Newspaper Page Text
J$cvaUL DOWNIK& NKILL, Publishers. BIG STONE CITY, DAKOTA THE NEWS IN BRIEF. -GOSSIPFROM WASHINGTON* An interesting fight is in progress in Washington for a successor to the iate post master Tulloik, who died recently. Prank B. Conger, a son of Senator Coneer, the .present assistant potmaster. wants to con duct the cilice in the interest of Mrs. Tul lock. so that he may retain his soft berth. But Tullock's bundstnen refuse to continue their bond under the circumstances. Mich igan has controlled this otlL"* since the advent of Zach Chandler, and Washiugton ians thinks thev should have a show. In the scramble tor the position it is difficult to say who will be successful, but the only Applicant thus jar, except Congtr is the late go eminent printer, A. M. Clapp. The commission to viiit the Northw«t «ni couutry to negotiate a supplemental treaty with the Sioux, composed of Sena tor Dawes. Pinmb and Logan and Delegate Mayinnis of the house, will start about Alia. 1. The interior department does not exjKHit that the commission will have much ditiiculty in making the negotiation, and the additional points which it is designed to cover by the treaty will be of much im portance in the Northwestern country. TheJ postmaster ^eripral Siding that post masters were carelessdu thecr treatment of transient newspapers in the mails have is sued an order direotine all employes of the po'itollice department to exercise as much care in handling newspaper packages as in handling letters. Every etlort is to be made to get a newspaper package through to its destination, if it bears insufficient postage ?.nd the sender L? known it is to be returned to him. It is not i iipossible thut within a very short time there may oe -ome official changes in the postoilice department. The postmaster genera! has now been in office fong enough to have obtained a fair know ledge of the character, abilitv, judgment and qualifications of his subordinates, and also to have gathered an intelligent idea of the nature and requirements of the duties performed by each one. I'ostoffices established, Hudson, Dickey county, Dak.: postoffice name changed, Agency City Wappelo county, to Agency. Postmasters commissioned—Iowa. Milo Blodgett. Greeley. Minnesota. Hans O. Sether, Verdal: Sylvester N. Thompson. Grey Eagle. Dakota, Sid. 0. Morgan, Glen Ulimi. The findings of the Wasson court martial have been received by the judge advocate general. The result has not been made known, but it is thought that his sentence is at least dismissal, otherwise the department GPKuraander would hav* acted upon it. MUMBLINGS. ILIiOAJ and most imp®rtant One of the ja Canada was railway contracts ever u bfltveeQ completed at Montreal on the the Ontario Pacific railroad and Lok 2 M. ShutH, representing American cap italists. The amount of the contract is be tween $11,000,004) «nd $12,000,000. The road will be about T'jO miles iong and will start fiom Cornwall to Ottawa, thence to Sault Ste. Marie and connect with its Amer ican system in conjunction with t^c North ern Pacific. It not only eliOTds the short est road from to ocean, but ha* at each '.ennifitl? a splendid harbor—Portland, ile., in the East, and Portland. Oreg., the West. The Northern Pacii.c wni no doubt make arrangements with the On tario Pacific, thereby distancing all com petitors. Thp Manitoba has issued anew coai tar iff from Bulnth A St. Paul and Minneapo lis to all stations en its road, showing ma terial reductions. EX ELI A I7S*U TPS OSS I P. It is beginning to be beloved that an un derstanding was arrived at by Major Nick erson and Mrs. Nickerson No. 1, under which the major failed to appear to defend the suit to set aside his divorce and subse quently disappeared iu order that Mrs. K:ckerson No. 1 might ootain a divorce on the ground ef desertion. The supposition is that the major will remain out of sight un til Mrs. Nickerson No. 1 gets adivorcewhen he will reappear and remarry Mrs. Nicktr son No. 2, if he can. Meantime there seems to be tome uncertainty as to what tte war