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4 TIJ«E TllLIL H. ft Di. tfarauya 1C. *s. ?«. Pmmbow P*w*T FWrigft* fmitx P. VXSJC rjii a.. 7 KefcUkwee. OrtkrW«* aa. as. ai ..-«.£-.*S :i as, p» BBt .11 XL CBTECK I:£JE»:TUBY. w & o S z u a u «*w* ^.TO*&»r us, II a ox, *c«i fc. so^-'ix a^itr sc/Tr :::•. •_ „t« i. 21 i«B«* m**fu®£ u a.'- y m. Prtjw r»rt~ rwpi T- L. A i_-trdi Fterttar. EW3MtC"fcAl*-r8krrw ?tat ls»ll, a&Jtf. ®n«! i~-f a? *.aa» mcc.': Sfti- A. '•*:.•-u- f. IRfc«A v. ». •. r. Jsfcj* ls.riz*i S•. I O. P.. mm r.V ft ».fY T"!-"*#!**" Si! in tl**nf Lail, i b. :k. brit/n dKoSSr iai »t* By far-loads, or for orrujw n- y bis coat of kal^mr.miig which will add Pudt-r are doing 1 f. ATH'iUt—PJfr. Fvb** KwaaeJiaf. i e e k o k '24th. *t tin* ftutr? Ik. Ii ns*"it »'-cl'yrk V«iKSiBS W*. ".'!,EyrT, N" 5. W. W. L**s £. lit in quantities purchaser-. to TKOMA BRO Big IHoii'- Dak. L4M .(L nco it*. WliMt, ,-».t e.evaU'r. N .. 1. *i Arctic Koda at Monro 6. Weller's. The |ay-rar laxt ngfct made the rail road hari iit happy. Three large ani well ventilated room* to k-u over Munro & W»-l:er"». fhai Thorftrtike has cf»r«pletel the fourvlation f'rr hi?i ne\v dweiang. A. Wil.l'oors will won have readv private dwelling at til yesterday the fnot of Mitchell Ave. up steam and mad-.- a trial of its Ir. has eofnraencel the ^rectiiji. of a residence on the tots he the job. A. W. I. s-^uie i* aulJ'g to »uild a1 Mitatunt* (i f^aindatiun for hif house.. ja|.e bw ord4«,l trom Chi«y «h«f 'rni»h- They have j.iht come! i oni Newell or Henry Olaauer, Big stone 2^^":.^ Uolday^cluS, i Schmidt in command. ltesM'^idc and McGiverin have di \z,? :lv l» •»,! for tlihty-flve pounds ol coal. Joint Ctaijt at,i Kmt.k Tl.or,KliU:^ The of Q€* bre*kiO£ -s this wf.i :e full* o©*-?vu r.a of all & U o k u w A ctsotreversv ktvtfB il»e F«*l® pay*** to :lw pr"t»b*e price a the »f«Qtr.£ aeasos. tins al i remit* sb piMtBf is as ii 1^* At th« I«A§.t. tm'A ^r^r»4: cf #Tciiin^ +h* "r. H- i D. nc,.'vi vitb sk^ii^r attached. It a bif l&lrrf f*: tL .s «rft#-tetxx wiElrj". i his facist/ aft:r.. Hf h.vs 5?t-i hi* 'it* »ry o«*t5s Ac«erdt^3 arid ir- coaafa- By e #rrr*:« W» ta« Jatff £it i*. s* 'iERMA* ETAl^tELJ'.'AL—Rrr Pt Uu, r'Mt t.S a us. i MiKi'v'/M ra. Pn-Trr *vay \Vt*ir+*U.- «reri.r* a*. «. w.tii o !rnier tewr^cnn, John* Paiefe^r, «.£ in th^s-aIon 1 i».:.r-s.3 there. Th*4 litter for tha W*ir.rl*7 niorn i«if. %v4i: le-ve iL-ei: fatniiies ^re. The MKTl'ff.mrr-- 7 "M. *.{ :.. X. Eft. i:, "fc"/. -"-'J flirt scTi^AT it '•(ft HtrAsj a*. «Y«SJ Ti t'mnd 't i r'n t»t •»T.' Pi., G*rm: 7.vauigel pfom:i€»i features of the day. I A r«x»rd of health will be t:.-? aeai ^|uel to the de:v» and stinking sh lylr.j: arcu:..i t:.e suhurtjan iota of :owt* :f |«..v,ers that do not «l«ee»iiiy take measures to o{ wire a i e n e i i a s a i i a n k o e w e s e n e e n s i o n Fifty rt?rds stones lying across |probably reach Bird Island this week. be frrttn this ffl e, show that ner Our knight of the razor, C.P. Xiles, °{rtr6ri-m-d"*' were1Tuned prevent the aeci rnt:lat.on of such putryfyin^ car case*. Wh«k ia it *.