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TOIE TABLE. II. & D. division C., M. & St Going Hast Passenger.... ..10:00 :i m... J'ussenger. Freight 4:45 iTin, Freight .s*.'25 a m.. Freight 0:45 111. Freight 11.30 in. Railroad. Going West 4:10 111 ,.H:*2Up 111 5:55 a in 4:45 .. 2:39 in ..9:*24 in .'i:4S a 10: i .5 a ni v. o. o. r. Inkpa Lodge, No. 34, I O. O. 1"'., will meet regularly every Tuesday evening at So'clock in tlieir hall, St Charles block. Visiting !others cordially iuvited. J.vo. A. MCNBO, N. G. J. J. STKVENSOX, See. CHURCH DIRECTOltY. Methodist.—Services in St. Charlo? hall c\*ery Sunday at 11 a m, and at T:30 in. Siinrlay school immediately alter morning service. ('lass meetings at 10 a. ra Cliil i reus'meeting at 0:30 pal. Prayer meet ings Wednesday 7:30 pi 111, Rev. Wilmot \V hittield, pastor. EPISCOPAL.— Services in St. Charles hall, at 3 p. in., the iirst, third aivl lilth Sundays iu July. Rev. A. Metcall officiating. CATHOLIC—Rev. Father Hermeling, Priest. Services at 10 o'-ciock a. m., July •J-'d, at the church. GERMAN EVANGELICAL—Rev. Ph. Laux, Pastor. Services 10::0 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sundav school 0:^0 a. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'ciwck. GERMAN METHODIST.—Sunday, July 1st at 10 a. m. in school house, and every third Sunday thereafter, Sunday school every Sunday at U a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at S j. m. llcv. Conrad Kohlhasse, Pastor. e 3.5 v* Car-loads purchasers. TIIOMAS BROS., Big Stone Citv, Dak. t'Ott SALE. A team of horses, harness and gon. wa- Enouire of Tavlor Russell. LOCAL LACONICS. Wheat, nfc elevator. No. 1,87 cents. sale by Hull Vapor Stoves for ZMuino & Weller. For safty. comfort, and cleanliness buy Hull's Vapor Stove for sale by Ml'XItO & WELLKH. There will be a dance in St. Charles Hal 1 week lrom to-night. There will be services in the Catho lic church. Sunday, July *22. Fon SALK on RENT.—The building recently occupied by us as an otlioe on .Main street. JONES & WOLK. Dr. II. A. Hayes, Dentist, will be at the St. Charles next Thursday, July 22th. Members of the Niobe Boat Club are re quested to meet in Caward & Stevenson's store, Wednesday evening, to elect a new captain, vice Geo. Schmid, resigned. A good heavy work horse for sale cheap for cash or on time with ap proved security. Apply Alex. Mead ows, Big Stone City, l)ak. Religious services by the German Baptists will be observed Sunday, Ju ly 22nd, at 10 o'clock A. rc. and 'i r. M. Rev Sehaltz, olliciating. Movius Bros, have just received a car loud of the. celebrated Whitewates wagons which they have for sale at low figures. I The people of Big Stone should not j^. fail to improve the opportunity of having their teeth attended to at St. An excursion up the lake to the is lands, Sunday afternoon at 3 tf'cluck, in the steamer "liig Stone." All are invited. Among other new "adh"' in this is sue of he IIEKALDplease of Jiell & Fisher, and A. J. JJlesser clerk of court, Milbank. Miles T\ 'fully, traveling agent for the I'ress & Jiakotaian made his iirst periodical visit to Big Stone this morn ing. lie will return again to camp meeting next week. A car load of farm machinery for the west was burned on the II. 1). road this side of Hopkins Wednesday. 1 The lire probably caught from engine, in transitu. The party who made away with George Osier's cartridge box and gun cleaning apparatus are known, and will shortly be prosecuted to the full extent of the law unless the property is returned forthwith. The Masonic frateiuiity of Orton ville are going to treat themselves and all visiting brethren of the craft to a grand excursion on Big Stone lake during the day, and a ball ill the evening, of Jiuy 2-»th. Mr. Ilenry Sehafer of Andover, has paid his interests in this place a little attention this week. Before return ing he bought iiev. Sherin's horse and carriage wisii which he drove home to Iiis claim near Andover. Gen. Agent. W. K. I'almer, of the C\ Aultman &. 'o. machine works of Canton. O., is rusticating with us at present and is what might be termed western phrase a "rustler." He is good co'npany to have around. i esidence MM ill si) much unnecessary huimng :illed out in so much the lire department was about 5 oYlwk jester,lay .lit' The iliiinage was iiominal.-.