Newspaper Page Text
i!\ ft From the People. CURATIVE SUCCESS of r!, 1 e v«o cm u». n t&8 AGi I n o u e o e u ic lias ever Bitters: It article ill the ie "tflcess accorded to II lis -4[*be beat known cfTat: '...J ,nrelou« renown U m" der«t,received. It i» fan. '"es, virtues. It does *11 th 'U.' »»9 most powerful, sp y,e a ,J_ i ... aimed ly and effoct debilitated 1 a for the building ut 1 neral family medicine 4*ythe Co., N. C. ilarc'i 15, r»K ,t .. t* to express to you my than iv. I Hop Bitters. I ».i- :r.iu'. i w lb i i ," Ave years previous t" couinieiu ma ,at '.rJlop Hitters htonv- -t months ago. l'i v»^»fa wonderful. Iain :(stor of the e it'church of this place, tml my whole ,r, til testify to the Rrc virtu»* to your fespectfullv, REV. I!. FKKEUKE. lochester, N. Y., Mar, i 11, 1H.-SU. Go.—Please accept u trr.i cful ac it. ,' for the Hop Bit?• you were BO and which were su I a benefit to built up with it we feel young i'f to U Hi* FT..* THE HOME o* THE 1'KIKNDLKSS. Deievan, Wis., fS- i '. ~4, Ib^O. ''"S'lKc/e taken not quite i:« -bottle of the ,/w.l, I was a feeble ulti man of 7si when I 'y 1 arn as active and feel as well as I tee a great cauy that need such a i I). liOVCE. Monroe, Micb., K• t. -i, ls7S. |i.« „i t»eeu taking Hop 13ii• rs tor iutl trn kidneys and bladder has oorsy for ''Apctors failed to do—cured mu. The itf Iters seem*d like tna^ c. "\\. li. CAliTER. ii sick friend, whose .t:!e is a burden, livl.f foi Bitters will teat"i.• that friend to ,i and happiness. Bradford, Pa., May 8,1331. 1 of Tr..W mo tt several ii- asej, such as .• '*slckneM at th© stomaeh. .uthly iliu Wft j[ have not sseti i k day since I H'IH IR, MRS. FANNIE GUEEX. Evunsvflle, Wii^ .1 .'.e2-i, 1«*2. Ko medicine has bail .e-ha!f the sale Jsuch universal satisfaction as your yre. We take plea ro iu speaking Je, as every one w!i) tries them is lirith their results, l-cveral such »e 4 have been made with them here sfi number of earned -.vorkers in tlm nir i iii': iiiriu' go •tret If tuc Cause. One person gained eleven he six *tiug only a few bottc-s. IU SMITH IDE. .11,' Bay City, llfeh.. Feb. 3, 18*0. Company—I think my duty to T#*r, %kmmeud for the be ,, tit of any tier Uic sijknow wbetlier Hop letters are good 'ouiuitk* 'hey are good tor general debility a strengthen the net voijs stem and lo u recommend my patients to use nf TV. I)!C. A, J'l.ATT, inomiti Treater of Chronic 1 in Uifi Superior, Wis Jan., 1**0. neighborhood that your lioplii ••suc!- a groat deal ol tood autoisu The Slid ^d with most every uitid of #«a«i% ul #en troubled fifteen eurs with neu y "lintis of rLenniatir niiji'tiintK and 1 TO j, I took one bottle according to ui tedina:4 once did me a treat deal of t'o»d, J[j-ir bottles more. 1 am an old man, ,* well as I oau wish. 'J'Uere are seven 1,,a -tes in our place ttsius? Hop Bitters for CtU StX.,edicaie, aud are so wli satisfied with HJi jfjuo other. Oae iaiy here lias been -years, is well and Uo ug her work rwi, tjjree bottles. 1!!' LHONAKD WUITBECS, ila-r. n at it Did for ail Old Lady, eompseton Station, N. Y Dec. -8, 1S7S. Wert* jmber of people had been your 0 UDiacftind with marked effect. A lady of l'i? "rears had been tick for ttie past iet: Ulii|f Ul uut been abie to around. Sis 1 tt,*X»e was helulesH. old remedies, rnv n beitip of no avail.! sent foity-:i\-o ij'ev -(.-A bottle of HOB Hitters. It had such ]f, pj lrthat she was ab'.e to dre-s lierseif fl-gji-ut the house. After taking two bo:tlei j,4,'lkble to take care of her own room .".to her neiuhbofs, ami has improved Cce. My wife ami :adreu also have Jeneflt from their use. K8 iu. JJ. HATHAWAY, AJ:. U. S. EX- CO. rt'e isr.r*Kjonest Old Tim." bel treL'-1 Gorhatn, N. H., duly 14. 