Newspaper Page Text
electa, ^51: J'res^JS OF THE SKY. |lei,'Uf-f twilight still lingers in the ia,V)ns a cre8c#nt t'l of the new moon, ..l!'!" !l, hold* in her arms the old 's(g ,ts outline of remarkable dis rontf zodiacal extends its hanei'i hi8h to wa-l the zenith, ^tu.jvi^a in the darit dome srehinb' !i°uf jSy twinkle and flitter in the 'ou te|| brightest sta ra, the hi jot su- ,Ve'l. I«jiat spangle the iirnismunt, h^ysm the grand procession, th marshttlin-t the host, llis ,[ j!-broken burhice ufsnoTV, ar.d the blaCkiu as et r.i-ht with ha^j inctne9P, tin luue telescope endsij^the skies, and dwarf to Liiii —^ons the obtdrwrs at a|/e piece ana other required :!gliew tre ic position, an/ the great in a to the planet t?:*turn. The •lent .-'is like a vision »f fair\- land, estabijjjJ on ^hich»:l moment since, fin„ Iwith the unuided t'vt is r.ow 'n ar« ^(•passing lovclim^.-.. the in Jilev jeoi ^c obitfr* l':l" 1 uJ1lc!«j)f ^averts ""his rings and his nw/on "couraffj. Ij disc, a gold-in .-pnprvcroi banda of delicate i.rt-a *He,r%ful rings srtly cra'1':»« the eight noons, ^'6ctr:jback-groini ol th fcjt niooo, shi/iviii1^ a apparequp the shin' t^-prf' a? e«$ pictu e i-extjuis U |ts surface r. a pi em. iiupor^jcrossed by ceutrc l-s| and fleck--i with st-ot-s oi \-ea/'j4tic hues, uid the ri-.u-s are kint] r,j j- _j ated in colo -, tne mneriuojs purple. T!ie planet see-. i- upright w ihin the emr tV «nall po: .ion be 1 got a:.j We are fi -t: n it frcantifry favorable a^pcc» uuntjing wider, his northern •.'• lassr creasing, anil he is at»f rot aret'l Thiacond. system tak s pale rose, not tied with sofs Curre* brown and delicate green, bb -t Jupiter w. en the definition v «o re perfect, 1 li. 'f Stret inytii no Dt t. 0 z The delicacy .!• 'ii-i. -J} glow per-, '.dinj the scene is ssta jnd extres:~ ii* Spiral curves the ticld of vis- ""fa* Stt in tr *ting mas- 1 eing of a deiicate jr hile dotted .ver the shadowy es of ttgling with it in mysterious hn-r* ttmerous br.. ht sta-s, impart ,'?V|it of life to he formless void, ia ... Jq hght uji thi. scwrie of inde •rK- Ke and grandeur, which no •inr no Wn,'ds desf-.i.. The n the'Jcuire hold- U3 nind. ,jj(, teeks in vain to hithom this .cti"!:' Mysteries, thi chaotic tea^s so Jren I'fchioned, this lovely hlendirg by r,.4l anddeiicat-j green, this ilaod soor.^jjtwted front distant spice hun- JU ago, this sniral form that re- oo(lf,tokening pul -•e of maternal life. 'e gaze upon the celestial scene, nut" *nding on 1 be threshold of the l')ed that separates the earthly roet Hvenly. We have a giimyise of opf-f. be mealed. [From a Provi t^feport of a trial of the largest ,r :he world, i was built for the okl "-nmeot, and -vill soon be trans- 1 destination in the Pulkowa founded by the Czar Nicholas, dag the citv of the czars from ,, /ion.on the 1'ulkowa Hills, nine Plf rfSt. Petersburg.] fan'"jr'8 Occupation Gone. •y is told of i. doctor whote mo-t iqtiir!-'.tent was an "id lady who suf pt'l from dysp .ia, uervou«!ie:-s tteys. His I'-."divines st .-med u I ,, [m did no pern anentgood. Her !,'] .«edatrialo! Mr. iuysott's Vel |nt,f:.d 8araapari!u which benefited that bhe dis i iss*. ii be doctor. wnaitivenes.