Newspaper Page Text
The pcvaltl DOWNIE & NEII-L, Publishers. BIG STONE CITY, tSL— 1 DAKOTA 1 THE NEWS IX BRIEF. GOSSIP FROM WASHINGTON. liy direction of secretary of the ulterior, a pftrty under John H. lienshawe will leave Washington in a few days, en route for the Yellowstone National perk, to make a top ographic survey the park. Another party under Arnold Hague, will make a geological survey of the nark. It is .now settled that the president will start on his contemplated trip to the Yellowstone valley about the 1st of August next if nothing should occur to interfere with his present plans. The ar rangement for the trip are in the hands of Lieut. itu. Sheridan. The party will num ber about ten persons and be gone five or six weeks. The president will join ''en. Sheridan and other members of the party at Chicago. It is proposed to go direct to Yel lowstone with a* few stops as possible. The president hat? abandoned all idea of visiting Kewport. An opinion was rendered by Attorney General Brewster which denies the legality of the exportation scheme proposed by the distillers. This will prove, if adopted by the treasury department, a disastrous blow to the whisky interests of the oountry. The only kind of spirits proposed to be exported is the long or Kentucky whisky, which is placed in the bonded warehouse and kept three years to riptn, the !ax r.ut being col lected until the expiration of tbe bonded period. It wculd thus appear that the Kentucky distillers were alone interested, but the fact is that the compound whisky men of Chicago and Peoria are fa? more deep I concerned than they. The war department lias received a'com munication from ex-Paymaster Wassoa, re lating to his membership in the Army Mu tual Aid association. He says: "My dues in tne organization have been paid up to next December, and in justice to my family I hope if I am dropped it will not b€ until after ttiat time." The communication will be read to the committee at the next meet ing. It is hinted by some that NVasson pre meditates suicide while in prison, as the above association oniv disburses upon the !»eath of a member, and he wants to make sine of the money before he commit?5 the act. Postmaster General Gresham has for warded to the postmasters of New Orleans and New York copies of his decision in the lottery case, together with orders directing those postmasters to discontinue the deliv ery of money orders or registered packages to agents of" the Louisiana Lottery com pany. Counsel for the lottery company has submitted to the postmaster general the question as to whtther, under his recent de cision, registered letters aldressed to the agent in Washington coul4 be withheld. This question the postmaster," general has not yet decided. t, There is considerable agitation ao-ong the female clerks over the act that the effect of the new-civil set vice law will oetograd ually weed them out of the departments un less special pauia are taken to remedy the sure of mend* or inffwential relations". element is removed by the machinery oi the commission. The matter will be close ly watched, and except for counters, it is not thought that many will get in until the law is changed. A large delegation of leading Georgia re p\Z^cails arrived in thp citv recently, for ao!e purpose of securing the scasp General Longstreet. They want St, and judging from the" way they talk they want it badly. Just what Gen. Longstreet has done' to offend these wiro pullers in bis party, nobody seems to know, though the visitors boast* that they hive enough against his official head to more than warrant tbe president in. cutting it off. Mr. Sherman is a member of Ihe com mittee to revise the rules of the senate. He says there will be uo general meeting of the committee t© consider the subject until Oc tober. when sessions will probably be held in Washington. In the meantime Chair man Frye and one or two other members of the committee will confer together, and arrange business for the full committee. Mr. Folger's treasury statement for the fiscal yearj just ended is discussed in Eng land with great iat jris:, s :i s-ting the great prosperity of the United States and as holding out a hope of an early and important reduction in customs duties. The Times devotis much sj ace to the mat