e a i
JDOWiSlE & NE1I.L. I'nM vlim,
11 1 n 1,1 1
11 11111
It is understood that the president and
Secretary Folder have practically hit upon a
scheme for the consolidation of the internal
revenue districts. Th«? details ar*. not yrt
ready tor announcement. In the main, it
is believed that the plan is identical with
that proposed by the bureau and published
nome weeks ago.
Comment on the star route verdlft is still
rife in Washington. There is, generally
speaking, no fault found with the jury. It
appears from a ioll oi the jury but four of
them are republican and eight are dem
ocrats. They are all considered honest men
by tli ir neighbors, and incorruptible. The
real difficulty was in the indictment for
conspiracy. As was pointed on: a
year ago." before the tirst trial, a conviction
for conspiracy bad never been obtained
this district.
Judge James, in the case Of J. G. Rigelow
against Bettie Mason, to restrain the pay
ment of the "Betty and baby" fund, and for
a decree making Bieglow an allowance for
his services as counsel, signed an order,
dismissing the bill on condition ot' the
payment of $400 to Bigelow for his expense
in defending Sergeant Mason on his trial
forsh oting at Guiteau.
The secretary of the treasury git«s notice
that exchanges of3J per cent. bon3s into 3
per cents will not be made during July
next, the books of these two loans being
closed for the preparation of the August first
dividend. Continued bonds received for
exchange during July will be exchanged
upon reopening the books interest at
3i per cent, remaining }o that date.
The president has appointed Albert
Woodcock of Illinois as United States con
sul to Catalonia, Italy.
G. K. Barnes, general passenger agent of
the Northern Pacific, in response to various
inquiries, has issued a circular letter, setting
forth that the road is completed to Helena.
Mont., 1.154 miles from St. Paul, and that
at Helena there is a daily line of stages
crossing a gap in the road of 150 milts that
the work of completing the road is progress
ing rapidly, and the indications are that it
will be finished by the lfst of August, and
through trains then be running between St.
JPaul and Portland.
A meeting of the citizens of Dubuque wis
held recently for the purpose of inaugura
ting the projected railroad from this city to
some indefinite point in the west. Manyot
the leading capitalists of the city were pres
ent and great enthusiasm was shown. It ia
prepared to run the road Up tfee val
ley oi Wapriepriour, and from thence
Chief Engineer Blunt says that new
rail has been laid on the Winona .y St. Peter
railroad between Slcrpy eye and Tracy.
A mealing of the ftfarshallcJ^yoa county,
Minnesota board of trade was "held last week
for the purpose of endeavo-ing to secure di
rect rail communication with St. Paul and
Minneapolis. Marshall is but 140 miles
from St. Paul, yet passage and traffic be
tween these points must be made over the
lines of railroad with a transfer of both
freight and passengers. The for.ner is com
pelled to stop over night en route either
way. A merchant of Marshall or of any
prominent town of the .louthwistern coun
ties of the state can go to Chicago, transact
business and return as quickly a the trig
can be made to Minneapolis of 3t. Paul.
The former distance is
and the latter
but 140. Freight ordinarily can be secured
from Chicago
"quicker, and at as 1 w rates.
Two roads, the Milwaukee and Albert Lea
route now run within 35 miles of Marshall,
and it was for the purpose of having one of
these extend its line to Marshall that the re
cent meeting was held.
"Wi'liam Simms, secretary of the Kansas
State board of agriculture, says of the wheat
Crop of his state in the advance sheet of his
report: "Of the total area of the state 12 per
cent, will not be harvested. The estimated
yield for this year will be seventeen bushels
per acre, which will make a total produc
tion of both winter and spring wheat for the
state of 23,601,51)4 bushels—a decrease from
last year of 12,133,252 bushtls, and 1,400,000
bushels under Talmage's estimate of the
state made June 1."' Secretary Sims also
makes an estimate on the probable crop ot
the United States for 18S3, taken from the
departments of other sta'es, in which he
laces the total production at 3H5,0)0.000
8,000,000 below the late estimate
made by Talimage, and shows a shortage of
23 per cent, or 115,000,000 bushels from last
Last Saturday the legatees under Amasa
Stone's will were paid. The legatees found
that one or two of Mr. Stone's relative?, and
ones to whom he was especial'}- partial, had
been forgotten in his will. A meeting was
called, the matter talked over, and it was
finally agreed that every one should set
aside some portion of his or her bequest and
thus maKe up an equal amount lor those
not provided for.
