Newspaper Page Text
'enfu4 tl will », I b* a|»IK'VESTIGATRD. ac' 'hlkable Statement Fully Con v by Three Important Inter iOEj(j II v.. '•it I vNial article from the Rochester, !(Is *fl&ocr»it ®nd Chronicle was pub this paper recently and lias ,j't^bject of much conversation ,,professional circle- and on the W -'.:| it cause more com rip! Rochester, as the following K"* time paper shown rKV:r I Hen ion, who is well known ^Rochester, but in a''a if one (i am! t' had i taking Said tl kr. i pot« of ev e advift He *e! bring« IIHtft .MX Tc he tt doctor, v ice id fan!" of pastr ovsters you nearly v every ^etica, sent an e\ tended arti apef, a few days since, which published, detailing his re {experience and res« r.e from ed to be certain death. It •e .(5 re 'impossible to eimtueriite the Inquiries which have been ls ir office as to the validity ot the wh. I they have been so numerous investigation of the subject motle lr»,"K'4d an editorial ne -essity. i-*i end in view a representative jer called ooDr. lien ion at his ^ntMijwhen the rollowiug iuterview iijrticle of yours, doctor, has ere icnas- a whirlwind. Am the sfiite lii h*v(ut the terrible condition you zatnd the way you were rescued tlit .qu. can sustain?" t*r. K- one of them an many addi Wiiet-s*. Few people evsr netaonear iMai.b*iR8 I did and the:: return, and w: it surprised that tin- iuilie think "i?tbffiis. It was inarv. r,.J,',,.,, Ioih." Itr,? 1 the world did vou, a physi 1 both^ to be brought low?" ier ra,e lecting the first n tid in stsini don«'^m-j. I did not think I was ed wvjirue I had frequent headaches viK-. most of the tune could eat euMi e day and was ravenous the •int Mwiull, indefinite iains, and my :tnd dpsas out of order, out 1 did not on tkl?ant anything: serious." vve these common ailments '*o do with the fearlul Bri^ht's oil i.:s ward ich took so tirm a hold on you'"' ag? Why, they are the sure of the first stages of that ana alady. The fact is, few people IrtV.-.i-'' alizewhat ails them, and lam like"'l* hard thai toe few physicians do 0Ul]S). isteange statement, doctor." v an.u is a true one. The niedna! have been treating symptoms ise.isesfor years, an i it is hiyh ,j,g»,v-,:ed. We doctdis have been ill' rait twA8S my when we should g[eroot. The symptoms! have ned o* any »f the water channels indicate ,ch of Brii»ht's lise.ise even Vkd uuu.muiI action or icouK^H?nou,M!o8t'le IH'ti K1 i it- What coming ti^n. We do not treat the try to help the hinn-1- We waste our time trying to re ertdache, stomach, pains about •r other symptoms, but *o di e kidneys, the source ot mast m«nts." en, is what you meant when ore than one-half the deaths arise from Bri^ht's disease, e fwf kit*. .Man iy. Thousands of so-called •Stars: re torturing people to-day, W.lf an alitv it is Bruhr.'s disease in of its many forms. It is a led monster and the sli^ht ms should stride terror to who has the.m. 1 can look reiddi hundreds of deaths suaiauB declared at the time id by paralysis, ano:lexy, ?e, pneumonia, malarial fever X)iumon complaints which I 3re caused by Bri^ht's dis- tfli ill these cases have simple it first?" »ne of them, and might have as I was by the timely use of emedy—Warner's Safe Cure, my eyes thoroughly open in and think I am helping oth the facta and their possible Why, there are no end of -iog oq Jone» air, pon tti doctor, ing t'" •h des ntoiw .over: nners sturdy co this inneriP undrfl mcftoi' or forn fart pe ,ry ctor: t-very i-(rn th delH'8(' o* 5:' ,n. ,1—like rah-'t0 ,t,. •. ed c'd( o i»w'er" v rf'ni -.this subject. If you iow more about it go and see himself. He was sick the and is the healthiest man er to-day. He Was made a lis subject and can give you than I can. Go, too, and see •re the chemist, at the uni ver u want facts th«re are any them showing the alarming SU Jot" ot feel to S! liim to if he Brights disease, its .simple ive symptoms, and there is by which it can be escaped." 