ter. and expresses the firm conviction that the protecive system must shortly be abandoned in America. Alexander Rivers, of Virginia, 1'nited States dis-trict judge, retired, has written a letter to the president denouncing the Ma ho .ie coalition, and reminding him of the fate of vice presidents who, after getting into the White house, betrayed their party friends. Rivers is a republican, and has been a readjustee In accordance with the resolution of con gress directing the president to notify the British government of the termination of C«rtain articles of the treaty of May 1S71, relating to the fishery question, the British government has been so notified, and these articles will terminate July 2. 1885. Postmaster General Gresham has been the recipient of numerous congratulatory dis patches from the soldier element for ap pointing Miss Van Lew, late postmistress at Richmond, Va., to a position in the post office department. The Congregational church in Northfield. is about to secure a pipe organ. ?2,js0 have already been raised. are want ed which amount will undoubtedly be ob tained. John C. New has been acting secietary cf the treasury during the absence oi Mr. Fol ger. _____ It AI Lit OAD 11UM11LING8. Chicago Special:—An exhibition of the Shaw locomotive was made Thursday. The locomotive was attached to the regular momitg train of the Northwestern ror.d ior Milwaukee. The trial was made to feet the pulling qualities of the en gine. The run was made in good Ua*e, «nd to the s«tIri«U.n ,im« fifty- all. lin the return considered re- miles ter hour, which was r$ lh Z' b'it the ordinary locomotiv^ The coal was of a poor quantity, n:iak ,g impossible to set enough steam ou. I be was only 110 pounds when there shouui have been 130 pounds. The contract between the National Park Improvement comi«ny jod f* effect July 15. The Northern lacific expects that the park branch ark visitors- The rates of fare inside the ark have not been agreed upon. K Smith, who lately resigned the su perintendoncy of [the Northern the Manitoba, to accept a position with the Union Pacific, had been appoints super intendent of the South Park division of the latter road, with headquarters Colo Mr. Smith succeeds G. W h^ans, re signed. No one has yet been appointed to fill the vacancy in the Manitoba, V.ut it 1. g^neral'.v expected that h. Uyder o' the Minneapolis & St, Louis will recede the appointment. The aggregate iha CUwsa^o, Milwaukee .V St. Paul railway for. -the fourth week in Jane were $*2,000, agaawt $457 AK» for the corresjKtuding week ifist vear—an increase of $2o,i,000. Ibe earn ings for June aggregated $2,023,000. agavrm $1 "620.000 tor the corresponding month is-2—an increase of $403,U00. It is rumored that the Chicago & North western railway will swallow the Green 15av, Winona & St. Paul railroad at an earlv day: and it is said an order font* purchase has already been given. The bonded debt o i the Green Bavroad is *5- 400.000. and the floating debt 54*0.000. The line is 208 miles long, with two short branches, GENERAL NEWS GOSSIP. In compliance with instructions from Gen. Sheridan's headquarter?, orders have been issued directing C*pt. J. N. Wheelan, Second Tfiat ceding week cavalry, to march with his troop from Fort Custer. Mont., by wagon road to thevitinitv of Mammoth springs, the Yellowstone National park, sea^ou to arrive there and establish the command camp bv tne sth of next month. Besidce the necessarv wagon transportation for tbe camp equipages, ten pack mules wih be sent from Fort Custer. i A number of diseased couples bad their matrimonial bonds dissolved in court at Chicago, on the 7th. Mrs. Henrietta Somerville's husband had for a year past, according to the lady's story, been the habit of spitting tobacco juice 111 her face, blackening her eye, and otherwise abusing her. Wit-:esses were brought forward to show that Somerville's ill-treatment of his wife had been continuous almost since their marriage, which took place in St. Paul 1877. Bradstreet's Journal furnishes the follow ing' There were 13fi failures in the Fnited to K^adstreet s during the 37 more than the correspond ing week of 1M2, and Ml more than the same week of 1881. w Ex-Paymaster Wasson, the defaulting paymaster, guarded by Lieut. Bartlett and three non-commisiomd