-: a used hi into give I'rll*and a instead ot responding to ':l!J'i'-!alls, he off.-i merely grunted ira. t's," which s- wing became pro Inj-'r^neighborho and a large sale jr of-'-nnesoon apt i ig up. ch tbf*—Ml* •'1 ton©'8 Rii li Legislators. U r, |ie ,]a-'8ylvani|t staie^senate has an siilt"-of rich tD(-: nbers. E klv B, •nntf':j)o(ied to In worth S:l,0i)!i,(i0(i. !l- jybnrn, Pi. -ident pro tem., Jt Goxe, ol '.lined his wealth ,,g be a triple, mil ns, of Philadel :t. He, too. has it, and it is e?- .jt|, 9Jum)f Ad upr.- Pf comes 1,1 bt-'i wu*k acc. fil] wmm (l00(j I,. Kmorv, the w ortli (id() inv- in iterpr 1 'ill, .^teiiman iias ter (*fuiit. ami X). ^h-Xeill. of i Bald to I' i k, has $2 ,pv, *'and other (jie vorth |2i9(t. tte fism Lar About flo ofP'1"Laird, of U stinoreland. and ire ff'3 ortwo oti vs, Southern Lumber Resources, It is (M'.mputed that the forests of Tex as will supply the whole countiy with timber for 100 years. North Carolina has anacreap- ni'^rmv ins timber amotiuiin-j to uioi t»i i cent, of her territory. The yellow pine forests oi" J-'iorida ex tend over three-fifths of the six counties of Ptitman, Marion, Sumter, Polk, Her nando and Hillsborough. Louisiana's timber land 000 acres. It is said that the lumber lmr-im-ss of Maine and Michigan will ul timately be transferred to "i a. -s ..! WOO-Js "'"iru the i a:.-! it trirmta' The v •"1 S'»- till' Oi" f-l 'M!U from it. and pi' .: i'oint cadet begin- w i j.t.. iiliicli a Prussian v. after twenty years of fei vict i'.. re is no une in tallting. Ir. B?n i Celery and Chamomile Pi!Is will cure nerv ou'-ncss ir: it worst 'ornu--, and product-a charmin I ij-rv s in a i -ut !)l'd mii.d and p"ra.anc:it!,v They contai' ••. •. w batev^r. K H'ler, have via retire 1 i..itM-t-rr. ir on^ to i:i i 1 w-iuai like to lif i rptia'dips. v -u v llbickfurii. -71 I take your ca-' cirewhayo .. ite di^ea-.e, 1 th'.» mo Wh i!I •en-b i e s o e o fa j1(,ri^ss. Though by no nuuns a? iRiu.-1 Satura, he far exceeds him lent (Volume, and. us hp i- twice a1' tests on a n ucli larger scale xlels •ustft ills ,x iSitter on grand pro- "Hood of litr it irradiating his I out ever- minute fit-tail. roUIi,j"M are deli ous in coloring, tHj it never with the mitatt jmd tone we lehn)«l iriiidj'.nrgi.-d n 1 land li.'e-in-iirancf c.u:::p. him a policy on the grou su i:{.'.iv(. '-Jb,.'." \i*' a.! hfaiint! pioperii'is of ii-ti hound find Tar, my iu'.v sound, and 1 yttu\iay ami: iit on. wi'.liot.t made. :n.l insured u.y driii:git generally thti night of I kpid he seem o near, so grand so symmer. cal in ei',tipois e. P^'^' Jlites are ii. line on hit left, Jess to tho ver of the te!e- |nting disc flicult to dc )s most be a |ent, tr It^ liu instead oi points, •ide which of the tiful. Saturn is )iujilex more cu i majestic mnr,: more 1 -t a piter is ni lun himself ily one mor '.t nebula of feula the nor filling the view, and this is '•ion. The most hern skies reveal :ie!d of view, and ight sugge-rtive of need of the sun, hine, for the a celestial y li-j.-'-tiiat had "n. •eri(-i%e moon to at'.'. did lighten he .it. to Florida and A i' ".it pii:e .