3fied of the truth and force r's words, the reporter bade iy*nd called on Mr. Warner lishment on Exchange street. hi 1 the laf1 lied ol omer^ Warner was inclined to he learning that the infouna was about the alarming in sight's disease, his manner fctantly and he suoke verv lvillf'1 V A that Bright's disease has in derfully, and we timl, bv re ics that in the past ten years as been 250 per cent. Look inent men it has carried off: nner, Chase, Wil-^n, Car iops Haven and l'-vk, and sis terrible, and slows a ^th than that of any other laint. It should l-e plain to hat something ni'ist be done s increase or there is no ere it may end." hink many people are aillict -dav who do not realize it, pS olH' ,ny oth« tfd villi'-' n a clef" iihriu'"-" s of thousands. I have a nple of thia truth whii.h has my notice. A prominent a New Orleans medical 1 uring before his da.-s on the •ight s disease. He had -a^ tnder microscopic analysis, ffinj: the students what tiie •f this terrible malady were, ibow the contrast i i! rifc'«: eH dtdj^ Juras et veen unhealthy fluids, he had ial, the contents of rvhi. li from hia own iers.»n. 'And ien,' be said, 'a* we have Wealthy indications, I will ow it appears in a state of h* and hesubmitte is own sual test. As he watched his countenance -::Heu!v color and command both in a trembling voice In etoep, baye made a pain- ful discovery I have Briatit's disease of the kidneys*,' and in less than a year he was de^^J.,' "Vou believe, then, that it has no symptoms of its own and is frequently unknown even by the person who is af flicted with it?" "It has no symptoms of its own and very often none at all Usually no two people have the same symptoms, and frequently dvath is the first symntom. The slightest indication of any kidney ditliculty should be enough to strike ter ror to auy one. I know what I am talk ing about, for I have been through all the stages of kidney disease." "You know of Dr. Hemon's case." "Yes, I have both read aud heard of it." "It is very wonderful, is it not?" "A very "prominent case but no more so than a great many others that have come to my notice as having been cured by the same means." You beiieve then that Bright's dis ease can be cured?" "I know it can. I know it from the experience of hundreds of prominent persons who were given up to die by both their physicians and friends." "You speak of your ow n experience, what was it"" "A fearful one. I had felt languid and unfitted for business for years. But I did not know what ailed rue. When, however, I found it was kidney diffi culty. I thought there was little hope, and'so did the doctors. I have since learned that one of the physicians of this city pointed me out to a gentleman on the"street one day. saying, "there goes a man who will he dead within a year." I beiieve his words would have proven true if I had not foi .unately se emed and used the remedy now kn iwn as Warner's ^afe Or "And this caused v ::e it?" "No it caused me went to the principal cians preserioinj: and uain^ it and I therefore determined, as a duly I owed humanity and the suffering, to bring it within their reach and now it is known ever part of America, is sold in every drug store and has become a household necessity." t'i invest i_Mte. 1 cities, saw physi- The reporter left Mr. Warner, much impressed with the earnestness and sin cerity of his statements and next dd a visit to Dr. S. A. 1-attimore at his resi dence on Prince street. Ir. Lattimore, although busilv encased upon some mat ters connected with the State Board of Health, of which he Ls one of the ana lysts courteously answered the questions that were propounded him. "Did you make a chemical analysis of th e ease of Mr. 11. ^va:ner souse three years ago, dot' "Yes, sir." "What did this analysis show you-'" "The presence of albumen and tube casts in great abundance." "And what'did the symptoms indi cate'''' "A serious disease of the kidneys.'* "Did you think Mr. Warner could re rover?" "No, sir. 1 diti not think possible, it was seldom, indeed, so pro nounced a case iiad, up iat. time, ever been cured." "Do you know anything at Mt the re medy which cured him?" "Yes, I have chemically analyzed it and upon critical examination, find it en tirely free from any poisonous or deleter ious substances." iVe publish he foreioing statements in view of the commotion which the publici ty of Dr. Ilenion's article has caused and to meet, the protestations which have been made. The standing of Dr. Henion, Mr. Warner and Dr. Lattimore in th« community is beyond question and the statements they make cannot for a mo .ueni be doubted. They conclusively show that Bright's disease of the kidneys is one of the most deceptive and danger ous of ail diseases, that it Ls exceedingly common, alarmingly increasing and that it can be cured. To Country Holies. Veils anJ sunshades cannot prevent the summer sun from euib'owning your com plexions but Gienns Sulphur Soap will speedily restore if duly applied according to directions. Nothing can be more natural than the soft velvet texture it imparts to the skin. Sold by druggists and fancy goods dealers. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye black or brown, tifiy cents. inoii ArrHoan Y Dr. W. K So tt, president of the Co! 1 ege of Paysicians. Montreal, writes: "1 have recom mended Ool'len's Uq iid Beef Tonic as the best preparation n-ed for debility indiges tion. dyspepsia, fever, ague, and loss of appe tite,. Take no other.} Of Dru*gir s gener ally. 1'HO.M 'A ILMKK Ri N TON', M. !., BALTIMORE. "I have used i'olden s Liquid Beet Tonic in my practice, and have been much gratified willi be result. Ai a tonic in all case^ofde bility, weakness. an:emia. chiorosis. etc., etc. it cannot be sifpas-jed." tRemember the nam?. Colden's—take no other.) Of drug gists. 2i»c buy- a ]air of Lyon's Pate i Heel Stiff eners, makes a hoist or shoe last twiee us Jong. Chrolithion collar^ are ma.e in dhTerent styles, both standing and turn down The cuff* are reversible. Wise's Axle Grease neve cums lVri«»nal— Men Only. Tip V.'liicc lielt Mur-:iMi sen 1 y a K V i a u Electric Appliances ou tual i»v thlry Jati mea (y «n^' 'id'wlic iro atflxtclwirli al-'J day's fasting is weakening, and it is follow ed by nights of dissipation and orgies. There will be forty days of insufficient nourishment and forty nights of over indulgence in wine and liquors. Cairo is in a deplorable condition, and the dis patcher to-night announce that the epidem ic has appeared