’•rtion of the new comers in Dakota ;.v young men, nnd it is a pity that nic e of tlcm do not bring young women along with them. DAKOTA. Something ailed tie wind-mill on the tank hiat night, and the passenger tr;un stood here for about four hours to pinup enough water by hand to get out with. Call ut the Exchange Hotel ami look at the modi 1 of the “ Medford Improved Self-governing Wind-ipill.” A factory for its manufacture is to be established in DeSmet. Bead Mr. (iray’s article on fish cul ture. ’Most anybody can raise fish in his own hack yard. A fish-pond ought to be as regular tin institution oil the farm as a pig-pen. Ti ik east-bound express is now known as “the swearing train,” because so many of the passengers are disgusted with the fancy prices asked for Pierre dirt.— Ret Heights Free Tress. The railroad is very short of hands, and the train men are nearly worked to death. It is a red letter day with them when they find time to get three meals a day, and sleep is a rarity indeed. A big freight blockade occurred here on Sunday. Eight engines and a string of cars about a mile long held the stra tegic point until the arrival of a supply of coal from Huron enabled them to steam up and get out. A mild case of collision occurred on the railroad just east of town Sunday, between two strings of freight cars. Conductor Pechin was injured to the uncomfortable extent of a broken shoulder blade and some severe bruises. We are going to have a grist-mill and a wind-mill factory. Now we should have a flax-mill and a creamery. The latter especially is a necessity, and some move should be made toward securing it at oin e. Who knows where t > look for some one to eon.e and start it? C< inphiints art made that the brMge north of town, neir Mr. Dill* t's, too narrow for safety, and is mini s a railing. One farmer informed iih that he narrowly escaped a serious accident on Thursday night. The commissioners will be petitioned in regard to it, and it should be promptly attended to. Some people have suggested that we might have a militia company here. Why not? The last legislature made liberal provision for a well or gan ized and completely equipped mil itia. Other towns are organizing them. The Territory foots the bills. We have one of the best drill mantel's in America—Capt. Remington—who favors the project. Forty men com pose a company. Now get up and organize. TOWN AND COUNTRY. PERSONALITIES. We received a pleasant visit on Wednesday from Mr. D. W. Kutchin, of the Tracy Gazette, and discovered that he was one of the urchins with whom we played horse in Fond du Lac back yards in our pinafore days. lie has sold out the Gazette, and proposes to start a paper in Xordland. (\ P. Sherwood, a typo from Madison, brother of A. S. Sherwood, arrived here Wednesday night, lie has a homestead south of town, and will become a per manent resident. D. W. Wilmarth,a brother of George, arrived Thursday night, accompanied by three friends from Pennsylvania. Messrs. Greenwood, Moore and Jewell. Miss Hattie Marsh, from Bush (’reck, lowa, sister of George Marsh, arrived this week. They have taken claims in (’lark county. Ely is himself again. His better half arrived Thursday night. Several more pro tern widowers are getting anxious. Bev. J. E. Smith and family, from Oberlin, Ohio, have arrivtd, to make Kingsbury Co. their future home. A. 11. Lamb arrived on Saturday last from Ucdlicld, to take up his peimanent abode on his farm cast of town. J. F. Adams,fromCamhellsport, Wi.