Newspaper Page Text
r Tle I Sfflet Leader. POBLISHM SiTUBUiVS HY BROWN A SIIERWOOl). TIRHMt On* T«r $1 so Bl> Moti'hs 75 Three Moutbu. 4y ROCHESTER IN RUINS. A Fearful T uesday Kvouiriif which See*, the ilinUrsula Town a Victim of Cyclonic \\ rath. Hundred* of ttiiildint's Shattered, 2b People Killed and 80 Other In for lii nates I njitred. Five Hundred People Left Houseless to View the Melancholy Scene of Huin. Nearly all Public Huildings Damaged and a Loss of SBOO,OOO Inflicted. . RUT N l!> ItOi It tMEIt. HORKIbi.K WuhK UK THE < V. J-.Vi' Rochester, Special Telegram, Aug ‘J'J The citizens of Jtoche#t«i hu. vvru < f click an. hollow-evod, and well ihey may, Mince tho\ passed !a*t evening as t v l l a quat ter of an hoin M ever fell to the expelieiu-e of nuu, and n thin huc,‘ceded u night of horroi, ®nch ae mad' men need t > the terror# of a atm hen field wince ami eh udder The Minim first caum it 7 in the evening aud lusted from twelve to filieei uimutee Not until after 0 o’clock wore lie resident* the least alarmed, which i ttio strange.'#!, when It i» remembered thm a month ago cyclonic fury v-nted jtH- li hut a few mile* from lieio By 7 Iti the Month wont ipiai t i had aa*uui*'d that sickly grceni#! tint which serves as adron curtain for Min i due wo lb Ju a few umiiioiil# (he g ret) changed to copper, then to loon/e, will whiuali edge* and lain iat hue* of flung *., ui' athwart it in every direction. Next was noted that dieaded and dtea Ifni inverted cme, with height sooniingly iimu'asiireable and mm In ness appalling With tho «nn<il of a cannon ball it came down the valley of insignificant sil ver creek, anil when within half a mil of the devoted city, it* roar coul bo heard, f’ellan* sue rushed to by almo*i everyone, hnt a few of the hardier ones stav c - at points of vantage near the edges aud wit (l6BM*d THE ATTACK Of THE UF.SI* Tt,i:*a MON* IKK 1 till .‘<0(1 feet in the air it roae,and in its w hirling ma*M were trees and atoned, anirualN and debti* t.f evoiv conceivable dee.-ripii n The dciut of the court honae nu lled from view, though touched merely hy (lie lo in ot the wind IreessnappLd like cat <>' miio tails, nt stranget atill, wore twisted as < uks.'icv* hi Ho liauda of a Titan, an t lifted ho lily into the air with tone of earth clinging to their mo# Anuria!* weio dusho 1 against mlouo wal.*, and their hack* and Im.ioim ciu-ht-d to nowdei The roar of tin* fi**rce suigt- wj* like uuilnng •ver heard Indore. Ihe aUm-sphere was •urchargod with electrn.Tty. and pellete o! rain aud had were driven vet lo allv u* if Him) from a riflo. fifteen minute# of this tt nor, and then a bdeuce liy fj o'cj n-k the stair wore shining as peacefully a* if cycloueM won unknown; Imt the *ueiic« w«« « >ol broken hy the groan* of the dead, dvmg and the sorely wounded Jin* northern part of (he city, fortunately not the larger or thickly *et lied portion, had been changed from a habit able place to mane of mangled nia'tcr, a ,h-»--i t with aigus of woe and terror scattered every whore Nut a house stood where ;<oo had i been at. < o’clock Most of the dwellings wore of the poorer class hut many were pretty, care fully tended and decorated houses The cthzous on the South side quickly repaired in crowds to the scene of direst .Roaster and went to work All night long by the fitful light of (enters at Hist and later aided by the moon they tolled. scores or Bonne* ra|pgled, cut, torn and bruised, soma bieatb iug, eonie breathless, were taken out Dj sunrise those of the dead or wounded who had frieuds wore speedily borne to piivate houses T’lio majority wore taken to Kotumel's hall, s large building oil Kroauway, where cots wer* hastily prepared for the wounded. The dead were taken away hy friend* or to W H. >ew ard’e undertaking place on Broadway Physi cian* atid unrsea were aoou to the fi.rc, and everything possible done to alleviate suffering. The wounded were in a bumble plight, and a walk through the hall wheio they lie, j •▼an now, make* one fa nt. Ih* lute aud bruise* are geneially about j |be upper part of tnu body, and j 'hildish facts ate *eiu with wounds on them j so ghastly that even the phy-iotan shudders an j be lists sponge and needle Into the cuts dirt j in l even powtlcre I atone were forced hi uianv instvicts. t'ollar* s-uined of lutle or no |ito fection, since, while some of the house* above them blew away, tho*e to the west were < ru*hed bodily into their depths Thud of t .vu mothers, sm late as noon to dav, SKF.KINO FRANTK A1.1.Y FOR LOST « Hit DREN, seeing three who corn-spotidad in size with those they sought, but all so marred hy dirt and blood aud wounds that even maternal love could not tell whether io »«v “mine” or not Thesceues around the demolished hon«< * w en heartrending; incu, women and children cry tug bitterly and almost bereft of t m#„u An absolute doubt exists in many case* as to where the site of their home was; ever a dreadful uncertainty and a hanutiug dread, and through it ill the breeze sighing geutlv, the moon snul ug calmly aud meu working bravely T m rising sun showed the utterness of the desola iou Vucer freaks (hero were, of course Here vtauds a wall, and on U hangs an un broken looking glass, while a heavy stove 'rushed into fragments, bis on the floor ne w tiy. There, awayiug to and lio tu the bree/o, s the family rocktng chair, while a f*-w f--it from it a horse lies MANOLEL) A\l> DKAU. A feather bed yonder twistud like a rope, a d touching it« edge a student’s lamp, with even the chimney intact, Down near the rivet stands the large fob mill, with a cyclonic tun taken from Its western end. To the m utli ot it is a tram of eight loaded cars turned aud twisted as if of straw, whil in the race at the n irtheru side are two iuoi> cars bb>wn l*v«li'v from the track and into tin water. The owner of the mill was lifted fifty feet vertically and liutled a-.aiust a bank and killed. Not a bono in Ins body was left mi broken. Rochester, as every oue knows, was a boaunful ci'r. and as much ou ac oouut of its tro< a as Anything. A core of years wilt not restore its pnatiru loveliness io tine direction Some of tlx streets in the best part of the city are un passahl *, and looking up or dowu them oik nothing but e tangled mass ot and foliage jammed across tin Scarcely a losnlwnoe— Mr V’mi la sbont the only one—thai Lae not suffer d more or I s-; • l m insur e..s t insvy < hlmtieye were era-ted ihiougb un roofs and gamt* Into the floor* belwaa #bi| The De Smet Leader. VOLUME I. I)K SMET, KINdSBI KY COUNTY, DAKOTA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER I. hSKK. NUMBER 31. lescriptiou is utterly uual.le t > portray the ro (•tilts of a storm which, ill the wt.ral of Us i alb, absolutely *wn r i a a r ok Tar fauim awat. ic'iving nothing of gias* (,i tii-e, ui shrub I lot relief coiumittc-e is doing all po**.l.lo, and leeideiits are subscribing all they cau, but help is needed, and speidtiy Hocti ost-r gavo liberally to relievo Ihuse who snftorcd Hi lbu July etch ue, and now fu-ls j imt tli< I in calling for aid to Hurt tht horrors and alleviate the suflenng* consequent m the wortT csiaiuity Minnesota ».vet known, confined in the same space, tendeut Hatiboin, of the Wiimua A St. Peter, is litre, and 1* doin;; an pos sihle to ret an datuagos i'a*seugers transfeired arouud the rums of tlis bridge jver the Znmbru aud the Jlortou elevator, which lies bodily a„» »s* the track The t< le graphic facilities me veiv tour Not a [tole in u near the town was standing tins morning, tnd hundreds of m«s-a-.;us ate sent in for transmission to absent fra-uds. In addiitou t c TUK bAilAuK* IW bOlaiK OOUNJ T already seut arc the following; Jhe family of A. Van Frank are all eorioii-ly though not fatally hurt. The following have had barns an 1 lions' s leveled to the ground: Henry Phspiuuu; houa« ~f thsrle* Kveutou, furiner proprietor of the Hotel St. Louis; L. D*r oy. h r.iti* H*y, W K Chanihi rlh. (the latter hs>) w?''en nsa.l of vtiie killed and ti.e horns blown from twenty-one other-*, tough, but tine; Chris tian Oieson, whoso wife is fa'ally hurt, inotbar-m --aw Killed an 1 ll' t e daughter shock burly cut; tinn ier Panlv-.n, On. Mur ,la, A. Masenbrin k TilK J.AAIAiH:* IN ItOCHESTPh Following is a detailed acconut t.f the dam sgee in Rochester. ON KUMBKOTA *TIIKFT. Vi. P Booth, reviilsues uuro-»fcd: court Louis, tower d'-wh, unroofed; n*w a.