officers, hasstarted from San Antonio Texas, ior the Lansing, Kan., penitentiary, to serve out his eighteen months'sentence. He desired to publish a furtae»i statement but permission was denied, A Jury in Uhieigo found a eleven-year old air named Lulu Lamb to be a de pendent and fit to be sent to tbe industrial school. Later it was found she was an heiress having a grandmother in possession of a $20.U00 Colorado farm, and Mr. T. W. Harvey has in his possession $5.Guy to which the girl is said to be entitled. Ex-Senator Tabor of Colorado denies tbe rumor that he paid $.3,000 to Architect Hill to secure the location of the Denver post office buildings. He states he never had any dealings with Hill, except in the most public manner. A Washington correspondent -ays Mary Clemmer Ames and her new husband, K 1 ward Hudscn, look like a benignant old aunt and her nephew, her husband being many ye^rs the younger of the two. The Georgia legislature has a bill pending to prohibit marriages with Chinese. It is said there isn't a Chinaman in the state. The one that was at Waynesboro was driven out after marrying a white girl. The sanitary police seized 5,000 decayed cocoannts in New York recently that were about to be used by George Gamier, a whole sale confectioner, in making cake and cand}*. Collector Robertson is inclined 0 think that goods arriving ia port on June 30, too late to report, will be subject to .the new tariff law. Bracstreet estimates the total wheat crop at 443,360,000 bushels. The Xew Hampshire senatorship is still floundering. CRIMES AND CHIM iNA LS. Two young roughs. Billy Herber and another, whose name is unkown, stole two horses from the livery stable of Hudson A l.'landing, at Aberdeen, Dak., and started for the Missouri nver west. Hp*n discov ering the loss, two hours after, pursuit was commenced, and the young thieves were soon-overhauled near Freeport, twenty-five miles west, and brought back to Aberdeen where they are in custodv. The horses were recovered also. Five Wester 1 IT:- ion telegraph operators along the Manitoba division of the North* em Pacific railroad have been engaged in Bwixidlinu* the public for several'months past. Their mode of operation was by over charging, destroying tonus, etc W Filbert, for a long time in the employ of the government at Miles City, is to have organized the scheme, and owing to the de tection of one of the parties, hefiew in what direction is not known. Two Philadelphia gentleman, Messrs. Townsend and Lewis, had an adventure with masked robbers between Benton and Fort Maginnfe. The robbers surrounded them, and aftt nosing ^""^he^ without rode quietly off 'nt0 Frank Garrett, broth charge now in jail at l®1 a Wishing when catig e has been signed, ami that it wiL A negro Mined Ed be J°" 1 iv completed to a point 15 miles south of Ln hp'4ou bv the same time. Meanwhile this stage line" will connect at the the branch and carry pasaeng.era ly coaches to the The hotel will be readv by bv her scream th the negro At the preliminary was discharged, Thp Flv Vt.. miners, 300 in nl^tnick for their pay, which ts two have Tuesday thev broke into months behind. T. at the Stockton quarries. s,,rj! \7 WU. sura:. J. *rai'on a little, White A. jatrick, e str the nnning couipa^^^ tire.y ot^otd.. division of Figious'orders It is thought that watching fo' th« tne n'olestingthetraje'e^ the masked rasca paymaster. Garrett. was detected of outraging Miss by Mrs. Joseph le ran away rage her little ,M)s«e of vigilant received ttie ,,o»r«.s .f Sena Yale a ,. residenoe w«SfriSw™,.i»«y saulted Mrs at llmusville. Al». hut nj. 1'tuled him with huh witn tne nt-sivjatid.hueabefore au "i!)ping it en- {he Jay they pam ri()toug -jenion8tration. t»d clerk in the ded the street in Timothy Smith, a trust* Mos iev isesot position* New. tasrwn received of I be not, »t mi. 7', Des uuies. 1 owa, of U. L. neut citizen of of brokers' otHre of J«bn iwrng Hoston, is ft drfa.ilt« lo the »»°Juckrt $7.01*). Tbe con- 91,01. sperulations. SmUhm«de»l»" fesason and was arrested. A boS..