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HARLES fc hi i y sician and Surgeon. IUNR0R & WELLKRS' STORK, City, D. T. IS. B. W. CAMERON, stantly receiving new supplies Ministry, Drtss-PatttfM AND LACKS. -SO, GRAINING, KALSOMINING, AJ&D WHITKWASH1 NO. n ot finishing work done with the utty Kniie. em% ti lltl Cuarannei. CLE^i re ROBBKT TAYJLOM, on Cornell Ave. 3 BROS., VTN MI ui |i«tasts an Eiprrial e and Loan Afentp Abstnete OF title furnished to all jhwit county \gP BETCHER -DEALER IN- kber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Lime ^nwnt, Stucco and all kinds 0 of Building Material. ^(SCnt. DAKOTA hf~ Novelty wood works! J. X. BAKER k CO, Proprietors. work of all description manufactured to order. (U1K MS jwfl«»T» Blood Syrup Oamill diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Million* testify to its effioacy in heal jlBff the above named diseases, and pro rj/ Bounce it to be the w2L BBBT HZ2MED7 KNOWN TO MAN. Guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. |^A GENTS WANTE D.^f iterr 11 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it SIMONDS torney at Law, yyj'i* «*»••,». T. NOTK'E. ttranl County Order# for Funding, The undersigned hereby gives notice that they desire to fund, under the s]**cial act of the legislative assembly of Dakota, passed March !, A D. 1S83, the following described DRUG warrants of Grant County, viz: No. Date Amount Issued to 73.1 Jan iISS3 05 N. Munson 700 Jan l'J, '2 iu22 s are respectfully requested to ispect these goods. U, March hmmet AgiMt. oe promptly attended to. Farm •d re iestate ot all kinds bought in j4i k 3 GIBSON BWI, Ull ill UU OFFICE Taxes jirtid tor uon •roinj'tly and neat to prove up with Conveyancing i oney lurnishea Main street, Big Stone City, Dak. HRNHY WfllTFORD, ytieiaa and Surgeon. RaMtBOto's Drug store. Main L(#-In iHjimtmiad in oflice at uiglit. PUOtt, ^^tud Ornamental Plasterer WWnaMg nd Kalsosliing. jt kNM In a •utataiitiul and satisfac OCT. WMMSft l#. S' toot Md Nistmr, and .Stone Work reasonable rates. City, D. ftii'" ro'E T. & i 00 11 It Burnell U00 (Kl •27 00 41 00 '2S 44 55 00 701 702 751 716 £24 Jan 12, Jan 12, Feb 6, Jan 17, Aug 2,5 1880 A W Barron A W Barron A \V Barron Downie & Neill Chas Betcher -J. I MUBPHY k FOCNTAIN, Agts., liig Stone City, Dak I The undersigned hereby gives notice that h** desires to fund under the special act ot I the legislative assembly «t Dakota, passed 18ST., the following described war- i rant of Grant County, viz: No. Date Amount Issued to 745 Feb 6, iS3 $j0l .V Johnson 1'archer JOHNSON I'AIKIIKR. Big Stone City, Dak. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he desires to tuud, under the special act ol the legislative assembly of Dakota, passed March A 1 ss:i, the following ilescribed warrant* of Grant ("ouutv, viz: No. Date Amount 727 Jan 17, 18811 J? (W Issued to S Jones S('Jones S Jones Feb «, 1H-J3 l.M 5S 7 1 05 41 ,o 4fi 747 74« T38 740 Art J»it 25, 1SK1 4 00 Jan 2ti, IS 15 0» The undesigned S 'Jones A W Burrun A W H»rron S. C. JONKS, liig Stone City, ik. Tlie undersigned hereby gives notice that he desires to fund, under the special act of the legislative assembly of Dakota, passed March », A I) 1HK!, th« following described warrants of Grant county, viz No. Date Amount Issued to 741 Jan '!•, 1SS3 $50 00 A W Barron 643 Feb t, 1SN5 11 Glasser 11. J. GLARSKR, Big Stone City, Dak hereby jjives notice that he desir«?s to tuinl under the ial act of the legislative asse.ublv o the Territory of Dakota, jtassed Mareli A ISH'i, the fol- NINSlir* lowing descrilwd wurrant ot Grant county: i No, Date Amount Issued to Buy and sell 749 Feb 0, j? i,s -#7 *'i A W Ke«s gu A. \V\ RFSSI MI IK, jui Big Mum* i ity, Dak. The undnsigned liereby gives notice that he desires to fund, under the s M-. iul act of the legislative ussemby ot Dakota, jiassed March 9, A. D. ls-M, the "following described warrants ot Grant county, viz: No. Date Amount Ii-sued to 706 Jan I V, 1S83 lv!.i oo 8 \V Sinionds 707 Jan 1- 1 SH.J _itO 00 S W Simonds 7M Feb 6, JSK) 115 00 11 U Jturnell 753 F«b l, lv«S 00 Burnell S. W. SIMONDS, Big Stone City, Dak. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he desires to fund under the special act ol the legislative assembly ot Dakota, passed March 9, A 1883, the following described warrants ol Grant county, vis: No. Date Amount Issued to 704 Jan. 1 a. 18*3 ifli» 00 HW Simonds 750 Feb ft, 1843 115 00 Burnell 751 Feb 1, 18H3 38 Ou Burnell H. R. BCKMELL, Big Stone City, Dak. The ondersigned hereby gives notice tliat be desires to fund under the special act ot the legislative asse rubl y at Dakota, passed March 9, A U 1883, the following described warrants of Grant county, vii: No. Date Amount Issued to 7'J4 Jan 17,1883 3b Jna A Muuro 744 Feb 5,1883 *107 78 JnoAMunro A. Jtio. Musao, ttg Stone City, Dak. Seal Estate fjr a. 160 Acres of land half a mile from Big Stone City. Good brick cottage and stable. 160 Acres of land five miles from Big Stone City, aud miles from Milbank. f0 Acres of fine bottom laud just east of Big 5tone City. ItiO Acres of land two miles from Hartford and live miles from Wilmot. 20 acres iin proved. 80 Acres of land 7 miles from Big Rtone, 3 miles from Milbank. 40 acres improved. DAKOTA 150 LOTS IN BIG STONE CITY. Any of the atxive can be purchrsed cheap for cash or on easy terms by applying to JNO. A. MUNRO, ,1 ustice of the Peace. Big Stone City, Dak. B. P. MURPHY. D. W. FOUNTAIN. Att'y at Law. Grant County Bank. BIG STONE CITY, D. T. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. MONEY TO LOAN IN SMALL AMOUNTS UN SHORT TIMK ON CHATTEL SF.CL*- K1TY, MoNKY TO LOAN ON liKAL KSTATK ON FIVE YEARS TIME AT 9 PER CENT INTlSKEiT. Money furnished to prove up on HOMKSTKADS AND I'RK-EMI'TIONS AT PER CENT, ON F1VK YEARS TIMK. Real Kutate Iwnight and sold on commission Foreign Exchange sold on all principal points in Europe. Murphy & Ft iiiitain, Bankers 8 Maine Street. Big Stone City, H. J. G-lasser, Prop. THE BKHT B1LLIARS A!«B POOL. TAHI.ES IK THE t'Ol JITV l'rosli I.a^er Beer constantly on tap. Also Bottled Beer, Hock and live, Champagne and other Wines. Tie best brands ol Clgirs in tb« City. 1 ABOVE ALL CUMPETHU HGHTRUNNING SEWING MACHINE CO CHICA60.1LL ORANGE, MASS. AND ATLANTA.OA: MEW HOKE NEW I!«(i HA HIA»: 1 u. 18 State Street, (.'bleu***. 111 Big Stone City Mills BIG STONE CITY, I). T. DIEBOLD & TUNNELL, Proprietors. Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat Ground at a small toll, or for chalice ifi Flour, ex- Bran. shorts. Ac. "We invito the fanners of the coun ty and of this .section to give our mill a trial. DIE HOLD & TUNNELL. BIG STONE CITY. DAK. CHAS. 15HANI), Proprietor. 1 have a large assortment of Trees, Shrubbery and Fruit Hushes and Plants for fall transplanting, among which are: WHITE ASH, BOX ELDER. SOFT MAPLE, GRAY WILLOW, AND COTTON WOOD TREES, CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY BUSHES AND STRAWBERRY* PLANTS. AiftO Horse lladish Plants, &c. CIIAS. BHAND. WOOD BROS., OHTONYILLE, MINX. Headquarters for HARDWARE, LUBE ft FA KM MACHINERY. SEWINU MAOI1INKS i I $• DonEKTir, WHIT SIKUKK, \VIII I:I,I.H A. Ull.MW, A i lion i:. GASPERSON BROS., Proprietors of the BIG STONE CITY MEAT MARKET. All kinds of fresh and Salt Meats constantly on hand. Special atten* tion paid to Sausage Making. Cash Paid for Hides. Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default has been made in the conditions ot a certain mortgage executed and delivered by Kmerson J. Heath and May Alice Heath, his wile, mortgagors, Now, notice is hereby given, that bv virtue ot a power o: sale contained in said mort gage, and ol the statute ill such case made •iinl provided, said mortgage will be tore closed by sale of the mortgaged premises therein described, at public auction, at the trout door ol the HKKAU» The premise* descrilied in said mortgage, and so 10 te sold, are the lot, jseee or parcel of land situated in the county ol Grant and Territory ol Dakota, and know n and descnb- Tut'. NEW I-NOLAK'" MOKTOAOK SRCCEITT VOMPA.NT, Mortgagee T. M. GRANT, Attorney ot Mortgagee. Dated May lr»th, 188». Notice of Difwolutioii. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing Detween S. C. Jones and F. J. Monroe, under the Arm name of .lone* & Monroe is this dav diwwdfei by mutual consent. V2, Dated June 1*88. J*. C. Jk»Kg, F. J. OS BOB. Notice is also given that the firm nf F. J. Monroe Nt Co.. consisting F. J. Monroe and S. solved. C. Jones, is hereby mutually dls- 9, J. MoSWQE, 8. r. JORE«. Dated June 12,1M3. NOTICE OF PAATNKR9HIP. Notice is hereby given that we have day purchased the Interest ef F. in "the above named flms.asd entered into a ce*part uance the braaefe carried on by the above named gei this Monroe wc have -partnership for the seaitin iMh« of bnstnass formerly i ab»ve BM«I gentlemen. That we will pay all the liaMUHea ot the above mentioned Arms, and collaat all notes and bills duo them. 8. C. Joxis, A. WOLF. Dated Big Stone City, Dak, June it, ltttt. Knight & Dean, Have on hand $30,000 Time, l, i, 4, 8, 6. 7, 8, », 10 yearc. In terest as low as the lowest. Money fur nished to pay for l're-emptkma and Commute Homesteads. ISTo Delays. Persons can get their money on the sane day they apply. Principal and Interest payable at Milbank, Dakota, .fudge Ablott is authorised to negotiate loans. Call at once on A.. L. A/HHOTT, MILBANK, D. M. A. BUTLER, Flonr.FeedandCoiissioi Merchant. Patent Flour, Buckwheat. Gra ham, Cornmsal, an 1 every thin? in our line at Wholesale and Retail, At the old stand of V. W. Thorndike & Co., Cor. Jwyne and Cornell ave. Big Stone City, Dak. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOB RESTORING (WAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. IT is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cm ed. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and tenders it pliaLle. The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandrufT and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, nndcr which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. iminors aiwl aisc.-IM'S t0 The New Englaud Mortgage security eom- i pauv, mortgagee, dated the UUh day ol July, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and recorded in the office ol the Register ot Deeds ot the county ot Grant, in the Terri tory ol Dakota, on the 'iMfi day ot July, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-one. at o'clock p. in., in book ot mort gages 011 page n and 4, on which there is claimed to be due at the date ol this notice, the amount ol live hundred and forty-tour dollars, and 110 action or proceeding has been instituted at law or in equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. As a Dressing for Ladies* Skif The VIC.OJ: is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye. and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Practical and Analytical Cliemlate. Lowell, Mass. SOU) AT otlice, iu the village Big Stone ity, 111 the county ol (irant, and territory ol Dakota, on Saturday, the 14th day til July, A. 1) iSKi, at one o'clock in the a'tternooii to satisty the amount wh en shall then be due on said mortgage, with the interest thereon, and costs and expenses ot sale, and forty dollars attorneys f«*es, as stipulated in said mortgage in case ol lore closure. ALL IMM UUIPTS ETKRTWniaB. Get your Job Printing: at the 1 ed as loiluws, ttf-wit: The south-east quarter ol section twenty-three, township one hun dred and twenty, range forty-nine west, con- \J taming one hundred aud sixty acres. P. NILKS, Herald illee BAHBKS ANI HAIR-DRESSER. BIG STONE CITY, DA'v For a good h.ur-cut or a clean share drop