-tillw.iler (Minn.) Cor. Pioneer Pres3. Br. Haves will make regular week ly visits to our town, provided he can secure work enough to inakt «_ object, All who wish to secure s services for any succeeding visit should make their appointments w lth 11im next Thursday, as his C0I"U1« will depend on his receiving woik in advance. The annual meeting of the Ameri can Bible Society of (J rant and Roberts counties will be held in St. hailes hall next Sabbath at 11 o,clock A. M. Kev. John Ilinton, of Faribault, M'lin. will conduct the services and all churches ami persons in the county, interested in the good work aie coidi ally invited to join in the exercises. Rev. Wilmot Whitfield, who has just returned from central Dakota, *avs it is probable that the Methodist university for Dakota will be located at Mitchell or Owl way, ha\mg made good bids. both towns 1\ & D. Bro. Bath of the Milbank News-Let ter made our town a visit last Tuesday as did also Messrs Bell and Bleser of the same place. The latter took a yacht ride up to our Iveautiful camp ground and enjoyed themselves gener ally in calling on our business men. i Jones it Wolf have removed their or in qrantltifs to suit stock of furniture from the old stand i to a store on Main street near their machine agency. It will be handier for them and just as convenient for the public. They will soon add to an already good stock. Remember the stand on Main street. The steamboat on the "Jim" river at Columbia has suspended operation owing to the grass growing up through /the water so thickly as to impede its 'running. It is contemplated moving it to either Big Stone lake or Lake Miunetonka. There is plenty of room fund water on the former for thousands such. Couie ulong. An ice cream and strawberry festi val, given bv the ladies of the Union church in their new place of worship last Saturday evening proved a grand success, SI5.5.3, being the net proceeds of the occasion. Generous dishes of the esculent berry mid the arctic lac teal were the order of the evening, and social converse and hilarity be tokened pleasure on every hand. Last week Mr. AV. E. Bickford. of Excelsior, Minn., and Miss Emma Waring, of Milbank, visited Big Stone City, culled tit the minister's house, and were pronounced man und wife. On Monday of this week Mr. P. W. Huggettand Miss Ella E. Russell, both of Webster, Dakota, made a trip to town on the same business, und were made happy, after winch they spent a few days visiting friends and enjoying the lake. An entertainment given in St. Charles hali Wednesd.i\ euning by two blind men. was not largely attend ed. but the receipts of the evening amounted to a good round sum. The concert was free to begin with but be fore the proceeds of voting for the most popular young lady in town had found its way to the pockets of the performers most of the young men were humbler if not richer admirers. Miss Minnie Edlemun was awarded 11 though she in the honor by Miss Alice Gillispie, the vote being a e V vl:l notice those Vs 1 ne 1 »vraS ,°v having Charles Hotel next Thursday. ... ,. tie in S. \V\ Siinonds. Esq., has made a val-1 liable addition to his law library in the A bridge 80 feet long, -hape ol' six volumes of Wait's l*rac- and 20 feet approach—has tice. several instances. (in feet span been built across the Yellow Banks stream in Lac qui Parle county three miles east of the State line and leading to Big Stone City. We are glad to know that the people of the northern por tion of this lertile county appreciate the ail vantage of our excellent market I to such an extent as to build a costly leading attorneys bridge ol this size in order to reach it. land agent and Our merchants will see that they have no cause for legretand will treat them to ttie same liberal terms iu trade that are accorded to home pat ronage. Jake Sen less of this place was contractor and builder and aid a good job. In a trip to the James river valley the early part of this week, Mr. F. W. Thorndike satislied himself of the the conditions of the crops in that much famed country. He says oats wilt be no crop at all, to speak of, and that no wheat lield he saw will go more than ten bushels per acre i i and most of it I not that much. We don't wish to boast about crops in Grant and Roberts counties, as at this critical season of the year, it is never known what a day may bring forth but so far as present prospects warrant, the out look was never better. All kinds of grain, is a heavy, waving crop and the cool moist weather i.ould ,not be im proved if men had it at their own mak ing. An exhibition of the Buckeye Bind er will take place in the lield of Mr. Segraves, on the lake shore, to-iuor'ow (Saturday), to which farmers and oth ers interested are respectfully invited. Some day next week of which due notice wiU be given, this same grain will be threshed by a ••New Model Separator," with a "Monitor Straw burning Engine." JOKES& WOLF. (JEX~ Oll VNT DEAD. A SuilH'ii Stroke of Apo plexy in New York City, Yesterday Morning Minneapolis, July 1V LNV.