department can and will do, Crop reports received during the past few dovs from all sections of this and adjoining states show that wheat is in an excellent condition, while corn is somewhat back Ward. The waim and pleasant weather prevailing during the past day or two, how ever. has had a "beneficial ellect upon the latter cereal, and is now reported in a right fair condition, with prospects for about a two-thirds crop. Many wollen mills in New England are Shutting down, and the reduction in the consumption must represent over 1,000 sets of cards, which would consume 3,251,000 rounds'daily. Some of the mills reported running full time will shut down soon if the drv goods market does not improve. Some mills, however, have increased their pro ductions of goods, and are still working lull time. George G. Elridge, Nathaniel [8. Jones and C. J. Singer, of Chicago,. have brought suit in tbe county court of Milwaukee against McGeoch, Everingham & Co. for $(• 4CC—money inst in tf e u rent lard deal. The papers were filed the 21st and funds of the parties in Mitchell's bank were garni sheed. It is said that scores of suits will be instituted against the members of the broken firm. At Pit'sburg, eighty-five per cent of the creditors of Groff, Bennett & Co. held a meeting and decided to grant the firm an extension of three years. A statement made by one number showed the liabilities of Groff, Bennett & Co. to be $1,2*2.752, and liabilities of the Grafton Iron company, for which they are responsible, $330,000. Their assets greatly excetd liabilities. The Massachusetts vote se,jate refused by of 21 to 11, to meiuoralize the Massa husetts senators and representatives in con gress for such an amendment to the consti- fi.»n that the right of suffrage shall not on account of sex be denied to women. The New York aldermen have adopted a resolution that from the 15th of June to the lfth of Sept. in everv vear, until otherwise ordered. aU mechanics a::d Uborers of the city government quit work at noon on Ha urdays, without abatement of wages. Among the city failures in Chicago toe George Stewart & Co.. for $1400,000 bamtw! Dav Co.. $100,000. CRIMES A NO CLT IMINA LS. The names of the passengers oa th* robbed stage, twenty-tire mile from Hele na, are John E E. Berk, George Kasure. George Lamond. John B. Head, William Donovan, Mrs. Fvu?ure. Mrs Lammontl. and Miss Mat::e Devoe, The passengers lost very little, as the robbeis were in a ^reat hurry and principally anxious to jret the treasure bos. The ladve were not fright ened. nor asked to surrender valuables, al though one had jewelry and money to the amount of about $1.)00. The robbers got iess than $100 from the men in their haste missing several well-filled wallets. At Milwaukee. Dr. William Beatty, who calls himself a "magnetic physician." wsw recently arrested on a charge of outraging a sir! named Augusta ltehseiburgh, aged eigh teen. It is alleged that he enticed two girl to enter his room—the girl whose name is given and her -i»ter—and then succeeded in accomplishing his purpose. Tlte parents of the girls live :n Kiel. Wis. Col. B. X. Farinhoit or Essex county, Va., was killed recently by a village black smith, They had previously quarreled, and the blacksmith making threats the col onel visited his shop, armed with a five pound weight, and had his own skull crushed with a sledge-hammer. Farinhoit was a wealthy farmer. .* A passenger on the Northern Pacific train say- the Englishman who claimed to have been robbed stated on the train that he had settled with the robbers, and told conduc tor Willard he did not desire to have the man arrested. There are 600 letters in the Reading, Pa. IostotSce for Joei Diet.