-:r I-- uut hes nt ieorcia ami .una to ilio rivi-rs that How into Hay. Tim pine fure-ts of tie tru-a i cover an area of abuut 11,-V There are innne I I IV.Tt' (i:v.- iSi r. H'si ai i: Paul. nt a c. the si: in or i US:' ot uii'.i V'iU iuif, mentions m :s a -o a Ni-w Hng "1 to grant he was co*i hai'-k'i to the i!. .. Jlwre rftctly :ai *.'X 11, I i,., f.v 'l.t." •••ident of ilanuor. tally that three :nnn i irein one minute. i is on*- of «-om attainable bv t!:t- Pike'srJ' ith:\che A pure, radiant .. xi an's greatest eliarii daily -T (ileun' :i i moves i.i 'ii.^shesof ydc-.Tui tion. I r(-v»,mive ol' »alat-ial iiiseit-o. OI .if iic- n o i 1 i tn n 13 'r. II. il. Walt. i. Annapolis, Mil. "Coiden's faijui p.eef Tonic is a most ex cellent preparation. It K sr excellence, su perior to ood-liver oil orafiything 1 have ever us-'tlin A'astdl or impaired constitu'ions. ai.d extremely beneticial as a preventiveof mala ti1 i Ih'iiu::i:bi lie name. Col den's ii«ke, t\!:n r: iMsg^nerally. 'J'Jie future cost ot the A'bany capitol will :'o.eo0: accord uu Wliat the cnat r. 1 CELEBRATES ram UnMi'tti-r' a. I .it'i*:--4 •. 'iilist le i-'SUii (»j troiu v, hat a lii-Ti". It lias ot« i raJn-:i] cnr.rg iuth-u sands of ca- ot tlvs ji»v[isia, lnli'.n? ili» i.Tilers, lnii-nuitti-ru tevt-r, ncrvdiiH alfes* tiO'is, jtr.i'i'fil ile Ua A NOTKD HUT U.NTl TI.KIt WO.UAM. ^Trom tho Boston Mtutrt. Kditon The above Is a good IHcerpsg of Mrs. Lydla E. Pink ham, of I.ynn, Mass., who above all othrr lniman lxlng« may b* truthfully irailcdthe "]»ear Friend of -Woman,'* as some of her coinnpomleiits lo^otoeall h"r. Sh« la acalously devote il to her work, which Is tho outoomi of a lifofitu'l?, A:\d Is obliged to keep six larly aasistaiits, to help her answer the largo correspondence wlurh daily pours In upon her, each bmrlng Its special burden of suffering, or joy at release from It. Der Vegetable Compound Is a medic"ino for good and not evil purpose*. 1 have personally Investigated It autl am satisfied of tho truth of thi.!. On account of It* proven merits. It Is recommended and prescribed by thebest physicians In the country. One says: "It works like a charm and saves mucb piORi It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leueorrhoaa, irregular and painful Menstruation,all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodlngs, all Difj.laccmcnta and the con •equent spinal weakness, and Is ©specially adapted t* the Change of Llfo." It perm eat i.s every portion of thn system, and dvei new life and vigor. It removes faintiH t.s, flataleniTP, destroys all craving for stiiiiu' mtH, snd relieves weak ness of the st'Kiiaeh. It cures I!lor»ting, Headaches, Nervous IVssf ri tion, General nchility, SIceplcssneM, iJepresslr sMii nillgestion. Ttiat feeling of bearing down,ea ..n i Ain, weight and backache, is always permanently curcd by its use. It will at all times, and under all cireumstftnces, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Itcostb only $1. per bottle or sir for ff.,and Is sold by druggists. Any advice required as to special rases, and tho names of many who have br n restored to pi rfoct health bytlieusoof the Vegetable, can ba obtained by ailiiiiwlng Mrs. 1'., with stomp for reply, at