1879. 0 Wir!"l»ever you are, I a n't know but I .jl .j Al, on 1 feel grateful to you to know i' ...Jrid of adulterated n,e licines tU»re is that provps and does all it a Iver n" more. Four years ago I had a rnul W**f Daisy, which un:i ved me to such ,i jviS the least excitement would make me ague. Last May 1 was induced to try .teiy.*'1'. i used one bolt!••, but did not see i, k'-r another did so Chan-'- my nerves that t. pfjr as steady as they ever were. It .. ^oth hands to write, lar now my good t»e ,e! fites this. Now, if yo^ continue to ami las honest and stood an article as vou mabriT-'accumulate an In neit fortune, aud ,i,.(teatest biessyng on sour feliow men it'conferred on mankiu l. S?01."' lTM BURCH. iP'ir-'-"taria Krider, Wife of and ise" Tobias K. i- n -1 Chambersburj:. July 25, 1875. it the people know I, Anna Maria sen l-: -if Tobias Krider, am now past seven },e of aze. My health has been very bad linp IB"*rs past I was troubled with weak »Rh. dysuepsia, great liebilrt v and con itl for bowels. I was so mKorable I c-uid jjjp iicf»-1 heard of Hop n-rs and resolved have only uaed,. bottles, ami I fil good, well and »*rong again. My e:u'i!"s \-gular, my appetite coo.l, and cough '.her »»'fik it my duty to ler "ho people know i a nifand what the in«iln iu» has done for cure 'tiemselves w th it. Ij.^i^fcs troubled foe years with blotches, t-Jh freckles, and pimp:es on )ier faco, n I* annoyed the life out of her. Sho PlU'.i-lf jlollars on the thousand infallible t?) (othing but injurious effect*. A lady ,v. j|acuse, N. Y., who had had similar ex 1111'*' [ia(j been cured wit Hop Hitters, in- UH.M1' try it. One bottle i, is made her face and soft asactui i"s and given her il^iat it seems almost i nnr, ini'i^MBER a L'AKLIAMEXT. 0F CAMADI A v 1a 'itloh Lvljr't Expei lence. all over Europe and other foreig* j|'ed cost of thousands dollars, in ralth. and found it no*. I returned dis- i IK .-jafiii diabearteced, ati-1 was restored to 1 health and spirits th le^s than two brine op Bitters. 1 bore others may profit tf AIL f*.ence, aru. and stay at home. A LAIT, Autrn^ta, Me. Knit caii^mtf my expense, no ono cemtdetely dis- sick and miserable! much trouble and il kll'^'at ailed me. I was iin-iid discouraged tnat l"j S*nd usedtHem unk to improve,and Eaii it 1!1 family thought it st i he ci^'-'n I to» tb^m wha no In''.'JurraK Tot Hop J'.i: for they have mal( ill, lie** 0 TIUEL'3 S AYS HOD Blttei- u IIJVI1"1) her from her oll 1 .- i tn.i .nd headache.—E Kwego Sun. n LUDISCIfOlJ, Mir: Feb. 2, 18H0. tr »'Pnt Hop Bitter* for '.r years, and there JiJ vfKe ttiat surpasaes u.. for bilious at :rre,ltf" complainta and m.tny diseases ur JJE oalarial climate U. 1. AI.EXANDEK. feren' general Sherman goes west on tuild ^[ra, Sbefman w ill start iu the tirreJ direction, to make a visit in tliiPk and. "ifi'jr-eingiiSHSurs! It'.y, the Northern Be- trains IS, uy lUU'1 w lie Into Helma, and passen- \k ^Wgotbnnigh from St. Paul to Th« & terminus will be ex- l1L-nahe tmA laying advances. iJoardman was killed by falling feet high, at Worth- iore." .j% .-A Red Fish Lake." 1 .irakl thu lofty ]»eaks the Rocky Mountains, away up in the Saw tooth range, in Idaho, at an elevation of 8,000 feet above the sea level, lies the beautiful Lake Tahoma. Beautiful lakes are no rare thing in these mountains, but, amid them all, it would be hard to find one presenting a more perfect pic ture of quiet beauty than this. Idaho means "Gem of the Mountains," and, surelv, Lake Tahoma desi.