Newspaper Page Text
HOME EXEMPT. PAT| 5 of Thoce Mysterious Trou *N*»bt ,t Come to EvWjr House )latnel. ij^vinjr article from the Demo jpJj5, ronicle, of Rochester, N. Y., king a nature and "I1'-" able a source, that it is here lished entire. In addition to 3 matter it contains, it idinglv interesting: of the Democrat and Chroni- Hi V(J. ian fi 10(5 "fit of motives for the publication it unusual statements which first, yrfttitude for the fact been saved from a most hor and, secondly, a desire to 0 read this statement atrainst mostdeceptive intiiu nces by have ever been surrounded, bat to-day thousands of pe»v iin a foot of the grave and know It. To tell how I was from just this position and ers ajrainst nearing it. are my tis communication. st day of June, 18S1, I lav at ce in this city surrounded nds and waiting for death, y knows the agony then en .ords can never describe it. 1 few years previous any one that I was to be brought so so terrible a disease, should at the idea. I had always vr^Nmonly strong and healthy, i over 200 pounds an i hardly y own experience, what pain were. Very many people id this statement realize at state n I'biic Ed a!] ^rstai v. ross *. ti i tier, •r a:. •ly. it'. bsri'i s, i'V^t t'Onch, ffie.' er. Ii: Of 21 fcbed hey are unusually ti red and noit unt for it. They feel dull ^0E te pains in various parts of "'K do not understand it. Or sceedingly hungry one day without appetite the next, the way I felt when tlie alady which had fastened it e first began. Still 1 thought ng that probably 1 had tak lich would soon pass away, this I noticed a heavy, and euralgic, pain in mv heud, uld come one day and te tlau and (It ir- Ai .rticg btli lit th 1 Iwd E.WL rhi»c .. xt, I paid but little attention jver, my stomach was out of iv food often failed to digest, times great inconvenience. 0 idea, even as a physician, lines meant anything serious mstrous disease was becoin on me. Candidly, I thought ng from Malaria and so doc accordingly. But I got no axt noticed a peculiar color out the fluids I was passing -here were large quantities 1 very little the next, and itent froth and scum appear surface, and a sediment set* ottom. And yet 1 did not re ger.for,indeed, seeing these Mil an id it dress rtiogv theft irah se Bjf-_ Tf- it': kiss, s.edi stout e." s, ire of jttei. Continually, I finally became to them, and my suspicion disarmed by the fact that I in the affected organs or in y. Why should have been innot understand. terrible future for all physic al impending danger always son to his senses,even though be too late. I realized, at last condition and aroused my ome it. And, Oh! how hard consulted the best medical and. I visited all the proin »-al springs in America and »m Maine to California. Still ». No two physicians agreed iady. One said I was troubled irritation: another, heart her general debilitv anoth rostration another, malaria? dyspepsia another, con the base of the brain ,1 through a long list ,tt diseases, the svmp which I really had. In this .