-, who shot himself there iast week. He turns out to ba^e been a dealer in obscene pictures. George Emery, a didnt-kncw-it-was-load ed idiot in Missouri, goes to the penitentiary for two years under conviction of man slaughter in the fourth degree. RECORD OF CASUALTIES. The grand jury of Rozeman. Mont., found three indictments against Nathan S. Porter. Indian agent at Poplar river OH the Blacsc foot reservation, and two asainst his depu ty, a man named Woodridge. The'charge is for receiving and concealing horses stolen by the Indians from white settlers. Dr. Kerr, citv medical healt i inspector of Winnipeg during the time when the i small pox hospital irregularities occurred, ha-* entered an action for $20,000 against the Times newspaper for alleged libelous charges made a^a ns him in a certain arti cle. Prof. Daniels, oi me Wisconsin Agricul tural college, who has studied chemistry all his life, took strychnine for quinine and iJ at the point of death. The barn of Daniel Cornell, near Fargo, burned on the 23d, with eight of his best horses. Edward Castle of Clear Lake, was gored to u Wtii by bull on the 20th. The ruin ofcrg^around Alton will reach as high a» $1,000 FOREIGN NEWS NOTES. The London Truth print? the following: The queen, for two months, has been in a state of mild melancholia, which in the course of time, if not relieved, will probably become very difficult to treat. Her condi tion naturally has caused great anxiety be cause of the tendencies of her family to in sanity. Her majesty and Princess Beatrice will in the autumn, go to the vicinity of Florence. Italy, where they will stay two months. The Land corporation of Ireland, for the occupation and purchase of farms from which tenants had been evicted, met in London. The chairman reported that oper ations for the year had been beneficial, and that tessants were returning and paying rents. A dividend of 5 per cent, was1 de clared. At a meeting in Paris to commemorate the death of Garibaldi, several members of the chamber of deputies made speeches, ad vocating the erection of a monument to Garibaldi on the Franco-Italian frontier as a symbol of the feeliDg of harmony between the two nations. The Madrid newspaper El Globo has been sentenced to suspension and publication for thirty days for printing articles containing scandalous insinuations in regard to the de parture of the queen for Bohemia. The Liberal which was charged with committing the same offence, has been acquitted. Louise Michel was convicted in Paris of inciting riot and pillage, and sentenced to six years' imprisonment and ten years' po lice supervision. Two other prisoners were sentenced and two acquitted. The empress of Germany has written Queen Victoria expressing deep sympathy with the sufferers by the disaster at the chil dren's entertainment at Sunderland, on tke Kith. The difficulty between China and France is adjusted. Li Hung Chang is expected to return to Pekin immediately. The British government announces 1 hat it will abandon the criminal procedure bill for the present session. The duke of Connanght opened tbe Irish lace feKhibititn on the 21st in London. PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. H. P. Strong, postmaster of Beloit, Wis., for thirteen years, died on the 21st inst., of rheumatism of 'he heart. Dr. Strong had been mayor of Beloit five years, and was surgeon in chief of the Fourteenth division, Eighteenth army corps during the war. He was president of the state med ical association in 1870. He took an influ ential part in the state politic*. His broth ers. J. W. Strong president of Carleton col lege, Minnesota, and M. B. Strong, presi dent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway, were with him in his last hours. Mr. John Burchard, son of Hon. H. M. Burchard, land commissioner of the Wino na (t St. Peter land company, arrived home at Winona, irora the university et Ann Ar bor the 21st, also Mr. liarry Buck, son of Hon F. Buck, from the Madison university, having parti^nTilsoM^J-P.