- idsiiiy, wrecked; jigli si hou' iiuiiae* tower off, hiinio-y* down: C*>n rieyailoiial ,*hurt b, down; Cook bou*« par •dally unroofed; Heaney's block, unroofed, J A. I Cole's rniil, unroofed: Chadt, -urn’s block, un roofed ON tiICOADWAT StO' king's bri,:l. b o -k, blown down; Beardaicy'a hull.lunr, down; Hominnl'a block, unroofed. bed Isr'a W k si i«- and end blown oof. b*VMrsl sinailt-r buildings were partially un luofnd and sluiits ami outliuiiaes dctnolislud North of the railway not a whole building i* •tanditig. a; I a* yet it ta iniponaiblo to give a list of all the owners who tia?e suffered Ihe |uincupiil losers are *a follow* On ami nea< the track Loss. I> lot f 5,500 Vsndusen A Co. Wliitten .1 Jn.ld'a Horton's elevaior el»‘T:tiol . l.Utttt (to’al lossi .. . 10,000 Mi II i lon s total loss will reach If- 1 ri.tHitt, hi * tin in hcing des'royed Ro. hestfr Harvester works, ntteiiy ru/ned; los*. f i.».inm M.irvin (’< tumaek’s Crescent creamery and ■I •r - | ml'li l-aius, sheds, etc; SI,OOO 1. I li<,'° t' i-icu'h- mill; tf.N.OOO. R iiclli,-.l—•. a l ' cone; S-J.ihhi I A A A Whiting's elnvstors. al.gbtiy Injured: fi ,o<»(( Hots** Icland, liuii“i and bum; one of the hand ■■- io ,-t phice* In *he city; iftl.otM* •I ■ <:i R (look’s place levslletl to the ground, t'J.OOI) i \\ »'<..le, laive Z'lrnhroU floiir tjg mill, sllO, mil (> .* end lia-* a huge Hilt-,* taken out of ii; •n .- >» )i ns- rtc-l ci nn»r «lio|, destiny®*! I' . «lw ay In -I ;s, tti.O 1 >0 Rnlway hndg,. IflJ.OiH* I liT.-o liundrnd homes were utterly do •droyed THU XILI.RD 1 Ik- f llowiug is a list of the killed as fat a kuowu • b-liu M Cole, miller; Mrs Z'ersth; August Zn iath, Imtel keeper, aoD of the »o*.ve; Mi»s /.-•r.*i|i, his sister; Mr Osborns ari l infant child, Man ou McCormick: M H«tzel; \V Higgins: Mis - sis ,*:i i>l . *,!v. daughter uf Lewi* llaulv; Mi>. W .it h* ( bee ; .tacryti ll*tzel, fsrin i on t''nui u's I ,ic« ; Mi* >»*-. (|llz; Child of (t -. eg,. II «l,>ei lun-Mhp. probably d«.,d. Mis M-Q. .in. f Lewi* Irving, missing, pi babiy deoil; .Mr* i tiailt* ijiiick and child; ami uiai.y» m t identttle*!. THE INjL'HFIi 1 In- f i owing is a list of the injured as fa ns kin-*u, but is necessarily v* ry incoinpli-l* ,1 till Rudf, wile dll t child, lie- Ige Hit. *en ; s I A W eicl-, htioiilder si-ralned: ( liarles (dun k u.-l ! four ■ In diei. one f.itsliy ; !* r Wrath* rtx-e dying; j Mr* U* an*) tittle gnl: Haggerty, hesil , lurt; 111 It Kill.*n. head bad v cu' and t>IUI-*'-l | Kims Mali. m.i,; I-red Clongb; ( buries 4’ , ug nephew ,t J* n Pula, leg tom and nun- bruk>n; \noi<« Z - r.ii ~ Otto R;re; Joi n Hone; Han R- to; di- Ruth: Mi* J an., llrariley: Mi* Hunipl.i.v Mo-hi... ll'liiipl-I ey Hersolt; Mis <I. u | - 11 . *i. .I. t 'nly; K't Chapman, her soli; .M t s Ch.i|iinau, l » **-fe; Mis. Carter, widow; ,M Julian. l)au li I’m n.i r bs’ v fatally , Mi Octdv: <li« (i.-i-tv. Mi Mcl’uifni* k; F’lank Sciiiilis, l.adly l.nrt ,-n t.ead and limb*: Min. tiuitlh; Hits .' -'tnld of Fleil R*k; William loach; R K Wdhains; .lotm Schoruock t-.idly cut; Ml «. Sw- • nri . Os- sr Hawl:- i.h; Mi* Irwin atnl ttir,--- cli-ldi-u, two badly; Nelsc Hansen, w-ite and di,id. 'alter l.a-tiy ; tbi-e < hodren name* unkm-w .; E-lward Coon, leg broken. BEFORE THF. CTCLONF. I'ne wtutlier throughout the day bad been uiisi-lth-1 but not unusually threaten,ug ( b u-I* would form and disaptear, forming iigain heavier than bufmc Ibo wind was mostly fi du the southeast, blowing »cud clouds with it, while away above the ram h< tiring stratum drove from the north went ell day. A l •out << o’clock a black cloud rose in tin- west, very threatening, but d passed harmlessly by with a fun,ms wind and some drop# of lain At f> a low black bank lav in tLe southwest 1* rose rap idly, but present* d only tho appearance of an ordinary thunder shower. As it mated the city it began to a-stlum a horrible appealatice. I he whole sky was t.ngc-d a ghastly green, au-l the masses of clouds swept aroii'nl ben- and there iu gigantic circles Wherever ti un- possible peot le took to their cellars, and m no i am- where that was done m* life lost In the o| per part *>f the city the darkness war ! at no time great; but at the lower part of town it giew dark a* night, Fill INO EVERYONE WITH 1 Eli ROB Then came the aw f ul roar s<> well known as the piocursor of a cvcloik-, and the storm burst upon the doomed city. Houses were as straws in the gia*p of this terrible power and no tree, of whatever size, in th' track of the st nil withstood its fury Th* whirling swaying funnel loft the look'll eouiiliv w-s: of the ettv end struck the faun I )l ! I ,*li ute, lying two miles south, wl or,, the timber, building* and grain, both standing, shucked au*l stacked, wots wholly destroyed. Thsiic.’ It moved down the valley of the Cascade towaid the uortheast, with a Rack annul a mile wide lh* dwelling of Mathew tugel, a laige two storv frame bu ldtng, *vas rented in the air a*u] dashed back a sheiieles-* mass of riuua His barn, a now. laige subatant al one, shared the same fate. The bouse atid outbuildings ou the aim of John K Cook wer** CRUSHED PERFECTLY FI AT. The family of the teuaiP, Mi K< Lot, was in the Cellar aud oscaped On Mr Amtln < place, just north of here, all was laid fl • tint the house, which was parilv unr - ded. Ou l>r. I atoit’s faitu, the family to ,k i•.-fit in ibo stone basement of the bam and I aieiv < *c.p -d with tlietr live* The condition of Hung* tu the uorthern tart of the city deli*-* description. A few splintered stumps and scattered l-osrds teniain to show whore tno Third ward wax The buildings in this part of the city were mnatly one story frame housea Mauy of them without cellars, and there was the grtatesi destine ion of life The mill and dwelliug of L Tomlre are a total ruin, while the immense Zunibro plaining mill, John M. Cole, propriet r, ta ‘ la Hy wrecked, huge pieces of the building being torn out and carried off MR. COLE'S FATE Mr. Colo, who was in the mill whom the cy ns reached it thinking his house • safer Pa, slatted for it, but had uut gone twenty teat before ha was caught up h* Hie wind. carried a distance of etglit <-r *eu mas sr.i d£sb*d to tlj', rai'.li & UlStiglcd ColpSC I to. residences eolith of the railroad So Zuinbto etrt'ut all sutf*-r*d, iusing roofs, wind, w* and chimneys Ibe siia-k-d residence ®tt<* * ' are ulmoet iui|’a**ablH fr,,m broken trees, pieces of loots and dibits of ail sort* On blood Way ibu bu roofs are off from Zulu bro street noitb, and ilium of the plato glass (is shuttered. Tbo liiat waul sntTir.-d tb*- least, many dwolllngs «acaj mg without any injury whatever OTHER TOWNS WI) th OUT. R'-portt floin outlying town* uro coining in slowly, and show that flu? damage is not c n fined to ihi* (T v I’lnssant tirove is r- poile-1 ui.inhiiatvd, N.i pioMone L* in-; killed st.d l- n wounded 'J he t >wu of Salt in lay in flu- lia-1. of the cyclone southwest of here, aud is stud t • be wiped mil The top story of Hio couil Louse i* I udiv wrecked. J lie ciiji'na w»- i arrictl st-veial rods, and r!u, building ...It i Xposed to lb*- Wealb- I Ibe l VV* luf tin s. boot house iK-s on the ground, ami the lout is damaged The roof of tie Metbo diet church w:*# blown a any, and tn*- wails are half - rumbled down. Jhe *Veplo of til' l *-n {Mgatlonal chill cl> km,.-Led s- v< ul b*,i,-* in the roof iu its lull A children s pi, n*• just lefiucii from lb* Country bad taken retugu in th*. school, l ul all e*. Sped badly sea* id Ihut s*.|iiu of llm , lul Iren Leon at holite they tun*' aim s' otltalni) been killed. A line new building belonging to (icorgo Mocking anti occupied bv him as » gioc.-rv lies a total wr. tk v |* Vc<t*b-Ts tuM-i noictiim i v warehouse 'i nleu-ly ,b ,n .! shc*l and tb-- machineiv sea V JTio railway depot i unroofed and badly riddle I J !