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JHaRLES 3XE CITY, CO a nvinrtc ne Cir ention: iwe who. y lirm u sorfe BEST e mask. ock of JLil1W. SIMONDS, Lttorney at Law, Biff Stone City, D. T. ffi« ELLBI1' ]ti tysician and Surgeon. MONROE & WELLERS' DRUG STORE, ne City, D. T. ^RS. D. W. CAMERON, onstantly receiving new supplies Millinery, Dress-Pattsrns AND LACKS. dies toe respectfully requested to inspect these goods. NE TING, GRAINING, KALSOMINING, AND WHITEWASHING. rts ot finishing work done with Putty Knife, hop on Cornell Ave. IUS BROS., J}OPhysician and CO 0 betcher, —DEA I Ell IX 3 aber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Lime 3ment, Stucco and all kinds 2 of Building Material. iovelty "Wood Works! I. M. BAKKR CO., Proprietors. Si work of all description manufactured to order. CLARK JOU'8 Indian Blood Syrup Cores all diseases of the Stomaon, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testify to its effioaoy in heal ing the above named diseases, and pro nonnoe it to be the REMEDY Quaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. Pgr A GENTS WANTED.4^ ratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it 1 ju2*2 the "Best of Work Guaranteed RCT AS: „Y to ROBERTXAYLOU, No. 727 740 747 748 73* 7 tO Loan and Insurance Agents. ance promptly attended to. Farm y and C« ol ail kinds bought ltd. H.VES & GIBSON, OFFICE. Contests an F.ipccial stud)-. Buv A get of ti ent«. title furni.- and sell ed to all Hate and Loan A ige. Abstracts o! n Grant county. Taxes paid lor non its. Conveyancing promptly and neat ,e- Money furnished to prove up with II ,,yfl|!8 reasonable. eon Main street, Big Stone City, Dak. rhere lnplt^' J. HENRY WHITFORD, work done in Bubstantial and satisfac ^^'manner. P^ARL GIIOSSKOPF, No, 74J ju22 Surgeon. CE--In Resseguie's Drug Store, Main -eet. May be.found in oflice at uight. NRAD PUDE^ in and Ornamental Plasterer pching, Whitewashing and Kalsomining, Mason and Plasterer, kinds of Brick tie and Stone Work at the most reasonable rates. Biz Stone City. D. T. eK •V, DAKOTA KNOWN TO MAN. NOTICE. Grant County Order* for Funding. The undersigned hereby gives notice that they desire to fund, under the special act of the legislative assembly of Dakota, passed i March 9, A 1. 1883, the following described warrants of (innit County, viz: No. Date Amount Issued to 733 .lan-jr., 1883 $S 05 N. Munson 700 Jau 12, 2 0() i 701 Jan tv, 200 K» 702 ,lan 12, 27 00 754 Feb (i, 41 00 7lt» .lau 17, 2* 44 224 Aug 25, 1880 55 00 Mcarnr & FOCNTAIN, Agts., l!ig Stone City, Dak. The undersigned hereby gives notice that lie desires to fund under the special act of Tlie legislative assembly of Dakota, passed March !». lssr the following deseriled war rant of Grant County, viz: No. Date Amount Issued to 745 Feb 6, 1883 $501 50 Johnson areher Jan 17, 1KS3 Feb 0, 1HS.J Jan 25, Jan 2t, I JOHNSON I'AHCIIKR. jn22 Big Stone City, Dak. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he desires to fund, under the special act of the legislative assembly ot Dakota, passed March A I 1883, the "following described warrants ot Grant County, viz: Date Amount 35 t5 151 n8 73 05 *2-45 4 00 15 00 S. Issued to S Jones S CJones S Jones S Jones A W Barron A W Barron C. JONKS, Big Stone City, Dak. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he desires to fund, undcr'the special art ot the legislative assembly of Dakota, passed Marcli h, A iss i, the* following described warrants ot Grant county, viz,: No. Date Amount Issued to 741, Jan 20, 188?. $50 od A W Ha i ron |(i43 Feb IKS! :33 25 11 .1 Ohtsser 11. J. GLASSEK, Big Stone City, Dak The undersigned hereby gives notice that he desires to i'und under the si»ecial act the legislative assembly the Territory of Dakota, passed March !», AD ISM, thetol lowing descrilwd warrant of Grant cour-.ty: Amount Issued to $1,S!»7 S2 A W ltes«egu A. W. Date ii, 1 -ss.