Newspaper Page Text
k «fE CITY, 3. i,,c ory 77 W. of thin I^er, ri' cian and Surgeon. 'NROK k 1 HaRLES betcher, -DKALKH IX AND LACES. are respectfully requested to ect these goods. r, ^.ber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Lime •merit, Stucco and all kinds I of Building' Material. fovelty Wood Works! M. BAKKK (work of k i to order. Dr. GRAINING. KALSOMININO, ill* WHITliWAS11IN(i finishing work done with the ty Knife. Miff Work Guaranteed. TIi'-' a Cornell Ave. 8R03., t.nTF it and Insurance Agents. promptly attended to. Farm re testate ol all kinds bought GIBSON, Mi, 1111 111 IUI OFFICE. an Rupncial Study. id Loan Agentf. Buy and sell .bstracts ol title turnished to all county. Taxes paid tor lion a jnveyancing promptly and neat ley furnished to prove up with IC t1 able. lf y iv- aiu street, Big Stone City, Dak. Stork-'1 INRY WI1ITFORD, 30® cian and Surgeon. Resseguie's Drug Store, Main ay be found in office at nk'ht. LffiO"' (V'UDKH, CO., Proprietors all description manufactured Indian Blood Syrup Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testify to its efficacy in heal to jug th© above named diseases, and pro* "jt/ nounce it- tc the S fcSSL BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. i-e» imwk, 3d Guaranteed to care Dyspepsia.* JPJTA GENTS WANTED,-1| St, ji— SIMONDS, i orncy at Law, 8t«ue City, ». T. WELLERS' DRUG STOlUi, IUM r\ rp /fVjrj I/. 1 |. w. CAMERON, ntly receiving new su -]-!i illinary, Dr ss- Patt rns New York City. Druggists sell it 1 /$ ring4Ornamental ^Ct /hitewisWig Md Kaisomining. 1 3»SKOPP| n&i ffiS Mam aid Plasterer, 3f Brick and Stone ork l0 ol nio»t reasonable rates. &one ropet it! City. I). T. Kllight & Deail, !!hV( 011 1,ai1,1 3 0,0 O O Time, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, f, 10 years. In terest as low as the lowest. Money lur nished to par lor Pre-emptions and Commute Homesteads. INTO Delays. Persons can get their money on the same day they apply. Principal and Interest payable at Milbank, Dakota. Judge Abbott is authorized to negotiate loans. Call at once, on .A JU A/1313QTT, MILBANK, D. SHORT LNE ac- :.j by the BOBEIIV TAI LOII, The use ot the term "Short Line'' in connection with the corporate name ol a great road, conveys an idea ol just what is required by the trav eling public—a Short Line, Quick Time and the liest ot ui'.i ns, all nl which are lurnished «!ist railway in America, Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul. It owns and ojierates over 4,rtX) miles o' road in Northen Illinois, Wiscuii.siii, MiiinrB osta, Iowa and Dakota and as its main hues, branches and connections reach all the great business centers ol the Northwest and Far 'West, it naturally answers the description ot Short Line and Best Route between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago, Milwaukee. La Crosse and Winona. Chicago, Milwuuke Aberdeen, Ellen dale. hicai o, Milwaukee, Eau Claire and Stillwater, Chicago, Milwaukee, Wausau and Merrill. Chit ago, Milwauk- c, Beaver Dam and oshkosh. j-Chicago, Milwaukee, Waukesl a and I ()cononi(iWoc. Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, and Prairie du Cliien. Chicago, MilwaukM nna and Faribault. Chicago. Beloit, .laai sville and Miu i eral Point. 'Chicago, Elgin, liockiord, and Du I binjiie. Chicago, Clinton, Hock Island and i Cedar Kapids. Chicago, Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago. Sioux City. Sioux Falls and i Yankton. Chicago, Plasterer in a substantial and satisfec Milwaukee, Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rock Island, Dubuque, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Davenport, Calmar, St. Paul and Min neapolis. I'ullnian Sleeter* and the Finest Dining Cars in the world are run on the main lines ot the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, and every attention is paid to passen gers by courteous employes ol the company. S. S. MERRILL. A. V. II. CAKI'ENTKR, Gen'l Manager. Geu'l Pass. Agt. J. T. CLARK, Uen'l Supt. IfiO Acres of land lutlf a mile from Big Stone City. Good brick cottage and stable. 160 Acres of land five miles from Big Stone City, and 7 miles Irom Milbank. f»0 Acres of fine bottom land just east ot Big Stone City. 80 Acres ol land 7 miles trom Big Stone, 8 miles irom Milbank. 40 acres improved. DAKOTA 150 LOTS IN BIG STONE CITY. Any ot the above can be purchrsed cheap tor cash or on easy terms by applying to MURPHY. D. W. FOUNTAIN. Att'y at l^vw. Grant County Bank. Bl» STONE CITY, I). T. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. MONEY TO LOAN IN SMALL AMOUNTS ON SHORT TIME ON CHATTEL SECU RITY MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ON FIVE YEARS TIME AT 1) PER CENT \III.I: I TIIK (OR Estate for Sale. Big Stone City Mills BI Ittf) Acres ot land two miles from Harttord niCDfll n 0 Tllllliri I n i and live miles trom Wilmot. '20 acres im- UlCDULU & TUNNtLL, PrODnetOfS. proved. JNO. A. MUNRO, .Justice of the Pence. Lijj Stone City, Dak. INTEKEST. Money furnished to prove up on HOMESTEADS AND PRE-EMPTIONS AT U PER CENT, ON FIVE YE A US TIME. Real Estate bought and sold on commission Foreign Exchange sold on all principal joints in Europe. Murphy & untaiii, (S Maine 1 Jankers i Street. liiti stone City, H. J. G-lasser, Prop. I.I.Ia TIN HIM in tin v\I» POOX, rv Fresh Lager Boer constantly on tap. Also Bottled Beer, lioekandRye, Champagne and other Wines. The best brands of Cigars in the City. ABOVE AIL COMPETITORS 0^newHOME^ •SEWING MACHINE CO- 30 UM10N SOUAP£ N^WYDRK CHICAGO. ILL. ORANGE, AND GEO. H. 11KAi-FOR ij Ass't Uen'l Pass Ag MASS. ATLANTA, GA: Stw I1D.HI: W1M. .n ».». 84i State Street, Chicafw, 7TT NTOXE CITY. I). T. Wheat, Com or Buck wheat Ground at a p'uiiill null a trial. :••:!. .-r change in Floi.r. for ex Bran. ris,Ye. Wo invite the farmers of the coun ty and of this section to give our DIEBoi.I) I I NNMLI.. KM. SToNK CITY. MAX. CI IAS. BRAND, Pioprietor. I have a large assortment of Trees. Shrubbery and Fruit Hushes and Plants for fall transplanting, among which aiv: WHITE ASH, BOX ELDER. SOFT MAPLE, GRAY WILLOW, AND COTTON WOOD TREES, CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY BUSHES AND STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Also Kadish Plants. A.\ CHAS. BRAND. WOOD BROS., ORTON VILLI:. MINN. Headquarters for HARDWARE, LUMBER & FARM .MACHINERY. S E W INC MA CIII NFS DOHIMK. Ullin., kiui k, 111:1.i.r.ic &*, ami iiomi:. CASPERSON BROS., Proprietors the BIG STONE CITY MEAT MARKET, All kinds of fresh and Salt \le*us constantly 011 hand. Special atten tion paid to Sausage Making. Cash Paid for Hides. Mortgage Sale. Whereas, deiaul* t:'^ be«n ma i i:: t!ie conditions ot a certain mortgage .'XPi-ut^l and delivered by Emerson .!. Heath and May Alice Heath, hi- wite, mortgagor*, to The New England Mortgage se-urity coni pinv, mortgagee, dated the loth day o*i July A. D. eighte.-n hundred and eightv-ene, and recorded 1.1 tlie office of the Register o' Deeds ol the county ot Grant, in the Terri tory ot Dakota, on the v'sth day of July, A. 1). eighteen hundred and eighty-otic, at *2:15 o'clock p. 111., in booK ot mort gages on ptig«? and -1,011 which there is claimed To be duo at the date ot this noti -e, the amount ot live hundred and lorty-tonr dollai', ami no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or in equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, o:- any par thereot. Now, notice is hereby given, thv by virtu.• of a power o: sab: contained in sai.i mo gage, ami 01 the statute in such case made ami provided, said miirt^age wi'1, lore closed bv sale ol the l.oirtg.igcd } therein described, at public", auction, at tlie tront door o[ the Hi:uAi.r oi'.io, the vitlag" ol Big Stone t.'ity, in the county oi Uranl, and territory ot Dakota, 011 Saturday, the Nth day ol July, A. at one o'clock in the ntternooi, satisfy tue a*n .i it wh cli fchall tiien be due on said mortgage, witii the interest thereon, and costs and expenses ol Sale, and en tv dollars atto.-iiey s let s, as stipulated insairt mortgage iu cus'j ol 1 ore closure. The premise* des-rriU-d i:i said mortgage, and so to be solil, are the lot piei e or p.ircei oi land situated in the 0 »'iuty oi (irant and Territory ol Dakota, and known and it.-scnb ed as lniows. to-wit: The^outh east .purler ol section twenty-three, townsnip oue hun dred and twenty, rang' forty-nin- west, con taming one hundred :m 1 sixty acre-t. TukNkW EOLA.\i T. M. GKANT, Attorney o Alortgtgeo. Dated May l-itn, 1 o-s Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given at tin1 partner^ i i lieretot( re existing between y. C. .irdes I F. .1. Monroe, under the lirrn name of ,h & Momve is tLis dav dis.