-rvtiri to be called the Gem of Idah I* isn )t large, being only about tlir»j t-.i 's long and one mile wide. Where the water of thi* lake is eigh teen or twontv leet deep you can see the pebbles on the bottom, and he fish dart" in^ about, as plainly as though they were in a glass »lot»e. 'fhen the bottom of the lake breaks oil' suddenly and de scends almost perpendicularly severai hundred feet, from which point the water grows rapidly deeper toward the middle of the lake." It is said that it has been sounded to the depth of ,7»K) leet, but the story is not well authenticated. It has, however, been measured, with a wire line, 1,000 feet without finding bottom, and it has been estimated by surveyors that its greatest depth may correspond with the height of the high est peak in its vic.nitv, which is 1,5U'» feet, though no accurate measuretnent has vet been attempted. The water, besides being very cold, possesses some peculiarity which makt. it very dillicult to keep nilDatinit, or,ti a man expressed it: "There is no sub stance to the water, and a man can't swim easily." Tiie lake is full of fish of different kinds. It is often called Ked Fish Lake, on account of a brilliant red fish that swarms its waters. Their re markable beauty charms the eye their peculiar habits well repay a close study and observation, and when served hot for breakfast no daintier dish could be desired. They are quite large, weighing from two and" a half to lour pounds. Their bodies are a bright red, and the head and litis are a light brown. They look in the water like scarlet satin. The male has a decided hump on his back, and a turned tip nose, while the female is perfectly In the spawning season they run up the creeks that feed the lake in vast numbers, to the gravel beds in shallow water. They dart hither and thither so swiftly aud in such a multitude that the water seems, at tinii-s. an almost solid mass of color. Thi-y must live on animaictthe, for no food is ever found in their stom achs, norare their digestive organs titted for solid lood. They will not take bait of any kind, but are speared and taken like salmon, to whom I suppose they must bear some family relations. Soon after spawning the male and female both ilie. When the young are hatched, they soon seek the deeper waters of the lake, and there disappear, probably going to the deepest part, where they remain unt 1 nearly full grown, or about three years.— Correspondence Salt Lake Trib une. No Hi: Ilooiu In Nunllovrers. From the New York Evening Mail. "No Oscar Wdde has created no boom in the suntlower market, anil as for lilies they sell just as well as ever, the silk-stock ing orator having failed to drive theai out of favor among the resp-.M'tihle people," said u l'.roa.lH-ay f!orist to a reporter for the Mdl of id Krpnss, who had made certain inquiries concerning Wihie's effect on the lloral trade. "but don't you ever get any large orders far sunfloweis "Nothing to *peak of. Tou gee they are very dear, costing as high as $1.5" each, and it looks like having the Oscar fever too bad to use them for decorative purposes. There is a lady in Fifth avenue, however, who used them at what was called a me dia-val party the other evening. Things n.UF-t have been intense. Oscar W llde was not present—he was off lecturing 60uieA here. The guests carried lilies of the valley at £1 per bunch the suul!o*ers smiled ir. all their beauty, and the young men wore Via tigs, while Kate Greenway's colors and styles were reproduced in the ladies' costumes. The sunflowers and lilies must have cost the hostess $100. The sunflower will be worth twenty-live