in every quarter of that city. KXpert physicians now believe that no"considerable town «f the peninsula can escape, and thar the disease will devastate Egypt and Arabia tt'ni into Syria. In the Conn? ry all Summer. The man who takes 'lis family into the coun try for the sun mer 3 rniM remember that he will save his ci.iidren a jireat deal of pain and himself a large amount of money in doctors' bills, if he is thoughtful enough to carry a supply of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. The med icine i- a standard specific for ail cares of cramps, colic, cholera morbus, diarrhtea. or dysentery. Mr. Cross, in Wife, Georg* K skinny his biography of his late will 'ne ude her diary. KerifcwiT" restores viy-p'uvia. iiuiMtenctt. $1. Men heaStli an I vitjor. on: C. Marvin, the oldest member of the New York stork pxchanne. is dead. Nerv usdeP'i: y the cirse of the Amer icen people, immediately yields to the action of Brown's Iron Hitters. Mary Andei^on will open her I ondon engagement Sept 1. Dr. 0. W. Benson of Baltimore, Md., pre pares a skin cure that is the best thing for skin diseases ever known. It cures eczema, tetter, ring-worm, and all rough and scaly skin diseases in the shortest time. Sold by all druggists at $1 per package. Ttie St. Paul Red »'apv trot away with the Minneapolis Brown stoefcjng*. •Koivjh on l:Ar"-"ear-' r..jj I Viiger w i'. ^ive i other month. ii—rv.-us-lt:.:-tj-, lost v:M,:,y aTsl ^!:. trcil tr•:!!•-, ciMr-ityfing i.''r,i''o:i of Iiea'.Ui aTi'l manly T%*«r. Adorer a* above. N. B.—No nulc Is incur red, rs^^itji:!eire4. risei!ie. Pronensny a:iit l'a«-*vn, brinff« Mun kimi nuiiib aliment-, 'or'niost anoiiu them are N. •. N-t IV' -i tv. a'i'l u-'H.'sejr.i! of G'*u t/Aiii*i! 1iair, Foo'l ov«" ard re»tor«*^ slu- »uffv to liia former'-r. *1.—At it br ma:! fi. '.a H. Al e: 3j.~ r-t Ave., New Yorn. I—H .Spread, of the Cholera pi Alexandria Cable The alarir prevailing here cannot be exaggerated. No one doubts th° existence of cholera here, but the authorities refuse to admit the (act. Twelve deaths are reported to-day. but can not ,-»e verified. Six hundred troops have been drafted from the English army for de tail in the cordon iincs. All the wineshops are closed at midnight, arid the sale of salt tiah or of green or overripe fruit is thrown into the sea, md rots on the shore. There iggreat danger that the progress oi the dis ease will be greatly aided by the fast of the Ramidan, which began on July 6. The tic. •••. tl --a roj. lies. Iiel-toijr-. iiits veruiia. cui]iB|- :i'»s Mr. Ryar, a well known American jour nalist, has just died in Paris. Keokuk. Iowa^-Dr. K. E. Fuller says: have used Brown's Iron Bitters in my own family with excellent_resu'ua." Bob Schenck appointed Crook to West Point. Among the mos etfi acious of remedial agentsarethe med:ca jre[arationsfrom the laboraory of Mrs. K P.akham. Lynn. Mass. "Burnr Faiha ." Qr.i.'k, complete cure, all a'laoy ina Kidn and i nuary niagaaea. $1. Judge James Kerman. died of paralysis, I at Bellefontaic" Oliio. aged seventy. Moore, the I'm!erfeite-, wUo esc.ped from the St. Paul jail is once more limbo. Elm Gnovic, N. 0—Dr. G. N. Roberson says: "I prescribe Brown's Iron Bitters and find it all it is rec.Mnmende 1 be.'" Three children of lieneiicf Lebig of Mil. waukee wtre bu'-ed to d^ath the 10th. \Vri.t.»' -»n i'okns Ask t.T it i-ViupJele. 