Newspaper Page Text
eral Hardware not H, J. McGIVERIN, Manager. Tt!»!E TAHLEI H. ft I. division M, & St. (Juiug Kast 9:iu a m. trriURCH D1RKCTOIIY. M»'thodist.—-Services in Charles hall •very Sunday at 11 a m, and at 7:.'iO in. Sondiiy .school service. Class meetings at 10 a. Irea*' meeting at r. i0 m. Prayer meet iiigs Wednesday r" LOGJII. I.ACONICS. Flax seed for sale at Caward & Stev nson's. Plenty of flour, bran and shorts at the iiig Stone City Mills. Movius liros. loan money on chattel security. Large supply of wall paper at Jones Monroe's Furniture Store. Mass at Yt llruot Ma 6. Wellington DeNoyelles rcturnd this week from a lengthy visit to Iowa, w here he lias left Mrs. DeX. for pres ent. Ilawes & Gibson begin to-day put ting up their telephone line to Mil bank. for which privilege they have s he exclusive right. Those in need of extension tables. •an Ibid them at F. J. Monroe & Co.'s. The township officers of Big Stone towuthip will not tr.-nsact any butd. ness until the county lino ha* been established. Mind of genuine Spruce Balsam, tin vher day. which was *»ent to her from •id New Hampshire, by» brother who v eighty years of age, Charlie Kreig, of Minueajiolis. one I I* xw Peter Becker, general agent and r^"ntT To examine and get prices on brought west of Minneapolis, inciudmg and Clothes Wringers warranted supeno Railroad. Uoinc West ...,4:40 .. .5:55 a m. I'HSFLPIIGER.... Mix«l Freight Freight Freight Mixed trains will haul passenger couch lor the fuxotiimiKliition of jjiirtifs wishing u the morning and return in gin the evening. 4:00 a .. h:oo a m,,. v .r»o m. ., U.'iS i ill 1:40 in i. o. o.t. Inkpa Lodge, No. i4, 10. O. P., will meet ulnrlv every Tuesday evening at o'clock \'i'their hall, St. Charles Block. Visiting rot hers cordially invited. \V*M. Cof.KNCT, N. (i. W. W. 1)0w.nik. Sec. Cutlery, Silver plated Knives, Forks and Spoo immediately Mel"moJnhS early day. Parties wishing to inake Chil- a renumerative investment ( now purchase share* in the company at the par value of $30 per share, receiv ing their certificate of stock as soon as the articles of incorporation go in to effect. Subscribe now and have a voice in the organization. m. Rev. A. Sherin, Thc best white lime at the C. F. secuted brother. Having been a so Welch lumber yard. journer here before there was a house ..... vr rt i. n Co., J)ak.. is expected to preach in St. Charles Hall next unday evening. (J. Wr. Merrill, brother of Mrs. G. W. Hawes, has come to make his home with his sister for the summer. 1 Rev. K. F. Movms of Everest. Cass The "Catamaran" crew are urgent- Bishop Thomas Bowman will preside ly requested to meet to-morrow even- over the deliberations of the confer* jiijr, s o'clock, at Kldredge & Craig's. ence. Preaching every evening from i u e s a y u n i S a a i n u s i v e Just received, a new lot of Ladie* 1,, in tin- n-i.mi 1. T"»1 1.. i JLVriV WOUV UitOl L'StiMl 111 llllf UOOU uulkiug shoes at Eulreuge®Craig s. Miss Alice Gillispiereturned 1o Big stone last night just in time for thts I. (). O. F. bail. Her long stay at l.aikv, Hand. Breaker resent, Minn., has rendered her quite Jones & Monroe. i granger to this place. Chas, JvCarwer, of Wausau, Wis. of i We have had occasion, and may whom we made sad mention last week again,.to make extracts from letters arrived Tue^dav. lie meets and di ... _, „ue Jiini »,h. institute an ex- 'an te For a «t»sd cultivator call on Jones A. Monroe. Mr. FUvk vvaiW hitwse! of an early .opportunity 4.o make choice of an ex- dance, and rivers and t'j!ent wagon and buggy t'rom the im- fur boats by equalled Call at the furnUure store of F- J» Monroe & Co. ami see those elegant Hod Room Sets. High Mass at Bin Stone €it?, Sun day, May, 13th, at 10 A. M., this being "Pentecost Day" and the third feast in importance celebrated bv the Un man Catholic church. (Mi tins day the church is more beautifully decorated where opportunity affords than e\eii on Christmas and Faster, the first two important feasts of the church. Mass is always largely attended oil this da\ and our Catholic friends should not forget the 13th day of May. At a meeting of the Pig Stone City Transportation Co., last Wednesday evening it was decided to incorporate forthwith, and the new steamboat will be listened to completion at an Call at the machine warehouse of Jones & Monroe and see the famous Norwegian Flows. Mr. Win. Simonds, of Cresco, low?', brothes of S. W. Simonds, Hegisverot "Deeds, now villainously imprisoned by the Mi!bank outlaws, is here to offer what sympathy and assistance may be allowed him towards his per- in Jiig Stone. lie knows the history of i a a rs r0 Btiv vour men's and boys'high and them with a philosophical view. low shoes at Kldredge & Craig's. 