cents in about a week," and the florist grinned. The celebrated Vegetable Compound for fe males, which, within a few years, has made the name of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham known every part of the civilized world, relieves suffering by the safe ami sure method of equalizing the vital forces and thus regula ting the organic functions. It is only by such a method that disease is ever arrested and re moved. SKI: NJ MEN—1"Wells' Health Henewer" restorer health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence. $1. John Randolph Tucker, confederate ad miral, is dead. That great IVrmotoiogis Dr. C. W. Ben son of Baltimore has prepared hid favorite prescription for general use and now aijy_ person, however poor, can get the benefit of his best treatment lor skin diseases. It con sists oiboth external and internal treatment. Ex-Governor .!• K 'I- oi Georgia is dead. FortremulouM.t- wakefulness, dizziness, and lack oi energy, a most valuable remedy is Brown's Iron Bitters. VT'KF.L-' ic«a ON cons-."— K -rmaneut cure. C'.irns, Complete, I got a buttle of »n to IIIv family, •d so fast that my inee and unnatu had helped mfl, ters! Lon,c may mother well and THE MOTUEIS. is the oniv t:iitl2 i severe attacks Mart Murphy fatally stabbed George Caus son at White Bear in a drunken row. Ottumwa, la.—Dr. J. N. Armstrong, says: "I nave used Brown's Iron Bitters in ray family and recommend its use to others." •mplete euro, all aunoy iSt.'S. il. •I'.OCLIR-PAJBA."—Quid:, lug Kidney and I rinary Pit Senator Cameron and wile are in Ixndon, where they met Mr. Gladstone HI-HI other notables, at a dinner at Minister Lowell's. Jefferson City, Mo.—Dr. J. C. Iliddler says: 'li'ersons wh "u-j Brown's Iron Bitters al way*speak we!! ofi". It is a urood m«d~o ir,e." "Il-. cair i v- 1. roaches, liu I ur Physical Endurance. Impure blood, dj -n^o^'a. "vo.ik Vvtek kidneys, and a nefN•system are the five great enemits Purify the blood, s 'mitn'ii lie or gawsof lile by using lr. iu.VK Dock and Sar&apar: •», a t.repura:: oi \cl low Dock, Sars tpar..'.i, Jumper. Irci, liti cbu (..elery, •"-diaaya, «tc. It ihtcjtteen of all blood purifiers! 1 lions ev ry p«rt ofthc body. Its use will -kwyon healthy and strong and increase your i wer oi endur ance. It is natures best wssibiaut. Try it. 0. Whitbonsb, Esq., late state auditor, who has been in Denver Colo tor the past month attending to the settlniuni of the estate of his father, recently decea^d, will return home inaf-w d-iys. The wife of General Belknap has lived several years in l'ar.s, but will return to Washington for the next season. ClliBRATID n w A Ho8tetter*a Stom :h Bttters meets the requirements #f the rational rae'licid phi loa-'phy whieli at present prevails. It a cnVetly pure vegetable remedy, enilivae.iin the three i tnporta- it propertiea a a 'r.ii unit at altera tive. It fortifies the body against disease, civi'jrorateH ami re NitaliKes tlie torpid -tornnih and liver, aiiii ffeetsa salutary '•hange in the cutira ystem. l'er sp.le by all 'iriit't-'ists and Deal* crs generally. CAN^ Djsw HEALTH OF WQ YMPATH12E WITH Is THE HOPE WOMAN. ^THE RACEi LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VE55TAB1E CO.JPCrrD. A SuTe Cure for all FIlMALtt WEAR* NESSES, Inrlndingr I.eucorrho'a, Ir reiolBi and PaJnful 3IenstTnatlon» Infliinunntlon and Flcerntlon of the Womb» Flooding, FltO* LATSrS TKEJ, &c. OrrieMiant to the tn^te, pffl.-aclous anJ Immediate In Its effect. It Is a great brlr In pregnancy, »nd I* Ueres pais during labor and at rcpular periods. P!IISH'U59 Cl( IT i!tll PUES( IUBE IT TOEElSi ffrFoa AIX THU WvrtrNTSSM of the (ronr-atl*# onrmBf ©r eitJ.