her home In Lynn, Mass. For Kidney Complaint are estimated 11 ot either «f! ij DR. C. W. s 'f 1 Iiitv. con»ti!ati.'n. h. acla. In i.eJi anl n,f' t'OV/T't '"'"lar v 1 jihiiiits .iinl ill -rvl-Ci f-H to w Irirtl t!l(- nit*, so mi to1 Tor palf 1'V twists a»--1 t* «rs generally- M1:.j 1 BENSON'S til N -ivincr SpiH'iat ,.'':*rs KNAI5I' Tihii. S, ist'Jli-.ll 1' i a ii s a ii i'l.nriJH .V WAC i KN nr.uii-. fur hii days. Write. Iiim av mice for ins this compound is Unsurpassed as abundant testimonials show. "Mrs. rinkhant's I.ivcr Pills,"says ouowriter, "ar« the best in the world for the cure of Constipation, Biliousness and Torpiiiiy ot the liver. Her Blood Purifier works wonders In Its special Hue mjp P. and bids fair to Oijual the Compound in its popularity. All mast resjvH-t her as an Angel Of Hercy whose sol» ambition is to do good to others. Ftkiiadelyhla, Pa. (2) Mrs. A. M. D. !i xc. Is Warranted to Cure eci: ma, tetters, humors, lMt'LAF.1F/.V-"iON, WILK CKUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTION»f DI£."ASES OF JlAjH A'-iO SCALP, SCnorULA ULCrFi®, an« TENDER STCoiMCSonfcrii.urf.if fuc body. It makes tl.o rkia vhilc, soft and. s:noot] rorjovea taa ar. f.-i Vies, arid la tho I EES" tc.: drcssin^in THE WOULD. i:'c antly r^* «P tv botUrs i otio j^-'.ck. ai iutc-rn ftiu) e-A'.._ra 1 treat AU first cli« "pa'.kia }Ztf I? lf If"'fli O •r«.^ i *tko rit :.«... v:: I' A zJ'JiJ f-n }e$' LJf k 't //'i' L.$ Try a i ttl v.iTKT" 'Tr^,'*F5' SftifiV ,V V" onfaillnjr and Infal iia!!e in cnrini Kpri fpno Fus, Mitvsuia, iivui^iiiii'. itus i) tiice, in ,. sm, Op.uin K.-. Ni r* Vuus liebil: .» flila ft ml a.l K -and ^MT4i CVi.SES AND PSKS-WZ* wirv.:..., s.- r» yb 'To ./V"ii ii'i-Kyiiii-ii, vers, [41- l-. 7 ~vS' ."li- !.-u*rary hmti, Sii'r- Pa/4|» i'- tFj'-U* 'T1-, '!..nits. 15 i u k r«*. I.a- tV an.) ail u I,se- a. Zf i j-'ji'V jP, 'itaiv lnpioynicnt wmt I, -fx rj 'ises Xt-rvuus I'ros .i in.tiuii, Irresulantiet j.*-. -®tt-• .?•* c.f tlif UoiKi, st'iinacb., or kuiUcyn, or who ri:",' irc a nerve t. nic, hjipct'ser or s ,mulani, Haniarit-in N i v i 11 oi.-1 n v ai uanl e. Tlimisands prui'Sa'ta it t)i. must w o i.i r',ui in tho Kinkintr ev K5IVEK FAILS. il in 1 P. K ]K. S. A. LLIL 11 :IUN| iCA1. Cu.. fx.lo 1'K'i.riclurs, SU Joseph. Mo. NO PATENT, NO PAY NATHAN~~) FORD y ^KNASg 1 Hi, Mi Mlioti tin* paprr. 96E.THIRD ST. ST.PAUL.MINN. V l.eaitlnic I.oiulon I*liyiicMI Kslaliii^l-.'s in nfllreiii York Inr 1 he t.'nr»- of EPILEPTIC FITS. From Am. Journal of S'tilicmt. Dr. Ab. V. i'.- ilate of London, win make specialty of Fpii«»pi«r. lias wjtbous do.iiit treated and oiiri'd morn asos t!.a?i i.nv ot!:t-r livins: pb'xi. iao. His suoi-iitjs lias jtimpiy Iwm-u aatomshinu' wu havn bear.i oum+ o' over I'.iyi arc' Ktaadin-,' »uci-i'ss!tiiiy run l.y lum. Hi' has vjiii IjmI.c a w -rl on this dis ease. i,n li lie n:!1 a .a u_e l»,tlle Wo havoin Ft-1. a f-i!i ri: pplv -i i v-:: .. jes Wo m::ko n i v if I HIRAM Sl'BLE'Y CO., KliEUSIViEri, Chicag-o. £tiinoi.k "v CULi tfM'fii. Ml 1 *i V(.