%., eauie to De Smet this week, and pro poses to buy a farm and stay. John A. Ow en was appointed oik; of the regents of the Brookings agricul tural college. G. W. Elliott returned to Owatonna on Wednesday, to prepare for moving*to De Smet. Geo. 11. Johnson, of Cobart, Michigan, has squatted on a claim in lOff -56. E. A. McNair expects his family soon, w hen he will become a grange*'. W. M. Graham has been sending this week at Pierre. Tho Grist Mill is Coming. Oil Monday evening a meeting of citizens was held at Couse's store, to consider the propcsition of Mr. G.W. Elliott, of Owatonna, to erect a custom mill ut DcS.nct. Mr. Elliott was present, and uhmitud hb proposition in writ ing. 11 • guarantef sto l Mild a Erst* lass mill, with cue nu of some for dour. <m 'oi rnd i u id. tnd one for : tu, the capacity to he enlarged when ever the business Justifies it. lie guaran tees to continue it as a custom mili. It is to be run by steam and w ind power. The consideration asked from the citiz ens is a bonus of and the laud to build it on. The meeting voted t* accept his proposition, and took steps to perfect tHe arrangements. V. V. Barnes, Thus. 11. Ruth and S. B. Grill ing were elected ns an executive com mittee to art for the citizens. A con tract was drawn up in legal form, and signed by both parties, binding Mr. Elliott to have the mill built and in running order by Sept., 1 1883. He will he on hand with the material, to com mence operation, as soon as the ground has thawed and the freight jam is re lieved enough to permit of getting the materia! here. It is unnecessary to urge upon any body the great importance of securing a mill at this point, for it is conceded by everybody. It will pay hack to every citizen many times the amount of his subscription before it lias run six months. All now’ depends on the pr mpt response to the e:JI for the vc;y moderate bonus. Subscriptions may be paid, wholly or In part, in grain of any kind at the market pi ice. The solicit? ing committee w ill start immediately. Let every one promptly decide w hat he can give, and lx* ready to respond when called upon. All are assured that it is a safe transaction, as the writings are in tight legal form, guarded at every [Hiint for the complete safety of all parties. The project seems to meet with favor generally among the farmers, who will doubtless respond liberally to the call. Now let every one put a shoulder to the wheel, and the work will go for ward at once. From Fairview. There is but little news this week in this place, as the citizens are all getting ready for their spring work, which keeps them busy. There will be preaching next Sunday at the schoolhouse. Fairview is to have a new schoolhouse soon ; also a sidetrack. Charles Anderson Is preparing to build a new house, and exit from his present residence. A good many claims are being taken north of this place hy parties who do their filing at Watertown. Dr. William Bolenlieek has gone to spend a few weeks with his sister at Benton. James Alexander has returned from West Virginia, where he found a bride. We wish them great joy. Who will come and put up a good hotel at Fairview? We must have one. The houses alxHit here are crowded with jieople most of the time. C. M. Williams and Clarence Waldron arrived last Saturday, with stock and implements for their farms near Fair view. A new* settler, weighing ten and a half pounds, arrive 1 at the house of David Armstrong, last Sunday. We hear there is to be a wedding on the 27th of April, on the south side of the track. 