^r S.'S, tt Is fecotjd to no remoiiy th.-.t ba» erer been before the public and for all diseases ot ths KOSKKTS tt Is the Greatest Ecmi dyin the World. tay-KIDNKY COIPIAINTS of Either Sex Find Jrcat Relief in It* C«e. I/VNIFC E. PIXICTIAM'S M^ON prnrrrEH tnnll.ate crert vesllRB "f HI.IIKTS frau th#'l. at the same inw will frfv- ten'* and rtr. i.eth to tii® Bytftotn. raaxTelltiUH iJi results iu t*i6 C. utii^ouxid. th the Componnr! and Blec.d Purifier are pre pared at 233 and 835 Western Avenue, I.yr.n, Uoss. of either, $1. Six bottles for $5. The Compound U fent by mail tn the form of pills, or of lorengeB, on receipt of price, fl per box for either. Mrs. Pir.kham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose 3 cent stamp. Bend for pamphlet. AltnHon this l\xper, R. PmrnAW's l.rntfn.tJ cure ConsM»* Uou. Biiiousuesa an.l rjiWlt/ of the IJVIT. 86 cent* I)* all lrnM*tst#."V4 (V AL L'S f, c. A-k for it warts, bunions" One million cattle are leading in Wyom ing worth $39,000.Ouo. IVopie who d. sire to preserve their health should be exceedingly careful about their di et at this season, and at no time should they be without a supply of Perry Davis' Fain Kil ler. the safest, surest and spe« dicst remedy lor a o u e s o e s o a o o v A i drug.nst.s sell it. Lvory Corset is wnnn i t. satia fftct.c I its wetrer in ••very ivnv, or th« nionov will bo refunded by the perfcon from -whom it was bought. The onl* Corbet prc.nonr.eed fey our leading phystciam r.ot in}«H«ii» to the wearer, unjl emit rsfit hy laities tue iiiobt comfortable «jh1 perfect fitting or»et e*»l uiatie. pRJ('l".««, b* Matl, I'ostaze Paid I Health I'rcierilnj Rolf-Adjusting. It.6l Abilomlnul (eitru hCJITJ ^8.00. SUMIDJ, It-M Health l'rcservlnc '®B" coutlis #S.OO. l'arasaa 8klrt-Supporting. #1.6(1. Tcr sale t»y leu.tlnsr Kftull IK'uler* eierywke*® CUlC'AtiO ousicx CO., Cbicaff% U-U A I N I." {'L',T^| ItJjI-i I'. I.* 0f :EMT8 WANTED 10' We recommend Wi-eS Axle Grease. Hies, a lit.-", VtTiUiU, it 1 jc. w w i s I *o Macitini Co.| liti i: fO-f.T rfi£K uu l'A'li^N'i: K«Murn Mall—A fall description jjrio.lyN New T.v.U-r Syi.t.'iii of lirc«i Cutttng. D. W, Moody & Co., 31 W. Mis.Cincinnati, O VNCAV XM I \RiVeTI)li( OVKItY 1 i I .- u i i o Y u a i i e e S pi stal i ard for circular to U5 South Water St, Chicago, |11. As warm weather comes on wear Uhroiith" ion collars and cuffs. Perspiration has neef feet on them. i boots and blistered Patent MOP1 itTeilors. Prevent cro by wearing Ly flemurhatile Cures of Salt Whenm Anv persons donhting the merits of Dr. Ha'. 1-driy'd Blood Purifier in curing salt rheum, we will refer them to two ol the best known men in St. Paul Minn., that were cured of salt rheum in its worst form five i y ?arsa o and it has never appeared on them since. T. U ilden, iiotelfeeeper, 95 Has: Third St., and I). T. Kauluian, lol East Seventh St. i Try it. For sale by all drugtrists, or call on or address the proprietor, S Blackford, 274, East 7th 3r St. Paul and tret a boUle, i. not found as represented it will cost you nothing. Younirmen, middle ageil men and all nien who suffer from early indiscretions will find Allen's Brain Food the most powerful invig oranttver introduced once restored by it there is no relapse. Try it it never fails. $1 6 for $5.