**, co fof t* \an Dustn .V * ->'s eievsto. wu* car lie.l away, and tb - warcl.oii*o u Ij uni ,g crushed II i Ib.rtoij s 1. Ik. VATOIt 11 1 * Atho*H JH I I; *ll.l iv TRA* U aud the warehouse ami tt, * i Whitten A Judd are a ma*s of imns Ihe Rochestei I,ai veetor wotks are curnpiett-ly pulverized, not iwo feet ol the w.*!l i* in standing. AIJ of the machinery i* a total In** Jhe radwai budge I* gone > ip. n.i i, but ' ii.bolii is her* wdb a foil e of int i* and railway communica Doll will *, ,>n bo *c uic 1 A thousand people are Lomelt s- ami d- (■••iid, id upon the chatiiy of < lhc‘is for sbeUt'i and the lucce-anes cl life I lie it-, in,•• * and MVtupafbit-s of the oili/.i n* are ia\. d t,, the utmost, and help i* badly necitc 1 I min uhi ohd An mi prompt n bos putal has bet n mad, ,i R .tumt l’.* tiad, a id al out forty sufferers hi , l iu can ,1 loi Lv a imuu teei colps of iiiiiM < 1 1,, dsluage in tno citv cannot I,** Its* Ilian bull a nidi on and It* fh» 1 suriounding connti v m ,*i mate is intpo®- | sible IVnces are all , , t'do injur d and j st luige, stacks ,»f gi i u -ml is v nave ttitally j dl*Hi*pi-aia ,| ami -t op* ~f , ~,» and pi tstoet , eie beaten flat la DobdK ( til a / Y Iu the ’uwnshij,* tif Wi-iilcld. A*blsnd and (.’anisD-w ihore wi, n\,- tb-atl— .Mi* Holm breeb, Mi* » liiis'iim <>!-, n and infant, an <*lo lady, inoihi-i of Mi i», ami one man. name not Icaind T unc Mr- >inMa is fa (ally hint, a- i* A i.lril* I n- I■ *» '(*«ou J,,senh i horny ton, north of M ( tiaiies, Winon* county, was killed, uinl hi* wife an I other in, niatta of the house injured. Ju )'iea*au Cirnve, (en unb* South of Roche-tei, at 4 o'clock, three hour* emln r tliun ilk* l*i|, ■form, a cvcloin.- sd u* k -* v ral hou**'*, kilh-0 two persons and wuiiiiil* ,1 bn. Id, storm, st far a* cau be learnt I, *tai i< o , \\e*tiield town ship, ueSi the Wtei line «.t Dodge c unty. L Oontiuued through lo dge and Olni**te<l and Into Wiuoua ct.unli s, u distance of about “ixty nules. and varied from two arid a half t» three quarters of a Ullie <0 Wnl'li. I.t ing ti e wide*' wceie tt siaried. Iu the p*ili of the st rm Utdiong w- i:b saving except the acreage i* let * Iti Roch-ster the damage t<* tbo pnuci pal I lllhlings IS I’niiri Louie unro fed; tram fewer and i art of r* , f off HigL »< bool aid MeHindii-t rt,i.i* li walls di.wu, r, of hi d si-ire voin* fiis.v.i•• j*>luui of r,.of ou cl* 1 » i.g gob,.*; 11 1 bat! \ 'I 11, *l**- I, Si I I lt|e j, •1 1 • :, li rig fit,- - f IL# tiouao-gatlotial church g-me. (t* oiire Mock ug * ab-1 A D Vedder'a br! k l. ■ * ■HI e l ! .. • eva'or ni,.r® or‘e—l.urt IL'ii. i- * eievatui lifisd t>* t..y and thrown act, *» t l,e i . Ii uj,| 1 1 « K i',tle‘tt null do-*lr,,yt*,l R.,< l,t-»U-i H.ineatei wmk*. total wr. »k. Depot unro,,fed. W (' Ku-ii .In 'ge Start, and <’ H Chad bourne mu a cm * rv.,tiVb estimat« <-f the loss in 'be city iiione i* ."f:tI>O,DDD J'be city ha* *>DO lionit-i,-** people to caro foi an,) trace* of the July cyt’loue are still plenty. Help is needed, End at once ■ORTH OF THF Mail WaY Ihe following busiu* sa building* south of the railway went simply uutoofed un i slightly injured; Cook’s hotel. KDbbtni A Co., lb>rt<,u'» Op*ra House block. 0/.ine«-r ,y Itootb, W, 11 Seward. J, A Cole’s mill. Rotumei'a block, T. U Hal! ACo , Mr* R Uraff, Broadway home. But few dwelling bi tine* u<,rib of the tie It w<re badly damaged, hnt * great nuny lum* ami fences iiavt dn-appoaic*l. AH kin’s ot slock hic luiiiiiug at ltti K 'o tin- mrli tb® cottii try, more or 1,-** bruised »tnl cripple 1, ami almost unr- ,-owi i il.lo un sc -uiint or the coat mg of tn mi and hlfli Tho b.rti of K B HhII Blew acric-s tlie railway 'rack about two nines west of lieie. 1 tie liirnd mail, seut nip to »ig nai a tram, not und* i *'at, ting the rmlwai t-ml**, gave a falso *ign*l, aud the tialn wa* bitl'y wrecked I be fireman wa* tnetauil) killed miu! horribly mang e 1 and thin* **r more p:i»***-n ;* r* ami *r.t»ii np-u **-vcidy injur, ,J I i.e 11 * ,ur,-, *of chanty in this city wt ion vine v taxi-tl Iw the cyi-lonti a mouth *iimc, and wuiioiit •nif*ult aid u will be llllpu** dim to pl't-yt-. I , i 111 !n**,|*,* Hinoil it of suffer.rig an tdt s'itulioo R .Chester cxt.*nd -h urgent appeal to lier sister if'®* of Miui.e --* r'a lur ant tu tin*, hei too of tiouMo I'lie ttmiietl 4 1r v. R<K-hester, Un, Comity seat «• f (>im t--d C iiliity, is u city of about ti.flDO i htbiiaut*. It was one **t tin* baiulwome-it cilir-s of the many of winch Mintic-oti an lost Iti* laid out regulaily, With hr *sd sheet* ebadetl by numerous tree*, with tl,*- Zuin brnta nver wending its wav through tbo city from inntli to eolith, with a flue uubita park in tut-center of the city. Kochesb-r contains many handsome public building*.among winch ure the State ho*pi’al fm the icsine, the <*lm*ted county court btuiee, the High f, boo 1 , the Cook H.nis,, and oilier hotels i Ik* city bu* been no'* I for it* many ( eaut, fill resideiicea. wdb laige and well k* pd grouinl*, betokening the wealth and ia**te *>l llit-ir owners Ihe Mats la,r wa* for eevciel years held at that point, the extensivw gi uiiklb b. leg located In tbs ant ut Its of t .* city Tbe HoHtht-rn Minnesota Fair associa tion i,a<l taken po**t ssimi ot tic- budding* * lid gmnud*, ou the removal of the Nt*u* fair to Ow.-ttomiM. and elabo rate prepai atioiis wei e uisUmg for an exhibition this fall, which uroiniscd t*, rival tin* Slate exhibition Tim ground* wei.- largo sod well provided web all the r i cce«- **ry bmldings, with a tine iace track Rochester was incorpora'i d a* a city in IMSH. The flint religion® nr.emzatmn wa* the Metbo-list, which established a church in 18,*»H An Kpiscopal s.ciefy was oigaiu/.e<l tu IMOO, and a I‘reabyfei tan atK-lety iu lHtil Kacli have fln*. cliurohes, ranging in coat from $4,(HMt' > .fti.Dixi im Elds* these there are tine ( atlo lie, Latin rau and Umvt-rnahst oliuiches which arc an » rua incut to the city. 'J tie high school building wa* erected a few vears ago at a cost of lE7N,- 000 The county buildings, which occupy one of the liuest locations in the city, on»i I hero are two weekly hcwetiepera, the Rochester Record and the Itocbeater Post In 1 Mb? the Winona A Kl Peter railway was complete,l to Roche*!* r, which has uow become one of the gn at primary wheat markets of th<) North west. Tneio are in the citv five large ttouriug mills, an iron foundry, woolou mill and carnage factory Rochester lies been visited by severe shum* in f outer years, lying w.tlnn the now ap | Mien >y welt defined trank of atmospheiica' dlsiurbsiK-e*. which crosaes tbo •oii'h'-l'n pot tiou of Minnesota from West to East, but the present is tne first oocaaiou wheu serious damage was obtained THX TRAIN ACCIDBNT EXAOtiERATEH The Story about the train between Hocheat t •li i Zuuibrota was ®xigvs*4teit '|T.« wt< d blow the swtu h nu -u a>*. ■<• tram ran off about half a mile weal ►» —■ turn mg otei * the whole train aud killing William Higgins, Art luan, of Hodge UelitCl' ID I-ILK MEASURES Tbo pioiupim-*s with wlnoli the call by • tov Hubbaid for aid at Rochester was uni by contributions is a splendid indication for Mumes ta ht Haul *tarting off by laising SI,UOU a uiiuute for the tirsi tiv<- minutes after learning of the new®, Mill water giving SI,OOO, lied Wing .ff>Oo aud other cities according to their at iliUe* end public spirit, shows that the prosperity of the Mate Las not spoiled her people- THE FIOLHES Tbe principal losses in Rocbcpter. a* nearly as have been estimated, are a* follows: Court Louse, unroofed S2,KUt High school building, tower and cart of luof gone . ‘.(.nut MetLixli<it church roof goue, aidoa tu g*-J, wrecked o.lsb Congregational chur< L, »l<-<*( le off l.iM»t Itruilroad depot lit roofed, round house g"U>\ bridge mint <1 and other lo*(*t-s .. i ■ nun Vandua**ii A Co’* <."vatoi iu.kuu H T Horton'* clcv.itnr 7,nu»i Harvester work* and in i.