«t i '. .1' *-v-e 'l JU' is not necessary to enter into particulars in referr'nt: to th romplicatcd orgaiiic and fnt.i'.tioii difficulties to which the more del icate classes of American women aiesuhjtfct but take pleasure in sayit-g that Mrs. %d iu K. I'inkhaui's Grpat Pemedy for all these troubles hats an unbounded popularity. The ice went out of the Minnesota rivv: at shakopeea week Bgo. "MOT i:k s\n*s wonvi SYKH*. Infaiable,tastele.-F, lir.rmUHs-at:utr'.!c forf«-.-r- '''t.:.ovan Ko^a says that Ly:..-li is: a liar. Diamond pvvsareso TN-et and sobei i hat it is a pl-'i'.suri: U ihethem. EtjU .d for dart, or ?ij ht eolors. 1' cents. Fergus Fall*, a thorough t- -t 1m jited lier w iiri- cn^in--. .5 HTTEI ON^UAT-.- 1 nill'1'-. I'-iavht"-, .•.:s,g..pV» 15r. 1 A no\ contain in, puwih was fonn. nMy in the rear nt th-. l/»tulo'.J Time c. A tram v i* lii'il for \[)iosion. e coittplrio e.nro ot a t-on.-di, jaii t, diilien!:y ct hrctthing, and tier mi 'ii'-i'-- '.v* 'V' a'.nt. s v. r'"i jT« mess a il SF% Ladies ai i ... mtiercrsfromneu* ralirla, nd kindred com plalr.t-, v .. .i \\'.tlni.t an e ual« 1 •ii. vol lind A Ual-san. ni.illeti dv. S 1 -i I i 'II IK'll I .'Jtliiriil prev.-nt I S. A. I'. LACKY, Patent iSffi \J? .: torni-yg, W"a«li- nptnti, 1), O. V all .uii ui-iwu.i »aa li«i.^ t-auk oa PATENTS aKNT ran. Rrr'STG u TJTrn KVKHYwnnnK to #pn ftwC.!* 1 O Wrtll I LU tiii l.cstKamilyKntt tinu Marliini bt'.i k.': s v *1 e ft t-.lOfj ar. lidii 'i.'S- I: i .1 i w.i: .c l"l wiuvh iu.-io is «lv l..r tr .-in.i ti-M'iS in t! CO.| 1I5JIrt'lilvlitblri'il, r«au.u, Aiasii. mm -3 months' iitmn. 'J no i .1 -K Crp -.-iT.tely urn. driii'lini i.nd •tuki'S the ci.rk-fi-rew mkiiiR oorkM and .lit Monthly pn vrnt* Ad ir«'s M. MILL, 1'UB, Now i'ork City. ir hun tittiiTH tho host licUI tot- I"miiii:1111s \i/.: Th i" of the ill l.i. I a ji i rof TOE complete. In SO fi-at \..ri -f r-tticy u r«M«' y hi.»: Ivi. t. 'l"*v«»nilly linittiiiK The KTcat movcitieiil of iiopulation to tli« Colinuina region now in progress v,ill b« ciuiMiioiisiy increaseil by tll« eoiniile! mil of tlie Nortbi-in I'ai i.'ii- 14. I.*. and the tti-evon Itailway & Navi.-alion o.'s systems. his'i i-ei t.iin ai.ipiii iu i-us« in liievalue ol I,and- now o i-n lo pnrehas- or to entry uitiler t!i«- nited s.tat«-s l.antl 1 oi i'ainphlets and liai^ liescript i\«• oT the country, it* resource*, ciinmte, route* oJ tr»vci. rates ami luii int', address rpHK of Ins won- dt-rtui i urt- n-if to i»ny tniic.-fr who may n«:nl their expriiHS und O. aditress. 'Ac advise any une wi«l U04 a I ore to i»i(..r» ti- l-i ••'#. -ill '!.K. )in i", Nfv Vi. k. STRICTLY PURE. HAEMLESS to the MOST DELICATE. y 1 WV'-¥ |«y it liiiiii, ei|uilal»lf. and lieaJlhy oliiiKiii- lii iiji lands of yroat fi-rtiiitj-, prodiH-iiiK «H vuricti«-s of niin, l'l-nit, .-mil tirassos, in wotnlct-iiil nbiimiaiK-o an iiu xhans!il)!o diiiiply of 'I'im bt-r val t'oal 8'it-liis, n«l otlnT mineral tlo posit-* *lu-ai anil ijiii-k tiansjiorlatMII by lailniaiis anil rivor navigation liiroof nini iiH-n-t- «itli all jiai-is offlio world, owing U) its pi-oxiiiiifv to tin- I'ai-iiio Oitali. NO DKOI'TltS. NO INSKt.'T l'KSTS, NO IU'lUiK AM \Vll!i:i,\VIM)S, or OTIIKIi iioTiiicm i. I'llKM)MI:NA. l'arili- Ntirlliwest show an uvcra^c of heat per aero lar^e in i-xoess of that of any other bection of tlie Initial States. No