-years passed, during all of OSTKr """Steadily growing worse, 3 a be n Pi*!'' crfai t'js •n fi. .iter ck v ,ul fl« did: pret-: disroi for can't the 't a* be Wi ,j(j ex- 1 n had really become piti light symptoms 1 at first ex- Fhol i ere developed iato terrible jtrgtdisorders—the little twigs irown to oaks of agony. My been reduced from 207 to •t Yc he tfr.?1'-fiends. My life was a torture to I could retain no y stomach, and lived wholly !. I was a living mass of pain, ras uncontrollable. In my uently fell upon the floor, clutched the carpet, and eatb. Morphine had little n deadening the pain. For nights I had the death-pre coughsconstantly. My urine easii: tee, o me •atch' luart. riee bring t, ftB: hem, 5 it a' nl best v a few v »appi'" ied ar^ tins lie Mr-'' boat 1 th tube casts and a'.humen. ing with Bright's Disease of in its last stages. ering thus I received a call tor, the Rev. Dr. Foote, ree d's church, of this city. I is our last interview, hut in 'conversation he mentioned Which I had heavd much sr used. Dr. Foote detailed my remarkable cun»s which .nder his observation, by remedy, and urged me to practicing physician and a he schools, I "cherished the joth natural and common liar practitioners, and de a of any medicine octside hannels being the least ben olicitious, however, was Dr. finally promised I would ediudice and try the rem jhly recommended. I be a the 1st day of June and ding to directions. At first ae but this I thought was a 'Hie in my debilitated con ntinued to take it the sick- untv tW'1 M»r an! re t,l::' *0 at-: !1 the" ie pi M': liinti-•• live f, p. e tiit v ea- |on departed mod I was able i 1 upon my •tomarii. In a otieed a decided hange for 1 "r alsodidmy wifean 1 friends, i l|itru is ceased and I eirp-rienced .,. formerly. I wr- so re i improved conditiai that, had believed but a feu- days jy dying bed, I vow^d, in i of my family and friends, ver 1 would both publicly 7 make known this remedy of huauoit}', wherever »nd bid an opportunity. I a!&o that I would give a course or: t^ch'" .(1 Jif oiK'l:' I tii**:I e berr wh (ieli nds Corinthian Academy of "r"* is city, stating in full the gnjtM' id almost hopelessness of 1.s nd the remarkable means by rill^-.. Mi which I have been saved. My improve ment was constant from that time, and in less than three months I had gained pounds in flesh, became entirely free from pain and I believe 1 owe my life and present condition wholly to Warner's Safe Cure, the remedy winch I used. Since my recovery 1 have thoroughly re-investiga'ed the subject of kidney dif ficulties and Bright's disease, and the truths developed are astounding. I there fore state, deliberately, and as a physi cian, that I believe more than one-half the deaths which occur in America are caused bv Iiright'sdiseasejof the kidneys. This mav sound like a rash statement,but I am prepared to fully verify it. Bright's disease has no distincii »'e symptoms of its own, (indeed, it often develops without any pain whatever in the kidneys or their vicinity), but as the symptoms of nearly every other known complaint. Hundreds of people die daily, whose burials are au thorised by a physician's certificate of "Heart Disease,'' "Apoplexy," "Paraly sis." "Spinal Complaint," "Rheumatism," "I'neuiiioni i," and other common dis eases, v. tieti in reality it was Br nht's dis ease of the kidneys. Few physicians, and fewerpeople, realize the extent of this disease or its dangerous and insiduous nature. It steals into the svste like a thief, manifests its presence by the com monest symptoms, and fastens itself ap on the constitution before the victim is aware. It is nearly as hereditary as con sumption, quite as common and fullv as fatal. Entire families, inheriting it from their ancestors, have died, and yet none of the number knew or realized the mys terious power whi.'h was removing them. Instead of common symptoms it often shows none whatever, but brings death suddenly, and as such is usually sup posed to be heart disease. As one \\ho lias suffered, and knows by bitter expe rience what he says, I implore