^owbraj. of Mr. A. G. Mowbray, ^aduat^l 3 xt at cAa' Mtm ors. Ihere are five laymen presidents o 'ead ing coiieem Hayard, White of Cornell. Gilman or Hopkins. Aagel! of Michigan nayaiu, n v* 1 Hidesboro ^ar.e. the Japantse youth *bo graduated at Cornell university, has taken t« his own country, a* his bride, an Indianap olis young lady. He will be_ employed ov his government at a salary ot iX a year W. W. Daniels, professor of chemistry at the Wisconsin State university, who took strychnine tor quinine. Is now out of danger, though the racking hU system received w: 1 cause an all-sunmier illness. Col. W. Chatterson p-eaidetr. of tin* Union Trust comtiany. died in piu'adeipbia. He was well known the dnaticia! world, and was president of the l'ennsvlvan a rail road from H49 to H52. Maj. Blaine, paymaster in Montina. brother uf ex secretary lvalue, had a row escape from drowning in the Masse shell while crossing it in an ambulance. William M. Evarts values his estate a Windsor, V:., wben the assessor comes around, at$60,561. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. H. Hawked, U. S. A,, has resigned, to take effect the 30th iast. Gen. Grant weighs 186 pounds eight pounds ies? than his weight last winter. Gossip says Justice Harlan chews a quarter of a pound of ping tobacco a day. at the Tremont house, Chicago, throughout! Thursdav. Fortr delegate- reorea-Miting evorv ent The discussion, of a private but i-iipj'ium c-n of iSi- a new u-*-'i.'i:it: ):i ance in brief man i i (.'.«n': twiH»ii wir tial ebuBL-nt ir. tl:: fences. A Ma.j the erinr'1 rir and nave had oroly of tha flate: diately refns'jJ tii-3 th? inaehinc t) any other unV*s a larg_- ruvalty w-ire pai.l upon ea-b uiajUia'e U'«»!. Fi-iailv aisny eetub'i-»b ttlSnts To.'tha coat.iry became the Ueonscs of tbe Ma®K-:bu--f rt-» rirhi. and ir. wa^ un im wcrsa pr.'ti: ti'i.un tlio bu- :ess. The licensees finally b.- •aui-'j tirel of j,Ing a large percent agjj of th-. i iti's in royalties, and about fifty suits have gr:c,v:i out of t'no trouble. These were generally decided iu favor of the Worcea teer firm. I.ast week, however, the Mass&chu- I aetts firm struck asuag in the adverse decision I of a couple jf Iowa courts, which held the 1 patent to b? n valil and the inononoiv uuwar ranted. The oppressed concerns tooii courago at this and decided to make a formal organiza tion and press the matter vigorously, until they get what they consider their rigbta. An Important ldfe Insurance Decis ion. The recent Minnesota Supreme court de cision in the case of Annie I). Manson against the grand lodge of the Ancient Or d*r of United Workmen, is of interest to so cieties who incorporate a system of insur ance upon the lives of their members or the use of beneficiaries named by the in sured, said irBurancc fund being main tained by assessments upon the surviving members. It appears tbat Mr. Manson w ii a mem ber of the above order, and was behind in dues, but that there was a provision in its by-laws that tfie payment of tbe same with in three months of the time after their due would restore a memi er to lull rights and privileges in the insurance benHits of the order. Mr. Manson within this prescribed time, handed his dues to the person ap pointed by the lodge to receive the member ship assessments and dues in the street, but they were rendered back to him by the lod^e and he refused to take them. On his death the abov« suit was brought, which caluBiiwated in a judgment for the $2,000 benefits which as a member ofthe order, fulfilling the requirements of the by laws, he was adjudged by the court to be legally entitled to. Decision of district court af firmed. Pine Cattle for the Northwest. A London cablegram of the 21th says: A splendid lot of cattle left Glasglow this week consigned to Mr. J. J. Hill of St. Paul. It includes fourteen cows and heifers from the herds of the earl of Strathmore, the earl of South Eik and Mr. Ferguson of Kinlioc try. They cost nearly $20,000. With them is a two-year-old bull of Lord Fitz Hard ing's, which Mr. Hill bought for $5,000. This is the handsomest lot of cattle that eyer left Scotland for America. Mr. Hill has a fine stock farm near Hotel Iiafayette, Lake Minnetonka which is a'ready stocked with the choicest blooded horses,'cattle and sheep. When his stock beootnes more i numerous it is his design to distribute at SEE ^radaated in the law de daughter troai the of Mr. William H. Laira* George McNair, who