'rm.iii'':' "lire. Oorun WJTU, Aii Old Custom. It wasacustom among ti.e Babylonians to carry their sick into the market piace, where every passer-by was in humanity and civilitv Obliged to impure oftheir condition aud give some advice according to his own experience. It i he same c.:-to:n prev aled to-day, just think u* the thousand* who would freely testify to the virtues of Alien s Iron To lie liitiers and advice its use not only by the sick but by the healthy as well. All genuine beartbe signature o: J. P. Allen, St. Paul, Mum. i All diseases cured by a new aud safe metb od—saves expensive Doctor and Medicine biii.s. Send ." en stauip for causes of disease and Home tiea:ment. Home Health Co., Minneapolis, Mian. Werecommsud Wise s Ax.e Greaae. On the 17th distant a man gained admi- sion to the hou»e ot a family named Spein. near the capitol. or. a declaration that he was a water in?p?c'or. aud brutally assault ed a young woman, the only person in the house. He choked her into insensibility and accompiishe i1h s purpose. Tue victim is seriously injured, ami may die. The as sailan was not arrested. i he bonds a rest for an- Bost, work iuth» U.S. r'ortbd money. I»M ill 1 iV liNTKliPUlS!: CARlti Vi! CO.Cinoia nati Wnt1* far Catalogue Nj. 10. Frou. Lady Agents *».1 41. .• ••-z Oni'i n lit? ^•Ltrt iiii islm k!n( Hopti'irK-w, ito Mi. outrn K*w% '"!l OofM Clay liup^u-lirlu., .la.'—+tijQ ••THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." E\u\t\ HRF^HFR^SAW feTOWACH a!Ll? Horse Powers Clover Uu!ler» (S'iiv.1t.. in „.,-'i' r, .... I'MI.K Illus. PatRpliJel .^i -'*•, ui.,:le j. Jliik AGENTS WANTED tiiiK Machln® erer liiv!jt. I, Wtl] tin a pulr MUBBiitB of St.M ^:ug» Willi II F.EIj TOE cuinpl«t«, la Biia'itcs. It will also knit a van-ty of tan«-y. work for whi 'h ti'.-« U a mar*»t. Sen 1 for a.'i 1 tcrtnn ti.•* Twomlily Ilnlttliig Kfat'Ulne Co., iffl Street, Vuttuo, Ma— s'lonM be i-'otnarh. •iwi'is are u'.U pt the iv. Hi is let.» S'-.'u .. U't ti. rs. i.-t' i-i'- '-n the li'iii, u b' o !icr- Ja1 f.i 'i" it ous, tnd a cMav i» Un-r.'l r- i.azn, i '!s. ji.a v»-r i :u- NEUEALGIA NEURALGIA. NE/i'/OUSNESS (U PERRY DAVIS* fain-Killer A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Djsantarj, Sprains AND Bruises, Burns AN* Scalds, Toothache AND Headache For Nik' by all Drugzists. TUTT'S EXPECTORANT la so U.'! s, w 'ii Lnn)(a, :i pi nnrate tile lubtlnmc ol lite ex Jiril O tal I III' ntiid in.tMrr i:, ::.r li .!. h! i! i 1 1' r:: inothln^ inwii. rrlicvf* tlio Ir ritation th it tti-? I» cK-niiaea tit*: I ung« of Hi I imp ill-it ir*. st I lima tllem lu'ii rnhrliliMl by tli*tutc i ir- u a:es Hi .. u! i' i- i 1 'I 'in lii "i •, 1 y i n-rvhi-sv• in Slight ro!»l» end Ita conxiam|)tion. It i« iin|.| iiuiiiioiirglfCt th »-m. Apply tla«* rtnifdj promptly. A te-,T .jr "V. -V -I-. w a: I .• it no is-mtil h« ver lif ta f-m i 1 Hi n) Ual prompt. :n n s us TUTT'S EXPECTORANT. A sinjjlp doae a nise* tli«i |,h I ni, i a iiill iiiim.i!l .ri, a 11 i' i i, I. ui tino-'t ob•.ri.i• c.iii»t,. A plensunt c»rdi«l. cl»ll» dr«ia take it readily. I I'mji It t ittt a!uult)e 'H' I ei.oi '. 1 Im in e1 "i v 1 siuiif. Ita 2r, u I'. ti» TUT"PS PILLS ^CT DIRECTLY CH 1 HE LT'ER. t'lli rt till!* RinS 1 n .1 It) »|if |Hm, Sick llnulai hr, llilinu* ,iln itnslipti tioia. lihru ii liii. I'll)*, 1'n i pit n ion ot thf llrnrl, KIj/iiikh, Torpid in. un:l Jh't nau le I i'ri-( it la rit lra. It T«:y we J". LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. I* a 1' is r.r. will jj amt. etuils anil te- i' o !