every one who reads these words not to neJect the slightest symptom of kidney difficulty. Certain agony and possible death will be tae sure result of such neglect, and no one can afford to hazard such chances. I am aware that such an unqualified statement as this, coming from me, known as I am, throughout the entire land as a practitioner and lecturer, will arouse the surprise and possible an imosity of the medical profession and as tonish all with whom I am acquainted, but I make tiie foregoing statements, based upon facts which I am prepared to produce, and truths which I can sub stantiate to the letter. The welfare of those who may possibly be sufferers such as I was. is an ample inducement for rue to take the step I have, and if I can successfully warn others from the dangerous path in which I once walked, I am willing to endure all professional and personal consequences. J. B. IIknion", M. D. Marital Mistakes. Novelists* are often the beat moral izers. aud one of the broadist truths ever uttered is put forth by Mr. Iiowells in bis last book, "A Modern Instance," when he writes, "Let's try to be equal to the little sacrifice we must make for each other: they will be quite enough." The sum of average human life is made up of little things, as we discovered long aso. There are some few exceptional beings whose lot it is to have all the lit tie thins* smoothed out for them Many in re men and women than the isorld knows of are quite equal to meet great, crises who fail most lamentably in meeting the petty annojances that i are the every "day experiences of most of us. "Manv a woman who would be ready i to diejfor her husband makes him wretch ed by refusing to live for him,""says our mentor, and husbands, no doubt, hearti ly agree with him. Had he made the fime remark about husbands that he does about wives he would have the whole race to indorse his utterance. I How many cases of martial miserv are I there in this city now that are due to jnst this failure to hear the little crosses i that come in the way of the vast majority of husbands and wives! The dinner I happens to be a little late, or the steak i is not done as my lord likes it, or he I may come home a little late and is not as amiable as he might be, and the en tire household is piiinged into misery in i consequence. It may be true that in our civil life we are too good-natured, as Mr. Herbert S -encer said the other day but it is undoubtedly true that a little more good nature in private life of many of those who pass us as very estimable men and woman would be by no means a bad thing. Ttowardinsr a Bravo Woman. The eacrotary of the treasurv has awarded I golfl life-saving medal to tLe famous Ida i liiwiie, now Mrs Ma Lewis Wilson, in roeo™ nition of iwr aorvicua in rescuing a number of I j.ersoiiB from drowning since the passage of the act authorizing such awards. Most of the ret»eu*rt made wore under circumstance which calied for extreme and heroic daring and in i volvt'd the ri*k of Mrs Wilson's life. The fol lotmng nummary of her achievements in lifo saving is taken from the record* of the truaH. ury department. The whole uumber of Uvea Mrs. Ida Wilson ha* saved since 1S54. so far as known, id thirteen. In. all these cases, I except two. she relied wholly on hei i self. Her latest .achievement was the rescno last February of two fatidismon from Fort I Adams, near Newport, It. I. The men were passing over tlio ice near Lime Rock lifi!^ nouse, whore Mrs. Lewis Y ilson resides, when I the ice way and they fell in. Hearing their eri*s, Mr-". 