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^]*3 & OIBsbN, lillTi. I IV OF KICK. CAi US. 'hysician r9[]|[jfE—In WKS'Ll 1 pg tu IWpfclnl study. tte and Loan Agents. Buy and sell Abstracts ol' title turnfshed to all Grant county. Taxes paid lor non- CoBTeyancing promptly and neat Money mrnished to prove up with ason*ble. ii Main street, Big Stone- City, yak. Sv. B1MONDS, mPlet\tt«rney at Law, Biff 8l«n« City, D. T. EL1ER, akot' iy8ician and Surgeon. MUNROE k WELLKRS' DRUG STOIIK, one City, D. T. STABLES. •ann rAVLOR ni ssEI,, Prop'r. Hi" Ii resiic: npsoa's old Staml. (rood ao com mo tor farmer's horses by the meal, day •M*e« Hoarded. Etj. HENRY WlilTFORD, and Surgeon. l» Resseguie's Drug Store, Main st. Maybe found in office at night. IAD PUDEIi, kT i and Ornamental Plasterer 31" lag. Whitewashing and Kalsomining. v ork done in suL-Lautinl and fcutistac OOlli.anner. & irnra Bros., )lic t: a Loan and Insurance Agents. Mm nce aade her Promptlv attended to. Farm ,y audi* le«tate ot all kinds bought able fH-tL OROSSKOl'l', met one Mason and Plasterer, inds of Brick and stone Work *ji at the most reasonable rates, i Big Stone City, I). T. ». NIL88, lARBEIt A N I I aI K -D iiKSSKU. TONE CITY, DAK. jood hair-cut or a clean shave drop in. \y N. BARNES DRIVEB AND BRIDGE BUILDER. Removing Buildings a Specialty. yy GASPERSON BROS., V 1 Proprietors the STONEICITY MEAT MARKET. {inds of 1 l'! and Salt Meats ntly on hand. Special atten- id to Sausngr Making. €LE.1 tosh Paid for Hides. ms & STA.N1, |Attorney at Law. HKY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS. OrtonriUe, Minn. fl' j(J: MRS. D. W. CAMERON, & constantly receiving new supplies kMiilinery, Dress-Patterns AND LACES. Ladles are respectfully requested to and inspect these goods. POINTING. GRAINING. KALSOMININQ, AND WIUTKWASlIlNG. )f Ft1||»rtS Ot finishing work doae with the If or Fbtty Knite. It Beat Work Guaranteed. ply to a ftOBEMT fiShop on TAYLOR, Cornell Ave. Cnight & Dean, Have on hand ture #150,000 e, 1, 3, S, 4, ", •'», 7, 8,9,10 years. In TSt low as the lowest. Money tur fshed to pay lor Pre-emptions aad Commute Homes tends. No Delays. get their money on the same »ytt»«r apply. Principal" and Interest paraMeat ilhank, Dakota. Judge ^AMntt is authorized to negotiate once on lAMnltis authorize 1 loans. Call at i JL l. jvi -A_liliOTT, JKILBANK, D. lSEC WOOD BROS., (iKTONVII.I.K, MINX. Headquarters for FAltM 3TACIIINKllY. SHVP'-: 'M\l i»o7ii,sii, wiiiti:, si.\i.i:u, \v»ii:i.i,i it .v \vn,so. ami IIO.HI,. Real Estate for HiO Acres ol land half a mile frrm Big Stone City. Good brick cottage and stible, 160 Acres of land five miles from Big Stone City, and 7 miles irom Milbank. fill Acres of fine bottom land just east ot Big 5tone City. 1(10 Acres of land two miles from Hartford and five miles Irom Wilrnot. 20 acres im proved. 80 Acres of land 7 miles from Big Stone, o miles from Milbank. 40 acres improved. 150 LOTS IN BIG STONE CITY. Any of the above can be purchrsed cheap lor cash or on easy terms bv applying to JNO. A. MUNRO, Justice of the Peace. Big Stone City, Dak. DEALERS Groceries A N Provisions. Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Our stock is large, all goods marked down to bottom prices, and we invite the public to call and learn our prices. "Quick sales and small profits." Don't target the place— St. Charles block. Main street.. THE MONARCH Fine Wilts, Llqiors aid Can always be found at the Bar ALSO ROCK AM) RYE. Pli. Best's Bottled Beer Constantly on Draught. Two First Class Rilliard Tables in Connection with the House. 