*ry v. :u sei'i if WILL KILL ME." P».C. W.BEN SON'S /CELERY & CHAMOMILE" P/LLS.h AfE i -K-s:-..' TJi^ae -rhEADACHC?'*" DYSPEPSIA. /0 if/ y (»($ Will*, kr cur Jl«t i 'o: a (Syr M.eit go. L'eeia :i.o h..:,l it -ngy.» «aigEg»2gr?..i c-jra for nil thoae P»InfoI Cumplaln'n and WeakneMM •o aoaunoB ta our bent femalu population. 4 Medicine fur Woman. Invented bj Woman. Prepared by a Woman. Th» Qmt«t Ivllcil OUto'trT J: nc th* Dtn it lllllorf. Of tt revtTBs the drooping spirits, inrig-arat'!* and h&rnu>nUea the organic fuiu-iions, gl^es elasticity and ttrcoiiew to tb(« strp. reetonj the natural liiatre to the eye, and plants on the paie otio.'k ot (kit wiman the (reah roses of ireV spring ari 1 ear'y iummor time. %W~Physicians U^e It and Prescribe It Freely "5* It removes faintness, fiatui nry, destroys all erftrtng for stimulant, and relieve", wea'tcnes* of the dtoicn h. That feeling of N»aHr£ m, cnu ii? ['.tin, 'wr.ght and bA kache, U *.-*ays Kriri mently onr-! by Its uia For the euro of kld.icy t'omplnlisM of either ^radioaio evry vwu,"' of Humor* ti .m he Bl-t. a,i'! ,rie »m and «-r- nijth to tho gj'stem. of man woimtii or child. lii-,i .n havuig it. Both the Compound and It! iod P\irifl«r are prepared at 233 and ill Westarn Avenup, Lynn, Mas*. Price ot either, $l. SU botvlee for fj. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of bi nj 'S, on r-feipt of price, |t per bo* for either. Mrs. Pinkhum frcvly answers a'l lflttera of Inquiry. Enclose 3ct» stamp. Send for pampUlot. No faintly »hou! 1 He without I.TWA E. riSKTtASTB UVEB I'll.l.S Th-r cn e -nst sja':.n, biJUotuuvita, "*«ltorpi li'y of th» llv.»r. 2i o-vit^ boa. IT'^oidby allDriiggl«u."f| W I» i KSKII l. X. V.) Milititry Ara l. u.• A Fur cireidan-, a iJr«-»" V »u E6CTl!r3R-''(sl. SPECULATORS at for !i wi: rt- offeri! «l 1 fk* on In* /"-ii W'.* r»:t J' I'Ui a ST k 'O ViCr NEWARK MACHINE CO/S^tit It VV Aii K, O Vital Questions! Ask the most eminent physician Of any school, what is the best thing Ml TIN A- CO., V4 1 li ln ViiKM'Soi.»i W.l NTKI PATENTS fl ii'it "le* i I," it -ni.'i1 p. .it itil-Mm-' Kt.miii!Ht«a the r««tnrt' tl.. nprintie, im arts viu-.t totlie Pri« «*. ll.'» Muiray St.. X.¥. kaf WRITE FOR T'JTT S MANUftl FREE."» in the world for quieting and allaying all ir ritation of the nerves and caring all forma of ne'vous complaints, giving natural, chi! i like refreshing sleep always* \nd they will tell you unhc»itatiuu Some form of Hops!" CllAl'TSB I. Ask any or all of the moat eminen. physicians: "What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs, ^ucli as, iirmhl'a disease, diabetes, retention or inability to retain urjue, and all the diseases pecunar to Women"— "And they will tell yon explicitly a ii emphatically "Buchu." Ask the same physicians "What is the most and reliable ana surest cure for all liver di^eHaes or dys pepsia constipation, indirection, bilious ness, malarial fever, ague, v. ," and they Mil tell you: "Mandrakt! or Dandelion)" Hence when these remedies are iu' net! with others equally valuable. And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wonderful and mysterious curative power is developed which is so varied in its op erations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist its power and yet it Harmless for the moat frail wouia:. weakest invalid or smallest child to use. chaptkk n. • "Almost dead or nearly dym*" For years, and {tiven up by physician Bright's and other kidney diseases, live complaints, severe coughs called consump tion. have been cured. Women none nearly crnzyi From a^ony of neuralgia, nervousness wakefulness and various diseases peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from ex.