The value of exports of provieions, tallow
and dairy products for May was $285,415
lor five months ended May 31, $43,83* G-"4
provisions and fallow tor seven mouths
ended May 31, $5,s.004,975. The value of
exports ot of the same, products for the cor
responding period last year was ^"7R,550 in
excess of the above figures.
Mre. Emily C. Hale, wife oi ex-Deputy
Collector of Customs Hale, of Chicago has
been released from the Milwaukee house oi
correction attfcr serving an eight month's
sentence for grand larceny.
A splendid train of carB, sleepers, palace
and dining, 000 feet in length, containing
the members of the American society of
Civil Engineers, arrived in St. Paul on the
18 inst.
Ex-Slurping Commissioner Duncan of
New York has begun suit against the Vw
Yor.. Times for $100,000 damages, for libel
in a recent letter of Mark Twain
The Rev. I'. 0. morgan, of ConbcHSrille,
Pa., has been expelled from the l'.a|t'-t
church tor malicious lying and grossly fm
moral conduct
The personal property ass :\sment roll of
San Francisco, Gala., foots up f'
an increase of *7.c27,870 over last year.
The new directory of Lincolr. Neb.,
untRins .S,422 names, and shows a popula
i 18,977.
Five hundred masked men visited the jail
at Sheboygan, Mich., on the 14th., over
no wered the sheriff, took Till Warner the
--apposed ravisher ot the young girl, mtue
Lyons, to a point just outside of the town,
and hanged Idea to the cross ties o. the
railroad viaduct. The girl had identified
him. The victim was cut down alter
lapse of two hours. He protested his -»no
cence to the last. He was let down once
before he died, but would not confess.
At 2:30 o' clock Thursday morning the
citizens of Iron Kiver, a Michigan mining
and lumbering town, twenty-seven nines
northwest of Florence, N Y., weresrart'eit by
a tearful concussion. A shot ot giant powder
had been placed under the southeast corner
of a building owned by Mrs. Hanuon. and
had shattered the whole front of the struc
ture and broke glass 1,000 feet away.
Frank Lincoln and William Vickers
quarreled at Frenchman's ranche, on the
Stinking Water, Mont. After lighting for
sometime, in which Vickers was worsted*
the latter went'ort and procured a gun,
with which he shot and killed Lincoln.
Vickers left the county before the sheriff
oould be communicated with.
A. P. Adams, a wealthy ranchman of Red
Cloud, Neb., who has been sued in Omaha
for $10,000 damages by Stewart Hoge. for
the alienation of his wife'saffrctions,declares
he is innocent and was not in Omaha on
the dpvspecified bv Mrs. Hoge, and has not
been in Omaha for three years. Some peo
ple tuinkit is blackmail.
John Williams, aged seventy-seven, was
turned out of the Little Rock penitentiary
recently. In l*«d he was convicted of
murder in the second degree and sentenced
to imprisonment for life. The longest pun
ishment allowed by die statutes tor that
offense is twenty-one yean*.
Robert Lee, the defaulting postmaster of
Driscoll, Ala., who unlawfully dealt in
stamp«, forged thirteen names to his bond
for $2o.ooo. and also the justice's signature
and seal. He is charged with three mur
ders in Mississippi.
Investigation show! that by paying a
a bribe to ce:tain alderman of $1,500 Mrs.
Brayle.v sold the city of Buffalo a site for a
school for 10,000. which*l*e had previous
ly offered for $10,500.
At Hastings. Neb., John Babcock, indicted
for murder, pleaded guilty to manslaugh
ter and was sentenced to ten years in pris
D. C. Freeman, who has been representing
L'ndblom A
of Chicago, In Louisville,
has disappeared, owing $10,000.
Gen. Grant iti an interview said: I think
the courts are constituted",to try cases, and a
jury was obtained to try that case. Ir» this
particular case the prisoners were tried by
the newspapers in advance and they no
doubt intiuen-'.ed public judgment without
the testimony being heard. They made
Iheir own testimony in the beginning. Now
*|hat the testimony "has all been in and weeks
have been spent in expounding the law and
the evidence in tiae case, 1 don't see but
what the public i- bound to accept the
judgment rendered.