• at tend tO this? Mr. M. P. Allen ye*ter-day -old his farnn. four mii-- wf -t t«. wn. to a Wisconsin gentleman who will locate here with his family in the fall. The price t-aid for this quarter section w»w s•. the purch.t-er al %t hujing .tud maciiinery from illr. Alien to th^ vilue r.iure. The students of ortonvilfe graded lit*. whoo!. ajwi-nwl l»y city talent wiil^ive a ehoK-e rerid»vrjig of consical. ^fcrioiid and other piece*, 'inder the di:ection of Pruf. Vatney. This alone guaran tee* the success of the entertai'nnent. hut the object is itelf a worthy one and sufficient to diaw a larire crowd. Attend to-night in Orton's Ilall. T'nexper-ted delay in getting rnatef- iai for the smoke-stack retarded the completion of the new steamboat un-! ,r when it a -a "all is iindergoing a C'apt Riddler got Inin? and sailing q»ajili»'». iti ratef the helm rtHd. purehjuM-d last wee*. iiy and moves wits scareely a jar. the !n:tbfnse quantities of i. ber pre machinery working very stnuothly. b'i»ijr hauled Jor li. U. Jrountains! s^ve Merrick, an employe of the' Mon-oe's ana see new building on the hill. Western Uuum tei^raph coimany. is Tom. Jm return"! this week at this point erecting poles and put-, tiireoiiorse D6ck*J0Kf, Xroin his claim near Bristol, to ft))end ting iri a second set of instruments thillff Otlt. a sejo«rT» wi'h his friends her* for the working of tee new have aheudy arrived arj(J the crew 1nUing U}| lhe wirif wilj An old lady named Becker, who WJW Jiving with her family near the s^ore a Ortnin Khnt: Tordenskjold rigged died last Monday at the advanced n^t out his bsik C'hristmnia and took a:of sixty-five. We could learn little delightliil cruise on Big Stone lake this I of her history or the ciicuinstanr es of A«thrua, w eek. few usj}es alove Jure ueatn, other tnan that Tn^y bj a (ew'.^uiariUn cidf.Jlt occurred la#t Mon(,ay Brvnildson & Co. have commenced the car was suddenly percipitated issuing the Gazette at Andover. a from the track throwing the men into itejtt. er.tejprisingsix-colurnn quarto, the ditch, with the exception of Mr. We wish Jake success in his new ven* Anderson, who fell in front, the car lure. .'striking him. and it is thought break «m v i i i o ,.ow ing his leg and crushing him badlv. We made a «r ,,»* e lll)t v,t t£t!£*?™miallUvu jnj? th(, ordered from ex-J. P. is .Tones k Wolf a very line dray for their constantly increasing business. '1 liosH boys do and know how to push their calling and we are glad to note this evidence ol 'oinmissary w w ereaUMl. and F. A. Lhii edge chosen to lill the position. '1 he other officers elected were J. A. Munro, Captain I»arius Cable, 1st Mate R. F. ilibsim, lid Mate. Jiull VajHir Stoves- for sale by .Munro & Weller. Call at the office of Jones & Monroe and see the new Me- Thoiuas have imilur errand is a malicious libel, started lor the pui')tose of delaming- his character and destroying his peace of mind. their prosperity. At the meeting of the, Catamaran Club Monday evening the oflice of Galium Corn and Hay Kack:°f" those^ fine JJuggies and «wdTo|iUo*. TiU any wagouj^pi'ing Wagons at Jones and no i nf heavy wolfs. Another !rt will he k 1 I !i 11 vt' !.-cr v/!.' llu! fM Th? *tncfwt temptation to a lover of tbe »eel to icdLisfe. and to who do not. to that we ba\e f.»r a t*ir.e. i* the hne di twav of cigars kept at Kesseguij* £cf*. Variety «»d brand afford an ex- rl!»