11. V. /. Byron Notes. Some of our farmers had planned to sow w heat last Monday. Wc have not heard whether they did so or not. Mr. A. Conant will ply his trade in St. Paul the coming summer. Mr. Jason Noyes is shoving the plane for Uncle Sam at Fort Sully, while his boys manage his affairs on the farm. Mr. Lewis Crawford arrived from Wisconsin Thursday night, llis father is expected soon. Mr. Ilaney Hull is liaving lumber drawn out to his claim in Clark county, to which place he expects to remove soon. Yeoman. Notice to Teachers. The regular examination of teachers for Kingsbury Co. will lie held on Tues day April 24,1883. at De Smet. Teachers will furnish themselves with legal-cap paper, pen and ink. District officers are cordially invited to be present at this examinat ion, and also to correspond with the Co. Sup’t iu regard to teachers. I have a small list of teachers with a record of service, which will he useful to district otlicers. Any information I can give will lx* cheerfully given to teachers in regard to schools or to otlicers in regard to teachers. Gko. A. Williams Go. Sup’t. SEALED PRomSALS. Will be received until April 21 for building aud fum.siting a school-!. in District No. 67. Plans and specifica tions mav be seen at the office of the Empire Lumber Co. Bids should he addressed to O. P. Miklcbost, and en dorsed, “Bid for construction of .school house.” 7-11 O. I*. Miklkiwist, Clerk. TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received until April 7, ISivt, for the construction ol a schoolhouse in school district No. tiff. Plans and sj*eciHeat ions may he s»am at i the office < f tho Empire Lumber Co., in j l)e Smet. Bills should be addressed to j Geo. A. Ferris, De Smet, and indorsed: j “ Sealed proposals for construction of ! schoolhouse. disc. A. F::itnis, (Jerk. 5 9 IXSURA XCE ST. • TEMEKT. Statement of the com’it ion of (he fiiMei Stat<*' 1 Lunch of the v irth intiiMi and Mer euiuilo Insurance Co. ot» *he 31st day of De cern l* r, I**2. It 1* located iu New York City. N. ▼. The amount of its cajutui Mock i* $15,(11)0,000 0 v , Tho amount of its c.'.pitui Mock Hid up in 2.500,(410 uu Tn • a* et.*» of tho company me Ur follows; ! Cash on hand un i in the hands <d its ♦’ »H.(3a l»'l Honda owned hy the coi.ipuny.... £2,1H5,Vil o>) Debts olherwise -eeuie I ll*)*l Id Ail other securities *7l W Total AsM tt $3*205,H74 «7 lmm:i Tins; l osses adjust * ml u ue fittJ.MS .V.) t Losses untidjusted M,W7H OH ! Ltutwi in su‘iH , we it in. ■ for I further pc >nf •*‘l ; Ke-iuaurunce fund I.»!»H,r*!7 Total liuhiliti''A I State of New Vork, < I ( ouiity of Ncyv York ( I ( has. E. White, Muiut>fer of the North Dr iti-h and Mereantile Insuraun* Ctunpany, Fnited | States Itranch, heina - duly s'Vorn, deposes and J says, that tho foregoinir ts a full, true and e«,r i«*et statement of tho affair:-'of >-nid company; j that the said insunue e company is Itona tide , owner of at lea t one liuTali d lliou-and dollars i f actual cash eapit »?. Invested in the State and , Cr.ited States stocks and bonds, or in Loud and ! niortyatrcH of real »- tat** uniueumbered, and Yrortli doubh* the am Mint for \* !dch the saint* is niortvaK*‘d, and lie is the alniY v described otrieer of said insumtice company. [ k\! ] ('HAS. B. WHITE, Manager. »tui»serib( d at.d sworn to before tuu this 21th : day of January, IK"|. Isl; \i. 1 .!N<i. A. illl.LEltV, Coru'r for Dakota. Territory of Dakota, » I Ottice of Auditor, t I. tiio undersumed, Auditor of th«* Territory I of Dakota, hereby certify, that th»* alwive is a i eomn-t copy of tin* statement of the condition of the above named company on tho 31st dnv I of December, IHH2, as shown by the or!„.ual rtatctm 'it, Mini that the said o. , in-’ statement is iidu < n tile In tills office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto milisoribe my mime amt affix my official seal, this 2d day of February, |hm. |hk*i.l L. .M. FI’IIDV, Territorial Auditor. The Territory of Dakota, ) Auditors Office. ( Whereas, the North British and Mercantile Insuranct* Company, l . S. liranch, hwated in the city of New Vork and State of New York has tiled in this office a sworn natoment of its condition on the 3b t day of December, KS2, in accordance with the provuious of an Act of the Lcjfi lativn Assembly of the Territory of j Dakota, ndatiiur to insurance companies, up j proved Feliruary lath, 1*77; and Whereas, on examination «>f the sworn at ate ! meet of said company tiled in this office, | tind j that the mid insurance company is possessed 1 of the necessary amount of capital as rcpiiied b> taw. Therefore, I, L. M. Purtfv, A uditorof Dakota Ten itory, do hereliy certil’y that said in-m .nice | oontpsi.y is duly an:hoii,.i J to truipact the ( lai>iness of ffre insurance In said 1 orritory, for I the yeur cikluik Dec. 31, Ish;j, TIIOS. li. KI TH, Properly appointed at De Smet, Kinir-- ' bury county, *>. T. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set ; my hand aud *cul tun 2d day ot FcLiuurj.A. . 1). IHKk [s»:ai ] L. M. rtTiDT, Auditor. IsslliA XCE STATEMEET. j Statement of the condition »d the Hartford ■ Fire insurunee Cuiupauy on tin: 31st day « f j December, tnsv*. The inline of tl»c company is the if art font j Fire Inaurarice ( «»mi>ai.y. It ia ioeuled on Pearl street, Hartford, t'onn. Georjrc L. Fliase, President. J It. Whitintr. Secretary. The amount of Its capital is sl.2Tifl.nt)o 00 i Thcamountof its capital paid up Is !,2.*>0,000 00 The assets of the company are as follows, i ('ash mi hand, and in the bunds of atrettts or other persons ♦ 17.1.1.’74 oo Ileal estate, unlncumltcrcd 00 Stocks Mini bonds ow n* d by the « ont pint 1,777 W "> ; Loans on Isolds and tnortaHyes of real estate, worth double the amount loaned (per schedule)... WAI.OM 67 ; Debts otherwise secured. Loans on collateral security 4iU.(its! M ! All other securities, rents and ac crued Interest 2t*,7«H 24 Total assets f.IAHIMTIKH. ; Loascs adjusted and not duo ) : Losses unadjusted V $240,544 17 I “ in suspense, walt’tr furt’rpr’f 1 I All other claims atnilnst the ( V» 2n,000 00 ; Amount necessary t<i reinsure i outstanding risks $1,403,405 *t2 i Cap’l st’k pd. up in cash $1,200.00000 : Net surplus $1,A>,240 77 Total lirtoilities. $1,720,UJU 79 I The irnuiti-st amount in any one risk (except in special cases) $20,000 00 j Greatest ain’t allowed to l*e in- i As much as j sun*dinanyonccUy,townorvilVe V tial , G reali st ain’t allowed In one blm k ) pr nt. I Net amount premiums received i *lurinK ls*2 iu Dakota f I*l.lll If, ' Net amount losses paid duriiijr IHH2 j in Dakota 6,310 5*7 ; Territory of Dakota, i Auditor's Office. ( 1, the, Amlitor of the Territory , of Dakota, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the statement of the condition of the above mentioned company on tho 31st * day of December, IHH2. as shown by the ortir- I imil statement, nnd that the original statement ts now on tile in this ottice. In testimony whereof. 1 hereunto puliscrllte my name ami affix my official seal, tliia 25th day of January, issil. | [heal] L. M. Pt’HDY, Auditor of Territory. Terrltor" of DHkotu, I Auditor's Ofjee. f Whereas, the Ii irtf »rd Fire Insurance Co., i 1* s’a ted in the city of Hartford, him! State of ! Connecticut, hus fil«*d in this ottice a sworn statement of its condition on the :41st day of i December, is*2, in accordance with the provim , cf an act cf the J.cgi*!"tfv*? A***"•T^:* , *•' °? , the Territory of Dakota, relating to insurance companies, approved Feb. 1«, b*77; and ! Whereas, on examination of the sworn state* | rnent of said coinpuny. tiled in this other, I tind that the said insurance company is |x>«*cs*cd ; of the necessary amount of capital invented us | required l*y luw. Therefore, I, L. M. Purdy, Auditor of Dn i kota Territory, do hereby certify that said in surance company is duly authorized to tram** ! act the business of tin* insurunee in said Ter , ritory, for the yeur euiilng December 31, IHH3. THOMAS H. RUTH, Properly xd pointed ntrcnt at De Pmet, Kinjr*- buiy county, D. T. In testimony whereof. 1 have hereunto sot my hum! ami seal tills liftth day of .lunuarv, A. D. Inns. L. M. PUKDY. [hkai.l Auditor. 