Bishop Spalding corroborates trie state
ment that the archbishops of the United
States has been commanded to assemble at
Rome next Uctober to arrange a plan for a
plenary council to be htld in America,
ihe bu^ine-s of the council will only per
tain to the offices of tbi3 country, and not
involve Irih affairs. It is three months
since Bishop Spalding left Rome, and that
wa- the pautiiical intention at the time of
his departure.
Norman L. Munro, the publisher, has
sued James Gordon Bennett for $10,000
damages done by the appearance of person
als in the Herald signed "Sadie." Bennett
has been warned not to publish the writing
and had promised not to do so. The re
suit of the publication has been the aiien,
ationof Mrs. Munri/s affection, the break
ing up of Munro's home, and the general
injury of his tusiness.
It is reported that Senator Tabor, in ig
norance of the elaborate routine by which
alone money can be legally paid out of the
United States treasury, recently drew dir
ectly on Secretary Folger for $65,0K), the
land which he sold to the govern
ment for the new postofliee and custom
house at Denver, and deposited the draft
with a Colorado bank for collection.
Frank ternan, son of the New York ex
senator, who was with Gen. Sherman's son
at Georgetown college, and, like him, chose
to enter the Catholic priesthood, has, after
four years study, decided that (he priest
hood, Is not his vocation, and has given it
up and returned to Utica.
Prescott Bros. & Co., the largest and old
est hardware dealers of Fort Wayne, Ind.,
have made an assignment in favor of George
H. Wilson for the benefit of preferred cred
itors representing claims to the amount of
iV.uOO. Liabiltiies, $0.,000 assets $100,000.
In literary matters it is announced that
Mr. Froude, the historian, is preparing a
study ol Martin Luther. Macmillan an
nounces Arthur Hardy's novel. But Yet a
Woman Richard Grant White's edition of
Shakespeare will^appear here next month.
Capt. Winfield S. Edgerly, Seventh caval
ry, who recently secured his captaincy by
the appointment of ('apt. M. V. Sheridan to
be assistant adjutant general, has been
granted twenty day*B leave of absence from
the recruiting station at Cincinnati.
William H. Vanderbilt recently drove
Maud S and Aldine over the track of the
Gentlemen's Driving park in 2:15J, lower
ing the record of 2:102 made by Frank
Work's team, Edward and Swiveller, at
Morrisania, N. Y., July 13, .1882,
Zebina Eastman, who died in Chicago on
the 15th, was one of the Owen Lovejoy
sort of i«nti-sl:)very leaders in Illinois, and
Lo\joy's death brought him out iu the
slavery question. He published numerous
Annie Cramleii of New Baltimore, M. Y„
caught a
summer boarder last t-utnmer who
promised to marry her, but in January he
mariifd another. The jury gave Annie
Eastern papers :?ay ex-!-:tnator Patterson
of New Hampshire is mentioned in connec-
tlw «re«d. ncv of the University
tion witn the |»re-
Ot Minnesota preached
Vhu'.i'S Brooks ot
H. Dukt
Nutt, V- a-i
town, 1'a.
K(T. i o.i. i n ,n Sunday
la^iitrdm.^ and other dignitaries
Lordi'«r: ii|!liircl,
an iLlluetuml tlt'j.ula.ioa ""I
towns in Englrad cl»ralnB
n.m rennle 'he object wf which was to p.o
A't ih, rf riciiorn »1 oo.l
'nrlinffford Stated the decrease in uie u»
portation of American catt!e was aue to it
fact that better prices were ^btaintd i
•Vmerica. and not to the system ot cotnpu
in slaughter at British ports/ He s.ud the
government would continue to act up to^the
snirit of the present
he™ i.i the '.iir«liou of lurlber l-rol..b.
tion. u ursni by omwnwils lo Hie ...
portion of American cattle.