is well and very fa own in Washington, has gone to -d real es .hit city, i ago a page in the senate, lie was atterward em nlrved fo* -evera! wars the congregation i a! librar- More -"ecentlv he had been em- account ai norar_». a mid Hittnrprui voranlv k:i Amid discrepancy, in the United States—Ei.ot ot John Hopkins. An gel I of Michigan university, and Keid of Californta university, i a.e. Vr'illiams. Amherst. Union. Dartmouth ana Princfcton never had a president who was not a clergyman. At New York, on the 52d. George D. Phelps, a iawyer of considerable wealth, and an owner of fas: horses, was ^found dead in the street opposite the Astor oouse. The death it supposed to have resulted from prolonged dissipation. Kev A. G:itilian and wife have gone 1 showed their appreciation of the labor and en ofthose liaving the matter sn ciia^ge. abroad. Mr. G. goes to Scotiand. to visit his aged mother, and will be abroad about three months. He has inherited a goodly fortune by the death of sin uncle. it ii interview he said the liabilities are over Threatened Harl» Wir» War. $6,000,0")0. Of this sum about $4,0»k* W i« A large meeting of the barb wire ra.v:ufac- due to Chicago banks, which are secured turera of the countrv, licaaaees of the tirm of I by lard collaterals. Tbe remaining liabiii Wasbburu & Maen, Worcester, Mass was held [ies no iip f.r consi.leiati in v.-w jt' tii. ment of accounts outside ot the bank.-. Mr. conflicting .Incisions—jn thaone ha:iJ jf J". lgoe i Benseby savs there are ouiy ass*"-' o! $Vi Blo i^^tt and Drunini i i.!, jf thu Iiinuis "ourt, atid" the office fixtures. and on th of Iowa. the Ma in thu ban-Is that hi:i*itif the interests of McCj-t'arv a:i--l l.v 1 he o'*i barb w r-' a-^oc.a'.i n, l.n j«u •i' Equi'able. n iei-.l, mei iver I'V.t it is unkii-l* i 1 s w.. •/renafs.' to .-observe f"!.y the formation of 'J he hi-tory of 'be sn v a.J fallows: So mo years ago a l.lin )is inv-jrited a uiiohin for wh:eh has a vervfi^scn mamifa .-turo of barb-.-d-wir a •!.•-:•! ,'*rs tirm purchased ht- of tbo mveu'or, CT Siiv..ral year* a nion it twiatvis The tirm imum- a s o e o e e s line, for breeding purposes. Mid thus im prove the stock of the'eonntry. Embezzlement in Boston Arthur H. Blaney, easier and head book-Keeper of the Massachusetts Loan and Trust company, has confessed to embewaiug Hi'attention oeintr ca^ea to ttie he said he had taken it for temporary use and would restore it the -iex morning.' He did so, and bt-ine questionetl about other possible discrepancies, assured the president of the company that is defi cit did not exceed $7.W). It deemeii best to suspend Blaney. Experts soon dis covered the defalcation. His mode o! cov ering up discrepancies wa wben a castom er drew $5,000 to charge him as having re e i v e 0 0 0 0 o o e u n o k e e i ference. NATHAN FORD'S RXTERPIU8R. Knahc by Te!cpl'°,,e Several humired ot the protuinent citizen? ofSt Paul had the unusttai privilegeoflisten ing to the musical treat a'.Iorded by Mr. T:t• comb's recital last Thursday evening through theteiephone. Tbe piano warerooms of Na than Ford, at07 East Third street, were con nects by telephone with sixty-five -evidences indifferent parts of tbe city. The eagerness ol those who received invitations to tilt* teie phonic treat to insure connection time, terpi Their assurance th it the nifgtiihcept tones of theKnabe piano-* retained their richness nut withstanding the many tailed of metallic cir cuit, add another to the many laurels won by theKnabe this season. Truly marvelous are the wonders of e'ec tricitv. and the privileges conferred by its u^e multiply daily. It now becomes possible not only to order Knape pianos by telegraph but to listen to at a distance ot miles by telephone. Intending purchasers of "the best pianos made can hereafter "ring for connection" with Mr. Ford's music store and select their pianos and order them sent to their residences without stepping outside latest enterprise of his, and the gratitude ot the citizens of the northwest is daily mani festing itself by their action"- Me Cioc h's Failure A Chicago dispatch says: The lard failure of M«Geoch, Everingham & C. grows worse and worse as the actual state of affairs is developed. It was first pm at $1,(W,000, then $2,500,0o0. Two days ago J. R. rensebv. receiver of the firm, said the liabilities would exceed $5,000,000. It. an oi 0WT larze. a".d anv state the Union except California, wer" rr-i-T i ?evfra! l-.