-j liKSSIXiflK, Lig Motw i ity, Dak. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he desires to fund, under the special act ot the legislative assemby of Dakota, passed March 0, A. I). Ins1!, the "following descried warrants ot Graut county, viz: No. Date Amount 705 Jan 1 1 ss i 126 Of) 707 Jan l*., iwi 200 00 Issued to S \V imond S W Siinond? I! Burneli 11 U Burneli Feb ('», l.vvj 115 Ot) Feb i. iws 38 00 751 53 S. W. SJMONDS, Big Stone City, Dak. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he desires to fund under the special act oi the legislative assembly of Dakota, passed March !», A 1) 1KS:J,' the" following described warrants ot Graut county, viz: No. Date Amount Issued to 704 Jan. 12, 1S83 $125' 00 S W Simonds 750 Feb 0, 1883 115 00 li Burneli 752 Feb 1, 1883 38 00 Burneli H. It. BUUNKLL, Big Stone City, Dak. The undersigned hereby give? notice that he desires to tund under the sixvial act the legislative asseinbl y of Dakota, jvissed March !», A 1) 1883, the lollowing described warrants ot Graut county, viz: No! Date Amount Issued to 724 Jan 17,1883 $123 3ti Jno A Munro 744 Feb 5, 188." fl07 78 Jno A Muuro J»0. A. ML'WRO, Big Stone City, Dak Bnl Estate i Bumell A W Jl »rro„ A W Ha rron A \V Barron Downie & Neill ('has ^etcher suit. far 160 Acre* land half mile from Big Stone City. Good brick cottage and stable. 160 Acres of land five miles from Big Stone City, and 7 miles from Mil bank. 60 Acres of line bottom land just east of Big Stone City. two Acres of land t#o miles from Hartford and Are miles from WHmot. 90 acres im proved. 80 Acres of land 1 miles from Big Stone, 3 miles from Milbank. 40 acres improved, 150 LOTS IN BIG STONE CITY. Any of the above can be purchrsed cheap tor cash or on easy terms by applying to JNO. A. MUNRO, .T ustice of the Peace. Big Stone City, Dak. B. MURPHY. D. W. FOUNTAIN. Att'y at L»w. Grant County Bank, IJ1G STONE CITY, D. T. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. MONKY TO LOAN IN SMALL AMOUNTS ON SHORT TIME ON CH ATTKL SECC- K1TV MONKY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ON FIVE YEARS TIME AT 9 PER CENT INTEKEMT. Money furnished to prove up on HOMESTEADS AND PRE-EMPTIONS AT y i'KK CENT, ON FIVE YEA Us TIME. Real Estate bought and sold on commission Foreign Exchange sold on all principal Ioints in Kurope. Murphy & Fc iiiitaiu, Bankers Hanks Place, Maine Street. Rig Stone City. H. J". aiasser, Jfrop. I S I I I 1 1 1 A O O A I I I S i O A V Fresh Eager Beer constantly on tap. Also Bottled lieer, Rock and live, Champagne and other Wines. The best brands of Cigars in the City. ABOVE ALL COMPETITORS i UGHTRUNNING NEW HOME %EWHome^ •SEWING MACHINE CO 30 UNION SQUARE.NEW YORK CHICAGO. ILL. O A N E A S S AND ATLANTA. GA.j-" J| FOR SAL nont st.\\ it. .n it tti*.»«*. 2 I S u e n i a o I Big Stone City Mills BIO STONE CI TV, I). T. DIEBOLO & TUNNELL, Proprietors, "Wheat, Corn or Buck wheat Ground at a small toll, or for ex change in Flour, limn, shorts. Ac. We invite the farmers of the coun ty and of this ^section to give our mill a trial. GRANT MITF NURSERY DIE BOLD & V E BIG STONE CITY, DAK. CHAS. BRAND, Proprietor. I have a large assortment of Trees. Shrubbery and Fruit Hushes and Plants for fall transplanting, among which arc: WHITE ASH, BOX ELDER, SOFT MAPLE. GRAY WILLOW, AND COTTON WOOD TREES, CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY BUSHES AND STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Also Horse Radish Plants, Ac. CIIAS. BKANI). WOOD BROS., ORTOXVILLE, MINN. Headquarters for IDJSll & FARM MACHINERY. SEW IN MACHINES DOtir.SI II AVIUM'.. si^UKit, AVHI:I:M:R A: WII.NO, \o iioni:. CASPERSON BROS., Proprietors of the BIG STONE CITY MEAT MARKET. All kinds of fresh and Salt Meats, constantly on hand.. Special atten* Lion paid Sausage Making. ('ash Paid for Hides. Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed ami delivered by Emerson ,i. Heu'li and May Alice Heath," his wife, mortgaj..r«s. to The New England Mortgage sc anty com panv, mortgagee, dated tluM.Sth day o! July A. 1). eighteen hundred and e ghtv-ne, and recorded in the office ot the KegNtf-r ot 1 Deeds ot the county ot Grant, in tlie Terri tory ol Dakota, on the 2Mh day of.l'ily, A. D." eighteen hundred and eighty-one. at 2:1.» lo k p. iu., in book of mort gages on page and 4, on which there is claimed to be due at the date ot the5 notiee, the amount ol five hundred and torty-tour dollars, and no action or jiruceeding has been instituted at law or iu pijuity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any jjart thereof. Now, notice is hereby given, that bv virtue ot a power oi sale contained in sai'l mort gage, and ol the statute in sueh case made and provided, ^aid mortgage? will be lore elosed by sale oi the moi-tiMced premises therein described, at public auction, at tue front d(Mr ot the HEKAI.I- otliee, iu the village ot Big Stone City, in the county ol Grant, and territory ot Dakota, on .Saturday, the 14th day of July, A. 1 I8K at one o'clock in the a'lternoon to satisfy thi* anion it wh on shall then be due on said mortgage, with the interest thereon, and costs and excuses ol sale, and forty dollars attorneys lees. a.-. Stipulated 111 said mortgage in ca.v vl fore closure. The premises described in said i-crtga^e, and so to be sold, are the lot, pieee oi paicel ot land situated in the county ot Grant and Territory ol Dakota, and known and describ ed as follows, t«-wit: The south east quarter ol section twenty-three, township one hun dred and twenty, range :orty-uiue west, con taining one hundred and sixty acres. THK NBW ENOLAM' MOHIOAOK SECURJTV Co.VI'A.N V, 1 ortgagee. T. M. Gra^t Attorney ot Mortgagee, Dated May L&tu, 16b. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between S. C. Jones ml J. Monroe, under the firm name ol Jones At Monroe is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Dated June 12,1883. C. JONKS, P. J. MrsROE. Notice is also given that the firm of K. J. Monroe & Co., consisting of F. J. Monroe and S. ('. Jones, is hereby mutually dis 6i/lv©d. F. J. MONRO*, S.C.JONES, Dated June 12, ISM. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby triven that we have this day purchased the interest ot F. J. Monroe in the above named firms, and that we ha\o entered into a co-partnership for the contin uance ot the branches of business formerly carried on by the alove named gentlemen. That we will pay all the liabilities ot tic above mentioned firms, and bills due them. and collect all notes S. C. JONES, A. WOLF. Dated Big Stone City, Dak June 12, 1883. Notice of Foreclosure Sale. V17HEREAS, default has Itcen made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, dated on the 30th dav ot June, 1881, executed bv Taylor Russell and Mary Russell, mortga gors, to Annatielln Knapn, mortgagee, which suid mortgage was on tne 7th day ot July, 1SS1, duly recorded in the office of the regis ter ol deeds in and for the county ol Grant and Territory of Dakota, in l«ok four ot Mortgages, on page sixty-one. That on the second day ot December, 1881, said Anna bel la KnappWulv assigned to A. W. Rosse guie the said mortgage, which assignment was duly recorded on Doc. 2, 