'Wilsou ran out with a clothes. line, whi'h she tnr-jw to them, successively i haulinjr thorn out at great risk to herself from •the double peril of the ice giving way beneath her and of being p»Jled in. Her heroism on I various occasions has won her the tribute of her State legislature, expressed in an official resolution the public presentation to J.ier of a I boat by the citizens of Newport a testimonial i hi motey from the yfliuere and soldiers of Fort Adams for saving their comrades, and m'nlals from tho Massachusetts Humane society aud i the New York Life-saving Benevolent asMocia tion. To these offerings is now fitly added the r.M me la.' of the L'mv.l states saving I deri'ioe. ^CHICAGO SCALE CO. 1 2 1 ON K! l!.K, #-W. 3 TOY. ,. Tim llfiiru Kui I IK'lulled. 240 if). FARMER'S SCALE, $5. Th« "l.otle l* '-.j '•/.. t.i •£, Hi. $:. SOOOIIIFIx MZl*. I'UMU MSI FttKK* FOECrES, TOOLS. £C. hpst yoia.K !f»iK mri lm.iit pio. 40 lb. Anvil itn«l Ii it ofTool*. SjilO. y'»• 11m 1 anil ni. ri. (Iijini "'M Jjilt. lilownrg. Anvils. Vices a Oilier Article* IT LOWKBT FlUt'fcS, (THULKSJuLk A KJTUL. Care That Cold. Do not suffer your lungs to become diseased by allowing a cold to continue without au ef (ort to cure it. Thousands have died prerna tare deaths, the victims of consumption by simply neglecting a cold. Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs will cure colds, coughs and consuaiption surer and quicker than any other remedy. It acts almost like niairic in many caeesv aud ia others, its effect, though slow sure if per sisted in, according to directions. Henry's Carbolic Salve Is the best salve for cuts, bruises, surea, ul cers, salt rheum, tetter,chapped hands, chil blains. corns, and ail kinds ol*skin eruptions, Ireckles and pimples. Get Henry's Carbolic Halve, as all others are counterfeits. Price 25 cents. L'ntolil Virtues. Tallevrand who was, ir is said, asilentnian from policy ami generally reticent in the ex treme, yet enjoyed the reputation of being a brilliant conversatioaalist. How that wily statesman would have enjoyed dilating, be %jre an appreciative audience, upon the un fold virtues of Allen's Iron Tonic Bitters the tistot which is as long as the catalogue of the ships in Homer. It is the great tonic of the Nineteenth Century. All genuine b«ur the signatureol J. P. Allen, St. Paul. Minn. The Frazer Axle Urease is better and (heap er than any other, a? double the price. One pair of boots saved every vear oy using Lyon's Patent Metahc Heel St i lien ers. Have you been humbugged by retired min isters, unreliable doctors and tree prescrip tions to cure ah private diseases? If so I would like to have you try I)r. Holiday's Blood Purifier and oth^-r rmiedies. If you will call on or address rue 1 will take your case and warrant a cure. 1 do not care what you have got in the shape of a private disease I will ureyou or refund th« aey. Try it. Sold by all druggists. Call on or address S. Blackford proprietor, 274 East 3d st., St. Paul. All diseases cured by a new and safe meth od—saves expensive Doctor and Medicine bills. Send.'icen stamp for causes of disease and Home treatment. Houie Health Co., Mitmeapolis, Minn. Per«un:tl Aim Only. The Voltaic Le Maisha" Mscb., will send Dr. Dye's Cel-1»l F.W'tr -Voltaic Belta aud Electric Appliances on fiiai far tliiriy davsto meu (young or oM. who are afliicteo with urrvous debility, last vitality ami kindred troubles tpurunteeing fcpeedy and complete restoration of health aud manly rigor.»ss as above. N. B.