—At druggists and Allen's Pharmacy 312,1st Ave N. Y. City. Purify the lllood. Bv taking Alb n's "Ir.)n 'Ionic Bitters," the great blood purifier, lmrinvigorator, ap petizer and general system rejuvenator. It i« the best in the world. All genuine bear the signature of J. I'. Alien, S*. i'aul, Minn. To Country llelles. Veils and sunsiiatles cannot prevent the summer sun from embrowning your com plexions but Glenn's Sulphur Soap will speedily restore il duly applied according to directions. Nothing can be more natural than the soft velvet texture it imparts to the skin. Sold by druggists and fancy goods dealers. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, fifty cents. HIGH AUTHORITY. Dr. W. E. 8c tt, president of the College of Puvsicians, Montreal, writes: "I have recom mended Gulden's Liquid Beef Tonic as the best preparation used for debility, indiges tion, dvspepsia, fever, ague, and loss of appe tite,. '(.Take no other.) Of Druggists gener ally* FUOM W1I.MEK U1MNTOS. M. D.. BAI/rtMOEK. "I have used Oolden s Liquid Beet Tonic in mv practice, and have been much gratified with the result. As a tonic in all cases of de bility, weakness, anamiia, chlorosis, etc., etc. it cannot be surpassed." Remember the name, Colden's—take no other.) Of diug .ists. Wise's Axle 1 If 1 •••ase never twins. I le11 Urilv. Marshall, Electro- Voltai will semi Belts aud Tbe Voltaic Belt o, lr. lve's Celel'tutel Electric Appliances on al f«r thirty days to men (voiinc or olihwisoare afflicted witli nervous debility, liist vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeiuc tpeedv atu'l coniplete restoration of healtli and manly viyor. Address as above. N. H.—No risk is incurred, us thirty days' tri.ii is HHOSTOVI. I»*nsman's lVpt«misr,ed Tniti', the only pri-'paniMoii be, c.,nt:unii!_' its rutin' nutrition* pr«}tltc-ntains bhwHl-niaklnj.'. tot »::-t'eriera tin.' TI 1 iife-siftaiuin-.' proportiu» invalualile for lutltK'fsiion, l»ys|n"psla. nervous prostrstion. and all tonus of cfiit-ral debility also, all enteebled conditions, whet he:'the re- ih or xl.riu-tion. nervous prostration, overwork, or s.-utc e. virtn/ulariy if reMiltintt fr«m puiinon i:y nipl.i iswiiu, UA/.AUII & Co.. l'Rjpr.I r». New "The Play May (to On," The father of President Hill, of H-irvard College, was a man of herculean frame, and famous jr his strength. It is told of him that being one time at a theatre in Orange, N. J., his attention was attracted by a smalt Frenchman who was trying to induce a umn in front of him to remove his hat. The little foreigner leaned forward aud in the most deprecatory manner suid several times, Vill you please take off your hat?" The ii an puitl no attention to the request, aud Mr. Hill leaned forward aud knocked off the ollending hat. The man jumped up in a rage. The attention of the audienco was turned from the stage, and the play ceased but Mr. Hill wits equal to the occasion, be ing a justice of the peace. Towering to s full height, he faced the irate man and said calmly, but loud enough to be heard by alb y n a e i s o a s i a n n e y a dress is so-and-so any time that you wan't satisfaction come to me." Then turning to the expectant actors he said, with his air of authority, "The play may go on." 'K I| ,K AN" i IIVII THE ••mu, tes. VS JOHN L. THOMPSON, SONS CO., Xroy^ If.<p></p>MEN"! YOUNG Ju'.MLb i owfri IIISF.S PIIESERVINC CO. Lady Agents^r^ Skirt -o. i.tiis !»«t»j»»rt»P«. K'. rrt.... Vet'H iapcutlrrCo.,Cuicu»ui^ W i r. A p.»ir i ri '1Z rotn ploU'. In 2C .i a ureal van. y Ia: i.y 1«* s a a''v i.'ia-het. Fend E TIVOIM*I V KuttUni It. I £i,Al t, li Su'fe *, tn *.r. •Ad Incei tvi'. :.e A i-Uui^ .S l'«) .'r Y. if you want to bvrme TELEGRAPH OPERATORS, And i !ivad Agents, and be cerlain of a position, attend the AMERICAN SCHOOL OF TKI.EOMAPUY.Mad- iso:i, Wis. 