-biutiy r* nun J M. Cole'* null, side and r> - I off und un, Lou and oiigiue blown mfo (ho nver i.iso lT*-*i-«-nt neauiery ji.iihj C.i», 4ile unb r.,Ki,o 1,, rge Htockbridge’s • re and stock . , • o><o W jin B> ar>l*|e>’» l<un,ling l,<N*t A li Vcider, inaoniiie d, (>ot -,u<e I‘en bupineaa bio. La uuionfed r,,0u0 Iwo I uinlmd ami Ilfty i >u*e* with cou teutA , iM.OuQ Iwo Liindreil und ■i 1 > I n e- djumg-.d 'KI.UOO Total . |.W4,gou The *ui uni iou at Kuclieaier Ai >chf*ti:k, Spiecial Telegiam. Aug ’J7 The wrecked city is begun to recover from * b» wiidermsnt, and to move in earnest to *ave what reiuuitiß A few house* iu flio track of the ,-\ I,mk; tbut wen- wrecked aud not , arimd awav. liM\e tit-ell *'iaigtitened, and will afford slieitet ugniiist coming slurui* A iieavy rtinwi i pu**» d tbi* morning, soaking inn anil glum that bad not been protected. Mor» rain i* threatened to dav, and tin- work ot replacing (in rout* Mini ehingh * i* being crowded t • tbo utmost Tlie ram tin* noumug pent Dated the lioepital, und made tiie posiiion of (lie watchers and injiiit-d very disagreeable Ihe roof will Ih< i<ul to right* liofoic am more iam tali'* Tho comliDoii of tt.*-sutt-reis is mu b butt* r 'l,no l , D<ie. < x i-fpiin tii® desp*-iat* ,-**** Mi* McM<*b-i* died v uDu,la> lill’llt, lud W<i* blilK-d ’*:i hbatll afteiiicsiu Mr. D t\, tih<-ib**K (lied .M>,uda\ liu-iu lll** i Inldtcli, wliu are luad") ol pliuus Io tie Sturm, in i“ Wi tli Ii I 111 to Dio !uM The aluldi' U w*n- I- 1 m*> I and luaiivl* ,1 beyond lei'o.'uitiuii uic in u tan way to »«-«•*.%» I’he n-li* f coiiiinitti-,, is bu.*v distributing tti gifts i,| ,l.i? lung ii lid food **•!) to their lieadq uai t«-rs. I, lit itm* far ?be supply i* 1 1 r from *nrti,-i»-u> VoblKte*r si-M lllg Cll <'!<•" ill C bll*\ 111 II bin: tl.c ity, making up , iotlung to ui>| Dttin ■ L-oiani'. those who l,uv>- Rothllig It M lie ItUilditig -lutiiiH'-i- m* t 'l,i-< aftenn) ii.un.l will lieci b* , n s- me | l.m f,,i pr-ividiiig In hi** loi tin (bousnud ut present l.ouselei** u ,1 m peii'l ent on other* ful slieltei .Mi (i \\ \un L)ii- -ij and Moll. R A Jones leave for ('bn-igo to <iuv to solicit Ul*l trolll lin* bt-ard ut tr h b ITit-v will also vmil .Mdwsukt e Firm* in New Volk nly and cl*ewlieit art lining lieai I frotn with generous contiiLutions Ihe sympu'hv of (he country i* thorouglily* ,1 by our ,-itv* n* I be , ii\ wa* ,-ruwdcd on bun-lav witii sighlM-, i - Ini one opinion wk* univt-i ■ally exp|e**f*il a* to Iho effogth ol Mil- .-'* tin tliHi tlie dnpoUlioii was much gnati-i than,,in cuiii l imi*sil>l v inmciiK- witbotlt *e<-ilig it !* i v let * Wilt) held hi tic lial* D* I, npal nil i I'n-s by ten an cb in flics i Ik- otil v oik * left lit to occupy, and w--it- (d u uiu*t impit-Hsivt- i,hDii«- At tin Bui t,*t bur, I, tb* new of J, bn M i ’ol*- wa* I* ai 1 1v <I• «pi *1 in bla* I, «I AV < <ll W 111 I I I.V’S A ITKAI .MiVi-l Mb Hi li lit lit ,T|,»*b I liS* IB*lK'd the followum , uvular letter. Rt* (II.mIKR. Minn, Aug ‘Z4. I**s.l, On tLe* ei riling t.f Aug. gl a terrific tv • -t. >n»- stunk our cltjr, , i tii|ileiely ib-alioylng lit, Iwt-Hluga ;m<) totally d, iu<>h«liing il eir font cut* A,.-- i.iinht i ut oilier# wer* nnioi,f<-tl and otli, i wi*e Oaui ,g<-,R In lb# citv, nineteen i„ . - u- w> re killed ulh* | N •Cll Uy iic-'ir D, and built 1 Hi) woiilidt-d, sevt-rul ~f them fatally. Th* rnuied lioiihum w* re nearly all owik-iI and <„ i iitib d to in#, l,.ini, * and :al -n, i*, who have |>.*' everytlniig 'ln v had tn the wt.tid except ibe ,-lorhbig u|, i, - lii r i,**is, n* uml the link*- * In?* In many , j-* t the iiejtia f (Miuilie* me inime I 'I lie , ycloce , uteied'he Coindy nt iiv w, -tern b-.r ,ei. arid in it# course it®#*Toyed the . r> p« a» d tniHding** t*u ab -ut furb, farm*. Other* lying < oiitiguui* were ilamageil. ami live pt-r#ofia were killed onl»|,lt- the tftv. The rell* f t, rumi'te, ii,,-. a debiliet) li*t ot 1» l tamill.m the ritv dlutie, eiittr, ly ilsiDtute. MV appt-al Iu the pnh- In f r md. The lend ng biisine** men uf Ihe city are nil lieav) lci*,-i», arid , atmoi. therefoic, do a* iniK'li for the s'lfferers a* they * ,ui,l a mi. T Ley Lnw however ,»»t :ll.nted librraliv None ot Hu- I'lib , tilllMing* Lav, e* "ip'*t difmage Oil) school I milling' i* de*'r. \ ,*d, the ."Min home I* U'-r , led, Un* cl.nn k-- Hie *eriuiiKl> iniuretl, cm-of them 11. .VI,-tI "d n! ,t, ID',l I'll"! ! Die elevator* Mli'l sar.-liu i*<« .u> all wln.iu , r i.aiDnily m rum* i. lit mi t- pielitif , A|o|,,*> . < lothllig .ti,. I cur peuter* ni<- ucedeil (Hie Ii mulled lliomund dui iMt* expellib.-d 111 tool*, imnbei, etc., lul the peniil le»« would scMtcely put tin in <,n their feci mum - deotly to enable them to help ttn-ni-elve* All coniributlou* ate pia <1 In the hand* of u then onghlv organized committee of twenty-one citizens, und niav I * forwarded to the nn In signet). VilliFkivF rimt'rs of Nails ami Screw h. The extensive use Io which nails and screws are put in construction Icmis ( unsi lerable inf *rest to any records of cxpeiience tending to discover their holding power, lluupt, in his "Military Bridges,” a table of tlie holding power of wrought iron 10 d. nails, 77 to the pound, and about three inches long. The nudH were driven through a nine hoard into a block, and the board was then dragged in a direction perpendicu lar to the length of the nails. Taking a pine plank nailed to a pine block with eight nails to the square foot, the aver age breaking weight per nail was found to be Ikso pounds. Similar experiment* vs it 1 1 oak showed the breaking weight to be 4b r > pounds. With twelve nails to the loot square the holding power was ■VUi 1-2 pounds, and with six nails in pine 4t).< 1-2 pounds. Tlie highest result obtained was for 12 nails to the square foot in pine, the breaking weight being in this case 012 pounds p H r nail. The average strength decreases with the increase of surface. Tredgold gives the force in pounds, reuiiired to ex tract 8d brads from dry Christiana deal at right angles to the grain of the wood %* fkS pounds. The force required to draw a w relight iron >ki nail was 187 pounds tlie lenvtii forced into the wood being one inch. The relative adhesion when driven transversely <nd longitudinally IS 111 deal about two to olle. To extract a common (id nail from a depth of one inch in div beech, across gram, required Iti7 pounds, in dry Christiana deal, ac -a grain, lt»7 pounds, and with grain s,’ pounds. In elm the force required was 227 pounds across grain, and 2- r >7 with gram Id oak tlie figures given was fW7 pounds across grain. From further experiments it wotiid appear tiiat the holding power of spike nails in tir is from 4t»o to 7,‘iU pounds per inch in length while the adhesive power of screws 2 inches long, 2'2 inch in diameter at tlie exterior ot the threads, 12 to tlie inch, driven in one half inch hoard, was 79D bound* in hard wood and about one half that amount in soft wood. v < *-#ing a ITa*'e to Fight \Ya*hiiigtou Special: Tbo i’otiiinli*nHiin*r of likluu aff.tu* wa* blkovii tu ilav a ut*vv*i>aper paittgiupb e ating that Mitchell au-l Sl»ii« Hail arrange*! to hav«> their piiz*< tight at Vmit*, Did Ter. 'lb* reason* a*#-giie<l lor tine clit,ice wore that Hie lndiai,* could imt, ami that the Un t< d Stats* would n >i, uibrfere witii the tight, and tua* there wa* at Anuta a tiattuai ampiu ht-aU i winch would affo-d *j>ec tatore a good view (’ouiminnoii' , Price, a DeYont church nienitvcr. waxed indignant ovei the paragraph He nan] t'.o a**>ni>t<ti<>ti that t|M United statsa onuld uot aud would no: in terfers was eomewhxt ha nly. H>- mi once wrote Agent I uf'sof VitnU that h>: inn«i pre vent the t xeciitmn of auch a plan Mitchell ami Sla le will l-avn to try again. A Boston school l»oy WH«s*k**u "Why are anima's larger in a tropica! ilimu id »frigid zene?” The quick reply a# "Becauss heat expands and col l con tra* ts.” The property of Romluii 1* n*>***pnt <t »,t Hi.d tho n»U» of tttxfttion ii 114.60 per |I,UUU. Lucy Horton, who recently sued the soli of Renal or Morgan of Ahdamy for seduc tion, emitted a -cene in the fnaDiry de partment, where vlie wii* tormerlv cm ployed, by denoum ing every person in the department fr ,m F'olger down. L A. Fitzgerald, the jiensiun a. ent re (( tii ly debarred from | racticiiu' before tin* l terior department will r o longer he rec ognizeij a* un Ffh-rney before U,< tiea*urv department. I fie ireuMu v deparlmeiil isv’Sd wairanta tor FU.fttJb.Ono on ucchiui of pension*, nihk in,'the total 1ib,,i,1 s2tl<lDd,ooO paid on that acenimt Hie present month. Idle gossips furnish the following There i* a theor v that ! lie ( Hi, ago A Nortliwesl *hi Hailro nl i ompany * acctimulatiiu' ma tenal tin a stock ,|i vide ml. Il* piesenf jml ic\ m, I>v consolidation of hramdi line (w hose stock ii iiwiihj to accmnulsle rt l*ir >'er aim,not of it* -to, k in tlie- ('i->i* ll rv Fo Hue di-tribwtmii of (hi* lock would hr the work ol a moment, h tdn;*lc vole declaring h division of *lo< k in ll.e treasury. Tlie following will Inca I lie ext tot t Ile colli pany ’s mii pin* amt undislributi <1 a*‘-ets i ud stocks unissued Sn,ck owned liy tb#* rompxhy .May .'