^M).OoO are distributed in ?iua1'8".m9 5ar 1 ln,dlTVd,U-f11,S1in^T#J-L ncjude nature, was on thoproonerv ,jt farther Only a week before tbe failure was royatty to tbo Washburn corni aiiv"for :h- u: iv-! received from a Milwaukee tirm and all ileges enjoyed by the Tl-w in swallowed up in margins. For the .-Ktle has V ot an.d ar This estimate docs not money due Milwaukee parties, Crowded Moscow. At an early hour this mornins 1 wm I awakened by the moapured tramp of i feet benenth inv window,and, looking out, I behc.-I a dens*.- contingent of the Moscow Fire Brigade, smrccly to lie dia from regular soldier?, p.icked into a huge tribune at the entrance to the Kremlin, an doing their best to test the sustaining powers of the wooden structure. But it stood the severe strain, and off the heavy, gray-coated men mm\"be•! to continue their experimental labors the galleries on the route of triumphal entry, and their number is great. Balconies, roof-tops, domes, steepk-s, windows, and every inch ol* out-lcok space that might afford precari ous footbokl for the twittering swallow, i have all been converted into vantage ground to view the Czar of aU the Rus sias pass on Tuesday from the Petrol! sky falaee, just outside the city to the Palace of the Kremlin, in the* heart of it. What the citizens of Moscow are now preparing with all their might and main to do may be wtl! described in the words of Marullus, the tribune, to the commoners of ancient Koine: "Many a time and oft, Have you i limb'd up to walla and battle ments, To towers and windows, yea to chimney tops Your infants in your arms and there have sat The live long day, with oatieut expectation, To see great Pompev pass the streets ol Home.' But the citizens of Rome surely never paid such cxtravapint prices for win dows, roofs, and clainney-tops as are now being eagerly otlered for visual coigns of vantage by the citixens and strangers now within these gates. One thousand rubles, -100 rubles, 100 rubles are specimens of the revenue items now accruing to the householders of Moscow from the anxiety of the public to wit ness the imposing pageant of next. Tuesday Half a Million Base Hall Bats. New York Sta-. The largest manufactory of ball bats is at Hastings, Mich., where one hundred men arc employed. Half a million bats are supposed to be the demand for tbe present year. Ash is the staple hat wood. A proportion of Jfancy, and necessarily high-priced bats are made ofcherry. In cluding the different woods and sizes, there are twenty-two styles of bats made for tbe trade, ranging in price at retail from ten cents for a juvenile article up to $1.50 for an aesthetic cherry bat. Tho Hastings factory will use in tbe neigh borhood of 1550,000 feet of ash, 2o0,UU0 feet of bass wood, and 50,(KXi feet of cherry lumber this season, which means about 2,51)0 gross, or thirty car loads, of bats. Another bat factory at South Bend. Ind., will eomume about 123,000 feet oi lu nber, and one at Grand Rapids, Mich., 75,000 feet more. (THE A VOUDoc Dli* Sent to th« To IS for Imposmg"1^ Woman. Pody heres to Rvisio From the Nashville liv far the moat AWiur i\ $44,000 of tbe COmpany'^ ug ji _.__ funds in nig and*ot.her_ sWk speculations. first intimation of anything wrong w tbe a'ternoon of the isth mst.. when st found that Blaney was $, in his ,-as on Mr stirred up people im' criminal court was t!