8. E. PARC1IER, Pro]), Main Street. Big Stone City, Dak. Farm for Sal». About two miles troui Big Stone City- The south hall ot the north-west p- and north hf of the southwest jr, in section o, tp 121, rg 40. Fittv acres broken and 'JO acres ol hay laud. I'or terms apply to 1). A. gbort, station agent.. Big Stone City, or Wm. S. Armstrong, 335 18th St. South, Minneapolis, Minn. rp W. LANE, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent. WILMOT, T. GfliHT COUNTY KUBSERT BIG STONE CITY, DAK. OH AS. BRAND, Proprietor. I hav« a large assortment of Troes. ^liniblicry ami Fruit Hushes and i'hints for fall transplanting, among u hich an-: WHITE AS1T, 11' iX ELDER. SOFT MAPLE, GRAY WILLOW, AND COTTON WOOD TItEES, CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY BUSHES AND SIR A W RR V PL ANTS. Also Horse Radish Plants, Ac. C'll AS. PR A XI). B. P. Ml RPH\ 1) W tOLNTAlN. All'v at Law. Grant County Bank, PIC STONE CITY, 1). T. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. MONEY TO LOAN IN SMALL AMOUNTS ON SHORT TIME ON CHATTEL SECU RITY M"NEV TO LOAN UN REAL ESTATE ON FIVE YEARS TIME AT 9 PER CENT IXTEKEMT. Money furnished to prove up on HOMESTEADS AND PRE-EMPTIONS AT PER CENT, ON FIVE YEARS TIME. Real Estate bought and sold on commission Foreign Exchange sold on all principal points" in Eurone. Murpliy & Ft imtaiii, Rankers in 11 Maine Street. Rig Stone City, H. J. Glasser, Prop. THI2 HIM HILI.I AItl) A\I POOL TAIIL1 I.\ Till CO I \TY Fresh Lager Beer constantly on tap. Also Bottled Beer, Rock and Rye, Champagne ami other Wines. The best brands o! Cigars in the CHj. iftBOVE ALL COMPETITORS^ "UGHTRUNNING NEW HOME '^newHOME^d •SEWING MACHINE CO- 3 0 U N I O N S U A E N E W Y O K CHICAGO, ILL.' ORANGE, MASS* ATLANTA. OA w r- i J| II \v lion i: s i t. ,nACHik o. Mutu Street, Cbicage* 111 Notice of Mortjjsitfo Snle. Default has leen nmilt- in the cimriitious ot a certain mortice executed and delivered by !utee A. Williams, mortgagor, to Al/.ina A. Wyllv, mortgagee, dated the seventeenth day ot "December, eighteen hundred and eighty, and recorded as a mortgage In the office ot the Register ot Deeds ot the county ol Orant, in the Territory oi Dakota, on the 17th day of December, A. D. ISSO, at 4'30 o'clock p. m., in book one ot Mortgages, on pages :i.V2 and .'t.VJ, given to secure the pay ment of tour hundred and fifty dollars (£fr0) live years irom its date, with interest thereon at the rate ot nine per cent, per annum, piy able annually, on the first day of January in each year. Suid mortgage stipulates that in case of non-payment of principal, interest or taxes, or any part thereof, when due, She whole principal sum, with interest, should at ihc option of said mortgagee, her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, then become due and payable, in the same man ner as it then made payable by the express terms of said mortgage. Default has been made by the non-payment ol the interest, which became due Jan. 1st, 1 SSI, Jan. 1st, 18S-J, Jan. 1st, INS'!, amounting to and the payment of taxes on said land amount ing to if j'J.W, which suid tax has been paid bv the Mortgagee. It is the option of said mortgagee that the whole debt be due and jwyaijlu. There is now due therefore, ujkui said mortgage five hundred and seventy and iVJ-Hmi dollars (S wO,7JK No action or proceed ing has been instituted to recover said debt, or any part thereot. Notice hereby given, that, by virtue ot a power ot sale contained in said mortgage, and of the statute in such case made and provid ed, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein de pcriled, which sale will be made at the trout door ol the St. Charles H»tel, the