« school ot.telegraphy b«n that town. TheJ done by two men. Their identi known. mo/ing r'r, '!!"t n RECOR or CA SI A TI Es\ John Maskee, eighty-five years of age, a laborer employed with other men in re- 9 eat th from the sur'ace of the rock was instantly killed about 3 o'clock on the 7th by a land #dide. A bodv of earth and stone four feet squdrv fell a distance of ten feet on his head, literally crushing him to death. He was unmarried and had no relatives 111 t.ns country. George Wampel, a barkeep er at Kansas Citv, whfie fooling with one of Char»e Ford's pistols, shot and instantly killed a poor teaa)fcjer named Webster. Charlie Ford will w? remetunerexi oni of the men who killedJesse Janes. He left the revol ver in a saoon, and the barkeeper playfully pointed it u Webster. A heavy rain storm, accompanied by thunder and lightning and very high winds passed ove* the western part of Wisconsin recently, dmig great damage to crops, rail roads and tounty roads. The Star Flouring mill, foundry and ma chine shoj: and two grain elevators atCyde, Ohio, owned by Hunter it Wilcox were burned. Loss $50,W0: insurance, $27,50®. Fire ill he oil rednery of Paine, Aolett A Co., neir Wellsville, 0., entailed a loss of $10,000 McFerron, one of ttie employes, was burnei to death, The ihoiera still continues its ravages in, Egypt and European ports are carefully quaraitinel. ...Six nick stores at Oilman, III., owned bv *e e ounwn. Ijuss, ii^.w ^i- PERSONAL MENTION. Gen. John A. Hauerman, the United States minister to Sian. receHtiy had the pleasure of presenting to the rajah of T: lu* ban a handsome go!3medai and gold in laid Winchester rirfe—tokens from tke T'aited States governuent in appreciation of the rajah's kind services to the officers an.l crew of the Anerican bark Coringa which wrecked on thecoast of Siaiu in No vember, 1SS0. Gen Hilderman visited the rajah at Tuluban, goiig thither in the King of Siam's steam yacht Volant, which was placed at his service by his majesty, and wai accompanied on the voyase by Kun Bin, son of the p-ime aiinister. and Mr, A Balfour, superintendisg engineer of the Si amese navy. A Wasbingtoh paper says Mr. Windom will sail for Kurope this week, and be gone a 1110 th or more. His voyage id for bus iness purposes only, and is perhaps ia con nection with the placing of a large lot of Mexican railway bonds in Kuglaud. The ex-secretary ia in fine health and spirits. He ex{»eriences a pleasure in his new busi ness enterprises altogether greater than that derived from political sources. He has un bounded confidence in the future of railway enterprises in the southwest. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps is trying in ear nest to get a pardon for Waterman, the wealthy embezzler of the Pacific mills in Lawrence. She says that five years of im prisonment, out of the twelve to which he was sentenced, has shattered his health, James Harker, president of the First Na ional bank of Storm Lake, Iowa, died sud denly on the 7th inst. He was formerly a member of the Wisconsin legislature and was widely known in that stow. Cause of death, apoplexy. Society hi Hartford, Conn., is convulsed with horror at the marriage of Christopher Spencer, the millionaire inventor of the Spencer ri!le. to Georgette liogers, his late w^fes nurse girl. She is twenty-Ave, he Senator Windom a'id family are still in Washington. The New York press erred in saying that they left for Kurope on the 27th oUune. Mr. Windom writes that they ex pect to sail on the 25th of the present to month, Gen. W. I). Washburn has left for his old home at Liveriuore, accompanied by his brother. Hon. F. B. Washburn of Illin ois. he two are to erect a iibrarv building at Livermore as a memorial to their father. Col. W. S. King of Minneapolis and wife celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary ol their marriage at the Lyndale hotel, on the evening of the 25th, the entire family being participants, Robert Hare Powell, a leading operator in bituminous coal and Weil-known iron manufacturer, died suddenly at Saxton, Pa., the 19ih inst aged fifty-seven years. Ezra Daggett, who trotted his horse Bos ton, ninety miles in a race with a catamar an and was arrested at New Haven for cruel ty he1: been released. Thos. Fitz uiinor re- Fitepatrick, son of Mr. of St. Paul, received qutler a Milwaukee photographer, has discovered a successful method of using the eKic Hgbt for phot»«a«!