(i negro necroniancer'a yesterday. The built, monkey fui.ej and a stronger argm. late Col. Payne's Ar lVISlOTC that no pair of liisspe- D&k.. ark. Leah Mum. u. ^ouveotion little bullet headeiUi which woman, whose plKS! nstihition Meet 0 n *ith fla anything but a high ire of Geoi gence. The exhibit-* of Dakoi the dirtiest of home "0wn Part invention ied the a and the v chairmw who thw conferred nthern D*1 tiicm and nce and three inches in jj„., Hurley's celebrated' sisting of a loadstone, and some red ni^gerV ed brooch, abrassrao photograph, ami st-v. and odds and ends the witch ol Ktidor y- Lean Sharp testifi. ., very ill on the LMtb when Kd. lbirley, vu to sec her,and, stand told tier he could r^ u s u a s e n v "luck^battery,'' ivlm- .' ed around his neck !. informed her this only be wtu ked by n of gold or silver mui: a e a s s u e however, if he -i.! pieces of gold or silv endow her with no s-. the rest of lier life, a ways afterward be The woman then breastpin, ring and ic took his "luck b.itSe and bit of wire out showed Leach how?:, shoe picked up and u-: Whatever doubts the about the ability oft. form tbe miracles eh swept away by the &• to endow a little colt s iti with tiie power t- i wire and hold oi: to: away. 11 is victim tl should pcrl«'im ti.e ., done by the vc.. ting the piec* s the bag with the shaking them bye'.!• the loadstone, bit ol t*t ger hair out of the the hair in the center attached the steel w.:c latter. Then taking -1 left hand he wnv- i the wimianV he.i \. ' time some sost ».f di i not nnder-tar.'i. T she would he all ri/'.t fr and able to tiii i go.' "luck battery" into latter around his r." .. A nhot..graph, and w.vne: i people of -A telf (tovi lovatioo wb lood of 8t« their duu quisite bub ealthof sel i«r« to say ta, have tb OCR i big re que 0 til 085*11 jbury an ,ty were e Moody oittee OD oouutv w n». A rei oittee po^ gauized ci ban the oitte* of was appoi Edioun Gen. Feai aamittee [. Giigsbj Boyle ao »MkL An .. I MR) the .. xeeea tl .Mdy to was fill* %epeecha pbell, th oceasioc aeo ot th( let, of me wit Territot basinet Krk befoi jt, and b( i until fl 4ien bad fie. If .j w« proi become* Ibate^ to to obi taring to B. Uelv |en jt wm riou-«e. Finding tint body instead o! better, tl.'.1 J** veto* to the police vondoiied. Murie the g.ld brooch, found on hi?* perl 's. found an indi tuie-.t i ting property mid": The jury that tri-l "U sesM'd his I'urn-! the penitent in i y lier jcwidry rein on her way re jo inhaliow jur indet fl. Let "hi. iris Utile uud lb ^•#0. John sed by 1 ithought ntion w st 2"t woui'l aut ir.d pftrs ied® to?ntdiv,s upon a. Han etraii l".ligli5tWheru 1l ce and Yoilll! It is said that young L'4- n^ent the middle and upi«er raw: k Hills, cally strou^r th.m je- le in tu anv other European oulaer Wp'.'- i:6'),after a l!( i lcugth Unite! States. gills are famou udicno for an en fined type of lovcliiu^?: neiasm. are the best drc^ed in ri youthful frauleins u Ger: finest beads of hair.thev iy afte brightest eyes to ho *ented and in Venice an«i J"' seen, bo tins oav T( those old-wurid ,b0 re, fresh and fair irmam who w of When, however, ail WSf to ti.e foreigner deiiian'Y li.-h ladies remain to i er of complexion. aIil1 hearty than the cident Fretii oodyko lornton wis.O: otlu'r%^:, food, sound sleep, ercise in the open air*'" api»ii ati..n of .-'^P ffr hygienic open sc-re:t.... tion of health in tfie U of those UidN orablc to I'1: and personal Eugtishvrom«'n wha. best.--^fOH» the tioi the use ate fav Capj Todd, r, Baui retariei teaner, Beedh u Job tcky, and tl e he and v p.u.(di°u" Bixth] Shopgirl, to a se^Jy-1^ "What do vou wiBh .^. etau lurs and a piece of rOD Colonel Faceabout is mous, town officer. "l* ng th nearest friend. th lh rni! we 11'1"' "No d0«bt »W0 run twee Cor|. Lance, who Mby regiment "that is u i- .lloiw wonderfully. ,l k'ra3lv.'ointmBw, well when In thearffl. script. A pretty Qna^^'f8../. Florida hotel, was su he dark by a man, said be thou^lit ^coIb had a pre tj XMI H. Di iraon, Oram ett 1 Farm 1 I Tb L'^'Meing good-natu^" .v,:.. S k e n i ain^ ?h«rbtte n tiiii! was chutuber-maid, named Mary. unpleasantness wil I Tohit Fort Yuma is fl o:-,r rt. Hi bein? 1 7 it will be S army post, it iw the place which was the hottest 4 a to the veracious ofthe garrison^^^cf getting a good tan new abode, nhjt,nkefe Rsking tbat his bla him at once. %4