<l, ft,2‘_’,li! !>' eiclmnj'isl since lot Klgili <V Siatr I die Mini t'hicß.'o ,V Mil W'aiikee amt Nortfiwe*tern s'o* I, {?) Vtld )iM• stoi ka ut t,liter ptopiiefary ronli* Ntltt; land mcotne balance. $ J,(J To lal umiividiti u--.*i*t.*, stock, etc , j!'Jt,T.' Hftnuld Ihr c<>)itp*n\ <b termuie to ili*trit>- ute it all tn tlie sliat*e ot a stock itivhlclid, the Dork hidden* would he entitled to H»i in ireaseol s) per cut on llteir holding*. I.eaviog out tim sui)/lus income and land lialance, and *iqq»>Ningall proprietary -to. k exchanged, lfi#*r»- would I.e F2.Tditto,(it of •in isniiet) stock ut the dispusal of tin* (’tii, h • go A Norlliwe tem cm,,pans. I’lie I oi,,if I'm if,,- tin.* entered into an agreement with the (begun Liilahv A Nav i’/atioti compariy. whereby it Ims i.l.taiiied an important connection with ,San Francis co independently o! Hu* i entral Pacific. Al the --am, time (bey tl,rir mi'eage oil t'aliforiiia treight miles over tlicir or,'*» nt mileage via (.‘gib-n. l ie* advantage however will not probably Ik* utiPzisi up i» *s serious difficulties Lould Hiis,' Im twi-eti Union ami f’enlr.ti Paritic*. tiles. t he official* of tin- freight *h parlmeot ol Hi* Northern Pacific in rearranging their d* 1 ie, i idly , noi.e at ro ~ tin way hi’l ot tlie tied ra, of wheat slipped by lliecoili pat y 11m* wax hill i* No. /, nod le dated October) 1M72 Tlie wheat was shipped I,y <’ Haiken of Motley, \D,in and coiieigne-J to N* w comli ACo, of I Miluth. Tiie weight was I i g’l.f lb*, ntid the cur wm numb, re 1 RT Tm C mtdirt'i I'ao.itic directors left St Paul on the 2. r > h in*t for Winnqxf Charles Mtrong, the defauttmg ex county clerk ot Butler Kens., who was arrested at HI. Paul about ten day * ago. with his pira mom. Lad lit* preliminary examination on the 2.'*d .at hi loo,do, Kami, and w*,s bourn! over in the sum of, ami in *!*- fault was sent to jail. Strong forged a large number of county warrants, und then e loiicd wdb a young woman, leaving a wile ami two children almost i*enntlesa. For vnais I.e had been a prominent politician, hut wm* a slave to whisky and women, ami at la*t to raise funds, iorgcd warrants. At Macon, Mo., Ceorge Stewart shot and killed Walter Tracy oil the 2o inst The mnrder grew cut of the refusal ou Tracy’* part to live with Stewart's sister, whom Ste wart conqadled him to marry a few weeks a o Stewart’s aisler having alleged seduc tion Stewart escaped. T i e name ol tlie Minneapolis man, agent lor C. A J Michel of I a Cri ste, who was aliot by robbers, i* Hun k. He was a resi dent ol l.a f'ros*e tm along time, and is well known among his country-men. His wife i* a sister of Otto Kietie, a wralthy pork packer. H.W Northnp, charged with *educing Kitty Clyde, a thirteen-year old girl, a Fremont, Minn., has l**e;i arrested, and declaring a willingness to marry tii.* victim, has beer* taken to Fremont for that pur pose. H M hittkn. Mayor .1. M Hanoi), t x-trejsurer of the kullaml rniltoad, was arrested at Rutland, Y't., on th** _"2d, cliargeil wdli an over issue of 47,- 177 -hares of preferred stock of tlie Rutland railioa ) At Ogden. I’teL.a negro recently shot and killed Marshal Burke and wounded Charles Wtlk Ti** who were trying toamat him. Citi 7.en* lynched the shooter. The Singer block, corner Well* and vVe*t Water -IreeL Milwaukee, owned hy ex-tiov Lu ding ton w**,lai)isge-t by tire to Hie i-xl* nt ol f.'tifijo* While Hill jewing Mad-ilte conqatm suffered hy Water, but liM .e ' t*(K> insurance, which cover# all loss Porfb.V'’o, suspended iimnntacDirers, (ind a stock ol s.'<o,lloo, iroured for s22.Ubo. but lose IDI le or n.tttimg Tf-e Metr«>politan ('oiset factory bed h s*ock i»1 fs.ono, badlv damaged. Tlie .Singer He wing machine com paiiy wa* l>ad ly Hooded, but Ittse litt'e. Ttie lire started in tlie «tock non, o'the corset company, from an unknown cause. The building if self was damaged to the extent et flb.Ouo It whs built two year* ago. at a cost of S4O, UNI. Dispatches from tlie northern and central loert ot Wisconsin rejstrt great damage from •lie wind *torm of tlie 21st Ins, At Stevens’ jioitit, end in Wood county, crop*. Voces, buildings ami null dams were all torn to pieces- An n’d man iu Wood county was seriously hut not tatnlly injure 1 by Hying debris The towns ol Htockton and New Htqie were visited bv a lerriftle liail storm, md crop* *rc ba-liy tfamaged. fJve stock wss killed at scv*ral |*,iiit-s hy Hying rails In Brown county wind and ha I did simitar damage, but no o*a of life is reported. A very costly wreck occurred ou the night of th® 2 1at at Turner, a sta ion on the Atchison, Topeka A Haute Fe railroad. The ten tra?n* ,ame P-gethv* with a teritßc crash, totally demolishing b* tti and wreck ing a large nutuber of cats miui killing many i st'le, Ttie engineers and firemen )uni|a*>l and saved lion.stive* but a Inak*- rnatt was caught and severely hurt The loss to tto Sente Ke company wi:i to i‘ In Ihceiuber, the brig New Domin ion iMUlwdJfroii.Cow Rxy, f'ep* |t:*t »ti h»r Yurti onth. hTO •» < nrjio <>f 4'o»»| a*>d noth Mi* W>p i*v* r t*r'l o> (i | nil el A r.l A •Mv»r «* worn uii lli* »re. k o» U.e <’*i|»r 'Jroye. jie .r Torbay, b*H discovered her hull nn: m:ws in ijiiiKi GOSSII’ t'HOM WAStUNVTOS Wt I'ton, pee ml 110, II It Mtraii IcD fm M,nio'soih to night Hi* iic.-Mon lieie perlhiiu tt ( In fly D* bu*iiir**-* Ik lore the inleriui depHrltiienl. Ht- t-m-i i-e,te<i in ecuring th** leirmtHleiudit of s«vera!iand ufrie* w hit Ii bud i>(cn w rciigfully caocslcd. He bad r bourd of aurgeoim, eoli*i-t,b:' of Dr* s. Frtltuii, VA |„ Lincoln sn l Nful ligrtii • tHblislied iu VVrtiiH*lirt couniy for (XHiiic ii.g |>ensi(>n i lairiiMiiis. ile rlmo ("tiled D|g)U acting secretary of tbe iutei or Joslyn regarding the dispute as to if.c \V» * tern tMimnlary line of the Itevil’s Lake In diati rewervation. ft i* rlaifned by the In dians Hint this boundary line should extend eight null's further west. If it did it would take into the reservation about PH) settlers ami it I,ranch of the Northern Pacific rail road which now run* along tins In .titulary. Mr. wa- informed tlmt the Indian agenl had h**en inst.m tr>l to take no action in the premises nt preset,t. anil I tint the matter would t»»- insea'igatod. HAIIItO.iI> \r.ns \OTKS Ki;<oi;i> nr < unit:. m —— ran gasi m. ty it n ohik f on the iHittniu, making her name out plain ly on lu-r stern. She is supposed to have run on t he *Hine ri-et a* did t lie t Vilar < irove, and to have slid off and sunk with :tll ! liukU. A *Wrtrm of busy bee* stun 1 ' David Wod<D into eternity at .Mattoon, fil. \dm in are dest royifig f tie Oned*A county, N V., hop cron. #;/;//;r roitnos \r:ns. I’be London Times cnrres|a>ndent at Ht i'eteisburg, in a dispatch referring to tm* expulsion from Ht. Petersburg of American Jewa, in accordance with the law forbidding Jews to live in that city, says it 1* not like ly that Hie Russian officials have been n\(*t strict in such cases, in view of the repeated protests by the British and American government in regard io the treatment of Jew®. 