-r.t choice, and the only ditnciu It is \*. Ea«ee ac«i trfc^cWrt stiviild Th?i£ip6€"n is 4t j.ornc witli s to determine which cigar wit* All are ali*f .idwir* pteaae you cost lafc rlit 9*',k^ gaie and ical raoday Vi. ,w ,.f Y-:. :-w lianlti, M:!vankar.d BU •'ton*? it jr. »ii. ve ^br-ii^ *fi ua- ioti *xer'.i*€s» tH^ F:»urth 'f ily. at the Yeirow ir.ks Ortic^-t^e^tinsf **au$ gtoasL iTottr^n speaker?, singing ?•*•nthf-r f.'nio e.\« ^ire A she died of CouKh«, and nri.,1,.! j««»- XHAT„ cm:ot^a 7^,,1„,Wf ,, i A serious, if not fatal railroad ac '1f,,4\h5i choice of two• cjir ''f '1*s ing on the coteaus. Mr. Anderson. WILL YOU SUFKKR with Dypo^ia and Uv at a bargain jpplj aiiin .K2 a*'£*'the section 1ms. with his crew of i r[ien Wf.r(. (.orningdown er the grade on their hand-ear at a rapid rate, when ,IMrd ,:xU"t W. OeXoyelkii has received from made several improvements in do* the American Kxpn-sti Company mestic economy .since we commenced whose agent he ia at this v»oint. and running the ranch, but we placed in his new store, a Ilall Safe of these innovations will be rudely line si/.c aiid linish. swept away next w eek on the return vt the injuries. The IIkkald men have been "ha^h it for the past two weeks and f°r ()f U|(. 1:i|ii| w' iiv! Martiu was lilliug the vacancy cruised i by the death ol John Ilovt, which "lakes the second death in the county clerkship of the county within three months. ii.stij*tion, 1 •por going down on A dispatch dated Walertown, June 2oth, says intelligeiico was received i here of the death of J. I). Martin, I register of deeds and acting eotinty clerk of JIamliu county, who commit teti suicide yesterday by drowning I near his home at Spaulding. Minn. Just received, a new «to k •Our able, Aaio-e ,. Valentine/'"Ftvjltless and -s U. are n^ver 1* the monev and -K-v We^t perrVtion. "Key est Beauties" and -Hd Ironsidts art rarely e^aalied for ten cents. Many other v.ineties "till are open to tue choice ut the epicure this fine, wh.jw flat, and excitant quah t:e« wii! be 1 te?t-d ly actual iridulsrence. other investments of A. W.. in which he Uk^s a pride, these cigars mut be the v«rv bent h^ c-un iiiidiii»d ou n^'t'd itoi tak- our wor i for it either but call and Si»ti5fy yourelf. a!,prfCK,ttiteau, Years ago Min:f-^'ta wi*-' devoted to wheat raising 1 Jt that era has gone. Minn e,«ota cannot be permanent 1 u wheat raising ±*tafe. It i« true that men «ill r.«»t change their methods of farming until the pressure «»f neeessi-: tv is uj*jn them. Mmnestita was made for a stock and dairy state and is fat taking rank as butter pro ducinz state. This being the case, the grass is and must be the staple crop, and it behoves our farmers to take the projer steps to seed down their farms and prepare for the inev itable.—OrtonvHle North ?tar. The above will be quite applicable to Dakota in the course of time, and a lesson taken by precept now will be much cheaper than when learned through unprofitable experience here after. The State of Minnesota is somewhat overrun by the soiled doves and gamb lers which Mayor O'Brien has turned out of M. Paul. Morning papers of that city state that on Sunday two weeks ago. aK'Ut eighty or one hun dred traveling men who had come in that morning. {aid their bills immed iately after breakfa-t and left for Minneapolis, when th"'/ learned that the houses of ill-fame had been closed. T^e run-1 With onlv Ulhtv.IKjUIIf,s of the lK,at gl^ 1 i !?0ni »k *i\ If ^"u!6!1 ul close up the „ap in the.r line be- tweeu Ashton &. Letcher the Jim river Talley. 