Admiral Pierre, commander of the Ff
fleet in Madagascar waters, in his report of
the bombardment of Magurguayoray on the
Oth of Mav, savs lie demanded the surren
of the place, but received an evasive re
ply. Five vessels opened tire on the .own
the three forts, mounting thirty guns,
were quicklv silenced. The Hoya qnatter
of the town'was destroyed, but the i- rt nc.i
factory and most ot the Atiierirnri iouses
escaped injury. Tne garrison of ..0U» tutii
French sustained no loss of
men. They occupied the town and are col
lecting customs.
At Innsbruck. Austria, recently the trial
for hull treason oi Sabidini, Who drove
Overdank, the bomb manufacturer, across
the frontier, was begun.
The total losses by last w»eks cyclone
at Beloit are about $60,00o.
losses were Benjamin Browi
$1.500: Bart Bailey, dry
from $1,500 to $2,500
and jewelry store.
Henry F. Crane, traveling salesman for
the Jewell Belting company, Hartford,
Conn., was found dead in bed at the Pacific
House. Council Blutls, recently. He loft a
note stating that he had taken poison. No
cause is given for the act.
Gray's Opera house Boston, was burned
recently. E. H. Gray, proprietor ot the
opera house, savs every one in the build
ing escaped. Therejwas but little confu
sion, and no one hurt. Loss $100,Ooo.
August Pinsky of Waconia wasla'ally in
jured by being run into by a train, throwing
him from his wagon and across the rails.
The entire town of Pottery, i.-i Calhoun
county, was burned Saturday.
The Graduates at West Point.
Following is the list of gradu'itts at West
Point, with their standing
1. George A. Zinn, Pennsylvania: 2.
Wiiliam C. Langfitt, Ohio: Henry L.
WTa'erman, Minnesota: 4, William F. Han
cock, Ohi 5, Henry C. Davis, Jr., South
Carolina 0. Beverly \V. Dunn. Louisiana:
7, Samuel D. Freeman, North Carolina 8.
William F. Flynn, Connecticut: 0, Robt-.t
J. Duff, Michigan 10,t Thomas Ridgway,
New York 11, John W. Ruckman, Illinois
12, Alfred B. Jackson, Massachu
setts lo William P. Stone, Arkansas
14, William E. Shlpp, North Carolina 15.
Ira A. Havnes, Kentucky: 10, Willoughby
VValx" Virginia: 17, Edwin C. Bullocs.
New Jersey: 18. Chase W. Kennedy. Ohio
10, Louise Ostheim, Pennsylvania 20,
Charks G. Morton, Massachusetts: 21, Sam
uel Adair, Wtst Virginia 22, Godfrey H.
MacDonald, Illinois '2M, Herbf-rt W. Ser
geant, Illinois 24, Matthew F. Steele, Ala
bama 25, Edwin A. Root, Indiana 2H,
John M. Neall. Nevada 27, William il
Smith, Missouri 2S Isaac W. Littell, N.w
Jersey 20, George H. Cameron, Illinois.
'•'0, Walter K. Wright, New York Ty
ree R. Rivers, Tennessee 32, Roger S. Bv
ran, Massachusetts .T}, John W. Heard,
Mississippi: 34, John H. Shoilenbergerl
Pennsylvania 33. Charles H. Osgood.
Massachusetts 30, Harry C. Hale, Illinois
37, Robert I). Walsh, California:
38, Charles H. Cochran, Ohio 39, Elmore
F. Taggert, Ohio 40. George W. Reed,
Iowa 41, Sampson L. I'aison, North Cir
olina 42, Alfred Hasbrouck, Jr., New
York 43, Jacob F. Kreps, Penn-vlvania* 11
Henry C, Cah-ll. .Jr., Virginia. *45, ChaTles
C. Tear. Illinois 40. Eflgar S. Walker, Mis
souri 17, harles Mc^uiston, Indiana: 4s,
Thomas W. Grtlith. Pennsylvania
,u,„ 'o i.111 .*CT1
The heaviest
0 i lilding
goods stock
Smith, hook
1,500 Frank
H. J.
l.'MMI to
Travers, clothier, $1,000: Bamlin ^Race.
building and stock, $S(K) 1). S. fonter,
building ami bookstore, $1,000 Rock Ki\er
Paper company on mill, $1,000 to $1.2 K): I-.