—c Mollie Garfield, they sa\ the really hands'mie member of tbe fam U. She is sixteen ami biOOiuing. tor Huvani is three doctors of laws, "l the degree I)3rlniolUl, Mr. Windom week. ts. a jnstice umber p7,,vulVng proper r#medie«in case of an out break, A national meeting was held at Belfast lBst Thursdavnight in celebration of the Dec laration of American Indt{endeuce. Sex ton liiggar and Sullivan sent letters of re g-et Rev Mr. Rvlett denounced the lord lieutenant of Ireland, whose name, he said. wa« more detested bv the Irish peome than thatofCarev. Judge U'Brien, in addressing theiury at Limerick.d.-clared t' ediminution of the number of outrages since the ia«t a- amounteti to a social revolution. The king of Saxony, wh» is making a tour, was about to ascend in the elevator of a factory which he was inspecting at Milan, when the weight attached to the car fell, killing the governor of the district, who was accompanying Ium majesty, a&u injuring the manager of the factory. The king, who had entered the elevator before tbe ac cident happened, was much overcome and abandoned his tour. M. I). Lesseps and son have come to Ixjn do:: to conclude arrangements for the con struction of the second and parallel S\wr canal agree*! upon. M. De Lessee has agreed to reduce the tolls 25arid |ercent. togi^e an increa.-«d it presentation in the canal direc-ory to England, and to allow the English to control the canal manage ment at Port Said, iMiiailia and Sue/.. Twelve bishops, including Cardinal Mo* Cabe and Archnishop Croke. were absent from the meeting of the Catholic hierarchy in Dublin, the which adopted res olutions denouncing state-aided emigration and favoring the cultivation of tracts of land in Ireland, which could maintain the surplus {Herniation. Stead Stevenaon. drygooda merchanLs of Winning, have :L^ign«»«i in trust, with liabilities about Mr. Stevenson is also engaged in the hardware and grocery business, which will also be efFectel. According to advices from Behira an Alexandria dispatch, the cattle Wales ranted to ktrght Irving, the actor, and Victoria couldn't see it. and cow the aristocracy are beginning to di-.-over that Irving is plebeian anyhow. I'nitedl Workmen in Litigation. Waterloo, Iowa. Special Tclegraai. July V—The tjuo warranto proceedings institu ted by the supreme lodge of the Ancient Order of I'nited Wnrk'ueu against the grand lodge of that order, comes before the circuit court which is in session now. The grand lodge, it will be remembered, was suspend ed by the supreme lo !ge. because of th' ir refusal to pay the relief assessments nrde^ ed by that body. The grand lodge retai:n Us unity, and a new grand lodge, holding allegiance to the supr. :ne iodg-', was form ed The action pending is to establish whether the old grand lodge has any right to use the name and the paraphernalia of the order. The attorneys for the de ense were in th« city "to-day, and state that their first action will *be the filing of a motion asking for a more sj^citic state ment in regard to the place of incorporation of the supreme lodge. It is claimed that that body was incorporated in Kentucky, and as such has no legal right to do busi ness in Iowa without conforming to the in surance laws of this state. The grand lodge of Iowa has about tUK)0 adherents in this state, and the supreme lodge claims 2,mn loyal members but the officers of the grand lodge only concede them about 000. Th attorneys for the plaintiff are Mes«r. Lan° fc Rodgere of Davenport, and ". Hemen way of Cedar Kails. The defendants are represented bv 11. 15. Fouke of Dubuque. J. D. Nichols of Stanton, J. J. Toterton of Ce dar FaJls, and Horace l'.oisa of Waterloo. The caie will probably go}to tbe supreme court, no matter what the decision of the lower cour s may be. The Fastest Time Yet Keeortlfd. Chicago Herald: If the following dis patch which we publish from (he San Kran citoo Call, be true, and it is certainly spe cific in detail, the star of Maud S. as cham pion of the trotting turf has sunk beneaih the horizon. Thedispatch reads, Sacramento, June 27 —Horace Elder of this city to-day bought a horse from S. Trefry, which, is, to saj- the least an equine wonder. He is a bright bay gelding six teen hands high, compactly ouilf, and a perfect beauty. He was raised City, Monterey comity. The price paid was $4,000. After the purchase the horse was driven around