— No risk is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. mm Wise's Axle Grease never gums COMMISSION and I smrriNU. FEED I »raln mnFurniuprits and f%| I GRAIN Tiulhug wtinat a •«»«•)*!ty U Options on mirmiis bought an i sohl. lio.iabiliU Oorrecpoudeui-e sob-.wd. S. STH03NTG, S7 ami X0 Vicst Ar»aoi Sooth. Mlna—polia. Mlu ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, PIMPLES, Diseases of Hair and Scalp, INFLAMMATION, ERUPTIONS, ULCERS, ITCHINGS, J^TuJL. BO that 'they may devote themselves entirely to great things, but their existance, like I Kip Van Winkle's drinks, don't count. by uss or DR W BENSON'S SKIN CURB. No time sli'jiiIJ be lo-t if the »?o:ua-h, livand bowfiH ara •iT-vted. to a t,'pi the reiue.ty Hot totter'.H St.uuaf'.i Hit ters. of the oraans uaoi'-d otherH far more scn oiw, mud a if!av is th*ref. r«s lianar l«us. I)y*pijisia.!iver f'tn It ii!!t. chil'u anl te S vc-, early rhi-uirat'C iwianes. Kidaoy w« akness, 1 iiif: sen ot boasly tpv.ible S£ tr.lle with. I. 110 i 1 1 i n u s i i i s effective aad safe nj'Mioiiie. HOS-rtTTEfts STOMACH^# BITTER Fir f-ale l"T all Dras-jrist* a'i Deal ers generally. 5 WOMAN CAN HEALTH OF WO SYMPATHIZE THE HOPE WOMAN RACE LYPIA E. PINKHAM'S VB0STAB1E 00MP0TOP. I Bare Core far all FEMALE WEAR* NEH9E8, Including Lencorrhcra, lr» reirular and Polnfal MenitniaiUa, loflammatloa and llceratlon ot the Wemb, Flooding, PRO* LAPSUS UTERI, dee. E^PIeMant to tho taste, effloaoloua and tmmadlate In 1U effect. It is a creat help In preffnancy, and f» (tares paXn daring labor and at regular period*. PUYS1CU4V8 CRB IT AND PRESfRIBt IT ntEB-t. tWTon u.'. Wiinnmai of the generative organ* «f either sex, it U Becond to no remedy that ha* ever been before the public •, and for all dlaeaaea of tk* EfDirm It is th« Or*atf*t Etmtiy tK§ World, PTKWNET COMP1.AINT8 of Either Sex Find Great Relief In Iw Tae. trnu K. PI5KH VM'i BLOOD prRrrnt* *rlll eradicate evei-r o* Uumora from th« Blood, at the Mm" t' nv will glre tone and Ktrnnfrtb to thearatem. Am tuarveli 'ii^ 111 raauiu a* the Compound. C0~Botb the Compound and Blooi Porlfler are pre pared at £33 and MSS Western Arecae, Lrn&, Kaaa Price of either, $1. Si* bottles for $5. The Compound la aeat by In the form of pills, or of locengee, on receipt of prlfo, per b.'i for either. Mr*. Pli-Jthaa: freely amwart all letter* of Inquiry. Enclose I sent stamp. Bead for pamphlet. Mention (Wi i^zpep, tWLrrnA B. l.rrrm Pn.rj core Conrtlpa DOiou^ueu and Torpidity of Uie Liver. K eaMa VSold br all DnMbM.fl Ladies and sickly girls requiring a non-al* coliolic gentle stinmlant, will find Brown'i Iron Bitters beneficial. .. Dr. Gibson of London will be called to Herrick Johnson's late pulpit in Chicago. W ELU* on i'iiii.mi.1.1c. Auk tor it aomplet*. tieniuueat cure. Oirus. warts, bunions. Heb'yran Bans, leather fxct'irs Lon don, have failed. Liibi'.i'ies. £'2"0 0 0. For years Mrs. Lvdia E. Pinkham has been contending with the terrible hvdrla known as diease, witli what surprising snc ces« many who were the serpent's coiis will testify. Olten has the powerless victim been snatched from the open jaws of the destroyer. In smiting the heads ol this monster Mrs. Pink iam's Vegetable O.mipound is tar more efficacions than the processes of potential and actual cautery. New Brunswick's ex-county collector is missing, and so is $3M,uoo. Skinvt Men—"W,-lis' Health lt."aewer" restores health aud vigor, cures dyspppsiii impotence. $1. The president is expected at Newport July 10. _____ Wbiuhtsvillk, Pa.