-r:.,": atin„' pangs of Rheumatism .Inflammatory and chronic, or suffer: from scrofula! Erysipelas Salt rheum, blood poisoninx, dysipenia, Jndl^esti »n »ud ,u laet almost aii diseases trail Nature is heir to Have been eured by llop Blttats, proof o£ wlncU eaTi ,ril ev«»ry iieigbb jrhood in rli'- v*i SPECULATORS Sen i for ir, ular- s'iom il!U .'ll-t'i!Mer^ on V!!l ill! ire prolit' 'v aiuoiin'.-, toic, Mini: makt ,1 V't 0. W.Moody & Co. 31 W.9th,Oin'-Sorut i tt K TO 020 pnr dar at hom», Sampliwi ^orth CTM vf' Ad5r»«« H'ji.vkon 4 Co., Portland, Mainn Slfifi T°nr own town Term* and T5 inttt •y.'" tree. Addriw* II liALiotrr 4 Co.. PortJau.t. M* sell- I 33 for ?h» b«wt and ::u 1 i.'t li U- 1 Uib!-.s r-.l'i*. per oa:it. National Pubhshinsr Ho., ('!»*»({». 11 TNKOItM A'' IOM KKli AKIUNli DRM'Gg 1 „nd th- MWi'UimiSlTK I'lELDK OF OI OIU i.. C. FISK, Deliver. ^iL NO PAltNl NO PAVI S. A A. 1' f.ACKY. -tcTi ey.H, W-isliiiiet^tn. ». 0. iiislruoliuiia auad li^ud uuuk ou OPIUM 1'A ls.NTii riKMT lut 4 S. OA PI Colylirvo'l BtfncH I'latfl. 5ile Key VJ, check.c v§!s wanted 31.1 Mud.av.AJhanv ,N,Y ©"T A WKKK. $r~'* (1*t *t &orc» e»rflT m»l« iym* «J» ly outlit ti'^8. AddrfcH* THL'k .X), Aagu»(«, •orp)iln« H*hlI Cared 'n IW hiiOilayt. NopayUll CurmL u*. S1 tittbAtiuU, OUilk iKH iSii-aT hsre «n.l we YulNU MKN lar frie. s'l'lNli BUo.-v. JaueKYille, Wi» QURE CUKE for Epilepsy or Ftte in '24 hrnare PMe O to j'oor. Lr. Kmae, 2«14 Arsenal Rt^ Bt. Ltn-.i, Ito. Or. LaFIEUS' fff VIGOR lirow* al'^arl -n i.W 1.,'^:rj.."¥0VSTACHE iM-hi (n. e in 1,^ -.r u.aut'y reluuJt'J. N- i,v.)u iJ jilt. stam|s or«H?«r: S picmu'H '..irfl. u,'i baap iuiuiititiotis riune 'i-.v-r :ur .'i:\'wtac Addre»,T.W.dAXE ijost It, Hiimw, lud. U'.S K, i CDCC BY R£TURN MAIL-A full ilescripUon of I rilCC i N i 1 1 :i.)K SvKtf-m of LntfM YOUNG MEN I I If you vi ant to be--onio TELEGRAPH OPEPwATORS, I An.I oai!p..i.l A»?euts. and be certain of a ponition. I atten I the Amkkuwn to? j.',' 'rnniwite-i School mp I'klkibaput. Mail- i ison Wis 'llio only Srh in tli« Uniio-1 stittea whttr,: IVio^r^phy is th-^ru^'liiv n,iui?ht, and Ui* 'xvt d«ut irivt'n the ulvant.iir" of Practice on Is Very ProfitaDie $25 fo $40 A. DAY Often Made! Machines Made tc H-:n tv Hors«. H«^i 1 or H! itiii iv.r Betid f. CfttaloRv.o Addreea LOOMIS & NYKAN, Tim*, OHIO. Ml Compound 1* unaurpasted. r.riuA k. pixkham s moon rrRiriFR «rtl nua tnu S SIOOOREWARD Double uitee i-Jur Jfai'i Line Wire*. VO'tli POaXTtOA'S UtMrnruetit Circulars :r*.* Thk oldest MTminiKF tttii wonu, probably l)r ISAAC I HoMi"S« jM'S BLKBRa HsC KVK Wa'1'KH. Tina article a aril\il or'o..I'-ei'. phyilcton't preaor.ptlon ari 1 ha.« iwou in -oiMiaui tue nearly m. mt'7 cwntury, aaJ notw.Uixtand:n^ the Hher preparatiori* that have Ikwu mm !'ioet Into the market, the aaie ol thj« articje la counUiiUy ln.-rea«lng. XI the directi.iti.j ar followed it wiii never fall. We parucular'.y ia» tu the aUeiiaou ol phyaloUna to Its merit* JOHN L. THOMPSON SOWS A Cf»., Troy. N. with Famcui HI& CEIO TIFFIN He'.. and Rick Dr f:ir.g Machma i ¥P^m ittrsSSe V i, i •m".* & i /SSKiiSL er 1, V! fi?! mju U} 0 A ---i-i ft u»«sr v y n i & I 1 1 2 K nAClilifU1 huiifiin Address ,-vr.roi.\rff\ YftinE^bfcffa ANn.oi- w. N, U. No 29. When writing to advertiserspleaac sav you saw their advertis«ueat in this paper.