S. Fentian's drug stoie $lJ'(Xi. Very many
have losses to the extent of from $l,lRfO to
An earthquake at Ec-jnador on the H'th
of May caused gieat alarm at Quito. Peo
ple camped in the streets, fearing cata
clysm. In Latacurga the shock was very se
vere, overthrowing several houses. Tnose
remaining threatening to fall. On the dili
gence arriving at Latacurga the mules
were taken out and it was pulled through
the streets by men, for fear its rumbling
would shake down the houes. Cetopaxi
was in active eruption. People in the vi
cinity fear a repetition of March 1*^7.
.xtruCU"1' I.'
,,me act a
Frederick Perki s, Maine 50, Omar Bundv,
Indiana 51, Lawrence D. Tyson, N'oriil
Carolina 52, Clarence I'. Edwards, Ohio,'
A Ravisher in Great Peril.
Cheboygan, Mich., Special.—Till Warren,
an Alf»ena man, was arrested last evening
betwf en here and Mackinaw City, as the
ravisher ui Nettie Lyon, and brought to
this city and examined by physicians, and
identified bj others as the fiend. Serious
trouble was anticipated as the infuriated
crowd gathered about hooting and veiiim*
to lynch him. He was assaulted wliile in
chaigi oi tne olli ers on the way to the
countj jail under a strong guard, but was
not hurt. He was placed in jail and a
powerful guard took charge. The crowd
prowled around tin jail mo.-t of the night,
but were dispersed by the officers.
Minnesota Churchmen on Divorce*.
The following is the full text or the reso
lution parsed at the session of the State
Diocesan Council of EpV-^pal churches at
ranbauit last week, in regard to divorce*
Whereas, The alarming increase in the
number of divorces granted and the con
tinned enlargement or the various causes
for which they may be granted shown the
existence of an evil that threatens the
foundations of society, therefore be ir.
Eesolved, That "the delegate-! of this
i!oto secure
ae' by meiuor
^en .jrul law or
Sn or.|h otbr manner a*
A Itud I'riest Hem i .fail
New York Special: A slender and pre
p^nnggirl eighteen years old stood be
fore the Qfcrk'i JQ*UC0
she wishes to prefer a charge
against lorn.
The girl said in her comprint that soon
aft*"• she entered Father McCarthy ^ervue
he committed an assault upon net. Nothing
improper occurred between them after that
tili |a^t Friday, when she wtrit to taUier S!c
Carthv's house and the priest aml« an in
^ulti!1"' proposition lo her. She resented it,
but Father McCarthy, she alleges, alter a
ion" -truegle, assaulted and afterward
locked her ii. aroom. The girl swore that
she threatened to expose the pricat, an 1
that he replied. "VtU hud better Tiort von i
will bring more trouble upon vourself than I
you c:tu'bnngnijHm me.'' The eirl a!s« alleges
that Fit her McCarthy attempted to assault
h» last Monday. She told her story to
Bishop Laugh Jin. ami the latter remarking
that there had been too many complaints
of the kind against Father McCarthy and
that he would suspend him. The
priest was sen!
mitted to bail.
jail and
N III AN i'.N i i t* i
Mr. Fo.d is to i e congratulated on this
latest enterprise of his. and tlie gratitnde ot
the ci i us of the northwest is daily mani
festing n»,e|f hv the actions.
StorioK of the New IMshop.
New York Tritoint Br. KD?CKerb.icKey,
of Minneap«)! -, the bi.«!."p-e]eit
(I*. E.t of Indiana, is described a- a man »f
unusual energy and tact. Tn his r»W:
church he has a surpliced choir and an e I a V
oratf ritual, yet he ran s adapt, himself e
be entirely at home the simplest country
hapel. He h«ut no faioily e*c*spi hiu wife, i
1 and as he is a man of great simplicity of life,
and inured to hardships by year* rjf fron
i tier work, he will probably "not occupy the
handsomest Episcopal residence in Indian
upoiis, but make a home in some humble
i dwelling. He was the choice ot the hiitv in
the convention, while the clergy favore
i 'he candidacy of the Rev. Dr. Worthington
ot Detroit, tne most popular preacher in
that city. Of him, to illustrate hii tact, and
reveal one scour e of h:s popularity, the
following anecdote is told: A iadv "called
about siiue chuich work, arul sent her card
I to his study, when suddenly he appeared in
his fiolet dr»«-ing-g wu ibat she had given
him the previous Ci ristruas. Hardly had
he gone when another came, audio!
i reverened gtntleman stood before her
iilac* ca?9ock of which »be hid
No I I n*«« Like Homo.