—It-v. Elijah Wilson sa\Ts: ''Brown's Iron Hitlers have perma nentiv enred me of chills and fever." The Ohio wheat estimate is 23,300,0r bushels, or 57 per cent of an average crop. From China to Peru and hack again a thou sand times in a night, will the mind of the nervous sufferer travel, while blessed sleep forsakes his eyes, lie can enjoy sweet rest by the use of Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamo mile I'll la. Bold by all druggists. Mendel l'osenbergs r's trunk factory in Cincinna'i was burned. Lo s, $fo,O00. IltltlTATION, intfani' Complain to. cured by at:'.r.. al: Kmiu'V and I'rinarr "Hii.- hi l'aili.i." $1. The assessed valuation ot New York city is $1,079,130,669, an increase in the year of $43,200,765. Fayettkvili.e, Akk. Itev. T. J. Reiliy says: "1 used Brown's Iron Bitters far indi gestion aud chills with entire satisfaction." 1 1 The mercury was 102 deg. in the shade at St. Cloud on the 2nd—:lie hottest day for for years. In tlieCouniry all Summer. The man who takes nis family into thecoun try for the summer should remember that he will save his children a great deal of pain and himself a large amount of money in doctors' bills, if he is thoughtful enough to carry a supply of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. The med icine is a standard specilic for all cases of cramps, colic, cholera morbus, diarrhusa, or dysentery. Paris' great statue of the Republic, to be unveiled July 14, has been «afely removed to its site on the Rue I.)u Chateau. Don't die in tho h^u^e. !. out rats, mice. a:»*s. r-a,-lK, !»•.! 1 Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, fifty cents. UUJH AUTHORITY. Dr. W., president of the College of Physicians. Montreal, writes: "I bave recom mended Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic as the best preparation used for debility, indiges tion. dyspepsia, fever, ague, and loss of appe tite,. (Take no other. 1 nf rirucwiata ally. FROM WILMER 1SRINTON. M. D., BALTIMORE. "I have used Colden 3 Liquid Beef Tonic in my practice, and have been much gratiried with the result. As a tonic in all cases ol de bility, weakness, anannia. chlorosis, etc., etc. it cannot be surpassed." (Remember the name, Colden'.--—take no other.) Of diug grsts. We recommend Wise's Axle Grease. "H •W i"r at home Sample* worth SS tr«% AI.'.J**1* Snso'JM & Co.. Po-timd. Maine. PATENTS 1 v NO A I N I NO A Y 1 A. 1'. I. Vi.V, 1'ut^nt \". rn.'TK, I. O. I auil k oil 1'AIKNTS SKST r&BX 'Ht U ANN All MOKE ACAI»KIY, fu (iirla. Rev. Abthub1. ltica, L\. tti*ist«rstow«, Md. Viirvr. W L'Y lem Thleijrafht here JJl..' wij| civ» you .situat:un Circa V 1 E-, I i "nK Hi.' lo, orphle* HahltCared la IC to *0 d»y», Xo pay till t'ur*4 DA. J. bVAfM&Mft, l#eb*aoo, UUU. OPIUM": a *e«k In your iwntown. Termi and #S oatSI tree Ad'SreN» U HAi.lairr a Co., Portl»nit.ML* Tnr at th« a Xw CozimtrcialCollege. Cirouiarfr** •UDREAIC BAIL.**,LUBIUJUA,la SPECULATORS «*x-f 1 i 't-.r- »-niak aiuu-..:.u. J. J, •li!i AV' liiip, Minm-apollB, vimni.. o pay ts.. v: ••ara' '»C •ir»»(1 Miit.- ir, Manb. Ui SPECULATORS QPIUM ff u Wt* Murah. ui a mm pg p| VK Hi"W!-i^' -i"'i'ial k- .--ii'- w an- u^nni: .-i-.-. sn ii i:, tlrain i trid stinks nil the Chira^ro. Minneapoiia orM. i'aul 1 uark"t». We 1 au make yon lari-e, cuiiek profits on i ima'Jsums. S. ii. Woi'lt t'U sstock Exchauif*, Minneapolis aud St. I'aul. I O N K-„. TARt 9tm. 4UM 1. n. imii ihi: mi u.iii. a JCNES OF 6INCHAMT0N, JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS 6tu.aBr ALLDEALERSTrtRoueHcnrrTwEWORLfJi COLD MEDAL PARIS exP0S'TION—l87Sj Boring Weils Weli Boring and Rock Dr. -ng Machine la Very Profitable $25 tl$40 A. DAY Often Made! achines Made to Run by Horse, Hiind or Svaa Power. fi. yJcRlrK i -S S mJj?