Newspaper Page Text
TI^IF. TABI-E. II. & D. dMaton Freight Freight .. Freight. Freight... C.. M. & St. Railroad. Going Kast 1 0 0 0 a K'20 m.. J'assPTieor. Paseni or. ft TU .. 4:45 a m, .,s:'J.r a in. .. 2:39 1 ...!:-24 i« ni ..(1:45 ni. 111 ..11.30 10:05 a in 1. O. O. F. Injcm Ll.1^, No- I F-i wil! i. T'nrlv «-v«ry Tuesday evening at ^oelock in~tMr liall, St. harles Hlock. isitnig 1 i .vthers cordially invited. NO. A. Mcnbo, N. G. J. J. .^TEVE.NSOS. StV. tUlUilLli DIRECTORY. hain Mothodiet.—Services in St. Charles .•verv Sunday at 11 ft in, and at 7:30 id. HOiiTliiv school immediately after morning perviif. Class meeting at 10 a. mt tlrens' meeting at fc.lU in. l'rayer inee 5: i,s Wednesday 7:30 w. liev. Wiluiot iiitneld, i^tur. Kl'l^CDl'AL.—Services in St. Charles hall, s i ii in., the fii.-t. third and filth Sundays in July. liev. A. Meteuii officiating. CATHOLIC—-liev. Father Hermeling, J'rie^t. Services at ^10 o'clock ft. w.» July j-.d, at tlie church. (iKRMAN EVANGELICAL—Rev. Ph. Laux, a^tiir. Services lu :JU a. ui. and 8 p. m. ^uiidav .school U:o0 a. in. 1'raver meeting e\ .'iy Wednesday evening at s o'clock. (iKRMAN METHODIST.—Sunday, July l--t at 10a in. in school house, and every third Sunday thereafter. Sunday school every Suiidav at 'J a. hi. cverv Thursday evening, at 8 p. m. liev. C,.i Tad Kohlhasse, l'astor. ICE! ICE! ICE! r,y Car-loads, or in quantities to suit purchasers. A team of horses, harness and Enquire iron Episcopal service will be held in St. Charles hall, Sunday at 3 P. M. For safty, comfort, and cleanliness luiy Hull's Vapor Stove for sale by MI XKO & WKI.Lliii. There w ill lie services in the Catho lic church a week from next Sunday, July -22. Verdancy in both taste and color have been displayed in painting the new steamboat. Prospective residences have been raised and enclosed this week by i). "W. Pountain and Chas. Thorndike. The new steamboat "Big Stone''is making daily trips to Brown's Valley and ail points on the lake. For Sale on Kent.—The building recently occupied by us as anoliiee on Jdain street. Jones Sl and progress of town. Mo.vkoe. The ladies of the Union church will give a Strawberry and Ice Cream fes tival in their new place of worship op posite the IIei:ali ollice to-morrow (Saturday) evening. Doors open at 8 r. m. All are invited to a good time. Proceeds to aid tlie church. Serious Gasoline Stove explosion at Northtield, Minn. Adams & Westlake non-explosive Oil Stoves for sale at ii a n i. i s ii et 11eu's. All persons who have paid their ini tiation fee, and all who desire to take nil active part in the Glass Ball organ ization, will be present at a meeting Tomorrow evening at o'clock at .Eldredge & Craig's store. F. W. Thorndike, Sec. Jones & Wolf have removed their stoek of furniture from the old stand to a store on Main street near their machine agency. It will he handier for them and just, as convenient for the public. They will soon add to an already good stock. Remember the btand ou Main street. The Vnion church has secured the building opposite the printing oflice. formerly occupied by Jones A Monroe as a furniture store, and are having it eonilortablv seated and arranged for a place of worship. For a few .weeks during the warm weather there •will be only one service each Sabbath at s p. m. Choir rehearsal in the new plau, .Saturday evening. Just received, a new stock of those fine Buggies and Spring Wagons at Jones and Wolfs. Another lot will be received next week. Ker*M«*nr« ii «v k II Wheeler Milbank, ounied the .u. i (Joini: West ...4:10 1 THOMAS BROS.. JJi£ Stone City, Dak. I OK SALE. wa- of Taylor llussell. LOCAL LACOMCS, Arctic soda at Munro &, Welter's. "Wheat, at elevator, No. 1,87 cents. Hull Vapor Stoves for sale by Alunro & Weller. (Mts for sale on time or for cash at theCirant County JJank. Mrs. C.J. M. rat berg and family are visiting at (iranite Palls. were Hiram Clough and wife of Oporto,'and A. Narcross. made a two day's visit with Sheriff! Meadows, this week. This- is Mrs District Court. C's. first visit to Big Stone and Mr. C. The district court for old (irant County has not been here in two years. Both were lavish in praise of the beauty 10I-tlils COnven«d oc* \i r.T.lpit in lliinplw*. U|i tva verv last Sabbath. :«1 l™"/1'"1 t»o veiy sermons, from the text Micah. vi, 8. Ii ter Sl^nn'lln-^nin, Incited the new olliccrs of lnkpa I-)( •U 1 O I'- was the i c.ision of' tlie opciiini? of the Odd-Fellow s new hall which Mr. liiley had no lies