'l'll** >»*»nt Insuranee I'nmpnNidn in the t’nit<*l State* are represented by the Kiiur*hury County Hank. Call on th:»m and Insure your property. You will save money by doinir no. Land Office at Watertow n D. T. March 3), 1883. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make tinal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will lie made before Judge of Prulutte Court at De Smet D. T., on Monday May 14 1883. viz: Maktha Jacobson D. S. for the net sec. 1 T. 112 R. 515 She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Knudt O. Dorset, Deorge Cowlson, Henry Cowlson, John Cow Ison, all of De Smet D. T. 9-1 S A. C. Mellette, Register. KINGSBURY mm. Whore If Ik, Wlint It Ik, atul Who Live* In It. Tltii* county contains twenty-four townships, lieing thirty.six miles east and west by twenty-four north and south. This gives sfii square miles, the whole area in acres tieing .552.1*10. Sub tracting from this at*>ut 2.5,000 acres of water surface, we have, in round num bers, .52-i.OOO acres of arable land of the l>est duality. The east line of the eount\ is tliii ‘ v-fonr miles west of the east line of the Territory. Its center lies tifty-t wo miles a al the county seat lifty-ilve miles west ot Minnesota. The south line is about H° 12 north latitude. The renter of the county is 107 miles due north of V c*.,,, «1(. ( ;»k « :it 'l'l is c< uniy contains the highest hr 1 . . tween' the lakes and the .Missouri itixer. being on the divide between the liivr Sioux and .lames Kiver. Vermillion lliver, which [lows into the Missouri below Yankton, rises in tin* north part of the county. The land is moderately rolling. A line of coteaus. or glacial morains, runs through the western part , their trend being from northeast to southwest. The surface of the laud is wholly drift, of the formation of the glacial period, extending downward from 200 to 100 feet. Boulders ol granite and selenite arc numerous, and will he found in future years to be very valuable in supplying economic wants. Hood brick clav is abundant. The surface •mil is a deep, rich, vegetable mold, un derlain w it!) a deep subsoil of yellow builder clay, intersperse! with bods of gravel which eoutainsan abundant sup ply of pure water. The clay is com posed of alluminum, silex and lime admirably lilted to the growth of all the cereals. No better wheat was raised in the Norlhuosi hint vein than in this count v, w hile the crop of oats was un usually heavy for any country. Corn is also raised in good' paying yields. It has been found to be admirably adapted to raising flax, of the seed of which many thousand bushels have ln*en raised and sold in the county. In short, it is a region of choice farming land, yielding a good return of any kind of farm crop grown in the Northwest. Its situation being high, it has no ponds, broad marshes, or sluggish streams to breed malaria. A healthier region cannot be found on the continent. The I >akota < Vntral branch of the Chi cago iV Northwestern JUt. runslhroiigh the center of the county from cast to west, having live stations. \Nord land. Lake Preston, l>eSmet, Pairview and Iroquois. Of these. DeSinet is tlie largest village and the county seat. A branch K. 11. is now being graded, to be finished in the spring, from Iroquois southeast, to connect with the C. x N. W. system in lowa. This will alTord what is now greatly desired, a good winter outlet to the Fast without the long hin drances to travel and transportation caused by the numerous snow blockades in western Minnesota. The inhabitants of this county are of the best class, intelligent and enterpris ing, temperate and moral. It was the first county in the Territory to vote no license, and there are no saloons in the county. Its educational t'acilit ics prom ise to be unsurpassed. No less