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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
rs V lea'"| ^tucc:* ale IiH ars To •R. 1I\ if!!!1' n"llwe also a^Mi «IDREL)GE CRAIG. "v les hains n MTHC tie next SIXTY DATS we will close out our Clothing FOR GASH ONLY. 420 Suits for $16. $18 Suits for $14.50. $17 Suits for $13.50. $16 Suits for $13. q.$15 $14 Sxuts for $12. q.$15 $14 Suits for $11.50. $i3 Suits for $10.50. ,,18 Suits for $10. just received an assortmeut of Linen and Alpacca cents' Purnisliing and other Goods for summer wear. ELDRED6E & CRAIG! TUB BEST ire again at the front, with a Complete Line of til FARM MACHINERY, CONSISTING MAINLY OF New Improved HAMPION CORD BINDER. cuk. •uSftSWH®** CHHAMPION MOWERS! -The Meline and Canton Pins. FISH Bines AND WA1PAGQ VA60IS. Chieftain, Coates, Ann Arbor and Ad vance Hay Rakes. .inn 1RD HMD COIH tOLUHM agents for the il# iiflfisSI ~r't* IJP# Pflts, and Nichols, Shepard & Co. Threshers. irp* ^5® bwt binder, or a lir-t-elass Straw-burning Thresher Engine, tuQr,ix the Standard I* arm Machinery, call on or address. MOVIUS BROS. & CO. She fieraiir. BIG STONE CITY, DAK., FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1 *83. A WIFE WI OF TOWN. 01 all the insidious. Temptation invidious. Contrived by the devil lor pulling men down Tli* re's none more delusive, Seductive, abusive, Ttian the snare to a man with 'a wife out of town, lie feels-snch delightfulneBS, Stay- ntt-all-night-fullness, K1 nil 1 -1 et- ti gl 1t ?-1 ull ness, I own it with vans A barhdor rakishness, What- wU Uyou-takeT-ishness, None can explain. His wife may be beautiful, Tender and dutiful, ^Tianot that her absent causes him delight lint tin? cursed opportunity, baleful immunity, Scatter his scruples as day scatters night. He feels whisky-and-water-full, Rapine-aud-slaughter-lull, To his toes1 ends, sf( bachelor-ral 1 y-some,, Unite corps-de-ballot-seme, With wicked friends. While his wife, trusting lady, Is mourning, it mav lie, His l«neU- 1 ouiitiou, su mournfully dull, lit* Jeels energetic, Towards places magnetic, Joys^ar from .estnetic, With many excuses his conscience to lull. With a tako-every-drink-islineus, Full-as-a-tick-isliness, ril-l*e-a-briek-ishness, Though cons«ience frown. With a lorth-let-us-steal-fomencss, fwok-upy »ur-heels-somenes8, There's a wile of the de'il-svtueness, In a wile out of town. See Here. Movius Bros, hare had experience in getting tli© numbers on hind changed and they know how to do it. Give them a call. I l«t|urf indianw. G«ii. Sibley, who is confined at his residence with rheumatism, was visit ed to-day by a delegation of Indians, consisting of Gabriel Henville. who was chief of scouts during the Minne sota massacre Good Boy,'or Looking Iron from the Sisseton Agency, Dak. and Drifting Goose, chief of the Drift ing Goose Indians. The Indians were wcouiiKinied by Rev. E. Ashley, the Episcopal missionary at the Sisseton Agency. The object of the visit is to consult Gen. Sibley about a greivanee which Drifting Goose claims to have sustained at the hands of the govern ment. That chief alleges that at the time of the removal of himself and tribe from the .lames river to Crow Creek on the Missouri river, the Fnit *i States insde certain promises w hk1Ii have not been held sacred. The gov ernment promised that a house should be built tor each family. Net a house has leen built. A certain number of harness were promised, only a small portion of which came to hand. The business was to have been transacted hy letter, but on learning that the missionary was to visit Faribault, Drifting Goose drifted this way in his company, and the other two disting uished lted men came to have a talk about some proposed la\ss. They ex pressed regret at finding (ten. iblev ill.—St. Paul Dispatch, June For Salt*. Oue hnndred i ml sixty acres ot choice land about six miles south ol town. Will be suld at a bargain. Apply at the UEKAUJ oliiee. The most reliable, :»refu!ly pie pared and bent purgative of the present am* in BKAMHil'TlfS PILLS. The are cum{^uinded of Roots, Herbs ind tiums of the most healing and l»ene!icila kind. As a Family Medicine they are unrivalled, curing Ilea A-ache, Constipation, Liver com plaint, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia—clearing the blood of all impurities— acting on the Liver, Kidneys and other imj»ortant organs removing the waste tissue, and adding years |0 the lives ot all who use them. For tiltv years they have been used by the American public, and their cim^vit'.v in creasing sales show how they are appreciated. A Perfect itemed) in lMseu«.»**. Ashfield, Mass. I am verging on eighty years, and deem it Wf duty to suffering humanity to say that my long life is due to BKNDRKTH'S PILLS which have been my sole medicine tor halt a century. 1 know the last forty-three years of my life is owing solelo to th»ir use. Your PILLS saved me many times alter the best medical skill in several States hail given me up hopelss. I have had many converts to purgation with Brandre h's Pills, and have wen them perforin almost miracles ol cure. For children, a lew doses have cured measles scarlet lever, and whooping cough. In all female troubles and weakness I have never known them to tail. In adult males I have known them to cure the worst cases of dis pepsia, rheumatism, kidney diseases, dvaan tery and diarrhoea even dropsy, paralysis, and apoplexy have yielded to a persistent course ol iirandreth's Pills. In fact 1 have loutid them the true Lite Elixir. They act as continual preventives against against the ef lects, of time, disease, and labor. 'OHN H. MASH. The only kind to Sow. ttJEJMIEJS/IlJBJElFi FLAX SEED For Sowing on New Breaking. Till Laro i'sisiiiu Tarielj, Clsai ai Fare. We Seed on Time. No Cash Down. Pay after the Crop is Raised. For full particulars inquire of C. L. HOLMES & BRO., The Grant County Head quarters are closing out re gardless of cost. CAWARD & STEVENSON. .FOE M\i are still at the front with the following splendid line »f goods- The Buckeye Binder and Mower, and The N. C. Thompson and Hopkins Mowers The Star Wagons, Buggies and Spring "Wag ons, the Best on wheels. Tiger and Leader Hay Rakes, Steam Engines and Threshing Seperators, The "New Model" and "Eagle." Fanning Mills, Plows, Sulky Cultivators, Hand Cultivators and Shovel Plows. Flaw Mlas, CMsas, Strut state, Daillttras, Necl5L-yolie», dteo. RFiXlfcMBER that we have a few more of the famous Norwegian Breakers to be SOLD CIIEAK Having recently purchased the building formerly occupied by Geo. «p!e»r as a Livery stable* we have refitted it for a warehouse, filled it with splendid goods, where they are kept nice and dry* and confidently ask farm ers to leal with us, knowing that we can't be beat, in quality of goods or prices. Call and ©ee U.h NO. 44 will furnish this BIG STONE CITY, DAK. Agents for Miniu'Hota Linked Oil Ctiiupii}. This Sewl can bi seen at M. A. Botlax's feed Store. JONES & WOLF