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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
"irchasi U'M': Mf-Ui, 1' il By) I v v.r.1 Co., New Improved .New and Light lull -nut s,ojliare i( REDCt & CRAIG! SPRING GOODS Coming in Daily. Fail to ire again at the front, with a Complete Line of FARM MACHINERY! -CONSISTING MAINLY" OF s* Chanpion Cord Binder! '^HAMPION MOWERS! fRONT CUT. RE A It CUT. The Moline and Canton Plows. Chieftain* Ooates, Ann Arbor and Ad vance Hay Rakes. IHD UiHD CORD CltllltilOHS. also agents for the i s a n N i o s S e a & o e s e s B^ou want the best binder, or a first-class w Burning Thresher Engine, or any other lie standard farm machinery, call on or dnt: criic See Them. I'M BEST SL Cl. fine C% I\^ IHG STONE CITY, DAK., FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1883. NO. Or|(auiziitiou of School TovfiiNlpw. Following are the sections of the new school law relating to the organ ir-ttion of schools under the township system: See. 23. School townships may be organized in any county whether townships are organized for civil pur poses or not. ihit when organized both as school townships and civil townships the boundaries and name shall be the same for both purposes. Where civil townships are now organ ized the school townships may also be organized with the same boundaries and name. Both may be organized at the same time, or either first and the other afterwards. This act, except wherin otherwise specifically declared shall apply to and govern school town ships only when organized as distinct corporations for school purposes, as declared in section 2 of this act. Sec 24. The board of county com missioners of each county shall, be fore the fust day of June, 1883, pro ceed to divide the county into school townships (except when already divid ed into civil townships.) llx and de termine the boundaries thereof, and number the same, and in so doing shall have regard for natural bounda ries, but the number of school town ships shall not exceed the number of cougres-iioual townships or fractional parts thereof greater than one-half in any county. The board of county commissioners shall in the perform ance ot their duty, call to their aid and counsel the county superintend ent of public schools, and, if a different person may call before them also the predecessor of that officer for his or her testimony and ad vice, and hear any citizens who are interested are who are well informed of the topography and settlement of the county. And the county superin tendent- shall prepare and pi t-sent be fore them a carefully prepared map of the county which shall show the boundaries of all school districts and other school corporations in the coun ty, the locution of all rivers, lakes and marshes or other topography that would affect school travel the location of all railroads built or under con struction, and of all cities, towns and villages: and shall carefully locate thereon every school house of the val ue of one hundred dollars or more. Sec. 25. After carefully weighing 'all these facts, and having regard thereto the board shall so divide the county into school townships as wiil best subserve and promote the perma nent interests and welfare of the pub lic schools in the whole county, so that not less than four primary schools may be in one school township when settled, and so that the township shall have when settled sufficient area and population and number of schools to furnish opportunity of choice between schools and to support a more ad vanced graded school from the patrons of all. To secure these ends they may include as many as four congressional townships or parts thereof in one school township. The board of com missioners may change ihe boundaries of these school townships the same as may be provided by law for changing the boundaries of civil townships: and a change of boundary for one purpose changes it also for the other, and the boundaries and limits as well as the name shall be and remain the same for school purposes, and for civil and political purposes. Sec. 26. (County board shall num ber the school townships until such time as the electors, at the first town ship meeting, shall choose names, failing to do which in any instance, the county board shall give it a name]. Sec. 27 The county clerk shall, within thirty days after the first school township election held as here in provided, transmit to the Territor ial Auditor a plat of the county show ing the boundaries and name vf each school township therein, and shall re cord a copy of the same, together with all the proceedings of the county board had and done under this act, in a proper book to be kept for that pur pose. Sec. 28. [Provides, through the medium of the Territorial Auditor and the county board, for the chang ing-of township-names whea two in the Territory are alike j. Sec. 2'.). All civil townships now organized shall become school town ships by the election and qualification of the officers thereof as hereinafter provided but before they are so or ganized and before the first day of June, 18K3, the board of county com missioners of the county in which they are organized shall carefully re consider the boundaries, area and sit uation thereof, in all respects as pro vided herein for dividing a county in to school townships, and shall so far as necessary change and rearrange the boundaries thereof so as to render the townships suitable and convenient for school purposes as well as for civil (Continued on Fourth Page,) IFTLi^IX: SEED For Sowing on New Breaking. The Lara issian Yarislj, Clean aM Part. The only kind to Sow. We will furnish this Seed on Time. Down. Pay after the Crop is Raised. For full particulars inquire of The Celebrated Dubuque No Cash C. L. HOLMES & HRO., BIG STONE CITY. DAK. Agents for Minnesota Linseed Oil Company. This Seed can be seen at M, A. Butler's Feed Store. RE3ME3MBEK, The Grant County Head quarters are closing out re gardless of cost. CAWARD & STEVENSON. ors! n Are the best and lightest draft manufactured. Arc warrant ed in every respect, and never fail to give satisfaction. The largest, best selected and most complete stock of Farm, and 'Platform Sprhip: W Or O AXI IES West of Minneapolis, all warranted and made on honor. The Buckeye Self-Binder, ANI) New Buckeye Mower, Sulky Rakes, Hand and Self-dump Steam and llorse Power Threshers, and Straw-Hurn lug and Traction Engines. It costs no more to get a first-class machine of any kind than it does to get a poor one, We warrant everything, and are going to stay here to make our warranty good. JONES & MONROE.