than forty schoolhouses have been erected during the last two years. Churches are beingereeted in the tow ns, and soon art* to Ih* in country places. To our friends in the Fast who are thinking of coming westward, we say in sincerity, you cannot find a more desir able land in which to make your future homes than Dakota, nor a more desir able county than Kingsbury. You will find better and surer land, and all the facilities of your Fastern homes, except timber, and even that want will soon be supplied. More than HMO acres were planted lo trees in this county in IHK2, and a greater amount will la* in the com ing season. The question, Can these prairies be made to grow forests? has neon solved. No land brings forward mi rapid a timlier grow th, w hen planted and protected, as the great treeless plains of the West. NOTK'KM Op COM KMT. WATKIIA \ AMif.IISUN, ATTOICNKYf* f rt Land Office, Watertown. I). T. March S, ISKSI. romntatnt haring l)een enterefl at this otfleo by William Ourrity against Dcmiia Mahoney f.*r fabtm' to eornply with law as to timber eulture enl|-y N«». JTISI, dilt<*d Jone 9,1K7W, upon the t,w»| KV-lUtl—34. in Kiugstiury Co., Dak., with n vi«\v to the ntne«dlation of said entry; i' iii Hant alleging that elnimant has failed to biv.ik live acres of said traet during s<*eond year after date of paid entry and cultivate the five already broken; elafiiumt la hereby not 11, d that testimony in said case will la* tak en he so re Ole Ouain, N. P., at hla other at Nordland. Kingsbury Co., D. T.,on May 2, iSKI, at V> n’cifx-k a. in.; and th<* said parties art* i . .-auiMitiiu u « i .*ppe,. ). *l - oiiiiv »*n the kth «lay of May, IhXl, at 10 •> < .. k m., to respond and furnish testimony covoerniug said alleged failure. A. C. MF.LLKTTE, Hegister. 7 10 11. U. PKASK. Receiver. U 8 Land Office. Watertown, D. T. Feb. ft. IKH2. Complaint having been entertal at this office tiy .lame* A. Quin against Ida K. Patchen f«*r failure to reside six months continuously on tract c(»ntalned in her homestead entry No. 14.50*. upon the awl* o—llo—so. in Kingsbury county. D. T.. with a view to the cancellation of mid entry; the said parties art* hereto summoned to appear at tills office on the 12tU day of April. IX.SI, at lOo’eloek a.m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said Hi loured abandonment. Said claimant I* also informed that the testimony in said ease will Ixt taken la*lorc V. V. Harm#*, U. S. commissioner, at his office in lb* Smet. in Kingsbury Co., on the 3th day of April, iwsi, at 10o’clock m. ni. A C. MELLETTE, Hegister. ♦V 9 H. R. PBAHIS, Receiver. Humes tirahaiu. Attorn(*ys. r S Land office, Watertown, I). T. fob. Ift. IMtCI. Complaint having t*een r*iit4*n*<| at this otheo by Alvin Still against William Sehunrsteln for abandoning his homestead entry No. 20.01 M, Ma/ 20, I**2. lt|K>n the nw>, s«*<* art, tp 110, rft 7, In Kinirsbury county, Luk., with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties an* hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 12th day of April, land, at JO o'clock a.m., to respond u;ul furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment; and said claimant Is hereby notified that testimony iu said eas*- will la* taken la-fon* A. A. Anderson, nfftary public for KJugsburjr Co., at his otflev at IH) Smet, on the fflih day of April, IrtKl, at 1(1 o’clock a.m. A. C. Mbi.i.kttb, Register. 6-9 H. R. Pkask, Receiver. FINAL PROOF NOTICKS. Land Office at Watertown, I>, T. M>« r»*K U 1 HUSH Notice is hereby iriven that the following named settler ha* tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his elaltn. and that said proof will t*e made before the Judge of probate, at I >e Bmct, I >«k., on Mon* day, Muy 7, 18*1. vi*: Henry Gilbert, l>. a. for rhe nw» 4 sec 25, tp 112, r sfl. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon and cultivation of said land, who will testify Indore A. A. Anderson, a notary public, at I>e Sinet, on May 4, IK'S, vi*: Frame (oboe. Martin Erickson, Ole Ole* son. August Larson, all of Kingsbury Co. *-12 A. C. Mki.i.kttb, KegfHter. U 8 Land Office, Watertown, I). T. March 15. l«f». Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hus filial notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that -aid proof will la* made before ,he Judge of probate, at I)e Sinet. T>ak..on Monday, May 7. lsna,\i*: Lewis Lundborg, D. S. for the nw>* sec 11, tp 111, r 57. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence u|Nin and cultivation of said land, who will testify before A. A. Anderson, a no tary public, at De Bmct, on May 4,1KK1, vl*; George Masters, James H. Clcwltt, A. N. Wa ters, Fetor Holberg, all of De Bmet. a-12 A. C. Mklucttic, Register. l T 8 Land Office, Watertown, D. T. March 1&. INKS. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filial notice of his intention to make final proof, in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge of protaite, at DeHinet, 1 >ak.. on Mon day. May 7, IB*k vi*: J<»*ephino Haginann, i>. s. for the se** sec 20, tp 111, r 57. She names the following witnesses to prove her continu ous residence upon and cultivation of said land, who will testify Is-fore A. A. Anderson, a notary public, at I K* Sun t, on May 4, IriKi, vU: 0. H.t'nnsc, O. Lord, C. Geyger, Wui. llala back, all of Kiugi-bury county. * 12 A. C. MgUJtTTk, Register Land Office Watertown, D. T. Feb. 2rt, 1883. Notice is hereby given that the follow' ing-named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to mnke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof v .h l>e made before the Judge or Probate at DeJSmet J>nk., on April 11, 1883, viz: Thomas Larson 1). s. 17,27 rt for the set sec, 32, T 10!>, U. 57 lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, before A. A. Andepjon Notary Public DcSmet, viz: Ole Miehelbost. (iullik Jaudalen, Ole K. II. lauvellen, all of DetSmct, Dak. A. C. Mullet r, Register. Lund Office, Watertown, D. T. Feb. 2rt, Notice is hereby given tha 1 the follow ing-named settler h;u filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his elauii. ami that said proof will be made before the Judge of Probate at DeSmet, Dik., on April in. Isn3, viz: John A. t’OTTKIt !>. S. 17.511 for the w J seiand el swi 2*h —. lira. 11, of>. lie names the following wilneases to prove hi . continuous residence uj*on. and cultivation of. said land, before A. A. Anderson Notary Public, viz: Win. Tracy. F. I*. <irant. C, (). Connoi Joan MaUliUs. all of DeSmet. A. C. Mclette. Register. Land <Nfieo Watertown, D. T. Feb. 2n, I*v9'{. Noti« e is hereby given that the follow - ing named setth i' has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in supnort of Ids claim, and that said proof will be made Indore the Judge of Probate at DeSmet, Dak., on April 10, ISSJ. viz: Rkinhakt Lutzow 11. 18,373 for the lie* sec 28 T. 111, P. 57 lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uihhi, and cultivation of, said land, before A. A. Audi rson Notary Public Ih Smet, viz: Janies llalsau, A. L. Crossman. tieo. Durkoo, Win. llollmback, all of MnuchesU r, Dak. A. <’. Mkiutit, Register. Land Office at Watertow n. D. T. Feb. 2s. 1883. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his intent ion to make final proof in su|>- port of bis claim, and said .