'p On seuni iu a bad fiv," Raid a phil
hntahrqgilit aiiUoig ua the curb
stone, looking- much 1 -presse i in spir-
"Not so awful b'td ai I might be."
"ilavjyr.n no home?"
yes, j've gut oiim."
SWiiy don't v»m jro thore,.tbi'ii?''
»TP,c(!aas i don't
1 NN
'hewrious Dioce-
"V'.nt you "hould. for the poet says,
"And light tlie poet was, too. I was
at .lotui! not an hour ago, nrtd the liouse
was turned upfidy down. nil the ds
out of the window and he fu oitiue ii»
the corners, and my wife \rlt !i a dish
rag around her bead, and the children
Bo dusty you couldn't clean 'cm with a
feather brush, and the hired girl raising
Sam Hill, ami lour niggers beating car
pets, and tho paper huugors at work,
and a window cleaner with a hoeo
turned on, and no dinner, ami no pros
pect of any, and the deuce to pay jren
eialiy—oh, you and the poet ate shout
iu .^d you're miyhty right, U»o, there's
no* pii|ce tiki home.' Druin mar.
Tlie Marquis and Marchioiies? of Lawn«
downe will visit Ireland in August and
come to Ottawa, fanada in )"toh-r.
Knabe ly '1
Several Luinirew oi
ofSt. I'aul had the unusu-i
ing to the mnsica! tre t! I I
comb's recital lust Tbur-.lay evening thnmgh
tlietelephone. Thepimo vvarer •oiu'-t" Na
than Ford, at 07 K »-l fir. 1 street, were con
nee'ed bv tv lep'-one iv.th six! -tice resi.ir nces
in tl'ere.it pirtsot the i'.v. 1'ne eage-n. «h
tli' s w'iu rtc 'i\\J 1 iiiVitati itis tli^ lei«
phur.'e treat tf i:i.u-e connee'i
show d-heir app'f-iation of the .: i-n
terprist'ofthose navii he mat !. i e.
Tii*-'r assurance th tne g:.iti«-fii tones »f
ttie 'v!i.ib* piano" retaiiie 1 tiit ir nchnr-s not
withstanilintr tlie m..ny miles of im talii cir
cuit, hiM anothe'-io tlie many laurels won by
the Knabe this season.
Truly marve ons are th# wonders of el*r
tricitv.'aiid the priviiegt s conferred by i'j» use
multiply iiaiiy. It no* t»eco nes i.v-iidcnol
only to order K nape pianos by telegraph but
to Ii? ten to their lore* al a distance of miles
bv telephone, ln'.en-lmj: purchasers of "the
best pianos made' can mreatttr ring fur
connection 'witn Mr F«ird"» mus'.cato»'e and
select their pianos and order them sent to
their residences without stepping outside
their doors, lor electricity in tones, likesun
ligf.: in photography, the truth.
'•,!"ffd iu
tot gent
rries, pa
e an exc
is quite
igpe of
ies of lui
lion of
?inai Ho
ii|tivd 63
Nfr in i
le verm
lie* ».
pnantH are haLitu
of In.iia for
N 1,ors
court hi Williamsburg Friday,
wart young man stood beside Ih r.
"This girl," said the yormg man
wiV- sister. She has sul|ere.l
treatment at -.e hands oi toe !, .. .........
etc., chowsahiel,
K'«Mice. Hut !,«,•!,
are i-mplovt,
nionj Wouuerfuig
111 i to cutcli the w
ol wild elephaatg
and two huiie
a Mni-
v. Florence
a priest of the church to whic.i
tiiein. Tw.nien).
either side
,ta R:
the -omj:-u ,t,ia
the w ltd ft'pptiiiiii
one, to whose
How wil
4& and i
In whic
«t#tls of
*ner o
jjfect st
at time
tike hai
the rop» is i i«t(1I)
live "tit aiid -a in
h'hf the otiierd
I :»'rence fromt
captive t«war
ing tiiw Iii"fjt i
the r«.pc, Tj1(1
ones during a||
truly woiMerftii.