failure of crops has ever occurred. Oregon Wheat einiiiiiainis a hiji'her price than that of any other country la tho Uv«r jiool market. An iiiimensc area of very fertSle Hail road anil oM i iimeiil I.anil-., u ithin easy ri-ai li of the trunk lines of the Northern I'iii'ific K. It., Ihein^on Kail nay & Navigation, ami tho Oregon & California IJ. K. o.'s ami llieir nauierous lir.iiielios in tho KT«'at \'all ys of tlie olnmbia ami iis triliiiiaries, are now oHi i'oti for sale lit Ijivv i'lii'i's, anil on asy •Jcrnis, or open U pre-emption anil Iloiue 1eait laitry. A. L. STOKES, General Kastern ent, ea Clark M., hi ajfo, HI. OLDEST MlTHf lNF. IN -J'HK WnTlTjTTl! I probably Dr. ISAAC Vlb i.UPSu.VS Ci.I.ClifiA'l W ATHK. Tins artioie Is a carefully pi red phypii ian's prfsoripti. n »ad has buen in use for nearly a century, jnai.y phygioiasiH to its n:r rin. •. .• and nctwil(islanding the other preparations that have been introduced fat' the mark' t, the sale ol thin articif is con-tanHy iie :ri-asi!!g. If UciertaU. the dirpi-tions «r* l'owed it will We i artiotilarly invite the attention JOHN U THOVil'sON', SONS tho prain.. hMi.iS ui till. jN i .1 ti i W' t. Isi.-iiU il»c l.Jl .llutJ ual Ktvmu full instructions fur growing treod frota seeds, nnd other va!utiblo information. & y, r/'A •rayfn? con?U" igg^-ts rand j.tor ir. i r. 87 S*" tit u rm.: id r-iiuos l„. keep ovor. trom «11)« lU" I Sv fi I .at trou .- Mothudists rxj"•. :.. buill 4o() •iic-'fi in the i nitv-i States this C7? & ii' i'- fonii .v.: 1 n It r. T5 i :"tr t.*, ix^w. I*. *.* *1* lie tr ConsumDtion, GREAT ij Coughs, REMEDY" Colds, Group, And o'her TltlfOATi-ii.! i.I'N"( CURING- A i If 4 ic» Any oi ..i. I '.ii--- Minlstcri *ii! iu lias ttiveu it ,-i i fails to bring relief. mi -.- Ailcn'g I.unit llalwm.., .i .-i-... .... ...juuist* witln-»ui uierit. As an Kx^ocioriint it ha.rf No Equal! FOR SAJjEbyall MEDICINE DEALERS f? yonr own town. Terms and #5 ontS? V*'"fre«. AddreHi Ha'Lh :vr :t & Co., Portiatiil^JdL*. 1 s:. i. -. Si A WTPK, t10 a dav at hotceeiiKily mailf. 4 jy outht-ii-'w. AilaresH lawn C-otib & Co., Auguata, Ut*. CPV f» "IF",. PJ 'li:nliitip HaWt «'urwl in 10 'A- l«» ^0«*ss o. ,»{«»» tilt 1 1 i- i- i u i u i i U n a TO f?0p«T davat hom«. 8*Tnples worth #6£r«fc Ail'li-tu bn..--'S & Co., I'ott .ujd, Maiua. l-i1T"*"I?f "y lletuni M»J1—A full s^ni'... I 11 1 i 0f c"int i Vn.iilv's New Tailor System I're \s~,.1.1v a.'"o ,at \v.aiii.c.ii l'lua.i, t- v/irvn itPV loam kaput hero nnd \*.,. ii'LiMJ aiii.X will Kivs iiu a t-itiiatioi tars fr"«. %rAr«BN'iiS'l^ lli.o.S,,, II* IVi Ki» -s .1- r.iiii! Ui Sill" !V -tut 1- -K. U i J- £?w- -ikp suri ,11. ^UK-'nliii: f.oVH.«r-.. r«. •^'-.3 i t.i.'M Fri A! -res Ilarse Powers to a!! fa-Iid Vr.r ut i. i .. .f.vt GIVEN FRS-.E ton, nr.? T'i1 XV Ho K,.. l.llf. pu v t, -t frri'. A l»o-k«u Pen. a hanilsom.- nickel Mnliler, wlucii i-au be used a ii. ml Ii wish any pori wilhc-it 111'piMi-r in iu. Handy to tarry ii p.irkut for farm, ra and Ijus •aii make laive lu-uiiu. Samp!-, .-v •.-•.! m!, Minn. 'THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." 06INE?, THRCQUPRS 5«-»US. 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