-olvei by mi. s conscnt. Dated June VO, y -S S'. C. vr-s, F. J. Mosi.i-i.. Notice is also given that the firm of Monroe k Co.. consisting of F. J. Moi.n- and S. C. Jones, is hereiy mutually u.i solved. F. J. Monroe, S. C. Jovrs. Dated June iv, :ss:?. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that we have h:: day purchased the 'interest of F. .1. Monro* in the above r.amed firms, and tliat we have entered into a co-]artnership tor the contin uance ot the branches ol business lormcrlv carried on by the above named gentlemen. That we will pav all the liabilities ot the I above mentioned iirms, and collect all notes i «.i.d bills due them. S. (•. Jokks, A. Wot.i'. Dated j3ip Stcnc City, Dak June ti, l-^. Notice of Foreclosure Sulc. "117HERKAS,. delimit has been made in V conditions ol a certain mortgage, da'f i on tlie 30th dav ot June, issi, (xecutei v Taylor Russell and Mary Russell, nior*.ri gors, to Annabelle Knapi)", mortgagee, wlm'h said mortgage was on the ?th lav ot ,b. v, 18S1, duly recorded in the olli' e ol'the regis ter ol deeds ill and lor the county of Grant and Territory ol Dakota, in book lour ot •M oft cages, on page sixty-one. That, on the second day ot December, 1881, said Anna Iflla Knapp July assignnl to A. W. Ri-sae guiethesnut mortgage, which assignment was duly recorded oil Dec. K2, 1881, in the records of Grant County, 1). T., in bo'.k of .Mortgages, on page 2ss. That said A. W, Resseguie, on the ,-d day ol August, 1 did duly assign ami transler lie said ra i gage to Alice A. Neill, which assignn. i! was on the 2d day ot July 1M3, duly recor ed ill book of mortgages, pcgJ "81 in trie records ol Grant county, D. T. That on ine lith dav ol August. 188*2, the said Alice ,\. Neill, duly assigned and trap.sterred to F.' ii ert F. Giltson, Jr., the said Mortgage, wh:**b. iissignmeut was duly recorded in tlie otfi«. ol the register ol deeds ot Grant county, D. on the vd day of July, IbiSJ, in book ol mortgages on page 5S4. And hereas, the said mortgage was ditioned tor the payment oi a certain projn sory note made by said mortgagor to .-a mortgagee lor &.P0, and said pnncipal n :e brooming due and payable 011 the ri^th da ol June, ISM. /.lid whereas, ckliuUt lias been m. payment ol the balance due ou the aforesaid note, amounting to $14.50, and protest lee whjfdi has leen paid by the assignee of said u«iie wid. mortgage, R. i*'. Gibson, Jr., amount ing to j.oO. And whereas, the said mortgagee cla the sum ot seventeen and SO-lu'j aollar.'i din on said note and mortgage. N«»w, theretore, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be lorecloS'-d by a sat- the mortgaged premises, to-wit: Lots Nos. lit teen (ti) and «i.\teen (Uij, in Idv-k N'j. ten (U!) in InUjA City, (-.rtnt County, i). T., according to the origin al plat thereot, iu Grant countv, Dako'a 'i'ei ntory, by Alexander Meadows, th" agei "i said .uortgagee, at tlie tront door ol liie St. Charles hotel, in liig Stone City, iu said county, on the 11th day ol August, IS-i'!. at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon 01 said• day. to satisfy the amount which shall tin.-u b. due on said mortgage and notes, and the co-»i and disbursement ot said loref.losure and sale, besides tiity dollars attorneys Sec-. I 111 said mortgage to be pari ts- o: !oj* cli 'sure. Dated Jul v 2, ISS'J R. F. Gibson. Jr.. A'v-ignee ot said Mt»r g«g«* \V. Ilaw. s, attoriipy tor it. F. Gibson. EG,.Tr.8^ lc,l -iAru Has been in eemtant use by the public for over twenty years and is the best preparation over invented for IlESTOK- p- IN* fill.VY IIAIR TO ITS|, State YOUTHFUL COLOR AND Assayar "t K A ei'nit It supplies tho natural of MaS8. food and color to the hair glands without staiuiu^ the akin. It will increase anl Physi cians endorse and recom mend it as a preat triumph in medi cinc. thicken the growth of the hair, prevent ite blanching aud falling off, and thus AVLUT mi)NESS. It cures Itt iiing, trti| tioiiH »nd Daiidiutf. As a HAin lItK»IXW it iir very desirable, giving the hair a s i k e n s o n e s s w i a admire. It keeprt the head clean, svreet and healthy. ^cWSMS Y£ WHISKERS will clinngc the beard to a ULOU N or KLACK at discretion. Ileing In one preparation It l» easily apilied, and produce* a permanent color that will not wash off. PKEPAUKI) BY R, P. HALL & CO., ^T l. NILES, MulilliAOK SKd'lUTY OMPA.NV, Aiiirlgagee. NASHUA, K. Sold by all Dcaon BAHUKU AXD riAm-DRE-sf:n. BIO STONK CITY, I K For a good hur-eut or a clean dr-^ ..