itation in pronouncing the in the Territory. Mr M. A. llenjamin displays a new •'ad" in this issue, as traveling agent for one of the best school companies in the I nited is a voung man but an old loidtnt o this countv, and well known lor his upright character. Anyone wishing to purchase school, church or hall tur niture will do well to wait uion hnu as he canvasses the county, or address him at Jig Stone City, Dak. Mr. John C. Knapp county clerk of Grant county called on the editors ot the 111: i AI. i» while in Big Stone yes tenlav and discussed the unpleasant relation that l'raver meeting existed between us. He was positive in bis assertion that he i had good reasons for swearing out the (complaint lie did against Register of Deeds Siimmds whiie we as positively asserted the contrary. Looking at it from the different political standpoints ill which we are placed, he is doubt less as sincere in the purity ot Ins motive as we are in ours and as we had no personal spite in the mattei, we were glad to know that he went awav feeling that our disposition to wards him is not as unfriendly as lie supposed. We hope the alteied con ditions of county affairs may tind him a more frequent caller at our otliee. Mr. Alfred Valliantan old time res ident of this place left last spring and went to the Devil's Lake and Turtle Mountain country, returning to lhg Stone this week. He went tosta) but has returned thoroughly disgusted with North Dakota. When he left the Devil's Lake region last week nei* being any better ibis year. Hundreds of immigrants were coming in there from the east, many from New York induced bv speculators and town site "boomers'' who ill some instances paid »lf the fares, and being unable to iind work ther grass nor grain was the length of was found danglin his finger and not much prospect of it pocket and only a portion of the inon wandering over the prairies penniless, homeless, and with out means or opportunity to better their condition. Oddessa had three houses. Bartlett was being moved on wheels to some other pros pective railroad point, probably Creelsburg. and all Is uncertainty and change. That country is not what the ••boomers" represent it to be and peo v'n it. out. Through the tact of our ever active i station agent. D. A. Short, a party of prominent railroad men from Minne apolis were persuaded to prove the hospitality of Big Stone last Sun* day. Arriving on the early train, they took, in company with a number of our young men, the new steamboat for a trip up the lake. Beveling in the delights and fishing of the lake occupied their time until six in the evening when they return-d to the St. Charles and partook of a supper which to use their own lan guage was all that the most fastidious i could desire. They were much pleased with our town and people, and especially with our hotel which they claimed was furnished throughout in every particular, equal to tin* b»*st ho tels in Minneapolis. Words were in adequate to express theii appreciation in Mui**nk aiil an taken until th« eudar was tackled I. 11. next muniing, w!i-n tlie oil* Following are thu jurors G&AXD JUfiORg. N. J. Druecker, O. N. Eastman, Hiram Baxter, H. K. Fletrlmr, .1. I}en«*dk:t, ]'. K. SkaluMi, A. KrlandHon, H. A. MHiovern, Juo. II. N. J. Schaffer, O. M. I lues in, Orftun Knajip, NucntH-rg, Roberts, II i McCollum, Astro Alilxjtt, w U hrannon, W I) Lawrence, (ieorgf \V hartiett, Ln:khart. W Armutrong, Extract from the records of the city lire department reported in the {Scien tific American, April 22nd, "six fires were caused by overturned or leaky kerosene stoves. Fires from Gas were fewer, and one Gasoline stove was up set, causing tire. Safety, thv name is Tf4'"?'11 lwu next week, when the laUHOline? Hull Vapor Stoves for «le by MiKliO & Welleb. idecisiuus. W. M. TUuium. PBTlf Jl'HORA. Elmer Simmons, O»*o. ltiokel, Mik»* ilman, .) VT Hurl but, (i A (iuxtin, Frank Look wood, T. Q. Tli-iyer, A S Yotiiikf, II HIikxI. Henry I Klliott# John lir.ike, llem-v iLi.»ke, A l'» Olsen, Jl S'h il**r, Stcnsoii, 1 K Wilsuu. On motion Messrs. Lookhurt, I)xlgf» Whlt teniorf, Fifherand J. K. lilake wen- admitted to meinU'isliip ol the lur, ami 8. I'axc-u made Hjiplii ati»tn lor th* honor, and liell, Hennet and Owen* wero apjxintfd a committee to examine him. 