'Hie Jew who whn ( Jpflled declined to ask ttie prefect a* a favor. Io hllow him Io retain until be had transacted liisjlui Dies*, as lie could i:ol demand such Deal men! ns a tight. Montreal telegram— Before leaving on an sou to the Pockiis to-night fleoige Hfeveits, and Holt. Donald Smith, one of the directors of tlie (’unH<lifln l’aci tic railway, dom ted sriO,titMt$ r iO,titMt each, the first to build a wiiqj t<> the gineral hospital iu memory of tlie late Dr. Camphell, the hc< ond tu endow a chair d niedirrine in the McUill university. Paris Cable A >*p®nisti < ()r,espomlent telegraplis tlie following from Barcelona King Alphonsu on his arrival in Barcelo na, had a moat sativtactory reception from the nut ImriticN and alljclasscsof the |>optilA ti«>n. I’lte working ctassi-s just out of tin factories and tlie seafaring population on Ihe quays lustily cheered the ki’igas lo ilrove pa*t with tin* mayor an old Libera! and accompanied hy a small escort grid t- ii just tichind his carnage. Mr. tiladstone is stronger to-day wiili the British voters than he has ever been, His success in parliamentary business luis up parent ly aildeti to Ins marvelous vigor. Im me iirtti lv after the dose of tlie se's on Mr. tihidstone left town to e,.joy a pt iod of r« 1 nation at Hawarden, Benjamin Rtmbxl, who transialed Hi-liu!/)* Dclitzsch’s work info French l.a* In uncut licit to Du* municipality of Paris tin- sum < f f'.'f 11, «'MD, to be u*ed in promo tin/the , uusc of cooperation mall it< forms. Mr. Trevalyutt, under secretary for Ire will shortly visit the continent, where he will enjoy a holiday ami rest affer his la bor* during the past session of parliament. The lumber camp ot Foster, Blackman \ to , near Pig Rapids, Mich was burned. Loss, $Mi tHH-t insurance, jilH.O, l. g i:\rit 1 l xeuh ix am i t • A ’(conservative ’* mte made i>y the Northwestern Miller put* the daily capaci ty of tin- \Lnneapolis mills at ‘JU tiliO f>ai n*l* A \,*ar ago at this date the catmeify wm* estimated a! 21.2/1U barrel*. The year's iuenase, therefore, is 5 410. It is claimed that these amount* more nearly represent the real working figures than is ustiaily the case w ith stateim uts of tin* kind A study of the*,- figur, a give* some interesting r»- Hills. The number ol bushels of wheat n qtiirci to make the 2ojifkl barrels of flour per day would he li*.'s,.’«(), the tran*j>or»H lion of wlii, (1 would take ‘.'fib cars, or a sot i<! tram a mile and tbre« quarters iu length. Be-iiha tin- flour, the daily prodi.ct ol bread spiff would be | buttons, to haul h-th of wliich would rt quire T2A < urs and sixteen locomotives, or more 1 had two miles of sol id train it an average price of j 4 per bar r, i for Hour and 4 * pi r ton for tn i I let 11 IT, the total (holy production ot the mil’s amounts to |117.72M, or nearly fT7,tiott,ota) in the course of a year. Chicago Tribum It is estimated ilia’ within a year tit, iv lia* la-en listed on il<t- New V**ik *to,-k exchange no less iha , $ 7do b(N,.t 00 of MNuri'ieH Nearly id no - OOo.Oio whs Intel in one vviek t»efore 110 adjournment ol ttie governinc commit tee for I tie summer. The number ol mil, s of rail, ad hmll in lav?* w,c 4,721; in 1 K*2, if wa- 11,501. These Itiiiit in the lonurr v* ir v.ere papered tor s27o,ta O.OOf) of -L'N - 000 a mi e; Itio-r* of last year s Const met iou brought j>,'iio,non,(Hio oi bonds and slocks to swell the supply of Wall **r»*et, la-isgove jtd ,4MHI H mile. t»i, tlie 24th intelligence was received from Fort Ho lord to Hie effect flint h parly of firosvenlre Indiaiis, who are cam)a-d neer file p*,vt wre I hy tlieCre»s, who ran )>H a lot of stock. They were pursued tiy f e tiros ventres to the little Muddy, 2>-o miles distant, where n figfit ensued, in wliicli *everal were wou*ded on botii sides, hut the stock was not recovered. Lieuten ant Robinson, with a detachment of flu* Seventh 1 avalry, is in pursuit of the tliieve*. (ireat excitement preva’la at E'Drl Buford. A collision occurred on tiie 20th inst of! F.ddysiotie light in the Iviglish rliannel be tween the French steamer 8t (lermaur, from Havre to New York, and the steatmr Wood burn, from lh® east hy way of (he Sue/, canal. The WiHalhnru immediately sank. Figbteeti of her crew were drowned. The Ht (drniain, disabled, arrived at Ply inoutli and landed tlie passengw- *ave,l from the Wcodhum. The 1 'iucinnnti produce exchange held a meeting recently f«, consider the question of inviting the National Butter, f'fieese rml Krgs aaecciation to hold its annual session tins *ea>on Lnt Uincir.nati. Memhers were uuaniniously in favor of tlie plan, ami it <s understood that the convention will assem ble the first Tuesday following Thank*giv mg day. Two palrol wagons, a dozen policemen atid about 500 hoys at'em pled to run down three Texas s'eers which had eacaaed from the stock yard® to the (»pe»i prairies south of Fhirngo recently. Two c-er# captured, hut the third ovei turned a buggy containing three j>er*ons and made a mad rush tor a little child, wliich, however, had a tnira, u lona escape, and created other havoc before it was finally shot hy a policeman. H. L. Bridgman, of Frank Leslie's dime Dated new-|*a|®r, write* the Northwestern agent o.‘ that publication that lie exja-et.* on P . occasion of the laying of the U*t rail of tin- Northern Pacific to have one of the iiest artists iu Die country to make the sketches for the paper. Larine .Shaw, male 4 • t Die Juno, swam ion vards through a heavy ga'e to fasten a tii »• b Ihe - luHim r Jessie Har* while she wa® a- round on a stone pile a* the Pt.iia delphia break wafer. He wil get (2.110 Qa# salvage money. At Hi. Catharines, Dot, Mr. Wardell found a skull in a lot of coal in th® hold of the burned steamer OlenUniaa. None of the crew were missing and the affair creaP's a mystery. I lie lower Imuse of Die lieorgia legisla ture Las a lopted a resolution instruc ting the members of congress from that state to vote for |M>atal telegraph service. Bunding Inspector lislernrooK of New York ha* forbidden the building of bow windows projecting more than twelve inches beyond the lot line. Foe He|!brook n.wguetic well, near Day ton, lias been sold for SR.(JffO. The well w#s v sited last Sunday by 3,000 per sons Since iaat March about 4.000 head of cat tle have been bought up in the region trib utary to Waseca and ahipped to Montana. ('lark A F.d wards, printers of t'hicago, fail *1 Liabilities, $70,U»»0; assets unknown. ml paUi ings worth s2,Ano were seized on th® steamer Egypt at New York. rKKSOXAL Mens NOTES, At a meeting of the American Bar Aaa v rutmti at Haratoga springs, Hon. Gordon K. foleol Farit«nlt was elected one ol the Y,cr J'resldenla of Ihe astswiation. At a meeting <->f the t*ar am joistion ol the Twelfth district of Morris, aieong mailers ot more general interest tfiscmsid was a reciiinmen ■ tat ion of Hie committee on law reform that the nsNOCiabon should use all efforts to spi late Hie question of th>* holding ot a eoneti* tutlonnl convention in the near futhrf. Several etc* llant re«s«»ns woe mlvniirtNl -dmwing the nicer sity of a constilutional eon vent i in, am! the association unani mously adopted rue r» < orn no inhit inn. aim also m|< tested ttie Stall* krar assmiiatioii t<* a,.'itate t lie matter. J It Gardner. a wealthy eilueii of Ikm* ton, necntly Jtiva*td, provide* by will that a Isrge sum of money, land anil other securities, aggregating io value jn.‘!l,Ht)o, should he turned over to the l lilted States treasury, to hr used in helping pay the na tional del l. The heipietd has be. n received at the treasury department ami placed to the credit of patrioti* donations. Mr. Henry Irvine will be accompanied to America by Mr. Joseph Hatton, the promt uent author aid Journalist, who w ill de vote Ins time while with Mr. Irving to writing that centlenuiii s impressions of the country. These will be putdislief on the return to Fngland, tyul are* xp tied to add not a little to the abundant store ot "Amer ican notes ’ already in the market. Mias Har&b 15fi water ot Jacksonville, Flu. whs married on h* r deathbed to Hr. S. Willard of Jonesboro, 111., in Brooklyn, N. V Mrs W illard died ilie day after her marriage Jim fining, a Chinaman, and a comely Georgia girl, Mary 1., .loos, were married at Ati'iista re< ently. Among the presents to the bride was a |. r io lan. I>r. Swift of Rochester has discovered another comet noa* - flie constellation of Andromeda. THE MARKB3T3. RT. I* AIII.. 1 torn la! rits.Ornnae Jtl'>«»!)in, Red fro»«, •i. u tv fit: i randy.