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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
"VI •tri hot hK' Stt: iale' nes WrM REDGE 4 CRAIG. •w Improved Mi' Jill ill IN CLOTHING —-axt SIXTY DAYS we will close out Clothing FOR CASH ONLY. Suits for $16. Suits for $14.50. Suits for $13.50. Suits for $13. Suits for $12. Suits for $11.50. Suits for $10.50. '1!I'Suits for 810. .EE-DREDGE received an assortmeut of Linen and Alpacca lid! Furnishing and other Goods for summer wear. MB 2hc & CRAIG! cga/m at the front, with a Complete Line of MACHINERY, Uso- CONSISTING MAINLY OF Mf|QN CORD BINDER. '•fiiw and Light NT CUT. ItEAll CUT. WAMPION MOWERS! "ie Moline and Canton Plows. BROTHERS AND WBITfiffATEB WAGONS. ieftain, Coates, Ann Arbor and Ad vance Hay Rakes. HUD i also agents for the ."'1 1 14 4} 4 CORN CULTIKiTORS. t) Pitts, nd Nichols, Shepard & Co. Threshers. alltaf the best binder, or a first-class Straw-burning Thresher Engine, the Standard Farm Machinery, call on or address. A Free mid Pure Ballot Box. In liis Fourth of July address at VTatertown, Dak. last week, Hon. Clias. (i. "Williams gave utterance to the following warning in speaking of the dangers that threaten our nation, liis prophesy, if such lie thought it, is very true as two year's experience in Giant county will bear out. "Shall I be pardoned for saying that the one question most vital to its (the nation's) existence stands before it i unsolved to-day. 1 refer to a free and i iure ballot-box. That is something which in a national .sense, this repub lic lias never vet had, and has N e v e 1 BROS. & CO. BIG STONE CITY, I)AK. FRIDAY, JULY 13,1883. i k i to day. In saying this I confine myself to no locality or section. Force and fraud in some sections, and the cor rupt use of money in others, are the canker curse which is eating its way toAvard the vitality of this nation. The people sec this and are alarmed by it, and as they have met every em ergency tlius far, so will they meet this one when it ripens to a crisis, as it surely will ripen. Economic ques tions may come and go. Men inter ested only in material affairs may crowd to the front, and those who have battled and bled in the lields of war that this one thing might be secured, ami those who have been true to it in civil life, may, tor the time, be driven to the rear and forgotten but just so sure as effect follows cause, just so sure as gravitation holds this world together, just so sure as the waters of the great deen "iJJ J'"c l" ti(le lines ot the sea. just so sure will this question confront the American peo ple, again and again, until it is settled and settled right. And if it cannot be settled right under our form of gov ernment, then our form of govern ment is a failure. A republic can nev er stand solid cornered upon a. false pretense. Its real foundation is the faith, and hope, and confidence and trust of the people. Destroy this and it will tumbie to pieces. Any politic al party, of whatever name or nature, which "becomes ashamed of this isue and seeks to thrust it aside, or igiore ft is doomed to death and ought to be." "Work of special detectives in ierfct ing out land frauds, to which we»J lulled a few weeks auo. is with amazing results Over &<' ports have been received by tfc 1 u :uu* commissioner of the genera-1 ollice at Washington, from special agents, up to July 1. About 3,*o of the reports show sufficient evidmce of fraud to ustifv the land office in summarily canceling the entri*. The records -how, without excejeion. that Immin ent entries, whetlit'i' homestead oi pre-emption, cover the full area of land allowed by law,namely ion acres The land already restored to the pub lic domain upon tho reports ot these agents aggregates about- 5rt,bH0 aeies. A great deal is located in rich vallejs and is held by tip government at double the minimum price, 3*2.50 per acre. The approximate saving to the government already ettected by the secret service, division of the general land otlice is estimated at 8125.W() and it is maintained that these figures will b" doubled when action is reached up on reports yet unexamined. The pres ence of these special agents has had the effect of checking many fraudu lent schemes not yet consummated. pull down your sign while you expect to do business. I I'nrfo, SI. Loul* A'* I Minneapolis Tribune. FABOO, Julv 11.—The officials of the Fargo & Southern road have returned from the preliminary survey and reuort the Mtownig route tur the road: It will sUrt 'rom tins city and run through Wahpeton to Hois Mou\, and will probably cross into sota near the loot oi Lake 'traverse, and will then run south through Oraceville, Orton ville Tracv. and Worthington Minn and Ft Dodge, la. It will be named the Fargo, St." Louis .V Air Line. Arrangements have Ix-en per lee ted with the officials in the various townships through which the road I will and hey will hold special elec tions immediately for the purpose o voting bonds lor the road. President Kindred as- wrts that the road will be built trom targo to some point week. Peter Cooper once said: "In all towns where a newspaper is published every man should advertise in it, even if nothing more than a card stating his name and the business he is en gaged in. It does not only pay the ad vertiser. but it lets people know that the town vou reside in is a prosperous community of business men. As the 1 seed is sown, so the fruit recompenses. Qiillrtf on the Hastings A Dakota, that cars mav be running by Nov. 1, Bishop Ireland, "who has located some 4000 taimlies, was met at Graceville and lurmslied consid erable assistance to thes enterprise. Con tractors are ulready workiug on the ro^ and other contracts will be uiada^aWUig tUe See Here. Movius Bros, hare had experience getting the numbers on land changed and they know bow U do it Give them a call. prices* S E E For Sowing on New Breaking. Large Russia! Variety, Clean ail Pure. The only kind to Sow. We will furnish this Seed on Time. No Cash Down. Pay after the Crop is Raised. For full particulars inquire of C. L. HOLMES k 11110., This Seed can be seen at M. A. Butler's Feed Store. The Grant County Head quarters are closing out re gardless of cost. Tiger and Leader Hay Rakes, Steam Engines and Threshing Seperators. The "New Model" and "Eagle."' Fanning MlllS, irlOWS, oUlKy NIC STONE CITY, DAK Agents for Minnesota Linseed Oil Company. CAWARD & STEVENSON. Heaaquariers: FOR Vc are still at the front with the following splendid line of good* The Buckeye Binder and Mower, and The N. C. Thompson and Hopkins Mowers The Star "Wagons, Buggies and Spring Wag ons, the Best on wheels. Cultivators, Hand Cultivators and Shovel Plows. Flow Hln, Clnisss, spins Stats, Dmllitras, lsrecls.-yol£esf «£so. REMEMBER that we have a 1» ClIV I 1' to be feOLD Cli-tAl. Having recent!v purchased the building formerly occupied by Geo Call and See Us. JONES & WOLF.