'I'fie court decided he Imd no jurisdiction over IiolK!r.t8 county, but stated lu: might change his decision, and he w liable to do thin any minute. The case against Porter, of Wilinot, for stealing & sack ol flour, wax dismissed be cause ol delects ill the papers ui*de out against him, In the divorce case o! Koch vs. Koch Mrs. K. was granted her petition lora separation, but ot the further proceedings ot the court beU" mill has ground out its CAMP MKKT1M"! A Grand Gatlii'rliig Metliodists of tlie of imkotn and MiuiH'xol'11 The great Methodist Camp Meeting of the vision of Supt Ilartsough, will be held on Nortliwest, under the super Whitlield and Elder the west shore of Big •stoUU hake ^T-'-Uth from Dig Stone City, i)ak., J»» to 30th. 1SS.1. l'rominent speakers from Dakota, .Minnesota, Iowa and the l'.ast will be in attendance. Persons attending thcCamp-meetmg abroad will bo returned to any from point in Minnesota or Dakota on the & St. Paul railroad lor one-lifth C. fare. Special attention the traveling convenience and com fort of visitors, together with a well kept boarding house on the grounds. will be given to The new steam yacht "Big Stone, will make hourly trips in connection with the eump meeting. This beautiful Camp Ground is sit uated in a large grove of magnificent native trees, numerous living springs of pure water—both fresh and miner al— on the ground*, and C\eithing that nature can furnish to make the spyt attractive. "Mine host" Powers was very near lv made the victim of a petty larceny last Monday. He had hurriedly taken oft' hi^ vest and thrown it into his bed room in the heat of work, and return ing a short time alter found that it had been rilled of part of its contents. The pockets theieof contained inl and a watch S3.' of the money had been abstracted. The thief bad evi dently been foiled in the attempt by the entanglement ot *l»e watch chain and some one s approach as the watch outside of the ey was taken. Circumstances pointed strongly to a railroad boarder by the name of Keilley for whom a search warrant was procured by Mr. Powers. A rigid examination resulted in find ing the stolen money concealed in the bed of the suspect. He was immedi ately apprehended and brought before Squire Xaffkee to answer to the charge ol petty larceny pleaded not guilty and was offered a fair trial. After taking counsel, he concluded to dis claim the money and pay costs A. of our people, town and lake, and their expressed deteiniinati,,.i to ret.H-i! at PulpitS, P6WS atld PeW-ElldS, an early day and bring their friends' •with them. The party consisted of A. B. Chamberliu. Fred. C. Piil.sbury, i H, W. Garfield. II. T. Hertm in, E- B. Clement. Gro. F. Smith, L. A. Egdf on Tuesiav evening a'"1 an of suit, S2..r)i». Mr. P. proved property and received back the lost money. There the whole matter wa dropped. Oats for sale on the Grant Count.v 1 M. tiinn or for cash at Bank. BENJAMIN, Assent lor the Company Oilers the finest assortment of SCHOOL DISK'S. SEATS ami BLACKBOARDS (i i." HJKs and MA IN, Pi A DJXG CH ARTS and Large and Mna!! ELL. Church and Hall Furniture, Reversible Settees, Office Desks Chairs, Settees, &c., in endless variety. SCHOOL SUPPLIES! Erasers, Chalk, Pointers and Liquid Slating. Also School States. agent for the best series of Text Books in the United Address or apply to A E N A I N lhg Stone 'itj, Dak. Oehler&Husser DI:\lkiw Gioceries AM) Provisions. Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Our Btook in large, all goods marked dowjj to Ijottmn |»rice», mid we invite the publio to call anil learn our prices. "Quick nalel and small profits.'1 Don't lorget the St. Charles block, Main street. WELCH'S Common Lumber, A complete stock of Flooring. Siding,, A Fresh Stock of )R WHITE LIME Plastering Hair. Cement and Stiic. Good Harness for Come and M'e me iind save money, Mnni'o\ Drugs, Choice Confectionery, Fine Cigar andTc WINDOW (TUT A INS, SPRING ROIXEft AND IT UN F. AVK.. BKi "ToM! 1AK. CO THE COOK'S C0MH The Most Popular Oil Stove Manufactured. IJETIIKIfS IIAHDWAIU: STOllE. ^lsoal CMS, FISIIII Tackle, aii in great abuhdanee. 1'ribvi's celebrated Bass erel IJait. and the well-known Caledonia Minnoes- hots, hells, &e., Ac., at CHAS. ST. CHARLES FlliST-CLASS IN EVERY I'ARW11"' This hotel has rcccntly been throughout, and to tourists visiting th® ^olg ing public generally it offers special adv commodation and comfort. rlfl MRS. M. A. SPIPIP 1»WS, EAVE-SPOCTs Are what you want on your jiey J. house is the time to put themr It Sale J. jlriexl ir K A .B IN Patent Medicines Si g? Si STATION E BY. SKWSPAPERS Si 3 Si :o Si VE Illi i Si 3 Sl 2 Si iat re to' F1 w] Oh BETC XT LbI