the Agricultural park course, and made remarkable fast time. The quar ter was made in Hu seconds the half ^in 1:04, and the mile in 2:01)1. The owner thinks that before fair time his horse will be able to make the mile inside of two min utes. It is strange that such a wonderful per formance as this was not telegraped from the Pacific coast. If the dispatch is true it records a important turf event and while it cannot of course, pass into a record, it yet shows that tiiere are greater possibili ties 01 8)t*ed in horseflesh than have been developed. Mr. Elder, the owner of the horse is veil known to Californiaus as an old resident of Sacramento, and tfie section where tbe horse was raised is noted for its sui»erb stock farms and valuable strains o blood. Tij. at Issey, near Paris, recently. ASf] At from Havard, Dr Woodbridge of Brooklyn, Coun.. has has been in brandy sixty that a cheese vears. POLITK B. New. near Sa ', ver-Mct 1 PoUtlc* ttir Pernuasion. French. tethe gallanl I, de Montsei letot of Sainl 1 lie iuqi^ Millan !n,j tt"'' supp always Pian hv 1, McMillan Iv »lter*i flush of headli fartly will "'ail for Kurope next FOREIGN NEK'S NOTES. With the exception of a few cases quarantine at Santa Rosa island, there is no yellow fever in the South. Surgeon Gen eral Hamilton says if danger is to be ap prehended it will be from the parts of Vera Cm/ Mexico, and Havana, especially the for"* New will IK- carelully looked after. At present there was nocause for uneasiness, ior besides a .f acttvtt. well-trained assistants the tirst indication of danger, Saone-Iuferi il^ct€d deput Oft uuexpecti antecedent -e' age of pa eSs iv fi,ve years. »r,JA no'"'" tftte ift the The S He comman s,"nli': "Xto the eminent M-." mi-oo v ""0® 116 receiv* e« i)t v,. ie BordeanJ revered fror theater of a of Marct and I)i-tr n partiou! county W s, ^are« arge crop of to watch for the appro )»oiiritiful ^'J'fo^-o'^ftVorofTh McMahon i ,, the simple With bav ,• hed badly, 1 °i- -bad beginni ^».Xb. 6 ", terr'bif'? brokpii 1Ma^ dorin| alondnS' Toted„WI ease, an,| Jear8 uooey. H« stealiui' ... fortungji- Mt«r 0,b18 Martin 1« a very ove with a v nrlurette, a Notable Mpd little roU At Orlandc Turiun black eve lad her ha B. Newton near Sanforj CO ntH verdict of r»:. contents, a tiou of Wag isi is then have kept»y tow, duri about hi-, e °i!ixh assed from tiy hands 0 1870 M01 .. He had life, and 1 **5B consciei his atten part in pel thuaih9tica athneiafetic group groi by birth poor. Mc.M last, and sfao! wi.H seetnei 17 McMillan.? C'vsta! Istf, which was: pot and & Newton I* stautia! si by enr.: relatives x? ^nty. pantry, Q! toe was a 1 Beaton -intend agt to own pr :r10Bt indiff hell*,arezvpt there .m trie• toward vie", wi-.::.tit iodine unless2,-sleeted by t:,ev *.,'»• ^itimistpo fere ididate fh h"tie-t ed hi# fu: •... .Turluretl The '•)rl?-A jiail e ve] ranged fr." money si from Canary when .Sort!) '*f iague ended with the death of all the cattle 1:1 that district. The cortou worm is now do ug Kreat damage there. meniber ^uOriww -'.'if invited south ofne."*8 a dell( )(the i! lump in tern rtov-:'. H® Kng'.atil^: I a quart ^eproacna Theceis-'u doing in hot weatr-' display should* ,*ent to tfc 'that can is averajf Li),ooti t-ins fear ofani.t *j j^nnei jiro-9^'ll y• intellig* prices crew -ae wa8 1 ii ni? es '3of ber] Ij(i0ton5 0fuv.ere due A pro:nin*: name male eulfrj.f h1od®' 1. pal cou 8Jioolteac. e deputy tioii 011..Now she says: 'he way 1 herhwl^jy of tl a different raa wor] 3 1 i s i o k i 1 been had S"f Vn took ptetecititt^ inner, a A reu..Ajy'°1n, lldnd"bot'iU^3 Mont has lately teer "rtin t&l wavbutpic!^ Her tin"hull,in^fgeXJ ro of the He 100 warden was1 there v „_»» of thos ptirchw ,enancei of tnucb 1 ,f church De B: preserved, Lind?,a!l4Kn. v 0l the lii^r^i linner, pi7S back t°4 the vi The MOB hopn f*' oqnen'meiQ have bee", members U1H hen urgiral sen'i» tli-it he doff5"limsel: sorvi^ ift^re.v there, it A can en li'iif-i had 1 of he VOll that if re®^r"!R and h»»^t0J.dt'4 con able f!in)1.y1:t the co opposed» rettyr The evils of^ronp, near Siiinas fearless ve|#eft njio ce»* family .^lpre, ji r, has tf1 ver tc 7l.iiiindar8f agnatic Jorth the ^.ere Jiiis to p* aS :ed, I annual zcn»in(1, tww-* IS supp!lf' '!"'aftve deg|»l,!Vlty .. hfl R\+ jQUttil* tlif or of hatl