'I he only Schod in the l'nit-d states where Telegra .v is tlioroni-'lily tauuht, snd the stu dent iriven the ndvantiitre .if I'r.n tii on lUynlnr Jtu.n Line Wire*. GOOD 1'OSITIOSS Guaranteed to all (Jnuluates. Circulars free TAPS BEAM. Tin j... OF einshawtoh, CltJiriTMN. -J SIOOO REWARD^,tt r„t .... r--^ ju »..r U tin.made FTVR. PA V w NLVl ^RK MACHINE CO. y v 2£WAUK, O "THE BEST 18 CHEAPEST." IKI^THRESHERSS!i $10 TO $1,000! SPECULATION. We wisli to call your attention to the special advu\ ta^res ver the KaMe.n .Al uket.s tor spec-nlat-o.' bloc!,.- u tin- Miinieap ii- stoi k iixcha:i_e. It L..\ ie»s riM» on small amount*, and larger pro!:: a maii f.liaiitfo in the market. !)u't cciul y ... m-aiey £a»t when you have a better market at h'-u. Write and iuve»ti^ate it. (Best re:en nee f.*jveu.) h. II. WOOD A. 24t llcniu'phi AveniU'. Miiim-apolis, liun. r.:« ts'3r-: uu iist PERRY DAVIS' A Boring wens i KeS B' $25 to $40 RK. Iirn^i-'ists. __ ADAY ""1^ Often^adel^kii Sold by rk. N .J l'rm» i.uiar*. onr.v. OT.DPST MTrmrrvK jy -njv: WOP.T.P. ra Or ISA AC TH 'MI'S' .*'S «'Bi.KU HATED EYE WATKB. This artlel# is a carefully prepared physician's preemption and has been in ci tistant use for nearly a eenttiry. and notw thstaii l.Ukf th» many other preparations that have been Introduced Into the market, the sale of this article is constant!) Increasing- If the dirpctlons are followsd. It will usver fall. We particularly invite the attention ol physicians to its merits. SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps 's% oprams A N Bruises, Bums AND Scalds, TootiiacfiB AND Headache For Sale by all Druggists. snil $.r' .intftfr IvrUuml.Ma. a WEEK in votir own town. TM V" fire. Address 11. Hai.i.ktt ®f'7 ~In poid a uumth. A«r er.ti send.'-Sc I porta!, to Goshen Novelty Co., lioshen. lnd. Q7«) A WF.EK, $l'JadiyathomeeasUym»de. CoaV V* !y ou ttitfiee. Address TRCK is Co., AnK«sta, Mtfc Vf AP 11 HOMlvS IN Land so liUhl l'A WIN 1 Ktl. M. 111 sz, __ !.l cheap liy liri'U'eport, Ct KM.It Al. Atretits and Agents wanted for Qattf ly*h Universal Educator. Highest terms. tf.& GATEI.y, T'J 1'earl street, Boston. Qr Tt* $20 per dsrat home. 8*tnples worth Address Si inm.n & Co., Portland, Mama. liy, TIFFIN Weil B'-r-rig and Hock Drilling fa le Very Prefit. S XCacuines Made to Run by Horse, Hand or Steam Power. Send for C.'-tOoi-o?. j, x- All ii rAiLl. 'Jfi ru'Mj XiO. I i»i .^if (f owe ii ir LOOMIS v.- ir-tTv- M, S EADACHE BANISHED. »sr No matter what cause. s k, f.ervous, neurslglo, dyspepti«\ WUicU i» itV U cuu bo eiHctu#lly tt mo\ed."%5 DH.C .W. & £"/V S fA\D ON' C£L£RY& CHAMOMILE PILLS.j ASS PRC: PAne j. nKfiLf occxs WtLL CuRt: HEADACHEce AU K/VDSJ ^KEUftALGM. NERVOUSNESSt ^Z^^DYSPEPSIA, ii FACSIMILE 81CMATURE ON EVERY BOX. 'Ihey contain tu: mr *n1 ire jr viner hariufu. Norphlne Habll Cnred In 14 l« l»y». No pny till Cured, i Lu. J. .--1 Lebanon, unia Yorso. Mi-:x lars free. VAI.S T1NL, WI-. THE GREAT SKIN REMEDY Iltlievt s uml uns Itohinys and Irritation! O^DIMBI of the SKIN and SCALP. BSa.' PELES Eithft It-lii ti^, i r.lcedlnj, FEVER SOKES, SAI/r HIIEUM, TETTER ,U M:KIIATIONS, CUTS, WUFNDS, BFU'ISES, POISOXB, I?N ICS OF INSECTS, CATARRH, 1M I.AMF-1) SOKE EVES, Cnxtr JKUAINS,'..'HAPS AM CHAFES. It tv:!l relieve the pain of Burns and Scalds, and cure the worst case rOUBlI 'i if & L£M Dim. ptnuMet l..u jtJald. 0i.le. N w. with out leaving a scar. Pmntl bo TO* "rV. harp** 75a J. W. COLE Sl I a s- CO., ltliif k Kivor Falls, Wl*« Bold by Druggista, fTf ft I MM'A ij. pi V' ,s h-J If *fi fcfi C- ,o^ yr ^'b'zTri VJ._ O' 5 ft ,1^1 Id S u. ulm ff -C. /i,D u0« No. 25. lien writing to advertisers please .say their advertisement in this paper. yoa,