village ot Big Stone City, in the county of Grant and Territory ol Dakota, at public auction, by the sherill'ot 5aid county, Alex. Meadows, the agent ol the said mortgagee, on Saturday, the T)th day of May, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-three, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to xatlsty the amount which shall then be due on said "mortgage, with the interest thereon, and costs and expenses of sale, and twenty live dollars attorney's lees, ns stipulated in mortgage, in case ot foreclosure. The premises descriU'd in said mortgage, and so to Ik.- sold, are the the lot, piece or jar- cel ot land situated the county ot Grant and Territory of Dakota, and known and de scribed as follows, to-wit: the south halt (S ht) ol the south-east quarter (6 E qr) ol sec tion seven (7), and the north hah (N lit) ol the north-east quarter (NE tjrj ol section eighteen (IS), all in township one hundred and twenty (l~H) north, of range (4t) west, containing one hundred and sixty (ltki) acres more or leas, according to the government survey thereof. Alzis-a A. Wylly, Mortgagee, IIawes & Gibson, Attorneys ol Mortgagee. Dated Feb. M, lSSo. Notice of Foreclosure Sale. 7 HERE AS, default has been made in the V conditions ol a certain mortgage, dated on the tith day ot June, 1SS1, executed bv Jacob Keller, Mwrtiragor, to William Sta ples, Mortgagee, which said mortgage was on the 7th day ot June, IMsl, duly recorded in the office oi the Register ol Deeds and lor the County of Grant and Territory ot Dakota, in book two i-»l Mortgages, on pages •-'ti'J and '270. And whereas, the said mortgage was con ditioned lor the payment ol a certain prom issory note made by said mortgagor to said mortgagee tor #80 uo in installments to be paid as follows, viz: §11.'J3 Jan. 1st, ISs-J llti.OO January 1st, 18S) $lt.Ot» January 1st, lSS-l $10.tin January 1st, 1SS5 iJlO.tKJ Janu ary 1st, lHHH 9l.t7," Apnl 10, 1S%, said note bearing date April lii, ISS1. And whereas, default has l»een made in the payment ot the first two installments ot said note, viz: §11 ."'J, due Jan. 1st, 18!?'»,and fit* due Jan. 1st, lSfiJ.and interest al Ti }er cent., amounting to ij'J0.4o, which sum is claimed to be due at this date on said mortgage, and whereas said mortgagee has duly assigned and transferred said note and mortgage tw Thomas B. Dated March siilth, ISSH. Thomas Dewees, which assignment was on the twenty-ninth day ot March, lH.s.'i, duly recorded in the office ol the Register ot Deeds ol if.iid Orant Count v, in B*»ok 13 ol Mortgages oil jKiges fj'lanil lvil. Now. thereiore notice is hereby given that under the jKtwer ot sale in said mortgage contained, suid mortgage will l»e foreclosed bra sale ol the uiortgag*l premises, to-wit: The south-west quarter ot section numlier eight (s), in township numlter one hundred and twenty (1-0), ot range lorty-nine (4^), west ot tilth principal meridian, situated in Grant county, Dakota Territory, by A. Meadows, the Shenlf ot said county, the agent ol said Mortgagee, at the front door ol the St. Charles hotel, in Big Stoue City, j:i said county on the seventeenth day oi i May, 18NJ, at ten o'clock in the lore noon ol said day,to satisty the amount which shall then lw« due on said mortgage and notes and the cost and disbursement ol said fore closure and sale, besides $'J5.00 attorneys lees stipulated in said mortgage, tu he paid iu ol loroclusure. B. BIG STONE CITY, I). T. DIEBOLD & TUNNELL Proprietors, Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat (Jround at a small toll, or for ex chango in Flour. Bran, Shorts, &c. We invito the farmers of the coun ty and of this section to give our mill a trial, DIEBOLD & TUN XELL. Biirklen'w Arnica Salvr. Tmk Salvk in the world fi Cuts Bruises, Sores. Uler*. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chappy I Hands. Chilblains. Corns, arid im! skin Eruptions, and positively euros Piles. It is guaranteed to give jx»rt'er! satisfaction.ormonoy refunded. Pri ii." cents per box. For sale by A. W ItKssKuuie. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Hour bo. Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe o lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CL''RE For sale at A. W. Resseguie's. ARK YOU MADE miserable by indig' tiou, constijMition, dizziness, loss of appeti'i yeii'ow skin Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positi\ curc. For sale at A. W. sseguie's. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shilo! Cure will give immediate reliet. price 10 •«. BO cts. anufl. l'ir sale at A. W. Ressegui*-. BH1 UHl'S CATARRH REMEDY.-A ]«. itive cure lor Catarrh, Diphtheria ami Can ker mo«th. For sale at A. W. Resseguie'i. "H A('KMETA( K," a lasting and fragrav perfume. Price and 50 cents. ForsaleJ.. A. W. Resseguie's. SHILOH'S CURE WILL immediately i lieve croup, whooping cough ami. bronchi' -. For sale at A. W. Ress^gue'*. FOR DYSPEPSIA and' liver complaint have a sprinted guarantee on every borr ef Shi Ion's Vitalizer. It never "faiN cure. For sale at A. W. Ressegue's. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each b' tie ot Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price .v cents. For sale at A. W. Resse'guie's. M. A. BUTLER Merchant.. Patent Flour,Buckwheat, Gra ham, Cornmeal,. and every thing in our liiije at Wholesale and Retni]» At the old stand of F. W. Thorndike & Co., Cor. iayne and Cornell ave. mm Big Stone City,. Dak. bTon Will be iuailed fkek to alT and t" toruere of lactyear witti-'Ht It. It. about 175 pafcen. eim iHiixtrati-mn. iri d»wcr4itionn aad valuable ilim'tioiis for |l:e'.'" 1500 varietit* of Veiretoblc ninl Flower Plant*, Krult Treoe. etc. Iuviituablu to all, es lAlly to Market Clardt'iicrs. Sentl tor 6. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT MIOH. Farmers, Planters, Tree Deal**'* Andjeyery Ixxfy who furls at all interested in the su iect ol" TREE GROWING, will,confer a fa. i by sending a jmstal card tor a eopv ol -i. atalogue for season ol" 1 SS'J, tree to all. Prices low, trees good, au«l packing su rior. Address, J. ('. IMNNE\, Proprietor Stui'gi'ou Bay Nurse! ., Stu'rgeou Bay, Wis. \l£GETABl.r v ^icilian HAII^ I)i:wi:ks, Assignee of Mortgagee. Big Stone City Mills TRENEWEfiK V Hm been In eon• tant use by the public tor over twenty year*, •nd Is the best preparation ever Invented fur ItKSTOlt- The Stato INO GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND V LIFE. |I»dJi Assayer and Oliemist of Mass. and leading It sappllee the natural food nud color to tlie hair without atainlug the •kin. It will Increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent it* blanching •nd falling off, and thue Physi cians endorse aud recom* mend it as a great triu luph in medi cine AVKltT liALUN KS.S. It cures Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. At a HAIR DltKSfclNG It la very dwIraMe, giving the hair a i k i i i a o n e s a w i a admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet aud healthy. WHISKERS will dMknge the Itearri to a BKOIH N or BLACK at discretion. Heine In one preparation It Is easily apiplied, and prodweea a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED BY I P. NALL & CO., NASHUA, H, H. Stld br sit Pta'ert In ^eicw».