18Sl", in the records of Grant County, I). T., in book ot Mortgages, on page 2*8. That said A. W, Resseguie, on the 3d day of August, IHS2, did duly assign and transter tin' said mort gage to Alice A. Neill, which assignment was on the 2d day of July 1883, duty record ed in lxHk ot mortgages, pigc 5S5 in the records of Grant county, D. T. That on the 17th day ot August. lsSrJ, the said Alice A. Neill, duly assigned and transferred to Rob ert F. Gibson, Jr., the said Mortgage, which assignment was duly recorded in the office ot the register of deeds ol Graut county, D. T., on the »d day ot July, 1883, in book 9 oi mortgages on page 584*. And whereas, the said mortgage was con ditioned for the payment ot a certain promis sory note made by said mortgagor to said mortgagee tor $.'Kii, and said principal note becoming due and jwyable on the 25th day ot June, lHK!. r. nd whereas, default has been made in the payment ol the balance due on the aforesaid note, amounting to $14.50, and protest lee which has U-en paid bv the assignee ot said note and mortgage, R. F. Gibson, Jr., amount ing to !. «). And whereas, the said mortgagee claims the stun of seventeen and *0-100 dollars due on said note and mortgage. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, to-wit: Lots No. fifteen (10) and sixteen (lt»), in block No. ten ('0) in Inkpa City, Grunt County, D. according to the origin al plat thereof, in Grant county, Dakota Ter ritory, by Alexander Meadows, the agent ol said w ortgaget', at the front door of tin1 St. Charles hotel, in Big Stone City, in said county, on the 11th day ol August, lS-i3, at 10 O'clock in the forenoon oi said day, to satisfy the amount which shall then be" due besides lilty dollars attorneys fees, stipulated iu said mortgage to be paid in oas.* oi lore closure. Dated July 2, IS53 R. F. GIV.SON, Jr., Assignee of said Mortgage W. attorney tor R. F. Gibson. Cathartic Pills Combine tho rhoicc st cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately a%l justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the. result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the. most, effectual rent* cdv yet discovered for diseases caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt and effectual treatment.'s 1'ii.i.s aro specially applicable to this class of diseases. They act directly on tho digestive and assimi lative processes, and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive uso by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the manv proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine, lining compounded of the core-nitrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free Irom calomel or any injurious properties, and can be admin istered to children with perfect safety. Avnt's 1'ri.t.s are an effec'ual enw for Constipation or Costiventss, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and IJreath, l)i/./.lness, Headache, Loss of Memory, Numbness, liilioiisness, Jaundice, Klieumat ism, Kmptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhwa, Djii'iitcry, C»out, Tiles, Disorders of the I.iver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no are equal. While gentle in their action, these Pitxs the most thorough and searching cathar tic that, can bo employed, and never givo juiin tinlcs# tho bowels uro lnfliuuctl. unu i then their influenue is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health atnl vigor to thu whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Be Co., Practical and Analytical ClteiuiftU, Lowell, Mass. fOT.n HY ALL uafwUISTi LVBRVWUERI. 1». N1LES7 Bakishu anp IIaiij-DitR.-sr.i BIG STONE CITY, \K For a good h*ir-cut or u cloau d.-.)p iu