+.l sn; linkers'.X.XXX, *1.75; in biurets, ifsc <*xira; outside brands. 75 iiflOi* per bbl It****, ucrnrdtMg to quality; low trades, #7 i. if nil Rye Hour, # 3.75 per bh! Gru* i.arn, if 1 50 p**r hbl. Wilt'll Market qnle*, tbouirh there was a fair amount doing hi the general market,supply consld iii it 1 i ii*e wi-r* unrliuii*i< d and (liiotnlily ste idy No. I haul, *1.1:1; Aiign-t, tfl lit: Mepteinher, t I o~ : O* tutier mid the year, ifl 05; No. i! hard, ft ok; Nu o f>7c, all bid* Cohn—Quiet for want of siitiplv. The demand was easy Prices mii'ltung"d except for >ear. that was liigtier. No. J was lower, in bids Quotation* No. if, iso* bid, . r tiic a-ked f• >r split and August "September, 47" bid, IIV* asked; Year, Jt* bid. 47c asked; No. ft, I'7c idd OA't s—'l hi re was it fair demand for soot o\t* Futures tjniet. N 7 tinx**d. do.* led for old; Hep tend er, 70c bill, 7*c usk'd; li*-iote*r, 7i»c bid 77c ask* d; year, I ul, o»e l; No if white. 7‘<- ».ti| for new; rejectvd, 77c asked. UIWKAPOhI*' I* i.oi n - There is no mulct la! chan/ in the »i’n uti*oi. which l.s coosi'iered *tr'*li' bv ill M ici-iotn paient* «rc'iiioteil in Ho*">n at .+7. 10".7.75 and in New York .it #7.75'17.1*5. Local quotation* an* Pali nts, )fi{.so c 7; straight*, $5 hold; clears. *1 HOi-r." 70; low grade., f 7 7 >' *3.75. Mill* jriT- Yesterday shipment* were ■•mall and the l.icaf demand * • rii" to he lighter. Quotation*; Jlmti. in btei . *7.7 >: virk< d, I me sl.i,r «, tlo :•«»*» I 1 ; «*<-u *>e, #0.75" > to 75 Mixed feed, ’Flu n Is Ci ar*'' corn mea', *lO. VVhm i flit) lioou. w.tsi.n N • 1 Northeru, new. wl ii 5 scid at ifl 07, and lion dropped in #1 ol at a *!!igl" Jump Old No I hail - Id at sl. lit In si- in. ai d n fine simple of N*> 7 hard went at ifl ) I Four cuts of No I Northern went at if I .07, and throe car** of (he *sic* it <fl n|. N 1 hard •■oiler S- pteuibor was off r•. I at #1.07 with .*1 05 bid. For No 1 Northern, i-eller Sen tointei, *1 i*7 wash'd, and for V* 7. seller fate tept< nib* i. >f 1.07 was ask' d atul *.*'e‘ led For N" I hard, s>*ll'*r I l.dolu r, If 1.00 Wu * tel and ft 07 asked ha i* of old i»y aanudo were ;,t S'rm d o**, rci" tii*' ' Qiiniation*; No t hard, ifl.lfi; N 7 bard.if! 17: No. 1 Northern, Ifl.17: N". *. N*rilu re, if I 07; No !. *1 ml; No. 7, #1.07; N' 'I, 07c. Mider*’ aaaociHtinii puees: No. 1 liar*!, tl. io; No 7 hail, if J 05: No. I regular, #l.o;j N ' 7, ifl; N<*. ii, no*; No. i. i*o■. CnJiN—'l Imre was in trading, posted was offerei? «t tic, and No, 7 t 40c. Quotable at 4Mj for No. 7, and 4o ' I7»* for < n len c n. d ttv s.iumt>\ OAT Offi rings were flee, hill Mils were scarce. ", ’ 1 Iwe Ic. • Ul pi-, .it 75c. Quota Ide i .s * >.,r X 7 in i* 1. white, ihtc; rejected 7.*" . V .by amp e CHW \iu> M*liKi:r I'lout quiet Mil ||Ui'ltnnfrftl l{«Vir ‘A In-.. 1. III.M ttl-d 111 l I »ni; ¥t 0111-J (ill \ iit; ir 1 ' l.*» I M • i.i• ii . r; if h«*V *i •* I <t'J « O. t .»!.•! ,»)<il'v M.o| \-.Vfinl»i>r; tl <«>•« tl,« '»'.ir:N ii'l;*, :f l.iiii 1 1. V i .'I v|>ri ►>• : N *J »« < 1 WUl>;l. +1 O'J I ’. < 'oril, < l Mild ■ ini *; -it . i’ *l, 3k! August; ."»«i,< t.-mb..i • I‘i'* i »'»V Oct..l»r; 177; » 4No venilier: 4t>.'f Ul'hC Ty< -u Oafs, *ti .idy ; y 7« i*li iiijtl AuiMi'*: -’<»‘i V. Sei>ttsmhnr; •.£«»• ••« Oc!i twi; Nmi'll)7n i. 'J*/i tin l year. Ityv, lower, at Barley, «1 it<lZ ti'JW Hcptemlwr I*.ok, iu fair demand m l nominally un< h <nif»-1: 11 l.ff'JV'* 1-<•«**»! :• ii*’ Aii'iiv: til ‘lyi.j'i I I.!C Si ;iitml»> r; 11 y.o.'i <v 1'«. i*7 . Ociohe, ; !+ II(J mi ll.Tii November; til o.jO 11. tit) ilio y> m Iy. lout IV. I y *-.» Jautiaty Ir<l. sh iilj : t l * lir* ■< *h.;i7'd I'nsli. August and N ptcmlier: +h :fy»a , 'iK ;jf> Oc'ober; ft in ' *IV. Nov.-w»- liet . <*y’ W (U,H o.'» rh»- year; 1 d't s. 1 y t.j Jan narv hulk meats in fair demand; abnnlders t. r i 7.»: short rili«, Itli.oo; abort clear, $7,40 llu'ter. rvut and wljtaky, unchanged. lieccipu Hon . I,ooobblii wheat, &4MKX) tra;oorn, 2)01, imhi hut oafs. JOlJhwi hut rye. 4!Mtoo bu; I ,irl< \. ‘J.iKhi lui. MufuiifiiU - Flour. Il.iino Mils; wheat. Mi utto bu; corn, bn; oats, 158,- non bu; rje, 5rt,000 bn; barley, I.imK) bu. NT w York Markkt.- Flour, dull; receipts, 14,000 bid*: expor's.'tt) bI»U, Win*', rail loin l '>' slid option- ■ ' „> ] .wor, i |o»,n? shadier: graded. oil, itl.iMXAl.Vy; N'.» 4 tad, tl ol steamer N • if red, +1 t*ll*g No. ;t red, $1 llf'l 11 4 'y. ’'ellvcred; • tn■ t N- y nil. VI,III. No. y red. tl.l" l | - l l- . . leva or. *1 11*i< l.yo l /., sfl'iut; utorrlibit white, oic ; No. y rut. Anifi't, “alos, V’4,oim* bu at if I ltibjid 1 lotj, rb'sUiK at tl It; t; Fi’iitrtubi'r, Halos Hiy.iMMt bu at tl lfi : l» 'I 1 7 '•>. i liiiuiu at tl. 1 b?s, OctobiT, n:i n«, I bu at »1.1 b<t 1.14 : V ilo'iutf fcttl l'* i; Now ml/oi. nalos, MC>“,iHH)bu »i tl -yi ‘4 U l.yi v. 01. M!,ir Ut tl J 1 »; l>**o«*iubor. nalo», yiMf.iMH* bn at tl *—*-I*4 '1 ii!!'., i'lo*ilnf at tl Ull'j; January, salt«, lO.tKK) hit at fl.yi**; l'oliruai y, ral/>», .Mi.iHtii hu at +1 I. *!<!?; I'lo'iiif i'ttl ytiAs Cmti, »|."t lot* npotisil rirti fetid . l».s«*d ,» nbiiilo lower; >i|.ti‘iii4 ‘l’ttic dull and b air; fioiDts, 7<1,4?A lm: eiiiort*. l7n,tMK*bu, utu’r.vb''!, <7 '• *;;>i'; No. ;t, tiy u tiy'; No. y; til > 141 .“• • ifl'>at; No. y, whltfl,; No. y Aukusl, »*.:,-'V " »-'f igc, clotiug *t WH*ur; Sentotnbor. by7k A tolht l '. « • »l;ij* at IIL-V; Ortobor. Ibliii t;:t l 4i', clufe* iiw a' tllli*; N'liotnlior. *iyNt " by 7 ao, i loaititr at •»yS‘ <>at'. H'd li* bigb. i; rocoibtn, lVs,l*oobn '*»iot's, rotia; ruiit'i) AVoaiwrn, Jb. •''.'ltr: white w o'b.rii, 44K <t 4Mc. Hay, In fair dontaod aoi* firmly bold Hot’*, quiet ..'id firm; imoil to r hoicn JtM.ifti I*l fToo, tlrtii a' <1 fairly active. Hugar, Mu.and fa t and market firm; ii-Rued, flnney; y»t lon, liM ; stundaid A, - 1 * •»*,<; coidertioneri A. •* '» l*»c: gratin' itod, « IJ-ltk* Molsasea quiet *"d unciiantfi'il hit . o'i o but steady; dementia ’7i ; li.ngoon, 4 ;< t ' • f’ -troi^um,dull; United, || , '1 i a, quioi Itrn K 'sin, active but lower; t>l j« 1 .b.Y *i urnendne, quiet, but •tiaily; 4l**r. Ky fc '. VYi atetn fresb, yyiAyV'ke. heather, firm and fairly active: hemlock soles, liuenus Avren, lti<' fhande, light middle and Leavy wi igbt. y I Mciy.%'k. Wool, quiet but steady; domest’Cfleece, ,‘fy <i I.V; bulled, IS 44t*c; im waste d. lit« y He; Tills. 1 I «iV7c. l*i>rk,*t*aily, options a* n.umns: rates, hard, dull and ht-avv; tnmo s'i-sui. ♦».?%; S<|,'ember, **.7o; Oc tole-r,71; Novitnb" I>i-i'«uii»'r,if>i.4s; •Ijinuarr f*Oub.r.Y hotter, qutet sud nu* changed, rhoeso. quiet out tmn hes l, dull snyi weak, cornumu. Jk4.y<Xm4 yOther articles uo* ibangeit \ F rtgtu Inf it 111000 Aso-iisimo PaiiH <'at'l> ' At Kvatt, Krolay, M Giatiut* war hI-oiu •*< utsko a 4 islloni« a-i‘*iu«ioti, uct'otiipa 11 ini bv M’lle Alltertino. The i>al li'oii ini<-ij»'*rt«itly broke loos** aud Mu* <>id caught M Gr«tt«u by lL» tbiK«'rs *u*' bsul Ho wan unrui d'attly aln-k**d into the nir 4>(M) meters high. Art*-* frantic efforts, lie b«caiuo exli&UHiod and iiung «t the end of tli** cord etiependod surly by two tii g* re and sofTcriiig cxirucistiog agony In Mist situation be wan carried near v tour nilt’S Mile. Albcrtinc, overcome witb ilie borror of the sttuatiun, fainted away and aank oelpics* to tho Lot loin of the car Graft ion was not * ia!y atripped of Ihh clothes, bnt hi« skin was literally torn in Htnpa from hia body ia lir wri djagg'd for nearly haia a utile through the thurry bramble**. Fmaby he was learned hr some | ea-atitn, although his coiidtti in is critical, lie will probatdy re eov< r When the ro: e was cut the balloon • roa*', but s on Unde I, and Mite. Alb«*rtine was rescued badly scared, but otherwise safe and round Rev. Dr. Mci'oah seem* to have ns difficulty in raising funds for Princeton. Of the $200,000 needed to carry out the design* for promoting philosophy there, f r*n,MMO have already l**o*n nrontVetl. Tire lute Seth Turner of Randolph, Mums ,), ft S2S,MMO to fonod a Hrlit*.