both of ihe nhjec
11 it* llie.ins to iCn
ciision, in tyit,uu
cotiirived, U'lort
close upto theirs
arMind it. carryii
the dc'oy, perrc
hud -.rained over
of IM own aeror,
ward v\it!i her
unwind himself
roue was hatileil
»!\e could a]
display of dry k
which tlie den.',
fuars of the wiM
of their etf-irts of
iuctui.t they siloi
violent tliev .Im
wild (Hies throw
lame ones butt
slioll id e T"1 ami f("
wiieli it is ne'-estM"
they knee! upon'
(roin ri*-!tin
,!lv ml
Hig whii
||)t to ci
8 so tha
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ue the
fc-a grej
ii be in
(yie col(
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|o syri
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Hi ol
y syri
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A remarkably
isplav ed iy an
clnviried to a tree, ,i
made an nveii a:
sshich to p'ttsoc.
The nun covert",
and iirass and 'a
wa." gone the el-,
unfastened tlie
went to the ovei.
i.Ul the cak -s.
tl.e stone aiid cr.-f
back to ill-* j- .u:e.
©On tail
as olte
•Wi to K
i buttei
last su
the cliain again
Ill' w i-ted it ru
der to look the
!river returned•
nil' with his
!:. ver wi-iit f-r
theft, an-i,
elephant's e
•iver hi- nhou" it
1 i.-fant!y tie
.*,dt.-n puuishi:
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'1 h.-re is one niv
1*ruled MatesJT
bo scarred ac to
1 ait the sb.ry
v.i rahle t1.."
L. if Hnner
do these* cruel
SB wen
ine as
twiges i
*1 on
the a
tods o
When this n
but a boy, he
er sister hefori'
ilouse, where
hristtnas hoiMJ^
from the l!azii-'
merrily upon t1.^1
incautious iniive:!''.
in a
Orgies of the Star Koutera.
Philadelphia Special.— 'The verdict in
the biar route.-ase was a surpriseto me, as it
must have been to every one in this nation
who haf followed the case," said William
W, Ker, of
counsel for the government, re
rrtnnot thfn*r of any errors thai
tua lro«tcitUon made in the conduct. 1 as
cribe the result rather to the social condi
tions existing iu Wa hington. There aren't
any Garfield rep'ib!-iu in Washington
now. All bow |o t!i» present refute. The
delight of mai» of be pryraineat Jjuliti
cians in the result of the trial wa." open and
unmistakable, although some had the dis
cretion not to join in the orgies with which
the verdict was celebrated. Nothing since
the days of Nero has exceeded the debauch
of rinir-day afternoon and night. 1 was p(?r
sorifittytoraMrlnt! the and at the Eb
bit jijottte. Anjljody could 'etd|\iuk who
cared to take the trouble. It whs a day of
dabam i» to be remenibereii bv sober per
*«is of flie capital.
bring herdr^.f
...... te, in
an 1 rm9
all flame.
l«ll th
1-ho boy lowl^t it
re. ner it«P'i i"
of an'
more, per uip?
He was proud
her beauty.
scorch her life cn«
He caught ttwr'l'
fron. the ti-r He- Fo!
her and
forget Itil of
1C fr0]
was bm ned
cogniuoii, win.
the (ire had left' the
And the bo\ he si
a bov," he sauj.
She could not nfl',
4P th
For a lotiir t'1" ,
of. but at Iv^.riV/
strong y outn tri
forth iidotlie
wars for a
the i
all those who».
II.. has tn t(i*' '".takin|
he gn
of marii of hi"
love for him .1
fair repute of'j •1
of his ldf,
tin.se scars of l»
The stater
amid tiH kt...
wlii 'h •j
be gt
i s a i
nil ds P'v-• .,
which I,,1™
for all it
the knowi(,(k .re
make them
From the g^
"Who ia thatTn iprou
edit-r? Oh, f.,,?ft8or
and put
ried when
',rm (i
Mr. and f^the I
ing the
that tfiPF.
railroad Will
in, nth atul