— LATKK.—The greatest IHMIV An ex tra to the Evening Journal con tan the following: "At 10:30 A. M. A. BENJAMIN, Agent for the lichipii Sclmol Fiirmliis Coin] any Offers the linest assortment Com M* A the news was received in tins city that (leneral U. S. Grant this morning ftll dead in the streets of New York it, from apoplexy. No particulars. above report is con tradicted in to-day's dispatches. A Blonxirck View. Col. A. C. Lounsberry of Bismauk was in Minneapolis yesterday, and was interviewed concerning the crop pros pects out that way. He s:ud lt recently spotted. There are largt showers fell in the niglit time, will vield well and, perhaps, side of them are other fields were missed bv the rams, and are hardly worth harvesting, colonel gave this statement as A where which along which winch The illus trating the fickleness of the Bismaick weather clerk. He thinks that on new ground the crop will average bet ter than on old, for the reason that the sod held the moisture. Through out Northern Dakota, he says all wheat sown early will yield well while that sown late will be very poor. In the Red river valley, he says that the damage resulted from late sowing, but that recent rains have greutlv improved the prospects there, and that reports of a failure of the crop are premature, and unwarranted. Badly Bumrd by an Exploding: Oil Move. Matilda Holm is a servant girl employed I in the iamilr ol C. lv Botprdtis, living at No yt Kastuiiin avenue, on Nieolet island. She was engaged ironing at -i o'clock vesterdav heating the irons upon an oil stove, when the stove exploded and was scattered in every direction about the room. The oil covered her clothing and immediately ignited, and l*!wre help could reach her every particle ot clothing was consumed, an 1 the tlesh on her was badly burned. She WXH removed to the College hospital, and the physicians lear she cannot recover. She is unable to give a connected story ol the mishap, and "was alone in the kitchen when the accident occured.—l ioneer i'ress. Just received, of those fine Spring Wagons at Wolf's. Another received next week. a new stock and Jones and lot will be Buggies of SCHOOL DESKS, SEATS und BE Af KIJOAItDS, GLOMES a'd MAI'S, HEADING ('IIA KT and Large and Small BELLS, Church and Haii Furniture Pulpits, Pews and Pew-Ends, Reversible Settees, Office Desks (.'hail ctte'es.'ivc., in cndlt SCHOOL SU1TLIKS Erasers, Chalk, Pointers and Liquid Mating. Also agent for the best series of School Text Books in the United States. Address or apply to M. A. BENJAMIN, DKALKRS Groceries A N Provisions. Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Our stock is large, all good* marked down to tint tout priiten, HWI we invite the public to call and learn our prices. "Quick WELCH'S LUMBER Fresh Stock of i along the Northern Racine would be a fair average yield of heat but that oat fields give poor promise. The wheat fields are, as Mr. Barnes stated, badly streaked and lieli A complete stock of moil Lumber, Flooring, Sid ins, Sasli, y Doors. bave-spoi^ Are what you want on your hot is the time to put them J. WHITE LIMI«d Plastering Hair, Cement and Stiie Good Harness for Salel^S Come and see me and save money. 31othinf —0 Sui 3 Sui 7 Sui 6 Sui 5 Su: \hmrovV Wi E A E I N Drugs, 4 Patent Medicines^ Choice Confectionery, i O N E A V E I s o N E I Y A K THE CO 1 CMS, Hit? Stone t.ity, Dak. Oehler&Husser Hales ami email profits." Imn't (orget the place St. Churka block, Muiu streut. COOK'S COM! nitAG The Most Popular Oil Stove Manufactured. BETIIER'S HARDWARE STORE- Fislin Mis, ai in great abuhdance. Pribyl's celebrated Iiass l»ait» ji .NT erel B,lit, and the well-known Caledonia Minnoen. Shots, Shells, &cM &C., at FIRST-CLASS IX EVERY This hotel has recently l»een throughout, und to tourists visiting the ing public generally it offers special advaiW of commodation anil comfort. Drf he n, i s for i Su suj ^2 Su ictobei good Fine Cigais andl WINDOW (TKTAINS, SPUING ROI.LB AND II ai Al:i0 ST. CHARLES HOI SPRINT1 a CHAS. BET! Tl mi al rc 5|.eajp| fch6 Mils. M. A. MOKGAS) V' v