* , 4 in tlinl town, rind ItetjiluHthtMi $lO o«# to tit** Randolph town library. Lieutenant Southerland, of the Fifty sixth regi uent, 1* tho largest man in the British Mtrvice. He is eight feet foui inchoa h«gh, Mint wei, ha *tl>mU 301 poumis. TERRITORIAL NEWS. Notk.— Th« iteiuH of newa nrnlar tbia bead are gleaned from our exchangee and from special telcgrums, and are given our read era simply as showing some of the impor tant event* now transpiring within the ter ritory. We do not vouch for the truth or falsity of these items or indorse the senti ments they express only in so fxr as they are in accord with the well-anowu policy of this paper. , Dakota’* Grain GonimiKHiou. At a mooting of the board of grain in- Hpectorn for Dakota, held on the socond day of Angiiat, 1883, the following rules governing the inspection of grain in the territory of Dakota for the year ending August Iff, INB4, were adopted: went NO WHE AT. No I Hard Spring Wheat- Shall I*> mm potted mostly of the hard varieties ..I spring wheat, which ntuat be aountl, well cleaned, and weigh not leas than ’•* pound.* to the measured bualtol. Nu. 1 Spring Wheat —Muat In# sound, welt cleaned, weighing not lesa than 5H pound* to the measured boahei. No. ii Hard Spring Wlteat —Must he sound and reanomihly clean, composed mindly of the hard varietieH of spring wheat, am! weigh not les* than 57 pound* to the ineaHHred bushel. No. 2 Spring Wheat —Must be sound nml reasonably clean, ami weigh not li?s* than 5R pounds to the measured bushel. Nu :! Spring Wheat—Shall comprise nil wheat lit for warehousing, not good i no mb f< r No. 2, weighing not less than M p-at ml* to the measured bushel. Rejected Spring Wheat—Shall com prise all wheat tit for warehousing; hut tmo low in weight or otherwise untit for No. .’S, Note All wheat that is in a heating condition, or too damp to be considered Hiifo lor warehousing, or that has any coniiderablo admixture of foreign grain or sect Is, or is badly bln burnt, whatever grade it might otherwise be, is pro nounced “condemned.” Rice Wheat—Will in no ease be in spected higher than rejected. Wheat containing unv mixture, how ever light of rice wheat (sometimes termed “(loose wheat” or “California”) i* liable to grade rejected, however high it might otherwise grade. WINTEIt WHEAT. No. I Winter Wheat—To be pure white winter wheat, srund, plump, and wi ll cleaned and weigh not less than 58 p ounds to the measured bushel. No 2 Winter Wheat—To be pure white winter wheat, sound and reason* ably clean, and weigh not less thau M piitimis to the measured bushel. No. 1 Ked Winter—To be pure winter wheat, ted or red and white mixed. h*.iiiml plump, ami well cleaned, and weigh not less than 58 pounds to the mctiMired bushel. No. 2 Red Winter—To be pure winter wheat, red or red and white mixed. v mild and reasonably cleaned, and weigh not les* than 50 pounds to the measured bushel. No. :i Winter—All winter wheat not clean and plump enough for No. 2, weighing not less than 55 pounds to the measured bushel. Rejected Winter—All winter wheat damp, musty, grown, or from any cause -o badly damaged as to be unfit lor No. :i. CX.IRN, No. 1 —To be sound, plump, and well cleaned white and yellow. No 2—To he dry. reasonably clean, but not plump enough for No. 1. Rejected—All damp, dirty Mnd other vi ho badly damaged. White Corn—To be white and In all other respect* the same as No. 1 corn. Ye low Corn—To he yellow, and in all other respects same as No. I corn. High mixed corn shall l»e three quar ter* yellow, and equal to No. 2. in condi tion and quality. » OAT*. No. I While Oats—. Shall he white, clean ami bright, and weigh not less than 152 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 2 White Oats—Must lie nearly white, reasonably clean, and weigh n_ot._ less than 2b pounds to the Measured bm-hel. No. TJ White Outs—shall be mainly white, and not equal to No. 2 white in other respects. No. 2 Mixed Oat* —Shall include light ami dark mixed, reasonably clean, icasouubl / free from other grains, and weigh not les* than 2h pounds to the measured bushel. No. !i Oats —All merchantable oats un lit for No. 2*ball l*e graded No 3. Rejected—All damp, unsound, dirty, or front any other cause unfit for No. 3. HYK. No. 1 —To be sound, plump and well cleaned. No 2 -To be sour d, reasonably clean amt free from ot her grain. Rejected “All damp, musty, dirty or otherwise unfit for No. 2. BARI.KY. No. I—To1 —To be plump, bright, sound, clean ami free from other grain. No. 2 Harley—Shall be sound, reason ably plump, reasonably clean, and free I rum other grain, good malting barley, i but may la* sligntly stained, testing not les* than J 7 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 4 Barley—Shall include shrunken discolored, bnt reasonably sound barley and fit for malting purposes, weighing not less than 43 pounds to the measured bushel. Rejected Harley—Shall include all damp, musty, damaged; or for any cause unfit for malting purposes, or largely mixed with other grains. IMegate* to the Dakota Constitutional Cou vention. Tho following is a list of delegates elects*] U the constituUoual convention at Hionx Falla, m 'ar a* received*. Davison County—A W. fh(ik, A. J. Water house. J. C. Tat man sod J. M Pease. Codington County—A. C. Millette. Gen- Wililsn Pierce. U H Hptcer, FMwsrd Wheeler and H. B 1 Beadle County-A B Melville. C. T. Lane, Charles J. an J Reed. Hutchinson County A. Hlierldea Jones. Karl Winter, H. M. Dsboll and Afar hies Schlimven. McCook Countv—W. H Brooks, J. K. Hu tar and Mr. Tsrrell. Ifsnd Countv—B. R Howell, Henry Miller, W* N Brsrton and C E Cot. Day County— M. M Moulton, E ft Buggies ami I. C. Adstn l *. Minnehaha Connty—B F. Pettigrew, Melvtr CJrleby, B. F Campbell. W. W. Urookiugs, Joho Hippos. Albion Thorne, W C. Levering and O. D. Bannister. „ Yanktou County—John R. Gamble, Hugh J. Campbell, Joseph Ward, Goorge 'I. Hand. Bart stt Tripp, C. J B If irria and C. E Brooks. Moody County—ll M. Williamson, J. E- Whalen, K P. Alien and C H Wei man. Huifu*"* County—James A WarJ. William 8. Well*. Charles J. If hum*. W. A. Lichtenwailaer. Hyde County—Ed Johnson. (.’lay County—J P Kidder, E. B. Dawson, J. Kimball and J U Wiut 'sHe. Kingsbury County—P- Lawrence, K Lewis, C. McDonald and J R. South Hoi Homme County—MaJ. Doiiard, J. L Turner, C. T. McCoy and F. M Z ebvh Douglas County—S. Simusoa aad Rev. Mr Cat than Brule County—Maj A. J Kellain, 8. W. Duncan and Mr. Hchtnhlt. Sully and Potter Counties—J. H West over and E W. Charles Mix County—M T. Poit and A. B La .’AS. I.swrence County—(J. 0. Moody. B. C. Caulfield. W. H Parker, Porter Warner. Dolnh Edwards, J. A. <4 jusolly, T. K. Harvey, A. J. Knight and J. OL R.on. Grant Connty— N. I- Lothiam, J. 0. El.iott, W T ILrnntu and B. P. Murphy. Peuniugtou County— M. J. Gordon, A. Grant, W. C Hou/hton. L. G, Johnson, E. D. Adams, C. O Holland, A. O. Titus. Aurora County— S. L. Backet, T. C. Kennellj and Frank P. Baum Spinke R Truax, D. N Hast, C. N. Keith and E. W. Foster Clark County—B. H Elrod aad Carl G. Sher wood- Denel County—E. J. Bnrrklge, P. A. Gtucheil and H. B- Mauaghao. M Hamlin County— J. P. Chaavat aaJ Joki Hayea. Lake Connty—Mat Daley. B. a Wentworth and B A. Murray. Miner County—B. H* Bronson, W. W. Whits sod G. B Farmer. Buffalo County— E. A. Herman. W. & OrnndnH aad a W. Cleveland. ■■ ■ 1 m The public in sxntouuly wnUing for Judge Kdgerton’s deetaion is tho quo warranto case against the capital eom ‘mianionem. It m yet impoeaible to pr%- dh t when this decision will be "ril a* the brief* of tlte ath>rneys whoorpoed * the case bate not been placed tn the hautla of tire imlge and he oewaot beflht 5 lua part of the work a poo the mm tpnp til these <l*K im»**Mts are laUI V*efore hfia