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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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Jk of Uo :i: 1114 a lie line maw SHOES •—0 Suits for $16. 1 3 S u i s for $14.50. (*7 Suits for $13.50. 6 Suits for $13. 5 Suits for $12. 4 Suits for $11.50. Qes 3 Suits ^2 Suits Qes for $10.50. 3 Suits ^2 Suits for jars id! $10. Price and Plain Figu Pt 81 jo y .GET 3W Improved 3W •S cut. rc aieftain, ]l Hd up' mii 'i11p''iiwii iiiii'i "ii mil in—wywMin wai» inwrniMi I of CLOTHING and we will s for cash only. Stue •, to take in a new clean stock about Octobcr 1st, we 'dicliat date close out goods at extreme low fig Dlothing we offer ,88 WalkiiK Siloes ni far At sami roiluctious. October 1st we will have a large and complete sto I goods, and will sell at Bottom Prices. ui V 1 fu\ rjF&ZJH s y at !*V«£:* W again at the front, with a Complete Line of j' feFAEM MACHINERY, COKSISTIXU MAIXI 01 AMPION CORD BINDER. and Light THE MOLINE AND CANTON PLOWS. !H BROTHERS ijs&y \i( •CAB CI'T. BE AND WHITEWATER Coates, Ann Arbor and Ad vance Hay Rakes. HUIHD HIND COHH CULTIT1T0RS. also agents for the tc 4 ntts, Nichols, Shepard & Go. Threshers. ntage- the best Under, or a first-class .Straw-burninir 'J'hresher Engine, of (he Standard Farm Machinery, call on or addresB. MOVIUS BROS. & CO. nmi SUMMER make some good WAGONS. W 1 KKOOKS. Not seeing any items in your wel come paper, from this place, 1 will endeaver to give you a few, at the same time 1 do not expect, to iill your e!d corresdondent's place. Our district school closed this week. The potatoe cm ins extra. (\. is good. i s Sim Beam, the Twin Brooks corres pendent of the Beview. claimed a few v "eks ago thai Twin Brooks boasted iwo large babies at shields and udell's. We understand the one his house is a boy and weighs big :ro. No, ''.Tim", we hardly ever .noke. NeM time don'ttaik so soon. Dakota products. BIG STONE CITY, DAK., FIJI DAY, JULY 27,1883. NO. 4! corn 110th- putting up a large E. Kingley N dwelling housr C. J. Carrick had a lighting last Saturday. i\v killed l»v A large amount of breaking has been done in town this season. Our new blacksmith doing a rush ing business. Several of our people will take A. Hitter expe residence this full, crop we shouh i afford to. his i n the camp meeting at Big Mone. AVm. \Y. (Been is assisting in pui. ting the machinery Jvearcher'snew mill at your place. Barley will do to cut the last of this v. ek and som fanners will com oat and w e a v harvest next Sjuire Bai L\\ is ha# cons id I I Mi' business t) tit ml to of late in 1 a- Post Master, he gives good s itis i, i' -1 11. ts to put vip a line By tli© looks of tli ink he could i wel Twin Brooks has a good base ball i. b. The boys plav well and after In.-re practice will be ready to try jt 'is with.any club in the county. I We hear complaints of the hay crop i ng short in some places. It is not rase here as tha fanners will have i-. .iMii: If ^f-aing what hay they i i. Wheat and all o ops arc looking h\ A best in this vicinity. The farni at the foot of the hills lake the, u* this year and our fanners feel .e rejoicing, as their crops were en« iily destroyed by hail last jear. WILLIAM. I I,.npKA n i, A church society ot the I'mte Brethern denoumu.tion is soon to be organized here. Wanted—Immediately, a small y with good eyesight to look after our ••Oscar Wilde's" aesthetic moustache, Aaron Kelsey is putting the finish i •r touches to his ch-ganl man*:-. i i 'hMadelphia style) an 1 will noon ha\ e 11 ready for occuiancy. The Willow Benders are no mat !. for the Elmirians, in either speilri.: or base ball playing for as we predict ed our boys did dispose of them on their own ground last Saturday, iread ing them to four whitewashes and re cei ving but one in riMnrn. The tiual n cKoiiing showed Willow Bench'rs xO tallies, Kiuiirians i!',), and our victo rious lads bore home the. bat and bull la triumph. Bichard Karl has .- vhased 'anot'.-er team, from Newel ui CM ioiiviile tony little beasts, too. Dick is one ot Ei 'ni ra's most prosperous farmers, and a "rustler" every sense of the word, lie is proprietor of a tine quartir se tim of land has 14 acres in small grain owns four horses, and a com plete thrashing outfit, and has this season bought two twine binders, a mower and ahay rake, and has not yet completed his twenty-third year. Come west yuiing man, and do like wise. AMANUENSIS. A good heavy work horse for sale cheap for cash or on time with ap proved security. Apply Alex. Mead ows, Big Stone City, Dak. The Milwaukee railroad company has arranged for a space 2"xl!5 feet at i the great Louisville exposition, which opens August 1st, for the display of And now Minnesota is to be tested as a suger beet State. We are told that \Y. Be Vale, a French gentleman, who was once connected with a beet sugar establishment in Canada, has succeed ed organizing a company of English capitalists for the manufacture of sugar from beets, at some point in Min nesota. The machinery has been pur chased in Europe, ami is now on its way here.' French peasants have been engaged to carry on the cultivation of the beets. The company has large capital and still larger expectations. Everything will be in readiness for operations next spring. Cornell Avenue. Big Stone City, Dak. C. L. HOLMES & BRO.? DEALERS IN Grccsnes and Provisions, N y i I ISMEMBER The Grant County Head quarters are closing out re gardless of cost. Foil We aie still at the front with the following sjtlendul line of iOds Fanning Mills, Plows, Sulky Cultivators, Hand Cultivators and Shovel Plows. Pl»i Mlts, Clevises, SpiiE Seats, Mstr«,, cfco. REMEMBER that we have a few more of the famous Norwegian Breakers to be SOLD CHEAP. Having recently purchased the building formerly occupied by Geo. Spicer as a Livery Stable, we have refitted it for a warehouse, tilled it with splendid goods, where they are kept nice and dry. and confidently ask farm ers to deal witU ira*, knowing that we can't be beat in quality of goods or prices. Call and See TTs. &» •T.aulia Mi 1 I !l The Buckeye Binder and Mower, and Tlie 1ST. C. Thompson and Hopkins Mowers The Star Wagons. Buggies and Spring "Wag ons, the Best on wheels. Tiger and Leader Hay Rakes, Steam Engines and Threshing Seperators, The "New Model" and "Eagle." JONES & WOLF.