0e S 81,(1 Qnn cda cornmer-! w tKoi»« tU^ flo\ver-]Mits at the postotlice? just call and examine. fti Come and sec If not Life AavtM? PrMmt. Mr. M. H. Aliisun, Hutchinson, Kan., saved •hi? lif« hr a simple Trial iMtle of Dr. King's New Discovery, lor Consurupti-ju, which cause! him to prooure & large bf»ttle that completely cure«l him, when Ifcx-tors, change of climate ajxl everythiug else luui tailed. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sprer« Thr^t and Lung dfreum, it uuarantwl tocure- TriiU tefd t0 cure 50 -i-iits. tl rMult!t lll(. 'ree W Re 1 v at w^ e suarHntee it ,|ifjrn. A ii.g M«ae tiiy. 0""ipfainthiioh's Vitaiizer i.s «uai-»«- )'uu-—A. W. Kesseguie, Druggist SLEEPLKSS NIGHTS, inade miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloli's cure is and t'onaumptioii Cure iss'jld !»y us on a guarantee. It cures SHIIX)H'ri VITALIZKR Loks ol CfiOL'P, con sumption,—A. W. Kesftrguie, Druggist. need lor .. ixinesi! and all symptoms ol Dyspej^ia. Priee to and #5 j»er tioule.—A. is what you i Appetite, lli/.zii W. Kesseguie, Druggist. WH'KiPIN(i is CmL'QII and Bronchit immediately relieved by ^hiloh'o (Jure. A. W Resseguie, Druggist, Big JiWne City Oehler&Husser DEALERS Groceries AND Provisions. Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Our stock in large, all good« marked down to bottom prices, and we invite the public to r«!| iju,. .«/ WELCH'S LUMBER A Common LtiraVr. A Fresh Stock of complete stock Floorina, Sldina Sash, EAVE-SPOtJ'T.t. IV Are what you want on your ho^aass is the time to put mv Drugs, Partii'S iminK three-horsel aiiC teams should call at Jones &j WINDOW ('TRTAINS, Mnnrr 1 their new Best ami save nionn. Mil n ro & COKNKI.L AVE.. BIG STONE 'CITY. DAK. CO the remedy !or you. A. W. iiesseguie, DrtugLst. (JATARRH ri'RKD, healtli Mid fweet breath ?«:iired hy Shiloh's Cutarrh Reiuedv. l'ricc Nasal Injector tree. —A. vV. Resse- guie, lruggist' Big Stone City, Dakota. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 2.* cent* -A. R«\«*egu!e. SKILOH'S COniH, THE COOK S COMi 5,1 C^G Tbi Most Popular Oil Stove Manufactured. BETIIEH'S.IIAHDWAUE STORE. Also afuH* (un, Fislimg, Tackle, sM Sjortssufi^ in ffreat abulnlance. Pribyl'H celebrated Bass Bait, a erel Bait, and the well-known Caledonia Mini iocs. 1 i.ioing *M Shots, Shells, Ac., at FIRST-CLASS This hotel has recently l»een v*M-' i" t,. 4fi Doors, them:..£¥« WHITE LIME Plastering Sair. Cement and Stuce Good Harness for Sale 1 LD v DEAL 111\ IN Patent Medicines, ^20 S" STATIONERY, NEWSPAFMRS i PllHlOlr Choice Confectionery, ou: Fkic Cigars 1 SlMUN(i 1 T.KRS. AM) FIX! E '5 ,* CHAS. BBTC3E® 1 3 ST. CHARLES HO throughout, and to tourists visiting the l:^e ing public generally it offers special eommodation and comfort. .-I MRS. M. A. MORGAN, 1 rat?,I IN EVE 11Y PAKTIC re-fitted &fll anJ advantages »l