* '5 a Sand forCata! Address l.OOMiS & KYMAN, TiFFiN, OHIO. PI bU S CUR E •MIS VNIlt AU (LSI FAIlt. Beai Cough Syrup. Taatee good. Oae in time. Sold by druggiat* PTION. FERRY DAVIS' Paia-Eiller U S n lUt." Clear* HIT". 1*C. To Country Belles. Veils and sunshades cannot prevent the summer sun from embrowning your com plexions but Glenn's Sulphur \S,»ap will speedily restore if duly applied according to directions. Nothing can be more natural than the soft velvet texture it imparts to the sk:n. Sold by druggists and tancy goods dealers. A SAFE AND SUff REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Diarrhoea, U i i Dysentery. Sprains AKD Bruises, Burns AND Scalds Toothache JlND Headacf- For Sale by ^11 Druggists. E E O A N I e o i o- 1 . Oris, whi rm «-n I h«- »11 list ii 111 otllir Laii)(l, cipectoriitri the anld ltinttci th 11 r• ,i j. ot 111 the 1111 'iii hl.vl r, a 1 n.« a •oollilii^ -natliK, wip. rdicvti tlte Ir ritation th'it omiM'i the r.ficli. It i lrnuitl the I lines of al I impurities. HtriiKtheui, Uitinwliru rufi e'ilril by di^cast-. 1111i^or Bten the Ciu'ulritKiti i't the ti• i, :. 1 r,u-« s U S S7 ti»- norv i-H sv.1, u Mll| lit rulits ot't 11 end In eott«um|itIon. It i* d» iik« rou nefflect them. A |i]ily lie rriiK-dy jM I A testut tw.'sity 1 irs w.iri-Hir- th.- a 1 1. 'hat n o e e y i a i e v e e e n I i a e a a PROMPT IN II* .-TIE.-* HS TUTJ S EXPECTORANT. 4 siiifflc dose ralne* the |hl.^in. .ne« intl itiriKitiori. H'nl im ii-.- »».••• i». t!.- n-imt obstinate oni(.'h A pi en sunt card ial, cliil dren take it readily. Kir 4':up it la Invaluable nn.l bihhhi! ev-' 1 .tm!y. In a.V.nnil i»l I S fCT DIRECTLY ON ihe LiVER. u n i a n i I -r v i i i a Sick II radni'lie, Itilions folic, on^4ipo tion. llheumHtiam, 1'llea, I'nipstation ot e e a i i i i e o i i v e a n Female Irre^iilHritiex. It' j. tint "let. •ery 1," 11 finple pill at l-'i-'imo st.ii.uiates the •to'U'ich, t-«..ri'stl ippfTf/nii'inriMii' -i tothi •yst.fin. Prlee. U5r. :{,"i Wiin*y *t.,lV.T, •sr WRITE FOR TUTT'S MAR'J&L ?REE.-Ea_ A WT.FK. $12 (lay »t bomc «uilly made Oo«v ly outlit free. Addre«» Tbuk *C).. Anjfu«t»» Ma U who want Corns, Bunions. Warts, etc., en rod send :i-cent htaint), anJ addrtius toD. F. W ALTER. AD«iti)wii. Pa INKOUMAMON RE(i tllDINr, IKNVEB and thf W TaIUUiNATF. F1ELUS (F OTX)RA IX sent e. Addrcan, A. C. FISK, U«mver, Col. AgentsvamI'ubli'hi:th ki t«r iiiK Pn't."'i i] 1(..1:id I?:".' per c#ut. N.tti-u.'it .' afid t:ist.««t fell re in- "d 33 U.-:*-'... Ill- "THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." ENGINES, TURCQUCRQ SAW-MILLS, 61 nnLorltno Horsepowers (Sr I f« an 1 i' 1 n Auiun.ui luv?rHutiert i rmiphlei •Jr 5jo.toli.-id. Mia E U A I O N A ISS3. The NEW tl.r\l» t« of the 188a. CONSERVATORY of MUSIO Beautifully lllup.trnteil 04 SE!\'T KRKE ta rourwUaad numtoal frl»nd«. S.-n an a-ldrenea o K. TOt'RJKK. F?ankVnS.| 15.,*f Mass. Thf LargfiC and best appointed Mwtic,. Littrnry and iri Scn»ul,ami IION K/ur yvt*ng huiiet, in Hit world. This Improved SINGER Only #!!, with !8(» worth AlTAiUMKNl S Fll! Warranted U^li'-rurnnns, h«Ul some and ilurai)!"'. Sent on 10 day»' tnai. AI.EX. STKWART, SMO Nu-.'liot AV®„ Minnkai', Minn. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. •eat In tha World. Oct tha caaalna. BOBBIH w WHI i SEWING MACHINE! If. W. N. U No. 2g. "When writing to advertisers please day you. saw their advertisement in this paper.