'There is a day of restitution of all ,, ,, e ,• The Annual Session of the Minue «ota Conference of the Kvangniical Association will be held at Yellow Banks Church, about seven mile^ southeast from this place, the first week in May. The examination of the Junior Ministry will commence May '2nd at 8 o'clock A. M. The transaction of general business will begin Friday morning at 8 o'clock. About sixty clergymen will be present and an interesting time is expected. work is heartily invited to attend. A lot of new shoes for Ladies' anu Misses' spring weur at Kldredge & Craig's, ___ The famous Norwegian IMows: Sti and stubble at a f|, -eives a warm welconui (wtu everv J., C. 1 .mean, a Chicago ne wJio knows him. M. D. to that spioieHt of South I)ako .Tones & Mouroa sell the celebrated ita dailies, the Huron Tinj«s, and be -tar Wagon, jlowgiyaa portion of a recent letter, Mrs. Samuel J#unue!l received a half which is ^o applicable to our own lo- N.L" the former popular IjOV'H of liigjday between J^Iadison and Jiaraboo, •^•t'.'iie. spent the greater part ofj the Wis., and found 1, -Jut} persons on board we^k with us, as he returned irom six were traveling men uud all the I 4 1 ooking alter his tree weet. elaiiu litifhev, rest were bound for Dakota. You will have a new class of people re tur .,f the St. I'.iiil W»ii.l.wr i" Public school in the Io»-«r depart ..-MenU in charge of 2$.is» Juiisoii, will be»in next Mou&av. pa-rt-ntsi will ... uleasr take. note. J'laater has Jj'iekeye Hinders and &Jowevs ren «#vel from theceiiing «if this] ... eality that it might have been writ ten with tlus point especially in view: The emigration to Dakota is per* fectlv wonderful. A iriend canvassed a train last Fri i. uu uu v/vi-j u-nn i wt ui I i HkOl 4 1 1 1 .|there next summer the wealthy who ut f- These people can not, and will not The dance last night, the evening of *vhe anj. \.er«arv of Odd-Fellowship, will eapl was a wefj attended and thoroughly .^niova'bk affair. All in attendance speak highly of the good time, and the cuisine «t fit** illicit served in the St. Charles ALrs. Morgan, was beyond ompare. every sun of l,ot1' ot tl'eso told rough jt. so that the largest hotels ... aptuie the crowd. The cuisine must be excellent. Some old soldiers may take to tents again, and tent-life, may be prescribed tor invalids, but palace cars, eomnjo» dious hotels and elegant "turn-outs" will be in demand this summer in Da* kota. Why should not Dakota be a sum mer rtsortr It has streams with fish in abun lakes waiting of pleasure. incuse stock on hand atj It has a most invigorating air and .lunes it Monroe, Sensible enterprise health-giving waters. this, on the part. »f the granger, to 1 hay.« tested the atmosphere both jK'rsoually and scientifically, and shall »atrouize such HWaJ. salesateu. have wmc interesting facts to present by and by. ure rwoiv a{-.'i replaced *\t\i umber, so ijjut 1st is pot only safe, Ui^t^re*ent«a heat fci.tio bushel at Gerard M'at ii^tearanee. j4 Stevenson s. ^t. Jonejt Monroe. IT COSTSNOTHING AND PAYS WELL ing the beginning and regards things" and it will be strange if it does not come in this instance. Mr S. visited Milbank yesterday. Farmers do you wish to buy a spring wagon? If so, call and see the stock exhibited by Jones & Monroe. r,H *Pt -nrices on the finest stock of Hardware Good'. -J: We give this week that poition of the new school law relating to Hi« or ganization of school townsinps, that schoid oUlcers ond patrons may intel ligently fall in with the working of tlie new svstem. It will l"v observed that the lirst election under the new law is called for June, lw4. alth»ugh there is nothing to prevent an elec tion. for the purpose of orgaiir/.tng, in June of this year, if the townships so decide. Where district otllcers weie elected for fifteen months from the Annual meeting, the 3rd as last Monday to establish school townships, retained tor these, the boundaries of the civil But the depth of cowardly slander to which a "creature crawling be tween earth and" the grave is capable, is found in the News-Letter's attack upon two respectable women who never spoke to Mr. Thomas while in Big Stone, nor were they within speak ing distance of him except when in the court room. Such meanness''ould only come from a pigmy low enough to lick the spittle of scums east off bv A. II. Lewis. "Bob" 'Caylor. lOOO llttxliel* Choice White Russian oats for sale, Parties wanting to raise big crops should secure their seed at onc Zinc-ooards, in n|. Bird of CAWARD & STEVLNSON. B«\var* of Them. A good arti' If thnt has achieved success, and attained a world-wide reputation by its true merits and wonderful results, i«i always imitated. Such is the case with l»r. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aiui Colds. Already unprincipled parties are en dearorin^ to delude an unsuspecting public by offennq imitations of this most fortunate discovery. Do not deceived, but iusit on having tl o true remedy, ami ilc? no uther. Trial bottles tree at Neiil ScResie^uiVa drug A BLESSING IN DiSGUIsE. 4*4 Adeiphia St., Brooklyn, X. Y. Mar oh 2y. 1881. No family should be without All cock's porous plasters: their healing powers aro wonderful and eflicaey far reaching and lasting. For years past 1 have seen and known then* to cure and relieve the most obstinate and distressing cases of rheumatism, kid ney complaint, bronchitis, neuralgia, lumbago, intlammatron of the lungs* and throat, paralysis, asthma, spinal weakness, and coughs and colds, Jj| my own ease thev have afforded lue almost instant ami perinammt relief. My friends consider them an invalua ble and speedy remedy for all kinds of aches and pains, They are a bless ing in disguise: and no wife or moth er should be without then* if she values her jteace and comfort and freedom from nervous exhaustion and other ailments.. As a strengthing plaster, also for backaches and weaknesses, they have no equal. have never yet found a plaster so etHcaeious and stimulating/or to give so much gen eral satisfaction, Used in connection with Uraudreth's universal life-giv ing and life-healing Pills, no one need dispair u{' a speedy restoration to good sound health. MlS. E. T'fMI'KINS. Oixa 'Prial, 11 you hav»* been using other Plas ters one trial of Ajlcock's porous will convince you of their superiority. Take no other so called porous plasters tl^it claim to be better, they are all frauds gotten up to sell on tl e world wide imputation of tli^ geijuine arti cle. any stock Gran o, ±5ito I\r« this month was done in this town there is no riec.l of an election until June, 1S+. We learn from Mr. Dodge, th*t the Milbank commissioners at their meet townships al ready established in Grant county, with the exception of St. Joseph, which was discontinued as a township and divided between Big tone and Melrose, part going to each. Editors IIki:au:--In its account of Marshal Thomas arrest at this place, the Xews-Letter of last week establishes a precedent for falsifying and misrepresentation farbeyondthat earned by the prince of Dakota liars, the Grant County Beview. it* whole narrative of "Thomas' Troubles contains scarcely a grain of truth up on which to bowe the fabrication, and the latter is evidently the product of a jaundiced spleen or of wilful false hood to prejudice the public mind. The editor may not have drawn whol ly from his own stock of lal-^hofld. but he received from other sources equally as bad. Mr. Thomas re ceived" all thecourtsey circumstances and his own actions would permit, and the fact that ho went away much better preserved than when he came, shows that his treatment while here was much better than he receives at home, which is more than can be said of Mr. Slmonds' treatment in Milbank. Drugs, Lamps greats the market Pocket an- cages and a full stoneor A complete stock of Common Flooring, Siding 8asli, Is what you want on your house, a:. the time to put them up, A Fresh Stock of WHITE LIME, Plastering Hair, Cement and Stucco Good Harness for Sale C: t'oiiic and see me and save money. if DEALER I-i Patent Medicines, Suili STATIONERY, NEWSPAPERS & PEIU0D1] Choice Confectionery, T»toc* line Lac qui Parle c^v .^= WELCH'S LUMBER EDf Doors, lifll 33AVES-SPOUTgf I't Fine Cigars and Tot WINDOW CURTAINS, SPRING- ROLLERS. AND MM3 CORXKLI, AVK'., IUG STONE CITY, 1)AK. The New Firm of HATZ BRC( Successors to F. J. Hatz & Cj|« Will continue the same line of goods. increased stock of Groceries, Crockery, Lamps&OlscA he 10 Kinds of Tea. 8 Kinds of Crackers, 11 Varieties of Fish. 8 Grades of Coffee. 12 Kinds of Soap. 23 Brands and Varieties of Cigars excepted,—etc. All at lowest possible prices ai*U1' Dealing. Call and bo convinced. 3 a Next door to Post Oflke, Bio^g- CHARLES BIG STONE CJTY, Cement, Stucco and all & of Building Material if! 1 11 ew 0W hie BETCHS2Bl —DEALER IN Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, s 1 $ S