-roof will be made before the Judge of Probate at DeSmet, on April 11, lssj, viz: Pktku Anderson. lid. 14,«27 for the nwf See. 2!). T. 111. K. 57. He names the following wit ncFsesto prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Albert Anderson, Charles Anderson, Wm. Anderson, (ieo. 11. Durkee all of Manchester I). T. A. C. Mkllktte, Register. L' H Lund Office, Watertown, I). T. March 12. IKS3. Notice is hen by given that the following limned nfftlcr has ilh*d notice of hii intention to make Him! proof iu support of hi* claim, and that Rani proof will Ik* made Indore (lie judge Of probate, nt De Smet. D. T., ou May i, ISKI. vi/,: Ambrose W. Mullen, 1). S. for the nwVj m*c 2. tp 110, r 37. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills eontlnu on* residence upon and cultivation of said land, who will testify before A. A. Anderson, notary public, nt Ih) Snu-t. I) T„ on Saturday, Miu ft, Ihkt. viz: Ah xitndci* Cox, Robert Cox, D. It. Lottus, W. K. Itroadla nt. of lie Smut. 7-11 A. C\ MKLLKLTK. Register. 1' 8 Laud Office, Watertown, it. T. March Ift. lssit. Notice is heroby (riven that the following named settler haw tiled notice of Ida intention to makeilnal proof in sup|a>rt of his claim, and that said proof will be made tie fore the judge of probate, ut ?>e Hmet, Dak., on Monthly, May 7. I’Osl, viz: (Julbrand (i. Jontialeti, II«l. for the e‘* nwh and e‘v hw ** sec 2X, twp 109, rn7. He names the following witnesses to grove hiK t onttmiou* residence upon and eulti vat ion of ssii i land, who will testify before A. A. Ander-on, a notary public,at DeSmet, D.T., on May 4th, IHS.I, viz: tile K. Ilonegan, Anders A, Lis, Lars Stordulcn, Thomas Larson, all o! Do 8 mot. M 12 A. C. MtCI.T.KTTK, Hegister. WATERS & ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LOAN AND LAND BROKERS. De Smet, Dakota, are still on deck, loaning money on real estate at leas expense to the borrower than any other firm in Kingsbury county. Interest payabe annually at 6* par cent. Tlieir office is I\MJ A M 'FULL YCROWDED from mon ing till night with the best people from the best country, to borrow money where cash is always on hand to dose loan when mortgage is given, and no delay, by WATERS & ANDERSON. To contest claims, or have them defended, where they can be carried through with greatest safety am! saving, hy Waiters & Akdekson. To li Mil SELL BELLED IMB, MB BEUIiMIS BE TIIEB (W MB HEMS, at the liest terms. To have Homestead. Timber-culture and Pre-emption pai>ers and Soldiers' declaratories drawn a» loweet rate®, by Waters X Anderson. They will have able assistance in their office to speed business. Send for the HEAL ESTATE BULLETIN, to WATERS cl- ANDERSON, Jk Smet, Dakota. T. H. Johnson, rnoraiETOß of tiik De Smet WAGON SHOP, Is an experienced workman, and does first-class work. WAGONS, BOOGIES, Bob-Sleighs and Gutters, And everything else in hia line, made to order on abort notice. Repairing Of all kind done neatly and promptly, at reaaouable rates. Bar Great Salel Immense SACRIFICE! In all our depart- ments, At pricea that tell the tale. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ FURNISHING GOODS, NECKWEAR, SHAWLS, UNDER CLOTHING, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CANNED FRUITS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BOOTS AND RUBBER GOODS. All marked down ut lower prlcca than ever before nuked In Uilh market. No one itbould ml** tiilH golden opportunity to aeoure some of thexo rure tiargalnn, never larfore offered. LoM Broaieit. Fnlsin lllook. Colanot Xvanuo, De Smet, - Dak. C. C. BRADLEY at mu De Smet Drag Store HAH A FTRBT-CLAf* BTOTAL OF DKTTQB! CHEMICALS, Dye stuffs Paints Oils, VarnlHhes, Trasses, Wpoages/* Glass, Standard Pateit Bins! Endless variety of fine Toilet and Fancy v Articles. H BEST BUMS The Ma it east Affords. KEROSENE OH, GUARANTEED OK MONEY Fine Stationery a Specialty. mi m, m setts, STANDARD POEM ASS Fl* Fine rolled plate and Solid Jewelry. AH these aw for aale at the lowest living rates. Call and examine good* and learn prices. You will receive the most prompt and careful attention. WRAPS, SHOES.